#Thoughts about my relationship with and attitude toward my sister (God may have perhaps convicted me a bit via otgw)
blessings list in the tags bouncing off @magpie-trove 💝
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mayquita · 4 years
Damn You For Making Me Love You (5/15) - Secrets
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Thank you so so much, for your likes, reblogs, kudos and comments. It means the world to me. 
Beta-Reader: Thank you so much, @ultraluckycatnd​​ I couldn’t have asked for a better beta. Thank you for all your effort, your suggestions, your advice and for always being there when I needed you.
Special mention to @saraswans​​ and @onceuponaprincessworld​​​, thank you so much for your perpetual support and for believing in me and in the story. Thank you again to the moderators of the event, @captainswanbigbang​​​ for giving us this opportunity and making this possible. You all are the best :)
Summary: Emma Swan and Killian Jones are close friends and co-workers. And both are in love with each other. The problem? They keep their feelings secret not only to the other but also to the rest of their friends. When Elsa, Emma’s best friend and Liam, Killian’s brother and Emma’s boss find out, they decide to form an alliance and work as a team with a clear goal, to get Emma and Killian to take the next step in their relationship and confess their love for each other.
Rating: M
Word count: ~ 3200 (98k total in 15 chapters)
Tumblr: Prologue // Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 From the beginning Ao3 / FFnet  — Current chapter: Ao3 / FFnet
About this chapter: Their plan has been ruined... but Elsa doesn't give up and soon comes up with a new plan. Will they succeed this time? This chapter is one of the shortest in this story (it's the continuation of the previous one, actually, since I had to split it into two parts due to its length)
Chapter 4: Secrets
Elsa - December 2019
Elsa hadn’t moved off the couch since Emma left the apartment a few hours earlier. The only activity she had done was to call Liam pretending to be his employee, Robin. She hoped Liam had the volume on his phone low enough because she couldn’t help but giggle at how he pretended in front of his brother and her friend that there was an emergency.
He had called her back a few minutes later, clearly excited because Operation HE was on course as planned. He was also apparently worried having noticed her hoarse tone in the previous call. It was then that Elsa had told him that she hadn’t needed to fake her illness.
So Elsa remained on the couch, too excited and impatient to try to sleep a little, but also weak enough to entertain herself with another task while she waited for Emma's return.
She still felt like crap. She felt a constant hammering in her head, her nose was stuffy, and her throat ached like hell, making even the simple task of swallowing hard. Dammit ! The karma in the form of a horrible cold had come in search of her. That had been her idea from the beginning, pretending that she was sick to avoid going to the restaurant. But it was obvious that she hadn’t needed to fake it at all. Despite her discomfort, though, it had made things even more believable, so she hoped this would at least have helped her cause.
At that moment, she heard someone opening the front door, so she sat up, eager to see Emma's reaction. The expectation didn’t last, however, since, before even being able to see Emma, her sister approached her and began to speak in her hurried style.
"Oh Elsa, you look horrible!" Anna placed her hand on her sister's forehead to check her temperature, but the distraction was short-lived. "It was a shame you couldn’t go to the restaurant. The place was so sophisticated and the food delicious, right Emma? Anyway, you and I have to go back someday, when you recover, of course."
Elsa's eyebrows went together, showing the confusion she felt at that moment. Maybe the headache had clouded her mind, because Anna hadn’t been in the same restaurant as Emma, spoiling their surprise date, right? RIGHT? "Wait a moment..." Oh God, even the attempt to speak was painful and her voice sounded totally hoarse. Still, she managed to continue. "What happened here? Were you at the same restaurant as Emma and Killian tonight?" Her gaze shifted to her friend's for confirmation.
Emma nodded in response, but before she could speak, her sister— her crazy sister — came forward. "Oh yeah! Since you were sick and couldn’t attend I thought we could try our luck and get us at the same table. And as Liam had to leave, we had no problem at all. So in the end, there was again a table for four!" Anna giggled.
What the hell? Had she heard correctly? Had her plan been ruined because of her sister? Her jaw dropped slightly and she remained that way for a few seconds, unable to react. But Anna interrupted her once more, rising and heading for the bathroom. At least the momentary absence of the whirlwind she had for a sister gave her the opportunity to talk to Emma and see how the night had gone.
