#This was mainly supposed to be for the sauce idk why I put in an entire recipe for baked veggies in this LMAO
no-lessthan3 · 5 months
roasted/ baked/ grilled veg has no reason to be as good as it is tbh
I made some for my family yesterday and had to literally ask my aunt for more veggies from her fridge cuz I just made it to clear mine and had no idea everyone would love it so much lmao
Anyways have the recipe
2 medium sized potatoes
2 medium sized onions
2 small carrots
1 small capsicum or Bell pepper
3 pieces of garlic
1 tbs of of oil (any cooking oil works, we used sunflower cuz that's what we usually use)
Mince/ crush the garlic
Roughly dice all your veggies
Heat up a pan, put the oil in it, add garlic into the oil until is finishes sizzling and put all your veggies in and slightly saute them for a bit (you don't even need to turn the onions translucent, just stir it around a bit lol, this is just so the oven doesn't have to do all the work cooking the potatoes and carrots mainly)
Take it off the heat
Now the sauce is what makes all the difference so listen carefully
In a bowl, mix
½ tbs Schezwan chutney (you can also use chilly oil or gochujang or any thing available of a similar texture and taste)
¼ tbs hot sauce
2 tbs soy sauce
⅔ tbs tomato ketchup (don't let my bestfriend know I told you this)
¼ tbs ginger garlic paste
1½ tbs mustard oil (it makes a difference trust me)
⅓ of a packet of Maggi masala-e-magic (if you're making this sauce for your instant noodles use the tastemaker pack as a replacement or use any other versatile as FUCK spice that you can add to literally anything)
2 tsp of oregano (my brother hoards pizzeria oregano packets so just use two of them if you have them lol)
Mix the sauce and toss in your veggies
Spread it on a baking dish or plate and Chuck it in the over at 200°C on the grill setting for 20 minutes, toss them around atleast once, and try the potatoes and carrots specifically before taking it out fully just to check if they are fully cooked or not
If not put them back in for 5-10 minutes more and you're done!
Btw the sauce can literally be used with anything
Put it on noodles, rice, sandwiches whatever tf you want
It's my own recipe :]
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i think i figured out why ROR songs feel so...un-descendants
its all ONE genre? i suppose? like its either rap, trapp, or pop, meanwhile the first 3 descendants movies had like-20 different music genres in just the first movie-they had kinda a dubstep vibe for the opening song 'rotten to the core', then a broadway musical type song for 'evil like me' because how were they not going to use Kristin chenoweth's vovcals? , if only was a ballad, then be our guest was a fun throwback/callback song that they made...a cheesy white boy rap for some reason, they had another ballad with the if only reprise, and then set it was the big finale pop song, like-as a whole descendants music is considered pop apparently but they had like-hundreds of different type of songs in just the first movie, like they all sound simular but in a good way.
D2 starts off with a full pop rock song, ways to be wicked, and goes into whats my name which google defines as 'pop, R&B, electrohop, and pop rap', then into a -kinda old stylish pop song 'chillin like a villain', then into the ballad space between, which goes into the finale song 'you and me' which is my personal favorite of the finale songs which gives kinda...musical finale vibes-which is great!
D3, starts off with Good to be bad which honestly, years later-is such a banger song, i love it, i did the 'confused head nods' to it at first but now i love it, its grown on me, and its a pop song, of course, but its got such a big energy to it that it feels like its a broadway musical song, then of course-the powerful 'queen of mean' which google describes as a trap-pop song, but it feels so different from good to be bad in the best way, then we go into 'do what you gotta do' which is a pop-rock duet between Mal, a pop singer, and Hades, a washed up rock star-and it gives kinda...80s-90s jazz/rock vibes, it feels different from the rest of the songs but still fits within the line up, then night-falls; this ones practically full rap with sung verses, mainly from Evie, Mal and Uma, with the boys only rap-singing-i think this is the weakest song of D3, but it still sounds right with the rest of the sound track, then Evie's solo-one kiss, which ofc is a pop song, but then comes the big song-Mal's ballad, once upon a time. no autotune, pure genuine music; just Mal and the lyrics and the music, honestly-i loved once upon a time, still do, i think its a good song theory wise-story wise? it flumps on actually making Mal take accountability for her actions-like it tries and it fails, low-key sounds like Mal is trying to gaslight herself XD(joke) anyway-strong ballad, its followed by 'break this down' which is-wowza-you can FEEL this is the big finale song of the series, it goes all out on choreo, the singing, the set, the music-all of it. again it feels like a musical finale song you'd see on stage-its so fucking good.
