#This quiz was very fun though thank you for tagging me!
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You’re a logical person who wants to understand how the world works and, more importantly, how you can make it better. You’re a creative, out-of-the-box thinker who may be good at working with your hands. You’re the type of person who will take apart a clock to figure out how it works. You’re fascinated by the idea of what could be, but you’re also grounded enough to be aware of your limits.
Specifically, an Alchemist
An Alchemist is an expert at combining chemicals to produce mystical effects. You’re an open-minded and creative person who is not afraid to take a risk now and then in the pursuit of your creations or experiments. You’re curious and will do just about anything you can to satisfy that curiosity. You like to try new things and you see failure as a good learning opportunity. At times you might seem a little unpredictable, chaotic, or eccentric but there’s usually a method to your madness. You’ve got a sharp, analytic mind and you’re practically overflowing with new ideas.
Tagged by;; @noetic-noesis-noein Tagging;; Anybody who hasn't done this yet!
#🦇 || dashboard games#🦇 || memes#This was pleasant to come home to!#Still feeling a bit iffy about writing again but should be alright once the mood passes#You ever get that feeling that no matter how hard you try it just isn't good enough?#Feeling like that but with a lot of other things#I know it's just in my head though#Can't keep dwelling on negativity#This quiz was very fun though thank you for tagging me!#It's VERY apt for Kirk too haha!
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Polaroid Love | KMG
Summary: The prospect of meeting Mingyu’s family has you feeling a new emotion that you’ve never felt with anyone else.
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x GN!Reader
Genres & AUs: Fluff, slice of life, established relationship au, college au
Rating: PG15
Warnings: Profanity, a make-out scene, mention of something suggestive but otherwise just fluffy
Words: 4.8k
Note: This was supposed to be posted on Mingyu’s birthday, but life happened so here it is now! Thank you to my wonderful beta @playmetheclassics ily Indi mwah! 😘 This banner took me like an hour to make in canva and I’m very proud of it thank you very much. Anyway I love Mingyu 🙂
Net tag: @kflixnet
“Please? It'll be fun!”
“Please? You just have to show up and talk to a couple of my family members. It's not a big deal.”
“Mingyu, no.”
“I said no, Gyu!”
A chorus of shushes is heard after your outburst, along with glares from the other library patrons. Bowing your head quickly, you whisper apologies while your boyfriend giggles from next to you. A light pinch to his thigh stops him, though.
“Ow!” Mingyu whines, rubbing the sore spot. “That hurt! You're always so mean.”
Rolling your eyes at his dramatics, you stare at your book again. “Don’t be such a baby.”
He’s about to respond when you’re interrupted by your best friend and roommate nearly colliding with your table.
“Did you guys hear!?” Jeongyeon is out of breath as she harshly whispers at you.
“Did we hear what, that you're in love with Park Jimin? The whole campus knows.” You laugh and dodge the pen she throws at you.
“No, smartass! We're going away for spring break.”
“Who is we?”
“All of us! You two, me, Soonyoung, Hansol, Junhui, everyone. Jeonghan was able to convince Seungcheol to help drive us all to the beach for the break.”
“How the hell did he accomplish that? I remember when we brought it up a few months ago, Seungcheol said he’d rather do a pop quiz every day over break before taking all of us anywhere.”
Jeongyeon shrugs. “Who knows? You know Cheol can never say no to Jeonghan.”
“How many vans do you think we'll need to get?” Mingyu asks, leaning over the table in excitement.
Jeongyeon taps her finger against her chin in thought. “Maybe two? There’ll be fifteen of us, so it depends on how many seats they have.”
“Oh, only fifteen? I would’ve thought Jimin would be coming,” you tease, watching her get flustered at another mention of her crush’s name.
“I - I don’t even know what he’s doing for the break.”
“Ask him and see if he’s free. Maybe if you're lucky, you guys will get to sit next to each other for the whole drive.” You watch Jeongyeon's eyes widen, and you can practically hear her mind running at full speed in thought. “Well, I'll leave you with that thought. I'm off to lunch.” You stand up and gather your books with Mingyu right behind you.
“Poor Noona. You’ve left her in there to stress about how she’ll ask Jimin-hyung on the trip," he chuckles, throwing an arm over your shoulders.
Rolling your eyes, you wave off his concern. “She’s fine, I promise. She’s been into him for about two years and frothing at the mouth for a chance to get closer to him. He likes her too if the way he practically drools over her whenever they are within a five-foot radius of each other is any indication. One of them needs to suck it up and ask the other out because they're torturing themselves.”
“If it’ll help, I can talk to Jungkook about it during class later and see if I can get him to mention it to him.”
“Good idea, Gyu,” you praise him, placing a kiss on his hand that’s dangling over your shoulder.
He squeezes your shoulder in response, pulling you closer to his body. “Don’t worry about it. The only thing you need to worry about is picking out an outfit.”
Skeptically you crane your neck up to look at him, brows furrowed. “For what?”
“For my family reunion.”
“I said no. I'm not going.”
“No.” You reach the cafeteria then and slip from Mingyu’s embrace. He has a class in the building next door, so you know he won’t pester you anymore for at least an hour.
“See you later, Gyu!” You blow him a kiss and slip inside before he can say anything else.
The rest of the week is crammed with last-minute assignments, everyone making plans for spring break, and Mingyu bringing up the family reunion any chance he gets.
It's not that you don’t want to go because you dislike Mingyu's family or anything. You’ve never actually met them, which in itself is the real problem. What if they don’t like the way you look? What if they don’t think you’re good enough for Mingyu? What if they end up hating you completely?
You’re not usually one to worry too much about what people think of you, but the idea of anyone as close to Mingyu as his family not liking you fills you with an immeasurable amount of dread. You’ve been dating for nearly a year, and you care about him more than anyone else you’ve ever been with. You’re lucky enough to have been able to fall into his friend group so easily and get along with everyone, but his family is so much deeper than that. You’re not sure you can handle someone like his mom taking one look at you and deciding you’re not right for her son.
You have a few weeks before the reunion, so you figure if you can deny him enough times, he'll forget about it and stop bringing it up. So far, your plan is failing miserably, though, as every other day, he’s bringing it up in person or sending you message after message about it.
You’ll be the first to admit that you have a problem opening up and talking about your feelings. You tend to bottle your emotions up inside, keeping them tucked close to you and have been that way as long as you can remember. Because of this, you’ve yet to tell Mingyu the real reason you keep turning him down, at least not yet, not until you can gather the courage to dive into your feelings more.
It’s been a week since you’ve been trying to deter the reunion conversation with Mingyu, at times even turning down hanging out with him completely to doge the topic, citing you being too busy with assignments, which is half-true. Running from your feeling is the other half of that excuse, but he doesn’t need to know that yet.
After your last class on Friday ends, you head to the library, hoping to finish your homework before meeting Jeongyeon for dinner and starting the weekend. While you’re on the last question of your sociology assignment, a noticeable shadow appears over your table. When you glance up, Wonwoo, Mingyu’s roommate, is staring down at you with a stoic expression.
“Mingyu is very distressed.”
“And you should fix it. He's been moping around our room all day and blowing up the group chat nonstop. He keeps whining about how you won't go to his family reunion and meet his family.”
“He's a drama queen,” you mumble. Wonwoo sighs and leans over the table in front of you. Wonwoo is probably one of the guys in your large group of friends you were closest with, besides your boyfriend, of course. The tall, dark-haired man seemed intimidating and cold when you first met, but his looks are deceiving. Wonwoo is nothing but sweet and funny and has proven to be a great listener when you needed to vent when Jeongyeon or Mingyu weren’t around.
“He really likes you, you know. He doesn't shut up about you when you're not around, and it kind of makes the rest of us want to strangle him.” Wonwoo lets out a laugh and looks back at you as you avoid his gaze.
“Look, he wants you to meet his family because he's serious about you. He's only dated three other people in his whole life, and none of them met his family beyond maybe his parents and sister here and there. He never even mentioned bringing any of them around his entire family, so think about that.�� He stands upright after his words, giving you one more look.
“I don’t want to pry, so I won’t ask you to tell me why you won’t go, but just know it’s more important to him than he’s probably said to you.” With that, Wonwoo sends you a wave that you feebly return before leaving you alone in your corner of the library.
The thought of just how important the reunion is to Mingyu hadn’t been something you thought about. And the knowledge of you being the only partner of his to meet his whole family has butterflies taking flight in your stomach and dread washing over you. Something new and foreign stirs in your chest at that moment, which has your mind whirling.
Quickly, you stand up and gather your things, sending a brief text to Jeongyeon to bring dinner to your shared room because you have something very important to discuss with her.
Your dorm building is just as busy as it usually is when you get inside, with students kicking soccer balls in the hallways, leaving their doors open while they blast music, or loitering in the halls and chatting. You take the stairs to the second floor to successfully dodge Joshua, who you glimpse heading into the elevator down the hall. Wonwoo had only cornered you to give you a small lecture, but you’re sure Joshua won’t hesitate to bring it up and try to press a little as to why you keep turning Mingyu down.