Her friend took off her coat and placed it on the coat rack, also taking off her shoes and collapsing beside her on the couch.
"It's true that you look awful, Elsa. Have you taken any pills to relieve your symptoms?"
"I'm fine, it's just a cold." She waved her hand, dismissing the matter. 
"And what have you been doing in my absence? Have you been all alone all this time?" Emma asked using a carefree tone, but Elsa detected a special spark in her gaze that she could not identify.
"I've been here, lying on the couch alone with only the company of my viruses. I've been better, but I'll survive." Elsa gave Emma a scrutinizing look. She had the feeling that her friend was trying to divert attention to avoid being asked about a certain aspect of her night. 
She knew that Emma wasn’t going to openly express how she felt. Since her confession two months ago, Emma had hardly said anything about it. Any attempt to talk about Killian and her feelings toward him were abruptly cut off. Yes, she still felt the same and no, she was not going to do anything about it. That was all Elsa had gotten, so asking directly about him was not the best idea if she intended to get some kind of information on how the night went.
This time the expression on Emma’s face was relaxed, the corners of her lips rising slightly, drawing a small smile that she had already identified as Killian’s smile. Her gaze also had a special glow, so she hoped that despite Anna's interruption, the night had gone well.
"So how was your night? Anna clearly liked the place, but what did you think?"
"She's right. The restaurant was elegant and the food delicious. The four of us had a nice time, although we missed you and Liam, of course."
"You had a good time with Killian, then?" she asked tentatively.
Before answering, Emma bit her lower lip and looked away for a moment, as if deciding what to reveal. "Yes, everything was fine with Killian. He even made me put my beanie on when we left the restaurant." To Elsa's surprise, Emma seemed more relaxed than usual and more open to expressing how she felt.
"Since Liam and I couldn’t attend, perhaps you would have preferred to dine alone with Killian," Elsa ventured, testing the waters.
"We actually spent some time alone, before your sister came in. It was only a few minutes, but that gave me an idea of how the night would have gone without the interruption of Anna and Kristoff. And I think the night would have been quite interesting, honestly." Emma offered her a broad smile as she raised an eyebrow.
This is new, she thought, pleasantly surprised at Emma's new attitude. It seemed their plan had not been a complete failure after all. If any doubt remained, it cleared the moment Emma's phone began to buzz and she looked at the screen. Her face brightened and her smile widened even more.
When Emma noticed that she was being watched she tried to hide her smile, pressing her lips together forming a straight line. "I have... I have to change clothes. I'll be back in a moment." Without further ado, she rose from the sofa and headed for her bedroom with her phone still in hand and her smile back on her face.
These two idiots... It was obvious that Emma was chatting with Killian despite having just said goodbye to him a few minutes ago. If they were aware of the image they presented outwardly, they might consider bringing down those walls that prevented them from advancing toward each other. It reminded her that she had to contact Liam to tell him the news. But just then her sister reappeared, collapsing beside her on the couch.
"So, what's going on with those two?" Anna pointed to Emma's bedroom. The question caught Elsa off guard and for a moment she couldn’t react.
"What do you mean?"
Anna rolled her eyes as she sighed, preparing herself for one of her endless chats. "There has always been an unresolved sexual tension between them, but there seems to be a lot more lately; so much that it can be cut with a knife. Do you know something that I don't?"
Elsa shifted uneasily in her seat. She didn't like to hide things from her sister, but Emma had made it very clear that she didn't want to reveal her secret to anyone else. "They're just friends, Anna." As her sister rolled her eyes again in a sign that she wasn't buying it, Elsa was forced to add something more, this time showing some more conviction in her voice. "Sometimes the line between friendship and something else may be blurred, but in this case, there is nothing else, at least for now." 
She wasn’t lying here, was she?
"Whatever you say, but tonight these two definitely devoured each other with their eyes. It's a matter of time, I'm telling you."
"We'll see," she added as she closed her eyes and massaged her temples. Her headache had become more intense, a sign that maybe it was time for her to try to rest.
Anna also seemed to notice her discomfort, because she immediately pushed her to get up. "Okay, bedtime, sis. I'm going to sleep on the couch, don't worry about me. I'll bother Emma if I need anything."
