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nailcarelook · 9 months ago
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nail-anatomy · 3 months ago
Let’s go places—your trusted partner in aseptic nail care for those at risk. Your safety and satisfaction come first. Providing customized nail care services that focus on your individual Nail Anatomy.
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By: @southern_bell04
New 🎶 - Day Trip
Dropping soon
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thefrillyhermit · 6 years ago
Finally got to my right hand Nail art practice today. My middle finger took three tries to get it the way I wanted to look. Pinky: lilac with iridescent green pearl and holographic powder. Ring finger: lilac with black melty heart. Middle: Crystal shaped nail with black gems. Index: Geode with shiny and matte topcoat. Thumb: Ombre lilac and mint/robin's egg. #nailartpractice #pastelgoth #beginnernailart #gelsculptnails #thicknails #glitternails #crystalnails (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtaPz2Llsk6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1asz4q7ttl8zx
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hexainstruments-blog · 7 years ago
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Hexa Professional Nail Clipper: Specifications: Size: 14 cm 100% Hand Made. Matte Polished to High Standard finish. Made from High Quality Surgical grade stainless steel.   Key Features Powerful and Sharp Moon Shape Blades. Specially made for Hard Toe Nails. Make clipping toe nails easy! Full guarantee against defect in material and workmanship. Produced For Optimum Performance. Double Arc Spring system for smooth cutting action. Professional for Professionals. Plastic Cap will protect blade edges for long. #nailclipper #nailclippers #nailcare #nailcareroutine #nailclipping #hardnail #thicknails #toenails #nailcutter #nailcut #nailcutting #nailtrim #nailtrims #nailtrimming #nailprotection #acrylicnails #nailart #nailartwow (at London, United Kingdom)
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inunanna · 7 years ago
Just curious...
Summary:  Sango wants to know a little more about Inuyasha’s canine heritage, so she decided to ask his wife about it… and Kagome doesn’t know what to say.
Pairing: Inukag.
Part of the “Cheaters” AU (It’s not a cheating fic)
For @inuvember day 12.
Also in AO3 and FF.net 
It was a normal day at the office when Sango, her best friend from the office, turned to her with something mischievous in her eyes.
They have known each other for over two years. They had hit it off immediately and had become close friends. Except for a couple of months when Sango gave her the cold shoulder because she thought Kagome was cheating on her husband. but since then, Sango discovered that who she thought was Kagome’s extramarital affair was in reality Kagome’s grouchy husband. And things had become better and they had become closer. Close enough to know that the look on her friend’s face only meant trouble.
The first thing that popped into Kagome’s head was Miroku.  Her husband’s coworker that was head over heels for Sango but (even if Kagome suspected she liked him) her friend kept her distance from the frivolous man.
“You have another question about Miroku?” Kagome asked with a mischievous smile of her own.
Sango shook her head with a blush on her cheeks. “Not this time… but I do have a question about something else…”
Kagome rolled her chair closer to her friends cubicle. It was rare for Sango to get gossipy at the office, so this promised to be interesting.
Sango looked around them, and when she was sure nobody else was eavesdropping, her head came closer and said “Your husband is an inuhanyou, right?”
Kagome nodded, even if a frown started to form on her face. “You’ve met him…”
“Yeah, I know. But yesterday I was thinking about how he is not fully human, you know?”
Kagome felt her body tense. If this conversation ended up being about one of the very common misconceptions or prejudice about youkai nature and culture… She didn’t think Sango was some kind of purist that thought youkai and humans weren’t supposed to mingle, but sometimes people were hurtful without meaning. Kagome didn’t feel she had patience enough to talk about it diplomatically .
“I’m aware of my husband’s… and sons’ heritage, yes.”
Sango raised her hands in a conciliatory way. “Hey! I’m not saying it like that!”
Kagome nodded but her eyes were still narrowed.
“What I was talking about was the inu part…” Her words were a little  more serious but the glint in her eyes was still there.
Sango sighed and whispered exasperated, “Does he have some kind of doggy traits?”
Kagome chuckled at that. “Doggy traits? Besides his ears and claws?”
