#Thorin x Ursa
ya-so-im-here · 2 years
Oneshots List
All written by yours truly and all can be found on my Wattpad Account TheNinjaOfCake22
So it’s been awhile so I decided to finally getting around to posting my oneshots that I have collecting up so I posted...
NIGHTMARES John has a nightmare and as Sherlock tries to comfort him something goes wrong
WE’RE OUT OF MILK After the duo run out of milk, John decides he’s done doing all the shopping, now both refuse to get the milk
IS IT TOO LATE TO APOLOGIZE? Modern day, mother-daughter. Kuvra tries to apologize to Suyin after everything she did
A LITTLE COMPETITION Aang x Toph (Taang). Aang wishes to be done training but Toph thinks he’s not done yet, soon it becomes a game of who’s the better earthbender
THE ONLY NONBENDER Uncle Sokka comforts Bumi on being the only nonbender amongst a family full of benders (I just really wanted some uncle sokka content)
BLIND Sokka x Toph (Tokka) While the Gaang return to Katara’s and Sokka’s home, Toph finds it hard to see while standing on ice, but Sokka is there for her (just some fluff)
MISTER AND MISTER LI Sokka x Zuko (Zukka) While on the Boiling Rock the duo find themselves confronted and when asked their names they both give the same name...Li which leads to awkward hand-holding and a confession (fluff)
THE DUEL Sokka x Zuko (Zukka) after finding out both weer trained by master Piandao, the two engage in a duel to see who is the better “swordbender” (fluff)
I’M NOT INSANE Concept: Azula wasn’t born while Ursa is still a caring mother to Zuko but after his banishment, her time alone with Ozai causes her to become more like Azula at the end of the series until she goes insane like Azula.
AS THICK AS THIEVES Toph x Aang (Taang) After Aang finally has the courage to ask out Toph he runs into the issue that he as no money to take her out on an amazing date. Toph’s solution... Enter into a gambling set to earn some money
MOONLIGHT COMPANY Bilbo x Thorin.(Bagginshield) Bilbo struggles to sleep at night and decides to take a walk around to enjoy the beauty of Middle Earth when he comes across Thorin doing the same.
DID I MAKE YOU BLUSH? Larry Daley x Ahkmenrah.(Tablet Guardians) Larry and Ahkmenrah have been dating for a bit and yet Larry still struggles with Ahk’s public displays of affections. (Just a fluffy piece that was requested)
DEATHDAY Larry Daley x Ahkmenrah.(Tablet Guardians) Larry finds Ahk reliving his death all those years ago when he was killed by his brother. Headcanon that everyone at the museum relives their death once a year on their deathday.
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pixiedurango · 6 years
Ursa - A Rogue’s Tale (part 5)
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Part 5: In which Thorin accidentally gets something for the sore (the very sore) eye. And almost a black one, too.
Notes: I used the Dragon Age Inquisition character creator to give Ursa a face, ANYWAY THIS IS NOT A HOBBIT/DAI CROSSOVER Future events will loosely follow the movie version of the Hobbit, but story sets in a good part before the company meets at Bilbo’s house. Feedback, comments, reblogs and any kind of rambling about this is - like always - highly appreciated. Just drop by and start a convo.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 
The traveling days on their way to Hobbiton came and went. Some remained calm and uneventful, some were waiting for them with unpleasant encounters of ill willing men or even orc patrols once in a while. Thorin learned that Ursa was an excellent fighter wielding her daggers sinister and deadly. Fair fights were definitely not her style and at some point he simply stopped being overly worried for her when they encountered another threat.
Some of their days passed without any talk and some of them were filled with conversation.
Thorin always was glad when she asked him about anything dwarven but never forced any history lesson on her when he felt she was not up to it. Most of the time it was not about great kings and wars won or the magnificent craftsmanship of their kin anyway but about mundane things like what dwarves ate, if they farmed and which animals they bred. And how it was to live under a mountain with no sunlight ever giving light to their halls. Sometimes he wondered why she would even want to know things unimportant like this in the first place when there were things like battle history and the long line of Durin regency. But then again he was glad for any kind of interest and willingly answered her questions no matter what. It gave him hope that she would come to take enough interest to stick with her kin once she felt she was welcome now after all the rejection she had to endure in the past. And also it gave him some bitter sweet memories for himself, thinking of times when life under the mountain had been peaceful and unthreatened. In return he frequently tried to find out more about her but most of the time she rather kept it vague and remained overly suspicious. And that obviously for a reason. Thorin was upset more than it probably was reasonable when he learned that she had been living for a while with the elves of Rivendale after running from the human orphanage.
Eventually he grumpily admitted that it probably had been her only chance of survival. Growing up sheltered and at peace after being mistreated and rejected by both: Humans and dwarves. But recognizing a fact did not mean he had to like it.
In the follow they argued all day about how a dwarf could come to like living with elves and how she refused to understand that elves in general were not trustworthy and lacking all honor especially in times of need. It was late afternoon when they finally set camp in the middle of a forest and they both were of such ill mood he did not even care when she tossed her bedroll onto the floor next to the camp fire to come and disappeared between the trees without a word not to mention making herself useful.
She was stubborn and had a temper when she got annoyed. How familiar that seemed, he should have asked himself but didn't because he did not like the answer. That she was simply his stubborn mirror did not occur to him for a second. He had tried to explain but hardheaded as she was she didn't want to listen.  
