#Thread: goblnking
oracuelum · 4 years
@goblnking //
The White Witch. A peculiar name for her peculiar little shop. Tucked away between the towering masses of steel and glass, it was a modest little thing made of brick that didn’t go higher than a single story. To find it one had to look for it, nestled away out of sight through the many turns of a back ally. It greeted visitors with a solid oak door and bay windows, both adorned with iron gates that curled and twisted like pumpkin vines. A humble, weather washed sign hanging outside read, in faded cursive, the stores' name. 
As a purveyor of oddities, the inside of Aleinas’ shop was filled with an all manner of strange, marvellous and even frightening things. What she sold ranged from antiques to objects of magic the occult; statues, scrolls, books and charms and ancient objects of myth. Things she sourced from dusty rooms and darkened cellars. 
It seemed her latest delivery had been stored in such a place. It arrived, a series of crates stained with age and their contents, much like the exterior, were caked in layer upon layer of dust --- It burstIt upwards in a cloud as soon as she cracked the first box open. The scent of dank and musk prickled her nose and chafed her throat when she inhaled. 
Nothing but faded papers in the first, unreadable pieces of parchment and books with contents that were of no value. She discarded it immediately. The second was much of the same, Aleina near cast it aside as she did the first if her fingers had not graced the surface of something else among the crumpled papers. Reaching in she found the edges of something harder, fingers followed the edges and counted four corners --- A book. 
Aleina pulled it from the box and blew a layer of dust from its cover. It was an old thing, delicately crafted by hand. Etched in the dark leather were swirls of silver and gold flora, tiny fairies with every detail cast so perfectly were frolicking among them. A curious thing, turning it over in her hands she studied the spine and back, tracing the winding florals with her fingers. The was no title and no author, which was nothing particularly unusual, most of the books she acquired had neither origin nor name. 
Sitting crossed legged on the floor of her shop, Aleina nested the book in her lap she opened it --- It was a children's book, that was her first thought. The illustrations on the cover were matched on the books pages, framing the text and as she skimmed through the pages, she found more drawings of strange creatures --- Goblins and fairies and wondrous beasts. The book was worthless, she had came to that assumption almost immediately. Yet she found herself entranced by it, she flipped back to the beginning and began to read. It was the story of a girl and a fae king, a king of goblins.  As she turned the page an illustration was presented to her. An image of black ink sketched onto the delicate paper, a fair haired man --- Handsome, all things considered. Sharp features were matched by piercing eyes, with a gazed fixed on her with an intensity she found almost compelling. Aleina lingered on the page for a moment longer than necessary, catching herself and quickly moving onto the next. Magic words, “Hmmm---” She mused to herself, always were there some kind of magic words in these stories. Some incantation or phrase that would launch the protagonist into an adventure, or strip them of their troubles. At the girls request, the king had stolen her brother, all because of some simple words. She had wished to be free of her life, her responsibilities, the girl in the story --- Did not everyone? Even Aleina often longed to be transported elsewhere, to leave the pain and the memories and the mundaneness of her modern life behind.  Closing the book she set it to one side and moved onto the next box, her shoulders laxed and she sighed with frustration. It was empty. Sitting back she glanced to a clock hanging on the wall, it was almost midnight and she was tired, another night of sleeping in the back of her store was on the cards. Taking to her feet she picked up the book and set it down upon her desk at the store front, fingers lingering on the cover. 
“I wish the goblins would come take me away.” A whisper, followed by a soft chuckle to herself and she shook her head. Lightning flashed outside, illuminating the inside of her shop in a brief and sudden flash. It startled her and she jumped and knocked the book to the ground, it had fallen open on the kings portrait --- and there he was, looking up at her with the same intense and fierce stare. Only now, he was smiling.  A frown furrowed her brow and she reached down, hesitantly picking up the book she set it back down and inhaled. Outside the rain had started, it beat down heavily against the windows. There came another flash of lightning, followed by another almost immediately and then another. The lightning flashed in rapid succession until she could not see, with a hand raised to shield her eyes from the blinding glow she stepped backward --- she stepped backward and FELL.  She had braced herself to hit the floor and hit it hard, but instead she had carried on falling. Down, down she fell continuously as the light engulfed her whole. It feels as though she falls for an eternity, spiralling downward in an the endless tumbling flurry, that when she finally hits the ground it’s so sudden she can initially do naught but lie there. 
