#Tiki Bun
outerspacebun · 5 months
I need to come up with Tikibin headcanons. I love them so much T-T
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stargazingsims · 2 months
2000s Lookbook: Erica Bachelor-Kane (Part 3)
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Shiloh Hair by okruee
Zinnia Top V1 by viiava
Belted Turquoise Jeans by simlaughlove
Nair Hair by kiarazurk
Wiki Tiki Dress by joliebean
Accessory Jeans by margeh-75 (TSR)
Helen Wedges by sentate
Marzia Necklace by ciao-cc
Large Diamond Ring by glitterberryfly (TSR)
Bella Shirt by joliebean
Jade Jeans by sentate
SP15 Moschi Jane Shoes by standardheld
F Necklace 01 by jarisimcc
F Earrings 01 by jarisimcc
Office Crush Top by joliebean
Selina Diamond Bracelet by rustys-cc
Tasmin Skirt by sentate
All in Wraps Sweater by joliebean
Wind Tiara by kiarazurk
Chrysalis Earrings by christopher067 (TSR)
Aminah Dress by sentate
Barbie Open Toe Heels by serenity
Marina Bun by kiarazurk
Aphrodite Dress by renorasims
Tobi Sandals - Bow by dallasgirl79
Gisele Top by joliebean
Lower Back Tattoo Pack 01 by mickimagnum
Zoom Call Trousers by joliebean
Sereia Earrings by serenity
Sereia Necklace by serenity
Lottie Dress by sentate
Accessory shirt - no longer available
Ballet Flats - Plain by dallasgirl79
Tank Top Layered by kiarazurk
(General resources: Nail It! Nails by joliebean, Sweetener Gloss by crypticsim)
(I'm having a lot of fun with these, I'm going to keep doing them even as Erica moves out of her 'party girl' phase and into her mom phase)
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princessmacedon · 6 months
Maria von Medon, a noble specializing in Faith magic and a student of the Blue Lions. This unit values connecting with others. Try recruiting her again when you've formed more bonds? (RECRUITMENT REQUIREMENTS: have at least three B supports.)
GENDER. female AGE. 15 -> 17 HEIGHT. 5'2" BIRTHDATE. April 5th CREST / HOLY BLOOD. n/a CLASS. Blue Lions student AFFILIATION. Macedon, and later the United Kingdom of Archanea BIOGRAPHY. The youngest princess of the former Kingdom of Macedon, now part of the Archanean Alliance. She holds great curiosity toward the world and all its sights, but most importantly, she loves to meet and befriend others. Came to Fódlan to improve her preexisting skills, learn new ones, and become overall more capable; secretly, she hoped to find her brother again as well.
Year 594 - Princess Maria of Macedon is born, the youngest of three.
Year 598 - King Osmond of Macedon is assassinated, and Michalis succeeds the throne.
Year 600 - Michalis asks Maria to become a hostage to Dohlr; Maria, wanting to protect the people of Macedon and make her brother happy, complies.
Year 604 - Maria is freed from Castle Deil by Prince Marth of Altea and his army, thereafter joining him alongside Minerva in the War of Shadows. Following Michalis' defeat, she watches over him in Macedon's aery until he recovers.
Year 607 - Maria is kidnapped by Gharnef while studying magic in Khadein. Later the following year, Prince Marth and his army defeat Medeus and free the captured clerics, Maria among them. She and Minerva stay with Lena at her convent, caring for orphans.
Year 609 - Maria resumes her studies and departs for Fódlan.
INTERESTS. learning new things, exploring, spending time with others LIKES. spending time with loved ones & making friends; making things (like sweet little treats!) (...AKA baking, sewing, embroidering, etc); wyverns, pegasi, and the sky; reading stories and poetry; flowers. DISLIKES. being helpless or a burden on others; eating alone; pitch darkness; so-called 'humor' that relies on tearing people down; arguments, especially those of her siblings. CLOSE ALLIES. Michalis, Minerva, Marth, Tiki ; Soren, Yuri, Chad, Roy (dropped but not forgotten) STATUS. the last princess of Macedon, but one of its first daughters to see a united Archanea
LIKES. ( saghert and cream, fish and bean soup, vegetable pasta salad, onion gratin soup, sweet and salty whitefish sauté, sweet bun trio, garreg mach meat pie, pheasant roast with berry sauce, peach sorbet, vegetable stir-fry, derdriu-style fried pheasant ) -- the simple act of sharing a meal with Maria is guaranteed to raise your friendship with her, but these dishes give the biggest boosts
DISLIKES. ( cabbage and herring stew ) -- there's no penalty for making her eat this (and other markedly bitter foods), but the friendship gain is comically low
"Oh! This one's really yummy, hee hee. Want to try a bite?"
"...Huh? Oh, no, don't worry! This time I'll beat the bitterness for sure, hee hee."