That was why Thorin didn't mind not seeing her for a while so he did not call for her to come back and do her deeds.
He was angry for so many different reasons. Mainly because there was no way to make her see that he was right. About how wrong and dangerous it was trusting any elven creature.
He'd preferred to rather not speaking with her again until she saw reason. His reason.
Good she was taking a walk. Maybe when they both would calm down she would finally understand that he only cared about her and her well being. As a dwarf. Of course.
First he was not worried she'd run or would stumble into trouble. Firstly she had left her bedroll and a few of her other belongings and secondly she had her daggers with her. She would return. Hopefully bring a bunch of rabbits or squirrels they could grill later. They would go perfectly with a potato stew.  
But soon enough he realized she was not coming back within a reasonable time and so he caught himself checking for noises or movements in the woods, any sign of her return. But she simply didn't.
How long could one dwarf lady pout? Practically forever, as he very well knew from back home. Dwarrowdams could be even more stubborn than their male counterparts and that meant something. He sighed. What if she stepped into trouble instead of just walking around, not wanting to talk to him or even be near him.
A trap, and ambush, outnumbered by beasts. Those lands were dangerous.
He shouldn't have let her run off on her own, now he scolded himself well knowing that she never would have listened as tensed as they both had been. Thorin waited a while longer but nothing happened. So he eventually got up and grabbed for his sword to go looking for her. He hated to leave camp unattended but it was far enough from any road and hidden deep in the spinney so it probably would be alright to be off for a short while.
Following her traces on a hidden path passing a wall of blackberry bushes which were bending from all the large ripe berries they carried.  Nice addition to their stew he thought with a grim smirk but first he would have to find back his missing travel mate and drag her back to camp.
The forest was deep, dark and overgrown and he had to use his sword more than once to widen the path for his broad frame where she just had slipped through. He was a good enough tracker to be able to follow her steps and he was not worried to finally find her in what ever trouble she might have ended up.
That it was rather him being in trouble, occurred to him the moment he spotted her.
Pulling away a branch of thorns he immediately stopped in his urge forward. Like glued to the ground but incapable of dragging his eyes away. He had discovered a hidden glade within the deep forest. A glade with a pond in the middle and that was exactly where she was right now: Inside the pond, swimming. Taking a bath obviously.
Thorin knew he should retreat immediately. So much it was below him to hide in the shadows and lurking after a female. Watching her in the nude as she was unaware of his burning eyes on her that were unable to look the other way.
She had mentioned more than once that she'd literally would kill for a bath and so it was just natural that she had taken opportunity now, taking her time. Pointless musings he did not follow through as they washed across his brain while still staring at her, feeling guilty like a lecher but yet not leaving.
Curiosity mostly. And something way... deeper and darker. More carnal. Lust, most of all. And desire.
More than once he had admired Ursa's dexterity. How fast and strong she was. How beautiful. But there it had ended. Had to end. There was no point thinking about a female because there was no space for this kind of thoughts and feelings. He had one quest and therefore he could not afford in getting distracted by any means. He realized that this aim had already failed and from now on - after seeing her like that - would it be pointless to attempt anyway.
Thorin was 190 years old and had always thought of nothing but his cause and duty. It never had been a question to put that goal first and not letting himself be distracted by anything and least by the temptation of a pretty face and a promising body. The struggles and hardships along the way of reclaiming his kingdom had left him oblivious for the beauty of a female body, he had been sure that neither lust nor marriage were for him.
Maybe a dutifully and carefully chosen strategic connection. An arranged marriage. Later, once he had been reinstalled as the ruler of the dwarven kingdom but actually catching interest in other than political necessities was nothing he had ever thought would be in the cards for him.
And yet here he was. Arguing with himself whether he should simply stay where he was. Or he could dare walk onto the glade to join his comrade take a bath himself along with her as if it was the most normal thing.  Probably he only should opt for a silent retreat with the due respect a lady deserved, never even mentioning that he had seen her, taking the secret with him to the grave.
Thorin could not believe he'd even came to consider - and if just briefly - to go and join her. Impossible! The thought alone was inappropriate. Retreat was the only possible thing to do and he knew that.
But just catching another glimpse of her body before he would go was more tempting than he could fight off.
And so it happened that Thorin Oakenshield, aspiring king of the united dwarven clans stood hiding in the spinney of an overgrown forest like an adolescent dwarfling full of desire, guilt and curiosity peeping on a lady taking her bath.
She was paddling and swimming and finally came to stand up in the thigh high and obviously pretty cold water. Thorin felt his ear tips burn as he realized how perk her nipples stood. He was close enough to see her body covered with goosebumps and she visibly shivered while she continued to rub herself clean with the icy water.
He stood and stared, barely able to breathe. Mainly embarrassed with himself and mortified of probably getting caught peeping on her. But also and even more because she was taking his breath away. She was a beauty, he could neither deny nor ignore it any longer. Her body the exact right mix of sturdy strength and softness. Muscled with defined strong legs and arms. Some adorable squishiness around her belly and really beautiful tits. Definitely more than a handful. Several tattoos were running all across her skin, none of them visible as long as she would wear long sleeves and breeches.
Thorin licked his lips and forced his eyes away once he realized with a muted groan that he was staring at the dark delta of curly hair up where her legs met.
What was he doing?
