#This whole thing was inspired by finding a framed photo in nooks and cranny and going “Persephone”
c4ndy-cl4ws · 3 months
Building alters for deities in animal crossing :)
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1-49 · 7 months
hit by luck
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pairing: f!reader × chanyoung, sungchan ⁝ tags: rain. tokyo. & love at first sight / fluff. gets lil angsty. wc. 3.1k
note: this has been in my drafts ever since those two pictures dropped, & basically, this whole thing is just an extension of what sorta of mood they inspired. ik it’s kind of late but i love the atmosphere, so im posting it anyway.
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All this waiting ─── Holding out for the storm to pass. Stuck in traffic and waiting. Waiting for the bus at a crowded bus stop. 
Since the idiotic weather app on your phone was unable to foresee such a severe downpour, you are without an umbrella. You find yourself standing like a cat caught in the rain after spending a perfect sunny afternoon exploring Tokyo’s streets.
Neither the metro nor the two buses that have come & gone are going in your direction. More room and privacy for yourself as the majority of passengers board the buses and lessen the crowded, small, glassed station—for which you are grateful. After trying your luck twice, you are stuck waiting for the third bus. 
The peculiar scent of rain on asphalt fills your nostrils as you accept your bad luck & attempt to take solace in the rain, the foggy lights of the passing traffic & the bright neon signs that give the city its unique flavor. There are a variety of sounds in the street, ranging from soft and loud to melodic and even disorienting. 
You seem like such a loser out in the rain. The end effect of running so fast and not caring where you step is clumps of hair and muddy shoes, followed by ten minutes of waiting. You are glad you didn’t wear too much makeup for today’s walk because you’d have looked like a total wreck. Smugly, you try to adjust your mascara and eyeshadow in your little mirror and pretend it’s fine. 
And so, you concentrate on the raindrops as they land in a specific dip in the pavement, creating tiny air bubbles that rise to the surface like bubbles in a champagne glass. This little world seems to be what fascinates you about Tokyo at the moment, despite its vast size.
That is when the two giants casually stroll into the safe haven you have found in all the fast life.
The two towering frames jostle one another in this terrifying performance that the sky is putting on, laughing at something so ridiculous that you have to wonder how they can do it. The evening sky is practically ripping at its seams, but they do not seem to notice. 
Their laughter is contagious as they battle for space under a transparent umbrella that the taller one is holding. Their bodies are too broad for the protective gear, and they seem to lose simultaneously because most of their opposing shoulders and arms are soaked. For the tiny spaciousness they seek but don’t find, the pair comes across as endearing and humorous. You realize there is beauty in the fact that neither of them seems to mind. They remain upbeat and truly unaffected, which is inspiring.
That they are close friends is highly likely. They are even dressed alike. One is wearing green cargo pants and the other over-dye jeans, both with black upper apparel.
They could be mistaken for twins due to their dangerous synchronicity. Not like born together. Not fused like the two sides of an oyster encasing a precious pearl. However, exactly opposites, much like the two sides of a mirror. Equally stunning, and in their case, the pearl is their friendship. 
The sounds of the city fade, and you feel every nook and cranny in your body thudding as you witness them make the spontaneous decision to wait for a bus.
The ‘polar twins’ resemblance they give off is unfair. 
While the cargo boy’s carefree demeanor gives hours of silly photos and odd Tik Toks, funny videos, and Twitter drama, the headphones hanging around his neck pay close and serious attention to music, which you thoroughly appreciate. This particular aspect of him almost instantly makes you fall in love.
But the taller boy doesn’t fall behind either;
he closes the umbrella as soon as he enters the glassed area. His hand clasped around his brown cashmere cardigan radiates warmth and comfort, and his strikingly bare collarbones radiate needs and dreams. His contradictory aura clouds your judgment and prevents you from making further assumptions about his interests in basketball, games, and literature.
The tip of the umberlla accidentally bumps into your arm when he closes it, revealing his slight clumsiness. 
