#This fucking book is giving me whiplash... Urgh
tyrilstarfury · 2 years
OK so I know I said I was whipped by Lancelot... But Arthur tho... 👀
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And now it is time for ~random annotations from that one fic I wrote self-indulgently with no context in order of appearance~
"the snake and medusa symbolism is there too"
"you're in a mirror situation of my own design"
"first to get on the train, last to get off"
"dichotomy bitches, i'm giving you so much whiplash"
"I want to make it so obvious this is fictional and should in no way inform any real-life scenarios."
"Still trying to figure out who actually asked who to be their lighthouse." (and directly after this one) "Hehe, nice extended metaphor"
"Jesus Christ Liam, he just said living without you would kill him"
"way to set up the dramatic irony sir"
"Please excuse me I designed her when I was 13 and the teenage angst was kicking."
(this one might require context of the fic but it sounds slightly unhinged on it's own so) "This is why I write like this, to settle the ever-present fact that shit could have and still can go sideways so quick because I was born when I was."
(Also might need context but) "Please imagine this little doctor running down to the apartment, banging on the door until they realise Sherlock is incapacitated, running halfway across town to get Billy cause their afraid something's wrong and he's the only one with a key, coming back just to realise Sherlock forgot to unlock the door and basically did their job for them XD."
"Billy: You fucking Twat! Also Billy: is that a baby?"
"Nice Double entendre, is he going to let go of the fear or let go of Liam, OoOoOh"
"How the fuck do children talk???"
"not subtle at all, you may as well just tell him he's his mama by that point"
"so you have chosen death"
"I'm very proud of this little thing I do where a character will ask a question about why they do something and then it immediately cuts to the reasonTM"
"still kind of proud of this one"
"and so it begins, the older brother-fication of the only child" (directly after) "and there's the middle child"
"Don't mind me just throwing random coffee orders out there."
"I really like going all in on the symbolism huh?"
"Aka. "When did you two fuck?"
"It's called dramatic irony"
"I'm demi, ok? I don't know what waking up sex would feel like and I'm not sure I want to know but that sounds romantic to me ok? Shut up"
"1. can babies inherit ocular albinism but not full albinsim? 2. this feels like it would happen but what do I know"
"me too dude, me too"
"URGH, right in the heart"
"And that's what it's all about"
(the = is my equivalent of the shaking hands meme) "Mycroft = Louis: Why are you going for the guy who could fuck you up?"
"Let it be known that Albert may be the first one to get on the train of redemption but he is far from the first on to get off."
"Fred just grinning in the corner"
"yes on the purity but my book says nothing about rebirth"
"CAtch me if you can"
"Can you tell I was super into The Moon Will Sing at this point?"
"Don't know how he's not dead, the plot armour is strong on this one"
"I cannot stress enough that this should not be taken as reality. I as the god of this universe have strung together enough circumstantial and well thought out plot for them so they can be together again without the toxicity and I'll explore this later. This should be catharsis for all the peeps who are going through breakups where they want to go back but can't. Live vicariously through these two, don't go back to your ex unless the circumstances are almost suspiciously in your favour and even then, don't."
"and not rationality as in "oh I can't live without Liam," NO, rationality as in "this baby has RIGHTS""
"I'm not afraid to admit this came at the height of my Girl, Goddess, Queen hype"
"Because any decent man who can understand where he might have gone wrong in gaining your trust will not continue to be unworthy of your trust. If he does not continuously try to earn your trust earnestly, toss him."
"we love a self-aware man who can own up to his mistakes"
"Mycroft and Albert Holmes, William and Sherlock Moriarty. I rest my case."
"at the end of the day, it's a name and he's happy to know it."
"who thought sending the two year old was smart? *looks in the mirror*"
"still crying over this"
"Babies' have no right smelling so cute when all they do is poop and vomit"
"I won't lie. he was probably thinking of ways to murder him for making fun of their kid"
"The Bloodline Continues"
"Liam, you're catharting. After a year and a half of basically being on your own, you're finally having simple human contact and it's nice."
"le gasp"
"Moran slander is fun I don't know what you're talking about"
"Relationships are all good and well until your isolated with only one person you can truly let go with"
"I don't know what kind of relationship Americans had with British people at this time but this seemed most plausible"
"Cana two year old have a thought process like this???"
"wouldn't that be crazy *laughs in polyamory*"
"i like this metaphor"
I had to cut out a few that were actual notes about the story and if it hadn't become abundantly obvious, it's yuumori kidfic. I make myself laugh and I'd never write anything I didn't find enjoyment in myself so HERE YOU GO. I hope my ridiculous ramblings make someone laugh today.
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staciass · 7 months
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Yayyyyyy-ah finished this book finally lmao !!!!
So I’m think of giving this book 3✨
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This book has such an amazing potential to be one of my books-of-the-year. So so much potential but … it just did not follow through !!!
The pacing was just all over the place and a lot of the characters that we are introduced to barely have any personality and are just plain boring. Speaking of which, the beginning of this book was really good and could have been amazing. The middle- well the pacing was terrible because it was either going at a snails pace or moving so damn quickly I got whiplash.
And that ending … Are You Fucking kidding me !!? Urgh I don’t know iff I want to read the next book - it annoyed me so much and Pris’s inner monologue was just fucking nuts !! And the mmc Lorian … just, like why people, just fucking why ??? 2.7 star read.
I wanted to like it and I wanted it to be really good or even just decent but I’m actually kinda amazed i didn’t DNF this book !!
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