#This chili oil my wife made smells so good it made me cry
Why is Everything on Wednesday, My Dudes?
Back when I was in college the first time/hanging around College Christian Parachurch Ministries looking for a wife, we always had things going on on Wednesdays. I think I missed the "Hump Day" phenomenon by a narrow margin — I have never had the pleasure of working an office job, all the jobs I worked seemed to have some degree of Wednesday-is-not-the-middle-of-the-week, and the only time I actually understood what the term meant was when I saw that Geico commercial that people liked for whatever reason — and went straight for
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Thank you, David, for instilling a love for this meme. And railroad history. Even if the news killed the meme.
I think even before college-y times pretty much any organization I have been a part of has had some Special Wednesday Times like Youth Group (I do not remember what the quirky name was for Wednesday Night Youth Group. I know one of the things was X-Plore, and I think one was Plunge, but I don't recall what was what), and college ministry is basically grown-up Youth Group.
I'm not complaining about Wednesday, but I do want to make a note that even though my current job doesn't even have a decent schedule, I still meet up with people on Wednesdays for fun. It's a magical day.
On this particular Wednesday, I am feeling better than a lot of them. This is despite the fact that a bit ago, I ate a delicious sandwich and got pepper oil on my eye. It was worth it. The sandwich was messy, but boy was it nice; the pepper oil was a great inclusion, even if it did cause me pain. I went out and worked in the garden twice, and it was not an absolute pain (figuratively — my back is killing me, and has been for awhile). The first garden experience was with a family in our community, and I somehow got saddled with planting somewhere around 20 hostas in their yard. I learned that I actually don't hate landscaping — I hate sunlight. That's really all there is to it; I've never forgiven the sun for giving me sunstroke when I was ten or so.
Speaking of Youth Groups, I have beef with all of that stuff. My experience — and I am certain I am not alone in this — was that I went to Youth Group events, was part of Youth Group for junior and senior high, then...nothing.
I struggled for years in the church that housed the Youth Group, and never felt like I was part of the actual church (some of that, I'm sure, came from never becoming a member there). The only time I returned to feeling like I was part of a community was when I started going to a Parachurch College Ministry for a couple years. I wasn't in college, but that seemed to be the only place I could hang out with people my age. There was nothing like Youth Group for college-aged folk at the actual church; I could join a morning class, but those just felt like a throwaway, "If you want to, I suppose" group.
So, uh, yeah. I don't like Youth Groups. I've gone to them in some form or another, and the only one I felt was actually helpful was the one that emphasized that if you actually wanted to be a part of the church, you should be a church member — not just go to the Youth Group.
Anyway. That's enough about that for now.
You'll see me next time, my pretty, if it's the last thing I dooby-doooo!
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