#This handsome goth guy in his nice goth pajamas
seductive-farter · 3 months
Um, what um
Put your hands on the table, you pervert
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I just really like this fucker okay? This bastard is my OC in short, he's a goth alcoholic and he loves his holey socks, because they were his first purchase after moving to the USA, um.
Say hi to my first experience drawing heels. It was not bad and now my heel drawing skill has not budged
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Do you smell this? I can smell this. Almost all my socks look the same in terms of holes, lol
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h2bakugou · 3 years
hitoshi x reader where denki and reader have been friends their whole lives, and after introducing the two, both hitoshi and y/n start going to denki about their feelings for each other and how much they struggle
denki eventually gets sick of it and starts finding different ways to get them together (eventually ending with them being like "oh i didn't think you liked me" and finally dating
maybe a bonus scene of denki's reaction to seeing them together and being like "hecking finally"
- 🪶
a/n: hii love!! this is a really cute idea omg i love this sm <3 i hope you enjoy it!!
summary: denki's been your childhood friend since, well childhood. when he introduces you to a certain lavendar-haired boy, you find yourself opening up to denki about your crush, and so does someone else.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff
word count: 2.1k
;cut for length;
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The electric blonde has been your childhood friend for years. You grew up together, you told each other pretty much everything. There was the occasional talk about crushes, boys, girls, and whatever else you could talk about while growing up.
You'd always been there for each other, and now you were both attending U.A., and being in the same class had been proven to be a bit of a task for Mr. Aizawa.
The day had pretty much just started, and Denki had asked you to come with him on your first break. You were almost always hanging out with him anyway, so you were a bit confused as to why he'd wanted you to come with him.
"Hitoshi!" Denki called out, alerting both you and the lavender-haired boy of your presence.
"Oh, hi Kami-" Hitoshi falls silent as he stares at the person beside Denki. You.
Shinso feels the world stop for a few seconds as he stares at you. He's honestly speechless.
Much like you are. You'd heard about this boy now that you've heard his name, and staring at him, you can feel your heart swell in your chest. He's so handsome.
"I thought I would introduce you two! Maybe we could all go hang out together this weekend since we won't have classes." Denki's sudden plans that would include this cute boy makes your face heat up. You begin to feel self-conscious, flattening your uniform, or tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you glance at Denki.
"We're off for once?" You question.
"Yeah! We could go do laser tag, or watch a movie in my dorm?" Denki offers, grinning. His intentions had been pure, just wanting to introduce two friends.
"Oh, I totally forgot! Hitoshi, this is (Y/n), (Y/n) this is-"
"Hitoshi, Shinso." Hitoshi speaks up, and your heart throbs in your chest at the sound of his voice. It's oddly charming. And so is the soft scent of sage and teakwood that surrounds him. It had to be his cologne, whatever it was though, you enjoyed it.
"It's nice to meet you." You speak up, extending a hand to shake. Shinso glanced own before placing his palm in yours, giving you a gentle handshake. His touch is electrifying and sends sparks coursing through your veins as you pull away.
"Yeah." Shinso looks back at Kaminari, who's beaming at him, a shit-eating grin on his lips. Kaminari was reading Shinso like a book.
"Well, we've got to get back to classes! We'll talk our plans over later!"
And with that, Kaminari is yanking you back down the hall, running to make it back to class on time.
During lunch, your phone pings, signaling you've been added to a group chat. You immediately recognize Kaminari's number, his contact labeled 'kami :D' popping up followed an unknown number.
who's that?
The number asks. You see Kaminari typing a response.
It's (y/n) dummy, add them into your contacts🙄🙄
You realize this number must be Shinso, so you decide to type a reply.
it's shinso right? i'll add u too ^^
You quickly add Shinso's contact into your phone and put a purple heart beside his name. Kaminari glances over at your phone and giggles.
"A heart already? You just met!" Kaminari teases and you're plastering your hand over his mouth to keep him from speaking too loud.
"Shut up! I just think he's sweet! Besides do we need to talk about your contact info for-"
"Okay! Okay!" Kaminari quickly shushes you, not wanting his current crush to find out about whatever their contact info is.
