#This is definitely a proxy argument but for what idek
adhdo5 · 2 months
Eight's hand turns from motioning Six into the office to negotiating lurid-smelling steam away from himself. "Can you not fucking vape in here?" He coughs, rolling his eyes at the ceiling. "God! I liked you so much better when you smoked normally!"
Six doesn't say anything, just follows Eight past a gaggle of aides and couriers, flipping the vape over in his fingers.
One of the aides hands Eight a fan. "Worst thing to happen to this Foundation in twenty years," Eight continues irritably as he takes it. "And you're setting an abysmal example. You're why so many staff think this is just fine, you know!" He points accusingly at Six. "Hazardous particulate in sites up obscene proportions, Six, and whose problem is it? Mine! Three and Twelve taking out my brain about it! Everyone thinks they can do anything they want. Four vapes now!"
"Four smokes," Six points out, and takes another drag.
"Four smokes exclusively socially."
"He does everythin' exclusively socially." Six exhales more fog, annoyance leaching into his voice.
"Not that you'd know anything about prosocial behavior, anyhow--" huffs Eight, cutting off to cough and fan again. "Not a single agent has an ounce of respect for what goes on on the dancefloor. Fuck you."
Shit, and tell me all about how social you are, Six thinks but doesn't say. Eight'll live; the water might not be able to cure his lungs, but it'll keep them from worsening for another three hundred years. "Y'wanna talk about what I came here to discuss, or are ya gonna tell me more about your damn emails?"
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