#Thor the King. the leader.
Askeladd is like a tragic omegaverse character, like he’s secretly an omega or beta but he’s spent his entire life pretending to be alpha. Really sad.
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What Would They Name Their Children? (Headcanons)
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A/N: Fun fact, my great grandmother was named after Olga of Kyiv. And another fun fact, my grandparents met each other at Niels Bohr institut in Copenhagen.
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Warnings: None💚
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Leo would want to honor his Japanese heritage, in the memory of his father. With a great knowledge of not just Japanese culture and language, but mythology and history, Leo would have more than just a few name ideas for his future children. His future partner may very well have to keep him in check, helping him sort through the all.
For Boys:
Kenji, meaning either “strong and vigorous” or “intelligent second son” in Japanese.
Asahi, meaning “morning sun”, “rising sun” or “sunrise” in Japanese.
Kangiten, the Japanese god of bliss.
For Girls:
Haru, meaning “springtime” in Japanese.
Sanyu, meaning “happiness” in Japanese.
Amaterasu, the name of the Shinto goddess of the sun.
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Raph likes strong names. Names that make people think of strong warriors and brave leaders. For that to happen, it needs to be names that most people would know, and be able to recognize with at least a little ease. It won’t work if Raph chose a name no one had heard of before.
For Boys:
Thor, after the Norse god of thunder.
Zeus, after the Greek god of lightning and king of the gods.
Anu, also known as the Sky Father and the King of Gods in ancient Mesopotamia.
For Girls:
Boudicca, after the queen of the Iceni tribe, who led the rebellion against the Roman forces that invaded Britain.
Olga, after Olga of Kyiv, who avenged the murder of her husband at the hands of the Drevlians, while protecting her son.
Lagertha, after the Norse shieldmaiden from Norway.
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It would be no surprise to anyone, that Donnie would name his children after some of the great minds that he found himself looking up to. Just like Leo, Donnie would have so many names lined up and ready to go, that his future partner would have to help him sort them all through, before setting on the ones that they would find fitting.
For Boys:
Charles, after Charles Darwin.
Deodatta, after Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate.
Niels, after Niels Bohr.
For Girls:
Rosalind, after Rosalind Franklin.
Barbara, after Barbara McClintock.
Emilie, after Emilie du Chatelet.
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The names Mikey has lined up for his future children, changes quite a bit in reasoning. Some of them mean something to him, in the sense that he finds the meaning of the name very important. Others are important to him, due to pop culture or, well, food. A simple man with simple thoughts I guess.
For Boys:
Keanu, because of Keanu Reeves of course. Duh.
Ace, from Latin, meaning “one”, “someone who excels” or someone of a high rank.
Bodhi, a Sanskrit name meaning “enlightenment” or “awakening”.
For Girls:
Cherry, which both could be referring to a meaning of “dear one”, but also the fruit.
Clementine, meaning everything from “merciful”, “gentle” and “mild” to the small citrus fruit.
Éowyn, because of Lord Of The Rings, of course.
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oswildin · 21 days
Fate (Loki x Witch!Reader)
Summary: You’re a witch who has been visiting Loki, but he doesn’t know your intentions, nor whether you are even real… But talk about fate and his place in the universe, leaves him with more questions than answers. Set around the time of Thor The Dark World, before Frigga’s death and references the events of Disney+ Loki series.
Rating: PG/All Ages
A/N: Reader has GN pronouns/no descriptors or name, but is described as a witch. Inspired by my pov on TikTok, which is inspired by Alys & Daemon from HOTD.
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The crowd cheered and clapped, utterly delighted and enthused by their new King. He was their leader, their ruler, their light in the darkness… And they adored him. They saw him as worthy of his place upon the throne, accepted him completely without resistance… He basked in the golden light that was shining on him, arms spread wide in pride and acceptance of their adoration.
It was everything—
“—you have always wanted… isn’t it?”
The voice broke him from his celebration, his glory… His arms lowered, the royal rouge cape around his neck suddenly feeling weightier. His shoulders sagged, the victorious smile that he had been moments ago fading from his face.
“I see Sif… The Warriors Three…” The voice continued, light yet holding a weight which only seemed to make the cape draped around him feel heavier somehow. “Faces of those you do not know the names of…”
He let out a breath, his back remaining to the one had interrupted his glorious moment.
“And yet… I see no one of great importance to you.”
Green shimmer fell over the crowd that had been cheering before him, each nameless face disappearing, each voice ceasing as the illusion faded. The weight of the illusionary cape also dissipated as it shimmered away from his shoulders, the golden hue of the throne room returning to his reality.
A cell.
Loki’s jaw tightened, his hands clasped behind his back as he stared out of the golden barrier that kept him from the outside world, more inmates entering Odin’s prison to be locked away.
“Don’t you find it strange?” The voice continued, a feigned curiosity in their tone. Loki slowly turned on his heel, his cyan eyes finally landing on the figure of the voice… The figure who had been visiting him as of late. He did not know who they were, or why they were there… He didn’t even know if they were real or merely another illusion.
Your eyes held Loki’s, unwavering, standing in the middle of his white walled cell. A faint smirk tugged at your lip, almost indiscernible as you took a small step closer. He had yet to say a word.
“How those who you regard as family are no where to be seen?” You pressed, probed, watching his reaction closely. Loki paced leisurely towards the chair in his cell before coming to a stop behind it, his hands moving to rest upon the back of the chair. His body leaned forwards, the chair supporting some of his weight as he narrowed his eyes, tilting his head faintly.
“It’s your illusion, is it not?” You asked, raising a brow, a slight shrug. “And yet you did not conjure them in it.”
“They do not matter.” He finally spoke, voice low yet holding an edge of lightness in it to match the dismissal of his words.
You hummed thoughtfully, letting out a breath, turning away from him to let your eyes wander over what items he was permitted in his cell - books, a small ornate table, a cot… You moved to the table, finding a book on its surface as you reached to gently pick it up, eyeing it.
Loki’s brows twitched slightly, lips pursing. Pushing himself from the chair, he once more began slowly pacing, not from restlessness but intrigue.
“You are a liar.” You stated simply, making Loki let out a huff of sardonic laughter.
“Am I supposed to be impressed by that observation?” He raised a brow, a hint of wryness to his words. “It’s a statement that quite a few have expressed about me.”
“I mean, you are lying to yourself.”
You let the book drop back to the table with a slight thud, Loki’s amusement quickly turning into irritation, observing as you glanced at him over your shoulder. A breathy laugh left your lips at the spark of anger in his eyes.
“Your anger blinds you.” You stated, making Loki shake his head slightly. “You let it control you.”
“It guides me.” He argued.
“Your actions say otherwise…” You sighed, moving to the chair he had just been stood by, lowering yourself to take a seat.
“My actions?” Loki repeated, a hint of disbelief. “I was merely giving truth-“ He continued lowly, his steps changing direction to stalk towards you. “-to the lie I have been fed my entire life…” He stopped before you, his sharp gaze boring into your unfazed eyes. “That I was born to be a King.”
You leaned back in the chair, elbows resting on its arms, casual - leisurely almost. It made Loki’s jaw twitch. “Perhaps those who strive for the crown are the least suited to wear it-“
“Do not lecture me.” Loki’s sharp tone cut you off, a dangerous edge to his voice. It was a warning. Maybe even a plea. You remained unbothered, looking up at him as his tall figure cast a long shadow over you. Silence fell between you, the faint hum of the golden barrier filling the space as you held one another’s gazes, almost daring the other to look away first.
“It is not a prize to be won…” You murmured. “But a burden to bear.” A pause. “You know this.”
Loki made a sound of frustration, eyes fluttering as his head snapped away, turning sharply on his heel to pace once again. You straightened in the chair, leaning forwards slightly as you watched him.
“I love Thor more dearly than any of you, but you know what he is.”
Loki’s steps halted, his posture tensing as he heard his own voice fill the space, words he had once spoken. His back remained turned towards you, his hands clenching at his sides.
“He's arrogant, he's reckless, he's dangerous! You saw how he was today. Is that what Asgard needs from its King?”
The question Loki had once uttered echoed slightly around the cell, almost taunting him. It was then he slowly, almost reluctantly, turned to look at you, seeing you now stood. You were approaching him, your expression unreadable. “Dangerous…” You breathed out, furrowing your brows. “And yet, that is what you sought to be during your time on Midgard…” Loki released an audible breath, his chest heaving slightly. “All because you desired a throne… Correct?”
Loki’s eyes searched yours, hearing the doubt in your voice. It was like you could see right through him, and he disliked it. He loathed it. It unsettled him in a way he hadn’t felt before. And the worst part was… You were right. You knew it was more than his so-called desire for a throne… It was about him wanting to be seen as worthy, to step out from the shadow he had been shrouded in, to avoid the consequences of failing Thanos…
“All your life… you have sought to command your own fate…” You spoke, almost softly, barely above a whisper, now stood right before him. Loki remained silent again. “But you… you are piece on the board…” Your hand slowly raised, tentative. Loki watched it cautiously, a faint sheen in his eyes as he blinked. “As am I…” Your fingers made contact with the skin of his cheek, light but…
Loki released a breath, unable to understand your reasons, your intent.
“There are things in this universe that are older than you or I…” You continued quietly, your eyes flickering over his features. “Stories and roles at play that we are not able to see or fathom.”
“And what is my place in all of it?” The words left Loki in a whisper, the touch of your fingers on his cheek somehow comforting. He had been alone for nearly a year, besides his mother’s illusionary visits… Unable to touch, to be held. A small, almost solemn smile tugged at your lips.
“Your place…” You raised your chin faintly. “Is not now, but in the past.” Loki’s brows furrowed at your words, they didn’t make much sense. They felt deliberately cryptic and vague, but… truthful. “And that past is the present… And the future.”
Loki’s hand moved quick, his fingers wrapping around your wrist of the hand that was touching his face, his grip firm but gentle. You took a breath, eyes flickering to his hand around your wrist.
“Speak plainly.” He demanded, his tone softer than he had intended.
“I do.” You whispered. Loki’s grip tightened ever so slightly, not to cause fear or pain, but almost in desperation to understand.
“Your birthright… was to die!”
Loki’s grip faltered as Odin’s words echoed in the cell, words his father had spoken to him so coldly and cruelly… Right before he was thrown in his cell… Alone.
“I don’t want to be alone.”
It was his voice. But not words he could recount ever saying. At least… not aloud. His breath caught, his hand pulling away from your wrist as if you had scalded him, the tears now evident in his gaze as he took a stumbling step back. His lips were parted, brows creasing in a mix of anger and confusion.
“Witch.” He breathed out, but unlike most who uttered the word, there was no malice. Your hand remained in the air a second longer before dropping to your side, blinking.
“I’m afraid so.” You smirked faintly, wry.
Loki shook his head, hand moving to run through his raven hair, willing his composure to return. “They do not see you.” He stated, glancing out towards the passing Einherjar who were doing their patrol.
“They do not.” You confirmed, nodding once. “You are no stranger to magic.” You raised a brow. “You know it’s a simple spell.”
Loki huffed out a wry sound, closing his eyes as he turned away from you again. “Your path is set.” You spoke again, voice resolute yet holding a hint of sympathy. “And I am sorry.” You whispered, making Loki frown. “But all paths must come to an end.”
Your words hung in the air between you, Loki processing its cryptic nature, a shiver going down his spine. It sounded like a promise. But one that you seemed to be regretting having to make.
Loki spun on his heel, lips parted as he went to reply, to deny his fate, but as his gaze fell to the spot you had been stood in, he found it empty. You were gone. Without a trace. Or so he thought. His eyes dropped to the book you had picked up earlier on the ornate table, brows furrowing as he noticed the cover had changed. Tentatively, he approached it, eyes fixed on the book. Leaning down, his slender fingers grasped the book, picking it up as he took in the cover.
He let out a breath, unsure of what it meant, eyes flickering around his cell to search for any sign of you. But nothing. Questions. He had so many. But he felt he knew you wouldn’t give them so easily anyway. And so, all he could do… was wait. Let his mind go over your words. As he looked back down at the book, he found it had returned to its original state, the leather no longer holding a carving of Yggdrasil.
Witch, indeed.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 11 months
I finally got to have my request! I waited 3 asks 😭😭
The RoR react to reader, who are known as the Queen of the Kings and have all 3; brawn, brain, and beauty. Reader have the personality of a ball of sunshine but also won't hestitate to put anyone in their places. Turns out she earned the titles Queen of the Kings because she puts a lot of monarch/leaders, especially male ones, in their place when they get cocky and also have a lot of them falling for her.
Qin Shi Huang, Buddha, Poseidon, Hades, Odin, and Thor, and romantic please!