A few days go by, and after your hangout session with Kaminari and Shinso, you find yourself falling for him more and more.
But Shinso is the one that drops the first hint to Kaminari.
"So is (Y/n) seeing anyone?" Shinso asks, helping Kaminari clean his cartilage piercing.
"What like romantically?" Kaminari asks, sitting up with his ear turned to face Shinso while his cold fingers brushed against his ear.
"Yes, you idiot. Do they have like a boyfriend or girlfriend?" Shinso asks. He's nervous.
"Nope! (Y/n) hasn't talked to me about a crush or anything. They're always showing me these fictional people though. Why? You know someone that likes them~" Kaminari wiggles his brows at the purple-haired boy.
"Shut up. 'm just askin'." Shinso is finally done with the cotton swab and tosses it before letting Kaminari go, his fresh piercing all clean.
Suddenly a knock on the door pulls them away from the conversation and Kaminari is on his toes opening it to reveal you in some goofy pajamas.
"I'm ready for pizza and mario-" Your face contorts in horror as you stare at Shinso on his bed, out of uniform in something dark and mysterious, a loose dark plaid button-up and dark jeans.
"Nevermind! Sorry for bugging you!" You yell and run back to your dorm, hiding your face in embarrassment.
"Wait! I wanted pizza!" Kaminari calls out to you in the hallway but you don't turn around.
Shinso's face is red when Kaminari turns back to look at him.
You looked so cute, and so effortlessly- You weren't trying to impress anyone, yet you looked stunning. In nothing but some silly matching pajamas that Denki most likely had a pair to match, you looked so cute.
"You didn't tell me you ate pizza and played Mario Kart..." Shinso says, faking hurt in his sentence.
"Oh shut up! Go to their dorm and see if they wanna come back up, I'll get it set up." Denki sighs.
Shinso's on the move, making his way to your dorm thanks to Kaminari's excellent directions. Knocking on your door, he feels nervous, anxious even. His heart's pounding in his chest and then cool air washes over him as you open your door.
"Kami I'm sorry I-" You freeze as you stared at the boy in front of you.
"Ohmygod." You say quietly, quickly hiding yourself behind your door.
"Hi!!" You speak up, glancing at him from behind your door.
"Why are you hiding behind your door?" Shinso asks, a small smile on his lips.
"Your pj's are cute."
It echoes in your head, over. and over. and over again.
Your pj's are cute.
You slowly reveal yourself and look away.
"So, did Kami send you down here?" You ask quietly.
"He did, he wants you to come back up, and if it's alright with you, I'd like to hang out too, though I don't have any cool pj's to wear."
Shinso's voice calms you down, though your heart still seems to beat faster and faster.
"I actually, um, hang on. You can come in!" You allow him into your dorm, and he doesn't decline.
He glances around, admiring the pictures of you and Kami. He giggles about how silly young Denki looks with his hair all crazy and spiked up.
"You guys have been friends for a while it looks."
"Since kindergarten! He shocked me on accident, and when he apologized, we just sorta clicked. Been besties ever since." You search through your drawers and eventually find a kitty onesie that was a bit too big for you.
"I think this should fit you."
"It's kitty onesie, though you don't have to wear it!"
"Did you say kitty?" Shinso's ears perk up and you nod. He graciously takes it and the two of you leave to return to Denki. Shinso changes in his bathroom.
It smells like you, and Shinso has to stop himself from smelling the hood every five seconds as he leaves. You just smell so sweet, it's kind of alarming how soothing it is.
You all play and it's a great night, until Denki decides to play a scary movie after. You're sandwiched between the boys but begin to doze off about halfway through the movie.
Your head leans on Shinso's shoulder while you doze off, and he notices right away. He glances at Kaminari who only gives him a reassuring wink.
"You're stupid." Shinso whispers.
"They like to cuddle~" Kaminari suggests.
Shinso graciously lays an arm over you, hugging you to his chest as you readjust in your sleep. You're so warm, and Shinso begins to doze off too.
When you wake up in the morning, you've been covered up by a fuzzy blanket, but the warmth radiating under you is the most alarming.
Your sleepy eyes open to see the purple-haired boy you have a crush on, under you. Your eyes widen but you don't move away. Instead, you lay back down, not wanting to wake him.