Lusting after a female. After his comrade, his sister in arms. And he did it without her consent. This alone was most despicable and lacked all honor. He had to be better than that. He was no dwarfling who would have gotten away with behavior like that. He was supposed to be king and he needed to be an example of morals and honor and respectable manners. So finally he took a deep breath and braced himself to silently retreat. She should never know what had happened and he would take this secret with him to his grave hopefully many years from now.
That he would dream of her from now on - as he was sure her beauty had burned itself into his tormented mind - was his burden alone because there was no way to make it unseen and to undo the effect that this few moments had done to his heart.
Usually Thorin would have managed to sneak off in silence but he was way to flustered to actually know what he was doing and so it was no wonder he finally entangled his coat on a thorny branch, tripped and stepped onto a thick dry branch which broke with a loud enough crack to be heard far into the quiet of the forest. As he stumbled around a grumbled curse slipped and he knew he had actually messed this whole thing up.
Of course she had heard him and of course it was only a blink of an eye she needed to actually rush to her daggers and jump after the noises with a furious battle cry, ready to defend herself no matter whether she was properly dressed or not. Thorin turned away, knowing that he was furiously blushing. From her naked presence which he was way to aware of and from the embarrassment of being caught.
“It's me, crazy brat! No one's going to harm you now go and cover yourself!” Thorin growled in a hoarse rumbling voice which seemed not even belonging to him. His head still turned away so he would not have to reveal his eyes to her so she wouldn't see the lust burning in them.
The way he reacted to her made him angry. At himself mainly but of course this was not how it manifested. It all rained down on her.
But Ursa was none to let herself be shouted down.
“You call me crazy while I catch you creeping and peeping on me? Who's the crazy here?” She put her daggers down, but still all tensed and beaming from anger.
“I did no such thing!” Thorin proclaimed and finally slipped out of his coat once more, angrily pulling it free from the silly stubborn thorny branches to eventually toss it onto her since she was not making any effort to turn away and get her own clothes. “I was looking for you since you've disappeared without a word for far too long. I was worried!” “I'm not obliged to tell you about every step I do. I left my stuff in camp, there was no reason to sneak after me, because it was clear I'd come back. Dammit can't a girl just go and take a bath without being harassed?” She was furious but took his coat and wrapped herself into it.
“How could I even know? What your plan was? That there was a pond in the first place... I had no idea. I... was worried and feared you'd fallen into a trap or being ambushed. I... cared for you.”
“And then you ended up in a bush watching me. Very majestic! Creep!” She turned to walk back to where her things were laying on the ground, honestly not caring whether he followed her or went back to camp.
And Thorin did exactly this: He turned on his heels and stomped back to their place for the night, tending the fire and watching his already ill mood going even more downhill after this incidence.
She arrived a few minutes after him, fully dressed again, throwing his coat back at him as if it was infectious and falling down onto her bedroll on the opposite side of the fire, immediately turning away from him, pretending to sleep.
@deepestfirefun @sherala007 @xxbyimm @ritamaltese3 @thophil2941btw @cd1242 @niteowlnest @wardenparker @princecami @shikin83 @zyxst
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pixiedurango · 6 years
Ursa x Thorin - Masterlist
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Notes: I used the Dragon Age Inquisition character creator to give Ursa a face, ANYWAY THIS IS NOT A HOBBIT/DAI CROSSOVER Future events will loosely follow the movie version of the Hobbit, but story sets in a good part before the company meets at Bilbo’s house. Feedback, comments, reblogs and any kind of rambling about this is - like always - highly appreciated. Just drop by and start a convo.
The story so far:
part 1 - in which we meet Thorin, an unknown woman and witness a bar fight
part 2 - in which Thorin and the rescued lady have some camp fire talk
part 3 - in which the camp fire conversation continues and Thorin tries to hire another member to the company
part 4 - in which Thorin and Ursa go shopping... of some sort
part 5 -  in which Thorin accidentally gets something for the sore (the very sore) eye. And almost a black one, too. Story and list will be updated accordingly.
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pixiedurango · 7 years
Ursa - A Rogue’s Tale - (part 4)
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part 4: In which Thorin and Ursa go shopping of some sort. 
Notes: I used the Dragon Age Inquisition character creator to give Ursa a face, ANYWAY THIS IS NOT A HOBBIT/DAI CROSSOVER Future events will loosely follow the movie version of the Hobbit, but story sets in a good part before the company meets at Bilbo’s house. Feedback, comments, reblogs and any kind of rambling about this is - like always - highly appreciated. Just drop by and start a convo. @deepestfirefun @xxbyimm @armitageadoration @thegreyberet @cd1242 @fullvoidmoon @patanghill17 @brieflyhopefulluminary @mynameisnoneya1991 @sherala007 @shikin83 @evyiione @thorincuddlez @thorins-magnificent-ass @tomssweetbouquet @abiwim @niteowlnest @maybetomorrowgirl 
Thorin let her sleep through the night without bothering her to take second watch. 'Just this one time' he swore to himself. Such silly acts of chivalry he impossibly could hold up for the rest of their journey.
And she would not want that either, he assumed. Her sour face greeting him in the morning was proof enough.
“You'll have to finally trust me if you want me be a part of your company, your majesty!” She grumbled, clearly mocking him.
His eyes narrowed, becoming icy and his features hardened. “Don't call me that if don't mean it!” Thorin snapped back. “And maybe you should start learning the concept of simply doing something from kindness alone. If you ever consider becoming part of my company that is.”