and then ror...opens with...idk pop? then...goes into pop-trap-rap....then another pop-rap song...then a pop song...then a pop song....then ...k-pop-rap esqe song? and then like a kinda...ballad reprise of the earlier pop song? the songs of ror all sound the same, there's no proper-change in any of the songs, they all sound the same and put too much emphasis on telling the story with the SONGs instead of the songs HELPING tell the story, there's no ballad, there's no big 'fun musical stage type' song, there's not even a finale song, it feels so separated/wong because it doesn't follow the guidelines the first 3 movies put in place. the songs are hardly fun too, like-the chorses are good, the verses all needed several more drafts, and the choreo is weak sauce-they're just trying to make tik tok dances, not musical dances
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0225pm · 4 years
wow the quality of the video really sucks after it has been compressed but well i don’t have a choice!
anyway, i’m moving back to tumblr again mainly cus wordpress sucks and it’s not allowing me to post videos unless i buy their premium plan which is tbh a no cus idk why platforms for blogging should even charge you for the features that they were supposed to have???? also sadly, tumblr also only lets you post 1 video per post limit which is why i’ve put the pics and videos i took into in one but it’s better than not being able to post a video at all.
so it’s our monthsary!!!!
we’ve been officially together for 3 years and 5 months now and wow, i’ve only just realised what a long time that is 😂 honestly, if you want to count how long it has been since we first met each other, it’ll probably be about 8 years now. tho han sees it as 8 years but i see it as 3y5m cus idk who he was back then ya know what i mean? like i know the 3y5m him now than the him 8 years ago.
han sent me his live location as he does so every sat, and i was late. even tho he came all the way to my place i was still late :/ and i was so sorry 😭 i know there shouldn’t be any excuses for my lateness but i have my reasons, even if anyone thinks it isn’t valid :/ so i alr prepared right? like i mentally prepared and visualize what i wanna wear and etc. and so i went to take a shower and all. and then my mom all of a sudden asked me to do things like ordering food for her, clipping her nails, airfrying some sotong balls cus she was feeling peckish. initially she asked me to order food, which i then did but it was immediately cancelled due to the weather. it suddenly rained really heavily. and then while i was in her room drying my hair, she suddenly said she wanted sotong balls which i then went to airfry. and then when i alr did that and continued drying my hair, she then asked me to clip her nails and i was like “i’m going out ibu later farhan will be waiting for me alr” and she was like nvm la it will only take a while. so i did that and then i had to just rush cus i checked his live location and he was alr nearing tenaga area which is so damn close to my place alr. then i quickly picked out the outfit i wanted to wear. i mean come on, it’s our monthsary and i wanted to dress up right and i alr had this mental image of what i wanna wear right? so i took it out, wore it and then i realized that it was still a bit rainy??? like kinda drizzling so i figured he’ll be coming up first to wait till the rain totally stops but he texted me asking me to come down instead. and at this point i was sweating profusely. yeah, it was rainy but i was feeling so warm from rushing and doing so many things at once. oh ya, i was wearing this satin white shirt with shorts and that was my initial outfit like it looks laidback and casual and effortless but i decided to change cus i was perspiring and it felt so uncomfortable wearing a satin material when you’re perspiring like heck!! so i ended up wearing my fav tee with the same shorts and brought my hoodie along. it’s also my fav hoodie from uniqlo. i think their hoodie quality is bomz it’s not too thick or too thin and i wanna buy more but maybe wait till they have sales or something. so i ended up just looking super hobo as heck like it just looks like i didn’t even bother to dress up and i felt sad but i didn’t want han to be waiting even longer.
