#This sucks I'm sorry omg
jikimo-world · 24 days
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Growing up
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merakiui · 10 months
thinking,,,,,,,, darling who has a cryptic pregnancy....... [insert twst character here] reacting to it,,, maybe you and floyd and you're both a little dense because neither of you could have ever guessed. T_T
"what do you mean you were pregnant this whole time???? i thought shrimpy just got softer. :D" - floyb mindset.
in floyd's defense, he has no idea how human pregnancies work. he slept through that part of land boot camp!!! fell asleep the minute the professor started droning on about how humans don't lay eggs like mers do. jade can only chuckle (maybe he knew, but in classic jade fashion he won't tell because it's much more entertaining to sit back and watch everyone slowly figure it out) and azul is shaking his head in disbelief. had he known, he would have prepared well in advance to lend a helping hand. and you're just so amazed because maybe you were told you're unable to get pregnant, but somehow it happened and you had no idea all this time.
thank you to floyd and his mer virility for doing what was thought to be the impossible!!!!!! <3
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faunandfloraas · 5 months
i love being friends with girls and then they get a boyfriend and then he becomes the center of her entire existence and all she talks about and all she focuses on and i sit there and i smile and i nod and i feel myself becoming genuinely evil
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Okay so if the whole wedding debacle hadn’t happened (which I’m still mad at Bonnie for because we deserved a Kai redemption arc and to see him finally have a chance to see what family could really be like and we could’ve had it if she hadn’t sent Kai back to a prison world) this is what I’d like to imagine uncle Kai would be like with baby Lizzie and Josie
HOW did this ask escape for so long?? I'm so stale.
BUT YES, that is so much the relationship they'd have, I'm giggling!!
And same, I'm so bitter that we couldn't have a redemption arc. I feel like Kai wouldn't be bad with kids as long as he isn't competing against them for 1.) having importance to the family / coven, and 2.) literal survival. Someone who's the eldest of six other kids, I actually think would be quite good with them, given the chance. Ugh, I so wish they kept him around and we could have scenes like that. And Jo / Liv / Bonnie, etc. all terrified and waiting for him to lose patience / mess up, but every time, he proves them wrong. 😭
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crispycreambacon · 6 months
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ficsforeren · 1 year
hii kana, hope u and your family are doing okay, if you’re okay answering this, i just wanted to ask you how was pregnancy for you, i’m so scared of all about it, and about how my body will look after, did you worried about this?
Hi, sweetheart!! My family and I are doing just great, and I hope you are too ❤️
Read below the cut cause this ended up as a super long answer LMAO
Honestly, I was so scared too, Nonnie 😭 I had a planned c-section for my second time (cause I had c-section the first time so my doctor recommended me to do so) and even then I couldn't sleep at all the night before. I don't want to lie and say it was easy cause it definitely wasn't. During my second pregnancy, I could only eat white rice and boiled eggs every single day cause that was all I could eat (I always threw up if I forced myself to eat anything else), and during the first three months, I couldn't even climb down my own bed without help. I was nauseous all the time, and very emotional. I got hospitalized for two weeks, got treated in the ICU where they took my blood three times a day even from my feet and it hurt like hell 🫠 Fortunately, my family (especially my husband) were so supportive throughout the process so it wasn't as stressful as it could've been for me.
Hmm I don't think I've ever worried about how my body would look like, probably because I was worrying more about giving birth and my baby health's condition (now THIS is stressful. as a mother, it kills you to see your baby get sick and newborns are so vulnerable so during the first month I just felt like crying all the time cause my baby had jaundice, and we had to do a surgery cause she couldn't feed properly and she lost a lot of weight, so we went to the hospital for like once every 3 days, it was a lot, both mentally and financially 😭)
when I had my first baby, I gained 15 kg (33 lbs) but I lost 13 kg in less than 6 months due to breastfeeding. I don't like exercising, all I did was taking care of my baby and doing chores but I still managed to get my normal weight back so I don't think you have to be concerned about gaining weight (if that's what you're worried about). even right now, my baby just turned two months old and I've lost 7 kg (I'm hoping I can get back to my pre-pregnancy weight in the next 4-5 months hehe)
but your body will look different, that's for sure. I got stretch marks all over my belly, some on my breasts too, and they're still there though they don't look as nasty anymore. And of course, I also got my c-section scar but they don't matter much to me. I actually feel proud to have these marks/scars on my body 😁
If you're worried/scared about being pregnant/giving birth/being a mother, trust me, you're not alone. I'm a mother of two children and I'm still scared, but also, the joy of being a mom is truly something else. I used to hate the idea of getting married, let alone having a child of my own (rough childhood lol you know the drill) but after I gave birth and I held my baby in my arms, I was so, so happy. And that was just the start. The first time they smiled, the first time they laughed out loud, the first time they called me "mama" and the first time I kissed my son goodbye before he went to school... so much happiness in every little thing and I'm so grateful for it. so what I'm trying to say is, it's normal to be afraid, but believe me, it will all be worth it 😊
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sikfox-arts · 8 months
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coolsvilleprincess · 8 months
All it took was trying to draw in the style one time for me to decide that me personally, I enjoy the vibe of the Be Cool art style, it's goofy and silly and fun and I had great time trying to capture it. Except Scooby himself, because his proportions confused me and it stressed me out
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habitual-creatures · 23 days
It seems,,, Alright? I mean we have the option between a sub, something else or pizza. And the pizza is really greasy,,, I watched my friend use 3 napkins to try and get rid of the grease!!! :(
- 💜 anon
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khaotunq · 5 months
Someone a couple of buildings down from me has a karaoke machine (or just an insane mic/sound system setup) and every so often she treats the entire postcode to her Not Great singing.
