#This is brought to you by my leg being busted but I'm mostly just grabbing files today in work which requires walking 💖 ow
dragon-spaghetti · 4 months
Alastor has an uncanny sixth sense for when husk's pain days are Worse and those are the days he decides that having him run around doing errands is a grand idea 😊
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themissingmarvel · 2 years
Onwards Through the Upside-Down (Part 2) Eddie Munson x Reader
(Horray! Part two! I have a lot planned for this, but I'm also not one who writes time travel and haven't since DragonBall Z, so please bear with me. If you have feedback, send it my way, or drop a like if you're feeling inclined to do so and think it's worth it. If not, no worries. I kinda like this one. This is a little more backstory/character building, but I'm all about the slow burn.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x future!Reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: Language
Part 1 // Part 2 //
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It was safe to say that everyone who had battled Vecna, the Demogorgons, and all the other chaos that came from the Upside-Down, was well acquainted with the word ‘weird’. The chaos had been so much, and in the process of those already at One’s old home in Hawkins proper getting Max to the emergency room, the rest were still at the trailer. With you.
“Dude! Don’t touch her!” Steve shot out his arm to block Dustin from going to your crumpled form on the ground.
He gave him an incredulous look. “Didn’t you just grab her shoulder?”
Steve huffed, a little defensive, “Well, I mean- we don’t know if that’s why she passed out,” he adjusted the gear on his body, all of them staring down at you.
Robin raised an eyebrow, “You think you made her pass out by shaking her shoulder?”
“What if she’s dead?” Nancy chimed, anxiety trilling in her voice.
“She saved my life,” was the only thing Eddie was able to say as he watched you. He was bleeding still, looking somewhat like Steve when he had his initial run-in, though with more clothes. He had, for some reason, brought his guitar with him through the Upside-Down. Not that there was a lot of thinking to be had during the chaos, trying to get through with poor Dustin who was nursing a broken leg.
Steve turned back to Eddie, then back to you, kneeling down. He knew it was stupid, probably, to be doing this, but if Eddie was right, then you weren’t a threat. You didn’t look like anything that came from that wretched world of death and pain. You looked
 well, normal. A little beaten up, but normal, “Guys, she’s got blood on her. I think we need to check her out,” he looked up at the two women.
He was a good man, Steve Harrington. The World’s Best Babysitter was a title he held dearly and it was well-placed. He took in strays, it seemed, to the point where it had become a running gag. He wasn’t about to check your body for injuries given you were, well
 you know. A girl? Probably not a robot, right? Robots didn’t bleed, did they? He hadn’t seen Terminator since it came out two years ago.
And, were he being honest, there was something about you. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but you felt different. He was worried, which wasn’t totally abnormal, but it felt different. He felt like he was taking in another stray and it reminded him of walking out to face one of the demidogs, battered and bruised, carrying a baseball bat with nails in it.
Nancy stepped forward and crouched by Steve, concern on her features as she looked you over, “Step back, let me look at her,” she nodded at Steve to step away. He did, trusting Nancy, though he could never figure out exactly why. Well, he knew why. Steve loved Nancy. He had always loved Nancy. He had loved Nancy in the way that didn’t totally make sense, and where he had shouted internally that she had moved on. He loved her without having to tell her as much, but knowing if she ever decided to come back to him, he wouldn’t hesitate. She was a thing of dreams and he had never let go of his feelings.
Eddie, Steve, and Dustin all turned away, Robin stepping forward awkwardly as Nancy lifted the bottom of your shirt a bit to just under your bust, struggling to do so. There was indeed blood caked on it, and it did look like some of it was yours. But nothing was bleeding currently, which she was mostly concerned about. What caught her eye, however, were the healed marks over your body. The parts of you she could see had all sorts of scarring, some resembling bites with fangs, some cuts, some burns. You looked so wounded, and she felt her heart ache deeply, “Oh god
” she had muttered.
He had wanted to turn, but Eddie had way too much respect for this new goddess to do such a thing, so he inquired instead, “Is she okay? What is it?” He tried not to be frantic, but given what they’d all been through he supposed it was fine to be a little frantic.
Robin had seen it too, exchanging a look with Nancy in that moment, an unspoken understanding the two women had, “Nothing. She’s got some bites but she seems okay otherwise.”
Nancy readjusted your shirt, standing and shaking her head as the others turned, sensing the modesty wasn’t needed anymore, “Doesn’t answer who she is, or how she got here, though.”
“She said she was from the future,” Dustin echoed, having been yelling it at first when they had all come at you, desperate for answers.
Eddie rolled his eyes, “No, dude, she said a sphinx had cronoshifted her! Difference!” He tapped the child’s forehead with his index finger.
Steve looked confused, “That’s even weirder. Why would she say that?”
