#This was targeting a radfem on here but I didn't want to reblog the whole post so I'm screenshoting this
oxiiiii · 2 years
The whole tra movement in a nutshell:
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stardustedknuckles · 3 years
Just want to say that I appreciate you speaking up about the troubling terf rhetoric going on in the Beauyasha and Beaujes sectors of fandom. It's bothered me for ... a long time, honestly.
God the bj fandom terrifies me, and I started as a bj shipper. It wasn't their attitude that changed that, it happened organically, but I've been hesitant to even do byj for fear of them coming down about how jester is or isn't portrayed etc.
The majority of my silence is rooted in the firm decision to keep fandom a positive and chill space for myself, no doubt, but there's a little fear there of having that space destroyed that comes with it. I have the followers I do because you all understand exactly where I sit when it comes to the purity police, trans liberation, and queer relationships and who defines them. I avoid getting into the negativity but I'm very clear about the standards I've set for my interactions with fandom because the vast majority of it as a concept is toxic and awful and I refuse to play.
But. I also hated every time I felt forced to unfollow someone who supported trans folks but didn't realize what they were perpetuating with their reblogs, and though I understood it was not my job to babysit critical thinking and that nobody else wanted to be made to feel bad for not knowing they were enabling harm, that's exactly what makes a space unwelcoming for folks like me.
I expected nobody at all to care about my demi college yasha. It took months before I ventured to write trans beauyasha. I still haven't written a darkfic for this ship because I still think that would get me blasted by people who otherwise align with my representation. I'm not here to be brave I guess is my point, I'm here to write what I want to read and keep this space thriving for underrepresented interactions and viewpoints. Because if it means something to me, chances are it resonates with someone else too. But I've stayed quiet here on Tumblr, because quiet is what I wanted for this experience.
So I'm sorry for not calling stuff out more, but also I came here looking for peace. I'm just freshly annoyed from time to time by how much avoiding and ignoring I have to do to achieve it. I speak up by writing trans joy and close familial relationships with - gasp- a man. I write a platonic blowjob between two friends to make a point about how attraction and sex exist independently of each other and move on. I die on the hill of yasha and Molly platonically fucking and how that in no way besmirches Yasha's attraction to women and write it, with the complete refusal to fight about it if someone should try it.
And every time, it connects with someone. Every time, someone needed to see that fic.
So yeah I've seen the issues here the whole time, and I've chosen to keep my little corner quietly resistant to radfem bullshit and purity wank lest I become a target, again, and have my joy in something forcibly taken from me, again. It's not always on me to be the one to get in the fights and call stuff out. But damn, sometimes I really am in the mood to point out the rot and ask if I'm the only one seeing it. I know I'm not. And I know that demanding better can only increase the quality of the people who choose to stick around and follow me. The little thrill I get from half my damn followers having the sunset lesbian flag for an icon - unmatched. Doesn't mean the people who have them are perfect but it does mean they've intentionally picked a flag that explicitly welcomes people like me. I don't make this a welcoming place for terfs and radfems - which by extension includes exclusionists and antis - and I never will. Even if I'm quiet about it.
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