#Thoughts and prayers accepted for any gods that my markers agree with my friends that it is good enough
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Holy hell the jumpscare of the timer I set to go off 5 mins before midnight made me think it was already midnight and I was about to be too late to submit my thesis but it wasn't!! And I fucking did it, with a few minutes to spare even!! Second thesis of my academic career done and dusted and miles better than the last one no matter what!!! Holy fuck I doubted a lot if I was gonna be able to pull this off but, I suppose theres nothing I've quite mastered from uni like pacing my work always right to the very deadline :')
#I wrote majority of the final draft in the last 24 ish hours... I dont know how i did it but holy hell am I glad the stars aligned#I don't remember if i have a tag for personal posts but who cares!!!#Somehow incredibly I did it#I'm pretty sure this is an uncontested peak of my academic career so far lol#Its not perfect but its done!! On time!!#Now i need to try and wind down from the perfect balance of constant caffeine that carried me through#Thoughts and prayers accepted for any gods that my markers agree with my friends that it is good enough
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People Of Creation
It was Henry’s first year in college. He, like many others going wasn’t really sure what path he wanted to choose for his life. He had decided on five classes for his first semester, to gather the skills. Art history, Business, Computer tech, chemistry and film. He chose a few for giving the knowledge he needed and the others for some fun.
Within a few months of college he film professor gave the them the months assignment. They were to make a documentary about anything they or there group choices.
In class, Henry turned to his friend behind him and Norman who was beside him. “Do you two wanna make a group together? Would be fun!” He offered
“Must definitely!” Shawn replied with a smile.
“Sure!” Norman agreed with them.
The rest of that class they shared topics on what each wants to do this documentary on while Henry writes them down and talk why they want that topic. Shawn suggestions were
Irish folklore or the world of toy markers. Norman thought of doing people who went missing or something on the future. Henry suggested holidays or war.
They discussed on what topic they should choose but none of them can all agree on one topic though. The end of the class Came and they agreed to meet at Henry dorm later to decide. All day they went through classes thinking about what they should do or looking up more topics on there free times to add
And waited.
When they did meet up at Henry’s dorm later that night, they all had some new topics of interest to share. “Maybe we could do the documentary on storms?” Shawn ask
Both Henry and Norman shook there heads.
“Nah.” Henry disagreed then went back to thinking.
Norman, who was Searching on his phone for ideas popped up. “What about the people of the creation?” Norman looked up from his phone for a second then back when he saw Shawn and Henry taking an interest. “Says here they all live off the land and vary happen people?”
“And?” Shawn ask “what’s so cool about that?”
“Also says the talk to the gods so I’m guessing this is a cult.” Norman shrugs then leans on the wall behind him.
“Let’s do that one. Maybe we go there, see how they live and interview the people there! That would be fun!” Henry replied
“I’m down with this one.” Norman said and looked at shawn. “What about you?”
Shawn thought for a moment then nodded “alright. Let do this.”
Henry looked up and emailed the owner of the land asking him if they could do there documentary on them for a week. They waited for a few hours before Henry’s phone signaled that there was a new email. Shawn and Norman ran to the sides of Henry as he got out his phone and checked it. “Hello Mr. stein! I have read your email and I accept your request for a documentary. We are excited to have your crew come to let us share our views with you three. We expect you tomorrow. Have a blessed day!”
Henry looked at shawn then Norman. “Looks Like we’re going on to the people of creation!”
Shawn and Norman went back to there dorms to start packing for the weeks trip. Henry booked three plan tickets then packed as well. They meet up after at the Uber Norman called and headed to the air port. By 11:30 there plan was off. By morning they landed, got there bags and took a taxi to closes it would take them to the gates of the people of the creation.
It was strange but they got out and grabbed there bags from the Trunk then walked the mile up to the gates of the people of creation. “Halt!” Called someone behind them, followed by the sound of a loading gun. They all froze in place Witt there hands up.
The man came around in View of them. “You people are?”
“H-Henry stain, sir.” Henry was the one to reply. “These are my friends Shawn Flynn and Norman Polk. We had p-permission t-to come and do a Documentary on you guys.” He was Hopping it was actually there leader he ask and not some troll.
The man gives them a nasty look. “Wait here!” He ordered then went off to the side and talk into a walkie-talkie while still keeping an eye on them. All three of them was nervous as hell of what could happen but none of them said anything.
The man came back to them a minute later. “My apologies. Follow me.” He turns and opened the gate. Henry looked at the others two before following the man, Shawn followed grant and Norman followed after.