His arm rests around you, and his breathing is so calming. It lulls you back to sleep.
You don't talk about that night much afterward, until you're knocking on Kami's door at one in the morning after a bad dream.
"Is Shinso single?" You ask quietly.
"Yeah, why ya askin' me though?" Kaminari hugs you, your head resting on his shoulder.
"I'm too nervous to ask him." You giggle.
"So you like him?"
"Yeah. He's really sweet, and super cute too." You admit, pulling away to stare at your best friend.
"I'm totally not his type though."
"I'm going to beat you up." Kaminari jokes. You shake your head and laugh.
"He's gotta be into like super hardcore goth punk rock-"
"You're so oblivious." Kaminari interrupts you. You roll your eyes and get comfortable on the edge of his bed, snuggling with one of his plushies.
"Just go to sleep, you idiot." You throw another plushy at him.
"You're in my dorm! I can and will kick you out." Denki huffs.
"As if. You need my snoring as your white noise." You tease him.
"You're so mean to me." Denki pouts.
By the same time next week, Denki's heard Shinso's confession about his crush on you, and every little detail about what both of you had to say about the other.
And Denki was honestly tired of it, endearingly of course. So he was setting you two up.
"I need you to meet me here at two. Wear something cute." Is what the text had said. You repeated it as you put together a cute outfit.
Shinso had received the same text and was just wearing something casual like he usually did.
However, when you both spotted each other and not Denki, you began to realize what was happening.
"He's not coming, is he?" You spoke softly, staring at the attractive boy in front of you.
"I guess not." Shinso looks over at the cafe you're standing outside. It's a cat cafe.
"Well, if you're not busy, wanna grab a bite to eat?" Shinso offers, nodding toward the cafe.
"I'd really like that, actually. Thank you." You smile. He offers his hand and you take it gracefully, smiling at how warm it is.
Shinso's phone pings halfway through your piece of cake with a message from Kaminari.
nows ur chance dude, ask them out
Shinso swallows his fear and looks up at you. You're so beautiful, even all dressed up, you look adorable.
You're petting an all-white kitty that's laying in your lap.
"Hey, (Y/n)?" Shinso gets your attention.
"Mhm?" You hum, smiling at him.
"Do you wanna, maybe do this again sometime?" He asks, a blush on his cheeks.
"Like, as a date?" You ask, your own face heating up.
"Yeah. As a date, and as a couple." He glances over at a pretty black cat that begins to nudge your arm for a few pets as well.
"I'd like that." You smile, your heart swelling.
"Then it's settled."
Afterward, neither of you can contain your excitement. Walking back to the dorm with your hand in his, Kaminari is elated.
"Finally." He sighs.
"Finally?!" You both say in unison.
"You should've confessed the day you met. I had to listen to you two being sappy about one another for two weeks straight."
Both you and Shinso feel flustered at Kaminari's comment.
"But it's okay. I love you two so I'll tolerate it. But you two better get along or no more pizza and Mario Kart. You'll have to deal with Bakugou, and I don't think you'll enjoy buying a new controller every time you want to play."
Kaminari was genuinely happy to see you both together, and both be happy.
"Thanks, for you know." You nudge him while sitting on his bed, Shinso was gone, using the bathroom.
"What are you talking about. I didn't help. You two just finally confessed. You did that on your own."
"Yeah but, you made me feel confident about it." You smile.
"That's what I'm here for!" Kaminari smiles.
You couldn't ask for a better friend, or a better boyfriend.
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wintersxsoul · 6 years
We are stardust (4)
Summary: Your favorite place on New York is a small coffee shop, what happens when one day you bump into a mysterious goth god and he keeps coming just to see you?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Word Count: 1114
Warnings: Language ?? 
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Neither of you dared to ask if it really was a date or not. It really felt like one, and after hours of sharing information and sweet smiles, Bucky asked you out.
Bucky stared at his phone, not knowing who to call first, you or Steve. I guess I need the advice. He sighed and called his friend. Steve answered the call immediately, worried that maybe your first official encounter had gone wrong. They’ve been friends since they were kids, always together. Sam and him were now somewhere around Romania, they would probably come home in a month or so. Bucky explained Steve the “date”, and his feelings towards you.