His regret is evident in his eyebrows even before he says, “Sorry.” His eyes widen with it. Lovely and compassionate, with a hint of mocha. Like there is freshly brewed coffee swirling around inside his crystals.
Sparks shimmer up your arms as you watch and listen to his apology and say that it’s nothing. 
The music boy’s position is to your left, as the ‘clumsy’ guy shifts to your right, which he does not realize until he apologizes.
With obvious happiness, the music boy inserts himself and begins to tease him. “He acts that way all the time, so don’t worry. If his good looks don’t work to get him noticed, he will try playing on his clumsiness.”
You can be sure that the ‘clumsy’ guy is pouting and sulking over the nonsense that was just said, even though your eyes are finally turning to the person who is seeking them.
There is an eternal smile on the face of the goofier of the two. One of those smiles that can break through the clouds and stop the rain. A ray of light, really. He breaks through the barriers of your heart with his quiet voice too. The fact that he can capture your heart with such ease and beauty is just a crime.
They may have looked the same in one frame, but now that they are essentially standing on either side of you, they are starting to show more of their charm. It gets harder to be between two extremely attractive giants as their individuality starts to emerge.
You have a sneaking suspicion that the boy you are looking at is the younger one.
And while the bright colors of the city match his mischievousness, his confidence has a short fuse. This becomes apparent when he stops coming up with new jokes for his friend and stays staring at you for longer than fifty seconds.
Before you know what the two of you are doing, his smile spreads across your face like sunlight does on tulips in the early spring. It’s an inadvertent eye lock until he realizes it’s too much. It really melts your heart to discover that he is a shyer one, and you end up melting right into the rain puddle that is at your feet.
You then take up your previous posture, facing forward. For a brief while, they distracted you from the fact that you were waiting for a bus to the hotel. As you take a big swallow, there is an odd quietness among the three of you. 
You cannot help but wish that some of them would speak up and say something. Why you want this to go on is beyond you, but you want it to. Their bodies radiate a warmth that suffocates you while simultaneously providing warmth against the chilly autumn breeze. This brings you back to the point where you’re mentally cursing your app for tricking you because you were totally unprepared for today’s outing.
‘Soft eyes’, as in literally, hands you the sweather he was holding as soon as he notices that you’re shivering.
It pains you to try to turn down his offer, but you do. 
Still, he refuses to accept it. “You can give it back as soon as one of our buses arrives. Keep it till then.” Ignoring your protests, he carefully places the soft wool in your hands. You have no choice but to comply with his insistence. “Besides, I don’t need it.”
You raise your gaze to him and once more meet his eyes—this time with a smile added.
You remember that when he bumped into you, he was trying to hide a smile so that he could apologize more sincerely, which means you haven’t been a witness to his smile just yet. 
However, his smile has the same profound effect on you as the guy on the other side. You are sure the sun is in his heart too, just as much as it’s in his eyes. His kindness is his beauty. Very soft; almost as soft as a ball of cashmere, or similar to his cardigan’s overly long sleeves as you play with them.
Given their earlier recklessness, you would never have trusted two random boys to be this kind. So gracious as to lay you two of their favorite accessories in your possession. 
One is keeping you warm, and the other, after being prodded to share the song he has been working on, is putting his headphones on you and letting his joy seep through your ears to your bones.
Feeling a little more shy, his breath hits your face, tense and warm as he’s inside. He is pulsing with understanding so as not to invade your personal space while practically failing. As if you couldn’t have done it yourself, he decides to put his headphones on you abruptly. A current is all that is moving him, and not a single conscious brain cell is applying any kind of brake.
The color hits his cheeks when your gaze meets halfway again. He’s being cheeky, though, when he asks, “Are you ready?” while towering over you.
He presses play on the song he composed after you nod with equal enthusiasm.
With the ‘soft guy’ on the right, you’re a little more confident, but when it comes to the ‘shy boy’ in front, you are a complete mess. The prospect that he’s equally as wreaked as you are is the primary cause of your emotions. They are deeply affecting you both, and even though you would prefer to hide in the next bush, you are pursuing each other naively and playfully. 