They came upon a two story house away from the other buildings. The guy that escorted them knocked on the door and another man in a suit opened it. “Greets!” He smiled “you must be Henry stein!” He shook Henry’s hand. “I’m Joey drew!”
Henry nodded as he formerly shook joeys hand. “Yep that’s me! These are my friends and crew Shawn.” He pointed to his left. “And Norman.” He pointed to his right.
“Welcome you two.” Joey shakes and greats them as well. “Come. Let me show you around!”
He starts to lead them around before Henry turns to Joey. “Do you mind if one of us films the tour?”
Joey shakes his head. “No. Go right ahead! There’s nothing to hide here!” He Smiled in a way that makes Henry’s stomach flutter.
They stopped for a minute for Norman to dig in his bag and gets out his camera. He pressed to Record button and they proceed the tour.
The first stop was at the church. A few people were praying or reading the Bible. “We gather hear every night after dinner for a daily lesson on the Bible.” Joey announces into the Camera. “And every Sunday is the full mass.”
Norman films around the church and the praying people.
They move on from the crunch to walk the kitchen and eating area. “This is we’re we have our meals.” Joey explains. “We love to eat out side but we do have tables inside
Incase the weathers bad.” He informed them.
A blonde woman that was cleaning off a table comes over. “Hello Joey.” She bowed to him. “Are these those guys you told us about?”
Joey wrapped his arm around her. “Hello. Yes this is shawn, Henry and Norman.” He gestures to each as he said there names. “Guys this is my wife, Susie.” They all greeted her and then moved on from the area.
The next stop they came to was the garden. Rows and rows of there plants and It was fenced up to keep the wild life from eating there plants. “Here’s our family garden. The ones that maintain it are finish for the day.
They move on to the rest of the buildings and areas of the land. A school for the kids, an area for bomb fires, a farm for meet, dairy and eggs. There was horses also but Joey just told them it was for fun.
Lastly they come to a little green house. “Here is we’re you will be staying for the week.” Joey informed them. “I had my husbands cheek and make sure everything was nice and clean for arrival.” He opened the door to a living room nicer to any hotel room they ever stayed in.
“I’m sorry you said husbands?” Shawn ask joey. “I thought you said you had a wife?”
Joey looked at shawn. “ I do. I have Susie my wife. And Sammy and Grant my two husbands.” He replied. “I’ll let y’all meet them and everyone else as dinner. Your going to love it! Tell then I’ll let you settle and rest up.” He smiled and left.
The three of them walked into there Little home for the next week and looked around. There was a small kitchen with fridge and microwave but no stove. There wasn’t no tv or any books besides a Bible on the coffee table. Up stairs there was three rooms and a bathroom. They all chose there rooms and unpacked there bags and supplies.
Shawn finishes and goes to Henry’s room. “It’s a little odd how they have TVs huh?
Henry shrugged. “I donno. I mean.. the amish doesnt use electricity ether...maybe here they don’t ether for TVs.”
“Ya I guess you right.” Shawn nodded and went back to his room.
After they all finish unpacking there clothes and equipment they decided to rest form the long trip here. Henry went into his room for a nap. Shawn went into his room to watch a movie and Norman went to his room and pulled out his book he brought and started reading.
Later that night, when they were getting ready for there first meal with these people someone knocked on there door. “I got it.” Henry said, walking down the stairs and opening the door to Joey snd two other man in white gowns.
“Hello again Henry!” Joey waved. “I hope you rest well?”
Henry nodded. “We did thank you. And the house is nice, again thank you.” Norman and Shawn Came up and nodded in agreement
“I’m glad to hear that.” Joey smiled. “Oh. This is Grant and Sammy. My two husbands.” He introduced them. They all said there greetings and started for the kitchen area. As they were walking and listening to Joey talk about how exciting he was they were doing there documentary here, Norman noticed one of the husbands had a limp. He wondered if he was alright but didn’t think much to it though.
When they arrived it was Swarming with everyone coming here to sit down at the long table and the cooks bringing over the dishes of good. “You guys can sit in these three chairs at the end.” Joey waved them over. Henry came over and sat at the vary end, Shawn sat in the middle of then him and Norman. Grant got the end on the other side, Susie sat beside him. Sammy sat beside her everyone else got to chose where. Joey sits on the end watching the everyone.
Once they were all sat down everyone bows there heads and placed there Palms together for prayer. Joey looked at the three visitors. “Please would you join us in prayer.” He smiled.
Henry looked at Norman and Shawn then shrugs. “Sure.” They all three bowed there heads and placed the palms then Joey announced the prayer and everyone finished it with an “amen.” And begins to scoop there serving and eat.