It was Robin who spoke the answer though, to the riddle that felt ironic to call it as much, “Because it’s something she knew we’d understand. Or at least, you. I don’t get that nerd crap, like, at all,” her eyes widened, having used her best guess to assume it was something related to what the kids did.
“But if she’s from the future, who sent her?” Steve looked down, sighing.
It had been hard, when you had first come to the United States. You spoke at least four languages so that wasn’t the issue. Rather, you had no family to speak of, but when news of the Burned Warriors came through, those with experience with the Death World and the monsters inside, had stepped in and offered to help. Your father had a lot of experience with things that didn’t always make sense, and he had found himself with an abundance of patience and love. He had offered to take you in, his own wife happy to have you join their family. Post-apocalypse or not, they hadn’t let it stop them. They had hope. They would win.
The first thing he had done when you arrived was tell the US Government to fuck themselves. No more fighting, at least not yet. You were a child, he had scolded them, and you were going to heal. You had been born to die, they had told you growing up. A warrior. A fighter. There were so few equipped to really handle the monsters coming through and they needed people who weren’t afraid. Who knew how to fight. And they had bred you in much the same way as Eleven. As Jane. They wanted some who could get close to Henry again, who could survive in the Death World.
Your father had taken in a child who at twelve had already seen their share of pain and who hadn’t been given much love. Not in the way one needed. Of course he had seen the reflection of Jane in you, of someone born to fight. But he had promised you love. And he had delivered. He never asked about your nightmares, but he had come in when you were screaming. And your mother had never asked about what you’d experienced, but she kissed your head just the same when you were asleep. They had welcomed you in, and while you hadn’t been as close with your siblings, you knew love.
It’s what made this so hard.
WIll had told you that you couldn’t share the details of your world with them, possibly risking the timeline. He had made you promise you understood, looking at his weathered face and grey hair, made you swear you grasped the gravity of it.
Born to die you had considered.
Coming to had felt so strange, your brain foggy as you lifted your head, trying to make sense of the world around you. It wasn’t familiar, which had triggered your fight-or-flight, and set off an unfortunate series of events that came next.
“Guys! I think she’s-“
Oh, poor Steve.
You jumped off the bed, Eddie’s bed in the room he hadn’t slept in since
 well, Chrissy. Not that he’s gotten any sleep as it was. But you leapt forward, your training kicking in and going for the closest moving thing around you, which at present was Steve Harrington who had been convinced by an odd combo of Nancy and Eddie to be gentle. He was regretting that now as he watched you jump at him, snapping as you knocked him to the ground.
Steve let out a sharp cry, no time to even try and respond as he watched you withdraw a blade, one hidden, and aim it for his neck. If he could have described the look in your eyes it would have been “feral”, seeing that briefly there was almost nothing there.
But what you heard as the blade got closer, your eyes wide and your blood pumping, was his plea, “Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey! You’re safe! I swear!”
In that moment the blade dropped from your hand. The crew that came running, bottlenecked in tight trailer, would see you stumble off of Steve and kick the blade away.
You remembered hearing him, that day he had come into your room when you were still new to their home, still frightened and screaming in four different languages. You remembered as he grabbed your smaller form with no hesitation and he said those same words. That same timbre. That same love.
Steve Harrington had been your father for all those years that were important. He had raised you alongside his own children just the same. He had loved you. And that love, in that moment, transcended time itself.
But you couldn’t tell him.
Scrambling back and to your feet you shook your head, “Fuck, I’m sorry! I’m so sorry. I just- I didn’t know where I was. Where I am. I'm sorry,” your eyes were wide and tears were beginning to form.
Eddie stepped in first, holding the shield as he looked at you, your face turning quizzical as you eyed him, “What the fuck is that?”
He was almost offended, Steve slowly getting to his feet and stepping between the two, “It’s a shield!”
“No. That’s a garbage can lid with metal shards on it. What, are you fighting dangerous trash?” You smirked.
“It fought off those bat things in the Upside-Down!” Dustin yelled out defensively.
“The Upside-Down
” you considered the name, remembering that’s what your father and Will had called it when they weren’t talking to the military.
“Listen, as much as these conversations are going great, I would love to know who you are, and where you came from,” Steve sounded exhausted, and he looked like hell. They all did.
You paused to look around, recognizing the chaos and again seeing Eddie, the one you had saved. You remembered his face from stories, Dustin had spoken highly of him, in the time you’d known him before he was killed, like so many others. Eddie had been the thing of heroes and stories. He had died, long ago. He had died with that shitty shield, saving Dustin and the rest of the world. He had died a villain to many and he had been crucified as such. But here he was, someone who had never survived past the initial decent into chaos; alive.