When you round the corner of your hall, you spot Jeongyeon already there, hanging outside your room while conversing with one of the younger men in your group of friends.
“Beat it, Chan.”
“What?” A look of surprise flashes over his face as he looks between the two of you.
“You heard me. Leave.”
“But earlier this morning Jeongyeon-noona said I could eat dinner with you guys tonight!”
“Yeah, well, Jeongyeon and I have something very important to discuss, and you're not invited.” His intense pout instantly makes you feel bad.
“Sorry, Chan,” you sigh. “I just really have to talk to her about something that’s kind of an emergency. Can we take a rain check?” You soften your tone, hoping to lessen his disappointment.
Chan glances at Jeongyeon, who shrugs. “Alright, fine,” he relents. “But you have to buy me a snack next time for being mean.”
“Deal,” you roll your eyes at both him and the smirk on his face. “I think your boyfriend needs some company anyway. Bye!” He meets your gaze, chuckling at the face you give him, which you know is one of exasperation. You wait until he’s down the hall before turning to face Jeongyeon.
“I guess you weren't joking in your text about something ‘life-changing and imperative’. What's going on?” She asks as she unlocks the door.
“Well, I haven't told you something because I just wanted to keep it to myself because I hoped it would go away soon, but Mingyu is stubborn, so it hasn't.”
“Which is exactly why you two are meant for one another.” You shoot Jeongyeon a look and snatch one of the bento boxes from her hands.
“Could you hang back on the sarcasm while I talk? And just let me get it all out first.”
“Yeah, yeah, go ahead. I'm all ears.”
You each sit on your respective beds facing each other, and you let the word vomit flow. You recount Wonwoo’s words about the family reunion to her and what he had told you about Mingyu’s past partners, and how much this all means to him. You also let out your feelings that you’ve been trying to keep to yourself - about your insecurities and worries about making a good impression and the guilt nagging at you every time you turn Mingyu down.
“This is just so important to him, and I can't even do this one thing! The thought of all of those people there judging me for my major or the way I look or the outfit I decide to wear, or literally anything about me! It's way too overwhelming, and every time I think about it, I go into panic mode, and I start to feel anxious and itchy. I’m terrified that they won’t like me, Jeongyeon.
“What if they try to tell Gyu to break up with me or something? What if we get there, and he sees me being weird and awkward, and I make a bad impression, and he decides that I’m not who he thought I was, and he wants to break up with me on his own? But then I’m so guilty about disappointing him and not going, and I feel like I lose whether I say no to him or whether I go and then fuck everything up. I just don't know what to do!” You let out a groan and flop backwards on the bed. Your forgotten dinner, now getting cold, jostles on the bed next to you.
The room is quiet for a few minutes before Jeongyeon speaks. “You love him.”
You sit up so quickly that your head starts to hurt. “What did you say?”
“I said you love him. That's why you feel so guilty and are so confused. I've known you since we were teenagers, Y/n. You are one of the most stubborn people I have ever met. When you don't want to do something, you simply don't, and you don't give it much of a second thought. Of course, you consider doing things you don’t want to for me and your other friends, but this is different!”
Jeongyeon hops off her bed to sit next to you, offering you a comforting back rub. “You feel the way you do because you love Mingyu, and you’re scared that his family won’t like you, which will break your heart, and you don’t want to lose him.”
You don’t respond to her, so she continues.
“If you want my opinion, I think you should go to the reunion. If you want to stay with Mingyu and keep this relationship going, you’ll have to meet his family eventually. You can’t hide from them forever if you stay together. Plus, I’m willing to bet he feels the same. Mingyu looks at you as if you are an actual ethereal being and like you’re the center of his world. I don’t think you have to worry about his reaction when and if you decide to tell him the truth about everything you’re feeling.”
Jeongyeon’s expression is soft as she looks at you, waiting for your response and giving you time to process everything.
Do you love Mingyu? Sure, you love spending time with him. He’s the most attentive, sweetest, kind-hearted partner you’ve ever had. He pays attention to every detail about you, whether your likes and dislikes or silly, arbitrary things. Every day with him feels like a dream, and you often wonder how the hell you got so lucky to end up with a boyfriend as amazing as Kim Mingyu.
Being with Mingyu is the happiest you’ve ever been, and the idea of loving him - of him being the first person you’ve ever been in true, genuine love with is uncharted waters for you. The mere idea of losing him leaves a gaping hole in your chest - the hypothetical of that situation alone makes your eyes water. Not hugging Mingyu? Not holding hands or sharing laughter with him? Not seeing his beautiful, perfect face in the morning as he snores just the tiniest bit? You and Mingyu haven’t been together for that long, but any world where you have a Mingyu-shaped piece missing from your life isn’t one you ever want to think about.
As if sensing you deep in thought, Jeongyeon gives you a final pat before leaving you alone. She grabs the rest of her dinner, letting you know she’ll be back later and mumbling something about “finally having a breakthrough and needing to take care of something.” You bid her farewell with a simple nod, reaching for your bento box to quiet your grumbling stomach. Eating in silence, you try to sort through the jumbled mess in your head, digesting the new thoughts and feelings you’re experiencing, all for the first stressful time.
You stay holed up in your dorm room the rest of the weekend, thankful now more than ever that you managed to get a schedule with only weekday classes.
Mingyu, being the caring boyfriend he is, knows something is wrong on Saturday morning right away. When you wake up, you have a few texts from him, asking to see you and take you out.
His desperation to check in with you and see you are obvious, even through written words, which makes it hard to turn him away.
[Y/n] I want to be alone this weekend, okay, Gyu? I’m not feeling very social.
[Gyu💖] Are you sure? Is everything okay?
[Y/n] Yeah, I just want alone time, okay? 🙂
[Gyu💖] 🥺
[Gyu💖] Okay, baby. Whatever you want ❤️
You can practically hear the pout in his text, and it feels shitty to turn him away, but you need more time. Since Friday night, when Jeongyeon had planted the seed in your brain, you decide it would be best to avoid Mingyu just to get your thoughts in order.
Jeongyeon passes along the message to the rest of your friends that you’re fine and just need some alone time. It’s the only thing that quiets your phone and stops your various group chats from continuing to go off. Everyone is kind enough to respect your wishes though, allowing you to spend the two days drowning in your thoughts and eating almost half of your and Jeongyeon’s instant ramen stash. It was probably dramatic to hide away all weekend, but it helped you wake up on Monday with a clearer head.
“I hope you plan on talking to Mingyu today,” Jeongyeon says as you get ready for your Monday morning lecture. “I saw him yesterday when I was eating lunch, and he looked like a lost, sad puppy without you there bossing him around. All he needed was a rainstorm and a choreography routine, and he would’ve looked straight out of an early 2000s break-up song music video.”
The image makes you laugh just a little before frowning and feeling bad for leaving him hanging all weekend.
“I am, I promise. I just needed to get my shit together.”
The two of you head out across campus to your shared lecture hall. Mingyu has class is in the building on the other side of campus, so you won’t have to see him for a couple of hours, giving you plenty of time to calm your nerves.
That idea is dismissed when you get inside and spot him by your classroom door. Mingyu’s long legs allow him to reach you in an instant, gently grabbing your arm and whisking you around the corner and into the stairwell. You can already tell he’s unhappy just by the look on his face.
“Are you breaking up with me?” Is the first thing out of his mouth.
“I asked if you’re breaking up with me. I know you said you needed time alone, and Jeongyeon told us all the same thing, mentioning that you were just taking a couple of mental health days, but does that mean that you’re breaking up with me and were just taking time to think about doing it?”
“Mingyu, I-”
“Is it because I keep pressuring you to meet my family? You don't have to!”
“It's not that I just-”
“Am I too annoying? I swear I won’t bring it up again! And if there’s anything else that I do that’s too annoying or immature, just tell me, and I'll change, I promise!"
“Mingyu, you don't understand. I just need to-”
“No, you don't understand! I really like you, okay, Y/n? I like you more than anyone I’ve ever dated. Just going two days without being around you killed me! That, on top of the fact that I couldn't even call you or see your face, made it so much worse! I just wanted to break down your door and come in and hold you in my arms even though you'd probably be yelling at me the whole time. I just hated the thought of you being unhappy, and I couldn’t do anything about it.” Mingyu looks almost near tears as he takes in a big breath.
“I don't care if you say that it's too soon, but I just need to say that I think I'm in love with you! You don't have to feel the same yet or say it back, I just needed to say it. Even if you think I'm foolish or that I don't know anything, and-”
“Kim Mingyu, I love you too!” You yank the front of his shirt and pull him closer.
“What did you just say?” Your forehead rests against his, his brown eyes wide as he gapes at you.
“I said that I love you too. That's what I was doing this weekend. I needed time to think about my feelings and figure out if I was in love with you, and I am. I felt bad about saying no to meeting your family, and I felt like such a terrible partner, and I couldn't figure out why, but I was able to think about it, and goddammit, I love you. I love you a lot, and it scares me because I don’t think I’ve ever truly been in love, but I know that I love you.”