“Dwarves are not particularly known for kindness, you know? Simple as that.”
They stood opposite, actually mirroring each other, arms braced in front of their chests measuring each other with stubborn eyes.
Thorin finally gave in.
“Fine. Take it as you will. I don't care. Now get ready. I won't waste any more time with your follies.” With a face remaining like stone he gathered his belongings but  did not ask for his coat. Leaving it with her who still had nothing to properly cover herself other than her ripped clothes. “We head to the next village. I'll see that you get something decent to wear and then you may leave to where ever you wish.”
Strange enough it annoyed him that obviously she had changed her mind over a night's sleep, not really realizing that she never actually said she wouldn't come. But just to argue with was rejection enough right now.
How wrong he was, he slowly realized when he saw her brows furrow in a frown as she glanced over to him obviously surprised by another change of rules.
“I thought we're on our way to Hobbiton. Together? As you offered last night?” She was trying to fix her torn vest with a leather cord she had found somewhere in his bundles and when it was done in a halfway decent way she wordlessly tossed him back his coat. Now they both were puzzled but Thorin tried to overplay it while catching his cloak and it was a good distraction to gain time while putting it on.
“Yes. Of course... I... just wanted to... emphasize... that you are free to decide any time.” She realized he was rambling but was clever enough not to rub his nose in it. That was why she only gave him a broad smirk as she deliberately chose to take one of his bundles so the load to carry was shared. Of course he was about to object but her gaze silenced him.
~  ~   ~
They wandered in almost peaceful silence until they arrived at the gate of the  village. “Let me do the talking?” Ursa asked.
“Why do you think I'm new to bargaining? I make a living of selling my smithy work.” Thorin grumbled back. Why in Durin's name did everything she said sounded like she was challenging him?
“I'm certain, you'll be an excellent negotiator when it comes to your hand's work, but we're here to get me new clothes. Let me make my own choice and work for it? Please?” Without really wanting it, she went all soft for a moment and her eyes showed more of the plea than her words did.
As soon as she realized it, she looked away and mumbled something he could not understand.
He did not see why this even mattered but he agreed when he saw how important this seemed to be to her.  Halfway he expected that she would try to get a fortune out of his offer to buy herself unnecessarily pricey things but he was bound to learn different when they finally found their way to the local merchant.
She chose a pair of dark and well worn sturdy buckskin breeches. Cutting the legs would be necessary but he knew they would not find dwarf sized clothes in a human settlement. A simple tunic in an earthy green with laces to close at the collar. A darned but surely warm coat from blackish gray wool, a short padded leather jerkin mainly made of straps, laces, buckles and hidden pockets and a pair of knee high boots completed her choices.
When she finally was done negotiating, he literally had to collect his jaw from the floor. Along the way he had never been sure whether she was pulling up a fight, starting an argument, being about to leave the place without buying anything, flirting with the merchant or actually just buying something without further hassle.
The prize he finally was paying was way less than estimated and he could not help but making a somewhat approving face while they left the merchant's place.
“Impressive.” He acknowledged and she grinned over to him, happily carrying the bundle they just had purchased.
“Seems all this dwarvish blood is good for something at last.” she replied with a wink and he had to look away so she would not see how his cheeks started to burn.
She indeed had impressed him and he caught himself being more and more fascinated by her. She was lively and reckless and she surely stood her ground. And she was beautiful which he very well realized. And now she was winking at him!
But he chased away once more any such ideas. Follies! Inappropriate and so not worth a second thought. He could not divide his attention between his quest and a woman. Not to speak such an impossible one.
Thorin realized that he had been quiet for far too long now as they were still standing in front of the merchant's house and he turned towards the smithy which was right across the street.
“Let's go, see if I can sell a sword or a dagger.”
“Can I see what you have? Tell me what’s your price for each?” She asked. Clearly she was up to something but she seemed serious and not trying to mock him again. Still, her request put him on alert.
“Why should I?” He asked suspiciously narrowing his eyes.
“Let me try and sell them for you and what ever I get more than your price is, shall be mine as my commission. Everyone wins.”
It was brazen and she knew it, but on the other hand she would need coin no matter whether she would be traveling along with him and his obscure company or on her own. So better she got started soon enough to earn some because no one ever knew what tomorrow would bring and how long she would have the luxury of traveling with him.
Thorin sighed and stepped over to a waist high wall where he quickly unfolded his bundle of forged goods and gave her a quick overview of what he had to offer and how much he hoped he would earn with each of them. Keeping the prices deliberately high so hopefully he would not have to pay her too much. Or anything at all.
“Try your luck if you want.” He offered with a shrug.
Ursa nodded and pulled the bundle back together. “Wait at the tavern?”
Again he glared at her with a frown but said nothing. Turned on his heels and walked over to the house with a colorful wooden sign of a singing badger. Without looking back he stepped into the small and well frequented tavern and ordered a meal for two and two tankards of ale before he placed himself in a quiet corner from where he could keep an eye on the whole room and the door.
She would return. He was sure of that. This was her way to test his trust and he forced himself to pass it quietly waiting for her with all the patience he could summon.
It took a good amount of time but when finally the door opened and she slipped into the 'Singing Badger' he realized that his bundle was remarkably smaller and lighter and her smirk was so smug he could not help but hiding a grin himself by taking a deep sip from his tankard.
With all the calm in the world she sat down and began to eat what was her first proper meal in days but if she had thought she would make him nervous by staying silent she was mistaken.