"Ooh-- wah-- hot, hot, hot! Hee hee... I'm-- still not so good with-- ooh, with spicy food. But it's so good...!"
"Isn't it yummy, Brother? If you like it, I'll try to learn how to make it. Let's have a picnic later!"
"What do you think, Sister? Yummy, right? Hee hee! Maybe we should take the recipe back to Miss Lena one day!"
"Well, I-- hee hee-- I mean-- heeheehee-- I think it was a perfectly tasty pizza!"
"Do you have any room for dessert, Ser? I made some thumbprint cookies yesterday! With elderberry jam, heeheehee."
FAVORITE TEAS. sweet-apple tea, albinean berry blend, crescent-moon tea, chamomile
CONVERSATION TOPICS. a dinner invitation. a place you'd like to visit. a word of advice. books you've read recently. cats. children at the market. cooking mishaps. exploring the monastery. favorite sweets. first crushes. gardening mishaps. gifts you'd like to receive. heart-racing memories. likable allies. monastery mysteries. our first meeting. overcoming weaknesses. shareable snacks. someone you look up to. tell me about yourself. thanks for everything. the view from the bridge. things that bother you. working together. how you're doing lately.
"I'm here! And I brought some desserts with me, too!"
"Hee hee, thank you for the invitation. I'm so happy to spend time with you like this!"
"Oh! I guess we both got here early, huh? Hee hee! I was just so excited!"
"Mmm... This is one of my favorites! I'm so glad you like it too!"
"Oh! This tea... hee hee, thank you. I'll make sure to enjoy it with all my heart!"
"Oh! What? What is it?"
"[gasp] Do I have crumbs on my face?"
"Is there something on your mind? You can tell me, if you want."
"Hee hee!"
"A pretty blue sky..."
"Mm! Tasty!"
"I wonder if (he/she/they)'d like this flavor, too..."
"♫Hm hm hm!♫"
"Oh! And then? What happened next!"
"It's warm..."
"Hee hee, I had lots of fun today! Let's do this again sometime -- I'll make your favorites! That's a promise!"
(1) "What are your favorite teas? Your favorite snacks? ...Am I going to bring you some? Hee hee! That's a secret!" ANSWER: Chat, Laugh
(2) "When I was reeeaally little, I used to ask my brother and sister to play with me. I'd make them tea, and... heeheehee! Well, I've gotten a lot better at it since then!" ANSWER: Laugh, Sip Tea
(3) "My brother and sister are my favorite people in the whole wide world, but they can be so silly sometimes! But you know what? I'm going to be even more stubborn than both of them, hee hee." ANSWER: Commend, Sip Tea
(4) "I haven't seen a whole lot of the world so far, but I think it must be very pretty." ANSWER: Nod, Disagree, Chat
(5) "There's something really happy about sharing food together, don't you think?" ANSWER: Nod, Sip Tea
(6) "I've always believed that there are lots of different ways to be strong, and to protect someone. Still... Sometimes it would be nice to be strong like my siblings are." ANSWER: Sigh, Nod, Chat
LIKED GIFT: Floral Adornment, Tasty Baked Treat, Gemstone Beads, Armored Bear Stuffy, Watering Can, Tea Leaves, Stylish Hair Clip, Legends of Chivalry, Ancient Coin, any flowers DISLIKED GIFT: Training Weight, Hunting Dagger, Ceremonial Sword
"Hmm... Hee hee! Thank you for thinking of me."
"Hee hee, thank you! I'm really happy!"
"Wow...! Is this for me? Really? Oh, I love it! Thank you so much!"
TIMEWORN JOURNAL: A well-kept if obviously aged journal, its entries date back many years and are addressed not to itself, but to a person. There are many crude but lovingly rendered drawings within. It probably belongs to someone who's been looking for someone for a very long time. LOCATION: Courtyard
UNFINISHED HANDKERCHIEF: A lovely square of fabric decorated with what seems to be the beginnings of an embroidery project. Looks like... (apple trees/wisteria/sunflowers)? It probably belongs to someone who likes making gifts for others. LOCATION: Blue Lions Classroom
FOREIGN PENDANT: A subtle-yet-elegant pendant of foreign make. Its quality suggests a high degree of nobility; there is a small emblem of a wyvern on the back of it. It probably belongs to someone sentimental. LOCATION: Cathedral
"Oh! This is mine -- I've been looking for it everywhere! Thank you so much!"
"Hmm... This isn't mine, but maybe... have you asked (name)?" *has an increased chance of suggesting the right person the higher her support rank with the item's owner.
"The songs of Fódlan are so different from Archanea. It's really neat!"
"Hm hm hm...♫ Hee hee! Isn't singing fun?"
"It looks so yummy! Do you want to share this together when we're done?"
"Are you nervous? Hee hee, don't worry! I used to help out a lot with cooking at the convent -- I'll help you out!"