-There were many queens throughout history, but none more notable than you, as you held many titles, with your most well-known one being Queen of the Kings.
-You were a sole ruler, inheriting the throne from your parents, and while many suitors tried to come for your hand, to become king by your side, including threatening you, you never married- as you ruled expertly on your own.
-Your kingdom never knew war, never knew famine or hardships under your rule, as you made it mandatory that all citizens, no matter the class, should have access to food, housing, jobs, and medical treatment.
-Your people loved you, as they all praised your wonderous rule, so much so that other people from other kingdoms moved to yours, as yours was so wealthy but also so happy.
-This made the kings nearby, whom you refused to marry, quite angry, seeing how well you were doing and how well liked you were.
-Many came, demanding their subjects back, but you argued back that they were free to choose where they lived. Not liking your sass, the four visiting kings tried to attack you, to put you into their place in front of their guards and the nobles from all five kingdoms.
-Armed only with your slipper, you quickly had all four kings on their knees, begging you for mercy. Seeing that you got all four of the kings, many who had been in wars before, begging you for mercy, scared of you and your slipper, they quickly lost their credibility.
-However, you weren’t cruel, giving them mercy and in turn, you offered your assistance, showing them how you ruled, so they could take it to their own kingdoms, so they would have a thriving kingdom as well.
-You weren’t to be underestimated, as you were a trained warrior yourself, but you always chose the peaceful route first, and you only resorted to violence if you had to, and those who opposed you quickly learned this.
-In Valhalla, you were still regarded as a queen and many respected you because you still ruled as you did on earth, with gentle kindness and threats of your slipper.
-You met many unique humans and gods in Valhalla, ones that you would gladly call friends, and you also found the only man that managed to capture your heart, (Love).
-He treated you like a queen, despite being a ruler himself, but to see him treating you as an equal, while those in your past wanted to undermine your power, it was refreshing, and you came to adore him.
-He learned of your past battles, including the one where you put those four kings in their place, something (Love) thought was hysterical, learning of these so-called powerful kings being put in their place, four on one, with you being the victor with your slipper.
-He thought it was just a story people told to get their children to behave, as a lot of people used slippers to keep their kids in line.
-That was, until a bold king, one who only ruled for a short while, less than a month, before being overthrown for being such a crappy leader, approached you while you were waiting for (Love), demanding you, not asking you, to go on a date with him.
-When you refused, he grabbed your arm, trying to threaten you. Those around you quickly took several steps back, afraid, getting out of the swinging zone.
-(Love) saw this boy grab you and he immediately came over, but he froze in his tracks, seeing you immediately slapping his hand off of you while removing a slipper and you bitch slapped him right across the face with it, sending him to the ground.
-Your glared darkly down at him, “Don’t grab when you don’t get your way, boy.” He was stammering, holding his cheek, begging you not to hit him again as you threatened to, to teach him a lesson.
-(Love) approached and the boy immediately ran off, terrified of you.
-Offered to go after him for you, which you brushed off, “No need- he learned his lesson.” As you said this you held onto his arm, putting your slipper back on before he bent, pecking your cheek in greeting before offering you an arm, “If he’s bold enough to try again, you may do as you wish.” You pretended not to see the grin on his face, looking excited before he whisked you away.
            -Buddha, Hades, and QSH
-Had his weapon at the ready, “He put his hands on you- he needs to learn a harsher lesson.” You grabbed onto his arm, steadying yourself while you put your shoe back on, “And you can teach him one if he tries to approach me again. It’s not the first time a young one approached me like that, and it won’t be the last.” A dark aura surrounded your lover as he glared, fully ready to make some head roll, hearing how you had been treated. It seems he needs to stay by your side more, to protect you, and to throw hands for you.
-Poseidon, Odin, and Thor
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"You're a wise king." "There will be no wiser king than you..."
I can't be the only one who hates that Thor's arc never included him actually becoming king? His story was him learning what kind of leader he was meant to be and that he was worthy of it in the end. Why didn't it end with him becoming king?
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shiningshenanigans · 6 months
You know, if Asgard ran their political structure the same way that Anniera runs theirs, it would have solved a lot of problems. We all know that Loki, when he's not brainwashed by the mind stone and senselessly murdering countless people out of spite, is actually very politically-minded and astute. He's always had great potential to be a selfless leader, even in the films. Thor himself admits, at the end of TDW, that Loki is better suited to the role of king than he is.
And as for Thor... he's an avenger. A warrior and a protector to his core. Tell me he wouldn't make an absolutely stellar Throne Warden for his little brother while he reigned.
Just saying, I really think Peterson was onto something when he came up with this whole "royal siblings need each and should actually rule side-by-side" system. Marvel should take notes.
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mrs-elsie-barnes · 11 months
The Old Gods and The New - Chapter 7
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Velkommen Til Tønsberg | Loki x Reader
Loki and Thor take you to see the new King of Asgard in the hopes of finding more answers. Charmed by the quaint village and welcoming Asgardians you dream of a better future there. But not everyone is friendly and they're certainly not safe.
Warnings: mostly fluffy...mind the ending. Family drama, talk of forced marriage/marriage of convenience and Reader's family. Implied sexual content, implied loss of virginity.
A/N: From here on in there's going to be talk of other panethons,specifically from Irish mythology, so I'll put a little info at the bottom of the chapter if you're interested! Other mythologies will be depicted in the same way Loki & the Asgardians are in Marvel and the MCU. This is very much a fictionalised account, although there are, like in the MCU, elements of the original stories. You don't have to read about them, but I've tried hard to embed a lot of mythology into the story so although it's easily readable without it, I think it's more fun if you know!
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist | Loki Masterlist | Masterlist
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“So you met a woman who can set fire to stuff, makes everyone around her horny and you’ve let him,” the woman pointed at Loki, “teach her to shift and mind read?” She walked around the coffee table in the middle of the cosy living room, keeping her eyes trained on your face as if you might drag the crackling fire out of the hearth and set fire to her sofa.
“Yes - But, in my defence, she could already do a lot of it and it wasn’t my idea.” Thor gave her a massive grin, taking a butter cookie from the plate in front of him while she flopped onto the chair opposite you. 
“I’m -” you paused, unsure of what to call yourself. No one had really addressed you since you arrived at the compound, should you use the name you’d discovered with Loki? When you’d dreamed of Asgard together? Or should you use your old name, the one your Grandfather gave you? 
“This is Estrid.” Loki took the decision out of your hands, and you were grateful for it, leaning into his side a little for reassurance while he patted your knee. 
She took your hand in both of hers and gave them a firm squeeze, her palms were soft, but there were calluses below her fingers that told you there was more to her than the oversized jumper, piles of books and well stocked bar cart could tell you. 
“I’m Brunnhilde,” Brunnhilde gave you a warm smile, far more comforting than you’d expected when Thor had described the warrior on your journey to Tønsberg. He’d described the fights they’d engaged in together, her bravery during Ragnarok and her ability to lead as a fair and firm King for the new Asgardian settlement. He talked about her armour and weapons, whirling his hands around as he acted out his favourite moments from the final battle. Loki had rolled his eyes and told you that she was a skilled and proficient fighter and a sensible leader, despite Thor’s terrible caricature. 
The woman before you looked softer than their stories, she was wearing an oversized knitted sweater that hung down to her thighs over tight black jeans, her hair was styled in long braids that fell over her shoulders and she fiddled with the end of one as she continued to watch you. 
“Valkyrie,” Thor insisted through a mouthful of biscuit. But Brunnhilde, just rolled her eyes exaggeratedly and gave you a knowing smile, as if the antics of gods were commonplace in her life. 
“You can call me Brunnhilde or Valkyrie, Val, if you like,” she had an easy manner of speaking, relaxed and welcoming, in keeping with the homey warmth of her cottage and she pushed the plate of food towards you. “Do you want to tell me about these dreams?”
The hesitancy you felt on arriving in the little fishing village began to melt away. Initially you’d been overwhelmed by the crisp, salt scent of the sea and the shock of the cold. But here, in the stone house nestled in the centre of the village, you felt at ease and allowed yourself to relax into the cushions. The atmosphere that had been so shockingly different on arrival was now settling inside of you, the clean smell sea smell of the harbour mixing with the woodsmoke in the village was familiar somehow. 
You’d arrived in the dead of night while the village was asleep, tucked into the hillside with only a few lights along the dock still bright. The sea had called to you then, a wild thing that beat against the boats and rattled the stones of the shoreline until you were on the edge of the dock, leaning over into the abyss of darkness. 
Loki had pulled you away and wrapped your frozen hands in his own while Thor had looked on, a knowing smile spreading across his face. But you allowed Loki to pull you close, snaking your arms around his waist and tucking yourself half inside his black wool coat. He rubbed his hands up and down your back to warm you, the press of his fingers turning into the weight of your own coat as Loki’s magic flickered over you. 
You’d stood together for what felt like forever and yet not enough time at all, bathing in the darkness and the rhythmic sound of the sea as it crested and crashed on the harbour wall. 
Thor was intrigued by Loki’s behaviour, he’d never seen him act in such a controlled and measured way, nor had he seen him spend more than a few days with any consort since their adolescent years in Asgard. 
He was starting to think this was some sort of elaborate courtship that his brother had thought up, for once he decided he would forgo the teasing, happy to see his brother with a partner he actually approved of, and had left you in the cold air, wrapped together under Loki’s coat. 
Your mind had wandered, rubbing your thumb over Loki’s cool palm, and felt his own relaxed thoughts wash over you, your cheek touched his shoulder and he lifted his arm to tuck you into his side, the movement unconsciously casual and comforting. 
“Are you okay, Estrid?” The Valkyrie’s voice called to you through the memory and you sat upright again with a start. “I think I do remember you - hmm,” she paused and looked up at the ceiling. “You’re Brigid’s daughter? Right? I remember your mother, I was assigned to her guard a few times when she visited Queen Frigga.”
Her words raised goosebumps on your skin, a mother? Without thinking you grabbed at Val’s hands, pulling her to the edge of her own seat so that you could study her face, waiting for her to reveal a lie or a joke. “Show me, can I see? Please,” you begged, eyes filling with tears. 
 Brunnhilde flicked her dark eyes at Thor, hesitating, she had been King of the Asgardians for only a short time and although Thor was more like a brother to her now, she didn’t want to upset either Prince by revealing too many of Asgard’s secrets. 
You hadn’t noticed her hesitation, your only thoughts on seeing your forgotten mother again. “I don’t remember my mother at all. What was she like?” You asked, looking around the room to see if any of them would be willing to share. 
Loki, surprisingly, looked at Thor as well, a silent conversation passing between the two brothers before Thor answered. 
“I don’t see the harm, after all we brought her here to learn, if this is what she requires then she should hear it.” He said, already a little bored and messing with the trinkets on the shelf beside him, hadn’t he differed his responsibilities to Valkyrie for this exact reason?
Brunnhilde leant forward and, with some encouragement from Loki, you met her halfway, your fingers hovering over her temples. “I promise I’ll just look at my mother. Just think about her a lot, when you worked for her, what you saw.”
Loki’s hand found your knee and squeezed, “Remember, Asynja, calm." You concentrated on his breathing, on his scent, on the feel of his trousers below your own hand and closed your eyes. 
She appeared out of the gloom, a tall woman with fiery red hair in a mass of curls flowing down her back. Her clothes reminded you of your dreams, airy and bright. She had a gold crown on her head adorned with gemstone flowers, tulips, daffodils and snowdrops mixed with clover and daisies. On her back a sage green Cape trailed behind her and from one corner peaked a little face. 
“My baby, you stay in there, safe and sound,” her voice was like warm salted caramel, sweet, burning with love and measured by her strength. A fierceness behind it that would surely scald anyone coming too close. Behind her strode the Valkyrie in their armour, as they marched through the corridors of Asgard to Frigga’s chambers.
Once inside the luxurious chambers, a little face peaked out again.
“It is safe, Estrid. You may come out. This is my friend, Queen Frigga. You are to stay with her a while.” The other woman held out her hand, her fingers adorned with all manner of shining gems and opaque turquoise, her hair flowed from a golden diadem, but she was dressed casually in a sky blue dress, draped around her shoulders and elbows. A Queen, yes, but a mother also. 
“Estrid, you  very welcome here in Asgard. May I present my son, Loki. He has similar talents. Perhaps he could show you the palace.” A shaggy head of black hair peered around Frigga’s legs. “I have another son, Thor, but my dear Brigid tells me that you love to read and walk, rather than fight and wrestle,” she paused, tugging Loki forward, and bent between you both, “my darling Loki can show you his library, he will be sure to share.” She gave Loki a little nudge forward and dipped her chin at him. 
With practised steps he moved towards the little girl, “Princess” he bowed, formally, looking back up at his mother for approval. Frigga patted the boy on the shoulder and he hid behind her skirts again. 