so when i went down he was alr sitting at the seats at the void deck and i can feel anger radiating within him lol like i knew he was mad and he still had his helmet on and his rain jacket on and all. and then he gave me different options of where to go for our lunch and then i just sat there pondering for a bit. and then i asked him if he wanted to put the jacket and pants at home but he didn’t want to so he took it off and then put it on the table and he took off his helmet as well. and then i asked him if we could eat at genki and he told me that genki was one of the options that he forgot to list so we decided on genki! his anger didn’t last long and as he stood up to head over to his bike i went to him and open up my arms cus i just wanted to hug him lolol then at first he tried to act all “ew” and moved away but he ended up hugging me anyway hehe and then don’t want to let go lol so bobo so cute. honestly i’m still shy??? around him wtf. like when i initiated the hug itself i felt so shy loooooollllll and when he didn’t wanna let go it made me blush wtf but ofc he can’t see cus we have to wear the stupid mask bc of stupid covid. i hate it wtf my face is so sensitive and it’s breaking out bc of having to wear the mask so my skin can’t breathe. like what’s the point of me not wearing makeup underneath the mask when i still break out anyway right zzz hais. ok sorry side track a bit but ya hahaha so then i told him i wanted to show him something!!! and then he was like “eh eh who said you let go” or was it “who said you can stop hugging” but it’s either one la hahaha then i took his hand and pull down my mask and then kissed his hand 😂 then i told him to look and i said “no transfer”!!!!!! hahahahaha cus i was wearing this lipstick and wtf man the formula is damn amazing really didn’t transfer anywhere at all. i even kissed my own hand and i even drank water but not transfer AT ALL. it was a gift i got from two years back i think hahaha for my bday from rai, a kylie kit and i haven’t worn it out before mainly bc the color didn’t suit my skintone cus the shade felt so light but when i wore it this time it felt like the shade was darker somehow? idk if i became pale from staying at home all the time or idk lol but i like the shade now 😌
oh at first i didn’t wanna go to tampines cus we always go to tampines hahaha and i guess i made a face and han teased me about it lol as much as it annoys me it’s a good kind of annoying? 😂 cus he’s so cute whenever he teases me in that way lolol but we ended up just heading to tampines anyway cus he wanted to save up on petrol also and i thought ok ya cus he has to work now and he has to go to and fro everyday so it’s better for him to save the petrol as well. i put on my hoodie and then we went to the usual parking spot at tampines. and then bc both of our masks were down i could actually kiss him hehe. and then from there we walked to the front entrance of the mall cus of this covid there’s only one in and out entrance but entering was a breeze tbh cus even tho there was a long line, we didn’t have to wait long.