"Aah, wait, wait! Not the-- ...hee hee... hahaha! Well, that's okay, too! We'll figure something out."
"...Mmm... How do I..."
CRITIQUE: "I see... I should look at it like that, and... Oh! I think I'm starting to get it!" CONSOLE: "Hee hee... thank you. I'll try even harder next time!"
"I always do my best!"
"I'm getting better, step by step!"
"I did it! Do you think my siblings would be proud of me?" PRAISE: "...! Hee hee... Thank you. That means so much to me."
"Horses have such cute, soft noses! Maybe I should ask if I can feed Helena an apple later..."
"There's a right place for everything -- we just have to find it!"
"Now it's my turn to touch the sky... Hee hee, come on! It's such a pretty day -- let's go!"
"Hmm... alright! I'll study more, and try even harder next time!
"Yay! I did it! Just one more step toward being strong like my siblings!"
"I have to try even harder..."
"I'll get there eventually!"
"I'm just following the example they set!"
"Hee hee... Maybe one day, I'll catch up to them! Do you think they'll be surprised?"
"Next time, I'll protect them, too."
"Did you know? In Archanea, you have to use staves and tomes to use magic, but in Fódlan you don't need any of that! I don't know if I can bring that kind of magic back home, but if I can help even without a staff, then it's worth a try, isn't it? Trying to keep up with both of them gets a little tough sometimes, though!"
"My home, Macedon, was known for its wyvern knights -- and my brother and sister were the strongest of all of them! I chose to be a cleric to protect them like they protect me, but... hee hee! Thanks to them, I love the sky."
"Axes are so different from magic. Their strengths and weaknesses, their range, the types of foes they're better against... I won't ever be as good with axes as my big brother and sister, but that's okay, isn't it? I'm not them -- I'm their little sister! And I'll always be there to support them!"
"Woah... This is new... and exciting! Heeheehee."
"I learned a new trick! Do you want to see?"
(1) "There's still so much I can learn!"
(2) "I'll do my best!"
(3) "I've never considered this before... but I guess I'll start now!"
"Ow! I should take care of myself... I can still learn from watching everyone else."
(Edelgard specific) "Ouch...! I already knew you were strong, but you really showed me again! Hee hee... take care of yourself, okay?"
"...O goddess of this land, please welcome them..."
(After Sabbam Vitatham, super real & canon event) "... ... ... O Naga... I..."
"I'm here with you!"
"I'm okay!"
"I've got to be careful..."
"I still have lots of catching up to do!"
"One, two, three!"
"It's my turn to protect them!"
"I won't lose!"
"Here I come!"
"Everyone -- together!"
"Let's put an end to this!"
"O goddess..."
"I'm a princess of Macedon, too!"
"...I hope that you're at peace."
"Just one more step..."
"I'm so happy you're alright!"
"Wow...! You were amazing!"
(Michalis/Minerva exclusive) "Hee hee... You're just as cool as I remember, (Brother/Sister)!"
"Thank you! I'm feeling better already!"
"I won't let you down!"
"Since you believe in me, I'll work even harder!"
"Ow! No, I can't...! I won't make them cry again...!"
"Michalis... Minerva... I... Just one more time... Togeth...er..."
I'm really cheerful when I'm with people, but sometimes I worry that makes other people not hear me out at all. Sometimes my siblings just brush me off!
>Start acting differently and maybe they'll change their mind. >Show them through your actions. They'll realize eventually. (correct?) >Stop being small
SOURCE: shadoll -- super fun meme! thank you!! <3
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arcstral · 1 year
A small yellow ball barrelled straight towards the Hero-King, slamming head first into him with the widest and brightest smile in the universe. Little arms hugged tightly around Marth as the little dragon hood on Tiki’s head flew off in her momentum, revealing Tiki’s bright emerald eyes shimmering at Marth. The fluffy dragon wings on her onesie fluttered slightly as she buried her face into Marth with a giggle. “I missed you Mar-Mar!” She squealed, taking a moment before pulling away and reaching into the satchel on her shoulder.
Sweet Bun Trio: The first bun is filled with sweet cream and topped with icing and a candied cherry. The second is a sweet roll filled with almonds, pecans, and dried cranberries and glazed with honey. The third is a bun sliced in half, filled with almond paste and whipped cream, dusted with powdered sugar on top.
“I found these at the tables! They looked really good so let’s share them together, Mar-Mar!”
The prophetic prince of light who twice saved the world, and the pivotal divine dragon princess who shadowed him every step of his way- between them stretched a timeless red string, like no force of nature could truly wrangle them apart. Naturally, he'd heard from his beloved that Tiki stepped foot onto the monastery grounds, and with that knowledge came his bright-eyed anticipation of their reunion. She was by all spoken accounts a dear companion to the Hero-King; to Marth and Caeda the more intensely adored figure of both a daughter and a little sister wrapped in one.