Thorin Oakenshield, if nothing, could be stubbornly patient when he knew he would learn something anyway. So they ate in tensed silence until she could wait impossibly a single minute longer and finally pushed away her empty bowl and shoved the bundle on the table for him to check what she had been able to sell.
Three swords and no less then 5 daggers were gone. All his best pieces sold. Thorin quickly calculated and came up with an impressive amount. Which she silently placed in front of him, carefully counting each coin all into even piles so he would know she was not trying to steal from him. Thorin sat in silence and waited. To be honest, this was what he had expected. The prices he had called had been high but not unreasonable.   The interesting part was yet to come.
“Good work already.” He nodded, as he collected the coins and let them slip into the pouch he carried on his belt. “Now the intriguing part. If you don't mind to tell.”
Quickly she piled up another impressive amount of coins for him to see. Then she separated some, counted once more and shoved them over to him while she began to bind the remaining money into an old handkerchief.
Thorin frowned looking at the new pile of coin in front of him.
“What's this?” he asked calmly.
“What you borrowed me for the clothes.” She nodded towards the pile and a quick count confirmed it was exactly the amount he had paid for her earlier.
With a determined face he shoved it back towards her.
“No way. I said I'd provide for you no matter how we later decide on traveling together.” he objected.
“It's too much.” She insisted. “And since now I can pay for myself I don't want to be in your dept.”
Thorin glanced at her with a long silent look out of serious eyes. “No dept. A gift.”
“Since when dwarves are into gifts?” She asked back with a frown, trying to read his face and what was behind it. But he only remained blank and serious and so there was no way for her to guess what his intentions were.
“I don't have to explain what I do and what not. And why I do it” Thorin stubbornly insisted and shoved the pile of coins back over the table. “And now put it away! We already have drawn too much attention for too much coin we carry. Argue later if you need but for now we should just get out of here.”
At least to this she had nothing to fight about because from the corner of her keen eyes she realized he was right and so without a further word she stuffed the coins into her makeshift pouch to the others and mumbled “Let's be gone, then. But this isn't over yet.”
Thorin shook his head and got up along with her. “Yes. I know.” He sighed but with a quiet grin. It never would be.
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pixiedurango · 7 years
"Is that my shirt?"- character of your choice
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If it had been for Thorin, he wouldnot have stayed in Rivendale at all. In fact he would not even have gonethere in the first place. But now they were here and even thoughhe silently still wondered how much of Gandalf’s active doing hadthem stranding in this place, Thorin Oakenshield prouded himself tobe a dwarf of enough reason to know a necessity when he faced one –and act accordingly.
And if being somewhat civil withElrond and the other elves was what was necessary to gather furtherinformation, he certainly could do that with stoic calm and majesticconfidence.
But Thorin had to admit, the stay atRivendale, voluntarily or not, seemed to have some good effects onthe company’s morale. They all had a chance to see healers, gettreatment, rest, a bath or two, good food - well that one had been debatable until Filiand Kili joined one of the elven patrols to bring real food. Rabbitsand deer and even a boar once from the woods for them all to feast on.
And another thing made Thorin’s mindmore at ease these days even though he would not have admitted itunder torture and pain.
Waking up next to her. For once nothaving to keep some distance for modesty while traveling and everyonesettling around the same camp fire at night. They had been givenrooms opposite to each other and none of the others had theirchambers anywhere close. Sneaking into each other’s room had beeninevitable and for once he felt young and almost blithe, not beingburdened so much. They had their quarrels, still. So many of them. But they never fellasleep without having settled an argument and a last kiss. Usuallythey tried to be the first ones to wake up so they couldpart their secret nightly companionship without haste. Today they hadoverslept and when they opened their eyes, still closely entangledinto each other as they had fallen asleep, the sun was already up andthe calm cheerful sounds of a usual morning in an elven realm hosting acompany of more than a dozen dwarves was what greeted them.
They cursed in one voice, looked ateach other and fell back into the pillows chuckling together, ending up in another passionate kiss.“Nowlet’s get up, they might be already busy with breakfast and therewill be meetings I’ll have to attend anytime soon.” Thorin shovedher out of bed and followed her on foot. Their clothes were spreadwildly all over the place and they both were collecting their stuffto get dressed as fast as possible. She was already done dressingwhile he still was pulling one leg out of his breeches so he couldactually slip into it.“See you in a bit, love. And I can’twait for the night coming.” She murmured into a last soft kiss before she was off. As swiftly as always. Barely footsteps,no noises of a opening or closing door, she really could sneak like aghost. And getting dressed faster than light Thorin mused andgrinned as he still looked onto the now closed door through which shehad disappeared a moment ago. Finally having found his way back into hispants, he briefly looked around but was so impatient to search furtherand probably had to crawl under the bed to find his missing piece ofclothing, He would take care later but for now he pulled his spareshirt from his bundle and put it on.
It appeared to him, when he finallyattended the breakfast table where the others were almost done eating, that he would probably not have to crawl under his bed laterto find missing garments.
“Is that my shirt?” Hewhispered with an amused grin and he loved the flusteredlook on her face when she gazed down on herself and actuallyblushed.
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pixiedurango · 7 years
Not that anybody cares
But I just figured out that I have to write at least 6 - 8 more chapters of “A Rogue’s Tale” before we even meet the company in Hobbiton... I’m not sure whether I should be thrilled or scared or be disgusted by myself...