You had felt drawn to him, oddly enough. Part of you wondered as you stood in the room, having been laying on his bed, if you were two people both living where they didn’t belong. He was meant to be dead, and it would be years before you were even born. You were both anomalies living outside of logic and already one of Will’s theories had proven correct, the timeline intact still even with a major change.
Looking back at Steve you felt such incredible sadness. He wasn’t your father, not yet. He was still scared, and he was still doing the best he could, pining after the woman not feet away. He had died in your arms only hours ago and it was painful to be looking at him. At a ghost. At a world filled with ghosts.
 it’s complicated,” you frowned, adjusting the clothes on your form, feeling the pain from the wounds that would need cleaning.
A scoff could be heard, “You think this isn’t already complicated?” Nancy looked at you, focused. That was a face you knew anywhere. And it broke you.
“Yeah, I mean, I guess. I just- I can’t tell you everything. But I’m from the future, and you guys are the reason I’m here,” you frowned. How could you tell any of them they were gone? Will hard warned you that disclosing too much would put them at risk, possibly harm the outcome of the world moving forward. You were meant to fix this timeline and if done right, would change the world. It would be as though none of it happened.
“Does that mean I’ll die? That I’ll never be born? That I won’t exist anymore?”
He frowned, “If I tell you, will you still go?”
You considered through the gravity of it all, “Without hesitation.”
Steve looked at you heavily, and considered his options. He felt it, the truth. He could hear it in your voice, the truth that lingered out and danced forward. He didn’t really know why he wanted it to be true, too. He told himself that if something so impossible could happen, maybe it meant they had a chance against Vecna. One. Henry. El couldn’t do it alone, and maybe with you, did that mean there was another chance?
“I mean, she did say a sphinx chronoshifted her here,” Dustin tossed out the comment, clearly siding with you, a stranger.
You grinned a bit, “Can’t make this shit up, can I?”
“You could, probably,” Robin tossed out, behind Eddie.
Smiling, feeling suddenly at peace surrounded by ghosts, deciding to live in what felt like a memory rather than fight it, you nodded, “I could. But how many people would show up telling you they’re here to take out Henry? How many more have the means to do so?” You raised an eyebrow.
The group exchanged looks, ranging from confusion to excitement, before Steve spoke up again, “We need to get back to everyone. Now.”
The ride back had been haunting for the group. You had been tucked in the back of the RV, the one that had been stolen but now didn’t really matter, all things considered. Eddie was sitting across from you on one of the other cushions, looking at you skeptically. You were staring back at him, not one to stray from even a staring contest. He had the guitar still, the one from the Upside-Down, as you were now calling it. He had told Dustin begrudgingly that it was haunted, therefore cooler. He had busted out a song that had been released not two weeks earlier, playing it better than Metallica ever could. You knew that, because you had heard Metallica play it a few times, and it was never that good. Or at least, that was how Dustin told the story.
“Wait, can you tell us anything about the future?” Steve chimed in, trying to break the quiet of the ride, Nancy beside him in the front, Dustin and Robin in the back with you and Eddie.
You looked over, seeing his eyes in the rear view mirror, “Depends. If you want to know if you ever get a haircut, the answer is no,” you smirked.
Robin let out a stifled laugh and Nancy giggled in the front. Dustin looked pleased, “I knew it. I bet his hair looks even better in the future!”
You smiled, still able to see him pushing back the hair peppered with grey, still long and still enough that Nancy would sit and run her fingers through it on quiet days when they were able to sit on the roof of the apartment building in the sun, in the quiet areas not taken yet by monsters. You could see love in both their eyes and you understood, as your mother surprised you with another book she’d found in her time exploring the cities, looking for things not yet destroyed or looted.
Eddie kept his eyes on you, though. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust you - he did - but there was just something else. He wanted to ask if he had in fact died, where you were from. In some ways he knew he had. If you hadn’t stepped in and saved him, there was no way he would have lived. He had come to a weird kind of peace with his mortality, but you had changed that. So instead he wanted to ask about his legacy; what did the world think of him? Did he want to know? Would you even say?
You turned back to Eddie, feeling his eyes, and offering a sort of soft smile. So many stories, Mike had gone on about the guy with Dustin some days, and he felt more real, now that you were sitting with him. It had occurred to you in your time on the planet, that children weave their own stories, often ones to make things make sense. Eddie had been a hero to them, as Steve had been, but he was different now that you were sitting with him as an adult. He was twenty, and you several years older. They were all twenty, really. Save for Dustin. As real adults, the age had dissipated into nothing, but now, you saw it.
It felt silly to admit he couldn’t take his eyes off you, but Eddie was enamored. Hours had gone by, but when you were laying peaceful in his bed, he had felt it. No real way to explain the emotion that had washed over him, one that he wasn’t familiar with. Eddie had lacked real solid parenting, the unconditional love one got if the world wasn’t stacked against them. He knew love, though. He knew it in concept and theory, and he had tasted it at times. The sensation he got with you felt transformative, at least. It was new.