Elsa didn’t reply. She gave Anna a small smile before heading for her bedroom, but not before grabbing her phone. She had to do something else before succumbing to sleep.
Once in the privacy of her room, she moved as far away from the door as possible to avoid being heard and dialed Liam's number. 
He answered on the third ring.
"Hi, Liam, can you talk?" she asked in a whisper.
"Hey, Elsa! How are you, do you feel any better?" Liam's voice had a hint of concern that was new to her, mostly because they didn't have as close a relationship as Emma had with Killian. For some reason, Elsa felt quite comforted by his words.
"I'll be better tomorrow. I hope so, at least."
"You should rest, we can always talk tomorrow."
She deliberately ignored him. She needed to make sure Liam was on the same page as she was. "Have you talked to Killian tonight?"
"Not yet, although he sent me a message telling me he was coming to The Kraken to help me close."
"Well, you should know then that our operation failed. My sister Anna appeared in the restaurant and she and Kristoff replaced us at dinner."
"Oh, come on, really?" he replied, clearly annoyed. The truth was that they had put all of their hopes on this date, and although the result hadn’t been the desired one, it might not have been a total loss.
"But it seems the night has not gone completely awry," she reassured him, trying to soften her voice despite her hoarseness. "Emma has come home quite happy."
"Oh, bloody hell, I have to hang up now, lass. Killian just got in,” Liam said as he lowered his voice. “I'll inform you as soon as I can. Take care." With that, the call ended abruptly.
Elsa put her phone down on her bedside table and laid down on the bed. Despite her exhaustion and discomfort, she remained expectant, clearly curious about Killian's reaction. Still, the cold began to take its toll, her eyelids getting heavier. She found it increasingly difficult to stay awake. Just as she was about to fall asleep, her phone buzzed with an incoming message.
Hi again. Killian is too close, that's why I'm not calling you back. Besides, it's better this way, since you won’t have to force your voice to talk to me. But I did want to tell you that our plan hasn't been a failure despite your sister. - LJ
Elsa smiled, grateful again for Liam's concern for her. Her fingers slid quickly across the keyboard, eager to know more.
Did Killian tell you anything? - Elsa
No, but he's smiling like an idiot. - LJ
Her smile grew even wider, as both Emma and Killian seemed to be reacting in the same way.
That's good, don’t you think? - Elsa
Aye, and that means we're on the right track. We must continue to create similar situations, to bring them closer. Any new ideas? - LJ
In fact, Elsa had already thought of a new plan for their operation. Something that could be fun and could even increase their physical contact. Not to mention that she was an expert on the subject.
Uhm, yes, I have something in mind. Do you have any plans for Sunday afternoon? Because we're going ice skating. The four of us. - Elsa
That's a great idea! Not only will I finally be able to check your skills as a skater, but it turns out that the three of us are not exactly experts… - LJ
And that means that they may have to hold onto each other so they don't fall to the ice. - Elsa
You are bloody fantastic, lass! - LJ
Elsa felt a little overwhelmed by the number of compliments she was receiving in such a short space of time. That was something she was not accustomed to, so she felt the need to reward him somehow.
Well, it seems like you and I work well together. It's a merit of the two of us. - Elsa
Aye. And now you should go to sleep. I hope you will be recovered enough for Sunday. We'll speak soon. Good night Elsa. - LJ
Good night, Liam. - Elsa
Elsa silenced her phone and put it back on her nightstand, resting her head on the pillow. Despite all the odds, everything seemed to be going pretty well. The fact that she was going to be able to put her ice skating knowledge into practice was a great incentive.
She had a slight suspicion that Killian and Emma were going to accept the plan without thinking twice. It seemed pretty clear that the two of them were enjoying these new opportunities offered to be together. With that thought, she finally closed her eyes, praying that she would recover enough to be able to go skating on Sunday because she didn't want to miss that plan for the world.
Emma - December 2019
When Emma left her bedroom after a brief chat with Killian, she found that Elsa was no longer in the living room. She couldn't help feeling disappointed since she wouldn't have minded continuing their previous conversation, now that she felt confident enough to be able to share her feelings with her at least.
She was aware that her friend didn't feel good and needed to rest, though. Even so, she didn't give up and after wishing Anna a good night, she went to Elsa's bedroom, trusting that she might not have succumbed to sleep yet.
