#Tier 1 Wrestling
cherrymoonvol6 · 5 months
#been thinking about the placement of the showdown between belos and the hexsquad happening in ep 1 instead of anywhere else#mainly for lunter reasons if that is ever not obvious#(aka for a lunter endgame it makes more sense to have the ending of TTT happen in the last episode because Stakes)#(hunter actually dies and flapjack's sacrifice is the conclusion of the evelyn/caleb backstory)#(and it's pretty hard to work hunter or anyone from the hexsquad into the final showdown otherwise)#this is where the show shoots itself in the foot by having luz and hunter's relationship be on like tier C of importance#because it IS emotionally charged to see belos exerting that kind of power into the kid he groomed one last time#it IS emotionally charged to see luz wrestle with her determination to defeat belos and her love for hunter#it IS emotionally charged to know that someone will die here and it may be one of the kids#whereas the battle at the end of WAD is barely a battle and just meant to be the bow on top of luz's development#if luz and hunter's relationship had been more central to the show then hunter facing belos is a given AND a good narrative choice#who else gets to kill belos but the person created in the likeness of the one that made belos reach such lows to begin with?#or at the very least have the other people close to luz have some history with belos or something#eda couldn't care less about belos. same for king. and don't even get me started on amity...............#this is just a hexsquad problem btw like what is willow's bearing in this. the track system works wonders for her#in theory her life with belos as emperor is as good as it will ever be#same thing with gus#it's just hunter! that's the important piece there!#this show is just. broken. it truly refuses to bring up any of the actually interesting characters#sorry this rambling doesn't have a point besides 'toh is dumb sometimes' which is a thing i often say anyways#but man...... besides luz's resolution there's nothing to the ending. nothing.
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cynthiav06 · 27 days
I had originally intended to make this post on Percy's birthday for some well-intended chaos, because why not? But I had a bit of a health crisis since then, and I had no time nor strength to do anything, so here's this now. I have seen so many strongest demigod tier lists, and half of them I find to be somewhat inaccurate, so here's mine:
If you guys want to see specific 1v1 between any characters just post an ask and I will do a breakdown on following criterias:
Strength Knowledge Durability
Speed Battle Strategy Abilities
Stamina Battle Experience FEATS
Now feats is in bold because in the end, that's what actually determines the power level, so keep that in mind. A lot of people might riot, but it is what it is.
This current tier list is also based on the aforementioned categories:
(I don't want to argue over this there's. no argument to be had it's crystal clear)
Twice savior of Olypmus (the only one)
Was offered Immortality
Was War General of Camp-Halfblood during Titan War
Former Praetor of Rome
Bore the weight of the sky without Artemis's blessing
Survived Tartarus
Fought Kronos
Only one to survive the Curse of Achilles
Only one to overpower a primordial entity
Killed multiple Titans and Giants
Sat on a Gods Throne without any consequences
Blessed by Pan and Hestia
Defeated Geras
Wrestled Nereus
Considered to be the only one worthy of commanding a God by Apollo when he initially turned mortal
( Has killed so many notable entities and has probably hundred more feats but I won't mention them all or else it would all be a Percy list)
[ Okay, hear me out on this before everyone explodes. Nico has definitely one of the, if not the strongest, abilities in the verse in terms of both power and versatility. But he comes up short in terms of strength, stamina, endurance, and feats.]
Former Praetor of Rome
Defeated Krios
Has Killed more than one giant
Has Killed the Trojan Sea Monster
Has the highest combat experience/training out of all the demigods
Hera's favored demigod
Could go toe to toe with Percy for a good amount of time
Survived Tartarus
Brought back Athena Parthenos, the Bane of the Giants
Faced a Primordial and got out alive
Half the reason the Titan War was won
The Ambassador of Pluto
(There's a few more but those are more on the abilities spectrum more so than feats)
The Ghost King
Could fight Nero equally for a while ( who is considered to be equal to a Minor God)
(Between her and Meg I guess it's sort of debatable given Meg has more abilities and many feats, but Hazel has stronger feats and solid abilities herself)
Killed a Giant (more than one, with help but it's very impressive either way because of her significant contributions during those times)
Granted power by another God who is not her Godly Parent
Magic user
Has the strongest mist control out of all demigods
Tamed Arion
Praetor of Rome
(No don't bother debating this. It's true)
The sheer number of abilities she has alone is good enough to put her here.
Can summon Karpoi
Strongest demigod child of Demeter
Opened the Grove of Dodona(with Apollo)
Tons of feats ( check @respect Meg McCaffrey on reddit for elaborate descriptions)
Has mastered one of the deadliest forms of combat known (Dimachaerus, an ancient gladiatorial mode of fighting from the roman times. Apollo states it is one of the rarest and deadliest forms of combat one can master)
Was chosen to command a literal God turned mortal
Fought all of Hades's furies and the worst of the monsters Underworld has to offer before her "death"
Has the blessing of Artemis
Lieutenant of Hunters of Artemis
Defeated Luke Castellan completely in pure combat who was before Percy, the greatest swordsman born in the last three centuries.
Fought Iapetus briefly and survived
Survived Orion's attack on the Hunters and fought him briefly and survived
Was considered the strongest demigod in Camp Half Blood before Percy Jackson
Praetor of Rome
Could lead a legion of dead soldiers
Neptune's gift of shape-shifting
As of ToA his life is no longer attached to the wood
The physically strongest demigod
Has the blessing of Mars which gives him enhanced strength and stamina
Can turn into a literal dragon (Need I say more?)
Fought and helped defeat a giant
Blitzed a minor God
(More cool stuff, people need to puts some respect on Frank's name)
(Before the Piper stans roll in, Reyna worked for Circe for a good long while before she and her sister fled after the pirate attack so there's a good chance she knows how to resist charmspeak which is something alike Circe's enchantments.
Now Annabeth's a good contender to fight Reyna, but I am basing this on higher feats. Reyna fought and defeated Orion and was probably involved in overthrowing Krios while the only powerful being Annabeth has gone toe to toe with is Kronos inhabiting Luke's body and she does manage to corner Annabeth in Mark of Athena and Annabeth herself says she is unsure if she could win against Reyna, [it's super close though])
Former Praetor of Rome
Returned Athena Parthenos, the Bane of the Giants
Could easily go toe to toe with Annabeth who has far more training and combat experience than her.
The only Roman demigod to recieve Athena's blessing
Received a piece of Athena's cloak/shield Aegis.
Fought and defeated Orion, a giant who had previously almost completely decimated most of the Amazons and Hunters.
Has the blessing of Artemis
(Yet again, to Piper fans,Annabeth is a child of Athena, born from divine, though, so i think Annabeth would be able to resist Piper's charmspeak to a certain extent and Annabeth has more feats and overall higher comabt and knowledge plus intelligence)
Held up the weight of the sky for half a day(with Artemis's blessing)
The only child of Athena to find and secure the Athena Parthenos
Fought Kronos and held her own while using just a dagger against his giant scythe
Outsmarted and trapped Arachne just using trickery
Tricked Polyphemus
Was able to fight the giant Mimas briefly with Athena in Blood of Olympus
Survived Tartarus
Architect of Olympus
Honestly I can't decide between this. I am going to need you all to decide this one.
Most of Leo's feats are constructing or repairing things. Festus, Argo 2, Archimedies circle, convincing Apollo, and so on.
Piper's feats are all based on her charmspeak and nothing else. Khione, Medea, and even putting Gaea to sleep (because she was already sleepy and in mid-air cut off from her domain for long enough). The plan was Leo's, but the execution mostly depended on Piper, so it's a tie, I think, but let me know your opinions.
Feel free to share your honest opinions; though, mostly, let's agree to disagree on the Top 5. I can welcome debate over 6-10. But I think the Top 5 are mostly factually canonically accurate.
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lucarionite9364 · 7 months
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Johnny Cage x reader x Kenshi
CW: NSFW (18+ content)
This is my first fic so it may be bad😅
Word count: 2283
Your morning has gone as usual; wake up early, get dressed, and prepare for training. You had been eating by yourself on the training grounds waiting for the others to show up when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You look up to see Kenshi silently asking if he can sit next to you. You nod happily as you munch on your breakfast. You’re chatting idly for a little bit until he gives you a challenge. “I bet you can’t beat me in training today.” He smiles at your offended expression. You swallow your last bite before you spit back reasons why you could.
After faux insults were thrown, you took it as a personal goal to take Kenshi down a notch. You wrestled him down to the ground and tried to pin him, but he was quick to roll around from underneath you. He was too quick for you to grapple, but you weren’t fast enough to dodge him. He grabs your upper arm and pins it behind your back. He almost had your other hand if you hadn’t shifted your weight to pull your arm from his grasp. You grabbed his wrist and flipped him over upside down and onto his back. You then slid down to put him in a head-leg lock. You squeezed your legs tight together to get him to give up. What you didn't know, however, is that Kenshi was horribly turned on and had a hard on.