Also a truly concentrated ball of joy who happened to feel like one, too. The force of her body on a running start nearly knocked him askew, headed by two glittering eyes and a beaming smile that revealed themselves from beneath a hood. If not by such an adorable face, he could discern her by the feeling of a vicelike embrace alone, impressively strong for a child of such proportions- strong as ever, at that.
"Oh, Tiki, it is ever good to see you! I've missed you, too—seeing you again I feel as if the sun could dawn twice." She hadn't grown much taller from the last they'd seen one another, but that was to be expected from the manakete race. Too slowly grown for the same span of years that a human endured. Nevertheless, his careful inspection of her differences lowered him onto a crooked knee, leveling them eye-to-eye. How nostalgic.
And gold and brimming as the king's expression, it seemed to radiate all the brighter as Tiki presented him with the desserts.
"Those are some very tasty looking sweet buns. We can most certainly share them over a nice, long talk." Nothing could deface the spark of joy in his eyes at this rate. Wasn't the feeling identical to fathers who received from sons and daughters their amateur crafts? Though simple and homely, the endearment of it all came from a universal tendency to love and cherish what those little hands brought before him. And- setting the desserts down- he took those very hands gently into his with the touch of their branded palms: "You've been in good health, I hope? Eating Bantu's pickled vegetables? I've been receiving quite the reports from him and Lord Gotoh. They say you've been a very good girl, but I would like to hear it from you!"
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fly-to-rainbow-ray · 3 months
Morning Musume. '14 - TIKI BUN
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brasideios · 1 year
Get to Know a Blogger
I was tagged by @aeide @mini-uzzy and @ainulindaelynn. Thank you my friends! 🤍
Share your wallpaper:
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Last song you listened to: Maybe Tomorrow by the Stereophonics. I recently rediscovered this song after probably ten years of forgetting. Filled with pathos.
Currently reading: I just finished First Love by Ivan Turgenev. I think I’ll read Crime and Punishment next (Dostoyevsky) or War and Peace (Tolstoy). They’re both sitting by the bed, demanding my attention in equal measure.
Last movie: 200 Cigarettes! I recently dug out a story I wrote back in ‘99, and vaguely recalled I was trying to emulate this film. So I wanted to watch it to see how I did, but it wasn’t on any of the five streaming services I have access to (password sharing ftw) so I’d given up on finding it only to discover yesterday that the whole movie is up on Youtube. Happiest moment of my life! (I did badly, btw, with the emulation. In my defence, I’d just left high school 😆).
Last show: Umm... Band of Brothers a couple weeks back, I guess. Rewatching for the tenth time.
Craving: Coffee, as always :)
What are wearing right now: Pyjamas and a dressing gown because *finally* it’s cold in the mornings. Love autumn.
How tall are you: Just shy of six foot. 
Piercings: Just my ears. 
Tattoos: I have four. A made-up symbol on my ankle I got when I was 18 - literally the day I was legally allowed to get it 😊 I’d planned it for a year beforehand. The word Bittersweet on my back (’all in life is bitterwseet’ as I wrote in a poem at the time) when I was 23; A series of astrological symbols on my left inner forearm which represent me, my fam, and the people who were closest to me at the time. Got that on my 30th birthday in London. And most recently, at 33, a lucky year for me when a lot of things ended and I took back my power (a long, long journey) I marked it with a tattoo - it’s on the inside of my right arm, a feather quill, and the words, ‘... I meant what I said.’ Love tattoos! Would have so many more if I was rich.
Glasses? Contacts? Glasses. My vision isn’t too bad, just need them for reading. Lil long sighted.
Last thing you ate: I haven’t yet today, it’s still too early. Last night’s dinner was pasta bake with chorizo.
Favourite colour: Green, though I really love any colour that’s bright and clear - I am currently going through a phase of bright purples and pinks.
Current obsession: Two of my OC’s and their relationship development (Arity and Jimmy). Maybe also the temple complex I’m building in Minecraft 😅 I spent all day yesterday working on it and I am thinking I might do the same today.
Any pets: Otto Von Krum the schnauzer (my baby boy); Tiki Taco the chihuahua (Daddy’s girl); and Lady Pablo, aka Tiny Bun, my rescued house rabbit.
Favourite fictional character: Favourite? Like, out of all of them?? I couldn’t possibly choose. 
The last place you travelled: Along the south coast of Western Australia, as far as Esperance. My favourite place we stopped, my favourite place in the world I think, is Denmark. It’s a beautiful town in amongst hills, with a wide green river flowing through it, surrounded by forests. It’s a different world. Oh, and it has the best pie-shop in the world too, which doesn’t hurt. [Meat pies, that is. Very Australian 😊]
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I think everyone I would normally tag has been tagged! But just in case... @auroralykos @el-zorrito​ @cataliinaa​ and @theinkandthesea​ @dbraures​ @liminalspacecowboah​ @woodsman2b​
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puffyxd · 10 months
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I know that I am on a break but I wanted to show this to ya’ll
these are my lmk ocs lol the little one who keeps saying 🅰️ is char the one with buns is pepper the one who dug up something is tiki and the one with the markings is Kai :>.