“Prince," you gave a shy curtsy, holding the folds of your elaborate dress as you moved, your memories drifted towards him and away from your parents. Your juvenile conversations floating through lazy mornings within his library, giggling together while you spied on the court from the gallery. The clothes that Loki had created for you with a glimmer of magic so that you could climb the same trees and tumble down the same hills, splashing together in the fountains of the gardens until his governess chased you back into the palace.
Your small hands clasped together as he walked you through the halls of Asgard, the sheen of sweat on his brow when you ran together through the gardens, hazy and warm and glittering with gold it morphed into a lazy dream, full of clouds and the endless sky and…
The dream faded and Val pulled away.
“You’re distracted.” She looked at Loki and narrowed her eyes. “Loki was very important to you back then, and I see that he still is," she gave Loki a sly smile, “but he’s distracting you. Bugger off and annoy someone else please." She waved the two princes away. 
Loki kissed your hand and stood to walk out with Thor. He had the same shy, boyish smile that you'd seen in your memory. The one that had made you feel welcome and at peace. He lingered, unsure about whether he could push his affection further than a kiss on the cheek. You hadn’t discussed your evening together, but he longed to keep you in his arms. Meeting his eyes you allowed your mind to wander to his and he bent over you on the sofa, his hands either side of your head, and lowered his face to yours. Brushing his nose against your cheek he kissed you softly. 
“I’ll come for you? I can show you the people." He suggested, “I’ll meet you at the harbour when you’re finished.”
“They’re my people now, don’t forget!” Brunnhilde called after him.
“How could I!” He bowed low, “my Queen." His tone was filled with sarcasm as well as mirth. With a final wink Thor pulled him out of the door.
Brunnhilde rolled her eyes and then turned her attention back to the tea tray, pouring a cup for you both. She settled back into her chair and tucked her feet up under her. 
“Brigid was a wonderful Goddess, a Queen herself really, but here on Midgard,” Val took a deep breath and sighed it out, “she made the flames dance, brought the spring and the flowers, and protected the land during winter. She took care with all her subjects and friends, her matchmaking skills, in particular,  were something to behold. She helped Frigga and Odin in their early courtship and had many friends across the nine realms and the Otherworld.” Brunnhilde stopped to look at you, your wide eyes glistening as you listened. “Is this bringing any memories back?” She dunked a biscuit into her tea and watched you as she ate. 
“Yes, a little.” A tear started to fall slowly down your cheek, pooling on your lip, a bittersweet taste of a grief and longing you still couldn't truly comprehend, couldn’t even remember. “She had a cloak,” you wrapped your arms around yourself, “I always felt so safe in there.”
“That’s because it was safe, it created a protection around those who wore it, or who were under it. She used it to protect the land during winter, but when she had to hide you it worked for you too.”
“Did she hide me here? Is that why I don’t remember?” 
“Oh no, she used to hide you on Asgard, mostly, but you visited other realms too.” 
“So is she still hiding in it? Is that why we’re not together?”
Brunnhilde reached out and patted your arm, “no, she’s not hiding in it. I’m sorry to tell you, she died, and she took all of her magic and secrets with her. The cloak was never Asgardian to begin with, so we couldn't have looked for it, though Frigga tried. It's been lost for a long time, but I'd bet if it's anywhere, it's here on Midgard, waiting for you." 
You nodded, contemplating the possibility that it may be out there and, if it was, it was yours now. A Goddess’ cloak. 
Just the thought of it made you feel dizzy. You sipped your tea, allowing the warmth of it to spread through you before you built the courage to ask your next question. 
“How did she die?” The question squeaked out of you, barely a whisper, and you found yourself curling into the cushions of the sofa as you spoke. 
“I wish I knew." Brunnhilde looked sincere and you could feel the sorrow radiating from her as her eyes misted, "she brought you back to Asgard many times, sometimes she would stay and you would holiday around the city, sometimes she would leave you under the Queen’s care. The last time you visited you were just of age, celebrating your birthday and looking forward to your ascension. She left to speak to a potential suitor in Vanaheim, your mother and Frigga had many friends there, and together they sought someone who could match your spirit, but provide you protection, a good match." 
"A good match?" 
"I know it's a lot to take in, but you were, are, a very important child not just to your mother, but to us all. Children are rare in the Nine Realms, especially among the Aesir, skilled children are rarer." 
"Your magic. When you first came to Asgard you were wild and untamed. Frigga helped you to channel your energy and taught you alongside her own sons. I believe Loki is helping you again now, but there was a time you trained together. And that kind of magic, in the hands of the wrong realm, the wrong husband. It could've been catastrophic." 
"Husband, why would I have to have a husband?!" You were incensed, "why couldn't I just train and be by myself." 
"It was a difficult time for the Nine Realms, for us all, a time of change. But you were as angry then as you are now, I’m pleased to see you haven’t lost any of your fire.” Angry as you were, you could see that Brunnhilde was telling the truth, and there was no teasing or malice in the way she looked at you. 
The King sat her cup down an came to sit beside you, bringing your hand up to the side of her face, she opened her memories again. 
You were sat in Frigga’s private chambers, a fire glowing in the grate, wine, fruit and bread on the table. Frigga held you close, patting your hair and singing a soft lullaby.
“My dear, you are still so young to lose a mother and we will always be here for you. But you must listen to the wishes of your court, and of your King at least consider his plans. A chaperone and entourage are being sent to take you home.”
“I won’t go with them, I barely know him. Why won’t Odin let me stay?” You sobbed. 
“He will not overrule your father. There will be a ball for you, and then your Father will come and collect you. I imagine you will be introduced to your betrothed and then your ascension will begin, you will be crowned and named to solidify your position."
Brunnhilde pulled away, she was unsure of how the evening played out any further, you had fled the room and not returned. Frigga had asked her to look for you when your maids said you were not in your bed. The Valkyrie had assumed you remained in the castle, but to no avail. To Brunnhilde’s knowledge you had hidden yourself all night, returning in the morning in sodden clothes, covered in soil and grass, and had assumed you’d spent the night in the gardens, perhaps sleeping in one of the follies scattered around the hedges. 
You slid back against the sofa cushions, lost in your own memory, eyes shut but twitching as if in deep sleep. Brunnhilde draped a blanket over your lap and propped your head onto a cushion, leaving you to your memories. 
You stood, tossing aside the blankets and sheets and carefully opened the doors of your balcony. Long since a trellis had been built into the stone wall outside and you used it, as always, to climb down from your rooms into the quiet of the gardens. Out in the night, the lanterns led the way slowly fading as you moved further from the safety of the palace until you were in darkness surrounded by the trees at the edge of the palace land. Above you the forest loomed, foreboding and fascinating all at once. You expected to be alone, out in the night, but as you slowed to a halt, panting breaths that circled you in the midnight air, a voice called to you through the manicured lawns and trained roses, echoing from the mountain behind you, sad and low. 
Loki’s arms found your waist, pulling you back against his chest. Firm and real in the ethereal night, and took your weight as you cried again. 
“My darling, please, you can not leave me here." He begged, nuzzling into your neck and breathing you in. You could smell him too, your memory so vivid that it filled your senses.
“What choice do I have?" You sagged further into his hold, his strong arms keeping you against his chest. 
Together you tumbled to the ground. Loki kept you close in his lap, attempting to stop your skirts from catching in the grass and mud, but you pushed them away, taking his wrists and placing his hands on your waist. With panting breaths you stared at each other, the moonlight glowing in his eyes. Then he kissed you. With no hesitation, no shyness. His tongue licking into your mouth and claiming you. 
You fell into his kisses, the moss below you becoming a blanket as he lay you down. You pulled him closer, sinking into the feeling of his magic as it surrounded you, allowing him to mould himself to your body.
“Your dress, it will be noticed," he mumbled, pulling the silk and chiffon back onto the blanket. 
“If I have to leave in a week, why should I care what anyone thinks? I’ll never be allowed to live again. And I want to live Loki, I want to be free!” Your hands were on his shoulders, in his hair, on his arms pulling him closer, clinging to him as if to life itself. 
“You are still a Princess, soon you'll be a Queen too. I should take you back to the palace.” He propped himself up on his elbow, warring with himself over whether to take you back to your chambers or keep you here forever. Loki was losing his fight, confusion writ across his normally controlled expression. Your kisses tasted like wine and figs, intoxicating and enticing. He had held himself back for so long, kept his feelings deeply hidden for so long he was struggling to keep his hands from you. 
“Is that not enough for you, my Prince? Or is it because you are a God? Am I not Goddess enough?” You started to sit up, confused in the depths of your emotions. If you weren't enough then you wouldn't be humiliated. 
“My darling, my Princess, my Queen, Ásynja. I would worship at your feet." He insisted, cupping your cheeks, his eyes swirling with need, with desire, with something you couldn't name. "But you will have to hold court here, you must be respected as the Goddess of Spring, there is some purity required," he hinted, his hands clenching in the swirling fabric at your waist. 
Loki kissed across your brow, your nose, your cheeks, every kiss more reverent than the last. Filled with the love he was too frightened to name. 
You laughed, a harsh bark compared to the usually tinkling lilt of your joy, “Is that what you think they’ll crown me? Because of my mother?” 
You felt him nod against your neck, pressing his lips against your pulse, enjoying the taste of you while he could, before he let you go. 
“What else could you be? How could you be anything but pure love and joy, there is no other who could replace her, it has to be you,” his hands played with the jewels that seemed to eternally adorn your hair, turning each pink diamond green beneath his touch. 
“Lust. That’s what I've heard I will be, a humiliation, a jest. What do you get when you marry spring and fertility with chaos and brawling? Lust, he said, violent lust. And I shall marry a war lord from Vanaheim too, to confirm my position. He made it clear I wasn’t to fall in love while I was here, I must keep myself pure so that my lord may enjoy his wife to the fullest." You ground your teeth, tearing at the blanket beneath you. "His greatest trick. Naming his own daughter Goddess of Lust as a - as a - as a virgin." Your face screwed up in anger, sobs wracking you as you thought of giving yourself so intimately to your betrothed. But Loki stopped. 
“You love me?” He asked, suddenly shy, his grasping hands holding you close. 
You met his gaze again, soft and full of admiration. “Endlessly,” you breathed, and he lay you back down among the moss, the growing flowers and new shoots, the warm sun rising and the scent of spring surrounding you. 
You woke to Brunnhilde stoking the fire, the curtains drawn now and the lights low. She smiled as you stirred and came to sit beside you again. 
“Pleasant dreams, were they?” She asked, raising an eyebrow, and you felt hot suddenly, even without the crackling fire. 
“I still have so many questions,” you pondered on what you needed answered first. 
“My father? Was he cruel?” You asked, curling your feet under yourself and tucking one of Brunnhilde's many blankets over your knees. 
"I never met him properly." Brunnhilde admitted, though a little awkwardly. "I know he was a god here on Midgard, and that your mother kept you closely guarded on Asgard while he was holding court here. I believe it was an arranged match, and there was no love between them. It was perhaps why she was so keen to see you well married, in the end. But I haven't seen him, not since he took you back."
Married. You had already found out that you were a Goddess, what would be marriage compared to that? To some unknown war lord no less, perhaps he would already be dead. But it was some comfort to know that, even then, you had given your heart and soul to Loki instead. 
Brunnhilde watched you, waiting for the next question. 
“You said Loki meant a lot to me. Will you show me?” You felt the heat of embarrassment creep up your spine, you knew exactly what he meant, but you had to know whether it was a dalliance born of extreme emotion, or something more. 
The King looked awkward for a moment. “I didn’t see a lot of it. You were both private, but also royalty. I wasn’t there, but I do  remember the last ball you attended together, the one in your honour. He danced with you the whole night and refused any other offer, the court was abuzz with whispers of your courtship.  Your father was angry that you'd allowed yourself to become the subject of gossip and he took you early in the morning before anyone else was awake. You had planned a final breakfast on the terrace with the Princes and the Queen, Loki was distraught for a day and then it was as if you were never there. No one spoke of you, and Frigga made it clear your name was never to enter the gossip of court again, for everyone’s safety." 
The whole thing had been so odd, all you wanted to do was speak to Loki and share your new knowledge with him, to see if he could remember it too. Brunnhilde called Thor while you layered your coat and scarf on again, tugging your boots on with one hand on the wall in the small hallway. 
She stood in the doorway as you left, and directed you away from her cosy home, back towards the harbour and to another stone cottage before she closed the door for the night, leaving you to your thoughts. 
You walked slowly across the small village, enjoying the crisp air and the bob of the boats in the harbour. It was calm here, away from the world, and you contemplated asking Loki if you could continue your training here instead of returning to the bustle of the compound. 