The first indication that something strange was happening came when Emma found the door to Elsa's bedroom closed. They never left the door closed unless in specific circumstances involving one-night stands. She didn't even remember the last time that had happened in both cases, so finding the door like that, far from intimidating, got her curiosity to increase.
Maybe she shouldn't be proud of her act, but the truth was that after taking a look at the living room to make sure she wasn't on Anna's radar, she pressed her ear against the smooth surface of the door to try to hear something, anything, that gave her a clue as to what her friend was up to.
Whispers. Although Emma pressed her ear even further against the wood to catch a simple word, she did not succeed. But what was clear was that Elsa had locked herself in her bedroom to hold a secret conversation with someone. Her previous suspicions increased as she was almost entirely sure that someone had a proper name that began with the letter L .
Before she could consider the next step, her phone buzzed in her hand, causing her to curse inwardly as she walked away from the door toward her bedroom so she wouldn't be discovered. When she verified that she had just received a text from Killian, she hurried to open the message.
I just got to The Kraken, love. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but Liam was here. In fact, he has been here all along since he left the restaurant. - KJ
How do you know that? - ES
Because I asked Robin, Swan. He also confirmed Liam's ‘alibi’, although to be honest, he seemed quite uncomfortable with the interrogation. - KJ
Although she wouldn't recognize it, she had to admit, at least to herself, that she felt somewhat disappointed that her theory had not come true. Still, it was clear that both Elsa and Liam were up to something.
They may not have seen each other today, but I'm sure they are talking on the phone now. - ES
Did Elsa tell you that she is talking to Liam? - KJ
No, but she has locked herself in her bedroom to talk to someone. Just out of curiosity, what’s your brother doing now? - ES.
His answer did not come immediately, probably because Killian had gone to check on his brother. While waiting, she began to feel a tingle of excitement. She felt like she was the best friend of the main character in a movie from her favorite genre. Since she was alone in her room, she didn't mind at all behaving like a teenager instead of the 28-year-old grown-ass woman she really was. Life is much more exciting when you look at it through the eyes of a young person, right?
When she read Killian's answer, she raised a fist in the air while suppressing the cry of triumph bubbling in her throat.
He was talking on the phone when I arrived at the bar, but he ended the call when he saw me. Now he's typing something on the screen, clearly chatting with someone. - KJ
See? I told you - ES
Okay, Swan. You have managed to catch my interest. What's really going on with my brother and Elsa? - KJ
I have no idea, but something tells me that it won't be necessary for us to push them together. I think they're going to do the work for us. - ES
Well, I don't care at all to play around if that means they come up with a plan like the one from today. - KJ
Maybe it was her level of excitement or the euphoria that still ran through her veins after all the interactions she had shared with Killian during the day. Whatever it was, she would swear there was a hidden meaning in Killian's words, something that was probably related to her.
If I didn't know you better I would say that you're using your brother's excuse to spend more time with me. - ES
And am I getting it? - KJ
It would not be a difficult task considering that you and I already spent almost all of our time together. Even so, I'm totally in with any crazy plan in which they want to involve us. - ES
When she finished her conversation with Killian she dropped onto the mattress, letting out a deep sigh, her lips pulling up in a wide smile. She was aware that she must remain cautious to protect her heart, that her growing feelings for Killian were a dangerous weapon, but, just for once, she allowed herself to dream about a possible future with him. She allowed herself to think about what it would mean to express her love without restrictions, without the need to mask her true feelings. 
The mere idea that she might one day be brave enough to be honest with Killian caused a burning sensation to spread through her veins to her heart, while the butterflies in her stomach fluttered vigorously. She wasn't yet at that point, but perhaps the strange game started by Liam and Elsa would allow them to keep approaching each other. For the first time in a long time, she was willing to play with fire, without the paralyzing fear of burning invading her.
I hadn't thought about a specific song for this chapter since, at first, it was part of the previous chapter, but then I remembered the song Secrets by One Republic and decided that it could fit, not because of the meaning of the lyrics but because there seem to be several secrets hovering around.
Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think :)
What to expect in the next chapter? New flashback from Killian's point of view, new performance ... and new attempt on Liam and Elsa's plan.
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