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Sweet Bun Trio: The first bun is filled with sweet cream and topped with icing and a candied cherry. The second is a sweet roll filled with almonds, pecans, and dried cranberries and glazed with honey. The third is a bun sliced in half, filled with almond paste and whipped cream, dusted with powdered sugar on top.
Seeing Tiki makes Maria want to take off her heels. They're cute little boots that don't tower too high, but the better she can see the top of her friend's (currently be-fluffled) head, the sadder she feels. But that is something to contemplate another time; here and now, she has a precious friend to offer presents to!
"Tiki~!" The princess half calls, half hums, pressing her cheek to the crown of the girl's head and laughing as it rests ungainly on its plush plumes. "Have you been having fun?" Her hand swings around as she speaks, a plate of pastries held in place. "I brought us some treats to share! Look, the last one's even split perfectly in half, hee hee."
A step tottered back, she lowers it between the both of them, head inclined toward her friend as if she is sharing information of tremendous import. "This one has sweet cream and cherry; this one has lots of nuts and cranberry!; and this one is stuffed with almond paste. What do you think?" A grin splits her face. "We can share all of them if you want!"
It was a pleasant surprise for Tiki, being hugged from the back, returning Maria’s smile with her own fang-filled grin. “Maria!” She squealed out, the little fluffy wings on her onesie fluttered in response as she returned the hug back to Maria, squeezing Maria with a strength reflecting her true nature of a dragon, but not too tight. “You have grown taller since I last saw you! You are looking more and more like your sister everyday!” She raised her arm above Maria to compare her height with a giggle. 
“I have been having so much fun! Everyone is so nice and they give me food! The food is so good and everything looks so pretty and fun! Everything was very weird when it shrunk but I think it's fine! Everyone is still nice and kind, so I am feeling alright and happy!” She threw her arms out in exclamation, her face red with excitement as she danced and spun around to point at all the wonderful things in the ballroom. “Seeing that you are here makes it even even even better!” An exaggeration but it was hard to correct the beaming look on Tiki’s face with her sparkling emeralds of eyes. 
Those big jewels glowing and shining as drool formed on the corner of her lips, and Tiki looked between Maria and the buns before she nodded with haste. “Of course I will share with you! Food tastes better shared with friends! That's what Ban-Ban always told me. And Maria is my friend, my sister even!” Picking at the first bun filled with sweet cream, Tiki poked the cherry with a small claw. “Look! This one looks like you too! Sweet and red! But I want to eat it last as a reminder of who I met today!” An innocent gesture really before she picked up the already halved almond bun and bit into it enthusiastically, chuckling at Maria to encourage her all the same.
"Its sweet! I love it! Thank you, Sis Maria!"
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wiiildrose-mixtapes · 2 years
Mixtape: Morning Musume.'s graduation songs
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I know the name says "songs" but this mixtape is not about their solo songs of any kind, but rather the A-side of the single of their graduations. Of course this mixtape will be updated along the years. 01. Memory Seishun no Hikari (Asuka Fukuda) 02. LOVE Machine (Aya Ishiguro) 03. Happy Summer Wedding (Sayaka Ichii) 04. Ren'ai Revolution 21 (Yuuko Nakazawa) 05. Do it! Now (Maki Gotou) 06. AS FOR ONE DAY (Kei Yasuda) 07. Joshi Kashimashi Monogatari (Nozomi Tsuji, Ai Kago) 08. Ai Araba IT'S ALL RIGHT (Natsumi Abe) 09. THE Manpower!!! (Kaori Iida) 10. Oosaka Koi no Uta (Rika Ishikawa, Mari Yaguchi) 11. Ambitious! Yashinteki de Ii jan (Asami Konno, Makoto Ogawa) 12. Kanashimi Twilight (Hitomi Yoshizawa, Miki Fujimoto) 13. Kimagure Princess (Koharu Kusumi) 14. Onna to Otoko no Lullaby Game (Eri Kamei, Junjun, Linlin) 15. Kono Chikyuu no Heiwa wo Honki de Negatterun da yo! (Ai Takahashi) 16. Ren'ai Hunter (Risa Niigaki, Aika Mitsui) 17. Kimi Sae Ireba Nani mo Iranai (Reina Tanaka) 18. TIKI BUN (Sayumi Michishige) 19. Tsumetai Kaze to Kataomoi (Riho Sayashi) 20. Utakata Saturday Night! (Kanon Suzuki) 21. Wakaindashi! (Haruka Kudou) 22. Are you Happy? (Haruna Ogata) 23. Furari Ginza (Haruna Iikubo) 24. Teenage Solution (Masaki Satou) 25. Chu Chu Chu Bokura no Mirai (Chisaki Morito) 26. Swing Swing Paradise (Kaede Kaga) 27. Suggoi FEVER! (Mizuki Fukumura)
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orderofvirility · 2 years
