#They're gonna start hallucinating together and the whole school will be trying to get them to sleep
anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years
I'm making a version where the premise is happy (instead of "the happy parts are a hallucination")! (because I liked the idea of "seeing parts Techno and Phils childhood friendship", I think we deserve happy things) Since it's happier, I'm gonna add some more details
So, the story starts with Techno starting a new school, and him getting "adopted" by Phil and his gaggle of Chaotic Forces!
(The gaggle: ranboo, Tubbo, Tommy (the year below Techno, they started school younger than most. Wilbur pulled them into the gaggle), and Niki and Wilbur (They spend half the week at neighboring schools for baking/music. Nikki pulled him into gaggle))
Phil spends the next few months getting Techno accustomed to The Gaggle individually, then as smaller groups, before inviting him to spend time with the whole group!
After he gets accustomed, they start doing shenanigans! With Techno, Nikki, and Tubbo’s combined reputation of being "good kids", they get away with so many pranks (orchestrated by Wilbur, ideas by Tommy and Tubbo. Phil unknowing of the pranks, but heavily suspects them. He buys them snacks when they succeed)
Nikki teaches Techno and Tommy to bake, and they bring her family recipes to try.
Wilbur recommends Techno to the svhools band director when he expresses interest in Violin, and later he recommends him to be in the same program for music he's in.
Tubbo gets them into the science club for one day before they get kicked out (he talked a little too much about making bombs when he thought the teacher wasn't there), Techno assures him he's not heartbroken about it, and suggests they try the chess club.
Tommy convinces him to try the schools fencing club with him (Tommy gets benched for several club meetings, but not in trouble as the teacher enjoys excitement). Techno does okay, but starts improving quickly (the teacher enjoys his dedication)
Techno teaches Ranboo how to sew after his volleyball uniform gets torn and he can't replace it before the next game. Ranboo starts making Techno plushies and stuffed animals as a thank you (he quickly learns techno will love anything that's pig themed)
Phil and Techno start a gardening club together, it slowly gains club members. (Most of the gaggle aren't interested, but Nikki joins for a while because she thinks its important)
Together, they like to go to Techno's house after school. Techno and Nikki bake dessert (Ranboo tries to help, his enthusiasm makes up for his skill), while Phil debates Wilbur and Tommy on whether or not they should eat sand/mud. Tubbo joins the debate, but no ones sure whos side of the debate he's on.
And they don't care who's side he's on, because he makes it 1000% funnier than it would be without him. And they're happy, and they're safe, and they're together, so what does it matter?
Some things I want to point out:
Nikki was the first Phil "Adopted"
I hope this was good (I'm fairly certain it's better than the original)! I kept the ages vague, but I was thinking second or third year of high school for them. Also, I know the idea was originally just emerald duo, but I couldn't help myself
Hope you're having a good day/night!
Aw, this was so cute. I really like how you describe Phil acclimating Techno into the friend group like he's a skittish cat LMAO. Phil really pspspspspsped that poor guy.
But yeah, we love a good 'found family trumps abusive birth family' story. Maybe after highschool Techno and some of his friends buy a place together? And he can move out of his parent's home.
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taruruchi · 3 years
Taruchi: I'm not sleeping for the next 24 hours.
Blanca: Amen, sister. Amen.
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