Joey turn to the visitors. “I appreciate you fellas praying with us. Means the world to us.” He spoke then took a bite of his role.
“It’s not a problem, Joey.” Henry replied and Shawn nodded.
“You joining us for bible lessen tonight, right ?” Joey ask them took a bite of chicken. “I mean you should. It’s fun!”
Henry finishes his sip of water and nodded. “Yea. We’re be there to film it. That’s ok right?”
Joey nodded. “That’s alright.”
Shawn stoped eating to watch everyone of them for a minute. They all were so happy here. Smiles on there faces, talking with there friends around them, eating this delicious food they make on there own. Plus living here deep in the woods! It paradise!
Norman glances at Joey as everyone was eating there food and talking to each other. He didn’t like the way Joey was asking these questions to them. He had a weird feeling from him and many of these people. One of joey’s husbands kept looking at him Shawn and Henry strangely. He was on guard of everyone and everything right now, watching everyone.
When everyone was finish with their dinner and the table was cleaned everyone headed down to the church building for bible lessees. Norman had set up his camera earlier in the day so he just push record once Joey started his lesson.
Shawn sat beside Grant and watching everyone fellow the words of there bibles as Joey reads. Grant looked at shawn before scooting closer and held the book to him to share. Shawn looked at Grant and smiled at him. Grant gave a smile back at him and they listen to the lesson.
Henry watched Joey and listen to everything he spoke. He wanted to understand what Joey was saying and why someone would want to join one of these. He couldn’t wait to interview Joey and these people tomorrow. Couldn’t wait to hear what they would say.
Once Joey was finish with the lesson he dismiss everyone and sat next to Henry. “It looked like you were vary interested in this Mr.stain���
Henry nodded. “It was interesting. I can’t wait for our interview tomorrow morning.”
Joey chuckles. “Sounds like a plan then. You three have a good night now.” Joey smiled at him as he got up and went to his wife and husbands. Together all four walked out of the church together. Once again Norman noticed the blonde man limping.
Henry got up and turned to Shawn and Norman. “Ready to go back now?”
Shawn and Henry went to the house and went to there rooms for the night. Norman went back with them but snuck out once they went in there rooms.
There was something going on with this place. He didn’t know what, but he knew something wasn’t right. Joey drew voice when he was asking Henry questions, they way the brown haired husband looked at them at dinner the fact they they lived in a the woods, The curfew thing and having guards walk around with guns.
Norman hide in the shadows as he moved around the place, dodging the guards with guns. He stopped and looked up at the church in front of him and notice it was a two story. He opened the door and peaked inside before going inside.
The church was empty. No one was sitting in the rows of benches. Norman walked slowly down the ally to the strange and picked up
The Bible that was on the table. He flipped though it and read the notes for a minute. He put it back down where it was and looked around. He noticed there was a way to back stage from the side so he went back there.
There was chairs stacked together in one corner, a few boxes full of bibles, and table With some junk on it. Then Norman noticed the was stairs in one corner going both up and down. Norman slowly approaches the stairs for the basement. One he got to the them he saw a door at the vary bottom. He took slow step down, making sure it didn’t creek. Then another. And another. He got down them and reaches for the door nob and twisted it.
“What are you doing?”
Norman nearly jumped out of his skin and turn around to the voice. It was the blonde husband, Sammy. He was standing at the top of the stairs. “I was....” Norman tried to think of something but his heart was beating to fast to think.
“Don’t you know it’s pass curfew?” Sammy simply ask.
Norman climbed the top of the stairs. “Ya. But I couldn’t sleep. I could ask the same thing to you though. This is your home after all.”
Sammy looked at Norman. “I was on my way home when I saw the door to the church opened. Thought I see what was going on.” He answered. “Come on. I’ll lead you home.”
Norman nodded and followed the short blonde out of the church. As they made there way to the house he again noticed Sammy was limping. “Are you alright?..” he asked. “I seen you limp all day.”
“I -I fine.” Sammy replied. Norman definitely noticed his voice was different here. Shaky almost. “It’s just a .. sprained. That’s all.”
Norman looked at him. “Well. Shouldn’t you put ice on it?”
Sammy nodded. “I will..I do..w-when I’m home.” He smiled up at him.
They walk in silence for the rest of the way and soon came to the house Norman was staying at. “Well. Goodnight Mr. Polk.” Sammy said. Norman watched the man as he limped away for a while. Then he went inside and got ready for bed.
