#This is so embarrassing actually dni ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ /nsrs
lemonxlimee ยท 1 month
Heart mind soul chonny jash. I made this for @twig-gy but literally this is just a ramble and anyone can read it if you want I guess. I wrote this while listening to And if I Did you deserved it by will wood on loop
OKAY SO. they're. They mean a lot to me okag
So umm,m (sorry if this sounds kind of weird I'm still new to the whole Real People Fandom thing) and also sorry if this sounds awkward that's because it is. I've been into chonny jash for nearly a year and I only found out about the fandom just now I have no idea how to introduce myself. Hello!! I'm Leafy! This is going to be very awkward as I try to fumble over my ideas.
Ahem. Without further ado.
I kind of. This is complicated but I kind of see them as a sort of system. Like not a "system" but like,, like parts of . BAHAHAHA like parts of a whole. They're part of each other in the same way a broken plate. The plate was one thing and now it's like 4 different things.
You can tell this especially from the line at the end of tse that goes "see how the brain plays around and it splits what once was whole down into three". Clear as day. Clear as day to me at leasg and hopefully to you. That's one of the parts that stands out to me most in tse though the entire thing is a spectacle I quite enjoy it
They're a broken plate. Okay do you understand. Great moving on
Theyre parts of a whole. Like. I'm just gonna call them a system even though that's not what they are but that's how I'm going to explain it
So. Clearly they're dysfunctional, at least a little bit. They're not functional. They are unfunctional like a broken ferris wheel and like a broken ferris wheel it is Hard to Work With
Yeah yk what I'm just. Gonna use system terminology. Easier for me. They're not a system!!! But they could be. But they're not!! Yet. !!!!
So. Soul. Right. Soul. You know Soul. Heart and Mind as well. You know Heart and Mind. They're Heart and Mind. And Soul. Theyr're.
Oh boy. This is going to sound deranged. If it doesn't already.
Okay now USUALLY I'm not big on insys relationships. But that's also just me. I'm perfectly confident if we formed a Pin I would be proposing within the week. That's not important.
Heart and Mind feel like the kind of relationship that you need to Understand Them Individually before you can put them together. But we already do that and I'. Can't do analysis right now so we're gonna skip that part. And Soul is basically the "I will turn this fucking car around I swear to god" of the system. "System". You know what I mean. He's sick of their shit and you can tell.
I think. THINK. think I just think I have not heard 100% of chonny's discography I cannot confirm nor deny this this is just a theory based on the 6 or so hms songs I've heard.
Mind almost feels. Abusive? Not really. He's teetering on the edge. He's like aaaalmost. But you can really tell he cares deep down for Heart. Especially in tme. You can hear in the lyrics. Some of them are degrading heart obviously ("saddened and weak, freakish and dismal, hollow and bleak," and you know. The entire song.) But if you read some of the other lines you can tell he just cares about the system as a whole (pun.) And he wants to keep them all safe. "I can't claim that I enjoy this, covering for a tortured boy..." this almost feels like. Masking.. like some of ours have jobs that are just to mask. Taco for example. Mike especially last year. Mind has to act sane and keep an eye out for threats. He's the protector. But he verbally bullies Heart and almost even physically. It comes down to an almost toxic relationship between the two.
Heart on the other hand is just sad and scared, almost, of Mind. He's the emotion holder. Obviously. Unfortunately for many emotion holders such as myself this means he's prone to self pity and depression. You can tell this even by barely grazing the lyrics of tha. Even in variations on a cloud, a song that's supposed to be more happy sounding (yes i know it's about 9/11 shush) he sounds kind of. Upset? But that's typical. I guess. For someone like Heart. But if you look deeper he seems to be fine with this. Fine ish. Fine enough. He hides from the sun but he doesn't seem to be doing any better or worse. He's blind. The sun is referred to as "blinding to the eye" in the second verse of tha. But Mind knows this. He references it in his own song. "It seems those beams of light have caused some glare." He noticed. HE NOTICED. do you see where I'm going with this.
Mind claims not to care about Heart, but he obviously does at least a little bit. He heard, or even knows about, Heart's song and references one of the lyrics in his own. Sure the music could just be theatrical. But it doesn't change the fact that he noticed Heart's emotions and troubles.
Pardon me for drawing parallels to my own brain once again but I kind of see a resemblance between these guys and my own guys. Namely evie and firey. They HATE each other so much to the point of actual catfights in the back of the head space. Embarrassing! But here's the thing. They couldn't live without each other. Evie needs a place to put all that so so so much anger, and firey needs something to do that doesn't involve hurting me or the body in some way. It balances out. They help each other by keeping each other occupied. Without them we'd all be in danger, them most of all. I myself draw parallels to Soul while listening to cccc!! "Evie and Firey dtop fighting or else I will turn this car around."
Speaking of which...
Soul. Soul, am I right?
"I will turn this fucking car around."
Soul is clearly what I like to call the "scarecrow" of the system. His job is to watch Heart and Mind and make sure they don't fucking slaughter each other. (I mean fuck*... they literally SHOT each other at one point.) Soul watches the two and basically threatens them into shutting up at the end of tse. ("I'll take you down in tandem when this rope is tied..." Did bro just threaten suicide!? Even I wouldn't go that far just for "Shut The Fuck Up Evie And Firey I Swear To God"... bro is desperate) I'm sure he cares about them both in his own Special Way.
(* I did not mean "I mean fuck" as in the correction way (I.e "so that they don't slaughter I mean fuck each other".) However, this also works if you choose to believe it.)
In fact you can kind of tell in tse that he does care. Even if his caring is just "shut the fuck up both of you," he's not apathetic or unnoticing to them. He just doesn't like them. Bad care is still a form of care.
In variations on a cloud (yes hello we're back to this) Soul and Heart share a lot of lines. Mind is pretty quiet in this song, which is a nice change from. Yknow. Every other song he's present in. He only has a few lines. But in those few lines, he's almost always harmonizing with Soul and Heart. Those two are the real focus of the song.
Holy shit it's 2am I've been writing for over half an hour. Anyway!
Soul cares about Heart a lot. But maybe it's the wrong kind of care. Once again; he will turn this car around. Heart doesn't like Mind, but Mind likes Heart, and Soul also likes Heart. Where does this leave us? Nowhere. Which is where this car is going if Heart and Mind don't stop hatefucking in the back seat.
Where was I going with this?
Oh yes. Soul is as toxic as Mind. Maybe more so.
Soul seems to be the guy who cares about himself. If you listen to tse again (I know you want to) you can tell most of the lyrics are basically about him, and how tired he is of the other two. He doesn't really care about their or whole's well-being, he just wants them both to shut up so he can enjoy himself. Which makes sense! I'd be in his position too if I didn't care about pyrite!!
Uhh... I actually think I have nothing else to add... maybe I'll come back in the morning when my brain isn't a jumbled mess. I should have been asleep hours ago. There was a point to this all I swear!!!!!
Enjoy!! I guess 6_6"
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