He hadn’t expected to live only hours ago, but now, sitting in the back of an RV, trying to get back to Hawkins proper with a new goal, a new purpose, he was nothing short of happy. Finally. Even if he wasn’t sure what happened next.
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falcqns · 3 years
Can I request a Chris Evans x reader where she’s his wife and she’s pregnant with Millie, and she goes into labor?? And where they introduce her to her older brother Michael?? Thanks:))💓
it's been a little while since i looked in your eyes
pairing: dad!Chris Evans x mom!Reader
warnings: mentions of childbirth, needles. swearing, mostly fluff!
a/n: thank you for this request! i apologize if there are any medical inaccuracies, i think we all know by now that my birth was anything but regular! also, the title is from the song 'For You To Be Here' by Tom Rosenthal, and thank you to the nurse who saw this song listed in my birth plan and played it while i was pushing so she was born to it!! also since this takes place in the Millie and Michael universe, Chris wasn't present for Michael's birth which is covered in Meet Me In The Hallway!
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you knew Chris would most likely have a freak out when you went into labour with Millie, but you didn't expect it to be this severe.
the moment your water broke, its like he snorted adrenaline. he was frantically calling his mom and his dad, finding someone to take Michael and Dodger, and deciding whether he should take the big SUV that he bought after he met Michael, or if taking his little car he used for work would be good enough, all while you were sitting on the couch waiting for him to finish freaking so you could go and get this baby out of you.
his mom showed up a few minutes later, Chris still mid-freak out, and managed to calm him slightly. you said your goodbyes to Michael, and you were off.
Chris was gripping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles were white, and you rubbed his leg.
"baby, just calm down." you said, and he looked at you.
"i can't, y/n. i missed Michael's birth, and i don't want anything to go wrong. i want to be able to witness at least one of our kids births." he said. to any other person, it might seem that he was shaming you for not telling you about your pregnancy with Michael, but you knew he wasn't. was he disappointed he missed the birth of his first child? of course, but he never, EVER, held it against you.
"i know baby, but that's not going to happen if you're freaking out sweetie." you explained and watched as some of the colour returned to his knuckles as he lightened his grip on the steering wheel.
you arrived at the hospital minutes later, and Chris seemed much more calm and collected. he grabbed the diaper bag, and took your hand after taking a picture of you in front of the hospital. he posted it on instagram with the caption "can't wait to meet you, Millie Shanna <3". he put his phone away, and the two of you continued inside.
you were admitted, and brought up to the private room that Chris had reserved. you changed into your gown, and laid in the bed. the doctor came in and assessed you, and then a few more nurses swarmed around to give you the epidural, as you were already 6 centimetres dilated, so if you didn't get it then, you wouldn't be able to.
Chris played with your hair and gave you kisses while the doctors stuck the needle in your back. "you're doing great, bubba." he whispered, and you giggled.
"i know. they're giving me the good stuff. i'm gonna be having the time of my life." you said, and Chris laughed. he pressed a kiss to your forehead, and then you were able to lay on your back once more.
you took a nap as the drugs kicked in, and Chris sat down on the bed, and caressed your belly the best he could with all the monitors on it.
"i can't wait to see your little face, Millie." he whispered, a kiss being pressed just below your bellybutton. "you're gonna be such a beauty, and i'm so blessed that i get to see you enter this world. i love you so much already, and please don't hurt mama too badly, i love her lady bits a little too much for my own good." he said, and then was interrupted when he heard you bust into laughter.
he looked up at you and laughed as you were wheezing with tears rolling down your face. "i'm guessing the meds kicked in." he said, and you laughed even harder, unintelligible words coming out.
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another nap later, and you were at 10 centimetres dilated, and eager to get this child out of you. you were thankful that Chris had calmed down slightly, although you had a feeling he was going to freak out even more when it came time to push her out. you looked over at him as the bassinet was rolled in, and his face paled. you knew he just realized that it was time, and you saw his hands start to shake.
you reminded yourself that while you had gone through this before, he hadn't, and most likely was feeling the same way you did when you were in labour with Michael, all alone and wishing Chris were there with you.
you grabbed his hand, and rubbed your thumb along the back of it, to calm him down. "it's going to be okay." you reminded him, and he nodded.