He tried to get out of your grasp but to no avail. He tapped you on the thigh, signaling that you won, and you let go immediately. Sucking in a deep breath, he sat up and composed himself. You had already gotten up and extended your hand to help him up. You turn your attention to the other three trainees and the man beside you takes this moment to adjust himself.
Johnny comes up to you first and throws fake punches at you while laughing. “Are you ready for training today?” “Of course!” He gives a cheesy smile as you turn your attention to the two other guys beside you. You hold up two fists and they respond by giving you a fist bump back. “Ready to get your asses whooped today? I’m not going easy,” you stated confidently, “Kenshi here said I couldn’t beat him, so I’ll beat everyone else and still come out on top!” Lao chimes in first, “No way you can beat me Y/N.” “We shall have to see about that.” You retort. Raiden responds to the challenge as well, “I would be more than glad to spar with you today Y/N.” “Glad to hear you won’t be upset to lose!”
As you all playfully smack talk each other, you all get ready for a long day of training ahead of you. At one point, you start your battle tier and your first opponent is Johnny. Smug as ever, he talks your ear off. Unfortunately for him, you easily best him and tease him as you leave him in the dust. Lao and Raiden were more of a challenge. Lao with his chakram hat and Raiden simply had more years of combat experience. After valiant efforts, they admit defeat (some more easily than others.) You look at Kenshi with a big smile on your face. “Think you can still beat me, Pretty Boy?” You knew that your words would get under his skin, and the look on his face was evidence enough that you were right. He brushed off your comment and said, “Let's see what you can do.”
You had been sparring with Kenshi for close to an hour now. He has been on the offense as you throw punches and kicks at him fast, he can just manage to keep up. You eventually wear him down enough you fake him out, sweep his legs, then pin him down. He is able to shove you off due to body weight differences. Both of you get up and he tries to throw quick punches at you, one lands and it throws you off your balance. You tumble backward and he tries to land his ‘Question Mark’ kick when you catch his ankle and shot put him away.
Chants of laughter and awe can be heard from your posse of three other men, that being Johnny, Kung Lao, and Raiden. “$20 says Kenshi wipes the floor with her.” The cockier man claims. “No way, I think Y/N has got this one no doubt.” The darker haired boys shoot back. Their bickering was cut short by the sound of Y/N getting tossed to the ground.
Rolling on the ground, you try to catch your breath. This fight had been going on longer than you anticipated and it was wearing you out. “Is that all you got Takahashi? Or was earlier all you could take, hmm?” you tease. He rushes forward and fakes out to the side before you could react or block, he lands a hard blow to your side. He never hit this hard in training before, you wonder what has got him so worked up. However, before you could linger on that thought he goes in for another blow to your hurt side, but you block his advance and land a punch square to his jaw. This takes him aback and makes his eyes water a bit. Having had enough of this argument, he advances and throws you off balance, dropping to the ground to pin your arm through his legs and cuts off your air with his calf.
You struggle for what seems like forever. WIth the way he has your arm positioned, you could almost feel something poking at your forearm. However, you didn't have much time to think about what that was before he pulled your arm tighter causing you to cry out in pain. Just as he did earlier, you tap his thigh to signal that you lost. He immediately lets go and gets up, storming off to his room and bumping Johnny’s shoulder rather hard as he went. The two shaolin stare at Kenshi in disbelief that he brushed the fight off so easily and without a word. You, too, were confused at his grumpy attitude. What also confused you was that Johnny had a shit eating grin on his face. Slumping his arms around Raiden and Kung Lao, he nonchalantly says, “So, you two owe me $20 hah.” Groaning in annoyance, they begrudgingly pay up.
“Wow,, were you guys seriously betting on who would win that fight?” You stare in fake disbelief. Johnny quickly chimes in before the others can speak “Whaaat? A little friendly betting is all in good fun.” He shoots you a signature smirk and you roll your eyes. Changing the conversation topic you ask, “Hey, is Kenshi okay? He seemed out of it.” Johnny glances at you playfully and shrugs, then says, “I’m sure it’s nothing, I’ll go check on him.” WIth that, he leaves you, Raiden, and Lao to train more before the day is over. After a quick spar with Raiden and Lao, you decide that you need to make sure Kenshi is ok yourself. So you bid the boys adieu head to the man in question’s room.
As you come up onto his door, you can hear muffled sounds. Curiosity getting the better of you, you lean into the door to listen. You can hear Johnny and Kenshi slightly arguing about how he acted earlier, so you listen more to their conversation. At one point the door peeks open, so you can see them too.
“Ken, it was obvious you were distracted. I’m guessing it has to do with Y/N?” He asks with a knowing tone in his voice. “What? Cage, I have no clue what you’re talking about. And what I think about is none of your business.” He snaps back. “Come on, don’t lie to me,” he grins, “you popped one when she tried to pin you, don’t think I couldn’t see that.” The dark haired man quickly looked away when a deep flush on his face, “Was it. . . that obvious?” “Dude, it was obvious.” He deadpans. “She is attractive, I will say that. Hell, I may have gotten heated too if I was in that position. I saw you too earlier, she had her thighs locked around your head right? Damn that was sexy.” “Knock it off, Cage.” He says with an exasperated sigh. Cage moves over to straddle Kenshi, harshly grinding down on the man, making him groan out. “You know Ken Doll, we can always ask to share~.” “I, ugh, Johnny. We can’t, hgnn.” You gasp out in shock at the revelation. They shoot their heads toward the door only to see you running away from embarrassment. “Nice going Cage!” Kenshi says, the exasperation in his voice evident. “What? Come on, let's go talk to her.” With that, they run off after you.
You slam the door behind you as you catch your breath. Holy Fuck! Did they see me? Oh god they saw me, how do I explain why I was listening? And how do I explain what I just saw? Are Johnny and Kenshi… — Your thoughts were cut off as you heard soft knocking at your door. “Hey! Y/N, we need to talk to you real fast. Can you let us in?” You heard it in a loud voice. OH FUCK IT’S JOHNNY! SHIT! What should I do? You breathe slowly to help yourself calm down. Hesitantly, you walk to the door and open it to see Johnny and Kenshi standing there, both somewhat out of breath and looking slightly flushed. The actor starts before you can speak, “Yo Y/N, uhm, what you just saw… I—“ “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to listen in on your conversation like that. I just wanted to see if you were ok,” you nod toward Kenshi, “You seemed off during our spar and I was worried. You guys can come in if you’d like. I can make tea.” You turn on your heel with haste to start making tea (Also to avoid eye contact with the men behind you.)
Kenshi speaks up to rid the room of the awkward silence, “Y/N, I’m sorry if I worried you during our match today. There’s a lot on my mind.” “I know—“ You said before you could catch yourself. You want to crawl into a hole and perish. “Ah, so you did hear most of that conversation.” You turn towards them with the tea pot and cups in your hands. “Like I said, I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to pry into your conversation, but I…” you trail off due to lack of words in your mind. “You what?” They both inquire. “I heard what you both said about me.” You state simply as you pour your tea and sip on it idly. They look at each other with a loss for words. Johnny moves to sit down across from you and Kenshi, after a few moments, does the same. You pour them a cup and sit in comfortable silence, but only for a moment.
”So, you both like me?” You smile gently at them, causing them to blush harder than either would like to admit. “I’ll agree to that statement.” Johnny says, trying to get some of his swagger back. Meanwhile, Kenshi can only elbow Johnny in the side, but nods in agreement. Feeling bold in the moment you can’t help but chuckle a little. “What’s so funny?” Johnny asks with a sly grin on his face. “Nothing, just that this information makes this all the more easy.” Before the boys can react, you lean over the table and pull Kenshi in for a quick, but heated, kiss. You pull away already breathless and heart racing. You hear Johnny give a prolonged wolf whistle and you go for him next.
He, however, is ready for it and pulls your face deeper into his. You moan slightly as he bites your bottom lip. Pushing the cups aside so as to not knock them over, you continue to lean into Johnny. He paws at your chest and gently squeezes you through your training shirts. After a few minutes of sloppily kissing the narcissist you release his mouth and pant heavily. It felt as though the room suddenly got 100 degrees hotter. Looking over to the swordsman, you noticed he’s harder than a rock. This gives you a lusty grin on your face as you move to straddle him as the other man did earlier.
”Kenshi, would you like for me to help you with your little problem here~?” He looks lost in your eyes as you pull him closer. You lean to the side to breathe into his ear. He then bucks his hips up and groans out. Hands roaming across your hips, ass, and torso, never in one place for too long. You grind down on his thick bulge as he goes to suck on your neck. You’re so engrossed at what is happening, you fail to hear Johnny sneaking up behind you until you feel large hands grabbing your breasts.