"Princess Estrid,” a deep voice said behind you. The title was new and brittle, but you assumed it must be another Asgardian, perhaps someone you once knew and, with a new found excitement, you turned to them with a smile. 
And then everything went black. 
<<Part 6
Part 8>>
Gods & Goddess' mentioned.
This is just from my own reading, I'm by no means an expert, just a fan, so if you know more and want to talk to me please send me a message/ask!
Brigid - beloved Goddess from the Tuatha Dé Danann. Brigid is often cited as the goddess of spring, the dawn, fertility. Brigid is so popular she was made into a Saint as Christianity became more widespread. She's often linked to a magical cloak which gives protection to those that wear it, you can leave cloth outside of your house on Imbolc for her to bless and in some stories it's her cloak that covers the ground during winter. She's also linked to cattle and craftsmen (including metal work and those that use fire), mothers and children.
Brigid is well loved and celebrated still as a Pagan Goddess and Christian Saint.
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pascaloverx · 8 months
Forbidden Romance
Summary: You are in love with Prince Thor. He will soon be King and is hosting a ball between Kingdoms so he can find his future bride. Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Asgard is not ready to accept the Chief of the Royal Guard as the new Queen.
Warnings: inappropriate language, use of violence and adult content in the future of fanfic. some characters belong to the Marvel universe and others were created by the author.
AO3 link chapter two
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Chapter One
A calm morning awaits you as you don your attire of the Kingsguard. The duty calls to you. Guarding the safety of the great son of Asgard is an honor. The challenge is to leave your personal feelings aside. Damn was the moment you fell in love...
"Are you sure it won't be strange for you escorting your little boyfriend to a ball designed for him to find a future wife?" Loki quips as he strides into your room without any ceremony. You brandish your sword at the level of the rejected Prince Loki.
"It's conversations like these that make me know I should hit you every time you come to my room." You speak while holding the sword tightly. Loki walks away, smiling a little too much for those who seem afraid of you.
"I came in peace. Thor asked you to stop by his room before leaving to give instructions to the Kingsguard." Loki says, laying down under his bed and swinging his feet playfully. You roll your eyes reproaching him but I understand that it's good that he's helping you and Thor.
"You know if you tell anyone about this, I'll rip your tongue out of your head, right?" You say it knowing that he'll probably enjoy you hurting him but that he would feel humiliated for being hurt by a commoner like you.
"And miss the chance to watch you two fucking everything up when my precious father notices that his favorite son is the one who will bring ruin to his kingdom." Hearing these words coming out of Loki's mouth makes everything even more real. If you and Thor are caught, you will be sentenced to death. And he will be king anyway.
"Tell your brother, I'll see him at the opening ceremony to welcome the leaders of each kingdom and their children." You say finishing and getting ready to go. But to your surprise, before you could leave your room, Thor was waiting for you. Accompanied, obviously, by the guard responsible for his security. You straighten up and bow, paying homage to the future king.
"Lynox, you may withdraw. The chief of the Kingsguard and I have a private matter to discuss." Thor says, looking at you. He scans you from top to bottom, as if he could undress you with just one look. You would like to live in a world where you could reciprocate with him. But we're not in that world.
"With all due respect, Your Highness, Lynox can witness our conversation. After all, as the second-in-command of the Kingsguard, he should be informed about matters concerning your security." You say, looking seriously at Thor and Lynox, who is unsure whether to leave or stay to listen to the conversation.
"Lynox." Thor says, and that's all it takes for Lynox to leave us alone. In the kingdom, Thor's word is only second to that of his parents. Soon, you and he are staring at each other.
"Are you proud? Your word holds more weight than mine in every corner of the kingdom. Want to test that with someone else? Your brother is in my room right now. Want to try to get him out with just a command, Your Highness?" You're upset because when you and Thor started to see each other as more than just royal guard and royalty, he promised he wouldn't walk over you.
"Dove…" He speaks so softly. His eyes watch you as his arms draw near. Thor then pulls you close to him, embracing you tightly.
"You enjoy doing things that put both my position in the Royal Guard and my life at risk. And I'm a fool for accepting it without a fight." You say, lifting your face as Thor looks down to meet your gaze. As you lock eyes, you slowly lean in towards the future king's face, being kissed by him shortly after.
"I'll talk to my father. Try to delay having to choose a wife. Or you could…" He begins, but you already step back, knowing what he's going to suggest.
"Become your mistress?" — you are revolted by the possibility of becoming the King's mistress— "To be the woman who sleeps with the King when he's not with the Queen?" Thor looks regretful about what he was about to say. You, however, look at him determinedly.
"You will never be a mere mistress to me. We could have a family together while the queen and I can have a semblance of a wedding." You laughed at Thor's foolishness. In fact, you were even afraid that Asgard was in the hands of a foolish prince.
"My love...shut up before anyone can hear all this nonsense. I'd rather die in battle than be the woman you cheat on your wife with." You say leaving disappointed with reality. This reality makes you know that you will always be just that for Thor. A head of the Kingsguard or a mistress.
You are a little shaken when you hear a noise and go after it to find out what is happening. A man dressed as royalty stands in the middle of the kingdom's trophy room. He is not known to you, you find his presence strange but you know you need to be polite when questioning him.
"This room has restricted entry. Only Asgardian Royalty can enter here. How did you manage to get past the Royal Guard?" You question using the most serious tone of voice possible. You hold tight to the tip of your sword that is attached to your waist. The man looks at you as if enchanted.
"I think the Royal Guard is busy preparing for the arrival of great royal representatives from the main kingdoms allied to Asgard. Are you usually so straight-faced with everyone?"He asks turning towards you.
"One more step and I will be forced to attack you. Tell me who are you?" You ask, almost wielding your sword, as a way of threatening the man in front of you.
"I hope you can explain to the King how you treat visitors. But since you insist on knowing, I am Steve. Son of King Tristan, future King of Kyrax." He speaks with such petulant calm. It's like he knew you would regret being hostile towards him.
"Your Highness could have told me you were a prince from the beginning. I hope you know that my approach was just security protocol. I will leave you alone." You speak cordially, trying not to show how embarrassed you are.
"However, I prefer your company. " He says as he watches you walk away. You turn around almost abruptly, confused by his revelation.
"I don't know how things are in your kingdom, Your Highness, but here commoners and royalty don't usually keep each other company unless it's essential." You speak keeping a safe distance between you and Prince Steve. Something useless since he doesn't know personal space and quickly got too close to you
"The Commander of the Royal Guard is right, Believe me, she avoids spending time alone even with me if it's not necessary." Thor says, entering the trophy room and staying close, but in a professional manner. The tension between the two is palpable and you mentally prepare yourself for what's to come.
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shinjisdone · 1 year
To Soften a Warrior’s Heart (Vinland Saga; Thorfinn; Part 7)
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In which you have joined Askeladd’s band…and grow closer to the Son of Thors. Though it is more difficult than anyone can could ever imagine…
[Headcanons of how it would be like to meet and crawl your way into Thorfinn’s heart (based on season 1; both platonic and romantic)]
Part 1 is here - meeting Thorfinn at the age of 14 and how he is at that age
Part 2 is here - meeting Thorfinn at the age of 16/17 + headcanons of growing closer (slightly following s1 story)
Part 3 is here - blooming friendship with Thorfinn (slightly following s1 story)
Part 4 is here - Thorfinn unwittingly opening his heart as he realizes he does not want you to die
Part 5.1 is here - sweet things Thorfinn would do for you (headcanons)
Part 5.2 is here - other seet things Thorfinn would do for you (headcanons)
Part 6 is here - meeting Canute and becoming his guard - Thorfinn accepts your relationship and bond
Part 8 is here - Thorfinn wins against Thorkell; Questioning your bond with Thorfinn
Part 9 is here - Meeting Leif and Thorfinn dueling Askeladd; Losing while Askeladd told him the truth of his constant losses
Part 10 is here - Thorfinn and you bound by heart; Promises of Vinland broken and abandoned
Tag list:
@luopenis , @jinsecho , @mitsureigen
[Mentions of murder, death, war, slave trade, harrasment against women and whatever awful things happened in the viking era. Only mentioned and used as examples. Mostly gender-neutral examples but female-leaning ones are there, too.]
[This part will specifically mention: Death of character, Canute being slapped, pillaging, mention of Canute not taking care of himself to the point where he could die, slight gore, Thorfinn leaving you alone, uh oh its Thorkell time]
So It Goes On And On Not Knowing When It Went Wrong...
So. While things have changed a bit, all around everything still seemed the same.
Marching on and travelling by wagon is not bad at all, you noted, and so far nothing has really threatened the prince, that was constantly attempting to glance at your direction.
Ragnar is quiet all around except for the prince and Askeladd hasn't shared one of his 'great plans' in a while, too.
Thorfinn was as grumpy as ever, always by your side.
Yet the snow has gotten heavier.
It was worrying at best...the road to the king was long.
And the food was running low.
So I Just Feel and Feed The Blood That's Inside Me...
It was only a matter of time.
Of course. Askeladd being Askeladd, being the cunning and clever fellow he was, the leader of hungry, savage vikings would take all a single village had to feed his.
You heard the priest, who traveled silently along you with his alcohol in hand, shriek and call out. Björn quickly beat him into submission.
Ragnar argued to leave these good, religious people alone while speaking as little English as possible.
You were just glad Askeladd did not order you to 'help'. You'd stay far back, as far as you could, watching over the prince. You wondered if he could hear the same things as you.
The young man was hunched and not peeking at you for once. Even while no one was there, Thorfinn still insisted to sit close by you, squeezing you into the wall of the wagon and keeping Cantue a good distance away. He said nothing.
Just as the food arrived, he handed you meat. Telling you to eat while you could and that food was food. Canute got his portion from Ragnar.
You cared for your friend. Yet at times you observed his apathy that was as equal to enemies as it was to innocent people.
Still, such things are quickly forgotten. It isn't the first time, after all.
You got food, you got water, and supplies. You'll survive and so will the prince.
All was the same...including when Ragnar invited you once again to eat. Food was food and especially delectable when it was cooked safely.
You convinced Thorfinn to go. Whether or not out of trust and companionship for Canute and Ragnar or for the fact that was it was free and cooked food. Safely cooked food - miles better than charred fish.
Thorfinn pouts. He doesn't particularly care for 'lunch' but if one; you were to go and two; there was food, he'd have no choice but to oblige.
It was eerily similiar to the first dinner - Canute cooked while Ragnar helped set the table. Only would he glance at you from time to time, the smile on his face fading.
Whether or not you note that the man is not fond of his son - well, his prince, fancying you, is up to you. But know that he won't openly do something against his affections as long as they don't cross a limit.
He cannot have his highness believe he can just have you stay at his castle and marry you...
Thorfinn noticed too, and while he understands where the man is coming from, that does not sour his mood any less whenever Ragnar has to...scowl at you like that.
Canute is as shy as a maiden. He cooks and it is like he had forgotten about the pillage as he asked you bashfully how the dish was.
Soon the shanty is filled with conversation of the past until Ragnar was called out by the rest of the band. Eyeing the trio requesting for his presence, he promised Canute he'd return soon and for you and Thorfinn to continue protecting him.
With an narrowed gaze you watched them leave. The door was closed to keep the snow out. Their footsteps slowly grew quieter and finding the table to be cleaned already, Canute shyly attempted smalltalk with you.
You admitted to yourself that you were barely listening. When you looked into the faces of the men, the bandmates that you knew, you could only see Askeladd.
The table shook and rumbled as the men put Ragnar's cold body on it, more carelessly than planned. Askeladd glanced at them before gazing back to Canute with the same narrowed and focused eyes. The latter was trembling at the sight.
"It was an ambush." Askeladd began, continuing with an empty explanation and the request to keep moving forward. Whoever killed Ragnar must be on their heels - and with Thorkell in tow, they'd best hurry.
They leave shortly after with only you, Thorfinn and Canute staying. Your blonde friend said nothing as he prepared his things. Canute could only stare wordlessly at the corpse in the room.
There it was again. Maybe the sliver of compassion left in your heart or the knowledge that it is difficult to move on from death but it is a must anyway - no matter what the reason may be, you once again decided to appraoch the prince.
With a hand on his shoulder, you turned him to you. His dilating eyes couldn't meet yours. "Prince...what Askeladd said is unfortunately true. If we stay, we will all die here. It hurts, but we have to keep going."
It worked in a way as well...as if in a trance, Canute let you lead him out of the shanty by the hand and into the cold snow. His gaze, as wide as a deer's, was glued on Ragnar until he was inevitably out of sight.
The trance was quickly broken though.
The moment Canute was forcefully thrown into the wagon, he found his voice in an agonizing scream again. His big eyes shut close for the first time only to spill out tears as he yelled out profanity after profanity, order after order to have Ragnar not be left behind in some nowhere shanty but properly buried in honor.