“I don’t know, pal. She’s something else. I’ve never felt so shy or clumsy around a woman.” He heard Sam chuckle.
“Aww Barnes, that’s sweet. Someone is finally softening you.” Sam laughed now, and Bucky heard movement and an “ouch.” He rolled his eyes, knowing that Steve elbowed Sam, warning him to stop joking.
“Buck, don’t push this one away, like you did with Dot.” Bucky’s face fell, his expression saddening. “I know it’s hard for you to trust in someone else’s feelings, but give it a try. You just take things slow, get to know her and let her in.” Steve sighed heavily. “Whatever happens, I hope you know I’m with you till the end of the line, pal.”
“I know Stevie, I swear I’ll try. I’m taking her out tomorrow and I thought about taking her to…”
“NAT!” You shouted you friend’s name as soon as you opened the door of your shared apartment. “I AM KILLING YOU.”
You stormed into her room, finding your three best friends snuggling together in the bed watching a movie, crying their eyes out. You sighed and rolled your eyes. These stupid bitches are at it again.
“Are you really watching again Call me by your name? You are the worst.” Nat looked at you, a mischievous grin on her stupid and beautiful face. Ugh.
“How was it?” Marie stopped the movie before asking you, and Wanda shot you a wide smile, showing her perfect white teeth. They look like models even when they’re on their pajamas and without makeup.
“Well, it was very nice.” You left your bag in the desk, took off your boots and snuggled next to Marie, resting your head in her shoulder. “Until Nat’s condoms fell from my bag when I was looking for my phone.” You spat out, the deep embarrassment you felt and Bucky’s expression replaying in your head. Poor boy. You felt the need to explain him why you had them and he understood you, telling you that he had a friend, Sam, that did similar stuff to him. Natasha laughed, and you shot her a deathly glare. If looks could kill...
“So, who is this mysterious guy and when are you meeting again?” Wanda asked, and Marie started stroking strands of your hair, the bun already down.
“His name is James Barnes, he co-owns an antique shop in Brooklyn, he likes black coffee and is a space nerd. He is sweet, funny, hot as hell but also cute as fuck. And he asked me out, so we’re meeting again tomorrow.” You closed your eyes, the stress of the day fading away, sighing content as Marie braided some strands of your hair.
“Tomorrow?” Nat asked. “Where are you going?” Marie continued with the questions. You knew they were acting like this because the last time you dated, didn’t go well. The girl was very sweet and caring, but she was in a relationship. She told you she was not happy and her partner was slowly drifting away from her, but she was scared to leave the relationship, and that killed yours. She promised things she knew she would never give you.
“He’s picking me up here, he told me it was a surprise. So I really don’t have a clue.” You stood up, took your bag and boots and left to your room. “I’m going to write a little bit more and I’ll go to bed. Love you, girls.”
You tore your eyes away from the screen to look at the nightstand clock. 3 A.M., great. You pushed your glasses up and rubbed your eyes, yawning. You finished the chapter you were working on and closed the laptop. Your phone buzzed, and you glanced at it, confused. Who could it be this late?
“Bucky?” You muttered to the silent room. You opened the message, still confused but excited at the same time.
Goth God: Hey doll, can’t sleep thinking about you.
Goth God: Ugh I hope it’s not creepy. I wanted to sound cute.
Goth God: Are you awake?
You giggled reading his texts, he was way too cute to be real.
Y/N: Yeah, just finished writing a chapter. Can’t stop thinking about you either ;)
Y/N: Btw, I really should know where we are going. I need to pick a cute outfit to impress you, you know.
Y/N: And at what time are you picking me up?
Bucky’s heart skipped a beat, you were flirting with him. He smiled at the screen, and typed his answer, without even thinking about it.
Goth God: I'm sure you would impress me even by wearing a garbage bag as a dress. But you don’t need to wear anything fancy, it’s a casual date. And I’ll pick you up at 5 P.M.
Goth God: You looked beautiful today, I love how the glasses look on you.
You blushed, shaking your head and giggling. What a dork. You were about to answer, when an image popped in the screen.