"i know. i'm just nervous. i know that's ridiculous because i'm not the one pushing a whole human out of me, but i'm still scared. i want both you and her to be safe and perfectly healthy." he explained, and you smiled.
you were just about to reassure him, when the doctor came in, and told you that it was time to push. you took a deep breath, and looked at Chris who gulped, but took your hand, his other hand wrapping around your shoulders.
the doctor checked you once more, and instructed you to push. you pushed as the doctor counted to ten, and Chris encouraged you. you took a breath, and looked up at your husband, who was smiling despite his breathing being close to hyperventilating.
the doctor instructed you to push once more, and Chris ran his hand through your hair as you pushed. you sighed and relaxed back against the pillows and waited until the next contraction.
"how are you so chill?" Chris asked you, as you gazed out the window.
"i can't feel shit below my chest, love. i just feel like i'm going to the bathroom." you explained, and Chris laughed. "we're you this chill with Michael?" he asked, and you cackled.
"oh fuck no. i was terrified and was crying the whole time. then i started crying after he was born and called my best friend for her to bring me a burger bc i was starving." Chris chuckled and pressed a kiss into your hair as your next contraction approached, and the doctor instructed you to push again. you did, and you knew that she was close because the doctor started encouraging you even more.
"just a few more pushes, and she'll be here!" the doctor said, and you nodded. you pushed again, and the doctor smiled and looked up at you.
"i can see her head!" she exclaimed, and glanced at Chris. "do you want to come see?" Chris looked at you, and you nodded. he walked around to where the doctor was, and you let out a giggle as his entire face paled, but he smiled.
"oh my god," he said, and gripped your hand again, and you could feel his own shaking. you pushed again, as hard as you could, and a small cry pierced the air. you looked up, and saw your little girl. she was screaming, and flailing her arms, letting everyone in the room know that she was not happy.
you felt hot tears make their way down your face as she was placed on your chest. you wrapped your arms around her, and she was wiped off by the nurses. Chris placed his hand on her head, and you looked up at him to find him sobbing.
"it's okay, honey," you whispered to Millie, who was still screaming. "i bet that hurt, huh? it's all done now." you patted her back gently as she slowly calmed down, and Chris pressed a kiss to your head.
"she's so fuckin' perfect," he sobbed into your hair. he lent down and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "hi princess," he whispered into her skin.
as soon as she heard her daddy's voice, she calmed, and opened her eyes to look at him, which only made him cry harder. she was lifted off your chest, and taken to be cleaned and wrapped up. one of the nurses asked if Chris wanted to cut the umbilical cord, and Chris nodded. as he did, you leaned back, and sighed a breath of relief as it hit you that you weren't pregnant anymore, and you could breathe freely without your daughters feet in your ribs.
Millie was wrapped up, and laid in Chris's arms. he gently rocked her as he walked back over to you. he sat down on the bed beside you, and sniffled as he looked down at her. "she's beautiful." you said, and Chris nodded, giving you the most loving and grateful look ever.
"just like you." he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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a little while after, Millie had fallen asleep shortly after her first meal, and she was laid in her bassinet. Chris took this time to call his family, and ask his mom to bring Michael. he thought about waiting a few days before bringing him, but you missed your little boy too much, and wanted to see him.
Lisa arrived with Michael an hour later, and Chris went out to greet them.
"congratulations, honey." Lisa whispered as she hugged Chris.
"thank you mom," he said, and pulled out of the hug to turn to Michael.
"okay bud. we're going to go in and see her, but you have to be quiet, okay? she's sleeping right now." he explained, and Michael nodded.
"okay daddy." he said, and Chris took his hand. he led his son and his mom into the room, where you were editing photos of Millie on your phone to post on instagram.
"hi mama," Michael said, glued to his fathers side, unsure if he was allowed to go and see you. you dropped your phone into your lap and opened your arms.
"hey baby. come here." you said, and he crawled onto the bed gently, his slim arms wrapping around you. he looked over into the bassinet, and gasped.
"is that Millie?" he asked, and Millie let out a small sneeze in reply. you nodded.
"yeah, that's your sister." Chris said, lifting the now awake baby out of the bassinet. "do you wanna hold her?" he asked and Michael nodded. you maneuvered Michael slightly so he was sitting back against you, and Millie was placed in his arms.
Lisa started taking photos as Michael admired his little sister while Chris sat down next to the two of them. he kissed Michael's head while he cooed at his sister, and smiled in happiness.
he finally had the family he'd been wanting for so long.
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colemacgrathtkz · 3 years
Crashed Course
Previously. Next.
Disclaimer: Another long one but be warned.
[Six days after "Ah, memories", Blight manor]
As previously discussed, Luz held a sort of human crash course for her friends. Before they could meet her mother, she wanted to share as much about the human realm as possible. Willow, Gus, and Amity learned all they would. From currency to anime, most days, it seemed more like an excuse to hang out. Once, Willow and Gus couldn't appear. In light of this, Amity suggested holding the session at the manor. Luz didn't see anything wrong with that. Today's topic, the acceptable way to dance to "Bette Davis eyes". It was mostly her waving her arms in the air. However, her green haired host snatched her beanie during the lesson. Amity offered her a "teacher" a trade. They would take a break, in exchange for the cap. After agreeing, Blight etiquette called for getting the guest a drink. While she was away, Luz's "partner" had something to say.
