#This whole ‘erm actually this is problematic because [trivial thing]’ genuinely ruined so much
cozymochi · 1 year
Opinion on the live action films?
In terms of their “live action remake” schtick, my thoughts echo YOUR POST pretty much verbatim. They’re redundant and pointless and disrespect the artists and writers so much and always take the wrong freaking lessons out of their source material. (Im starting at 2010 for these.)
AND you know what’s wild?? Alice in Wonderland (2010), Maleficent (2014), The Jungle Book (2016), and Cinderella (2015) feel like such anomalies. They’re like… the first few from this stint, right? Almost like… at minimum the folk working on these had ideas in mind and really tried to make them their own things. You’ll def find people who hate these period, but you’ll also find more people giving these four a pass because at minimum… they do offer a different experience and don’t act as if they’re superior to what came before. I just don’t get that vibe.
THEN came Beauty and the Beast (2017) and it’s very clear Iger saw the successes of the former and went “oh i guess all we gotta do is just remake something people already know and we’ll make a billion dollars 🤪🤪🤪” and it’s obviously working. And every installment gets more egregious than the last and more blatantly cynical and acting as if “oh the originals weren’t that good anyway ☺️ look at us Screen Junkies and Twitter u can’t make fun of us now we’ve fixed everything.” (that’s another thing, all the bad faith criticism from the buzzfeed and honest trailers era I swear did so much freaking damage to creativity it’s absurd— and that’s to say nothing of what Twitter does.) The Lion King (2019) is probably the worst offender (AND ITS NOT LIVE ACTION u corporate animation disrespecting fucks AND HOT TAKE: they still look like cgi animals fuck you, rip the VFX artists)
Creatively bankrupt shitass fucking. Argh. It’s genuinely a case study in how they can take something already good, and SOMEHOW make it bad and miss the point of every creative decision made. All these little problems add up. And I think there’s something extra cynical happening now that genuinely rubs me the wrong way.
Honestly, I could talk forever about this on a case for case basis. There’s just soooo much to say. But it’s 7 AM and I shouldn’t get heated so soon.
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