You were shocked, your eyes almost popping out of their sockets. He framed the fucking drawing and placed it on his nightstand.
Y/N: You-
Y/N: I need a moment.
Bucky laughed reading your messages and looked at the frame next to him, smiling fondly. The morning after you gave it to him, he took a vintage frame from the shop and took it home. He was so shocked that you took the time to draw him, to actually notice him and all his details, and the note you wrote, it was just too much.
Goth God: Of course I did. I look very handsome.
Goth God: I’m going to sleep, I work early tomorrow. Can’t wait to see you, good night.
Your heart was beating so fast you thought it was about to leave your body. You smiled, reading the last text he sent you. You clutched your phone tightly to your chest and fell asleep, thinking of his smile.
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sabalr · 6 years
Bias tag
Rules: Tag 10 biases from 10 different groups and then tag 10 people.
Hey 90% of people who follow me and are not into kpop if you wanna read this it includes some not-kpop and uh you can watch me have an existential crisis and fangirl
also sorry for the long post I’m a talker.
I was tagged by @heymisty3!! Thanks <3! I tag @eternalyoongi (I just realised we’re mutuals hello!) @notsolittlemoshi and uh Idk if @sea-bun wants to do this? Or anyone else? Help I don’t have kpop mutuals
This was actually quite a hard post to do bc I listen to a lot of DJs/solo artists and very little kpop so I had to improvise
1) BTS - Taehyung. The one bias to rule them all, honestly
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actually no, I’m adding another gif because just “a kpop handsome guy” doesn’t do him justice. That isn’t the Tae I fell for. This is:
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actually just
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but also uhhhhhhh
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you know what actually can I change the tag and add 10 gifs of taehyung instead?
2) Blackpink - Lisa 
Her raps??? Her silliness?? Her style?? Stan!!! She just stands out so much for me I am very Lisa biased! Tbh, she makes me feel very not straight.
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3) F(x) - Amber
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4) Taeyeon
Not Girls’ Generation. Just Taeyeon. As in her Solo songs. She’s the only one to stan. But I stan.
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By now this post is going full gay why are there so many pretty girls
5) Stray Kids - Felix’s voiCE OMG
I got to know them literally today but what the HECK I found growling deeper than Kim Taehyung’s how is that even possible??? Just listen to it and tell me if that’s possible!  But I also stan Jeongin’s Jawline so here’s a gif of both which happens to be the reason I looked them up