You barely have the chance to catch your breath from your speech before Mingyu is leaning down and stealing the air left in your lungs. He presses you against the wall as your arms wind around his neck, and you sigh into the kiss, indulging in the familiar, comforting taste that is Kim Mingyu. He drags his tongue across your bottom lip, asking for entrance which you immediately grant him. The kiss easily deepens as your tongues intertwine, and his grip on your waist gets tighter. If you hadn't needed to breathe, you would've spent the rest of the day exactly the way you are.
Mingyu pulls away, allowing you to breathe, both of you panting, flushed, and smiling like idiots at each other.
“You love me,” Mingyu whispers.
“I love you.”
“Say it again,” you roll your eyes at the wonderful, wide grin he shoots you but repeat yourself, punctuating it with a quick kiss on the tiny mole on his nose.
“And I love you too.” Mingyu murmurs, nuzzling his nose against yours before capturing your lips once again. Your hands move to his hair, fingers grabbing at his soft strands.
“Ahem!” A sudden voice makes the two of you spring apart. When you glance to the doorway, you see Jeongyeon waiting, her face serious and her arms crossed. “Hey, so this is cute and all, don't get me wrong, but we have a lecture to get to like now, Y/n.”
Groaning, Mingyu peeks over his shoulder at Jeongyeon. “Fine, I'll let go.” When he turns back to you still in his arms, a different expression clouds his features. “But this evening, after your last class, I'm coming to your room, and you're all mine.” His words and the look in his eyes make your face heat up, already knowing what you have to look forward to tonight.
“O - okay,” you croak, clearing your throat. Mingyu gives you one more kiss before slipping past Jeongyeon and waving at you both down the hall.
“Ugh, please don't tell me you guys are going to have sex in our room. What about me?!”
You snap out of the trance your boyfriend left you in and side-eye your best friend. “What about you? Why don't you go do the same with Jimin while we're busy? I may have barricaded myself in our room, but I still have a way of knowing things. Like how Professor Ok caught you two making out and having quite the heavy petting session in the back of the cafeteria yesterday.” Jeongyeon’s jaw drops as her cheeks begin to turn bright red.
“How did you know that?!”
“I have my ways.” You smirk as she follows you into your lecture. Even though you were a recluse all weekend, you still checked your phone from time to time. A celebratory message from Seungkwan in your group chat with a few other nosey friends confirmed the news and everyone was relieved to finally have confirmation that Jeongyeon and Jimin had admitted their feelings for one another.
“All I know is, it's about damn time.” You practically skip to your seat, leaving Jeongyeon stuttering out an excuse behind you.
“I'm not moving this van until you all have your seat belts on.” Seungcheol eyes all of you in the rearview mirror and waits until he hears the click of seat belts to pull out of the campus parking lot.
After much debate, all of you decide to spend the week in a hotel near the closest beach to you. Winter has officially left, and spring is now in its place, with weather warm enough for shorts and tank tops. You had all chipped in to rent a fifteen-passenger van and are leaving campus at eight in the morning, thanks to Seokmin’s nagging about getting the best spot on the sand.
Once the van starts to move, Jeongyeon turns around to the row of seats behind her and lays her head on the back of the seat. You look up from your phone to meet her gaze, already knowing what she’s going to ask.
“So, how was the reunion? I didn't get a chance to ask you since you guys got back.” You and Mingyu had gotten back from his parent's house the night before when Jeongyeon was asleep, and with the excitement of getting ready to leave this morning, the two of you hadn’t gotten much time to talk about it.
“It was really fun, actually. His family was super nice and accepting. He threw a fit at one point because his little sister and one of his cousins were attached to my hip. His mom threatened to show me any and every embarrassing picture of him she had if he didn’t stop acting like a baby and that worked.” You let out a quiet snicker, glancing at Mingyu, asleep on your shoulder.
“She was seriously so sweet, though. And the only time I embarrassed myself was when we were going into the house to help her with some of the food, and she said something along the lines of ‘When you two get married,’ which made me trip, and Gyu had to catch me before I ate dirt.”
Jeongyeon stifles a laugh, covering it with a cough. “Well, hey, at least she likes you! You were worried over nothing.”
“Yeah, you’re right. But oh! I take it Jimin had other plans for break?”
She flushes, nodding. “Yeah, he already had a trip booked with his friends, so he couldn’t come. We have a date planned for when we both get back to school, though, so I’m excited about that.” A dopey smile plays on her lips, and you coo at the gesture.
“I’m so glad you two finally admitted that you like each other!”
“Me too!” Soonyoung pipes up from next to Jeongyeon. “Do you know how annoying it was to hear Jimin gush over you in dance class every week? I swear, every time we were partnered up, his first questions were always about how you were doing and if you were seeing anyone. I can only answer back ‘fine’ and ‘no’ so many times before I lose my mind!”
“Shut it, Soonyoung! I thought you were asleep!” He ignores Jeongyeon and turns in his seat to face you.
“I hope I don’t have to hear him talk even more about how great she is! I don’t think I can stand fifty minutes of him running how mouth about how much he likes her and all the dates they go on and how good she is in bed and -”
Jeongyeon sucks her teeth, snatching his tiger plushie from his hands and hitting him over the head with it a few times. “You know all about running your mouth, don’t you?! Stop talking about my relationship!”
“I’m sorry, stop it! Y/n, get her!”
“Sorry, I can’t hear you!” Popping your earbuds in, you gesture to your now occupied ears, dramatically shrugging at your friends.
Mingyu stirs next to you, and you can’t help but brush away a stray piece of hair from his face. The commotion barely phases him as he adjusts to wrap his arms around your waist and bury his face into your neck.
Aside from Jeongyeon threatening Soonyoung’s life, everyone else is either chatting quietly with each other or sleeping, the energy low from getting up so early, but you’re nowhere near tired, still feeling full of warmth and admiration for Mingyu’s family and how well they treated you. Instead of trying to sleep, you settle for laying your head on top of Mingyu's and simply enjoying the warmth of your boyfriend the man that you are wholeheartedly in love with.
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Ectoberhaunt Day 14: Murder Mystery
Summary: Who killed Danny Fenton? Wes is starting his new job on a train and has to check all the passengers to figure out who done it.
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New day, new job.
A thought passes through this young man's head as he manages to board the train 15 minutes ahead of schedule.
Really hope I don't fuck this up.
Grabbing his name tag upon arrival and writing his name, the newly dubbed 'Wes', now officially a recent hire. Wes is nervous however, and wants to do well to impress his boss.
Working the dining car today and nerves are flaring.
C'mon! It's just the dining car!
"Wes, did I just see you hitting yourself?'
He slaps himself to snap out of his first day jitters and someone saw! How embarrassing!
He takes a second to process the person in front of him. An older gentleman in a decorated uniform giving off a kind and easy going smile.
AND IT'S THE CONDUCTOR!!! Nooooooooooo.
"M-Mr. Conductor, sir!" Face beat red from being caught, Wes replied. "How, uh, how are you doing this morning?"
"Ho ho ho, quite alright! Though feeling a bit bittersweet."
"Is everything alright?"
"Alas today is my last day as conductor! I'm retiring after thirty- two wonderful years." A wistful look passes over the older man's face, "Time for me and the 'Mirage Express' to say goodbye to one another."
"Oh! Congratulations on retirement, sir!"
"Thank you, young man! My wife is very excited about it. Shes already got our plane tickets locked." Looking a bit sheepish, the man continues,"Our shower has been on the fritz, so I'm excited to use the hotel's. Fahahaha!" The conductor finishes with a hearty laugh.
Oh, I can see why his wife is so excited then.
The conductor apologizes for taking up Wes' time with his quibbles and hands him the menu he'll need for the dining care. Upon looking it over, he's stunned but feels like he should have seen this coming.
He is very unimpressed.
Chili Dog
Instant Ramen
Chicken Cordon Bleu
At Wes' dumbfounded expression, the conductor informed him as such, "Why do you look so nervous...? All we have on the train is a microwave!"
He laughs a big belly laugh and Wes feels like the universe continues to play jokes on him.
Then his new boss, for the time being at least, quizzes him on what's on it. There are only three food items! He still answered him and completed the quiz correctly, but it was frustrating!
"Ding ding ding! Glad you read the menu, ok." And laughs yet again.
Well, at least it pleased my boss.
"Now, a little about the vessel. This is a state of the art high speed train with all the latest gadgets. This train can handle anything you throw at it!" The man took a deep, wistful sigh, "We've had a lot of great adventures together, me and this train. It's not easy to leave it."
Can't blame him for being wistful after working here for so long.
"This train is used exclusively for events," he continued,"it's not a passenger train."
Something he was aware of here, finally getting into what he has to do here!
"I remember that from the interview, what's the event for today?"
"A murder mystery party! Nothing better than some thrills to end my tenure as conductor."
A murder mystery sounded quite fun, in Wes' opinion.
"Guests will be funneled here to the dining care, a home base so to speak. I'll be here to help gather tickets, but after that you'll be on your own. So I'll need you to do everything in your power to make sure our paying guests are well taken care of, understood?"
