#This is why she puts Morris to do those cause she’d rage so fast
carou-sol · 3 years
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was playing Splatoon again and after rereading all of its lore I got some ideas for my Octoling Gisu for my Splatoon AU. ( I swear I’m gonna post the other interns someday it’s just it’s very hard to turn everyone into chelapods). And I added a chunk of headcanons so
Headcanons under the cut!
Elite Octoling Gisu my beloved
She is a twig and a “ short king” among her fellow Elite Octolings considering how slim and buff the Elites are. The reason she is among the elite octolings is for her strategies on getting the Zapfish, and her immense power despite her scrawny size.
Yes she is technically a “ child soilder “ being only 11 when taken for octoling training
She has purple eye markings instead of the usual black of modern octos! She is considered as a “ hybrid octoling” for this! Gisu has both modern octoling genetics as well as old ones, Late gens have sharper more triangle teeth with purple eye markings instead of the usual black and also normal teeth of modern octos!
Gisu does not have the common green scalera or purple eyes of a old generation octoling and instead leans in with more modern octoling genetics that has white scalera and different eye colors. Her colored finger tips are also considered as genetics from a modern octoling, nobody knows why she came out like this, doesn’t bother Gisu tho, she thinks it’s cool
Her aging process was quickened thanks to octoling technology and a bit of illegal mixing of ink into some sort of steroids which quickened her transformation process,!!
Even though octolings are mostly a “ serious species” unlike Inklings, Gisu is a rarity among them for her more bubbly and laid back personality and optimistic side on thinking,
This is the main reason why she was forced to wear the brainwashing goggles in the first place and even had a “ hazy effect” if she took them off, which does not feel good so she puts them back on.
Similar to Mariana she was a prodigy with octarion technology, though worked more on the Great Octo Weapons, and is the main reason why the “ OctoWhirl” still works . Though she was quickly moved to Octoling Squads for unknown reasons, and later rose to the upper ranks of Elite Octolings.
The seaweed used to mark Elite Octolings is tangled on the sides of her goggles.
She still has these goggles by the way and is trying to figure out how they work
She was a active Villian during the Splatoon 1 campaign!
Though she kept facing off Norma more than Lizzie! As it is always the squads she is in that keep facing off the two agents leading up the final battle with Dj Octavio.
She was among the audience during the final battle, when the Calamari Inkantation was played, it freed her from the brainwashing Permanently and was finally able to take off the goggles without getting a light head,
She quickly escaped afterwards, and got lost in Octo Canyon, where she met Morris! A fellow octoling who not only escaped but was freed from the brainwashing as well
From their similar backgrounds they decided to stick together, as they had no idea about inkling society or their languages and promptly stalked the new Squidbeak Splatoon or any inkling that was close enough to hear, to teach themselves inkling culture and society. Though if you’d let them they would go straight to speaking Octarian
Eventually they are caught and sicced on by Norma and Lizzie until the battle was interrupted and the two octos were trapped in the deep sea metro!
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