The leader of the band made it quickly clear that they do not have time for funerals and honor - a mountain of a man with a bloodlust no warrior deities could match was after them - after him - so he could cease his bawling.
"Ragnar!" His name left his mouth again, his throat beginnning to hurt. If he himself could not stop his grief, then it was Askeladd leaving his face bruised in a hard slap.
"Ragnar is dead. No matter how many times you call out for him, the dead will not hear you. Not come for you nor help you."
Canute brought a hand to his throbbing, red cheek. The tears stopped for a moment as he stared at Askeladd in disbelief, voice shaking.
"...It was you..."
It was clear to everyone witnessing that there were more words to be exchanged, yet the man was faster. Without any hesitation he ordered for everyone to keep on marching no matter what. With a flick of his finger, he pointed back to Thorfinn and you, telling you to keep on having an eye on the prince.
You didn't know what to think. But as Thorfinn helped you up on the wagon and Canute silently hunched in his seat, you only knew you felt anger.
Keep Your Precious Justice To Yourself, Bud...
Only a few days have passed but each was as dull as the next.
Thorfinn and you still had the priviledge on sitting on the wagon next to Canute, who stayed hunched in his lone seat. He hadn't spoken a word ever since Askeladd's lesson of death.
The band's mood darkened like the grey and cloudy sky. Snow kept on piling and piling up and you often had the displeasure of getting off the wagon and pushing it through the thick white while Canute stayed put, not lifting a finger nor his head.
Thorkell was close - everyone knew. Besides the whsipers, only Björn spoke to the band's leader.
Thorfinn ate, slept and sat as if nothing was wrong. SInce the days have been quiet, he barely paid any attention to the prince, and would only acknowledge you. Though due to the gloomy atmosphere among the men, you barely were in any mood to talk and the blonde knew it.
At times he'd nudge you, asking how you feel. He shares his food, dividing it in two, or lets you drink fom his water sash. His blanket and cloak are, of course, also yours to share.
Yet he doesn't even lift a finger for Canute. The young man is grieving in solitude even while surrounded by men there to protect him. He does not reply nor answer anyone's call.
You take a part of the loaf of bread Thorfinn shared with you and offer it to him.
Thorfinn glares at the exchange disapprovingly. Still, he lets you do whatever you think needs to be done.
Even if he doesn't really get it or see it as neccesary.
It takes time, but Canute lifts his head ever so slightly before taking the bread. He chewed on it slowly.
The prince may not speak and seemed even quieter than he was at your first meeting, but he at least acknowledged you and your actions. Whenever the men realized that they would also have to look out for the young man - after all, he cannot starve or die of thirst or cold - they would turn to you for the task. Canute only seemed to accept your deeds and your words.
Ragnar wasn't here to baby him anymore, after all.
As heartless as it may sound, Thorfinn also saw Ragnar's actions as babying Cantue. And now, you are doing the exact same.
After some time Thorfinn would definitely whisper to you, whisper how you are smothering and mothering him. Look at the princess. He barely cannot eat or drink by himself. Another round of your kind and honeyed words will have him demand that you start feeding him as well.
Whether or not you shush or agree with him is up to you. But it cannot be denied that Canute cannot be left alone or else he would easily allow himself to die.
Some men gossip among themselves how you have taken Ragnar's position. None found any glee or schadenfreude in that fact, however, and were more focused on the inevitable meeting with Thorkell the Tall.
Higher Than The Sky And Deeper Than The Sea...
And so it came.
You remember it well. How Thorfinn, sitting next to you, grabbed your arm and shifted you closer to him. His cold glare was aimed at the road covered in snow in the distance and his voice was in a low whisper.
"We have to start looking out for the others as well." He began curtly and dry. Brief with his assumption that something was wrong here in the band, that none of the men liked where any of this was going.
They did not like the plan. The marching. The secrets Askeladd kept to himself and the feral giant hunting them down. It would only be a matter of time before a fight would ensue.
"Look out for yourself. Stay alert." He told you and with that, let go, as if nothing had been exchanged between you at all.
And just like that, it was like a prophecy.
The bridge the men were ordered to destroy was nothing but a pebble on the road for Thorkell. He and his men were visible over the hill and with just one swing of his arm, a spear impaled three men.
As swift as the wind, Thorfinn flung out his daggers and stood in front of you. Canute did not move a muscle at the men falling, nor did he look up to know who was here to 'save' him next.
People dying and fighting over being the 'escorts' and 'heroes' who have safely returned the prince to his king.
A quick arguement began before it became a full-out betrayal.
Not like Askeladd had not seen it coming.
Quickly he ordered Björn to ride off and bring the prince to safety - with you and Thorfinn on the wagon and tow as well.
The tables have turned and a manpower of over thirty are now after Askeladd's head and the prince's saftey. Feet stomped over the broken wreckage and soon, Thorkell stood before them all.
The bandmates hoped to switch sides and offer Askeladd's life as a token of loyalty. But your heart only gave out at the sight of the giant of a man.
No matter how you felt about Askeladd, the conversations you had with him...you could not forget his attempt at your life and all the things he had done to Thorfinn...you could not charge back down there and help him.
But Thorfinn could and would.
As he let out a scream, you held him back by his shoulders. The wagon was rushing away from the turmoil together with the prince and the priest...and more of the traitors came hunting you down on their horses.
"It's foolish to go back there! There's Thorkell, Thorkell! Don't you remember what he did to us last time?!"
Though, Thorfinn does not listen. He aimed at the oncoming men and their horses, shooting them down before they could reach you. Sparing one of the animals, he saddled on before yelling back at you. His face contorted in an rage you have never seen before.
"He is MY prey!!!" He shouted back, "You stay here! Kill anyone who tries to come near you!"
It is the first time where the young viking does not prioritize your safety.
As he charged back to the hill below, he shot down the rest coming for the prince - yet in his mind they are coming for you.
Even as they fell, he left you alone with Björn who is easily tempted by madness.
If he hesitates now, his revenge will be lost.
[idk whats up with me today, my english is just....bleh. I really mix up past tense and present dont ask me why.
More of a 'from plot A -> plot B' kind of thing. Not a lot happens unitl then...]
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The Feral Princess - Part 6
Marvel AU
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Theme: Soulmate AU / Medieval / Fantasy / Soulmate Marks
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Summary: Bucky and Steve have known they were soulmates since they were children. Fate bringing a then sickly Steve and the future King together. War takes them apart and throws them back together over and over, in and out of each other lives, arms and beds. But something is missing and throughout, they know they are missing their third and final piece. The kingdom is now Bucky's and Steve's, the latter now a leader and no longer a sickly child. Both are war heroes, with the respect of their country and those that surround it. They are a force to be reconned with, admired and respected within the other royal houses. They could have any maiden or princess they wanted, but they don't want just anyone. They want their soulmate. They want their princess. Even if she is known as The Feral Princess.
Chapter Summary: Bucky contemplates his conversation with Richard.
Chapter Warning: Childhood trauma.
Bucky was still processing Richard’s words as they made camp for the night a few days later. He had set himself apart from the others as they huddled around the fire, as a mist began to gather around the camp. As his mark for you began to feel warm his mind wandered and thoughts of you as a child, scared and helpless ran through his mind.
When Steve had told him and his mother, Winnie, of his father’s abuse, Bucky had to be physically restrained. He had been fourteen at the time, Steve thirteen.
Winnie had sent guards to fetch Steve’s mother Sarah, along with his father. Sarah had been given quarters with a view of the lake and her own maids. His father had never seen the light of day again. It seemed that the other Royal households had rallied to protect you but not until the damage had been done.
Bucky sat in silence as he tried to piece together the timeline of Richard’s words and his own upbringing. The time of your childhoods was full of war and it wasn’t often that Royal households mixed. Too much betrayal and cross words. A common cause of defeating Hydra and Lord Piece, and a few others along the way had kept people connected.
A long awaited peace had come, along with a mutual respect of each other. But you had stayed hidden, although your reputation proceeded you. Plenty of Royal houses near and far had sent suitors your way, as well as the families of good standing. All in a bid to seek an alliance and a connection to the Royal house of Lionheart or one of the most formidable house know, The House of Loxley, along with the others you were connected too.
For those that had managed to pass the gates of Lionheart or through the woods of Loxley, they had been stabbed, shot and poisoned. He also suspected a few may have been dragon food. But you continued to stay hidden. The balls and events you did attend were those of Lionheart, Loxley and occasionally Odinson. You had no connection by blood to the latter and he wonders where the alliance comes from. He is sure that it must be Thor’s mother. Odin and Richard were far too a like with their tempers, so he is sure it Frigga.
A woman gifted in magic, fierce but kind. When Bucky had returned from war missing an arm she had sent baskets of oils and herbs to aid his recovery with clear written instructions to Wanda and how to use them. He expects she’s tried to aid you at some point, maybe even hidden you there in Asgard.
He begins to piece together certain memories from his childhood. Letters coming and going, and his mother’s voice. A memory slips through of his mother smiling at breakfast as she is passed the mornings letters. Bucky remembers her smile as if he still sees it everyday. Even during the many battles and wars, his father away, she gifted him with a smile every morning. But in this memory his mother’s smile is snatched away as she reads one of her many letters, she gasps and places her hand over her mouth as she rises suddenly from her seat.
The voices of her maids and the guard asking if something is wrong echo around the breakfast room.
“It’s ok Yasha.” She replies softly, sensing his worry. When she speaks again she is very much the commanding queen she was known to be.
“Prepare a guest room immediately. Make sure it is warm and ready for a little one. A girl of three. A room close to my own.”
A realisation washes over him. Was that girl you? Thinking back he had never known anyone take a guest room near to his mother, even Sarah’s wasn’t that close. So whoever it was was of good standing, important, and in his mother’s eyes, needed to be close by.
His thoughts are stopped by an approaching Natasha.
“What now Natalia?”
“I’m just checking on you Yasha, that is all.”
“I’m fine.”
“Try saying that without gritting your teeth.”
Bucky huffed. An awkward silence sat between them.
“Did you know?” He asked.
“Know what?” Natasha replied.
“Do not make me seem an idiot Natalia!” He snapped. “You know exactly what I am referencing.”
“I do not know the full story. Just whispers of court ladies and knights.”
“But you know her, you’ve met her. You have spent time together so intimately that you have seen her marks. Do not lie to me!”
“She only speaks of her time running in the woods, she mentioned her upbringing was different, that she doesn’t speak to her mother, and Lady Dawn, one of her ladies will tell jokes of her feral behaviour and chasing off the governesses, but nothing more.”
“And what do they say? The whispers?"
“The knights, well they will not have a word said against her. I heard that one of Stark’s men once joked if she took lovers and one of Lionheart’s took his head clean off. They will not have a word said against her, when they say a whole kingdom protects her it is true. And the ladies well, they whisper about a lot of things but the oldest whispers are of how she was found in a field. That she was asked to pick their punishment. He told you didn’t he? Of why they call her Tulip.”
Bucky nodded.
“And that is why you want to speak to Castle?”
Bucky nodded again.
“She chose to let them live Yasha.”
“Well I do not.”
Meanwhile hidden in the mist............
You placed a hand over your mouth to stop a gasp reaching out. John reached out and squeezed your hand.
“He knows Tulip. He knows and he still comes.”
You shook your head in disbelief.
“I don’t understand.”
“He knows, your James knows and he still wants you to be his. To be Steven’s too.”
It had been a grand scheme you’d thought. Let Richard tell him of your childhood, the way you are admittedly a little feral and probably not an ideal candidate for a queen and let King James make his choice. He would trot off back to his kingdom and your shared soulmate and leave you alone. But he was here. In the woods. The Loxley woods. A place that people were scared to enter and many never did.
Yet he had still come to the woods to find you. Sure he had walked straight into your trap but he had come. He still wanted you.
But you were of Loxley, not just Lionheart, and well, he’s in your woods, and had even had the nerve to camp in them.
It wouldn’t be right to just let him wander around without a little upset now would it and you certainly weren’t going to go easily.
Fancy a cuppa? My Ko-Fi.
@animegirlgeeky @mrsevans90 @sebastians-love @salvatoreitmeanssaviour
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abellalu · 10 months
Adventures on a Foreign Planet | Chapter 1
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Summary: After narrowly escaping Thanos, Loki is given a chance for a new life. The Avengers allow Loki to live in New Asgard with his brother, Thor. However, The Avengers are not quick to put their trust into Loki. SHIELD Director Nick Fury recruits an Agent who was once said to be one of the most promising SHIELD Agents, to follow Loki and ensure that he has no plans to harm Earth. Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader A/N: Hello! This is a new series I've been working on and I'm excited to finally be publishing it. This is just the first chapter, so I hope you stick around to see the full story. [ Masterlist | AO3 ]
Every Asgardian knew the stories of the land that was now supposed to be their home. Many celebrations that were full of food and wine also included the Allfather Odin reminding them of the battle in a small village on Midgard called Tønsberg. The audience would shiver, their shoulders tense as Odin described the land being frozen over by the Frost Giants and their malicious leader, King Laufey; the monsters with blood red eyes and physiques that tower over Asgardians.