Oh, I cannot lose this job.
"I won't let you down, sir!"
"Very good!" He exclaims, "Now, doors to The Mirage Express are opening, all aboard!"
The train's doors open and the passengers stepped on board.
A wide, eclectic cast of different people showed up. Reactions to the train ranging from fascination to apparently theft!
Man, what a cast of characters I'm stuck with.
"Get a hold of yourself, Wes. You're sweatin' through your uniform."
Fuck! It's that noticable?!
"Hey, pal," Wes nearly jumps out of his skin, "can I get one of those chili dogs?"
How was this guy so quiet?
"Ah, Righty-o friend!" Wes replied in the most customer service smile he could muster to hide how taken off guard he was.
"Well, aren't you friendly." The guy had a smartass smirk and a relaxed demeanor.
Before Wes could reply to that, the birthday girl herself interrupted stating they needed to assign roles before they get food. The now sheepish guy, apparently named Danny, relented and took his seat.
Time to take their tickets and learn their names. Wes has a feeling he's going to be interacting with them quite a bit for this.
The birthday girl, rich enough to afford this whole event, Sam Manson. Apparently a murder mystery party on a train was right up her alley. The conductor gave her a key that unlocks any door on the train as a special treat for being the birthday girl. It's practically a tradition to do so. She will be the journalist reporter and will move about the train.
Techy who looks hungry to take this whole place apart to study the train's insides, Tucker Foley. He and Wes brought the same snack on board. Assigned detective and stationed here in the dining car.
Aforementioned Danny Fenton, who seems to be known for something. The conductor mentioned he helps out a lot of people, but Wes is unsure what work he has done. He has been trying not to think about the Fentons and Phantom. A whole lot of good that did him. Apparently was supposed to bring the cake but looked nervous when it was mentioned. Assigned to be a ship captain in the conductor's car.
A jock who's more brawn than brains, Dash Baxter. The fool misplaced his ticket, at least that's what he claims. Wait, Wes picked up a dropped ticket earlier and assumed it was this guy's. Dash was relieved it was found and that he won't be kicked off. He will be the butcher and found in the library.
An elegant and classy beauty with apparently sticky fingers, Kitty. See flirted with the conductor and almost got away with sneaking 20 bucks from his pocket. Clearly not expecting to be caught. A business tycoon who will be in the casino.
A standoffish girl who has a clear sense of right and wrong, Valerie Gray. Her ticket was crumpled at the bottom of her bag. Seemingly nervous over such an expensive event. Assigned to be the sheriff who will be in the saloon.
A mysterious and demure girl, Dora. She had her ticket out before the conductor could finish asking. Claims to be a princess from another dimension and Wes is not sure he believes her. But she does give off 'royal air' of sorts. 'Princess Dora' says she is here for 'Lady Sam's' birthday and the cake from our dimension. Assigned to be a 'titan of the industry', will also be in the casino.
A sullen boy who looks similar to Danny, Dante Masters. He wanted a gift bag for some reason but when all Wes could offer him was a plastic grocery bag, he was given a cold stare that was icy enough to give him shivers. Then when told about the drinks, he said take just regular coffee beans later! What even? He was given the role of locksmith and stationed in the lounge.
A mischievous one with a grin that spells trouble, Dani Fenton. Someone who will mess with you if she finds it funny. Claims to read minds but is just good at reading people, learned it from an older sister. The poet who will also be found in the library.
One of them will be the 'murder victim' for this event.
The detective and journalist can't be the murderer for this to work.
Everyone else, suspect.
Let the game begin.
#danny phantom#ectoberhaunt#ectoberhaunt24#day 14#eh future#murder mystery#wes weston#danny fenton#sam manson#tucker foley#dash baxter#valerie gray#kitty dp#princess dorathea#dani phantom#dan phantom#fanfic#my fic#my art
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The Sweetest Note-taker
“CRISPR or Cas9 is short for clustered, regularly, interspaced…”
Akaashi quickly jots down what the professor says in his notes. Well they aren’t his notes. He looks over to his right. You are sitting with your head in your arms face down on the desk.
You had been complaining about your killer headache since last night. You told him that you had an important lecture the next day that you couldn't miss since the material would be on your next quiz. But you were having a challenging time focusing with your head throbbing.
Akaashi being the kind and observant boyfriend he is, took matters into his own hands and decided to follow you to class. As you were taking your normal route the next morning you assume that he is dropping you off, so you do not think much about him tagging along, not until you approach the doors of your lecture hall and both steps inside.
“Wait Keiji, what are you doing?” you ask sluggishly, feeling a dull pressure on your temples.
“Isn't it obvious? I'm gonna join your lecture.” he states matter of factly
“Uh, any particular reason?” you question, walking to your row.
“I thought it would be very informative, for me.”
“But you're a journalist major-”
“Let's take a seat.” He quickly interrupts.
You slide into your desk a bit perplexed and pull out your notebook and pens, you look to the front and can tell you will have a tough time comprehending the material, you rub the sides of your head and the professor is about to start when your notebook and pens are snatched from you. You look over to your left.
“Keiji what-”
“Don’t worry (Y/N) I'll take your notes for you.” he says.
You are about to object when he puts a finger to his mouth and shushes you with a little smirk, turning to pay attention to the professor who was now speaking.
You're gawking at him. You stay like that for a minute then smile. He is the sweetest person ever. You face forward in your desk and after a moment you put your head down and shut your eyes, faintly hearing your professor speak and Keiji furiously scribbling the material into your notes.
“Well, I can confidently say I did find your lecture informative, though I have a few questions about being able to edit the genes of a human being.” Akaashi says as he hands you back your notebook with 4 pages worth of lecture notes.
You giggle at his comment and look down at his notes, various doodles and pen scribbles are seen throughout and you can see it’s his same handwriting from high school. You grab his shoulder for leverage and kiss his cheek.
“Thank you for taking my notes Keiji you are the bestest boyfriend ever.” you say, already feeling your headache gradually ceasing.
“Of course (Y/N) anytime.” He smiles
“Though you may want to work on your handwriting.”
“Don't you start.”
Author Note: hellooo this is my first time writing a work on tumblr!! I've just been sort of a lurker since 2019 but decided I would try my hand at writing a little blurb. This is incredibly self indulgent as a bio student myself but thought this was cute. I hope the tenses makes sense while reading it. You start off in the present and the rest is what happened in the past and then you're in the present again! I might start posting more often because this was fun to write :)))
#haikyuu#haikyuu fluff#haikyuu hc#hq#hq imagine#hq x reader#haikyu#akaashi x reader#akaashixreader#akashixreader#akashi x reader#haikyuufluff#hqfluff#hq fluff#akaashi fluff#akaashifluff#haikyufluff#hq!! fluff#fluff#akaashi keiji#akaashi fanfiction#akaashi keiji x reader#akaashi imagine#akaashi x y/n#akaashi x you#akaashi#haikyuu x reader#akaashi keiji fluff#akaashi keji x reader#keiji akaashi
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🪐 and/or 🏜️ for the writers ask game!
(For this)
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
Well, the other day, I finally got prescribed some anxiety medication. I’m a little worried about it ruining my chances of actually getting diagnosed with anxiety or becoming too dependent on it, and my anxiety being worse without it (yes, the irony of being anxious about anxiety medication is not lost on me lol), but I know it’s probably for the best, and it‘ll at least help with managing some symptoms for the time being.
I’ve also been lucky and able to spend quite a bit of time with few of my close friends recently. One of them has been working on a fursuit at my place (he stores his stuff in my room since there’s not enough space in his apartment, and my room is basically just storage space for me anyways lol), so I’ve been helping him out with that, and it’s been a lot of fun. He and I have also been doing a ton of LPS stuff which has been a blast too. We cleaned my collection and cataloged it on a collectors website where you can keep track. And the other started working with me again (though it’s only temporary to train the new reception) and I’ve been able to hang out with her too once both our shifts are over. We’ve been editing together clip compilations of the all the fandubs we’ve done over the years among other things (we can talk forever her and I lol).
And for a third thing, I’ve been really enjoying Arcane season 2. God, that show is so good. The writing is excellent. And the animation. Dude, don’t even get me started. It’s stunning. Like I cannot even articulate, it’s just so, whoa. So good, really excited for the next three episodes (and honestly really happy about the staggered release too. Like yes, force people to wait and discuss and theorize instead of dropping it all at once and letting people binge. The wait is honestly part of the fun in my opinion. Helps to build community, keeps us all at the same place and waiting for what’s next together, the hype alive for longer than a week or so, and gives you something to look forward to. All of which are things I feel are very important for all sorts of stories ^^)
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Honestly, just any comment. I love to hear people’s reactions to things. I love when they point out things I didn’t even realize when I wrote it. It’s so rewarding to just know that people are actually reading and interested.