#bendy and the ink machine#sammy lawrence#joey drew#shawn flynn#grant cohen#norman polk#susie campbell
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Foresight (Demon General AU)
“Hi, Nils. Kitty, I need to talk to you. It’s urgent.” Wanda waved to the other members of what was informally known as Genosha’s rehabilitation committee. Shadowcat was surprised to see the princess looking so worried, but dispelled any thoughts of trying to delay or stall her. She waved the others off and followed wordlessly.
Wanda led her up through the palace until they reached a small, dusty chamber, clearly unused for a long time. “It’s the old communication center, from before Scanner joined us.” She booted it up and started manually tuning it to a frequency. “Kitty, I need to contact the X-Men to warn them about my father’s plan.”
The younger woman crossed her arms. “I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop for a while. What’s his trick?”
“He’s got a mutant imposter taking the place of Senator Kelly. The imposter’s going to launch the Sentinels at Genosha tonight!”
“What? Why? Wasn’t he shown a future where everyone loses because of the war he’s trying to start?”
“He thinks he can control both sides and choose who loses. Genosha doesn’t have many allies and only the X-Men are in a position to stop this before it escalates.” Frustrated the Scarlet Witch almost hit the panel but the X-Woman grabbed her hand before it could connect.
“I’ve got this.” Kitty adjusted the frequency and quickly connected with the manor. As soon as the connection was made she started speaking. “Hank, we have a Code Guardian going down tonight here in four hours.”
“A Code Guardian? Acknowledged. I’ll inform Logan right away.” With that, the connection was shut. Wanda looked at her friend with wide eyes. “You expected this?”
“Not exactly. Code Guardian just means that the X-Men need to shut down the Sentinel program right now and that the details would take too long to explain. I also gave them the time and place where to meet if the mission’s unsuccessful.” Grey eyes looked into blue. “Now, can we think of anyone else who could help in the fight?”
“Where are you, you little bugger?” Kitty had searched her room top to bottom and still couldn’t find one of those little bamfs that she knew had been shadowing her every move. She needed to get a message to Seir, and this was the only way she knew how. The only other option would have been letting Nils absorb her again, and she didn’t want to spend however long tramping through the Brimstone Dimension just to find him. The first time was bad enough.
“Dammit, I need to think like a bamf. If I was a fuzzy blue ball of chaos where would I like to spend my time?” A moment was spent in silent contemplation. “I have no idea where bamfs go, but I do know other things they like.” She opened the minifridge in her room and took out the bottle of whiskey Logan had given her for a birthday gift. Pouring out a generous portion she waited. “Here little bamfling. Do me a favor and I’ll give you more.” Within minutes there was a puff of ill-smelling smoke, and a babbling blue creature showed up. While it consumed first one and then a second shot glass of whiskey, she attached a small clip to one tiny, pointed ear. The clip held a memory stick and a written note from her. “Now, take this message to Seir. When he comes back, I’ll give you a third shot of whiskey.”
“Whiskey! Whiskey!” And then it was gone again.
Kitty whispered a quick prayer to God. Genosha was going to need all the help it could get.
“We don’t have time to evacuate all of Hammer Bay.” Kitty declared to her staff. “And we don’t know what the Sentinels plan of attack will be. So I’ll leave it up to each of you to decide what you deal with first.” She grabbed a marker and placed it over the power plant. “I’m going to try to get the shield that Gambit destroyed back up. Each of you place a marker on what responsibility you’ll be covering or what areas you will warn. If you complete those, it’s your choice to either leave then or come back here to take on more. I will ask that you each accomplish at least one task before running away.”
Nils raised his hand. “Have there been any attempts to contact allies? Maybe the X-Men or anyone else?”
“Wanda and I informed the X-Men before we called this meeting. They’re trying to shut down the Sentinels before they leave the factory, but they’ll be cutting it pretty close.” She hesitated but continued. “I also took the liberty of sending a bamf to Seir, but I don’t know when or even if he’ll show up for this. Wanda sent messages to any countries who are friendly with Genosha on the east coast of Africa, but other than Madagascar we don’t have much hope. Neither Somalia nor Wakanda have the resources to put up a good fight and South Africa isn’t likely to side with us against the Sentinels even if they like our money.”
Nils looked over the map of Hammer Bay, then put a marker on the docks. “We’re sure they’re going for the capital first and not anywhere else?” Kitty nodded. “Hammer Bay’s surrounded by mountains. They’ll have to come up from the sound otherwise they’ll waste too much energy flying over the range. So this is the one place that’s guaranteed to be hit. I’ll take over the evacuation there.”
“I’ll join you,” said Sooraya, grabbing another marker and placing it beside his. “It’s a large area to cover with only one person and if the attack comes early I’m not afraid of getting hit.”
