#Third or 4th wheel shoto
meeko-mar · 3 years
WHM content: (that's right I'm not even done with my thoughts on this)
This one's SHIPPY, by the way.
Rody/Deku is so valid to me as a ship. They absolutely have amazing chemistry and I do love it. together with Bakudeku and the sort of...collision of the two. Others have been bringing up that Katsuki acts kind of jealous? around Rody towards the end of the movie? Which honestly could just be Katsuki being his good old self... But for the sake of playing around with the idea....
Rody/Deku/Baku Scenario(s) that live in my head rent free now:
- Katsuki agonizing over why he cares so much. It's just Deku. All he did was make yet another damn friend. So why does it bother him so much to see them together?? When they met Mahoro and Katsuma, both he and Izuku really liked the little brats. That had been mutual between them. But not only had Katsuki not connected with Rody, Something about the damn light in Izuku's eyes and the laughter they have together triggered him. Something about THEIR connection, something that had bloomed in just a FEW DAYS, bothered him.
- Katsuki's ready to go when it's their time to separate, as gross as Izuku's final goodbyes in the airport are with Rody. At least Todoroki feels like a 3rd wheel next to him, too.
- Katsuki knows they write to each other all the time. He wonders what that brunette bastard could be writing to make Izuku smile so much, as he sits in the common room, reading the latest letter.
- Rody comes to visit Izuku in Japan. He brings with him a bouquet of flowers and an extremely wide smile for Izuku. Katsuki had agreed to welcome the boy from Otheon with Izuku and Shoto, but once he sees Rody's offering of those bright, colorful blooms from Otheon, he feels livid and he's not sure why.
- Katsuki can't get over how affectionate that damn pink bird is with Izuku. Wasn't that a secret of the guy's Quirk? That the bird was basically his tell? His true feelings?? SO WHATS WITH ALL THE AFFECTION AND NESTING IN IZUKU'S HAIR?! Katsuki needs to take extra long breaks outside so he doesn't explode inside the Dorms or around Izuku. He doesn't want to complicate things when he's trying so hard to get their relationship back on track.
-Katsuki's stomach churning as he hears Izuku and Rody recount to their class what they went through on their run to Klayde...and what happened against Flect Turn...When Katsuki and Shoto were not there to help.
-Katsuki being absolutely wrecked as he figures out what this feeling is (jealousy) and lamenting how he's just now figuring out what his feelings are for Izuku, when it might be too damn late, because now Izuku is so close to Rody?? Some European extra who Izuku practically just met?? Katsuki had YEARS on this punk. But then... Did he really think he deserved Izuku at this point?
- Just how out of line are these feelings??
- And he's MAD because he wasn't done with himself yet. He was still making himself a better person, making himself into a person who deserved Izuku, and along, out of nowhere, comes this guy who seems to enrapture Izuku. Through entirely random circumstances, they had come together and created such chemistry, and Katsuki was still working on himself, hoping to one day be able to truly look Izuku in the eye again, with no fear or qualm or insecurity. And he hated these thoughts of selfishness because by now he knows that it's WRONG and being self-absorbed was what did him in in the first place.
-So of course he's acting more irritable than usual, and even RODY himself can kind of tell. Even that it's kind of worse when he tries to be friendly with Katsuki. He acts outwardly confident, trying to talk to him, but Pino always seems a shade more unsure around Katsuki.
-Perhaps after Izuku notices Katsuki acting strangely, he decides to ask about it...there's a nuance to his mood that Izuku can see that the others can't. He confronts Katsuki about his weird attitude change, and he is confronted himself about his feelings for Rody. (I think I dreamed this one in a half-asleep state earlier) The image of Katsuki, somewhere in the middle of the heated discussion, grasping Izuku by both wrists. Seering eye contact. Katsuki demanding in a scared voice, "Do you fucking love him or something??"
-And OH FUCK Katsuki never meant for any of this to happen this way. He immediately regrets everything. Especially when Izuku doesn't know how he feels and becomes horribly confused.
- Katsuki apologizes to Izuku pretty much immediately after, saying "It's not my business. Forget I asked." Stays away from Rody and Izuku for much of the rest of Rody's stay.
- Izuku asking him to accompany him and Shoto to take Rody back to the airport. Katsuki is hesitant, but ultimately agrees, if it'll make Izuku happy. And he's gotta make amends after going off on Izuku like that.
- Looking on as Izuku and Rody share another tight and tearful hug in the airport before he boards to go back to Otheon, Katsuki mutters to Shoto, "If that Bird-Brained Fly-boy breaks Deku's heart I'll fucking murder him myself." Shoto putting a placating hand on his shoulder.
-Shoto's deadpan look at Katsuki as he flatly says: "They're not even dating yet, Bakugou." Katsuki's bristling retort of "Shut up, I'll still murder him! Don't think I wouldn't!"
- Rody parting from Izuku and suddenly turning to the two of them. A big smile spreads across his face as he wraps the both of them in a squeezing hug; Katsuki seizing up. Pino, cautiously, but resolutely, wraps little feathery wings up in Katsuki's spiky hair.
- "I can tell Deku's in good hands. You guys watch each others' backs, okay?" Rody tells them as they embrace, and Katsuki still squirms.
- "And Bakugou," Rody says, pulling back. He winks. "Likewise! Don't think I won't fly myself over here and kick your ass if you break Deku's heart!" He laughs a little, but Pino flutters several feet back and settles on Izuku's shoulder. (Izuku's not entirely hearing the exchange, but looks on with wide and curious eyes.)
- "You- WHAT THE FUCK??" Katsuki explodes, turning a violent shade of red. "You stay outta this, Fly-Boy!! You don't know me!"
- Rody gives his sideways grin as he steps away from them and waves. "Nah, man, I know enough. And now I know what we've got in common." He gives a meaningful wink. Pino gives one last nuzzle to Izuku before fluttering back to perch on Rody's head, little tears streaming down pink cheeks.
- Katsuki's brain is running circles at this point. Furiously, and avoiding any eye contact with Izuku, he tosses his glare elsewhere and shoves his hands violently into his pockets, and his jaw sets in a pout.
- They wave him off, once and for all, and as he disappears into the terminal, Katsuki finally eases a bit.
- Shoto dozes off in the car on the way home, and Izuku takes the opportunity to awkwardly start talking to the resolutely silent Katsuki. Tells him that he doesn't have any answers for him yet. There's a lot, apparently, that he needs to figure out, between Katsuki, and Rody, there are a lot of mixed, strong feelings.
- Katsuki, says nothing for a while, but finally, softly grunts "It's fine. Do what you need to."
- Izuku smiling warmly at him as Katsuki stares out the window at the passing city.
- "Okay." Izuku answers softly.
---> Fin?
As per usual, if anyone wants to take inspiration from this cliffnotes version of a scenario and make full fiction of it, PLEASE DO, I just don't have time to write full fanfic anymore...But also like tag me or something cause I'd really wanna read it lol.
Note: Came back and fixed a rather glaring typo I'd left in here after moving some things around. The shame...
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