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“Oh, Summoner Kell…” The Manakete’s ears twitched as she observed the Summoner and greeted him with the kind of warm softness that her face naturally conveyed, the sort that befit the Voice of Naga even if it was more a natural part of her personality and less a consideration of her title. She wasn’t especially fond of that title to begin with, and it felt nice to be in a world where she was free of so much of a burden of such responsibility, and in a summer outfit no less! Say'ri surely went into a panic at the sight alone, but Tiki felt no discomfort no matter how many eyes might follow her, speaking of which… “…I was not sure if you would be fond of visiting the beach or not,” Tiki remarked, still not knowing his feelings about this particular kind of weather. “To tell the truth, I rather like it. I would have never had the chance to truly enjoy this setting in Ylisse, though I am rather aware my swimsuit has certainly been turning heads.” She sprawled out on her beach towel, soaking in the sun and closing her eyes, but one opened for a moment, still half-lidded as its gaze wondered to the man near her. “…if it is not too uncomfortable a question, I would like to satisfy my curiosity. If you would rather not discuss the matter, I will understand, and regardless of your answer, I promise I will not be angered, but…well, has my swimsuit caught your attention in a similar way? Please be honest if you do choose to answer. I am certain that in Ylisse that most would assure me I have not gotten their attention in that way, even when many who would say that are ones that I have witnessed staring at me far too long for that to be true.”
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Kell enjoyed the beach, for the most part. So long as he was scarcely dressed for the setting, and he was under the sun for a couple of hours, then there wasn’t much to complain about. His dreadlocks were put into a larger protective bun than usual, his oversized summoner robe a perfect drape over his shoulders, with an ice cold fruit smoothie in hand as he stood back and observed the heroes of the Order partake in the beach activities. There was enough enjoyment in that than for himself to participate. Watching them now, he will never get over how strange it were to interact with these decorated heroes when he himself was naught but a college graduate in his past world, now in charge of an army regiment… which is way too much responsibility for his liking, but he’s been managing.
His focus was brought to the manakete that must have spotted him gazing off in the back, and, rather…the two-piece swimsuit that appeared too small to contain her curves. Was it Anna who gave her this ridiculous size? And it’s no surprise that she came to him with her curiosity revolving around that very thing. He was willing to listen and give his thoughts on the matter, until narrow eyes widened briefly, a pink blush dusting over tanned cheeks upon realizing just what Tiki was really inquiring about.
“W-Well…yeah? I’d be lying if I said that it didn’t.” His deep voice was etched in a similar inquiring tone. That’s what she wanted to hear, right? No, he wasn’t any different than her oglers, and he’d go on to admit that. It’s difficult not to be roused at the sight of her in such a small bikini set, putting her ample curves in plain sight. Plenty to fill his eyes with, but he knew to keep himself under control.
Kell sat next to her as she bathed in the sun. “...So what’s the catch here? You trying to figure out if I’m like the rest of ‘em, or something?”
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jasvvy · 2 years
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tiki torch in the bunnings deathmatch. 
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macabremomo · 2 months
Bunny Buns Menus Unlocked 2/6 Hats 0/24 Clothes 0/24 Mats 0/24 Kitchens 1/2
Memoirs Girl Scout 3/15, 1/3 Black Cat 2/15, 1/3 Fire Golem 1/15, 1/3 Marshmallows 0/15, 0/3 Tiki Shaman 0/15, 0/3 Gator 0/15, 0/3 Bunny 0/15, 0/3 Blob Lolita 0/15, 0/3 Chickens 0/15, 0/3 Giraffe 0/15, 0/3 Bull 0/15, 0/3 French Bull Dog 0/15, 0/3 Penguin 0/15, 0/3 Rich Pig 0/15, 0/0 Worm Inspector 0/15, 0/3 Turtle 0/15, 0/3
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menuandprice · 1 year
Taverna – Kapalua, Maui, HI
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Happy Hour at Taverna – Kapalua, Maui, HI
Updated 10/20/2022 by the Maui Happy Hours team
Happy Hour at Taverna Tuesday-Sunday 2pm-4pm