”I need a little attention too.” He coos. You chuckle at his words and reach your hand behind you to fondle at his clothed crotch. You break the kiss with Kenshi and he looks dazed as he’s painfully hard beneath you. You snake your hands up to both their faces and gently caress them. Their undivided attention is on nothing but you. Only then do you speak, and that little phrase gets them breathless: “Want to take this to my room?”
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the-crooked-library · 10 months
Hannibal and Control
Alright so out of all the Hannibal interpretations out there, I don't think there are any that irritate me more than the idea of an unequal balance between him and Will. There's this opinion floating around - that he is so much of a control freak that he can never let Will make his own decisions; I've seen it in fic, in Tiktok videos, an occasional textpost, and it is just so grossly incorrect that I have to say something on the subject.
As early as season 2, we get this:
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This is perhaps one of the most famous scenes in the series - in which Hannibal states, out loud, canonically, that the reason he is so fascinated by Will is because, unlike most other people, he can never truly predict him. No matter how much he may "whisper through the chrysalis," Will Graham will find a way to surprise him; he expressly doesn't follow the lines Hannibal has written for him, and that is a key element of their relationship throughout the show.
Now, I am not denying that control is a prominent element of Hannibal's life - it is indubitably important; but it is not everything - especially in this particular context. As much as he maintains that iron grip on himself, it does not reach nearly the same extent with Will; and it falls apart entirely by season 3, in which Hannibal explicitly gives up his control of the story, risking his life and freedom - both things he valued above all else earlier in Mizumono.
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The message here is clear; as much as his control, his liberty, his own continued existence matter, Will Graham is infinitely more precious to him; and to suggest otherwise - that he would attempt to fully subjugate the man he views as his only equal, as the only deity he recognizes - frankly, he'd call it blasphemy.
Moreover, this interpretation of their relationship stems not only from a mischaracterization of Hannibal himself, but also from a rampant infantilization of Will. There is a tendency in some areas of the fandom to entirely absolve Will Graham of his guilt; and, with the culpability handed over to Hannibal in its entirety, he assumes the role of an innocent, redeemable, good person in the eyes of such viewers - which could not be further from the truth. Will Graham's agency is integral to the story; though he wrestles with some moral dilemmas throughout the series, he is ultimately responsible for his own choices, especially post-season 1. There is a clear distinction between circumstance and desire - for instance, Randall Tier did invade his home, which did force him into violence; however, it did not force him to throw aside his gun, or relish the brutality, or bring the body to Hannibal, or eat of it, or display parts of it, or store the rest in his freezer.
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He did all that himself.
He knows that.
Will Graham's infantilization (no, he was manipulated, he was tricked, Hannibal tempted him into something he didn't want, he didn't want to be a murderer, he is a sweet darling boy) is rooted not only in homophobia, but also in the same sort of ableism real-world autistic adults face every day. His own desires and agency get overwritten by that ever-present bigotry; the same way that some people believe that autistics cannot give consent to sexual activity, or participate in nuanced discussions, or understand the harm or violence they do, the other characters assume that he is fundamentally an innocent right until the very end. Jack, Alana, Molly, even Chilton make that mistake; and Will does play on their ignorance within the world of the story - but it is truly discouraging to see the success of his act extend to the viewers, who should have the necessary context to understand it for the lie it is.
He has agency, and it is paramount to the themes of a series that explores queer desire, internalized homophobia, and the guilt that often surrounds this sort of experience.
As such, the story, from Hannibal's perspective, is about learning to let go of his otherwise unwavering control; it's about finding a common ground with someone that understands him, and allowing himself the final trust fall. From Will's perspective, it is a coming out story, with everything that entails - which also culminates in him taking a leap of faith into the arms of the man he loves. The reason why Hannigram is so enduring as a ship is because it is founded on that balance; to deny this equality, therefore, is to fundamentally undermine the theme of these characters' narrative, and twist them into caricatures of themselves.
In short, it does them a disservice.
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1,2, 10 and 32 for Butler (and 2 for Tim, if that’s not too many?) Hope you’re having a good day, Mouse!
1. Canon I outright reject
Okay this is incredibly small and pedantic but: a jetpack? Really? No. I refuse. Sure, maybe after jumping off a balcony in Book 4 and getting Artemis to make him one with a mis-mash of fairy parts, but just... no. he does not usually wear a jetpack under his jacket.
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
Headcanon time! He blushes if given flowers. Full on, bright red, all the way to the tips of his ears. He can walk into a room to discover a surprise orgy involving all sorts of toys and whip cream and such things and be mildly uncomfortable and look at the ceiling as he very politely and quietly leaves, but if someone gives him a bouquet of flowers his composure goes out the window. Even if Juliet, as a small child, gave him a handful of dandelions, he'd be pink around the cheeks for hours.
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
The troll fight in Book 1. Don't get me wrong, he has a lot of good moments throughout the series! But the troll fight wins for me, every time. The dedication to protect his sister? The drama of strapping on armor, and then still using his gun? Taking out a beast that killed him with his bare hands? Being the only human to ever win against a troll? Top-tier moment right there.
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
An explosion (provided it's not targeted at him or those he is trying to protect). Everything from grenades to C4 to rocket launchers. If he can make something go Boom! he's happy.
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on (Tim)
His affection for his family! Yes, yes, he wouldn't wrestle in the covers with Artemis as a child, but he'd read him bedtime stories! He'd walk the grounds with him! He'd sit for hours with his wife feeding pigeons, and holding her hand! Tim loves his family deeply and yes I absolutely will die on that hill. He may have been a strict father to Artemis, but he was a father to him. He loves his wife and son and wants to do the best for him, and yes, he's probably made some mistakes doing so, but he's human. And absolutely devoted to his wife and children.
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pininghermit · 1 year
A persistent Shadow (Part 2)
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Pairing: Alucard x Werewolf reader
Genre: Angst
Summary: You wanted to be one of them. Humans. Adrian had seen it. How you would mellow your voice, how you would smile at little kids running alleys. You were kind despite whatever the world condemned you to...you did not let it bargain your soul.
AN: Finally a part 2...can't believe we made it. Let's go people. ADHD-0, Hermit- 1. Just ignore the plot holes (live and let live).
Please read Part 1 first (do it or else I'll come for you)
Warning: Graphic violence, blood gore. Seriously don't read if you get queasy easily.
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He finds you again. It isn't hard to find you. Not when he knows you so well. It's you but something amiss.
Your eyes do not greet him with recognition. You do not smile bashfully at his sight as you have always done. No...it's all wrong. All messed up.
You are there in the middle of an arena, your pupils have contracted into slits as they always do during your transformation. Your growls fill the area. You're so agitated. Even the sound of bones adjusting to the transformation is yet to settle.
He almost steps forward but then he see it. A muzzle. Your sharp fangs bite against a muzzle. Your arms struggle against the chains that bind you to ground.
Adrian's feet do not stop after that. His eyes do not leave you for a second. Who had dare to put you here...in such a vulnerable form. He speeds past the gathered audience. He needs to take you away. Maybe the forest nearby or anywhere remote where you can change back.
You would not want this. You would not want anyone to witness this. Your monstrous form is not for anyone to see. He had never wanted this. He had not expect all this to play out in this manner.
You wanted to be one of them. Humans. Adrian had seen it. How you would mellow your voice, how you would smile at little kids running alleys. You were kind despite whatever the world condemned you to...you did not let it bargain your soul.
He knew better than anyone in the hundreds flogging the audience. His Y/n would not consent to this. How much it would hurt you. Way beyond the physical hurt the humans had carved onto your body.
He had exposed your truth to the village head because he wanted you back. He had wanted you to come back to his side. He had not expect this...
"Cease!" A pair of arms envelop Adrian's shoulders, their grip unyielding, pulling him back from the precipice. "Release me," he contends, muscles taut as he wrestles with the guards who detain him. His fingers brush against the cold metal of the gate, the barrier that cleaves the arena from the tiers of onlookers.
Adrian's struggle against the guards intensifies, his determination fueling a surge of raw energy. Sinews flex beneath his skin as he strains against their grip, his heart pounding with an urgency that matches the fervor in his eyes. "Let me through!" he demands, voice edged with desperation and a determination that brooks no compromise.
"Who dares to interrupt the spectacle of His Highness, the Second Prince?" Another voice reaches Adrian's ears. A young man dressed in the finery of royalty. The man's flowing hair lay braided intricately. Jewels, delicate silk, and authority. He was someone of power. If not the second prince himself.