The story was always told the same way, with Odin leading the Asgardian army into battle without fear. The War eventually ended in the Frost Giants own realm Jotunheim. But the Midgardian village that eventually grew into a city was still remembered as years later, Odin would ask for the Asgardian worshippers to protect the Tesseract.
At the end of the story, Odin would yell “Asgard will always prevail,” and the crowds would cheer as loud as they could and some would chant the phrase before filling their drinks once more.
Now, their home that they had for centuries was gone. The prophesized apocalypse, Ragnarok, had happened. The Asgardians had needed refuge and their new King Valkyrie, with the advice from the formerly Crown Prince Thor, decided the city from their stories could be their new home. The Asgardians knew there would be no grand celebrations for a long time. 
However, most Asgardians were simply grateful to have a chance to continue their lives. Hela’s takeover of Asgard caused many lives to be lost. But their challenges were not over yet, as Thanos had come for the Tesseract. 
Thanos originally went for another infinity stone on a planet called Xander. But decided against it as rumors his daughters Gamora and Nebula knew of his plans stopped him. Little did he know that his daughters and their friends knew of his new plan to go after the Tesseract. The Guardians of the Galaxy, as they referred to themselves as, followed him. With the help of the Nova Corp and some Ravagers, they were able to fight Thanos. The new legend says Nebula performed the final attack, killing The Mad Titan.   
Not every Asgardian survived the Thanos attack. Most were able to escape quickly in a smaller ship with Valkyrie and Korg. Some decided to stay behind and fight. To ensure Asgard had a future. 
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Everyday since the Asgardians arrived on Midgard three months ago and renamed the city of Tønsberg to New Asgard, the younger prince of Asgard wondered if it would be the day he was sent to a different realm or was executed. 
Loki's last visit to Midgard resulted in a strange wizard putting him in a strange portal where he fell for thirty minutes while Thor was told to take Loki from Earth. Thor easily agreed that his brother was a threat to Earth. The Battle of New York was far from forgotten.
But, now Thor was telling anyone who would listen that Loki had changed and was a hero for the Asgardians. The Avengers did not trust this supposed change of heart and decided to lock up Loki in the Avengers Compound until they decided what they would do with him. Loki did not put up a fight. What was the point?
Thor attempted to make his brother's living situation as comfortable as possible, requesting that he was not put in a cell but rather an apartment like the ones the other Avengers lived in; Tony Stark's AI FRIDAY, ensuring tight security. 
During the months living in the compound, Loki was questioned on a regular basis, mostly by the Avengers but occasionally by military and government officials. But ultimately, everyone agreed that it was up to the Avengers to make the final decision. 
“Why are you here Loki? Planning another massacre in an attempt to be some King? I wanna know what tricks you got up your sleeve this time cause the mind stuff was really impressive but you don’t seem like the person to enjoy repeating tricks?” asked Clint Barton, a man Loki remembers well. He was always one of the harshest interviewers and for understandable reasons. 
The two men are sitting across from each other at a table in Loki’s temporary apartment. Unlike the others, Loki has not been able to add any personal touches. The walls are plain and all the tabletops bare. 
“I do not plan on conquering. My return to your planet is simply because it is where my brother and our people are,” Loki responds. He sounded casual and almost bored, as if this was a phrase he repeated many times. 
Most of his life, Asgard gave him no attention except when he was causing tricks on them. Why would they when they could instead idolize Thor, the golden prince. Now he is constantly trying to convince others that he is a part of Asgard. That he is wanted by the Asgardians. Loki knew it was a lie, but the silvertongue always knew how to lie. 
“Your people? The people who did not want you to become their king so you decided it would be fun to destroy Earth,” Clint almost laughs.
“Fun is not how I would describe my past experience here.” 
The dark haired God never once broke eye contact with Clint as he said “There is much you don’t know about how that attack came to be. I was not the main person who lost that day.” 
Clint leaned back in his chair, sighing. The details given by Loki about his side of the Battle of New York always felt incomplete. He needed to hold back. The truth of those events and what he experienced because of that Mad Titan is something the Avengers didn’t need to know about.
Knowing it was a lost cause, Clint decided to move on. 
“New Asgard is starting to settle down. People are getting used to the situation, more homes are being built. They are starting work and the children are taking lessons again,” Clint offers.
“So I’ve heard.” 
“You helped Asgardians escape Ragnarok, " he leaned against the table, "You think you could create a new life?”
Loki only nodded.
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Mission Assignment Update: Report to Nick Fury at Base 018
You groan as you put your phone back on the nightstand. It was only 6am, but of course the bastard Fury didn’t care that you only got to your apartment past midnight after finishing your latest mission.
It wasn’t an exciting one. There was a rumor that a “dangerous group” in New Jersey was developing technology that could hack anyone including Tony Stark himself. 
And of course like always it was nothing. Just a group of grad students who got pretentious about some of the programs were developing and exaggerated the truth to some of their friends.
Yet, SHIELD still never wanted to take any risks so you were the ever so lucky agent that had to investigate then write a riveting report about how it was nothing.
The notification didn’t include a meeting time, meaning that Fury wants you to be there as soon as possible and no matter what time you arrive, he will complain about you being late. 
Your eyelids still feel heavy as you will yourself to get out of bed. As you slowly gain consciousness you wonder why you even have to go to Fury for your mission assignment. Most of the time you are messaged the directions of the missions and complete it all on your own. 
Eventually you manage to get dressed and run out of your apartment to head to the SHIELD base. It wasn’t a very big one, though most of the facilities weren’t anymore. SHIELD didn’t have much now after the Hydra infiltration. Many resources were gone and so were many agents. 
This base was hidden in plain sight. It was just another skyscraper in New York full of many businesses that each rented a couple floors. As far as the other workers in the building knew, “Secure and Shield Surveillance” was a small technology company that possibly made security cameras or computer protection software. 
No one ever really cared enough to investigate further.
You enter the building and take the elevator to the 8th floor. When the doors open and there you are greeted by the hostile stare of the secretary, Bernadette who has half-moon glasses and dresses as though she is working in the 1950s. Her gray hair is in its usual tight updo that never allows any piece of hair to move from its assigned position. 
“Well look who decided to grace us with her presence today.” 
Bernadette had been a part of SHIELD longer than anyone else (you didn’t know how long because no one would ever risk asking her age). You sometimes wondered if she was always a secretary or if her past jobs were more like yours. 
All you did know was Bernadette believed that SHIELD would be best run if everyone obeyed orders and that she hated you because you always did the exact opposite.
You roll your eyes and respond, “Always nice seeing you too. If I knew you missed me so much I would have visited more often.” 
“How generous.” Bernadette returns to her work, attempting to ignore you still being in the room. 
“I know, when I die I’ll be treated like a saint,” you smile to yourself, knowing that you probably annoyed her enough that she will be irritated for the rest of the day. 
She continues to type on her computer, attempting to maintain a bored face, but you are still pleased because you can see the slight furrow in her brow and her frown deepen. “Director Fury is waiting in his office. A reminder on basic manners dear, don’t leave your boss waiting.”
“Didn’t plan on it Bernadette, I’m always polite.” You are already walking down the hall when you respond, while you attempt to hold your small laugh.
As you enter the office, you see Fury but there was another figure with him. Steve Rogers. You’ve met before many times albeit the encounters were usually very short. 
He has been involved with SHIELD for many years and after the infiltration was revealed, it was he who heavily promoted the idea of reforming SHIELD in hopes of maintaining its legacy. However, he was still most committed to the Avengers and most SHIELD operations were handled by others. 
But now the two men are standing around Fury’s desk, staring at you while you still stand in the doorway. 
“Director, Captain, I hope you plan on explaining to me why we are all here.” 
Fury steps forward towards you, his arms crossed, “Agent, I assumed you would know from the dispatch that we need to talk about your new mission.” 
“Yes, message that provided no details except to meet you here which we both know is irregular. We both don’t have time for this and I assume your other guest, who was not even mentioned on my invitation, doesn’t either.” 
Steve looks apologetic as he says “I apologize that I caught you off guard, that wasn’t my intention.” 
“It was absolutely my intention. Why are you complaining so much? I thought you loved surprises and it's really a shame we don’t see each other more often,” Fury interrupts.
You force yourself to laugh, “Not my fault you didn’t wanna go on a coffee date with me,” you close the door behind you, fully entering Fury’s office “Captain, are you willing to finally tell me about this mission?”
Steve sighs and sits down in the chair beside the desk, “As you know Thor has brought the Asgardians here to Earth, they’ve been rebuilding their home in Norway.” 
You nod. Asgard’s destruction and refuge wasn’t unknown. You heard about some missions of agents being sent to deliver resources and technology to the Asgardians, in an attempt to help them adapt to their new lifestyle. 
But doesn’t explain why Fury and Steve, themselves need to personally explain your mission to you.
Steve continues, “Thor also brought some of his companions with him,” he pauses, “Including his brother Loki.”
You feel your heart drop to your stomach and breaths stop. 
Loki is back on Earth? It has been years since the attack on New York, but no one has forgotten it. At one moment you are sparring with your fellow SHIELD trainees, placing bets on who was going to get assigned a real mission first, then in the next moment it doesn’t matter. SHIELDs Helicarrier was attacked and the perpetrator had escaped.
Everything you learn about their menacing leader was after the attack. SHIELD was able to collect some footage of the tall dark god. The footage was blurry, but yet you can still see the God enjoying himself. The attack was no accident. 
“You let Loki back on Earth? The Asgardians have been on Earth for months, are you trying to tell me you’ve allowed him to be here the whole time. What the fu-”
“Our reasons for allowing him to be here are complicated, Agent. Please try to stay quiet and listen.” Fury starts sounding more and more exhausted, whether by you or the entire situation is debatable. 
Steve looks at Fury then back at you, “When we saw Loki had arrived with Thor, we immediately put him in custody. Thor was upset with this decision and tried to explain to us that- well he believes his brother is good now.”
Thor believes his brother is good?
Fury explains, “Loki apparently did some hero shit when they were escaping Asgard and now Thor believes that his little dream of fighting alongside his brother is possible.” 
The story they are telling you feels like a dream. Or maybe this is a nightmare. It is too unbelievable to be real.
“Do you believe that? This is ridiculous-”
You are interrupted again by Fury “What did I say about you saying quiet and listening. We haven’t even gotten to the best part yet.” 
“We decided to investigate Thor’s claims about his brother. We needed to decide what to do with Loki and we finally came to a conclusion,” Steve stares at me “Loki is moving to New Asgard.” 
Steve continues, “New Asgard is where Thor is and maybe eventually after a while, he might even help the Avengers out. This is a dangerous move we know, but it’s one we believe in,” he pauses. “I believe we can give him a second chance.” 
Steve Rogers, or Captain America as the world knew he always wanted to do the right thing. To believe there is still good in the world even if it felt like it was all following apart. 
And somehow he could even see good in Loki.
You are lost in your thoughts when Fury's voice sneaks into your head. “This is where you come in, Agent.” 
Your head whips around to stare at Fury, your mouth slightly agape. During this meeting, you had become so distracted by this absurd story that you forgot the original reason for you being here.  
"Thor promises to keep an eye on his brother, but we want to be safe," Steve said, "Fury recommended you for the job.” 
You stare at Fury. He was always a calculated man 
"Why did you choose me for this mission?"
"Loki annoys the hell out of me and so do you,” Fury shugs. 
“Ha, very funny,” you say completely expressionless. 
This whole situation was ridiculous. 
But, maybe it was time for a challenge. For years now, every mission you’ve received always felt the same and never truly needed a SHIELD agent to handle it. 
“So, you’re telling me my new mission is to babysit a God?” They both nod cautiously. You pause, making sure you have made up your mind, “So when do I start?”
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Consort and King [IronStrange]
Summary: Anthony Stark, King of Midgard, needs a spouse. Whether he wants one or not. So he accepts an arranged marriage with the Prince of Kamar-Taj – a man he has never met in his life to the day they are standing in front of each other at the altar, speaking their vows. Is it possible that the feeling of duty grows into something more? Will their future be happy?