One by one each member of the staff grabbed a marker. Some took only one task, others took several. Kitty didn’t ask for their reasoning. When they were done there were still many tasks left undone and too much territory left uncovered. But Kitty only nodded and dismissed them.
Kitty turned around in surprise. “Seir? So you did show up!”
“Yes. Wanda’s set off the alert siren-”
“I heard it.”
“And she had me evacuating the district around the water treatment facility.”
The Jewish woman paled. “No one took that area when I was assigning duties. It must have been hit pretty hard.”
“It was. Not just by the robots but when the facility blew it flooded the district. The whole area’s pretty much a bust.” Kitty looked sick with the amount of work that was going to be needed and Seir pulled her into a one-armed hug. After a second she looked up. “Do you know what stopped the attack? I know the Sentinels weren’t destroyed.”
He pressed his lips into a thin line. “Yes. Magneto reprogrammed them. He’s set them off to attack the city they came from. He ordered Wanda to follow up with Genosha’s army.”
“She’s not going to do that.”
“No, she isn’t.” He paused for a brief moment. “She tried to contact the X-Men, but according to . . . Forge, I think? He said they had already left.”
“What do you want to do Katzchen?”
“What do you mean?”
“Wanda’s ordered that everyone remain on the island and not follow Magneto? But I can bring you to him easily. Do you want to join the X-Men? Do you want to follow Magneto? Or do you want to stay here?”
She looked around and sighed. “I do want to help the X-Men. And I want to make Magneto pay for what he’s done. But I accepted responsibility for the people of Genosha already. Wanda says the best thing to do is to stay here and rebuild and I agree with her. So here I stay. I’ll just have to trust that my friends are able to deal with the problem.”
She received a sharp, fanged smile in return. “An interesting choice.” He reached out and pulled her to her feet. “Ready to receive our next assignment?”
“Yes.” They vanished in a puff of sulfurous smoke.
“You did the right thing.” Wanda and Lorna looked at their friend.
“Did I?” asked Wanda. “Genosha, this place wouldn’t exist without Father.”
“Yes. Genosha’s your home and you chose to defend it. There’s nothing wrong with that. And Magneto may have founded this country, but he betrayed it by setting it up to get destroyed as a means of furthering his cause.” If Kitty had any doubts at all, they didn’t show in her face or voice. “But it’s alright to feel sad about banishing him too. He was your father and you both loved him very much.”
“But he was a bad person,” said Lorna. “Surely it’s wrong to love bad people.”
“People are people and very few of them are completely good or bad. And even if he was bad to other people, he was very good to the two of you. It’s not wrong to hurt over losing that.”
Polaris’s face took on a thoughtful expression. “So we weren’t wrong to banish him and we’re not wrong to miss him either?”
“Exactly.” Kitty might have said more, but at that moment the Scarlet Witch started to break out in sobs. The younger woman quickly gathered the princess (or should they call her queen now?) and guided her over to the bed in Lorna’s room. Wanda wrapped her arms around the X-Woman and started to cry in earnest. Deep, body-wracking sobs filled the air. Lorna stayed standing for a little longer but then tears filled her eyes too. Kitty freed up one arm and motioned her over. In a flash, the younger princess was also beside her and crying.
Kitty adjusted her position so she could embrace both of the devastated princesses. Sometimes it helped to be just a little further from the problem. And if she felt like crying too, well neither would begrudge her a few tears of disillusionment.
Seir got home and just wanted to go to sleep. Today had been just as physically exhausting as the first time he had gone to Genosha to deal with the invasion of Dire Wraiths. Emotionally however, it had put him through the wringer. The first time he had been there solely for the mission. He hadn’t really known the city or the people involved, it had just been another job for him. It wasn’t the same now. Now he knew the city very well, knew what the streets and plazas and gardens and what they meant to the people. He knew the people, had participated in their lives. He had friends, actual friends there, and he felt their pain almost as clearly as if it had been his own. They’d loved the city and trusted their leaders and been betrayed. The city was destroyed, many of them were dead and even if all the people he cared about had survived, the attack and losses weighed heavily on their hearts.
“Oh good, you’re back.” Ginniyeh again. He didn’t have the patience to deal with any of his siblings right now. “Jillian was looking for you.”
“I really just want to sleep, Ginniyeh. Go tell her to fuck Yidrazil or Ophis if she wants some fun.”
“I’ll pass that along.” She smiled, sharp teeth gleaming in the bloody light. “Father wants to see you as well, although he said he can wait until after you’re rested.”
Now that was important. “Did he say why?”
Her smile grew even larger. “It’s time to reclaim our place in the material world.”
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