chicagosavant · 7 months
…yezzzz pleazzzz…
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rosheendubh · 9 months
personal headcanons…
…that make no sense to anything other than this fusion SpaceRockOpera of StarWars/ThrawnTrilogy/DarkEmpire-with Serenity/Firefly-and the Keltiad…
…—Thrawn, essentially carrying out the actions of the Chiss ‘civil conflict’ mentioned from Wookipedia, where 9 Houses go down to 4, as he realigns the government and asserts the EmpireofHand/Imperial Remnant fused with the Phalanx as the ruling authority (in conjunction with BlueSunCorp’s backing via the Terran Federacy of Firefly)—when he advances his forces into the Aristricra hall where he’d been exiled years before-the nobles awaiting his terms-and Thurfian comes forward to meet him—assassins having been arranged secretly to aim at Thrawn-who of course has them slain before they can even discharge their weapons-(maybe Thrawn loses that left eye in this attack—like Aemond/Thrawn’s Doppleganger-my headcanon-what Thrawn looks like-)-Thrawn (wielding the Dark Saber…part of my AU)-slices Thurfian from shoulder to groin-like Theoderic the Great and Odovacer when Theoderic finally claims Ravenna-but orders Thurfian into cryogenic stasis before he can die-so half his body gets transformed into a biocybergenic interphase in perpetual cellular flux of organic-biotech integration-which commutes a perpetual aginy for Thurfian-even as Thrawn appoints him as his Prime Magistrate of the newly reformed Chiss Civilian governing/provisional council—also, ar’Alani and Faro are the chief admirals of both space navies respectively…
…—next headcanon-Thrawn isn’t an artist himself persay, despite his Art-appreciation-insight into other species thought processes trait-/-he’s more into architecture-like Thomas Jefferson-but updated to a space Jefferson (Jefferson Aeroplane—that’s going as the name of a space ship, btw…)—kinda fits-Jefferson was like the Man on the Mountain, overseeing life from his philosophic distance on Monticello (while being supported by the labor of slaves)—and there’s Thrawn, in his ISD-floating above all the conflict-believing himself superior in understanding the end goal of GreaterGood-moving the chess-pieces of ships and units and troops-with a weather-eye in the horizon’s endGame-while being supported by the indentured Noghri (the Ka’ali to the Terran Quadrant, where they originate from the planet, Hela-considered a subspecies harvested for their particular iron-O2 enriched heme-molecules which stabilizes the thalassemia-induced ‘oral-ex-sanguination urges’ of their master race, ie—space vamp/Bloodspawn—known as the Virathi, from Nos Viratu-who are the ancestral enemies of the Keltoi, known as the Coroniad—(inspired by the Mabonigion, Llew and Lleufelys, fighting the ‘race that could hear everything even from across the ocean on the wind)-dating back to Earth that Was/ancient Terra-millennia before the Great Cataclysm (caused by the Chiss activation of StarFlash erupting across the Galaxy)-the Virathi/Coroniad…also, the Grysk…
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