I will say though, if I’m allowed to include more than just my fics, the tags I got/get on the Brain quiz are incredible. Like hearing everyone’s anguish because of a quiz I made at 4AM a based off of a dream I had is so amusing (and rewarding) to me. Maybe it’s just ‘cause I made it, but like these tags make me laugh so hard





(Seriously though, thank you to everyone who commented on that, I look through it sometimes when I’m feeling down and it almost always helps me feel a bit better)
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Which greek god favours you?
Hermes (God of Travelers, Thieves)
you're kind of a little shit, but you're just too damn likeable for anybody to do anything about it. you have big youngest-sibling vibes, and at your core are kind, benevolent, and fun. you've got a thing for transient places - airports, train stations, hostels - and you have no problem lying for the sake of what you think is the greater good - just how big that "greater good" is can vary a bit. remember that sometimes, however, there's just nothing to be done other than be openly, unabashedly honest about how you feel. if you spend too much time dancing around hard conversations in order to spare people's feelings, it'll only bring strife to yourself and others.
Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt, The Moon)
if you're a guy and you're reading this, you're one of the good ones. if you're a girl or nb reading this, you're probably into women. either way, you're graceful, respected, and fiercely protective. you probably are great with kids and with animals, and the beauty of a full moon on a cloudless night gets you feeling some kinda way. remember that you'll never need anyone else to complete you - you're whole as you are.
OK, Hermes was not who I was expecting for The Advocate. Like, at all. And he's very much the big brother with big brother energy but, I'll admit it, he can be a little shit sometimes. As a treat. Wouldn't say he's that worried over sparing people's feelings though, but tbh he doesn't have many close people and the few left wouldn't take it well. The rest is fairly accurate, however.
As for Inge, I don't have much to say. It fits her, and frankly I was expecting this result. Not sure if she's great with kids though. Or maybe in a Gandalf way, with stories and fireworks x)
Tagged by @under-the-blood-moonlight & @voidtekarc! Thank you both and sorry it took me this long to get to it.
Again, not tagging anyone since Tumblr doesn't notify people when I do it, but this is my official invitation for you to do it and say I did tag you personally!
#The More You Know#answered; The Advocate#answered; Inge#I have a distinct memory of having done this quiz before.#I wonder if it's a case of I've done it and completely forgot to make the post afterwards :'D
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fic quiz
Tagged by @wastemanjohn thank you, bestie!
1. How many works do you have on ao3
87, but it's gonna be 90 by the new year :)
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly spn rpf, but will do spn for friends :)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
when i dream (i'm doing you all night)
crawl all over you like a kudzu vine
tell me your heart will never change
cool me down
i just wanna feel your love
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, it just usually takes a while. I love comments so much and rest assured by the time I do get around to replying, I have devoured your comment a couple dozen times!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh, hands down, (can't live) with or without you!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Funnily enough, even though I tend so write soft shit, I don't really go for a traditional happy ending that often? the closest is probably caught up in this rush though, i guess.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully, not really, no.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Uhm yeah. All kinds, lol. Soft, kinky, sometimes a little dark.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope, not really my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Heavily plagiarized, yes. Reported to AO3, got taken down.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had people ask for permission but I don't know if they actually ever did it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah, back when I was young lol I don't think any of it exists anymore tho.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
That is so hard, omg. The one I've written the most is Dean/John but it also the one giving me the most anxiety. I guess the ship that's brought (and keeps bringing me) the most joy is JDM/Jackles.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Okay I'm not gonna lie I have a lot of wips that I haven't worked on in forever but that are still very much on my mind. I guess I struggle the most with the thought of finishing sheltered by your heart (don't hate me pls) bc that is the farthest away from what i am currently happy to work on.
16. What are your writing strengths?
man idk. feels? hitting you over the head with feels?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. I'm not witty, I do not enjoy writing it. If I can make it through a fic with only minimal dialogue I will.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Fun, actually. I don't think I've ever had the opportunity to do it but I do enjoy it quite a lot in other people's writing.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Don't ask me that.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
okay, look. I gotta say my name engraved on your heart bc that fic is what it is and I love it dearly BUT the fic I actually most enjoy reading again is can't buy me love (there i said it)
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shout out to @vambpire for tagging me in this adorable cosmic persona quiz! Thank you!
this is maybe 50% accurate? I don’t see it as me but maybe one of the besties can verify for me. Very cute though.
i think i’m gonna try to do more tag games like this! If the boop cats taught me anything it’s that tumblr wants to interact with each other more in a fun and engaging manner. Don’t feel obligated to do it if I tag you, but at least give it a thought! And if you weren’t tagged and wanna try it, go ahead and tag me in it, i’d like to see!
@ohhmichelettoohh @gametriprant @somejerkguy @tenthousandpissedbees @squiddo-senpai @anonymouslyninja @selenelion-rain @xscarletsakurax @khanicakes @carry-on-my-wayward-butt
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Let's play tag!
Thanks @islemeadow for tagging me in this! It was a while ago but I'm hoping better late than never??
Last song: Perfect by Camilla Cabello and Nicholas Galitzine - I loved the recent Cinderella musical!
Fav colour: Mustard
Currently watching: Just random telly - I've been regularly catching Taskmaster UK Season 9 reruns.
Last movie: The Day After Tomorrow (2004) - I watch this move every year when the weather turns stinking hot. It cools me down to see all the water, snow and ice. It has a great cast, blockbuster action and a sweet father-son moment. Now I want to watch it again!
Currently reading: Forked by Melanie Harlow (Frenched series) - I'm making my way backwards through their backlog after really enjoying their Cloverleigh Farms Next Generation series.
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: In food or otherwise? 😏 I'm all three in moderation but if I really had to pick, it's probably gonna be sweet.
Relationship status: Single 👀
Current obsession: In between intense obsessions. Most recent was Bridgerton (which started this foray into tumblr!)
Last google: "gift wrapping fan" - it's Christmas time! I was looking for a tutorial to do fancy present wrapping since I had extra paper hanging off the box. Turned out alright but I definitely need more practice!
Currently working on: Nothing. Nada. Zilch. I feel like I fell off my Bridgerton cliff. It was like all my creative juices boiled all at once and now the stove's off. Though, I still haven't watched Queen Charlotte and with Bridgerton season 3 coming up, who knows!
Current game: I'm bad at (video) games so I don't play them. But I like watching other people play sometimes and have recently come across The Finals, which was fun to watch. Ok, I just googled it and apparently it came out this month. No wonder!
And... I have no one to tag. I don't know anyone to actually tag. It's only (already?) been a few months but I still feel very new at this tumblr thing. I still wanted to do this quiz though so I guess I tag you! You, the person reading this! And if you choose to do it, tag me back and we can be friends 😀
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👻 oc horror tropes👻
Tagged by @shivunin to do this quiz for my OCs and share the tropes they get. Thank you for thinking of me, it was a lot of fun! The results I got were not always what I expected (especially for Ceral) but I can see why they each got what they did!
Revka - The Haunted House
Decrepit and falling apart at the seams; time has not been kind to you, has it? Termites have nestled in your bones, and stray cats find comfort in your sinews. You may be victim to time and erosion, but your abandoned corpse remains a refuge for unwanted things. Vermin and ghosts thank you. What greater kindness can there be than offering shelter?
Wow... way to call her out, quiz. I guess that's what she gets for carrying around the ghosts of her former life like an albatross around her neck, isn't it?
Ceral - The Killer
Was there ever a choice? Maybe, but that fork in the road is far, far behind you. You surround yourself now with sharp things, tools to harm, and they have become your only family. You are the thing that goes bump in the night, and you hunt for scurrying mice like a hungry cat. Maybe, just maybe, though, one can finally put an end to your hunt, and allow you to finally rest.
I gotta say, this one took me by surprise at first. Then I thought on it a little more, and I can see it. Ceral's big thing is his convictions - he believes he has a larger purpose in this life, and he believes the Maker is involved in guiding him down that path. He is willing to put himself in risky to downright dangerous situations if he feels it will help bring him further along that journey, even if he isn't clear himself what the end result might be. He trusts in destiny, and it could be argued that he trusts it too much. It very well could be that such determination and zealousness leads to him becoming a monster he once swore to defend others from.
Imakai - The Sacrifice
A knife to your back is your first memory - it will also be your last. You cannot help but let things into your heart, such is your nature. Time and time again, however, they hurt you and leave you to rot. But your heart remains open, and you continue to let more in. Is it kindness, at that point, or is it sacrifice?
Ouch. Just - ouch. Her enduring the prejudices as a Qunari, the hiding of who she really is, muting her personality and talents to allow a more palatable face of the Inquisition, her trust and subsequent heartbreak in Solas and his affection, what she was foolish enough (in her mind) to see as love - yeah. Yeaaaaaah.
Tagging: @siriskulksnerding, @demandthedoodles, @heniareth, @m-m-m-myysurana, @jinakadaisy, @melisusthewee, @rosella-writes, and YOU!