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pixiedurango · 7 years
Amrâlimê, I was given word from Dis my dearest Queen had fallen ill. Oh how I wish I postponed our trip to the Iron Hills and I would have been there and take care of you; sitting by the fireplace or just lying in our bed with you all curled up in my arms. Do not worry my love, I will not be long. I will speed up the trading deals and I will be returning sooner than you would expect. Just rest easy my sunshine, and I will come home to you. - Loving you forever, your Thorin
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My beloved,I’d never argue with your dear sister but Dís shouldn’t have you worried by sending a raven for telling about a little cold I may have caught. Still I miss you, Thorin my love, and I really wish you were here to spend time and to take a little care for your coughing and sneezing queen by bringing her disgusting herbal teas and read some smutty literature to her. But I know your duties keep you away for a little longer so receiving word from you was about the next best thing and brought back a smile to my face.I can’t wait to have you back in my arms and I know you’ll hurry back home as soon you can. Stay safe and take care, dearest, you know I’m not there with you to have your back. I know you are smiling as you read my words and let me just tell you, each one of your smiles is so very precious to me, more that any gold or gems in the entire world. I impatiently await your safe return, may Mahal watch over you.In eternal love and with a bunch of naughty kisses~ Ursa 
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pixiedurango · 7 years
Pixie’s RA Masterlist
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List will be regularly updated and reblogged so those who want to keep track find everything in place.
I take requests and prompts any time but can’t give any guarantee for being able to do something for everything. But I’ll try. Also English is not my first language so I might be a little slower than the average writer. Bear with me, please. 
In general I’m comfortable to write almost every character Richard Armitage has portrayed. I’m mostly alright with writing smut, it always depends on the setting and that it feels ‘right’. I’ll try to tag everyone who wants me to in my posts if you pass me a note. Please note that tumblr is an asshole and sometimes won’t make tags work. Also of course everyone is welcome to crash into my asks or messages and drop me a line. I love meeting new people and talk with them about RA and his work.
Reblogs, comments and inspiration are love! Enjoy!
Sensual Visual Prompts 2.0  New list, hotter scenes, more characters I’m willing to write. This should be fun.  (ongoing)
1 Dr. Scott White for #3  2 Raymond de Merville for #30  3 Francis Dolarhyde for #25 4 John Porter for #2 5 Richard Armitage for #7 6 John Thornton for #27 7 Guy of Gisborne for #29 8 Raymond de Merville for #8 9 modern!Raymond de Merville for #6 10 Thorin Oakenshield for #16 11 John Proctor for #22 12 Richard Armitage #12 13 Richard Armitage #6 14 John Porter #4
Sensual Visual Prompts written for all my available RA characters after this prompt list (ongoing but requests are closed atm) 1 modern!John Proctor for #14 2 Lucas North for #3 3 Thorin Oakenshield for #7 4 modern!John Thornton for #4   5 Raymond de Merville for #11 - language and slurs 6 Lucas North for #10 and #20 7 Thorin Oakenshield for #24 8 Guy of Gisborne for #15 9 John Thornton for #4 and #23 10 Daniel Miller for #3 11 modern!Raymond de Merville for #2 12 Richard Armitage for #3 13 Lucas North for #7 14 John Standring for #16 15 Thorin Oakenshield for #25
30 days of John Standring (unfortunately unfinished writing challenge hosted by the fabulous @deepestfirefun which I only was able to stick with for 5 days but I love John and Meg as a couple. Maybe I’ll finish it one day.) Day 1 - untitled Day 2 - Ghosts from the past Day 3 - Dirty Talk Day 4 - Angel Day 5 - untitled
Carpe Noctem Daniel Miller x ambiguous female character drabble/ficlet series (ongoing)   part 1 part 2 (nsfw) part 3
Like real people do - A Lucas North love story (ongoing fic)
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9
Ursa - A Rogue’s Tale (Thorin Oakenshield x female OC (human/dwarf hybrid)) (ongoing fic) part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
Guy & Faustine (ongoing prompts series, Faustine belongs to @sephiratales)
Guy of Gisborne “Who were you with” (from the four word prompts)  Guy of Gisborne “Why are you helping me?”  Guy of Gisborne “It’s just a cut really!”
Drabbles, requests, prompts
Just another extra (RA x ambiguous female character)
John Porter - “A just can’t let go kiss” (from the ‘types of kisses’ prompt list)
Thorin Oakenshield “Is that my shirt?” (from the four word prompts)
John Porter “Maybe I’m just crazy” (from the four word prompts)
Richard Armitage - You think you’re funny? (from the four word prompts) 
Guy of Gisborne - Can you shut up! (from the four word prompts)
Character playlists
I’ll do personal playlists for all RA characters, and have obviously done some for LotR and Hobbit characters as well. Also I’ll definitely do all Dragon Age characters and ships, if anyone is interested. (ongoing, just drop me an ask)
Thranduil Guy of Gisborne Eowyn Fili Aragorn Lucas North Kili Thorin’s super secret ‘sexy times’ playlist Thorin Blackwall, Duncan and Sebastian (Dragon Age) Legolas while realizing Tauriel is falling for Kili Harry Kennedy John Porter Francis Dolarhyde John Thornton
Music videos:
Raymond de Merville (Pilgrimage) - God made you mean Daniel Miller (Berlin Station season 1) - Killing man Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit an unexpected journey) - Flares Trevor Price (Berlin Station season 2 ep 2.1-2.5) - I’m a wanted man Lucas North (spooks season 7 & 8) - Change my life Guy of Gisborne (Robin Hood BBC season 1) - My better me Richard Armitage (Stills collage) - Damn your eyes
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pixiedurango · 7 years
Ursa - A Rogue’s tale  (part 2) - Thorin Oakenshield x OFC (human/dwarf hybrid)
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Part 2 in which Thorin and the woman he saved from slavers sit around a camp fire and talk Warning: Rape mention! Words: 2.108 Ongoing events will loosely follow the movie version of the Hobbit, but sets in a good part before the company meets at Bilbo’s house.