then we went up to the escalator. and genki wasn’t crowded at all either so that was great!!! we did the safe entry thing, got our temperature taken and got our seats. then we ordered some food hehe. i was excited cus lol i love genki. not as much as i love my bf but if i have to choose an express sushi shop i would choose genki 😂 i wanted something soupy and filling so i got their beef udon since i alr had their duck udon the previous time we went there. and then i got a drink and chawanmushi as an appetizer. i love their chawanmushi as well and it’s something i will always get. i used to buy their clams miso soup but since it was taken out of the menu, i got their chawanmushi instead. and i was so happy when han decided to try the chawanmushi!!!!! i’ve always knew him as someone that wasn’t into eggs but he actually liked this one!! and he even ate the prawn and the naruto/japanese fish cake when i fed it to him omg 😭😭😭 i was legit so happy wtf hahahaha and then his fried squid came, also one of the hot foods i will always order but usually i’ll get it if i didn’t buy any of the udon. but since i alr got the udon i didn’t order it. and then his mini chicken teriyaki don came and lol the bowl was rly so mini ahahaha i wish i took a picture of it but i didn’t. but it was worth for the price of $4 i think since it was actually filled to the brim. there was even slices of tamago in it. he fed me a spoonful and it was nice!!! i’m gonna try that next time i go to genki if i’m feeling like eating rice 😂 i like udon cus of the chewy texture of the noodles and the soup. and then a plate of mentaiko fries came 🤤 there was A LOT of mentaiko on it it was so amazing and i was so surprise cus i didn’t order it but at the end of the day han said that he saw that i didn’t order the fries so he ordered it for me 🥺😍 so sweet hais and i really enjoyed it. i love genki’s mentaiko sauce it’s so damn goooooodddddd. so salty so nice. and then my udon came hehe and i devoured it. i fed han some too and gave him one of the fish cakes cus i think they made a mistake and put two pieces. the udon was so good i love it hahahaha. and then han ordered a seaweed roll, 2 more beef sushi and 1 mentaiko salmon for me hehe yes i know how to eat salmon now!!!! but it must be seared. i still can’t eat raw ones unless i rly dipped it in soy sauce or if it’s cut super thinly then maybe can try 😅
then after we finished eating, we went up to see if we can catch a movie. i wasn’t sure if we’re allowed to sit together so i asked him to ask first if we have to be separated and yay we don’t have to separate!!! so we decided to watch train to busan 2: peninsula. since we alr watched the first one together and there wasn’t much movies that were showing so we decided to catch the 5:10pm slot. it’s been so so so long since we last watched a movie tgt so this was nice. we didn’t get anything to eat since we just ate and i was still full but we had some time so we went to fairprice and got some candies. then farhan bought a root beer slushy which turns out to be scam!!! cus it’s just ice and it was practically solidified even after the movie was over it didn’t even melt much within 2 hours wtf. and then he also got a hotdog bun 😂
the movie was great. not as great as the first one cus the first one was definitely much more impactful but this one was not too bad. a bit too much “racing” scenes but i guess it’s to keep its audience on the toes. the storyline is a bit meh as well but i guess the suspense from some parts made up for it. it’s quite tragic though.
and then after the movie, i asked han if he still wanted pizza but when we saw the queue there was still a bunch of people waiting for their orders. even some foodpanda and grab delivery riders were waiting so i told him we’ll just order in and at first he was like we’ll see how but i ordered anyway. then we went out to head home and han finally lighted a cigarette. hahahaha he actually had to suppressed his desire to smoke cus we didn’t have time since i chose the earlier slot for the movie and im so proud of him for being able to suppress the feeling and yet not turning into a cranky momok.
while on the way back, he wanted to top up some petrol so we stopped by spc and then he wanted to top up his cashcard so we had to go one big round from the carpark to where he can top up his card but the machine is stupid!!! and he got upset cus he wasn’t able to top up his card. i think he still prefers the card with chip reader than the contactless ones. so then we decided to head to 7-11 so he can purchase one with chip but they ran out. so we decided to find another petrol station cus he said usually it’s being sold there too. so we did and this time round i guess i was being cranky cus the seat of his bike was eating into my skin and it hurts like heck so i told him to just top up the card since they don’t have the chip ones and he needed to top up anyway but then in front there was another petrol station and apparently they had a chip + contactless card there and i think they only accepted cash for it so he came out and then went in back and bought one there. and i was still cranky lol and i was perspiring so much both from my scalp to my body and it was drizzling too so all i wanted to do was head home so i got upset and i lashed it out on him when we made our way back cus he kept trying to make a joke out of the pain i felt and it just triggered me cus it’s like he doesn’t understand how much it hurts??