Sango’s eyebrows shot up. “Claws? I’ve never noticed…”
“He likes to keep his hands in his pant’s pockets… people sometimes freak out because of that.” Kagome half smiled, and added in her head ‘and finding him shoes that actually last for a couple of weeks is so damn difficult.’
“Now I’m wondering how his hands look…” Sango said in a pensive tone.
Kagome raised hers and examined them. “His hands are bigger than mine, with long fingers and long, thicknails… that look like claws.”
Sango nodded and remained quiet for a moment. “And… he doesn’t have things that resemble some kind of…” she paused as if she was trying to find a way to ask without being rude, “quirks that remind you of a dog?”
The black haired woman forced a polite smile on her face as many things flashed in her mind.
“Well, he likes to shake the water off his body…” she said slowly as the memory of the first time they had gone to a waterpark flashed in her mind.
It had been their fourth or fifth date, and of course she had never seen him wet before. Everything had been as she expected (or as she had expected from him), polite-ish, doing little things for her like taking her bag.Guiding her from the small of her back as they walked through the street… with his hand slowly drifting to the side of her hip, bringing her closer. Getting a little defensive around strangers.  Then they got to the pool and they had a great time playing. Nothing out of the ordinary, until he had crawled out of the pool, stood in all fours and shook–a couple of times– to dry himself, and without a second thought he stood up normally and walked to her. That now, was dripping wet again.
“…he just likes to let himself air-dry,”  Kagome finished.
Sango’s head tilted to the side and she let out a laugh.
“That sounds fun!”
“It’s not when you’re right beside him when he does it, but it’s still really cute.”
Sango chuckled again, “I guess it is…”
“He is sensitive to hot things and spiciness…” Kagome offered.
It had been the first time she had cooked for him. She had made her specialty, and actually had made extra effort to make every ingredient aesthetically pleasant. And Inuyasha had arrived to her home, sniffed the air, made a face but said nothing. When the time came and she served him his plate, he had stared at his plate in silence as she served her own. When she sat beside him, she realized that his ears flipped non-stop.
She had asked, “Something wrong?” And Inuyasha just shook his head with his eyes still focused on his plate.
It had become obvious after he took the first spoonful that his body was not made to eat curry. But he had tried. He had tried so hard to eat it without hurting her feelings that he was completely red and sweaty when he groaned a “I can’t, Kagome,” with a contrite face before running to the bathroom. Where he proceed to throw up the food he had forced in. Kagome had been talking to him through the door saying how she didn’t mean to make him sick. Which only helped make him feel even more uncomfortable when he had come out of the bathroom. His face was red and angry when he asked if he could eat something that wasn’t going to kill him if he ate it. And he settled for ramen.
“So he is not good with spicy ramen?”
“There is nothing that offends him more than curry flavored ramen,” Kagome said with a dead serious face.
Sango chuckled again. “Noted…”
“Another thing is…”
A couple of days after moving into their home, Kagome had noticed that Inuyasha loved to have the front window drapes open. When she asked him about it, he had brushed it off saying that it was safer to see the entrance. But once the mailman came, she noted something weird. He started to walk back and forth around the front door and the window, saying “He is taking too long to go away! I don’t like it, Kagome! It’s weird! Who takes this long to put a few envelopes in a box?!”
She had had to suppress her laughter and actually tell him not to go outside and scare the mailman away. After that, they had made a pact: he could only say something to the man or come out after the mailman had stayed in front of their house for a minute and a half.
“He is very… wary of strangers,” was the best way she could word it without over sharing her husband’s domestic quirks.
“You mean he is territorial?” Sango asked with her head tilted again.
Only one word flashed in Kagome’s head with that… Kouga.
He had been a friend from college, and he had always been clear about how attracted he was to her, which was not the case for her. After meeting Inuyasha her last semester, it had never been anyone else for her. Unfortunately it didn’t mean Kouga had backed down. For him, it had been some kind of conquest.
To say Inuyasha hated the guy was like saying the sun is hot. They clashed every time they had met and she was present. It had escalated in such a way that one time Inuyasha had thrown her over his shoulder and declared, “Our intelligence is being lessened just by being around your immense stupidity,” before running away. The worst thing was that he absolutely hated when Kouga touched her, even going to the point of rubbing his hand or clothes wherever he had touched her saying, “Now his stench is all over you!”