Note: I used the Dragon Age Inquisition character creator to give Ursa a face, even though we are not allowed to create biracial characters in there but it is the only game I own with decent graphics and the ability to create female dwarves. (Anyway it results in me having an umphteenth playthrough to handle but I love my cute little new Cadash.) ANYWAY THIS IS NOT A HOBBIT/DAI CROSSOVER Feedback, comments, reblogs and any kind of rambling about this is - like always - highly appreciated. Just drop by and start a convo. @whohobbs @xxbyimm @deepestfirefun @patanghill17 @tinkertailor1212@wardenparker @sherala007 @fullvoidmoon @hannibatchsmuse @lady-jessica-9 @thorincuddlez @hariclea@fandomgalcentral @inkededucatednnerdy @mynameisnoneya1991 @maybetomorrowgirl @vaneaustation @fizzy-custard  @helluvawriter @iammhereforthefandoms @niteowlnest @cd1242 @emrfangirl 
They kept running for a long time and neither of them had shown any sign of exhaustion when he finally decided they were far enough from the village and deep enough in the woods to be safe for now. A large overhanging rock invited to give shelter from the still pouring rain but apart from that they still would be out in the cold and windy night. Thorin glanced over, then wordlessly opened the clasp tossing his overcoat at her as she still was wearing nothing but the torn dress.
It was way too chill a night to not taking the offered coat and so she wrapped herself into it with a quiet nod of gratitude. “I think we can dare to light a camp fire, what say you?” She asked his opinion and after a moment of consideration he nodded.
“If we find something dry enough to burn.” He was right. It had been raining probably for days so chances were low for them to find anything that would catch fire. He was looking around, picking up sticks and wood here and there but not being able to find something in the dark.
But she seemed to be keen enough to come up with some moss and dead roots from under the makeshift roof and in no time a little camp fire was painting shadows in the night and on their faces as they sat to catch some warmth and hopefully dry some of their clothes. She kept a stoic silence staring into the flames, still wrapped in his damp coat and he needed a little moment to come to terms with the fact that she obviously was used to survive in the woods. That she had outsmarted him with finding working fire wood where he had not been able to. He stubbornly shook his head chasing away those strange thoughts. They tried to survive together there was no place for thoughts of chivalry and protective behavior.
“You'll need a new dress.” His voice was nothing more than a low growl, not showing any emotions when he finally had chosen a topic hopefully far enough from the startling thoughts he just caught himself having. 
The answer though was an indifferent shrug. “I don't need a dress.”
“Well, you obviously can't walk exposed like that.” Thorin observed with a dry half-smile trying not to stare at what the ripped blouse was revealing.
“I'm not wearing dresses. I'll get me some breeches and a jerkin instead.” She declared and it was obvious this was not for debate but he only shrugged. Couldn't care less what she fancied and also his own beliefs and preferences on how women should dress and behave were not of any interest here.
“It does not matter what you want as long as you lack the coin to buy it.” Thorin observed with an amused undertone in his voice. “And you surely do not look like someone who has any savings.” The woman had no reply but the way she hung her head was answer enough. They had taken everything from her and if not for him they would have taken her honor, too. “How does a dwarven lady end up in the hands of slavers anyway?” He dared to ask and was surprised by the fire shooting from her eyes when her head snatched up to stare at him.
“I'm not...” she began but he cut her.
“You won't fool me when you can't even fool yourself.” His voice was surprisingly soft. “Just tell me. I've never met anyone like you.”
She snorted and spat into the fire. “ I'm sure you haven't. Since neither your kind nor the humans won't accept that I even exist.”
“But you do!” Thorin looked at her, realizing all the pain and struggle that showed in her eyes even though she tried to hide it. “Just tell me. How come you carry dwarven blood? It's never been known of a bond between my kin and and the other races.”
She shook her head in obvious disbelief. “You might want to have a word or two then with the pig of a dwarf that forced himself onto my mother. Considering her nothing but flesh and loot after raiding her village with his company of equally tainted fools who decided to follow the dark.” Her voice was full of bitterness and hatred and she clearly indulged in seeing the utter shock on his face.
“No! Impossible!”
Her laughter was not a joyful one but dripping from sarcasm and bitterness. “And yet here I am.”
“Has this honor lacking dwarf been held responsible for his crime?” Thorin asked, always looking for a rational solution but she only shook her head once more.
“What do you think, dreamer? A sellsword under an evil command, drunken by victory and cheap ale, forcing himself onto an innocent woman by threatening her for her life. My mother was glad to get out of this alive. When her time came and it took her three more months than it should have she began to suspect it was probably not a human who got her the bastard. Looking at the newborn... me... was her final proof. To get rid of me as fast as she could. To the nearest orphanage.”