Empress Luz: "Are sure about this? She turned on you in seconds."
Luz: "She was afraid of you and doesn't remember it. We're fine now. Besides, what kind of teacher would I be if I gave up on my student?"
Empress Luz: "Your first date ended with us erasing her memory. This is basically your second chance. Don't bring up any nasty memories."
 She tried to answer the voice in her head, but Amity walked in at that moment.
Amity: "Two glasses, just for us."
She sat down on the davenport(sofa), right besides Luz. 
Something to notice was the actual new haircut. Her Blight amor returned to style from day one. Short, but without the ponytail on top. Luz was stuck between her accomplice and her inamorata. She looked for anything to ease the tension. A quick observation might distract her "suspicious mind" 
Luz: "So, you got rid of all your plants. You and Willow have a fight, again?"
Amity: "You were tied to a chair, by Willow, with my house's greenery. I just figured you'd prefer not having anything to worry about in your class here. I don't want to trigger any nasty memories for my you. "
Empress Luz: "She knows! Check our drink!"
Luz: "What about that one?"
The moment Amity turned her head, Noceda slipped something into her own drink. After surviving on the streets and avoiding poisoning attempts on the Isles, she learned a thing or two about self preservation. She merely poured a harmless potion meant to detect any "unusual" ingredients. She kept some of her own concoction on her, at all times.
Amity: "That's a mirror. And that's you getting busted."
Amity: "I promise, it's just sparkling apple blood. But if you don't want it, I could take it. I'll check it for poison or whatever you had in mind?"
The latina quickly swiped her glass back.
Luz: "It's OK! It's just this isn't what you usually do."
Amity: "Is that so bad?"
She scooched closer and placed on hand on Luz's. Almost startled by this, the human chugged her drink and tried to get some distance. Normally, this stuff wouldn't bother her. But she knew full well her "partner in crime" could switch gears with her, at any moment.
Luz: "Say, how bout I teach you, what makes a good anime opening? Guess class is still in session."
Both her hands were held in that moment and Amity brought her face up close and personal. This was, once again, a high class manor with just the two of them.
Amity: "Amity Blight? What do you think about that?"
Were her eyes always this big?
Luz: "Your name? What about it?"
Amity: "Do you like it?"
What was in that drink?!
Luz: "Sure, I like it. Listen, maybe you should..."
Amity: " What about 'Amity Noceda-Blight'? Do you like the sound of that?"
Luz felt her heart skip a beat. Which was funny, considering Amity's head was now buried in her chest. Things were baffling as they are.
Luz: "It's a little early to start talking about that, isn't it? I mean, we're still pretty young."
Amity: "You haven't thought about it?"
Luz: "...."
Amity: "I've thinking about what meeting your mom means. I'm amazed that you can be so open, at times. 'You done things I could never do.' And that was before all this... monster staff life. But you've really proven yourself. And I think the others will see that, too, someday. So, don't go lying to me now, ok?"
Luz: "I haven't lied to you, preciosa. You can breathe easy about that."
After heaving a sigh, Amity just let herself flop on top of Luz. She didn't lift her head up one bit. Being so... affectionate wasn't a usual habit of Amity's. And yet, there she was being oddly "cuddly". The human underneath only cared about one thing at that moment. Rubbing her girlfriend's back and hoping that moment wouldn't end.
It had been a while since she'd felt truly happy.
Unfortunately, Amity was sent flying by a shockwave of red energy. The manor's resident found herself pinned to the wall.
Empress Luz: "Luz Noceda, your lovesick otter pup. You can fool her, but not me!"
The Empress snatched control from Luz. Now, she could only watch.
Amity crushed something in her hand and smoke began to engulf the room. The black smoke screen disrupted her captor's concentration. Blinded by the haze, she focused on a new sensation on her hands. Something was beginning to grow on palms of her hands. A black orb engulf each finger until it looked like she had bowling balls for fists.
The Empress made a beeline for the door, from memory. She barged through and raced for the gates. But her escape was cut off by giant tree roots. While they rose from the ground, hooded interlopers surrounded their target. Agents kept running around her. Randomly changing directions and yet never crashing into each other. She tried counting but lost track at 28. Luz would take a few hits from ones that managed to get close. Most of them were just advanced illusions. However, she noticed the footprints in the dirt gave her an opportunity. Using her feet, she made makeshift glyphs. Ironically,a ring of fire gave her enough of breather to make a pillar of ice. The Empress used the pillar like an elevator. She immediately got to work on smashing her new "weights" against the icy floor. Just as they were about to crack, an abomination grabbed the one of her right hand. Amity's creation had hitched a ride up with her.