Taverna Happy Hour Food Menu - Ceci – Italian Style Hummus, EVOO, Sea Salt, Cucumbers, Carrots, House Olives, Pizza Flat Bread $11 - Insalata Cesare – Romaine Lettuce, Focaccia Croutons, Roasted Garlic Caesar Dressing, Parmesan $13 - Carnivore Flatbread – Sausage, Pepperoni, Ham, Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella, Parmesan $15 - Vegetariano Flatbread – Mushrooms, Peppers, Asparagus, Artichokes, Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella $14 - CPD House Burger – 1/2 Pound Beef Patty, House Made Brioche Bun, Roasted Garlic-Bacon Aioli, Gruyere, Caramelized Onions, Bacon, Greens, Balsamic Syrup $16 - Joe’s Chicago Style Hot Dog All Beef Hot Dog, Yellow Mustard, Onions, Tomato, Relish, Celery Salt, House Made Bun $13 Taverna Happy Hour Drink Menu Happy Hour Drink Specials - Margarita, Old Fashioned, or Moscow Mule $10 - 2-Step Well Drinks $7 - Draft Beers $7 - Glass of House White or Red Wine $7 Happy Hour Bottled Beer - Peroni Lager $9 - Modelo Especial $9 - High Noon Vodka Seltzers $10 - Heineken $8 Happy Hour Classic Cocktails - Taverna’s Old Fashioned $18 - Mai Tai $18 Happy Hour Craft Cocktails - A Lil Coy $17 - Peaches & Dreams $17 - Uamahina $17 - Pressed About My Ex(presso) $18 - Attitude Adjustment $16 - Mauka-side $18 Happy Hour Mocktails - Tropicasa $10 - Il Succo Del Giorno $10 —————————— Address: 2000 Village Rd, Lahaina, HI 96761 Phone: (808) 667-CIAO Website About: Opened in March 2016, Taverna Italian Eatery was created as a gathering place. Taverna is a place where longtime residents, returning guests, and first-time visitors can come together to relax, enjoy the beauty of Maui’s mountains and sea, and feed their bodies and spirits with Italian cuisine created from fresh ingredients by an innovative, world-renowned Chef. Pleasing to the eye and the palate; comfortable for the body and yes, the pocketbook; heartening to the soul. Dine at Taverna Maui for fresh house-made pasta, wood-fired pizzas, and other favorite Italian dishes in their lovely and rustic open-air restaurant. Or enjoy a meal on the spacious patio with views extending across the greens to the ocean, and up into Mauna Kahalawai, the West Maui Mountains. At night, flickering tiki torches lend a tropical glow to the warm darkness as you linger over a favorite beverage…maybe a refreshing craft cocktail, one of the locally brewed cold beers on tap, or a glass of Italian wine. Taverna’s sleek, concrete-top bar offers 32 bar chairs and is the perfect place to meet a friend or watch the game. Welcoming, delicious and comfortable any time of day—from the heart of Kapalua, you are bound to enjoy your dining experience at Taverna.
According to these Taverna Maui patrons:
“Great dinner at Taverna. Wonderful setting and outstanding service staff. Food was great. A must when in Maui.”Robert K., October 2022 “Great food, very attentive service, and a cozy modern atmosphere. Great views of the golf course and the mountain ranges in the distance.”Kyle F., September 2022 “Best Italian place in Maui—heck, all of Hawai’i. Food was absolutely delicious and filling. Wine list is as good as it gets, with very honest prices. Service is the best. Alex was our server and he was awesome, very knowledgeable and friendly! Would recommend Taverna to anyone looking for a good place to eat and hangout. Great atmosphere and ambiance, too.”Jose M., October 2022 “Loved everything I tried! The carbonara was my favorite with the caprese salad to start. The bread olive oil and sea salt combo that came out right away was wonderful. I also tried some of the lasagna which was good and the pesto lumache which was definitely my second favorite! Great selection of wines, we ended up with a bottle of the Nebbiolo and the sauv blanc. Great choices
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Great service, great views of the mountains and pretty rainbows. Rained a lot but was a pretty setting.”Jackie G., September 2022 “Excellent spot – great pizza and pasta and just a wonderful place to visit
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Do try the cocktails as well!”Surbhi D., September 2022 “Julie was amazing! Every time we come to Maui we come to Taverna! The bartender was on point (we are picky about Old Fashioneds) and our server Julie was incredible! We will be back!”Lisa A., September 2022 Happy Hour at Taverna is daily from 2pm-4pm and features discounted food, beer, wine, and cocktails.
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awalabo · 2 years
To celebrate Morning Musume's 25th anniversary, someone posted a bunch of fun questions about your fandom on Twitter and since I don’t have a Twitter, I'm gonna answer them here lol
1. Who's your ultimate oshi?
I guess Duu cause she is the only one I have followed outside of the group
2. Who are your other favorite members?
Yokoyan, Kaedi, Oda, Ayumi, Kei, Ai, Risa, Eri, Sayumi
3. Who was your first oshi?
4. What's your favorite subgroup or unit related to Morning Musume?
Petitmoni, 11 Water, Salt 5, 7 Air, Aoiro 7, Akagumi 4, Kiiro 5, H.P. All Stars, Elegies, Def. Diva, High King
5. What song did you listen to first?
I could not tell you because my sister broke sims to play morning musume in place of the shopping music, so that is how I heard it first. But I think it was Souda! We’re Alive, Ambitious! Yashinteki de Ii jan, or Go Girl! ~ Koi No Victory.