Adrian does not waste another second. He kneels. His pride, his arrogance does not matter. "I beseech you, release her," bows his head. "Please let her leave. She's injured. Allow me to take her away. I beg you." Adrian joins his hands in a plea.
The man in front of him was the only hope. He could save your soul or whatever was left of it. "Pfft," steps enter Adrian's downtrodden vision. "She is a present to the kingdom. You could kill every single guard in this arena and she would still fight," Cold fingers tip Adrian's head up. With a sinister smile the man inches close to him. "We would much rather have you watch. More fun for my master," turning to the guards the man speaks, "Take him to the prince's pedestal. Let him watch everything unfold and let us watch him."
Adrian tries to shrug off the hands that try to bind him. "Summon as many guards as needed," he hears the snake-like man sneer, his voice a sinister echo. A sharp pang blooms from Adrian's shoulder, a needle piercing his skin, and then, a swift descent into numbness. His body feels foreign, limbs unresponsive, consciousness dimmed. Words evade him.
"That would keep you quiet big boy," the man pats his shoulder as guards drag him. It is away. Away from you. They drag him where the royalty entertain themselves with his spectacle.
From the fine seat next to fading faces Adrian watches you. Your wrists are bleeding with the manacles that dig into them. He tracks the blooming bruises spread all over your body. Your arms are full of burns. Skin charred blistering and infected. But you don't seem to notice them. Instead all your body seems to be taut with tension.
As tension mounts the arena, Adrian seems him. Your opponent enter the arena. Dressed in gleaming armor, holding a mighty sword he is welcomed with audience's cheers.
No one unbinds you. It is unfair in every way possible. Without a weapon, without your bodily autonomy you are made to fight a battle you did not want.
The knight's long sword hits your shoulder, it's tip forcing its way into your skin tearing away the tissue that builds faster with you healing, blood flows like a river but you don't even wince as you turn around to pounce at the knight who pushes you into the ground. His pointed metal-edged shoes dig into your abdomen. You cave in. For the first time Adrian see it. Pain.
It is a flickering sight before you pick yourself back again. Against every blow you get up. Equally fierce. And then it snaps. Against the metal confines of your muzzle your teeth find their freedom.
It all happens in slow motion. A feral roar rends the air as you lunge forward, your jaw clamp around chainmail, piercing flesh, crimson mingling with the metallic tang of blood. Digging deep into the skin. This time the blood is not yours. Chaos unleashes itself.
Men enter the arena, pushing you back. Your teeth cling to the knight's leg. Even as a group pushes you away from the withering man, all present can't help but notice the chunk of skin in your mouth. A piece of the knight's flesh dangles from your jaw.
Adrian sits there watching as binds are placed on you again. This time tighter. The royal figure by the prince's side descends to the arena, bearing needles with a casual detachment that betrays their malevolent intent. They prick your neck, an act of violence disguised as a clinical procedure. Blood flows anew, your body convulsing in response to the invasion.
Drawing more blood. Adrian's heart betrays his motionless body. You fall limp. "Now you all shall see how monsters such as this should be punished. How these evil deserve to be dealt with. These creatures that dare kill our men and destroy our world," Words from the man seem to ignite cheering in the crowd.
As you wither under the gaze of the bloodthirsty throng, the cheers cascade into a deafening crescendo. Your body is ensnared in a ceaseless tug-of-war between your dual natures, trapped in a cycle of transformation that remains uncompleted. Your bones shift indecisively.
The growls that once reverberated through the arena now dwindle, swallowed by the mounting chaos. In their place, a horrid whine pierces the air, a gut-wrenching sound. They continue kicking your form. Even with the pain they have already unleashed upon you.
Your eyes loose focus neither human nor the beast the world deems you to be. They land on Adrian separated by few paces. They seem so empty. So different from anything and everything he knows them to be. Your lips move without a noise but he hear it in the loud crowd, Adrian hears it louder than ever "pleas-" you whisper.
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elitehanitje · 3 months
NJPW President, Hiroshi Tanahashi, addressed the ten-point plan for the future of NJPW:
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Hiroshi Tanahashi’s 10-Point Plan
1. Talent discovery and development - Young talent should wrestle in more high-level spots - Wrestlers still need to earn their spots in tournaments like the G1. - NJPW wants the best wrestlers in their early 20s in Japan
2. Elevating the value of title belts - It is important to clarify the role and concept of each title - STRONG titles will be defended on USA shows only going forward - The company acknowledges that the tag titles are about to be combined at Dominion… “the process may take time.” - The company acknowledges that 13 titles may be challenging to follow. - This process may take time, 12-18 months.
3. Reducing/eliminating outside interference - They haven’t determined concrete penalties, but interference will be limited - A lot of talk and questions about whether House of Torture is the reason for this goal - The company acknowledges the fans' frustrations regarding House of Torture - The company concedes that pro wrestling is unique when it comes to wrestlers turning things in their favor any way they can.
4. Increasing the prominence and status of NJPW Hontai - Tanahashi wants Hontai to be a desired unit for young wrestlers or wrestlers returning from excursions.
5. Strengthening ties with STARDOM - STARDOM will be owned by NJPW as of the end of June. - Look for improved operational efficiency, scheduling, crossover events, and STARDOM on NJPW events soon.
6. Strengthening ties with AEW - NJPW is happy with its relationship with AEW. - “There is the perception that NJPW is treated as a sub-brand or is looked down on by AEW. Some of that perception of NJPW being behind comes from the current economics. But the truth of the matter is AEW’s strengths and NJPW’s strengths are different. From the development of talent from scratch to a historical and traditional perspective, there’s a lot NJPW can offer that AEW cannot. So there’s a lot that we can do together and while much of it isn’t something we can discuss right now, there’s a lot we will do. However, the idea that NJPW is the inferior partner is not correct. We are absolutely on an even footing, and that’s something we’ll prove soon.”
7. Improving the live fan experience - Ideas: different prices, different pricing tiers, female-only seating sections, special food menus, and number of people in a box.
8. Improving NJPW World - Apologies for the clunky transition - Archives should be complete by the end of the year - Live viewing has been fixed/improved
9. Improved treatment of personal information - Apologies for getting that USB drive stolen/lost - Plans are in place to keep data safe going forward
10. NJPW sponsorships - Thank you to sponsors. The full English language recap can be found at njpw1972.com
via Chris Samsa
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26790048 · 1 month
The Boboiboy x Dead Or Alive Challenge (A. K. A Elemental Hero In a fighting tournament)
This mindset came to me as I was reading the Azur Lane x Boboiboy Wattpad fanfic by Jikdot and MHA x Boboiboy Galaxy by StarTwinkle (both I recommend a read), and since I’m recently into the Dead Or Alive series and quite disappointed by a lake of fics in Wattpad and FanFiction.Net. So I wanted to see if something like this could work with some future fanfic authors.
Okay for the DOA fans, Boboiboy is a popular Malaysian CGI animated show about the titular character getting 7 (started with 3) Elemental powers (along with their Second Tier forms, Third Tier forms,although he has two and one of them is uncontrollable,and Elemental Fusion) from a Power Sphere named Ochobot and along with his friends (Ying, Yaya, Gopal and Fang) they go out and save the world and the Galaxy. There has been two series (the original and Galaxy), two movies (a third one being released in 2025) and comics (I think the rest like the Elemental splits, TAPOPS etc can be explained by looking at the Boboiboy Wiki or some other sources).
For the Boboiboy fans, Dead or Alive is a fighting game series from the 90s that mostly centre around the Mugen Tenshin Clan and DOATECC (a company that host DOA tournaments but hides their schemes behind the publics eye) and that’s all I could say about the story of the franchise (like I said, I just got into the series so I’m not as knowledgeable about it as other fans of the franchise, so if you want to learn more about Doa, either just watch a YouTube video or look up some of the lore).
But what I do know is that DOA is a fighting game with Breast Physics and a lot of Fanservice (which I’m not complaining about) that has Ninjas, Clones, a Wrestler that turned into a model but turned into a singer then went back into the wrestling world and also it’s connected to Ninja Gaiden and has an Ecchi spinoff called the Xtreme series in which most of the girls are just chilling in Zack’s island (the most recent one Venus Vacation has 19 new Girls, so if you want to, you could include them in this crossover).
Boboiboy teleports into the Dead or Alive universe due to either a new Power Sphere or a Dimensional Teleportar (You could place him at any DOA game but I recommend starting from DOA 1) and stays in that dimension until his friends find a way to get him back.
They take place in the same Universe. With that you could start this crossover from any series but I recommend using the First Three Seasons and the Movie (you can Age up Boboiboy if you want to) taking place during Doa 1 to 4 (yes the first four games take place in a year and I know it’s bullshit but I do recommend the Movie taking place after DOA 4 or Xtreme 2) and the Galaxy series taking place in DOA 5 to….uh Venus Vacation? Either way you can start the crossover from any entry of these two series.