Your smiles are getting bigger as you gaze at one another, but his is weaker, more fragile, as in ‘until the piece I composed gets your pass, I am afraid.’
You close your eyes because you don’t have enough in you to match that.
The outside world ceases to matter as the ambient composition intensifies and begins to resolve inside you.
You explode at the slightest touch from a ‘soft boy’ who leans in close and tries to listen through your headphones. 
Since he also expressed dissatisfaction over never having heard the music, you try to be understanding and let him into your space too. He was unable to listen to it earlier due to the ‘it is not completed’ statements. This was his chance. And so, you acknowledge that this evening, everything came together to allow the two of you to feel the excitement of being the first to hear something so exquisite.
The storm itself, you can swear, ceased.
Though the sound of life is muffled by the composition in your eardrums, you can somewhat hear three heartbeats pounding in time with the music. It feels as though nothing matters and yet everything has led up to this.
‘Music boy’ watches your reactions as both of you remain silent, neither of you speaking to disturb the bliss. 
This rescue is slow-moving and pleasant compared to Tokyo’s fast life. You find a brief moment of inner tranquility after so much running, fury at the weather, and anger towards the electronic device in your back pocket.
Entirely, you lose yourself in the song, and the way your lashes curl to soften the likely pictures that appear beneath your lids is proof of this. It seems that even in Tokyo, things can come to a stop. 
Like a drop of rain in the countryside, your smile is sincere and pure. That is what he has composed, and that is what this is. He has awakened that within you. 
Clarity and translucence—opposing to the densely scented city air, which is heavy with the smell of burned street meat and motor oil.
As distinct as the boys standing next to you, everything has a raw beauty.
When you turn to face the taller one, you find that your noses are almost in contact because of how close the headphones have brought his face to yours.
His most beautiful features are dripping with admiration as he gives you the thumbs up. Although you find the signal confusing, you nod because you think it is abrupt and cute.
Upon turning to face the musical prodigy as you currently perceive him—you having no prior knowledge of him—he grins more than ever.
With great anticipation, he asks, “And!?”
“I wish I had a better word to describe it, but it is rather majestic. The melody is lovely and seems to pour love and tranquility indefinitely. It made me feel better. Basically, thank you, is all I have to say.”
“It truly did the same for me,” remarks the tall guy, nodding. “You know, he never lets us listen to his music,” he adds, moving in closer to give the younger person a sweet shoulder shake. “This guy!!”
They both laugh it off, just like they did when they walked in beside you. They are unaware that, with those smiles, they have taken everything from you. However, as soon as you peek at the bus in the distance, read aloud your hotel’s street address, and confirm that it is your route, their smiles become lifeless and hollow almost instantly. In the same instant, the hope that they both brought about vanishes. There is a bittersweet sensation. 
Even though you all know the end is near, it seems like no one anticipated it.
All of it comes crashing down: the rain, the hope, the magic, and all three of your desperate sets of eyes that cannot stop staring into each other’s faces. Each microsecond, millisecond, and second matters. Everything was brief at first, then prolonged, and finally just brief again.
“It’s time to return this,” you utter as you remove the cardigan.
Given how chilly the owner’s hands are once you skin-brush them, the wool should feel even warmer in his hands after you return it.
“You must have frozen because of me,” you point out, brows knitted in concern. “I am so sor—”
“No, I am fine, don’t apologize,” he cuts in, unlocking the umbrella as he comes to his senses and accepts the arrival of reality. To protect you from the rain until you board the bus, he says, “Here,” giving you room to move under the umbrella.
Initially, you pout, believing that rejecting him would be best, but eventually, you stop yourself and follow his instructions exactly. It’s time to savor every moment, even if it’s just spending a little time together under an umbrella, before you part ways with them and never see them again.
You remove your headphones and give them back to the cutest prodigy you have ever met. “You should start having more faith in the things you create. That was really beautiful.”