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UPDATE I AM OLDER THAN BOTH OF THEM?? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK HELP ME I’M CRYIᴺᴳ ᴸᴵᶠᴱ ᴳᴼᴱˢ ᴮʸ ˢᴼ ᶠᴬˢᵀ ᴵᴺ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴮᴸᴵᴺᴷ ᴼᶠ ᴬᴺ ᴱʸᴱ ¹⁹ ʸᴱᴬᴿˢ ᴼᶠ ᴹʸ ᴸᴵᶠᴱ ᴴᴬⱽᴱ ᴾᴬˢˢᴱᴰ ᴬᴺᴰ ᴵᴺ ᴬᴺᴼᵀᴴᴱᴿ ᴮᴸᴵᴺᴷ ᴼᶠ ᴬᴺ ᴱʸᴱ ᴵ ᵂᴵᴸᴸ ᴮᴱ ³⁰ ᴬᴺᴰ ᴵ ˢᵀᴵᴸᴸ ᴴᴬⱽᴱᴺ’ᵀ ᴳᴼᵀᵀᴱᴺ ᴬᴺʸᵂᴴᴱᴿᴱ ᴵᴺ ᴸᴵᶠᴱ ᵀᴴᴱˢᴱ ᴳᵁʸˢ ᵂᴱᴿᴱ ᴮᴼᴿᴺ ᴵᴺ ᶠᴿᴵᶜᴷᴵᴺᴳ ²⁰⁰⁰ ᴵ ᶜᴬᴺᴺᴼᵀ ᴰᴱᴬᴸ ᴵ ᴬᴹ ᵀᴱᴬᴿᴵᴺᴳ ᵁᴾ ᴵ ᴬᴹ ᴴᴬⱽᴵᴺᴳ ᴬᴺ ᴱˣᴵˢᵀᴱᴺᵀᴵᴬᴸ ᶜᴿᴵˢᴵˢ ᴮᴱᶜᴬᵁˢᴱ ᴵ ᴴᴬⱽᴱ ᴺᴼᵀ ʸᴱᵀ ˢᵁᶜᶜᴱᴱᴰᴱᴰ ᴵᶠ ᴵ ᴰᴼᴺ’ᵀ ᴮᴱᶜᴼᴹᴱ ᴬ ˢᵁᶜᶜᴱˢˢᶠᵁᴸ ᴬᴿᵀᴵˢᵀ ᴵᴺ ᴬ ʸᴱᴬᴿ ˢᴼᴹᴱᴼᴺᴱ ᵂᴵᴸᴸ ᴸᴵᵀᴱᴿᴬᴸᴸʸ ᶜᴼᴹᴱ ᴷᴵᴸᴸ ᴹᴱ ᴬᴸᴸ ᵀᴴᴱ ᵂᴼᴿᴿᴵᴱˢ ᴵ ᴴᴬⱽᴱ ᴮᴱᴱᴺ ᴬᶜᶜᵁᴹᵁᴸᴬᵀᴵᴺᴳ ᴬᴸᴸ ʸᴱᴬᴿ ᴬᴿᴱ ᶜᴼᴹᴵᴺᴳ ᵀᴼ ᴹᴱ ᴿᴵᴳᴴᵀ ᵀᴴᴵˢ ˢᴱᶜᴼᴺᴰ ᵀᴴᴵˢ ᴾᴼˢᵀ ᴵˢ ᶜᴬᴺᶜᴱᴸᴸᴱᴰ ᴵ’ᴹ ᴳᴼᴵᴺᴳ ᴼᵁᵀ ᵀᴼ ᶜᴿʸ 
6) Uhhh I ran out of kpop groups. So urm here’s uhhhhh not kpop
Hollywood Undead - J-dog (aka Jorel Decker)
He’s the cutest and sweetest of the whole band, his mask is the coolest, I actually have a weak spot for that ear stretch thingie and his wife is my goth idol!
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That’s his mask by the way. His “notes from the underground” mask is the coolest thing ever crafted by human hands (change my mind meme)
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In case you want a rap-rock, mask-wearing band to stan, by the way, do check out these guys they have glowing masks. And the “everywhere I go bitches always know” song you might know from memes, that’s theirs.
7) Bring me The Horizon - Oliver Sykes
Of course I’d stan the singer. And illude myself with the fact he dates a Brazilian (!!!) model who’s just 2 years older than myself.(!!!!)
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Seriously how did she get there why am I here in pajamas typing on tumblr while she’s living in the US with this guy and appearing in magazines
Oh if you wanna listen to a band that started as heavy metal screamo then went to eletronic rock and got to full pop (lyric video because the dog dies in a very bad way in the mv) and excels at all genres, by all means. Here’s one of my faves in the middle ground.
8) Hm Linking Park in its entirety
I never stanned anyone from LP but I have 2 bands left and I can’t not mention them.... One of the biggest regrets of my life is that I didn’t go to their show last year because I was in the middle of finals season. I should have told school do go fuck itself.... I couldn’t have known it would be their last show in Brazil... Please rest in peace, Chester.
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ah this post has gotten sad and emotional now, I need to cheer up with the next band
9) I can think of a group to add here but I’d be getting into an area of bands that aren’t that meaningful to me. That I never got that deep into. Ok, I haven’t gotten deep into 4/5 of the kpop groups but I got as far as I could in the subject this post was SUPPOSED to be about. Now that I switched to rock bands I will include the ones that I have a connection to. And I’m adding an individual artist. Because I love her, because I stan her. And that’s Nano.
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 I’m sad she’s so unknown, I’ve loved her and her songs for years, since the time when she made vocaloid covers and didn’t show her face. This is literally the only gif I found of her. And not on tumblr, on GOOGLE.