3. (Even though I don’t count this but I don’t want to be the only one who feels this way so I’ll include it here) Reactions, you could make the cast of Dead or Alive react to some clips of Boboiboy like his first uses of the Penta and Hepta split against Bora ‘ra, the Elemental Fusions against Retak’ka or some of your favourite clips from the series, you could also use plain shenanigans like the Boboiboy Instagram posts which are about what Boboiboy and the others just do in life other than fighting.
How Boboiboy could influence some events in DOA (or you, the author could change some weird decisions by the development teams.
(This is something I thought off when writing this challenge) Boboiboy saving False Kasumi (from Doa 5) from getting killed by Hayate and Ayane, since False Kasumi isn’t someone with evil intentions and really thinks she’s the actual Kasumi I think that Boboiboy might try to stop Hayate and Ayane from killing her (fighting them if need be) and try to get her as far away from Kasumi Alpha.
Might try to get Ayane to open up as to why she hates Kasumi and at least try to be friends with her as that is something I could see Boboiboy doing as he’s dealt with sibling relationships before (Fang and Kaizo) but not to this extreme so it might be a challenge for him.
Boboiboy could also participate in the Ninja Gaiden series like with Razors Edge where Boboiboy could help Ryu with dealing with the Goddess and finding a cure for that disease that was killing him. You could also have Ryu try to train Boboiboy on mastering and obtaining his Third Tier powers.
(Now this is for the future authors) Try to make Boboiboy interact with the other characters in the series as he could build new friendships, rivalries and relationships and try to make some characters arcs not be redundant (Cough Leifang Cough) but also let them interact with Boboiboy’s Elements like how would Jann Lee interact with Fire/Blaze, how Hitomi would interact with Leaf/Thorn/Jungle, Kokoro with Water/Ice etc. The possibilities are endless.
You could put in some villains from Boboiboy into DOA like Ejo Jo, Adu Du (although he is less of a villain), Kapten Vargoba etc. You could also put in Reverse Boboiboy (which is a fan made version of Boboiboy but evil and bloody) alongside his holy handsomeness that make some of the toughest Guys and Girls of the series blush (okay that last part was a joke….probably).
This is specifically for Genra. Make him a Mugen Tenshin Clan member that was captured and controlled by DOATECC out of his free will which was probably intended in DOA 3 and not another villain that was hungry for power (don’t know why Dimensions did that) as that makes Ayanes story more interesting and heart wrenching.
You could also add New Elements and Fusions if you want to.
(Okay that’s all I could write about this crossover and man was it stressful to make but anyways I hope some future fanfic authors will enjoy the idea).
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hostilecityshowdown · 5 months
we're live, brother...!
@cyberslam and i have created a ko-fi page offering memberships, commissions, and a shop, with more features and products on the way. every three months, we'll update our goal with a new thematic title. whenever we reach our goal, we'll poll members at the $1 tier for new pro-wrestling themed goal titles
some membership perks include: monthly fics, monthly wrestling inspired makeup tutorials, and photos of marshmallow with updates about miss kitty's life. the shop will be expanding to offer more than just digital graphics very soon, and we hope to schedule routine posts about wrestling history, our local wrestling promotions, and other artists' merchandise that we love
thank you for supporting us!!!!
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divinegrey · 2 years
I AM BACK FROM THE DEAD 🐍🐍 ok so 1) HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY GREY IM SO SORRY I COULDNT WISH U EARLIER COLLEGE HAS BEEN ON MY ASS BUT HBD 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 and 2) i binge read all your recent works and it is, as per usual, top tier chef’s kiss extraordinary brilliant showstopping amazing 💯💯💯
for the hc requests, this might be very contrary to established public opinion but i absolutely fucking cannot get the idea of bottom!viper out of my head…….. imo she’d only willingly bottom as sort of an expression of vulnerability??? can you tell im a whore for the “let me take care of you” trope LMAO not me projecting onto viper haha what but either way, if she’d ever bottom or not, just wanna hear ur thoughts on it
- 🐍
aw thank you for the belated birthday!! i totally get you, college is fucking HARD and it's a struggle. however, i had to write this one because i like you so much and also bottom!viper is SO good (don't even get me started on bottom!viper and bottom!reyna i love them so much)
hope you like it!!
words: 1000 warnings: explicit 18+ content, minors dni
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While it is most certainly true that Viper tends to dominate on the field and in the bedroom. Her control is both a need and a want. Control is what keeps Viper from losing her head and falling to her vicious anger. 
So you’ve always been more than okay being the bottom of the relationship. It’s a form of centering yourself, in the care of none other than Dr. Sabine Callas. She’s methodical with her work and you have never, ever been left unsatisfied by her. 
However, you worry. Of course you do— Sabine is your girlfriend, and even you know that no one can be that strong for so long. 
But you say nothing. Business continues as usual, with Viper and you going to bed together every night (minus missions). You either snuggle to sleep, or you end up getting railed into the mattress so hard that you see stars. 
The changes start happening slowly. Viper becomes more irritable, her anxiety is worse and her control begins to crack under the pressure of her vice grip around it. You can see clearly how frayed she is every time she comes into your bedroom at the end of the night to sleep— if she even makes it to the bedroom at all. Sleeping in her lab becomes more of an occurrence, much to your dismay. 
You’ve had enough. One night, after she comes in, you sit her on the bed and have a talk. And by a talk, you say—
“Let me fuck you for once.” 
Viper is caught fairly off guard by your words, and you really can’t tell if she’s offended or not. 
“I know you’re the one usually in control, but you’ve been so tired and overworked lately, please just let me take care of you, okay?” You say, using softer words to try and get your point across that you love Viper and you only want the best for her. 
She seems to realize what you mean, and to your surprise, she agrees. 
Viper on the bottom is a rare instance. You’re taking this and running with it. 
Your plans start with helping her relax and soak in the tub to get the stress out, rubbing her shoulders in the way that she likes. Viper tends to carry her stress in her back and shoulders. 
Once that’s all done, you wrap her up in a fluffy towel and carry her to the bed, where she is promptly put (read: thrown) and you start kissing her. 
There are moments where you catch her trying to wrestle control back from you— Viper targets all your sweet spots, but you’re insistent on making this night about her. So, you grab her wrists and keep them pinned to the bed, allowing you to kiss down her neck and chest, pushing the towel down as you go. 
She’s more responsive than you could’ve imagined. Viper tends to lean more toward being quiet, most of her pleasure coming in the form of soft sighs and subtle body movements, but it seems that when she’s on the bottom, she feels… safer. She feels like she can be more open with you. 
Knowing that makes you feel like you’re on top of the world. 
You bite and suck marks onto her neck, relishing in the soft whimpers you bring out of her mouth. Viper shifts her grip out of your hands and clings to your back. 
“Don’t hold back,” you whisper into her ear, feeling the hairs on her neck stand up. “Let me hear you, my love.” 
By the time you finally reach her core, Viper is all but pushing you, a subtle sign of hurry the fuck up. You’ve never seen her like this. Wanting you as badly as you want her, and you feel honored to witness Viper like this, to be able to take care of her the way she takes care of you so much. 
You start gently, using her tongue to coax out even more sounds out of her mouth. Viper slides her hand over your head, pressing you further into her, and who are you deny your girlfriend her pleasure? 
You’ve never been more happy to have her legs on your shoulders, and you’ve never been more happy to feel her hold onto your hand as you bring her, rather quickly, to the brink of an orgasm. You don’t see it coming until it happens. 
Viper’s entire body tenses, her back bows up, and her grip on you is tight. There’s a rush of warmth into your mouth that you swallow without hesitation, and only then does Viper relax, letting out a soft moan that will forever be burned into the back of your head. 
You’re gentle with your tongue, watching for any signs of discomfort, but Viper seems to be all but melted into the cushions. Curiosity tugs at you— could you get another one out of her?
You bring your fingers into the mix, staying soft and light with your touches. Viper’s eyes snap open and she looks at you. 
And while you’re prepared to pull away, Viper grips your chin and— with a soft voice and even softer words— commands you. 
“Don’t stop.” 
You’re going to hear those two words for days. 
You fuck her through another orgasm, this one taking longer than the first. Viper is soaking in the pleasure, shaking on the bed. Your face is smeared with her slick and you’ve gone fuzzy-brained with seeing how good she feels. 
You understand why Viper likes fucking you— it’s addicting to see her like this. You can only wonder if she feels the same when she fucks you. 
Viper taps out after her second orgasm, pulling you up to her level with weak limbs. You curl up beside her. 
“Get that smug smile off your face,” Viper mutters, turning and pressing her face into your chest. 