Empress Luz: "Let me go!"
She smashed her left restraint to pieces and wasted no time firing a fire blast. The abomination was destroyed. But the heat from the surrounding flames and her attack did her pillar in. It crumbled to pieces underneath her. She was sent tumbling down  to her waiting captors. As she tried to get up, two of them struck her just behind her knees. Sending her falling right on top of two well placed plant glyphs. The roots entangled her legs. Just as she was about to use her free hand, thick vines swirled completely around her left arm. They had her fingers immobilized. The greenery sprouted flowers and blew their petals in her face. That had to be Willow under that hood. Attempting to free her other arm, another abomination gripped her right arm. Blinded by the petals, she couldn't see something fly straight for her face. Whatever it was, it pinched her nose and held on for dear life. It wasn't hard to figure out what they had in mind. She tried to shake it, but to no avail. She was about as trapped as a human could be. Despite shaking her head violently, she felt some land right on head.
King: "Take this, I command as your ruler! The king of demons!"
Luz: "King?!"
She slipped up the moment she heard her boo boo buddy's voice. King dove his paw into her mouth with the payload. A small squishy like ball was introduced. He wrapped himself behind her head. He had to make sure she didn't spit it out.
After a few moments, she swallowed it. Right on cue, everyone let go and regrouped. Finally, she could see the hand of her former mentor scurrying away. But before she could do anything, the marble burst and released a orange vapor. Every one watched her cough some of it up. She smashed her last restraint and tried to tear the roots on her legs. Unfortunately, the potion finally kicked in. Her vision became blurry and her head fogged up.
Luz: "Oh, goodbye muscle control..."
She flopped face first into the dirt.
Everyone cautiously approached her. Amity was the first to reach her. She lifted her girlfriend's softly snoring head and put it on her lap.
Amity: "She's out cold."
As she wiped dirt off Noceda's face, the illusions were undone and everyone removed their hoods.
Eda, Lilith, Willow, Gus, Emira and Edric. King returned to Eda's side.
Eda: "Nice job, honor roll. It looks like we can work together."
Tonight was a tough mission. But they only wanted people who they trusted to bring in Luz alive. The most of the damage was kept to the front of the estate. The Blights agreed to be the ones who moved Luz to their secret base. Emira and Edric didn't want to clean up the mess in the yard. Eda collected some drool in a green bottle.
Things were finally setting into motion.
[The 2 nights before, convention center]
Amity had received a request for a meeting. The catch was she come alone, without telling Luz. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn't have bothered with this. But recognized the handwriting. Eda, the owl lady, was finally making an appearance.
Eda: "Yo, class rep! It's been a while."
Amity: "Hi, it's nice to see you again. But why the secrecy? I thought you would have wanted to see Luz? Did you heal your curse, yet?"
Right then, Eda activated a plant glyph under the "New Coven" leader. As Amity struggled to get free, the owl lady poked and prodded the young witch's face.
Eda: "Sorry about that, kiddo. I had to be sure. I couldn't fall for the same trick, like the other twerps."
Unsure of what she meant, Amity simply gave her elder the floor.
Eda: "I can't stay for long, so I'll be quick. You and her other friends got caught in your little scheme. My former student messed with your memories. I know you wouldn't believe me without them. But my guess is she only left the good stuff. Hate to break it to you kid, but no relationship's a honeymoon forever."
Amity: "What are you talking about?"
A small blue vial was presented to her.
Eda: "Want to see if I'm right? A little something to turn you into a living lie detector. Just take some of this and look for a pulse."
An unconvinced look of a Blight might have reminded someone of old times.
Eda: "Come here, class act. There's something I want to show you."
Author's note:
This one reminds me of a certain movie fight.
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I meant to upload this one, last week. Oops
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adorkable-phoenix · 5 years
My Friend May
A Arthur Fleck FanFic
//No warnings besides homeless teen topic
Sweet simplistic fic of a much needed Friend for Arthur Fleck
Homeless Teen OC giving Arthur a sweet escape from his horrible reality. In return he offers the same sort of peace. ❄
Word count - 1,146
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It was Sunday afternoon, Arthur's favorite day of the week. For a few reasons, one being he was off the next day. But mostly for having time to talk to a dear friend of his. Although, she was only fifteen. Which some people thought it was weird that she was his friend. He couldn't help it, she was one of the few people that were actually nice to him. She really listened and seemed to want to help him.