She didn’t even want to think about the moment he realized Kouga had been hired by the same company they both worked for.
“…Ah… you could say that!” Kagome smiled nervously at her friend.
“Maybe I was expecting something too over the top from him,” Sango explained, looking a little embarrassed. “For a moment I thought he would fetch things without realizing what he was doing, maybe doing the equivalent of barking to the mailman. Run in circles for no reason, maybe… just maybe he would like to play in the mud.”
Kagome tried really hard to keep her smile in place, not letting it change as memories of her twins doing exactly that bombarded her. Her twins had been a handful during their toddler stage. And it had only gotten worse when Kagome’s mother had gotten a puppy and their favorite game was “playing doggy”. Teaching them not to play tug-war had been an adventure.
“Don’t worry, Sango.You were just curious.” Kagome gave Sango a couple of pats in the shoulder and added with a secretive voice. “I had the same idea a long time ago…”
Sango nodded and smiled back, a little more at ease.
“But I’ll tell you… He really doesn’t believe in banks.”
As Sango tried to puzzle together that little piece of information with what she knew, Kagome remembered that when they were looking for a house for their family. Inuyasha had insisted on a big backyard with a tall fence. Kagome had explained to him that finding a house like that in the city would be difficult. And it was one of the reasons why they lived closer to the outskirts of the city, in one of the suburbs. It didn’t matter how much she asked, Inuyasha only said “for safety.” She had believed that he liked people to be as far away as possible.
The answer came around six months after moving to their new house, when they had gotten the news that she was pregnant with twins, and he had become obsessed with preparing for everything. He had made a big withdrawal from his payroll card, then had taken a ziploc bag and waited for the night to go to the back yard, dig a deep hole, bury the money and covered it making it look exactly how it was before.
And it was something he had kept doing since then, and he even had a system to remember where his deposits were.
Before Sango had the chance to ask Kagome if she meant he like to hoard things, or what she meant by the bank comment, their team manager came and they stayed busy for the rest of the day, and Sango forgot her question.
Everything made sense when a couple of weeks after that Sango received a video message through their private chat that had the caption, “My boys making a nightly deposit.”
Sango lost it when she pressed play and the image of Kagome’s backyard came into scene, with Inuyasha and the twins crouched down, carefully digging a hole each, with a ziploc bag beside each one of them. After Inuyasha put a bag of money in his and covered it up as if nothing had been dug there, he gave them the kids the green light about the depth of their holes and the kids happily put their bags of mostly coins in the hole and proceeded to cover it. Following Inuyasha’s example they even used the same patch of grass they had taken off at the beginning and no proof of their private bank was left. Only a trio of inuyoukai descendants covered in dirt walking to Kagome with huge and proud smiles.
Sango replied with, “This is what you meant by saying he doesn’t believe in banks?” even if she already had her answer.
It had been what she had wanted to know, except it was way cuter.
The end.
It was a normal day at the office when Sango, her best friend from the office, turned to her with something mischievous in her eyes.
They have known each other for over two years. They had hit it off immediately and had become close friends. Except for a couple of months when Sango gave her the cold shoulder but since then, Sango discovered that who she thought was Kagome’s extramarital affair was in reality Kagome’s grouchy husband. Things had become better and they had become closer. Close enough to know that the look on her friend’s face only meant trouble.
The first thing that popped into Kagome’s head was Miroku.  Her husband’s coworker that was head over heels for Sango but (even if Kagome suspected she liked him) her friend kept her distance from the frivolous man.
“You have another question about Miroku?” Kagome asked with a mischievous smile of her own.
Sango shook her head with a blush on her cheeks. “Not this time… but I do have a question about something else…”
Kagome rolled her chair closer to her friends cubicle. It was rare for Sango to get gossipy at the office, so this promised to be interesting.
Sango looked around them, and when she was sure nobody else was eavesdropping, her head came closer and said “Your husband is an inuhanyou, right?”
Kagome nodded, even if a frown started to form on her face. “You’ve met him…”
“Yeah, I know. But yesterday I was thinking about how he is not fully human, you know?”