but it’s not his fault. cus i’m the one that chose to wear shorts even tho i know how much it hurts when i sit too long on the bike. and then he said he’ll cut the netting off but i was like no wtf. cus 1, we don’t meet everyday which sucks but ya we don’t and thus i’m not the one sitting on the back of his bike everyday so having to sit one day out of the week doesn’t bother me as much as having to sit on it everyday ya know what i mean? and 2, the parts that are still protected which is probably about 90-80% of the seat is still useable so it’ll be able to help protect the other areas from getting damage by the claws of cats.
and then when we got back, he wanted to pass his gummies to me but no one in this household eats gummies or candies. my mom can’t even eat sugary content cus of health, my dad isn’t a fan of gummies or candies he much prefers chips and chocolates and my brother too prefers chocolates or ice creams. i don’t like sugary content either but unless it comes from cakes or pastries or ice creams or chocolates so rly, no one is gonna eat it. and then he got mad at me and all i could hear was “you do to me can but when i’m doing it to you cannot” and i didn’t get what he meant by that tbh so i just kept quiet all the way till we’re home. i quickly took off my hoodie, changed into a more comfortable shorts went to take a piss and then went into my room. i sat down for awhile in front of the fan cus i was sweating so much and then i cooled down before i apologized to him and then asked him if he was still upset. i tried to get him to explain what he meant but couldn’t get anything out of him cus he just prefers to sweep it under the rug whereas i like to talk about it so i can see what i did wrong or which areas i have to improve or change so it can better our lives ya know but he’s not like that and i have to understand it so i just kept quiet and then i kissed him and stroked his face and hair a little.
and then he asked me if the pizza was here and i said ya hahaha it’s alr in the kitchen and whether he wants me to take it so he was like yes and as i was going to take the pizza he grabbed me and hugged me tight and i just instantly melted. it was genuinely hot lol i like this kinda shit hahahahaha but i’ve always felt afraid that i was gonna hurt him with my weight so i didn’t dare do anything that will shift my whole weight onto him but he didn’t care and he said it doesn’t hurt 🥺 haissss
honestly going home was all i was looking forward to. it’s not bc i’m horny lol or maybe that’s one of the reason but it’s mainly bc i just want to lay in his arms and just cuddle and give him kisses and also receive kisses. i’ve missed him all week long and we haven’t really been able to talk much since he’s working and he’s always tired when he gets home but it’s good that he’s working hard for his future and for our future.
and then the time for him to head home came. a truly saddening end of the day and he left a little later than usual but i’m just glad he got home safely and didn’t get lectured for being home a little late.
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koganelovesmcclain · 7 years
1 through 99 for the ask game :)
Sorry this has taken so long! :(
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? I don't really have a bedroom with closets, but if I did, I'd keep them closed. 
2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? Yes, I don't know why. I never use them? 
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? Untucked. I have to sleep with my blanket kinda curled under my feet. :') 
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before? Nooo. 
5: Do you like to use post-it notes? Yes! 
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? Yeah. :') 
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? A bear. Mainly because I hate bugs. :') 
8: Do you have freckles?Yep, a lot of them. >:(
9: Do you always smile for pictures?No, my face is ugly when I smile, so I don’t. Lmao.
10: What is your biggest pet peeve?People being unnecesarily loud. @ my dad >:(
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?Hmm, sometimes.
12: Have you ever peed in the woods?…yes.
13: What about pooped in the woods?no? I don’t think so. Lmao.
14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?Sure.
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?Nooo. D:
16: How many people have you slept with this week?Lmao. 0
17: What size is your bed?My bed is a bunch of blankets on the ground right now,,, so idk
18: What is your Song of the week?Hmm… What About Us- P!nk It’s been a song of the week for months.
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?Yup!
20: Do you still watch cartoons?Have you seen this blog? Lmao. Yes.
21: Whats your least favorite movie?Hmm, I don’t know.
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?I don’t know. I don’t have a permanent place anymore? So, I guess I’d just rent a storage unit. Haha.
23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size?