Today, however, a child has gotten access to it. And she has been singing half mumbled nursery rhymes/kids songs for about an hour.
To whichever of my neighbours are still out in the car park or communal garden space: godspeed with the horror movie you're now in.
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deviantaccumulation · 4 months
To be a hater, but omg The Acolyte is pretty bad
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apricusapollo · 6 months
opinion on april 9th?
april 9th as in the tragedy of april the 9th when the soviet army attacked innocent civilians who were fighting for their freedom?... yea pretty gut-wrenching and tragic, that's my opinion on it.
(of course from what I've discussed with my family, there are a lot more different political angles you can look from at it but politics makes my head hurt AND altogether, that tragedy shows that ussr was just a bundle of evilness and bloodthirsty monsters even when it was on the verge of crumbling down 🤷🏻‍♀️)
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xx00kie-sp00kiexx · 7 months
I've been looking back at 2023 a lot these past few weeks, idk exactly why but I feel pretty..intense. It's not bad, not at all really, things are just so much different now and it's almost shocking how nothing stayed the same. I'm not the same person I was this time last year, I know that's the point but it's getting real. I'm so thankful for all I've been through to get me here though, part of me felt like moving was a mistake after shit hit the fan but it really wasn't in the end. I knew I couldn't go back to Florida after seeing how much happier Louisiana makes me. I had to go through some of the most heartbreaking psychological torment from 2021 to May of 2023 to get here but I'm glad going through that made me a healed, happier person.
I guess I'm just getting in my own head about it, it's 5 AM for me rn which isn't helping I'm sure. But I'm glad to be alive, never really meant that til recent. Meeting Austin, him teaching me how to play the guitar I bought off my ex who never played it, getting to actually see Mardi Gras in Nola (Just Nola in general really) with his friends that make me feel like I'm 14 again, it all really symbolizes a lot. He's the real reason I was supposed to come here.
I don't know what tomorrow brings but for the first time in my life I wanna see it. I have a drive for life I didn't have last year, maybe I've never had it at all until now. It's so overwhelming to feel like this after all you've ever known is fight or flight.
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cowardlycowboys · 1 year
over emotional older sisters and their confused younger brothers who have to deal with them
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why does b.asch have such attractive friends
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kkujo · 11 months
out of tags bc i rambled but i wanna add on that often gym culture is a rlly supportive and confidence building environment and there's so much positive gym content but unfortunately some ppl do take it in the wrong direction and it becomes like. toxic gym bro culture. we do not like that. take care of ur health physical and mental first and foremost always!!!
#like there are so many rlly nice gym videos with people being helpful and supportive and just really nice#i've had ppl approach me in the gym and start rlly pleasant convos and it's just such a supportive environment to me#but you gotta know what to avoid w content bc a lot of people are weird abt it and promote unhealthy behaviours and fixate on dysmorphia#which. i understand from experience and dysmorphia SUCKS. but it's not healthy to be obsessing over that type of mindset yk??#also the gym you go to will probably make a difference ig?? like my gym is a really nice environment i find#but ik some gyms people are more rude or constantly filming and for some ppl that's just gonna make it a horrible environment#it depends where you go i think. grateful that my gym is normal tho. i've only had to tell off teenage boys for filming me one (1) time#and even then i was polite i was like hey can you not get me in ur shot pleaseeee 😁 and thankfully he was like omg yeah sorry#so. could've gone a lot worse bc. teenage boys. but i don't think he was intentionally pointing the camera at me yk 😭😭#you just have to have the confidence to stand up for urself if people are filming and you're not comfortable being on it#which is hard asf omg the anxiety was so high but he was respectful thankfully. and i rarely see ppl taking pics in my gym thank god#ANYWAY. DONE RAMBLING NOW THANK YOU FOR LISTENING.#it's just smth i'm strongly passionate abt and i don't talk abt it too often bc ik some people don't like the topic and i totally get that
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