Kagome felt her body tense. If this conversation ended up being about one of the very common misconceptions or prejudice about youkai nature and culture… She didn’t think Sango was some kind of purist that thought youkai and humans weren’t supposed to mingle, but sometimes people were hurtful without meaning. Kagome didn’t feel she had patience enough to talk about it diplomatically .
“I’m aware of my husband’s… and sons’ heritage, yes.”
Sango raised her hands in a conciliatory way. “Hey! I’m not saying it like that!”
Kagome nodded but her eyes were still narrowed.
“What I was talking about was the inu part…” Her words were a little  more serious but the glint in her eyes was still there.
Sango sighed and whispered exasperated, “Does he have some kind of doggy traits?”
Kagome chuckled at that. “Doggy traits? Besides his ears and claws?”
Sango’s eyebrows shot up. “Claws? I’ve never noticed…”
“He likes to keep his hands in his pant’s pockets… people sometimes freak out because of that.” Kagome half smiled, and added in her head ‘and finding him shoes that actually last for a couple of weeks is so damn difficult.’
“Now I’m wondering how his hands look…” Sango said in a pensive tone.
Kagome raised hers and examined them. “His hands are bigger than mine, with long fingers and long, thicknails… that look like claws.”
Sango nodded and remained quiet for a moment. “And… he doesn’t have things that resemble some kind of…” she paused as if she was trying to find a way to ask without being rude, “quirks that remind you of a dog?”
The black haired woman forced a polite smile on her face as many things flashed in her mind.
“Well, he likes to shake the water off his body…” she said slowly as the memory of the first time they had gone to a waterpark flashed in her mind.
It had been their fourth or fifth date, and of course she had never seen him wet before. Everything had been as she expected (or as she had expected from him), polite-ish, doing little things for her like taking her bag.Guiding her from the small of her back as they walked through the street… with his hand slowly drifting to the side of her hip, bringing her closer. Getting a little defensive around strangers.  Then they got to the pool and they had a great time playing. Nothing out of the ordinary, until he had crawled out of the pool, stood in all fours and shook–a couple of times– to dry himself, and without a second thought he stood up normally and walked to her. That now, was dripping wet again.
“…he just likes to let himself air-dry,”  Kagome finished.
Sango’s head tilted to the side and she let out a laugh.
“That sounds fun!”
“It’s not when you’re right beside him when he does it, but it’s still really cute.”
Sango chuckled again, “I guess it is…”
“He is sensitive to hot things and spiciness…” Kagome offered.
It had been the first time she had cooked for him. She had made her specialty, and actually had made extra effort to make every ingredient aesthetically pleasant. And Inuyasha had arrived to her home, sniffed the air, made a face but said nothing. When the time came and she served him his plate, he had stared at his plate in silence as she served her own. When she sat beside him, she realized that his ears flipped non-stop.
She had asked, “Something wrong?” And Inuyasha just shook his head with his eyes still focused on his plate.
It had become obvious after he took the first spoonful that his body was not made to eat curry. But he had tried. He had tried so hard to eat it without hurting her feelings that he was completely red and sweaty when he groaned a “I can’t, Kagome,” with a contrite face before running to the bathroom. Where he proceed to throw up the food he had forced in. Kagome had been talking to him through the door saying how she didn’t mean to make him sick. Which only helped make him feel even more uncomfortable when he had come out of the bathroom. His face was red and angry when he asked if he could eat something that wasn’t going to kill him if he ate it. And he settled for ramen.
“So he is not good with spicy ramen?”
“There is nothing that offends him more than curry flavored ramen,” Kagome said with a dead serious face.
Sango chuckled again. “Noted…”
“Another thing is…”
A couple of days after moving into their home, Kagome had noticed that Inuyasha loved to have the front window drapes open. When she asked him about it, he had brushed it off saying that it was safer to see the entrance. But once the mailman came, she noted something weird. He started to walk back and forth around the front door and the window, saying “He is taking too long to go away! I don’t like it, Kagome! It’s weird! Who takes this long to put a few envelopes in a box?!”
She had had to suppress her laughter and actually tell him not to go outside and scare the mailman away. After that, they had made a pact: he could only say something to the man or come out after the mailman had stayed in front of their house for a minute and a half.