Please listen to her, her songs are amazing. She’s japanese, raised in NY and she makes bilingual songs. Born to be is one of my favorites, 5150 is my favorite cover (half of it is in english) , Be Free is entirely in english, she’s made two anime openings (for rather unknown anime) and I can’t find an excuse to include this song too. All links are there, you won’t regret them, do listen to her!!
10) I think I ran out of groups now. I could add Guns n Roses but I don’t stan anyone, I could add Evanescence gorgeous Amy, I could add lots of individual artists, but I have one spot.
I’m sorry but I’ll end this with more gifs of Taehyung. he’s worth all 10 spots, I love him way too much not to show him off to everyone reading this. please look at this cutie 
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how can he be both this
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and this
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I am giggling like a toddler while I look for these gifs I love him so goddamn much
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Spencer Reid Fic., Pt. 4 (1)
I came up with the plot for this one before watching season 8, so for anyone knowing about the Maeve story arc, this fic exists outside of that universe.
I’m just very indecisive but I decided to go with my original plan.
Also, this is going to be really long, so I’ll release it in parts.
PT. 3
PT. 2
PT. 1
Warning : there is some violence/gore/stalking in this one, but if you’re OK with watching a show like Criminal Minds you should be fine.
Hades pt. 1 -- Exposition, First theme
Sometime around 4:30, Spencer was trying to silently put socks on.  I sat up and rubbed my eyes, content to watch him for a minute.  I wasn’t sure if he owned a mirror, but his consistently tousled hair and crooked ties suggested he hadn’t seen one in a decade.
“Did I wake you?” he whispered.
“Kinda, but I’ve always been a light sleeper.  And, you don’t need to whisper we’re both awake,” I whispered back. 
“Well in that case,” he flipped the light switch, I answered with my impersonation of a pterodactyl eating a cow.  Laughing, he continued, “I have to go into work, you’re welcome to stay here though.”
I glanced at my phone and frowned.  Evelyn was supposed to text me as soon as she and her boyfriend were done canoodling so I knew she double checked the locks.  She hadn’t.  I slid out of bed and pulled my jeans, which had been thrown in a pile by the door, back on.
“Actually, I need to get back to my place.  It’s probably nothing, but Evelyn always texts me when I ask her to.  I just want to make sure everything is alright.”
“Oh, I’ll come with you.”
“No, no, I don’t want to make you late.”
He patted my forehead and said, “I’ll come with you.  Hotch won’t even notice.”
“Okie dokie then.  Thank you.”  He continued into the bathroom, shoving a toothbrush haphazardly into his mouth.
“Thanks again, Spencer,” I smiled at him, standing in the doorway.  He gave this smile every once in a while that just looked through me and he was giving it now.
Running a hand through his hair he said, “Are you sure you’re OK?”
I glanced around behind me, “Yeah, the door was locked and Eve’s always been a heavy sleeper.”  I shifted my weight, hoping I wouldn’t let on how worried I was.  “Worry about you, alright?  Be safe.”
“I will.  Gotta go, but I’ll call you... eventually!?” he continued as he jogged down the hallway.
Laughing to myself I closed the door and turned the lock.  The apartment that Eve and I rented was small, but I’d managed to cram in the Yamaha piano I’d gotten at a yard sale when we first moved here.  Running my fingers down the keys, I realized that Spencer had never actually been in my apartment.  I wonder if he’s profiled something out of me because of that.  
“Di!  Good grief it’s five in the morning, what the rockets are you doing up?” Evelyn came stumbling out of her room in her pajamas, rubbing her eyes.  Taking in my appearance, though, she straightened and gave me that, in her words, “bow-chicka-wow-wow” face.
“No drawing conclusions.  None of that.  I need caffeine.”
She followed me into the kitchen skipping.  “Isn’t that what you wore yesterday?  Doesn’t your nerd go to work at this ungodly hour?” she feigned a shocked gasp, “Were you with him all night?  Di.  Tsk, so naughty.”
“We didn’t actually....”  She let her shoulders droop, looking confused.  “He’s been working too hard.  We were on that track, but he was out when he hit the mattress.  Apparently there’s a serial killer in the area.”  Eve shivered and handed me the coffee grinder.
In between pulses of the grinder I remarked, “And who exactly,” crckcrckwhrrrr, “are you calling naughty,” crckcrackwhrrrchrck, “you spent all night talking about leather and whipped cream.”