“Just glad I could make you feel good,” you say. “That was good, right?” 
“I feel…” Viper rolls her shoulders. “Amazing.” 
“See what happens when you let me do something for once? I’m great at topping people,” you say, pulling the covers over you and Viper and letting her snuggle into you. 
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t get smart with me or it won’t happen again.” 
You zip your mouth shut, and wrap your arms around Viper. She falls asleep faster than you’ve ever seen her. You press a kiss to her forehead before shutting your eyes and drifting to sleep right behind her. 
~~~~~ A/N: no this isn't proofread you think i have time for that? anyway im probably gonna go write bottom!reyna now. thanks for reading!
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angstyaches · 1 year
that was SO cute, elliot and felix abducting shayne for gossip is TOP tier lmaooo i love them so much
ooh also, if you’re taking requests for full fics, we haven’t had a sick felix in so long!
how about felix absolutely flattened by a stomach flu and a very Very sweet and gentle Elliot? ooh and bonus for shayne, nancy and ryan randomly dropping in to take care of him too! (now i know it’s technically impossible for him to be THIS out of commission because of his vamp immunity but let’s pretend? or maybe he can be sick because of something else?)🍄
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Sleepy Prompts (1: "Come on, love. It's time to get up." 9: "You're always so beautiful first thing in the morning. Must be the way the sunlight hits you.")
CW: sickness, mentions of poor mental health, anxiety, Alzheimer's mention, emeto, stomach noises, sickness, mention of poor immune system.
Word Count: 3,000ish
Not that he ever gave it much thought, but if he could have chosen a supernatural ability, Felix would have chosen the power to wake up beautifully. Maybe then he wouldn’t have greeted the gentle kiss that Elliott pressed to his sleeping lips with a snort and a groan and an immediate, abrasive throbbing in his head.
Oh, if only he could have rolled over, leaning his cheek into the palm that Elliott used to cup his face, and break into a slow smile as his eyelids fluttered, heavy with exhaustion yet eager to feast on that day’s first glimpse of Elliott’s face. How lovely if mornings could be as glamorous as they were in movies, when the main character finally woke up in the bed of the right person, having made the right decision to stay with them.
But Felix rarely woke up with beauty, or grace, or romance.
And today was no different.
“Come on, gorgeous,” Elliott cooed. Through the slitted gaps in his eyelids, Felix saw that the curtains had been opened a crack, and soft yellow light danced about the outline of Elliott’s long, sweeping hair. “Time to wake up.”
“No-o-o.” Sickly, watery saliva was gathering in Felix’s cheeks, and the effort of swallowing it was almost too overwhelming to even attempt.
“Aw, boo, you’re sweating. Let’s get you out of these covers.” Elliott slipped into using a frustratingly clinical tone as he rolled back the blanket and folded it along the bare, inward curve at the base of Felix’s spine. The initial trickle of cool morning air was a bit of a relief, if Felix was being honest.
He felt Elliott’s hand slide back up towards Felix’s neck, fingertips scooping up strands of hair from his clammy neck. He swept it all up onto the pillow, as though he were posing Felix to look like he was underwater, hair drifting out behind him.
Felix’s brows gathered as his bones began to throb in time with the pain in his head, already missing the warmth and weight of the blanket.
“How much sleep did you get, boo?” Elliott asked.
“Gosh, I don’t remember, darling,” Felix mumbled, gulping as he realised that the spit pooling in his mouth was also seeping through his lips and onto his pillow. “I was… asleep.”
“Mmm, very funny,” Elliott hummed, though Felix wasn’t sure he’d been trying to be funny.
Regardless, he wrestled one half of his face – the part that Elliott could see, that wasn’t buried in the pillow – into a weary excuse for a smile. As much as he despised mornings, he also despised dampening his partner’s mood.
“I know you’re not going to the nursing home until later this afternoon, and… it’s a beautiful morning outside.”
There was a wistful note in Elliott’s voice now, and Felix could already tell where he was going with this. His voice was like a warm blanket that made Felix want to wrap it all around him, but his words were like a draught creeping through the knitted surface.
“I thought we could take a nice, relaxed walk by the river and end up at the bakery that makes those scones you like.” Elliott’s fingers brushed against Felix’s temple. “We could have a little picnic breakfast. Er, I mean, you can. I’ll be there to… observe. And to scare off seagulls.”
As sweet as the whole plan was, and as much as Felix enjoyed the image of Elliott scowling at brazen birds who wanted to steal the food right out of Felix’s hands, Felix’s stomach and throat clenched at the thought of eating.
Oh, but then again, something dry and fluffy like a scone might have helped to soak up the bubbling goo that was currently nipping at the base of his oesophagus. His throat and his lower organs both tingled with dread, neither one of them wanting to be the one to deal with whatever was brewing in his stomach.
“What do you think?” There was no impatience, no rush, in Elliott’s voice this morning. There was just sheer curiosity, a simmering desperation to understand what was going through Felix’s head that he wasn’t telling him.
I don’t deserve him.
“I don’t… feel good, Elli.” A twinge of guilt mingled with Felix’s nausea. In the rational part of his brain, he knew it wasn’t his fault that he’d ended up so sickly, so weak as a vampire. He knew it wasn’t his fault that Elliott held onto the guilt of instigating his abnormal transformation. And yet, he couldn’t help picturing how different Elliott’s life might have been if his partner had been as strong, as adventurous, as energetic as he himself was.
“Mmm. I know, boo,” Elliott frowned.
Relief fluttered in Felix’s chest, but only for a split second.
Elliott bent forward, smoothing a portion of Felix’s hair flat against his scalp before pressing a kiss – then a second one, for good measure – to the same spot. “We don’t have to go to the bakery, or out for a walk. All I want is to cheer you up somehow, or just…  show you some of the light that’s waiting for you on the other side of this.”
Felix shut his eyes, shivering under the pressure of Elliott’s fingers massaging over the back of his head and along his neck. He wished it were a soothing touch, not one that intended to rouse him from bed.
“But… you know something?” Elliott said with a boyish twist to his lip. “You're always so beautiful first thing in the morning. Must be the way the sunlight hits you. It’d be a damn shame to hide that beauty from the world.”
Gosh damn this boy who always knows how to make me blush.
Felix sighed in resignation and pushed himself upwards. The world tilted on its axis as he reached a seated position. His hair dropped to his shoulders, sticking once again to the cool layer of sweat on the back of his neck.
“See? You’re halfway there.” Elliott gave an irritatingly handsome smile as he slid from the bed.
Swaying with the spinning in his head and the roiling of his stomach, Felix turned onto his hands and knees. “M-my belly feels funny.”
“Well, it usually does, unfortunately,” Elliott said, “after you’ve had a rough night. I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, because your brain is adamant on convincing you otherwise, but you always feel better with some sunshine on your skin and some food in your stomach. Always. I’ve seen you transform right before my eyes, boo, after just a tiny bit of effort.”
Felix groaned, his eyes stinging with frustration because he wasn’t sad.
He had been sad; beneath everything else, his throat was scratchy, and his eyes felt like they’d been scraped dry from how frequently and hard he’d cried the previous day. But right now, the only thing making him sad was the fact that his stomach was rebelling against him, and his head felt like it’d been hollowed out and stuffed with bees.
Maybe Elliott was right. Maybe it was all just the aftermath of crying and feeling too much. An emotional hangover of sorts.
“I’ll get the shower going for you, shall I?” Elliott sauntered into the ensuite, as though he hadn’t bothered framing his intentions as a question at all.
“Okay,” Felix croaked. Gosh damn that man and his confidence. Elliott could sell fake fangs to a vampire at Halloween, Felix swore.
But he couldn’t deny that the clamminess of his skin was contributing to how bad he felt, so a shower couldn’t hurt. He held himself, hands clamped on opposite shoulders, as he wriggled out of bed and onto his feet. The light that streamed through the window cast weak pulses of warmth through his skin where it touched him, which only made the chill in the rest of his body all the more miserable.
As he attempted to steady himself in the centre of the bedroom, Felix felt his stomach give a low, squelching sound, and his diaphragm twitched tightly, painfully. He moved his shivering hands down from his shoulders and held his belly. He really had been out of it yesterday, and as a result had eaten very little – certainly too little for his stomach to feel so bloated, pushing against the elastic in his shorts.
Now that he was standing, and his body was adjusting to the effects of gravity on a vertical human body, it felt like the unsettling sludge in his belly was congealing, gathering mass by the second.
Oh, gosh. How had he been able to – even momentarily – convince himself that he was just psychologically drained?
He could barely hear the hiss of the shower starting over the piercing sounds that swarmed in his eardrums, but it guided him as he began to shuffle his unsteady feet in the direction of the bathroom.