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OMG IM SO HAPPY YOURE READING HDM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're in for some great stuff in book two and three. There's a death of a character in book two that was the first time I had ever outright sobbed from a story before (I was in middle school when I first read it) and it's incredibly interesting how it portrays angels and deities and multi-universal theories and the 'dust' we're all made of. Incredible series has lived with me since like 2007. Daemons are probably my favorite world building concept from the whole thing because they add SO MUCH amazing potential to literally anything. On AO3 there's a tag for daemon au because it's so much fun trying to pin down what animal people would have totemized beside them. I even still have your result from a fantastic daemon quiz that I found was the most accurate I've ever seen and made the whole Discord take it lmao
And if you need to lament the ending because it's very very bittersweet, I know myself, Brandon, and Felicia have also all read it and still go KJGSKJHFJBFAAAA over the whole thing c: I also have everyone else's results from that daemon quiz lol some years ago I was gonna draw a group picture but never got around to it
Aww! Haha! Thank you! I had a feeling you'd get excited! I was going to message you about it at some point, but I literally did just finish the book yesterday.
I'm trying this year to read through a lot of the books on my shelves that I've had and never got to, and this one has been sitting there since I was like 12, so it was time! I don't own the next books yet, so I'll have to get my hands on them soon.
It's funny you still have that result from the quiz! I've actually pulled that quiz back out recently because I wanted to just experiment and write some AU Clipped Wings chapters with daemons present, so I've been figuring out the daemon of every member of the circus! ^ ^; I'm on a hard part of the climax to write that takes me knowing a LOT about all them in the circus, so thinking about them all enough to figure out their daemons has actually been helping me figure that out too. I also actually took the quiz again more recently, because I had a feeling I've changed a bit. This was my more resent result:
I'm still digesting how I feel about the writing in HDM. It was hard/slow for me to read, I think due to how constantly heavy and dark it was, and how the dialogue was sparce. Not a bad thing, but a trickier flavor for me. I love the world building though, and the daemons are a concept I really adore! And I really liked the side characters, so I'll have to read on to find out what happens with them.
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HELP SUSPICIOUS SHOSEI 😭 it’s like hes secretly a tanuki getting into all sorts of trouble
omg same though my chinese isnt good enough to keep up with people especially if theyre from 东北 😭 theyll be saying stuff so fast and im like :D what
i love all kinds of cookies!! as long as they dont have raisins in them,,, i have the taste buds of a toddler
thats okay 😔 if we wanted to stan smart people we would be stanning men 😔 OOOO WHOS YOUR DXTEEN BIAS? i havent gotten around to most of their content yet so i dont know the braincell count ranking
okay so lets just say (jo1’s fandom name)(jo1’s fandom name)subs. has a carrd. 🫡🏴☠️ u get me? 🫡🏴☠️ have fun 😙
uh. honestly animation just takes a lot of training and patience lmaO you just keep practicing till your brain explodes 😭 and yea knitting and crocheting are so much fun to me!! i feel like a cat playing with yarn lmao
RIGHT YOU GET ME!!! i love a good ruined boy. makes me wanna give rihito head pats
i like. a bunch of artists lmao the songs i sent you are barely the tip of the iceberg 😭
you're not here to ask questions you're here to take his laundry and get paid 🤑🤑🤑 BUT TANUKI SHOSEI IS SO REAL. hes too cute and wholesome he has to be doing smth nefarious
omg i remember poking the ini ao3 tag and there are a bunch of chinese fans who keep writing kimunishi smut LMAO like goddamn nothing about your homeland boy
OK same boat same boat 😔🤝 aforementioned irl's mother is from 东北 and she's honestly pretty easy to understand but. yeah. it's the 儿话 for me bro 😔😔😔 fake it til you make it i suppose
oh my GOD YOURE SO REAL FOR NO SULTANAS cannot stand them they're so bad. sultana bread my beloathed. i can't lie sometimes i buy the custard thingies meant to introduce infants to different foods bc it's cheaper than actually buying a proper custard carton 😰
ofc 😔 all the smart people are off getting office jobs or whatever not becoming idols 😔 omg i like koshin but at like certain angles he looks disturbingly like 周深 it's a bit scary. tbh i only watch the dxteen content with premises that i find interesting...... bc i can't be bothered to watch them all.......... if it helps their academic test had 2 people get under 10/50. koshin highest scorer got 32 (?)/50 and second place nalu (?) got 25/50. so. yknow. but the quiz was a bit silly there was a quote in it which was by from some american guy in the 1800s or smth that was apparently part of like the civil smth subject
i do get you 🙏 thank you very much. i will keep it for reference 🙏
wait that is genuinely so cool. damn it (me when things take effort) ...... but YES omg i made like two beanies in like may to prepare for the winter and . never used them . it's like nearly spring so um. either way what kind of stuff do you make???
YES idk something about a pathetic flop fail boy.... so very tasteful....... rihito trying to practice confessing by pretending his cat is you and not noticing you walking in and witnessing it all.... and when he sees you he's like "UHHHH WELL GOTTA FIND THE CAT LOL" and speeds out the door like it's life or death. and his cat is still sitting there
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Detective Pikachu Returns Thoughts - Day 2
I'm not that much farther than yesterday (still in the first major case), but I've seen a few new mechanics I want to talk about.
I don't know if this is just the beginning, but I like the way that you can actually run around the city. It makes the world feel more connected. The relevant world map for this first major case is about as big as if not bigger than the final levels in the first game.
Missions - They're nice but I'm kind of wondering what the point of them is. The most generic looking NPCs ask you to do something, you do it, and your reward is a thank you and a stamp in your missions book. I know this series doesn't have actual currency, but it does feel a bit underwhelming.
Speaking of missions book/case book, I really like the way the main cases are organized in this game. The little checkboxes in the corner to show what you have solved, how they flow into each other, and the fact that it's not always linear - as you search for where Ducklett is, you get a lead on a red Pokemon that may have been involved. You then get to decide which way you want to go - towards where Ducklett had been or where the red Pokemon is said to be, doing them in whatever order you want. It's not a huge difference, but it gives the player more agency, which is nice in a game that's otherwise so on-rails.
And then there's the helper Pokemon. By how this case is turning out, it seems like the helper Pokemon are one-case-only. The Growlithe is very much involved in this case and is mainly helping to help its friend. Maybe I'm wrong and it'll tag along for later, but since the ads only really showed the areas I've been in with Growlithe (that I recall - not going to rewatch), I somewhat doubt it.
It is pretty fun playing as Growlithe, though. I like how the Pokemon speak is directly translated when you're playing as a Pokemon, and it's fun talking to all the people going "aww, you two are playing together!" and Growlithe is like "No! We're on a very important mission!"
Overall, though, while the first game didn't feel like it as much, this game is giving a closer vibe to what I'd loosely call the Hey You, Pikachu series. (Which includes Channel and the Pokepark games)
The quiz lady reminds me of the simple quizzes in Channel. Playing as Growlithe with its specific and somewhat limited abilities gives me Pokepark vibes, and of course you can talk to Pikachu whenever. The game's difficulty is also incredibly easy - much like the first game. While technically that could change, it'll probably be easily guess-and-checked like in the first game.
Overall, I'm enjoying it so far. It for sure feels like an expansion on the first game and I am interested in seeing where the plot goes!
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Fic Writer Asks!
I was tagged by @read-and-write- thanks for the tag :)
ao3 name: happinessofthepursuit
fandoms: I've only written and published for Red, White and Royal Blue by notes app has fics for fandoms I've been reading since middle school (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and...Twilight lol)
number of works: 16! (Before FirstPrince Week it was a mere 11 including my catch all for drabbles which hasn't been updated in a while)
work i spent the most time on: As of this moment it's Claremont 2008 bc it's my longest multi-chap (though I have two chapters of an unpublished WIP that's so far from completion that needed a lot of research). It will probably be Super Six and the Siren's Call soon though if it's not already. Bonus mention to my RWRB YouTube series, those take a lot of research and video watching to make them feel super accurate.
work i spent the least time on: Besides drabbles...probably my Day 7 for FirstPrince Week, it's very silly.
longest fic: Claremont 2008 w/ 10,984 (alt-history if Ellen had been elected in 2008 instead of Obama and Alex & Henry met earlier), but the aforementioned unpublished WIP has two chapters and is already 12,107 words...(and again see SSaSC above)
shortest fic: I mean...my drabbles for sure. Which are not up to date, it'll happen at some point.
most hits: Prince Henry and FSOTUS Alex Claremont-Diaz Take a Couples Quiz
most kudos: The Super Six Take a Lie Detector Test | Vanity Fair (so close to 1,000!!! So crazy to me!!!)
total word count: 65,240 (published at this exact moment)
favorite work of my own: This is like choosing a favorite child ahhhh
I am most proud of "How well you play...that's up to you" because I think it might be my strongest and most creative writing.
I think my funniest work is "Sets on the Beach," and I feel like I really got into Alex's head here.
My favorite interview fic is probably Alex or Henry's Hot Ones interview.