“You're a... wonder!” He breathed but she snorted once more.
“Tell this to the people who did everything to make me believe I'm an abomination! Your kin as much as the humans. They miraculously agreed at least on that.”
There was a silence for a long moment looking into each other's eyes. And when Thorin spoke again, his words and how soft his voice went was a surprise to her and honestly to himself, too.
“What is your name, my lady?” Her eyebrows rose almost up to her hair line. “I have a name but if you keep calling me my lady I'll either die laughing or break your nose. It's not that we're noble folks around here, innit?”
Thorin's smiles were rare but her bold assumption born from unawareness made one slip. “And? Will you reveal the big secret?” he asked.
“What secret?” Her brows furrowed in puzzlement.
“Your name. My lady.” Thorin kept smiling, now even with a little tease. As much as he was used to be alone and being enough to himself, he felt an odd calm creeping up within and decided to just be for once.
“Ah...” She shrugged. Why did this dwarf confuse her so much? She hated dwarves. Even when they had such stunning blue eyes and disturbingly handsome features. Dwarves were not supposed to be handsome. They were nasty predators and known to be unkind, greedy and grumpy. “Name's Ursa.” More a growl than an actual answer. She needed to get over this weird attraction. Probably getting rid of his company all together as soon as possible. 
“I'm Thorin.” Thinking, his name would mean anything to hear clearly was a mistake and - to be honest - a ridiculous assumption. Who would have taught her? But somehow he felt like wanting her to know she was safe now. That she was back with her kin. “Thorin... Oakenshield?” He tried again, even putting it as some kind of question but her attention was still not piqued and there was no sign of recognition. She only nodded her acknowledgment and so he finally changed the subject. “Doesn't matter. But tell me, Ursa, how did you end up in the hands of slavers. You're by no means an easy target.”
Thorin wanted to know more about this extraordinary woman. Still trying to decide whether she was worth trusting her or seeing her as a potential threat who would rob him blind and disappear the second he rests his head for some sleep. Considering her as one of his kin was one thing, but trust was an entire different story. He looked at her, still waiting for an answer. She returned the gaze with one of her typical stubbornly defiant looks.
“Bad of luck?” Ursa finally offered. “Maybe a bit too... reckless?”
“How so?” Surprisingly enough he really was interested to learn how she ended up in such a parlous situation. “I've seen you fight, you're not one to get caught by a slaver just like that.”
“I was investigating for someone who's daughter had vanished and I assume someone put something in my drink.” She frowned in frustration. “I know, not very clever but who expects this kind of potions in a human village. It was something I know the elves can brew but it does not matter now. I've learned my lesson.”  
“What is it you do for a living?” Thorin wanted to know and earned himself another shrug while she was poking around in the embers with a stick she had picked up somewhere next to her. But this time the indifferent gesture came along with a tiny smirk.
“I'm a good scout. I carry things from a to b. Look into matters if people ask me to. If I really must I can pick pockets and locks but I try to earn me my bread. I usually can talk my way out of everything but if that not helps I break a few noses.” She realized another slight smile on his face on the memory of that. And to her own concern she realized that she liked that smile and wanted to see more of it. Instead of finding out why that was, she scolded herself and pushed those weird thoughts away by resuming her speech. “I fight if one pays me but I choose carefully who's side I take. Even when my belly demands different: If I smell evil scum, I run.” The way she squared her shoulders showed him some kind of pride. Rogue mercenaries were not a rare sight but those with a moral codex were. Thorin could value her honesty but still he could not fully approve. Voice calm and not even asking but telling facts. “So basically you're telling me you're a thief and ready to put your loyalties where the coin is.” 
They stared at each other once again and none of them was ready to cast their eyes. “I'm a survivor.” she eventually simply stated but the proud defiance never left her voice. “And I stand for my actions and decisions. How many people can say that of themselves?”
“So... an honorable thief then.” He gave in with another slight smile curling one corner of his mouth. “Can we agree on that?”
“Master dwarf is afraid I'd rob him butt naked while he sleeps. So better don't sleep, right?” Ursa chuckled and the sudden twinkle in her eyes showed him some kind of raw humor he was not ready for and he was glad the fire was their only source of light so she would not be able to see him blush. No one would ever see Thorin Oakenshield blush!
“You can try!” Thorin dared even before became aware how he was reacting on her. He was not a cheerful person in general and usually had not many reasons to laugh and pretend to be happy. There was only space for one thing in his life and it was reclaiming his homeland and title. But for the first time in ages he felt relaxed as if a weight was taken from his shoulders and he allowed himself this little moment of lightness to breathe.
“I already have your coat.” She reminded him but he shook his head.
“I gave it to you. No count.”
“You sure?” Unapologetic her grin as she made large doe eyes at him, appearing far more helpless than she really was and a throaty laugh escaped him.
“You did nothing like that and it wouldn't have worked!” Thorin exclaimed and now it was her to laugh a bit. It was a good sound as they both realized individually. Long missed and still unfamiliar and alien in this situation.
“Fair enough.” Ursa replied still with a grin on her face but with an honest offer. “Truce then? No tricks and no betrayal?” She reached out her right hand to seal the deal and he, without hesitation, took it to shake.
“Truce. And honesty. As long as we travel together.” Thorin offered and she raised an eyebrow at him.
“Travel together? What makes you think we will do that?” Having been a loner for so long, not wanted by anyone to be around made her suspicious at once.
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