6. What MV did you watch first?
It might have been The Peace but I am not for sure.
7. What concert did you watch first?
NON STOP! 2003 concert
8. What song made you like Morning Musume?
Happy Summer Wedding!
9. What are your favorite songs?
Night of Tokyo City, Summer Night Town, Mirai no Tobira, UsoTsuki Anta, Sotsugyou Ryokou ~Morning Musume Tabidatsu Hito ni Okuru Uta~, Aki Urara, Moonlight night ~Tsukiyo no Ban da yo~
10. What are your favorite MVs?
Joshi Kashimashi Monogatari, 321 Breaking out, Toki wo Koe Sora wo Koe, Sukatto My Heart, Tokyo to Iu Katasami, Utakata Saturday Night, Jealousy Jealousy, Furari Ginza, Jiyuu na Kuni Dakara, Beat no Wakusei, Kimi Sae Ireba Nani mo Iranai, Mr. Moonlight ~Ai no Big Band~
 11. What are your favorite singles?
Happy Summer Wedding, Are you Happy, Shabondama, The Manpower, Egao YES Nude, Utakata Saturday Night, Beat no Wakusei, Sukatto My Heart, Jiyuu na Kuni Dakara
12. What are your favorite albums?
First Time, 10 My Me, No.5, Sexy 8 Beat
13. What are your favorite concerts?
14. What's your favorite group era?
I’ve liked them all so far pretty equally
15. A stage outfit you like
Yasuda Kei graduation outfits with the white outfits and sequence diamonds, the 2012 performance of Joshi Kashimashi Monogatari where they wear jumpsuits in their colors
16. A single or album outfit you like
Toki wo Koe Sora wo Koe blue sparkly outfits are pretty, Osaka Koi no Uta white dress with giant bows that look like wings are super pretty
17. Lyrics that made a mark on you
“I don’t even have confidence, but I want to be happy” from Are you Happy
18. A performance that made a mark on you
The rock ver. Of Never forget you they did at the NON STOP concert for Yasuda Kei’s graduation and the performance of Tomo at Rival Survival concert
19. A song that you hated at first but like now
Tiki Bun
20. Which concert do you like the most?
21. Who are your favorite OG members?
Aya and Natsume
22. Which graduation made you cry the most?
I have only gotten watery eyes at Maa chans but Kaedis is coming up so who knows
23. Which OG members do you want to see perform with the current group?
Yasuda Kei
24. Favorite picture of oshi
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25. Have you ever participated in an event or concert?
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abcnewspr · 2 years
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The following report highlights the programming of ABC’s “GMA3: What You Need to Know” during the week of July 25-29. “GMA3: What You Need to Know” is a one-hour program co-anchored by Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes, with Dr. Jennifer Ashton as chief medical correspondent. The news program airs weekdays at 1:00 p.m. EDT | 12:00 p.m. CDT on ABC, and 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. EDT on ABC News Live.
Highlights of the week include the following:
Monday, July 25 — Mayor Byron Brown of Buffalo, New York; “GMA3”’s Eat Like a Local series kicks off in Atlanta with chef David Rose, TV personality Kandi Burrus and rapper Jermaine Dupri; actor Corbin Bleu (“High School Musical”); Disney cruise surprise
Tuesday, July 26 — Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY); “GMA3”’s Eat Like a Local series continues in Houston with chef Dawn Burrell, rapper Bun B and KTRK's Chauncy Glover; actress Sofia Carson (“Purple Hearts”); La Fête du Rosé founder Donae Burston
Wednesday, July 27 —Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA); “GMA3”’s Eat Like a Local series continues from Miami with chef Lorena Garcia, NBA player Udonis Haslem and singer Gloria Estefan; actress Sarah Drew (“Amber Brown”); Deals and Steals with ABC e-commerce editor Tory Johnson
Thursday, July 28 — Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Director Steven Dettelbach; Podcast of the Month series with Malcom Gladwell (“Revisionist History”); “GMA3”’s Eat Like a Local series continues in Philadelphia with chef Mike Solomonov and former NFL player Torrey Smith; actress Tisha Campbell (“Uncoupled”)
Friday, July 29 — Former Mayor Adam Graham of The Village, Oklahoma; San Jose Sharks manager Mike Grier on being the first Black general manager in NHL history; Faith Friday with Pastor Joel Osteen; “GMA3”’s Eat Like a Local series finale from New York with former NFL player Tiki Barber and chef Gina Neely; Broadway star Nkeki Obi-Melekwe (“Tina”)
ABC Media Relations Denise Horn [email protected]
-- ABC --
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