“Thank you!!” The umbrella boy exclaims in his name. “Someone at last to make him begin to realize.”
The younger boy defends himself, smiling, “Shut up.” And, even though he’s well aware that the umbrella was never meant to fit both of them, much less three people, he’s still attempting to squeeze himself under it.
You guys are all biting smiles; there is such innocence and purity to the compressed situation all of you are in. This feeling is far more intense than what you experienced as a teenager witnessing your crash in the hallways. Greater than the scorching feeling you experienced on your first kiss. Which, on the other hand, makes this even more heartbreaking than the first time your heart broke. There is something odd about it all, and it has been a long day at that.
You stay sandwiched between their bodies, which rise on both sides of you as sturdy as a brick wall. You regretfully realize that you cannot be imprisoned between them forever, even though for a brief moment you wish you could.
You can sense the peculiar chemistry has subdued the storm, and it even appears to be stopping the rain. And as it draws near the bus stop, the bus finally lets out its sharp, piercing ‘pissss’ sound.  You’re thinking somewhere in the back of your mind about how this sound is going to become your least favorite sound. The noise that will always bother you the most because it’s ruining something so beautiful.
When you look into their faces, all you see is gold dust smeared in their eyes. “I’m glad our paths crossed,” you eventually admit.
They return with the same admiration, though with a sorrowful smile.
They wait until after you get on the bus. They wait for you to get comfortable, knowing that you will take their side and catch your farewell look out the window.
That is precisely what you do; you approach the first seat with that same thought in mind. Rain cascades down the glass, and the windows are a little foggy and difficult to see through due to the warmth inside.
Inside and around your heart, there is a heavy, funny feeling. You make an effort to clear the fog from the window but the moment feels so so hopeless as the bus starts to move. In actuality, all you’re doing is wiping the mist as you attempt to wave goodbye and get a good look at them for the last time. Still, it’s too late.
All that is left to do is gaze for a brief while at the vanishing landscape, registering absolutely nothing.
Finally, you tilt your head back and sigh at the biggest sigh ever. There is a distant echo of a Japanese woman’s voice coming from the bus radio. When you turn on your phone, the first thing you see is your camera folder. 
It’s inexplicable why you thought it was necessary to take a picture of them with your phone while simultaneously taking one with theirs. You are left puzzled, staring at the most recent two pictures in your folder. 
‘Love is a captured moment,’ you used to say. You get the impression that life is making fun of you.
It becomes really annoying to swipe between the two photos. Their boyfriend vibe is unmatched. Imagination takes over. It seems as though you have never desired anything more. 
You carefully touch the screen to enlarge the images, capturing their faces with your fingertips. The attractive strangers in the photos are names you will never know.
© 𝟭-𝟰𝟵. do not copy, translate, repost, and modify my works.
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25 Examples Of Awesome Modern Kitchen Lighting
When you’re forking out the big bucks for a brand new kitchen, you don’t want the finished scheme to fall flat. It’s usually the most expensive room redo you’ll do in your home so you want that wow and you want all the drama. You want all of your friends to wish that your kitchen was their kitchen, right? Maybe. Well at the very least, you’ll want your friends to see what an amazing cooking and dining space you’ve created to enjoy together, and what do we need to see clearly? Light! Lots of awesome, mesmerizing kitchen lights like the ones we’ve gathered together here to inspire you!
Visualizer: Burak Lafcı   This futuristic geometric kitchen composition is pretty striking all on it’s own. The introduction of warm white under lighting just simply adds to its awesomeness. The length of each run of base units and wall units have an illuminated underscore, including the central island.
Visualizer: Igor Sirotov   Modern kitchens can be quite minimalistic, so atmospheric lighting is an important addition in creating extra interest and warmth. In this dark coloured kitchen, a simple small pan and crockery cubby takes on a cozy look with the help of some internal lighting. The resulting glow appears almost like a contemporary letterbox fireplace.
Visualizer: Igor Sirotov   This handle-free black kitchen fades into the background of a dining area. The LED strip over the centre of the work area is the only attention grabbing element.