I think Super Six and the Siren's Call is going to be a future favorite and it's been my favorite writing process so far, collaborating has been so fun!!!!!
fic you want to rewrite/expand on: I want to write a prequel to "How well you play...that's up to you" (if you missed it, this is RWRB x Grey's Anatomy vibes)
share a bit of a wip: from the next chapter of Claremont 2008
That got Alex’s attention back, and like it had been drilled into his brain by Queen Mary herself, he batted back, “Henry’s not gay.” Oscar had a wry smile on his face. “I don’t know and don’t care what that boy is, mijo, besides in love with you.”
and I am tagging @inexplicablymine @mudbloodpotter05 @suseagull04 @xthelastknownsurvivorx if y'all want :)
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thanks for the tag! okay so i finally made some decisions after thinking about this all day long

gunna put reasons/'second places' under the cut cos honestly i can talk myself round in circles all day long with this
tagging: @zelda-wheelz @biancaicaras and @an-odd-idea if you fancy it!
finale - went for doomsday here (though looking at it now that's a pic from s4 finale i think? oh well XD) do i necessarily think its the best finale? not really. do i think its the one that makes me feel the most emotion and has haunted me since i was six? yes. other honourable mentions include: parting of the ways, the doctor falls, and end of time (can you tell i enjoy angst?)
series - FOUR! DONNA! TEN!
plotline - pic is meant to represent the entirety of river and the doctors story together (which is cheating i know) basically,, they're iconic? the library eps are some of my favourite ever, plus the 'twenty four years' thing has warmed my heart many a time. and most importantly, me and a mate got another friend into doccy for the 60th specials (which we all watched together) but when they got to good man goes to war me and mate one were so excited that we left the pub quiz early just so mate two could watch it immediately and we all collectively screamed about it all evening
ship - again i cheated by picking two, but that's a good thing cos id have squeezed more into that one little square if i could. doctor rose is just perfection, and janto had me and @zelda-wheelz screaming for many nights and many days. then sobbing. honourable mentions include doctor/river, twelve/clara, ninejackrose, torchwood polycule as a whole
doctor - unfortunately i am him. yes this is a bad thing.
tardis team - nine jack and rose are the template of sci fi for me. their whole thing that they've got going on is more addictive than any substance on the planet
spin off - torchwood! i watched sarah jane as a kid, and again recently and its fun! but its definitely a kids show and im less into that than when i was 12 so. torchwood. ive not seen class (its on the list) and im pleasantly looking forward land and the sea (pleasebegoodpleasebegoodpleasebegoodplea
writer - ermmmm sorry, i didn't really know who to say here. love rtd and his really grounded yet somehow wacky writing. love moffat and his mental plotlines that make zero sense yet compel me immensely. there's so many episodes that aren't written by that pair that i love (ROGUE ANYONE?) however i just,, don't know very much about who wrote what so ill have to do my research to properly answer
rules: tag three other people in the fandom, and they provide their favourites of each category on the board. how many of your moots favourites are YOUR favourites? can you match more than four?


tagging @myarmsaretoolong @b1uetrees @thelineofisstillhere
thinking i might match one or two if i’m lucky. feel like my answers were very specific.
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OC Interview
Thanks for the tag @theelderhazelnut 💗! Decided to do the interview for my newest oc, Death Lily, featuring her banner :D! This got pretty long so all under the cut. I also had fun with this so it takes place at Lily’s home after Tangerine and Lemon show up at her apartment with Tangerine on deaths door. After he’s in the clear, Lily and Lemon take a breather and Lemon decides to get to know the woman that has captured his brother’s heart.
Lily collapsed in her favorite chair, feeling the cushion start to give way around her, shaping to her body in a welcomed bliss. Taking a few deep breaths, she reached for the glass of wine she had carried over. She took a long sip, willing the liquid to calm her nerves after the events of the last couple of hours. The effects weren’t quick but what little she had started to feel calmed her racing heart.
Lemon sat across from her, one hand petting her cat Smudge while he glared at her.
“What,” Lily finally asked, her nerves too shot to ignore him. That didn’t stop her from shooting a glare at Smudge in betrayal.
“Nothing. Just trying to understand what my brother sees in you,” he said, shaking his head and gesturing with his free hand as if in indifference. But Lily could see otherwise.
She shrugged, taking another sip of wine. “He likes a challenge? I fill a hole he’s always had? I don’t know what answer you expect from me. If that’s what he wants, then that’s what matters.” Lily was too tired to put up a good show, not now. It was probably the most authentic she had been with anyone, or anyone other than Opal...and Tangerine.
Lemon snorted. “Since you seem to be in a more genuine mood, let's play a game.” He picked up a magazine next to him, flipping to some page she couldn’t see. “Saw this quiz and decided, you know, since you intrigue me with what you are as a train, I’ll try it your way.”
He held up the magazine and Lily recognized what looked like one of those basic magazine quizzes that mean absolutely nothing and yet they constantly sold as life altering.
“Really? You want to do this now?” She glanced through the open door just to the left of her. From where she sat, she could just make out the rise and fall of Tangerines chest as he laid in her bed asleep.
“Yup. You agree with me, right Smudge?” The cat that had been sleeping in Lemon’s lap lifted his head and gave a forceful meow before going right back to sleep. Lemon nodded and looked back up to her, raising his eyebrow.
“Very well. I’m too tired to argue.” She motioned with her free hand for him to continue.
Lemon gave her a look. “Your real name.”
“You know we never give our real names.” Lily tried for humor but even she could feel it fall flat. When Lemon continued to look at her, she sighed, and she thought back to the girl she had been all those years ago. “The only name you or anyone else ever needs to know...is Lily. The girl I was before is gone.”
For a moment she expected Lemon to argue or probe further, but he only nodded and looked back to the page.
"Are you single?"
Lily snorted, again looking to where Tangerine was sleeping. “I guess I’ll have to say it's complicated.”
“Damn right,” Lemon responded. “We can move on.”
"Are you happy?"
"Am I happy? What a question!” Lily laughed, slightly higher than normal as her body started to come back down from worrying about Tangerine.
“One you haven’t answered,” Lemon pointed at her.
Lily looked at the glass in her hand, the swirling of the red wine almost hypnotic. She thought back on the events of the last few years, the people she had met and the few she actually let into her life. The fact that Tangerine would survive the recent mission he and Lemon had been on.
“Yes, yes I am.”
Lemon didn’t move for a moment, only staring at her. Then he gave her a curt nod and read the next question.
"Are you angry?"
“I just said I was happy,” Lily pointed out, but Lemon raised his eyebrow again and she rolled her eyes. “Clearly not. Though if you had asked me that a few hours ago then yes, yes I was very angry. And scared. Since we are getting so personal,” Lily motioned her drink in his direction. “If that was to be your next question.
Lemon glanced at the page he was holding and shook his head.
"Are your parents still married?"
Lily laughed, a real genuine laugh that nearly set her reeling. “How should I know,” she lied but those details would go to her grave.
Thankfully Lemon didn’t push the matter.
9 Facts
"Birth place?"
“You tell me yours first,” Lily answered. She was surprised when Lemon chuckled.
“Fair enough. I’ll make sure he,” Lemon nodded in Tangerine’s direction, “Doesn’t tell you either.”
“It wasn’t my intention to ask,” Lily said, taking a sip of her wine. “What’s next?”
"Hair color?"
“Are we going for obvious questions now? Very well.” She leaned back, languishing across her chair. “A beautiful chestnut brown. Natural, of course.”
"Eye color?"
“Also chestnut brown.”
“Now now, what are you looking for, to buy me a gift?” Lily winked at Lemon but he ignored her.
Lily gave him a dismissive wave, focusing away from him to stare at the wall. “Already answered, next question.”
"Summer or Winter?"
“Hmm.” Lily played with her glass, thinking back on her fondest summer or winter moments. One particular summer evening with Tangerine was most prominent on her mind. “Summer,” she mused, smiling softly to herself.
“Something tells me I don’t want to know.” Lemon said, almost sounding disgusted.
Lily laughed into her drink. “No, you don’t.”
"Morning or Afternoon?"
Lemon made a noise. “Wouldn’t take you for a morning person.”
Lily looked away again. “Nothing like having a quiet moment for yourself as the sun is rising.”
Silence followed her answer and when she looked at Lemon, he wore an expression she hadn’t seen before. Almost...pensive.
“Now for the unfortunate questions. Please spare me any pertinent details.” Lemon finally said, shifting in his seat.
“I’ll try my best,” Lily smiled at him, which seemed to only annoy him more.
Eight Things About Your Love Life
"Are you in love?"
“It’s complicated.”
“So you don’t love my brother?”
It was Lily’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “Do you want me to love him? That deep romantic love they sell in the media? Get all doe eyed and sweet and sappy around each other?”
Lemon stared at her and then shook his head as if shaking away unwanted thoughts. “Moving on.”
"Do you believe in love at first sight?"
“No.” Lily didn’t even have to think about her answer. “And anyone who says they do is lying to themselves.”
"Who ended your last relationship?"
“Me, but I wouldn’t count any of those as relationships,” Lily answered. She gave Lemon a sly smile. He ignored her again.
"Have ever broken someone's heart?"
“I guess I can answer this question,” Lemon said the moment he finished reading the question out loud. “You literally have.”