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?Ketchup or honey mustard or BBQ sauce or sweet n sour. Depends on what restaurant I’m at.
25: What is your favorite food?Chicken!
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?Disney movies!
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?My dog!
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?I was a girl scout when I was a kid.
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?Nope.
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?When my nanny died, I wrote her a letter and put it in her casket with her.
31: Can you change the oil on a car?Probably.
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?I’m gay, I can’t drive. Lmao.
33: Ever ran out of gas?^
34: Favorite kind of sandwich?Hm, Subway’s tuna is so good.
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?I usually just have cereal.
36: What is your usual bedtime?…anywhere from 9:30 to midnight. Lmao.
37: Are you lazy?Yep!
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?Hmm. A princess, a witch, a dog? I can’t remember really.
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?Tiger.
40: Are you horny?Right now?
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?My mom gets Cosmo?
42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?Both!
43: Are you stubborn?Yes.
44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman?I don’t know who these people are?
45: Ever watch soap operas?I don’t think so?
46: Are you afraid of heights?Yeah.
47: Do you sing in the car?Yup.
48: Do you sing in the shower?Yeah.
49: Do you dance in the car?Yeah!
50: Ever used a gun?A BB gun yeah. We used to shoot soda cans at home.
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?When I was in highschool, my senior portraits.
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?Sometimes, but I love them anyway.
53: Is Christmas stressful?Yeah. But it’s my favorite time of year.
54: Ever eat a pierogi?Yeah. Not homemade or anything. They were like,,, microwavable. :’)
55: Favorite type of fruit pie?Hmm. Apple I guess.
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?Singer, vet, dog groomer…
57: Do you believe in ghosts?Yes.
58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?All the time. It’s spooky.
59: Take a vitamin daily?No.
60: Wear slippers?I am right now. Lmao. I’ve got cold feet.
61: Wear a bath robe?No.
62: What do you wear to bed?A tank top and pants/ shorts.
63: First concert?I haven’t really been to any concerts. :(
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?Wal-Mart is my fave! (I’d love Target so much if my town had one!)
65: Nike or Adidas?Neither. >:(
66: Cheetos Or Fritos?Cheetos!
67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?I like both!
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?No.
69: Ever take dance lessons?No.
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?Not really. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to marry me. Lmao.
71: Can you curl your tongue?No.
72: Ever won a spelling bee?I was runner up! I have a trophy still. Lmao.
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?Probably.
74: Own any record albums?No.
75: Own a record player?I did. But I had to leave it behind when we were evicted. Thanks mom and dad for not paying the bills.
76: Regularly burn incense?No.
77: Ever been in love?Probably not.
78: Who would you like to see in concert?So many people that I can’t think of right now.
79: What was the last concert you saw?N/A.
80: Hot tea or cold tea?Neither. I don’t like tea.
81: Tea or coffee?Neither!
82: Sugar or snickerdoodles??
83: Can you swim well?Well enough.
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?Yeah?
85: Are you patient?Nope.
86: DJ or band, at a wedding?DJ I think.
87: Ever won a contest?I’ve won a couple like… art giveaways here on Tumblr. But no actual contests. :’)
88: Ever have plastic surgery?No.
89: Which are better black or green olives?Both are disgusting!
90: Can you knit or crochet?Yeah, both. But I’m better at crochet.
91: Best room for a fireplace?Living room or library.
92: Do you want to get married?If I ever meet someone, then yes I suppose.
93: If married, how long have you been married?-
94: Who was your HS crush?Hmm. A couple of jocks that I thought were good looking. I don’t remember their names. Lmao.
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?I’m not three.
96: Do you have kids?No. I have my dog though!
97: Do you want kids?I think so.
98: Whats your favorite color?Blue!
99: Do you miss anyone right now?My old friend group. I don’t know why, they treated me like garbage. But I just want to talk to them. *sigh*
Omg. 99 questionssss.If anyone actually read all this, bless you!
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