Visualizer: Roman Kolyada   Black and white kitchens already have a strong contrasting look but add a few recessed strips of cool white LEDs and you can take things to a whole new level. This one looks like something you might see in a space-station on a sci-fi movie.
Designer: DesignSpace London   The black kitchen bar stools are the initial attention grabber at the front of this kitchen but the recessed lighting over the counter draws the attention all the way to the back. Grey kitchens like this one can sometimes appear cold, so an area of warm white lighting really cozies the scheme up.
Visualizer: Ihor Bednarchyk   Unique kitchen pendant lights will always have a place. These ones find their ideal place over each end of a long central island that’s used for casual dining.
Source: Marble Of The World   Check out this illuminated marble magic! Why have under-lighting or over-lighting when you can have through-lighting!
Designer: CBD Glass   You can even use light to colour your kitchen cabinets and countertops. Check out our unique kitchen countertops post for more cool products like this.
Designer: Mal Corboy   A strip of intense blue light makes a bright impact upon this pale kitchen scheme.
Visualizer: Tracy Ong   Not all lighting plans have to be dazzling in effect. This softly glowing kitchen appears warm and relaxing, an inviting place in which to cook or dine.
Visualizer: Soffit Interiors   The lighting feature in this kitchen is the main event, standing out against understated plain black cabinets.
Visualizer: M3 Architecture   Marble kitchens have added interest in the unique veins seen in the material. Simple lighting effects let the marble speak for itself.
Visualizer: Denys Kozak, Daria Ozhyhanova   White lighting edges a bank of natural shelving in this fresh green and white kitchen colour scheme.
Visualizer: Olga Podgornaja   The happy sunshine yellow in this kitchen is further enhanced by the introduction of warm LED edging and three large yellow lined pendant lights over the centre island.
Visualizer: Vu Tan   With peg-board style open kitchen shelving, the open wire-framed pendant shades make a great combination.
Source: Paul.M   White kitchens can be on the icy side. Consider adding a lighting scheme that brings a little visual warmth to the room.
Visualizer: Dmytriy Kaleniuk   Each nook and cranny of a kitchen could present an opportunity for an interesting lighting installation. Lighting doesn’t have to be restricted to practical task lighting, or illuminating work areas and decorative display items.
Designer: Destilat   Grey and white kitchens provide a good base for many styles. This one is in a contemporary home but the colourway of the dining chairs and the style of the pendant lights look retro.
Source: Delta   Textured kitchen cabinet doors should always have good lighting bestowed upon them, to bring out the depth of their design feature. The kitchen design seen here also has an illuminated feature wall.
Visualizer: Maxim Goryachev   Under shelf lighting has became a popular choice for the kitchen. You can draw attention to your favourite culinary items this way, and benefit from the extra task lighting that will be shed over your countertop beneath.
Visualizer: Tu Nguyen Hoang   This kitchen uses shelf lighting to make their collection of pots and unique coffee mugs shine. The lights reflect nicely over the adjacent glossy surface.
Visualizer: Ogovio   This kitchen has an illuminated cabinet to show off a set of unique wine glasses, as well as a task lighting strip beneath the wall cupboards. The rooms ceiling also has a matching inlay of recessed lighting around the perimeter.
Visualizer: Mady Beissner   Industrial style lighting, like this row of five individual hanging bulbs, is simple yet effective. A larger pendant shade finishes off the run and marks out a casual dining area. LED strip lights beneath the base units make the cabinets appear as though floating slightly off the floor.
Visualizer: Plasterlina   This colourful boxed light installation over the central kitchen island illuminates the eating area, basin and a set of indoor herb planters.
Visualizer: Plasterlina   The cheerful yellow backdrop of this kitchen decor is framed by warm light. A thin LED strip also runs above the full length of the kitchen bar. The dining area towards the far end is marked by two large industrial pendant lights over the table.
Recommended Reading: 50 Unique Kitchen Pendant Lights
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