Lily tipped her glass towards him and didn’t answer. She had a trail of dead targets behind her from seducing them.
"Are you afraid of commitments?"
“I think last question answers that for you. Next question.”
"Have you hugged someone within the last week?"
“I’ve done more than just hug,” Lily winked at him. She found herself enjoying this, seeing him squirm. “You’re the one that wanted to ask these questions. Should we stop now?”
Lemon sniffed and wiped his hand under his nose. “Like I said, just no details.”
“None. Cross my heart.”
“I’ll believe that,” Lemon muttered.
"Have you ever had a secret admirer?"
“Oh I’ve had many,” Lily lamented, resting her chin on her hand and staring wistfully to the wall again.
“Poor sods.” Lemon responded.
“Couldn’t agree more.”
"Have you ever broken your own heart?"
Lily paused, the fun little moment they shared before was immediately gone. “Next question.”
Six Choices
"Love or Lust?"
“Lust. Love is too complicated and makes you weak.”
“Tell my brother that,” Lemon said.
Lily looked away as she took a sip of her wine. “I have.”
Lemon only sighed.
"Lemonade or Iced tea?"
“Iced tea.”
“No lemonade,” Lemon asked, almost sounding hurt.
Lily shook her head, “Too sour.”
Lemon gave her a sour look. “Fine.”
"Cats or dogs?"
Lily glanced at Smudge, who was still happily asleep on Lemon’s lap. “I would say cats but there is a betrayer amongst us so I will hold me tongue.”
Lemon chuckled. “He just knows a good person when he meets them.”
“What does that say about Tangerine,” Lily asked. Smudge had taken an instant disliking to Tangerine, much to his annoyance.
“He’s always been more of a dog person,” Lemon answered.
"A few best friends or many regular friends?"
“None if I can help it. I’m sure you understand.” Lily pointed out.
Lemon deflated a little but gave her an annoyed look. “And yet here we all are.”
“Indeed,” Lily said, unable to deny that truth.
"Wild night out or romantic night in?"
“Both. What about Tangerine?” She figured it was worth a shot to throw that in.
Lemon deflected easily. “Ask him when he wakes up.”
"Day or night?"
“Night. Plenty of time to have fun. Wouldn’t you agree?”
“With you? No.” Lemon didn’t even look up to respond.
Lily pouted. “So cruel.”
Four Have You Evers
"Been caught sneaking out?"
“That would require someone to be there to catch me.” Or care, she thought, but against she dared not utter the words.
"Fallen down/up the stairs?"
Lemon raised an eyebrow after asking the question. “Do you even know how to be embarrassed?”
“Me,” Lily brought her hand to her chest, feigning hurt. “Never. And if I did,” she narrowed her eyes at him, “no one would ever see it.”
“I’m sure you have though, haven’t you Smudge.” Lemon’s scratched at Smudge’s heading, adopting a baby voice as he spoke. Catching himself, he coughed, and smoothed out the magazine. “Anyways.”
"Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?"
Lily glanced towards Tangerine again. Her first instinct was to say no, put on the façade she had mastered so well. But seeing him earlier, nearly dead again and bleeding all over her floor, Lily realized the thought of losing him had been too much to bear.
Tearing her eyes away from him, Lily brought her glass to her lips, unable to face Lemon as she whispered...
“What was that?”
“You heard what I said.” Her tone was as icy as the look she gave him.
Lemon tried to crack a joke, get more out of her, but Lily kept her mouth shut until he asked the next question.
"Wanted to disappear?"
The weight she was feeling from the previous question still weighed on here, but it was a question that was easier to answer.
“You could say I already have.”
Lemon smirked but didn’t say anything as he turned the page.
Four Preferences
"Smile or eyes?"
“Eyes. A smile is easy to fake,” she quickly put on her best smile even as she struggled to calm her emotions, “But the eyes. They will never lie.”
Lemon really looked at her this time, eyes flitting between hers. “You’re not lying right now.”
“No. I’m not.”
"Shorter or taller?"
“Does it matter?”
“You certainly seem the kind to have a type.”
Lily snorted, that turned into giddy laughter. The alcohol was starting to kick in. “You’re brother is simply special.”
Lemon groaned. “Please don’t tell him that.”
“I would never. He already has an ego that could fill that room he’s laying in.”
“I think you mean your apartment.” Lily looked at him in surprise and he seemed surprise himself. “Don’t let that go to your head. I still don’t trust you.”
“Oh, of course,” Lily replied, but her smile stayed on her face.
"Intelligence or attraction?"
“Either, but in regards to your brother, attractions.” She smirked over the rim of her glass.
Lemon looked like he wanted to get angry but closed his eyes and nodded. “Yeah, yeah that’s him.”
Lily chuckled. “Glad you agree.”
"Hook-up or relationship?"
“Hook up is certainly much easier. But with Tangerine—”
“You can stop right there,” Lemon interrupted, holding his hand up.
“Is that not what you want to know, about me and him?”
“Still haven’t decided yet,” Lemon reminded her.
"Do you and your family get along?"
“No family, no need to get along.” Lily answered. It was a white lie, she truly didn’t have a family, but she would be damned if she ever let anything happen to her younger sister. Someone no one ever needed to know about. Not even the two people who were known as ‘The Twins’.
“Doesn’t surprise me.”
"Would you say you have a messed-up life?"
Lily raised her eyebrow. “We’re assassins. What do you think?”
“Look mate, I’m just asking the questions here.” Lemon held up the magazine. “I can’t blame,” he paused and looked to see what magazine it was, “Cosmo for not having an assassin questionnaire edition. Maybe write them a letter saying—”
“Ok, ok,” Lily cut in, “Yes, my life is messed up. So is yours and Tangerines. We kill people for a living.”
Lemon nodded and then shook his head. “My life is good. I don’t know what you’re on about.”
Lily stared, her mouth hanging open slightly. “If that’s what you want to call it.”
"Have you ever run away from home?"
“Don’t think I became an assassin because mommy and daddy dearest loved me at home.”
“Not even once,” Lemon asked. “Used to do it all the time with Tangerine.”
“And what trouble did the two of you get into,” Lily leaned forward, eager to hear more.
Lemon opened his mouth to answer, but caught himself. “Oh no. I’m not telling you nothing.”
“So you will?”
“Shut it. Next question.”
"Have you ever gotten kicked out?"
“Again, irrelevant.” Lily swirled the now almost empty glass in her hand. “Troubled past or not, I’m still here. Are we almost done?”
“Yeah, this is getting a bit boring isn’t it?” Lemon flipped the page.
“Oh, so you’ve already made your decision about me?”
“Haven’t decided yet,” Lemon paused to scratch Smudge’s ear and then looked back at the magazine. “Four questions left.”
“Thank god.”
"Do you secretly hate one of your friends?"
“Only you Lemon,” Lily winked at him.
“The feeling’s mutual.”
"Do you consider all your friends good friends?"
“Are you trying to tell me you actually do like me as a friend?” Lily leaned forward again, placing her chin on her hand.
“It says all your friends,” Lemon motioned to the question on the page. “So do you or not?”
Lily pondered the question before answering. “If I consider you my friend, that alone means something.”
"Who is your best friends?"
“I...” Lily paused, stumped on what to say. She had no friends for a reason. Opal was a happy accident that turned out beneficial for both. Smudge was a cat. Lemon and Tangerine...the realization hit her like a brick wall. “I can’t tell you.”
“Well Smudge is my best friend. Right kitty?” Lemon’s tone took on that baby voice again and their interview paused for a few moments as he played with her cat. “But its because you don’t have one, isn’t it,” he asked when he was done.
Lily looked away, not in shame, but in realizing that she might actually do...and that was a dangerous feeling to have.
“It’s fine. I know you secretly do want me as your best friend,” Lemon said, filling the silence. “But now we’ve hit the final question.”
“Better be a good one.”
"Who knows everything about you?"
“No one and no one ever will.”
“Not even Tangerine?”
Lily gave him a look. “No I don’t expect him to tell me everything either. This job is too dangerous for that kind of openness. I’d stop him if he started to tell me more than was needed.”
Lemon nodded, staying silent as he looked over the questions again. Eventually he set the magazine down and turned his gaze back to Lily. She waited with bated breath, wondering just what would come from this slight moment of vulnerability.
“If you ever,” Lemon began, holding up his hand to point at her. “Ever put my brother in danger, I will kill you myself.”
Lily smiled. “I would expect nothing less.” She held out her drink to him and when he nodded, finished it off.
They may never be true friends, but they both cared for one man and that alone brought them together in a funny kind of way. Not one she expected, but one Lily welcomed nonetheless.
No pressure tags: @detectivelokis @sstewyhosseini @kourumi @roofgeese @incognito-insomniac @poisonedtruth @eclecticwildflowers @awhellstothejoe @somethingclich8 @confidentandgood @poetikat @bearcina @phillipsgraves @jendoe @kyber-infinitygems @galaxycunt @olliesaurus-rex @ghosttownwhispers and anyone else who wants to do this, this is me tagging you :)!
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