Next thing he knew, his knees were smarting something awful, his throat felt like it was being wrung like a wet cloth, and his nose was full of the scent of toilet bleach. This new state of being lasted for about… two seconds, before the nausea that was coiled in his stomach promptly uncoiled, and a torrent of foul liquid spilled from between his quivering lips.
Felix flinched. For Elliott to call him by his proper name, he must have given him quite a shock. Elliott clamped his hands around Felix’s waist, as though he thought he might pitch forward and disappear into the depths of the sewage system forever, along with the lining of his stomach.
 The shower was still hissing, slowly filling the room with steam that felt even worse on Felix’s skin than his own swear. Felix choked on a sob before heaving again. Such a waste of water. But if he had the mental stability to worry about the environment, was it at all credible that he was really, truly sick?
“Oh, boo,” Elliott hushed, sliding one hand from Felix’s waist towards the small of his back. “Alright, let’s get the toilet seat up. Give you a fairer chance…”
Felix blinked in sheer confusion, though he couldn’t deny that it was nice to feel himself being scooped towards Elliott’s tree trunk of a body, momentarily letting go of the responsibility of keeping himself upright. He clung to the fabric of Elliott’s shirt out of a desire for comfort rather than necessity. The fabric softener scent of Elliott’s clothes was a giant improvement on inhaling toilet bleach.
“There we go,” Elliott murmured, wiping toilet paper across the toilet seat, which Felix had evidently managed to swear with acidic yellow vomit. “Man, you’re really not well, are you, boo?”
Felix shook his head. He lifted a hand to wipe his mouth with his sleeve, and remembered he didn’t have any sleeves. All he could do was blearily try not to get anything on Elliott’s lovely, clean-smelling shirt. Although he’d probably already tainted it with his clammy, half-naked body…
“I can still help you into the shower, if you’d like?”
Felix nodded, which he reckoned was the right call, since the sheer act of nodding made him aware of the sticky portions of hair that were stuck to his neck. Whether they were stuck with sweat or something more viscous –
His stomach roiled again, and he scrambled out of Elliott’s light embrace and belched deeply over the toilet bowl. The bleary sight of everything he’d already heaved up made him gag again, this time digging up a thick, sticky string of vomit.
“’N a minute,” Felix murmured, spitting and blowing through his lips while bile and saliva stuck to them.
“Take your time, gorgeous,” Elliott whispered. “Take your time.”
“Felix, I will now take your temperature.”
“Mmrrbbuh?” Felix pushed through the cotton-like fog of sleep, almost batting away the plastic cone that was being directed inside his ear. His hand brushed against cold, almost too smooth skin that made his heart feel warm. He curled both hands around the wrist joined to the hand that was holding the electronic thermometer, and hummed in both pain and contentment. The hand of his saviour. His protector. His guardian.
“Well,” Ryan murmured, “it’s certainly been a while since you’ve shown me this much affection…”
Eyes fluttering open, Felix felt a flush in his face, beyond even that brought on by the fever. Ryan’s gaze was piercing as she looked down at him, as though he were a scribbled-upon piece of paper, or some unidentified lizard she’d happened upon.
He groggily let go of her arm. She remained like a statue towering above him, clad in all-white as though carved from marble, until the thermometer bleeped for her to remove it. Her heavy-lidded expression didn’t shift at all as she took the reading.
“Standard norovirus, by all appearances,” she said, “largely due to Felix’s diminished immune system. Undoubtedly a consequence of having been turned by an inferior member of the strain.”
“Love it when you rub that in my face,” Elliott’s voice came mumbling from somewhere beyond Ryan’s shoulders. Felix shifted his head for a better look – a better squint, more like – and saw that his partner was standing with his arms folded, mouth turned down in a subtle sulk.
“I am merely making observations.” Ryan paused, folding her slender arms. “However, if my assessment of Felix’s condition also happens to reiterate and reinforce a crucial point, then perhaps its function can be twofold.”
“Seriously, man, do not come in here,” Elliott droned, spinning his desk chair around and looking as though he was about to send himself rolling across the room to tackle Shayne in the doorway. “This thing Felix has is contagious for humans, and I cannot deal with it if both of you are vomiting your guts up.”
“Alright, whatever.” Shayne held up his palms, half-turning to leave already. “Just wanted to tell you guys that I went to see Trish, and she’s… I don’t know, she’s fine. She’s doing fine.”
“Hear that?” Elliott said softly, squeezing Felix’s thigh.
Felix smiled, a shiver of relief undoing some of the knots in his back and legs. He swallowed over the urge to ask Shayne if his mother had inquired about him, but with the day he was having, he thought it’d be better to spare himself the disappointment. If there was any fantastic news to share – they found an instantaneous cure for Alzheimer’s today, and your mother has been selected for the first round of treatment! – surely Shayne would already have shared it.
The main thing was that she hadn’t been left lonely for the day just because Felix’s belly was too upset to make the journey.
“I-I… really appreciate that, Shayne,” Felix said. “Thank you.”
Shayne blinked and seemed to be somewhat infuriated at being thanked. He hesitated as he turned to leave, pausing to shrug and glance back at the floor. “Yeah, well, I’m glad you appreciate it, Fee, because those buses are the fucking worst. Honestly.”
Felix’s stomach burbled uneasily at the thought of the motion, and the heat, and the smell of human beings packed into an enclosed space.
“Oh. Feel better, or whatever.”
“Thanks, bud.”
Elliott blinked away as soon as he heard his name. He sat up as quickly as he could without jostling the bed too much.
A little of the colour had returned to Felix’s face, but not much. He was supine in the bed next to Elliott, eyes open and brighter than they’d been in days.
“Yes, my boo?” Elliott whispered, reaching over to smooth a hand over Felix’s hair out of pure habit. “Are you alright?”
The corners of Felix’s lips twitched upwards at the touch. “I don’t feel entirely well, but… I was wondering if you might do me a favour?”
Felix’s hands – mere bulges in the duvet from Elliott’s point of view – moved lightly over his own belly. With his attention drawn towards it, Elliott became sharply aware of a low, consistent burbling sound coming from it. Shit. Was Felix nauseous again? Was he going to ask for stomach rubs, or a bin to vomit into, or some medicine –?
“As soon as it’s past the opening time,” Felix said softly, “could you go to that bakery and get me those scones I like?”
Elliott raised his eyebrows. He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting, but it wasn’t that. Listening again, he realised that the noises coming from Felix’s body must have been the painfully empty hunger growls of a stomach that hadn’t eaten in almost two days, due to a combination of stress and sickness. Elliott’s own lack of a human appetite had stopped him from anticipating this.
“Of course I will.” He glanced over his shoulder, searching for the streaks of light through the curtains that would give him a sense of the time. “It might be a while. Are you sure I can’t bring you something from the kitchen?”
A somewhat guilty grimace split Felix’s face as he shook his head. “Those scones are all I can think about.”
“In that case, try to get a little more rest, gorgeous,” Elliott smiled, draping himself close to Felix’s swaddled-up form. He rested a hand over Felix’s belly, surprising himself as usual with how small Felix’s torso always seemed when he touched it, even with the added bulk of the duvet between them.
“Thank you, darling,” Felix murmured, eyes fluttering shut, already beginning to drift off again.
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wintercoat7 · 9 months
wintercoat7 debut/return MIXTAPE “NEVER ENDING WINTER” dropping january 19th. #1 most BASED and ANTICIPATED mixtape of all time. thank u to la2t, tran boleyn and sheku. for the S-TIER guest verses. thank u to @ratsinmamouf AND reeghan for reading my poems AND to menomoth for reading and writing one of his own. also thank u to alex for supplying a bit of guitar on track seven and to jordan for supplying the WILD wrestling sample on track 8. also shoutsout to my FAMILY. sending love EVERYONE reading this. JANUARY 19TH, it’s gonna be CRAZY. first single dropping THIS FRIDAY (jan 5th). NEVER ENDING WINTER ALL 2024.
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dc-polls · 6 months
alright. i'm gonna put real arguments in the actual polls as they come out but this is so fun and i can't stop thinking about it so here's my preliminary tier list:
S Tier Team 11 - The Actual Goddamn Grim Reaper isn't going to bother with the backwards spellcasting.
A Tier Team 2 - Imagine trying to deal with a full power New God while a speedster is setting stupid Home Alone traps and throat punching you whenever you let your guard down. Team 4 - Wild card! Best case Talia hits everyone with a laser while Tim tanks the hits and Etrigan cleans up anyone vulnerable to magic, worst case Khaji and Talia wrangle for control in the corner and Harley is also there. Team 8 - Silly doesn't mean stupid. This is a group of guys who are used to being wildly outmatched, and two powerhouses using their abilities creatively plus an illusionist running interference makes for a hell of a team.