Dazed, she did not notice it at first --- how the air had changed. The scent of earth and fresh flowers lingered, the sound of  water echoing softly. As she rolled over and propped herself up, she caught sight of the ground beneath her, plush with grass.  “What ---?” In the dawning light her eyes adjusted, the walls of her shop were gone, the sun above shone down upon her and around her was an unfamiliar place. A ruined path outstretched ahead, dotted with withered patches of flora broke through the decaying stone, leading down in a zig-zag to a great stone wall. 
“What in hel.”
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monstriiss · 4 years
@goblnking​ liked for a starter
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“Care to explain why this was in my territory?” The monster demanded, a goblin snared within her clawed grasp was extended for the Fae King to see and was promptly dropped to his feet. The wretched creature was unharmed, bar a few bumps and bruises from the fall when released from her hold. She had found it causing quite the ruckus, attempting to set the trees alight. To say that Drathenia was miffed was an understatement. Luckily for the goblin, it’s attempts at arson had been unsuccessful. 
“Please tell me that this is all a terrible misunderstanding.” 
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bgdnw-a · 4 years
𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝚁 : —           with : @goblnking
                                                                                            BUZZ MOVING THROUGH       his   body  ,     late   city   evenings       &       rain   soaked   street   lights  ,      he   was   always   made   for   the   darkness  ,    for   the   rush   of   being   awake   while   the   world   sleeps  .     perhaps   this   is   some   kind   of   fever   dream  ,     wouldn’t   be   the   first  .                ❝    what   ...   the   fuck  .  ❞
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gcblinfruit · 5 years
{ O O C }
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NAME : BUG FACECLAIM :  coraline! PRONOUNS : She/Her HEIGHT :  5′7 BIRTHDAY :  07.20 AESTHETIC :  new books, the smell of sage, fuzzy blankets, car rides at night, rain, jack o’lanterns, sunflowers, noontime naps, rose quartz, freckles, humming, silver rings LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO :  Sarah - by Trevor Jones, LABYRINTH Soundtrack FAVORITE  MUSE (S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN : Sarah!! , Clara Oswald, Indominus Rex
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE : I’ve always related to Sarah as a kid, and who doesn’t want to dance with the Goblin King? I find Sarah’s determined nature and genuineness to be admirable.╭a lot of people read her as selfish, but I digress╮I’ve always loved LABYRINTH since I was hella young so I was rewatching one day and went  ❝why not?❞ so here we are! WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVORITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE :  Sarah really just wants to be friends with everyone. She’s an unfailing optimist and I find it so wonderfully endearing.
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING : I listen to the LABYRINTH soundtrack A LOT. I find Sarah’s song to be so sweet and so very her, so it backtracks a lot of my writing! FAVORITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS : I love any and all types of threads! I don’t really have a preferred type of thread! I LOVE to just come into a thread and wing it and see where it goes. It sounds very cliche to say that Sarah leads me, but um, she definitely does. I’ve been craving to do a thread with Jareth where Sarah cries, but I honestly wanna see how they both handle the situation adjlskdhjfkd
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE : tbh it’s my current rehearsal schedule making me sleepy and kicking my buns - I SWEAR I’m gonna get those starters all out this weekend - I’m so sorry ilysm
Tagged by: @undxroos ♡ ♡ Tagging: @tallowes / @couragetaught/ @futuraequeen/ @besocruel/ @hybredtm / @darkjareth / @lonerebor / @sihlvr / @sviker / @viillians/ @irroas/ @ncvaflows/ @goblnking/ @starcourtking/ @butscrewmefirst / AND ANYONE ELSE THAT WANTS TO!
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