Arthur was cleaning off his face. Getting the face paint clean from his skin as fast as he could. Though he skipped out on some that hid in the wrinkles of his face. To finish off getting back to his regular look. His hands brushed into his hair. Ruffling it out, getting rid of hat-hair. Then Athur got up heading out before Randall could get a word in. While exiting the building he stopped by the vending machine. Analyzing what lay inside as he fished his hand into his jacket pocket. His other hand held tightly onto his journal. Not feeling any sort of crinkled bills or the coolness of change. Yanking it out he reached over to his other pocket. Quickly feeling a few bucks within.
A smile spread across his face. The light over the snack machine flickered. As he jammed a slightly creased dollar into the slot. Clicking sounds followed and was back up with a few light thuds. Crouching down Arthur reached in the door less slot. Seems as though the push flap was busted off. Either way he grabbed the snacks he had chosen. Two bags of chips and a honey bun. As he was still crouched he shoved them into his jacket pockets. Always fearful someone would try to steal them. Since people always seemed to take from the scrawny man.
Finally, he made his way down the sidewalk. Soon he approach one of the slimmer alleyways. Hugging his notebook tight to his chest. Arthur took a few steps in the foggy area. Seeing a shopping cart next to a few massive boxes. The sight of that relieved him, clearing his throat lightly.
"M-May?! Oooo Maple!!?" The shaggy haired guy called out in a sweet tone.
This earned him a distant sigh as the boxes lightly shaked. First a bunch of unruly brown hair was seen. Then her entire small frame exited her box home. As she stood straight up next to her shopping cart. She sported her oversized jacket, torn up jeans, and very dirty converse. May had long wavy/curly hair. Surprisingly able to keep it somewhat tamed for living off the streets.
"It's just May, Arthur. Ya know, like the month." She said with a slight smile. As she fixed her jacket a tad.
A yawn escaped her lips as she raised a fist to her eye. Rubbing it gently as she was still waking up. The girl really cherished this friendship. He seemed to actually care and wanted to look after her. While everyone else around her treated her like a nuisance. Still, she always felt a bit embarrassed when he called her, Maple. Which he obviously knew and just loved to make her smile at least.
"C'mon you know why I call ya Maple. Because you always seem to prefer your
" His words trailed off as he reached into his pocket. "...Sweets!" Arthur exclaimed. Presenting her the honey bun he got from the machine.
The sweet toothed girl's eyes practically glowed. She met him halfway and snatched the delicious treat. May always got so excited when he brought her treats. The wrapping crinkled and caused a loud ruckus. As the small individual was about to tear open the packaging. However, she stopped and looked up at Arthur. "Arthur
I can't— I can't take this from you. You already have given me enough in the past."
He shook his head and smiled. "N-No, I'm perfectly fine. Plus you need to eat and keep your strength." His raspy voice comforted the girl. Very gently he placed a hand on her back. Giving her a sense of 'everything will be okay'. The tiny girl stared up at him and cracked another one of her bright smiles. They then both walked over to her box fort. Still feeling a bit bad for him spending his hard earned cash on her. She did her best not to think too much about her situation.. Shaking her negative thoughts away. The girl shifted gears and put on a genuine grin. Really wanting to give her friend a thing he truly needed. Some happiness, which she was proud to give him. So she turned the topic to something not saddening.
"Since we last spoke I made some improvements! You have to check this shit out!" She announced to her friend. Jamming the honey bun in her pocket for now.
Getting on her hands and knees, she crawled into the fort. Calling for Arthur to follow her in. He faintly chuckled as he got low to get in with her. Of course it was cramped and there wasn't any furniture. But she managed to find a flashlight to light up her cozy little home. May sat in the corner and carefully spread her arms out. In a 'ta-da' type of pose. Arthur sat a few inches from her and looked around. He did find it very cozy and comforting. The closed-out feel of her home brought a safe feeling. Arthur couldn't put his finger on it. Maybe it was the fact it just felt like they were in an entirely new place. A place where no one could get to them. So private and secluded from the harsh society. The more time passed, the more he happy he felt there.
"This is amazing Maple! Now I can share my jokes with you in secret." Arthur smirked playfully putting a finger over his lips. As if his jokes were supposed to be top secret. He moves over in a cautious manner. Sitting across from her, criss crossing his legs. Hunching over lightly as he opened up his journal. Sound of him flipping through the pages filled her fort. May smiled in a warm sort of fashion. Since she enjoyed hearing his passion with the jokes he told her. Whether they were funny to her or not. May just enjoyed watching him put on a little show. The girl felt the need to shift a bit too. Stretching out her legs, resting her feet in his lap as she leaned against the wall of her box fort. Digging out her honey bun once again. Opening up the plastic and peeling it down the glazed snack. Snuggling into her spot she lifted the sweet to her lips. Soon sinking her teeth into the spongy wonder. As Arthur began to share his new material to her.
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