#They're not going to flip a switch to sweeping romance
Also now that they've finally kissed at least the rest of fandom will catch up that they've been together the whole time. We told y'all from day one, that's a qpr. They weren't oblivious. Imogen knew Laudna had other priorities - when it came to romance, not to her - and knew exactly what Laudna was okay with. And she waited until she couldn't know, until things had changed and she had to take Laudna at her word instead, and that's what made it matter and I'm just saying. We've been here the whole time having to watch people beg every week for something to become canon that was there from the start. Watched beauj*s start to play out all over again as people swore up and down these two "lesbians" (that's a whole other post) were madly in love and hadn't realized it. Turns out they knew exactly what they were, like we said. You could've saved a lot of time if you'd realized that a kiss isn't what makes a ship canon. I've had a great 65 episodes of a canon ship away from the mainstream fascination with saying things like "whatever they've got going on," but welcome aboard.
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harlequinoccult · 2 years
This is for slaughter squad but you can also add your other stories if you please dear author~ how would the ros react to a naturally reserved and stoic mc but after they get into a relationship, they're a lil freak in the sheets with a high sex drive? I need to know for....purposes.
ill answer for slaughter squad and valley of luck. why the fuck not.
Elysium- Is going to tease the shit out of you. Oh you need them? you want him? Acting so tough all the time yet you're so, so thirsty? You better show them how much you really want it then, darling.
Black Dahlia- She can appreciate a stoic and silent MC as is, but an mc thats a lil thotty in bed will get an eyebrow raise from her, though she certainly isn't complaining about it, she can certainly keep up the pace no problem.
Overdose- FUCKYESFUCKYESFUCKYESFUCKYES. They woulda thought the MC was a bit on the boring side initially, but this? This changes things. They will indulge MC and then some. Might burn themselves out trying to keep up with MC but god knows they didn't try.
Cold- Their sex drive is a rollercoaster, could be high as MC's or nearly nonexistent, they'd always indulge the MC even if they're not looking to get off themselves, though. They might tease juuust a little bit for fun to rile MC up a little, lingering touches, cold hands on warm places, deep kisses just to pull away moments later, just to see how stoic the mc can remain.
Sweetheart- Oh big ol' heart eyes. will let MC do anything they want with him and will do anything the mc wants him to do to them. absolutely savors every single sound he can coax out of the mc when they're like this.
The Host- When I say they are DTF I fucking mean it. They will drop anything they are doing to find the nearest semi private place to service the MC. If there isn't a place they will make a place private enough. (interpret this as you will) There is now nothing more important than making the MC cum right this second.
The Valley of Luck
Xandin- Like a fucking deer in headlights. Would greatly appreciate a stoic MC but the man is dense at sex and romance. He will service the MC in any way he can to the best of his ability like the sluttiest nerd you've ever seen. he doesn't last long but give him like 5 minutes and he'll be good to go again.
Yuuki- Will also tease the shit out of you. Big dick itsuki can keep up like its nothing. The man has been around the block. You cannot out-sex yuuki. Yuuki will outlast you. You cannot win.
Andrew- Surprisingly high sex drive as well. Andrew isn't phased by it much, he knows a lot of different people, and the mc's switch flipping during sex doesn't really surprise him, he does think its cute though. He does try to be gentle but if the mc is trying to rile him up? Well gentle is just going out the window. Welcome to fuck town, and god have mercy on anyone who tries to disturb the two of you.
Claudia- Oh isn't this just darling. The concept of a sex drive isnt really a "thing" for celestial born beings like her, but she is absolutely going to mess with and tease the MC as much as physically possible with absolutely zero god damn shame. Stoic mcs will be in hell because claudia knows you're horny and will do her best to fluster you at any given opportunity.
Vylasia- Kill the poor girl why dont you. She'd be initially gentle with reserved/stoic mc's since she has a hard time being mysterious and cool with them but giving her a workout in the bed isle is making her flustered. Will do her best for you but will eventually have to tap out and cool off before she explodes from embarrassment.
Cy- Well this makes the MC even more interesting now doesn't it? They know every nook and cranny that they can sweep MC off to whenever they get an urge so they can avoid doing any work they've got a reasonable sex drive but can and will indulge the mc whenever they're simply bored and want something to do that isnt paperwork, or any other inane thing a member of the nobility wants them to do.
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