“He is very… wary of strangers,” was the best way she could word it without over sharing her husband’s domestic quirks.
“You mean he is territorial?” Sango asked with her head tilted again.
Only one word flashed in Kagome’s head with that… Kouga.
He had been a friend from college, and he had always been clear about how attracted he was to her, which was not the case for her. After meeting Inuyasha her last semester, it had never been anyone else for her. Unfortunately it didn’t mean Kouga had backed down. For him, it had been some kind of conquest.
To say Inuyasha hated the guy was like saying the sun is hot. They clashed every time they had met and she was present. It had escalated in such a way that one time Inuyasha had thrown her over his shoulder and declared, “Our intelligence is being lessened just by being around your immense stupidity,” before running away. The worst thing was that he absolutely hated when Kouga touched her, even going to the point of rubbing his hand or clothes wherever he had touched her saying, “Now his stench is all over you!”
She didn’t even want to think about the moment he realized Kouga had been hired by the same company they both worked for.
“…Ah… you could say that!” Kagome smiled nervously at her friend.
“Maybe I was expecting something too over the top from him,” Sango explained, looking a little embarrassed. “For a moment I thought he would fetch things without realizing what he was doing, maybe doing the equivalent of barking to the mailman. Run in circles for no reason, maybe… just maybe he would like to play in the mud.”
Kagome tried really hard to keep her smile in place, not letting it change as memories of her twins doing exactly that bombarded her. Her twins had been a handful during their toddler stage. And it had only gotten worse when Kagome’s mother had gotten a puppy and their favorite game was “playing doggy”. Teaching them not to play tug-war had been an adventure.
“Don’t worry, Sango.You were just curious.” Kagome gave Sango a couple of pats in the shoulder and added with a secretive voice. “I had the same idea a long time ago…”
Sango nodded and smiled back, a little more at ease.
“But I’ll tell you… He really doesn’t believe in banks.”
As Sango tried to puzzle together that little piece of information with what she knew, Kagome remembered that when they were looking for a house for their family. Inuyasha had insisted on a big backyard with a tall fence. Kagome had explained to him that finding a house like that in the city would be difficult. And it was one of the reasons why they lived closer to the outskirts of the city, in one of the suburbs. It didn’t matter how much she asked, Inuyasha only said “for safety.” She had believed that he liked people to be as far away as possible.
The answer came around six months after moving to their new house, when they had gotten the news that she was pregnant with twins, and he had become obsessed with preparing for everything. He had made a big withdrawal from his payroll card, then had taken a ziploc bag and waited for the night to go to the back yard, dig a deep hole, bury the money and covered it making it look exactly how it was before.
And it was something he had kept doing since then, and he even had a system to remember where his deposits were.
Before Sango had the chance to ask Kagome if she meant he like to hoard things, or what she meant by the bank comment, their team manager came and they stayed busy for the rest of the day, and Sango forgot her question.
Everything made sense when a couple of weeks after that Sango received a video message through their private chat that had the caption, “My boys making a nightly deposit.”
Sango lost it when she pressed play and the image of Kagome’s backyard came into scene, with Inuyasha and the twins crouched down, carefully digging a hole each, with a ziploc bag beside each one of them. After Inuyasha put a bag of money in his and covered it up as if nothing had been dug there, he gave them the kids the green light about the depth of their holes and the kids happily put their bags of mostly coins in the hole and proceeded to cover it. Following Inuyasha’s example they even used the same patch of grass they had taken off at the beginning and no proof of their private bank was left. Only a trio of inuyoukai descendants covered in dirt walking to Kagome with huge and proud smiles.
Sango replied with, “This is what you meant by saying he doesn’t believe in banks?” even if she already had her answer.
It had been what she had wanted to know, except it was way cuter.
The end.
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costaindustry-blog · 6 years ago
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Manicure Pedicure Tools & Kit CB-8103 We produce high quality products Provide at the most competitive prices What's app +92 333 8692298 Let me know if you are interested in, we can send you samples for quality approval. COSTA INDUSTRY
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costaindustry-blog · 6 years ago
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Professional HEAVY DUTY THICK Toe Nail Clippers, Cutters, Clippers, Chiropody Podiatry Tools
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