Relationship: Tony Stark / Stephen Strange
Tags: arranged marriage au, royal au, strangers to husbands, enemies to lovers, slow burn, idiots in love, fluff, hurt/comfort, miscommunication, all the good stuff
Author's note: It wouldn't be a royal au without a ball. Asgard knows how to throw a party. Everyone say Hi to Loki Beta by @kvjjjjjj
Ko-fi | Read it on AO3 | Series Masterlist | Word count: 2.1k | Previous | Next
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Chapter 9: Summer solstice
They received an invitation to a ball in Asgard. It happened that this year’s summer solstice fell on the same day as Queen Frigga’s birthday and she invited the leaders of all realms to attend the feast.
It was Tony and Stephen's first appearance as a married couple outside their own realm.
On the afternoon of the ball, Stephen opened a portal to the Asgardian palace. He and Tony stepped through, followed by some servants, who carried their luggage.
Although Stephen could easily portal them back home at the end of the night, they had decided to accept the extended invitation of the royal family and stay a day longer.
The ball didn’t start until the night. For now, primarily the guests were arriving – the couple spotted familiar and new faces among them – and getting assigned to their rooms. The hosts would not officially welcome them until later.
Tony and Stephen decided to take a little stroll through the gardens before getting dressed for the ball.
The palace's staff was busy with the final preparations. There was an excited buzz in the air. It was quieter in the garden. People had other things to do and so the two seemed to be the only guests out here.
They made their way past the white orchids, marveling at the looming trees that naturally bent to form an archway, leading them up the stone path. Sunlight peaked through the leaves, creating a shifting pattern under their feet.
To their left lay a fountain at the heart of the garden, water flowing gracefully from its sculpted tiers, creating a soothing symphony of splashes and ripples. At its base, the gentle spray caught the light, casting shimmering reflections on the surrounding feverfew flowers.
As they crossed the black calla lilies, Stephen pondered how they would look in the night. The Asgardian gardens were truly an experience in wondrous exploration.
“It’s funny that we hadn’t met before our wedding,” Tony mentioned and picked up a prior conversation they had had. “Even though we both have been attending Asgardian events before.”
“I have been here more often after my accident to study Seidr. It helped me understand the Mystic Arts better.”
Tony had learned that Asgard had its own kind of magic. Each of the realms actually differed in their magic. Tony had never thought about it before.
"I’ve been here on more occasions as a child with my father. He and Odin were close allies." Asgard and Midgard continued to be allied under Tony's rule, but he didn't see the need to come here as much as his father did. Tony was only moderately a fan of Odin himself. Frigga on the other hand was lovely; and he preferred talking to her.
Thor had been a friend of his since their childhood. They had fought together, laughed together, lost together.
Tony’s relationship to the second prince, Loki, on the other hand was more complicated. They had gotten off on the wrong foot the first time the two met and Tony still kinda held a grudge. Of course they had grown more mature over the years; these days he just tried to avoid Loki.
“Last time I was here solely for entertainment was the Winter Masquerade a few years ago.”
Stephen stopped and looked at him. “The one where Thor and his friend set loose the Wolpertingers in the ballroom?”
Tony turned towards him, tilting his head. “Yes.”
It had been a stupid prank, and he suspected that Loki also had a hand in it. The little animals, some kind of rabbit with wings, antlers, a tail, and fangs, were harmless, but they had caused a lot of chaos.
“I was there as well.”
“You were? Huh.” With the event being a masquerade ball, Tony hadn’t recognized a lot of people. “So maybe we have met before and just don’t know it.”
“Maybe.” Stephen looked at some of the flowers. The palace’s garden was famous for its beauty. Everyone knew the credit went to Queen Frigga, who saw personally to it.
It was weird that no one else was here. That was unusual since guests, who had already arrived, usually had nothing better to do than stroll around and marvel at the host’s palace.
Perhaps Stephen and Tony had inadvertently entered a restricted area.
Tony seemed to think something similar and in a silent agreement they strolled back towards the palace.
As they got closer, they saw Prince Loki descending the stairs from the palace to the garden. He had spotted the two Midgardians and was walking towards them, grinning broadly.
“Oh, how joyful,” Tony muttered dryly. He put on a neutral face. This was an event in the honor of Queen Frigga and he would play nice. For now.
But when he went ahead to approach Loki, Stephen grabbed his arm and held him back.
Frowning, Tony looked at his husband. “What is it?”
Stephen stared intensely at the Asgardian Prince; watching him as if he were analyzing him. “Give me a second. I have to check something.”
Without another explanation, Stephen strode past him towards Loki.
Loki was now within talking range and had his arms outstretched in a welcome gesture. “I heard you arrived but I had to see it with my-…”
He didn't get any further, because with his first step forward Stephen had created a small mandala disc between his fingers and with his next step he threw it straight at the prince.
Loki looked surprised but was slow to react; the sharp edges of the magic disc sunk into his chest, before he was able to dodge it.
Loki looked down in surprise. Blood was seeping through his tunic.
“What the hell?” Tony yelled, following after his husband. “What are you doing?” He couldn’t believe what he was witnessing.
Stephen was just standing there, watching Loki’s body collapse onto the ground; without any remorse.
His voice had attracted the attention of a guard, who must have been patrolling somewhere in the garden nearby.
“Your Highness!” As soon as he spotted the prince on the ground, he pointed his spear at the two Midgardians.
Tony instinctively reached for the short sword he wore on his belt – it was just for representative decorative purposes, but it had to suffice for defense – and moved between his husband and the guard’s weapon. Stephen made no move to defend himself and for a moment there, Tony wondered if all of this had been an ulterior motive of the sorcerer.
But then Stephen finally spoke up. “Nice show, your Highness.” He addressed the guard.
At this point Tony was pretty sure Stephen had lost his mind. But then a golden-green shimmer went over the dead body and the guard, and both of them vanished.
“Thank you,” said a smooth voice behind them. As they turned around, Loki stepped out from between some bushes. “Did you like my death? Very authentic, not too dramatic.”
“Yes, that almost had me doubting,” Stephen admitted. “But you made a mistake with the setting. By the lack of people in the garden we’re clearly not supposed to be here. Yet you added a guard who rushed to your aid and thus had to stand nearby, while they still allowed us to wander around in this restricted area.”
“You always had an eye for details.” Loki was rather amused than offended, that his ruse had been seen through. Then, he finally turned to Tony, who had listened to their banter irritated as well as irked.
“King Stark. How joyful to see you again.”
Immediately, Tony no longer felt guilty because Loki had clearly listened in on their conversation. He resisted the urge to use his own sword after all and put it back in his belt.
“If you're also in charge of the night’s entertainment, it promises to be an eventful ball.”
“This night is all about my mother. I merely wanted to greet you two.”
“You shouldn’t have.” For real. Tony could have gone without that almost heart attack.
Without commenting on that, Loki looked back to Stephen. “I recently visited Kamar-Taj but it was rather boring without you being there.”
“I’m sure you bothered other sorcerer’s just as fine.”
Maybe Tony was just imagining it, but Stephen’s voice was almost fond. He wasn’t sure he liked it.
“They weren’t as fun as you.”
“Well, this was…something. But surely you’re still busy with the preparation for the feast,” Tony interrupted whatever this was they had going on. “We don’t want to keep you from your responsibilities.”
Fortunately, Loki took the hint. “That’s very considerate of you, King Stark.” His voice dripped with sarcasm and he eyed Tony from head to toe. Like always, he was rubbing Tony all the wrong ways. “You’re not wrong: there’s still a lot to do. I will see you later at the ball.” He saw them off with a bow. "King Stark. Consort Strange."
With a last wink and still a grin on his face, he finally left.
Tony let out a breath he didn’t realize he had held the entire time.
Then he turned towards Stephen and tipped his finger on his chest, his anger rising again. “Next time you kill a prince, warn a guy!”
His husband seemed surprised by his strong reaction, since Loki’s life had never been in danger. “If the illusion had really been him, he would have fended off my spell with ease.”
“How would I know?”
Stephen realized his mistake. “I apologize. I never wanted to worry you.” He remembered Tony’s reaction to the illusion of the prince’s death – defending his husband from the guard – and he smiled. “I’m flattered you would back me up anyway if I were to kill a prince.”
Tony didn't feel like laughing. The adrenaline was only just disappearing from his body, but he still felt on edge. “Do you think this is funny?”
“Again, I’m sorry.” Stephen reached for Tony's hand and placed it on his own chest. “Loki is... particular. He probably would have done worse if his illusion had reached us."
Tony could imagine that. That was why he didn’t like the trickster. “Still. Just… don’t do this again. Ever.”
“I promise.”
“Okay, good.” Tony accepted it for now, not wanting to carry his sour mood into the rest of the evening. They were here to celebrate. “They do have drinks here somewhere, right? I think I need one.”
Not letting go of Stephen's hand, he moved to go back inside the palace.
Finally, it was time to get changed for the ball. Tony displayed his family colors of red and gold, while Stephen stayed with blue. But he had added a red accent in the form of a cloak Tony had gifted him for this very event.
“It suits you,” the king stated, looking at his husband fondly. His previous anger was forgotten. He stepped closer to him and helped him fasten the cloak at the front. There were two brooches, mirrored in shape. One showed the Stark’s emblem, the other one Strange’s. “My colors look good on you.”
“Yeah?” Stephen was blushing a bit at the simple gesture and the compliment.
“Yes.” Tony fixed his husband’s hair – not that it was of any use. By now he knew that there was one strand in the front that refused to cooperate. So it was really just an excuse to get his finger into that soft hair.
Stephen wore the silver circlet of a prince, while on Tony’s head rested one of his crowns. Nothing too fancy but perfect for a night of drinking and dancing.
On the day of his coronation, Stephen would also receive a golden crown to prove that he was Tony’s equal.
“We should start looking for designs soon,” he muttered, more of a reminder for himself than for the sorcerer to hear.
“Oh?” Stephen tilted his head. “Don’t I get the same crown as you?”
“I mean, you can if you want to. But I had something in mind that was a little more… you.” He turned Stephen and himself to the side, drawing his husband's attention to the mirror on the wall, which showed both of them together.
It was unusual for them to see themselves standing so close to each other – at least from the outside point of view– both in their gala uniforms, adorned with jewelry and crowns. Stephen was a little taller, but Tony made up for it with his charm and demeanor.
Stephen liked what he saw. “I’d like that.” He smiled and Tony mirrored it.
“I will call the goldsmith first thing when we’re back home.”
The sorcerer nodded, but paused when he realized that when hearing ‘home’ he thought about the Stark’s palace and really meant it. It had been the first image that had come to his mind. Not Kamar-Taj.
He had finally arrived in Midgard. Not only with his life but also with his mind.
His eyes met Tony’s in the mirror.
And maybe with his heart.
Taglist: @goopierthenyou (tell me if you want to be added/removed)
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kandisheek · 3 months
SERIES: The Foodieverse by copperbadge, scifigrl47
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 164,406 Tags: Chef AU, Food Truck, Hipsters
Summary: It's an AU where everyone works in the food industry. That makes total sense and is definitely not wildly irrational on any axis.
Reasons why I love it: This AU is chicken noodle soup for the soul. It's funny, fluffy, makes me hungry and happy, and generally is something that I consider a cornerstone of this fandom. If you haven't read it yet, do yourself a favor and get right on it, because it's amazing! There are 22 fics and podfics in this series, so while I'm not going to list all of them here, I'm going to rec some of my favorites. But really, you should read all of them front to back, because they're fantastic and deserve all the love.
This series consists of:
Feed The Body, Nourish The Soul
Pairing: Gen Rating: T Words: 6,542 Tags: Hipster Steve, Humor, Cook-Off
Summary: Steve Rogers just wanted to sell good, nourishing, cheap food from his food truck. Now the crazy fusion chefs from TOBRU are calling him a hipster, the avant garde restaurant "Shield" across the street has declared war on chains, and...well, then there's Thor, who thinks Steve's habit of licking food is weird.
Reasons why I love it: The one that started it all. I love all of the different restaurants and the choices of who runs them, it feels very in character. Also, the dialogue is hilarious, and I really, really want to try one of Thor's crunchy crab thingies and Steve's rhubarb-pie-on-a-stick, but alas, I guess some things must remain in the realm of fantasy. Also, Steve the Hot Foodie going viral is the best thing ever. Definitely check this one out, it's great!
Hot Potato
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: G Words: 2,251 Tags: Food Trucks, Cooking Show, Potatoes
Summary: Potato Rescue is the hottest new food truck nobody knows about. Steve is determined to make Sam Wilson king of all potatoes.
Reasons why I love it: Yaaaas, bring in some Sam! I love the hints of Winterfalcon here, and Steve pretty much becoming the leader of the Sam Wilson fanclub after eating his food once is my favorite thing ever. I adore this fic, it's so much fun!