Allen appeared suddenly, looking no worse for wear but irritable. 
“Women are insane, do you have any idea what time it is?”  Pouting, he sat down and only perked when I slid him a mug of coffee.
“Yes, Allen.  Do you have any idea who’s house you’re in?”  I sipped on my own mug. 
A sudden, cheeky smile broke his face, “Have I ever mentioned how wonderfully hospitable you are, Diana?” 
It was almost 5:30, time for me to get ready for work.  Rolling my eyes, I waved at them and made my way into the bathroom to hopefully salvage what was left of my appearance.
I worked part-time as an assistant at a recording studio, but I’d enrolled in an online college for a degree in computer science.  At around 12:30, I was sitting at my desk sifting through some assembly; it was a slow day.  White and Nerdy began to emanate from my top left drawer and I couldn’t stop the smile spreading across my face.
“Hey, Diana.  I just wanted to check in; we haven’t made any breaks for the past few days, so the case is going to go cold soon.  We should be able to watch movies uninterrupted for at least a couple hours.” 
I laughed, “You should sleep for those hours, honestly you slept like a baby last night.”
“Infants are actually terrible sleepers, especially if they suffer from separation anxiety... Um, I have a huge favor to ask of you.” 
“Oh, OK.  What is it?” 
He took a deep breath in before saying, “Someone I work with figured out we’re seeing each other and demands to meet you.”
I laughed, “That’s all?  Send me their contact, I’ll figure something out.”
“Really?  Garcia will be thrilled, but I warn you, she’s kind of eccentric.”
“Hmm, sounds like someone else I know.  Wait.  Penelope Garcia?  You work with Penelope Garcia?”
“Yes, she’s our analyst, the best-”
“I know, we studied her in one of my computer security courses.  Her source and encryption algorithms were revolutionary.  Send me her info, oh my gosh.”
“I will, I’ll text it to you.  I’ve gotta run, but I’ll see you later this week after we wrap up the paperwork for this guy.  And then maybe you could meet the rest of the team?  They all, sort of, know.  Profilers.”
“Sure, sure.  Be safe, see you soonish.”
Around noon the next day, I met Penelope Garcia at a cafe she’d recommended for lunch.  I tried not to let myself get nervous, but not only was I about to meet a renowned figure in my future field, she worked with Spencer.  She was grinning when she vigorously shook my hand.
“Hi, I’m Penelope!  It’s so nice to meet you, you look so much nicer than I’d imagined!”  Her hair was done up with pink ribbon and she was wearing gigantic orange hoop earrings.
“Uh... thank you?”
“Oh, I meant nicer, like friendlier not prettier or anything I mean I assumed you’d be pretty and you obviously are but,” she finally drew a breath.
I laughed and withdrew my arm, “It’s nice to meet you too, I’m a big fan of your work, and your hacking skills, but mostly your work.”
Her smile widened and she sat down.  “So Reid found himself a techie, interesting.  So,” she said, clasping her hands, “tell me about yourself.”  I sat across from her and mirrored her posture.
“Well that’s a loaded question if I’ve ever heard one.  I’m, uh, twenty four years old.  I’m a Pisces...? Haha, what is it you want to know?”
“Anything, everything.  Do you have any pets?  Where did you go to school?  Why did you leave the music business?”  I froze, a block of fuzzy ice in my gut.
“2008, the band Seeds of Shades appeared on the Neo-goth/emo scene, but vanished in 2011.  What happened?”  She didn’t look angry, I couldn’t figure out her motive and started to panic.
“A lot of things happened, but Penelope, Penelope, please don’t tell Spencer.  When he finds out I have to tell him.” 
She shook her head, “I don’t, I don’t understand.  Why...?”  Penelope’s phone began to ring and she excused herself.
I could hear snippets of her conversation, “Your wish is my command, handsome... What?  I thought it went cold... I’ll be there.”  Oh no.
In that moment, my phone began to ring *the only thing I ever thought was hard... Do I like Kirk or do I like Picard*
“Spencer?” I answered.
“Diana, we have another body.  The unsub was in your apartment.”
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