B Tier Team 5 - Superbarda will have to singlehandedly wrestle a lot of these teams. I believe in her. Team 7 - Jason's pretty good with a sword, and while Roy doesn't have experience with powers, it's not like Hawk's abilities require that much finesse. Team 12 - Incredibly high potential, but Diana won't actually use her Grim Reaper powers because she's not going to murder her opponents, and Hank and Orion make each other so much dumber. Team 14 - Having a Flash should put them higher, but there's a solid chance the Brain slips on the ice and concusses himself.
C Tier Team 8 - Billy is used to being a flying brick. Scott has access to all his gear. Dick is in a body that can do a quadruple flip. They don't have the power of some of the other teams but they know what they're doing. Team 13 - Lantern ring + light manipulation + Cassbats has a lot of potential for pulling off underdog victories if they have time to plan, but none of them have enhanced durability if it goes wrong. Team 16 - A dog in the body of a man with explosion powers is not a good teammate.
D Tier Team 1 - Bart gets injured falling off a horse before the round even starts and they spend the whole tournament as close as possible to fighting each other as the rules allow. Team 6 - I just don't think they've got the power to win many fights via beatdown, or the synergy and versatility to set up something better. Sorry guys, but someone has to be the most underwhelming. Team 15 - If Clark can communicate the word Shazam to Jon, then they're in business. However, he's a dog, and Azrael melodrama is extremely distracting.
F Tier Team 3 - At least Greg and Sir Justin get to hang out. Team 10 - Three guys having a terrible time.
Passing along!
Also, laughing at your team 3 commentary because i was also like wow even rng knows theyre a package deal do not separate.
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msbigredmachine · 2 years
Watched Survivor Series: Wargames. My highlights:
1. The women’s match was chaotic in a good way. Waited for a Dakota Kai-esque betrayal at the entranceway but didn’t get it sadly.
2. LOL at Asuka’s mist finally neutralizing Rhea’s rampage.
3. Frenemies Becky and Bianca working together to get the W warmed my heart.
4. Sami near tears as he explained to Roman what being in the Bloodline means to him was some top tier acting. But the look on Roman’s face when he hugged Sami was 🥶 .
5. Shoutout to Damian Priest’s hair! The literal definition of bone-straight!
6. Always happy to see Dominik get his ass beat. That Thanksgiving beatdown he gave his Daddy made me mad lol
6. Finn and AJ beat the shit out of each other. Both guys are in their 40s and they still move the way they do. Very enjoyable.
7. Still don’t like Austin Theory but I’m taking him a little more seriously now.
8. Chocolate Daddy Lashley always looks like such a badass. 🍫
9. LOVED the double Hurt Lock on both Seth and Austin.
10. The Super Stomp from Seth! The finish was GREAT. Really good match IMO.
11. The entire Bloodline coming out together (in red, no less 🤤). I could feel the atmosphere change even through the screen.
12. I believe Roman is the first person to ever sit on a chair in the War Games cage lol.
13. Roman you ain’t slick, I know you sent Jey in first on purpose to get tortured before he could get any help! 👀 😡
14. Am I the only one that loves when Butch turns people’s fingers into pretzels? Sorry Jey.
15. TBH I initially thought the men’s match was going a little slow, but once Sami came in, I quickly understood that this match was all about the storytelling.
16. Fam, Solo Sikoa coming in second to last for the Bloodline made him look so important. He changed the match, the badass shooter making way for the final boss. And don’t forget the way he stared down the opps before the match even started. Straight flames!
17. Sami making the save for literally every Bloodline member 🥹🥺. Yet I was still on the edge of my seat because I was sure they would turn on him during the match
18. Jey superkicked that man in the face with zero remorse 😩🤦🏾‍♀️ And the crowd calling him an asshole afterwards was perfect!
19. Sami giving Kevin that low blow followed up with a Helluva kick was essentially Sami shooting Kevin in the head. Then sacrificing Kevin to Jey to finish him off. MY EMOTIONS!
20. You know you’ve been accepted when Roman hugs you with his hand on the back of your head, lol.
21. THE HUG FROM JEY 😳😳😳 I couldn’t believe my eyes!
I don’t care what anyone else watches. The Bloodline storyline is THE BEST story being told in wrestling today. Rikishi’s boys are exceptional professional wrestlers.
My MVP - Sami Zayn, hands down. Stole the entire show. Stole this storyline and pocketed it. He has been amazing since this started in May. Plus this was funny af:
Line of the night:
“Come fight me, you little bitch!” - Becky to Bayley, repeatedly 🥴😂
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5p0rt5 · 10 months
UFC 296 Showdown
As the UFC calendar culminates with UFC 296 at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, fans are braced for an evening of high-voltage clashes. This card is not just about the physicality inside the octagon; it's a chess match of strategy, skill, and heart. Here's the breakdown of the key matchups with updated fighter records and betting odds.
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Featherweight Fray: Josh Emmett vs. Bryce Mitchell
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The featherweight division sees a compelling matchup between Josh Emmett (18-4-0) and Bryce Mitchell (16-1-0). Emmett, known for his knockout power, looks to bounce back from his recent struggles, having faced two consecutive losses. On the other hand, Mitchell, with only one loss to his name, comes off a solid win. This bout is a classic striker vs. grappler scenario, where Emmett's power meets Mitchell's grappling acumen.
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Lightweight Showdown: Tony Ferguson vs. Paddy Pimblett
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In a highly anticipated lightweight bout, Tony Ferguson (25-9-0), a veteran of the octagon, faces the rising star Paddy Pimblett (20-3-0). Ferguson, despite recent setbacks, is known for his unorthodox style and formidable track record, including fights against top-tier opponents. Pimblett, entering with odds of -310, brings a fresh wave of energy and an impressive three-fight win streak in the UFC. This fight is a clash of experience versus momentum.
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Flyweight Title Clash: Alexandre Pantoja vs. Brandon Royval
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The co-main event features Alexandre Pantoja (26-5-0) defending his title against Brandon Royval (15-6-0). Pantoja, coming off a controversial split decision win to capture the title, showcases a balanced skill set with 8 KOs and 10 submissions. Royval, known as “Raw Dawg,” has a point to prove, having lost to Pantoja in their previous encounter. This rematch is not just for the title but also for pride and redemption.
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Welterweight Championship: Leon Edwards vs. Colby Covington
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The main event features Leon Edwards (20-3-0, -155) taking on Colby Covington (17-3-0, +130). Edwards, coming off a highly acclaimed trilogy with Kamaru Usman, displays a versatile skill set marked by tactical striking and solid grappling. Covington, a divisive figure in the sport, is known for his endurance and wrestling prowess. This fight is a high-stakes battle where strategy, skill, and sheer will collide.
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Final Thoughts
UFC 296 is more than just a collection of fights; it's a showcase of martial arts at its finest, where each athlete brings their unique story into the octagon. Tune in on December 16th for an unforgettable night of action, starting with the prelims at 3 PM PST and culminating with the main card at 7 PM PST.
[Updated fighter records from Sherdog.com: Josh Emmett​​, Bryce Mitchell​​, Tony Ferguson​​, Paddy Pimblett​​, Alexandre Pantoja​​, and Brandon Royval​​.]
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miroslavcloset · 2 months
I'm now very very curious to which fics you are reading 👀
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I'm reading like 5 fics at the moment three from Football RPF and two from different fandoms~ and I HIGHLY recommend them ✨
Another Plane of Shambles by fipsareyougay AO3 Link // Football RPF This is the one I've been rambling about these days, I LOVE IT SM it has romance, humor, and drama also the slow burn is great, and the fact that it has a ship with Miro is the best thing ever. The only thing I would complain about is the lack of spicy content but that's a me thing, I'm a degenerate. It's the only fic that has genuinely made me laugh, it's so funny.
The Care and Keeping of Dragons by Maleficar AO3 Link // Genshin Impact Hear me out, the spicy content in this one is top-tier, if you like Genshin and Wriolette, this one is a mandatory read, I mean damnnnnnn
1 + 1 = 3 by meggiewrites AO3 Link // Football RPF Fave Neuller fic, this is the second time I read it 🫠It's so soft and the angst is goooooood~
Matilda by Wusialaforeva AO3 Link // Football RPF This is one of those fics that heals your soul~ It's soft and cute and entertaining (part of a series that you must read as well), so to have a good time and chill <3 Btw we need more Kimmetzka content
Snakes and Scooters by nyxalis AO3 Link // WWE - Professional Wrestling Guys, even as a football fan I can assure you without a shadow of doubt that Wrestling is the gayest sport, and this pairing will live rent free in my head, forever~
Btw I know some of these authors are here on tumblr and I've spoken with some of them, so if you're seeing this ILY thanks for the amazing content
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