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: G Words: 2,245 Tags: Comic-Con, partly RPF, Humor
Summary: Tony's idea of a food truck is...interesting.
Reasons why I love it: I would pay good money to see Chris Evans in that Hetalia cosplay. I love how Tony can't help but go completely overboard in everything he does, and how everyone has become a little culinary family. This fic is super funny and sweet, as is this whole series, and I really hope you check it out!
A Movable Feast
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 74,388 Tags: Road Trips, Kidfic, AU Crossover
Summary: The epic road trip of food truck hipster Steve Rogers, chef Tony Stark, and self-propelled trouble magnet DJ Fujikawa.
Reasons why I love it: Alright, so, if you're a fan of scifigrl47's OCs, specifically DJ Stark, then you'll probably be like me and squeal with joy when you realize that this fic is a fucking Foodieverse and Tales of the Bots CROSSOVER, oh my god, this is the best thing ever!! I'm so goddamn happy this exists, and even if you haven't read TotB, you'll definitely still enjoy this fic, so I really hope you give it a shot!
A Taste of Home
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 24,066 Tags: Domestic Fluff, Comfort Food, Sick Tony
Summary: Tony Stark runs one of the most celebrated molecular gastronomy restaurants in the country. Steve Rogers parks his food truck on the curb outside, with food that's no less brilliant and well made, but possibly more filling. They end up at Tony's place almost every night, and while he's not objecting, Tony's starting to wonder just why that is.
Reasons why I love it: This fic is just fantastic. The food porn is food porning, the humor is superb, and the hint of angst is like a little cherry on top. I love the entire part where Tony is sick, Steve is adorable and Isaiah and Eli have my entire heart. Plus, Bucky is a menace, as usual. I love everything about this and the whole series in general, and I really hope that you go and check it out for yourself, if you haven't already!
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etherealspacejelly · 6 months
ok so. i am currently working on a fic. its a story that has been rotating in my brain for years about an avengers OC. idk if i want to start posting it as a WIP or wait until it's finished.
what im gonna do is post the prologue here, under the cut. it is entirely worldbuilding because. i came up with a new alien species with Lore™️ that i made as canon compliant as possible because im a fucking nerd. so you kinda need to know all of that before i can tell the actual story.
if you're interested, please give it a read and tell me what you think and whether you would want to read more! if it gets enough attention i'll start posting the chapters i have to ao3. i have a tag list for my fics so lmk if you want to be added to that too.
quick summary of the fic as a whole: The last surviving member of the Light Elf race, Einar, is taken in by the Avengers when they are orphaned at 10 years old. They nurse Einar back to health, and slowly form a bond with them, helping them to process their grief and heal from their trauma. There's a lot of fluff, a lot of angst, a lot of hurt/comfort, and of course found family.
It starts during the events of Thor: The Dark World and follows the storyline of the MCU from there.
In the beginning, there was only darkness. The only world to exist in that darkness was a tiny, desolate rock named Alfheim. This was the home of my ancestors, the Elves, before time, before space, before light.
No one knows how long they lived like that, alone in the dark. All we know is that at some point that darkness ended. The universe began, and light and life exploded into existence. For most of the Elves, this was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen. They swore to protect and nurture all life and to serve the light. But others believed that this was a perversion of the natural order, that the universe belonged in darkness and should be returned to that state. They vowed to destroy the light by any means possible.
War broke out between the two opposing sides, an Elvish Civil War that lasted for many billions of years, with both sides only ever coming together to kill each other. And so, they evolved separately into two species: the Dark Elves and the Light Elves. Each side became stronger and stronger with each generation, evolving new abilities and traits to give them an edge in battle.
A few millennia ago, a great battle ensued between these two sides on Svardalfheim. The Dark Elves tried to use their most powerful weapon, the Aether, to destroy the universe. The Light Elves fought with all their might, but the Dark Elves had the upper hand. That is until the Asgardians arrived.
Odin's father, King Bor, and his army tipped the scales and won the battle for the Light Elves. They confiscated the Aether and sealed it away where no one would find it. Malekith, the leader of the Dark Elves, fled in his ship and bombed the planet behind him hoping to destroy what remained of the Light Elf army, not caring if his own perished as well.
Only two Light Elves survived.
They fled to find a place to hide, to recover their strength for what they knew would be the final battle of the War. They needed a primitive, unknown, safe planet to seek refuge. They found one.
Earth. Dominated by a bipedal, fairly intelligent species descended from tree dwellers. No one would think to look for them there. It was on this planet in the middle of nowhere that these two Elves decided to take a risk, one last desperate attempt to give them an edge against the Dark Elves. They had a baby.
That child, the last Light Elf baby to ever be born, came to be in England, Earth, in the spring of 2003. They named the child Einar, an old Norse name meaning 'the lonely warrior', for that is the future they believed their child was destined for. Little did they know how wrong they would turn out to be.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hiiiiii!!!! I hope your having your great day. Can I request Ror character x warrior queen or warrior goddess.
Gods: Thor, Hades, Poseidon, Heracles
Humans: Lu Bu, Qin shi huang, Nikola tesla, Jack the ripper.
-You were a warrior long before you became a queen, overthrowing a series of oppressive rulers when you were alive, becoming a fair and just warrior, one that made sure nobody suffered any injustices like be hungry or being without shelter.
-And when other rulers, men who couldn’t stand the idea of seeing a woman in power, tried to come and force you out of power, they quickly learned of your previous occupation.
-You were like a she-wolf, vicious and fierce, defending the innocents, protecting anyone you could from your enemies.
-In Valhalla you were welcomed as a warrior queen, many respected you as a ruler, as they respected how you ruled, and adding that you were a powerful warrior on top of it, you quickly had quite a few suitors who were quickly vying for your attention.
-You were no blushing, shy maiden, you were confident- you were a queen, so you couldn’t be swayed with just pretty words, something many of your suitors quickly learned.
-However, there was a man who managed to catch your attention after challenging you to a duel, asking to court you if he won.
-He did not win, but you were taken by his skills in battle, he didn’t hold back, you respected that.
-After you wiped the floor with him in hand-to-hand combat, choosing to forgo weapons, you instantly had his heart in a chokehold, he had never known someone, let alone a woman, who could handle and defeat him!
-Thor- Many were stunned at your win, but Thor respected it and he was stunned with you when you allowed him the chance to court you. He didn’t coddle you or treat you like you were a delicate flower; you were a warrior queen and he treated you as such. You were the very definition of a power couple, you could fight side by side Thor and you both considered that a date, followed by a meal.
-Hades- As a king, he knew how to treat a queen, with respect and a healthy dose of fear, you had proven your own strength and he knew not to cross you. However, if another was to cross you, Hades wouldn’t hesitate to defend you, which you did appreciate, sometimes. There were times, when you were insulted, Hades would hold out his hands to take your earrings and rings so you could handle business yourself.
-Poseidon- He is not a king without a queen like you by his side, your compassion and strength were perfect, your kind heart, which he originally thought was weak, was your greatest strength. After you beat him he learned very quickly not to underestimate you, and would do nothing to purposely anger you, unless if it was in the bedroom, but nobody else needed to know that.
-Hercules- He was like a giant puppy with you, basking in your affection, holding his hand or onto his arm. Hercules treated you with nothing but respect, and all of the gods in Valhalla help whoever would be foolish enough to disrespect or insult you in front of him. You’ve had to reign him in a couple of times and calm him down, but you appreciated his thoughtfulness.
-Lu Bu- Proposed marriage on the spot after you managed to best him, and while you didn’t accept, you were taken with him and accepted his proposal to court you. He may not seem to be the most romantic guy, but he’s romantic to you, taking you stargazing, drinking with you, and constantly asking to spar with you. His enthusiasm to fight was admirable but also rather cute, he would get so happy when you agreed to fight with him.
-Qin Shi Huang- Treated you as an equal, sometimes putting you above him, you were a powerful and respectable person, not just as a woman, but as a leader. Your beauty, strength, confidence, level head, and gentle heart- everything about you was wonderful and he never failed to tell you. Definitely a flirt with you but is territorial, doesn’t allow anyone else to do the same, only he gets to flirt with you.
-Nikola- To him, your strength, your leadership, and your gentle heart, he fell hard and fast. He would look at you like you hung the stars in the skies, just for him, and wouldn’t allow anyone to disrespect you. Nikola knew you could handle yourself, but he would always try to defend you, not because you were weak, but because you were important to him, and you deserve nothing but respect from others.
-Jack- Adores you, your strength and kindness is a rare combination, and he admires you greatly for it. Your confidence makes you glow, and Jack will treat you like a delicate rose, but knows full well you can handle things yourself. He treats you gently because you are a lady, and as a gentleman, he is obligated to treat you as such. Will watch you handle fools who disrespected you with fondness and love in his eyes, thinking you are so beautiful when kicking butt.
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gerec · 9 months
Hello! Do you have a list of fics where the X-Men crossover with the Avengers? Thank you!
Here's a list of x-men/avengers crossover fics that was posted on the xmen fcff blog for you to review.
And here are some additional fics that you might enjoy! (Note that there are a mix of canon, powers and no powers aus on both lists).
Happy reading!
Runs In The Family by Anonysquirrel (chibirisuchan)
Alex knew his own reputation. Hell, he'd started some of his own reputation, because it kept some of the smarter thugs off his back. Everyone knew Alex's reputation. There was no way Hank didn't know his reputation, but he'd brought Alex into a house with some really expensive things and a lot of innocent little kids and his too-friendly, too-harmless dad.
But clearly Hank hadn't told his family anything about Alex, just like he hadn't told Alex anything about his family. At least, not about the brain-breaking parts of his family.
"I didn't know where to start," Hank said, for the dozenth time.
Featuring mpreg!Charles in a Kiss The Cook apron, overprotective!Erik in wet black leather, and baked goods. Lots and lots of baked goods.
I wanna hold your hand by sirona
No one understands what it's like growing up rich and yet more alone than anyone should be able to stand - except for people who grew up just like you, that is. In which Tony Stark goes to Oxford University and meets people and makes enemies and makes friends and changes people's minds and falls in love - amongst other tales of mishap and adventure.
Space Oddity by maimo, MonstrousRegiment, Pangea, Yaegaki (series)
Prince Charles Xavier is Deputy Commander of the TEF Heartsteel and the newest mission they've been assigned starts out less than desirable and quickly goes downhill from there. It's alright, though, he'll cope.
It doesn't help, though, that he's in unrequited love with his best friend and Commander of the Heartsteel, War-Prince Erik Lehnsherr.
The Consultant (aka A Westchester Telepath in the Avengers Tower) by lachatblanche
Prompt: "- not my field, but Tony says you've made great advances in our ability to detect and perhaps one day use wormholes, Ms. Foster," says the genetics expert SHIELD imported from London to examine re-captured Loki - Charles, maybe - but the approaching figure of Captain America is eclipsed by the towering, gorgeous mass of Jane's Asgardian on-again-off-again boyfriend; the only thing she hears is a sudden, "Oh! Oh, my," and she turns to see competition.
In which Thor and Jane Foster meet Professor Charles Xavier, telepath, SHIELD consultant and compulsive flirt, for the very first time.
It goes exactly as one might expect.
Under The Suit (We Have To Work Together) by helens78
In which Charles and Erik's X-Men team up with the Avengers, but Erik's distracted by the guy in the metal suit.
Neighbors by sav2014 (series)
The Xavier Household and the Rogers-Stark Household are neighbors.
Life of an Engineer by ximeria
The main story "Building Bridges", is the boy-meets-boy and falls in love (eventually), but it's also Erik's trials and tribulations working at Stark Enterprises, his slightly insane boss, his love life (Erik's, not Tony's), and life in general.
How to Get a Midgardian Boyfriend: a Guide by Charles Odinson by cachinnation
The king of all Asgard had three sons, and of the three Odinsons, one was golden and tempestuous and kingly, and the other two were right headaches. After Charles, Odin stopped bringing children home.
Mutant School AU by ximeria (series)
As teachers and role models for the rest of the school, Charles and Erik fail pretty spectacularly. However, in their own, slightly dysfunctional way, they work.
Modern day setting with a school run jointly by Brotherhood and X-men members, with Charles' father as the leader of one side, Logan the leader of the other, and Charles and Erik, who should be old enough to act maturely, just tend to... not.
Invictus by MonstrousRegiment
Charles, in the aftermath of an assault, and the psychological repercussions of lack of solace and support in those who are closest to him.
What's In The Cake? by Gerec
It's Tony's birthday and the team is having a party at the new Avengers Tower. Tony's best friend Emma Frost is there too, and along with Pepper have a special birthday present for their favorite genius millionaire playboy philanthropist - a giant birthday cake, complete with an absolutely gorgeous looking stripper.
Steve Rogers finds himself just a little bit in love.
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