#They're also a magnet for trouble even though neither of them want that
Harry Potter 🤝 The Doctor
Having the need to save everyone, even to their own detriment- because if they don't do it, who will?
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Ceroba Ketsukane as a Byronic Hero
Just something I wanted to talk about, largely Ceroba and how she could be classified as a Byronic Hero.
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For those of you who don't know, a Byronic Hero is a type of anti-hero. Like anti-heroes as a whole, Byronic Heroes as a definition are pretty flexible, but they do have some core things in common:
They're often portrayed as troubled, selfish, and/or withdrawn, but with a heart of gold beneath that rough exterior. They're very steadfast when it comes to their personal beliefs, but those also tend to be the source of a lot of internal turmoil, with it being a big focus on their characters. All of this comes with a heavy dose of Romanticism.
Sound familiar?
Worth noting that the 'hero' part can be pretty loose. A Byronic Hero doesn't need to be the hero, or even someone affiliated with them. It can easily fit a more antagonistic role, which I think is where the Roba fits in.
Now, the website TV Tropes (which I admittedly spend too much time on) has a handy list of common traits that Byronic Heroes have. I'll list them here and describe if they fit our fox girl.
Is usually male (though there may be some rare female examples) and is always considered very attractive physically and in terms of personality, possessing a great deal of magnetism and charisma, using these abilities to achieve social and romantic dominance. One mark against him personality-wise, however, is a struggle with his own personal integrity
Well, the male part obviously doesn't fit. Magnetism and charisma are debatable, but I don't think she fits too well with either, at least compared to someone like Starlo per say. Neither does the social or romantic dominance aspects. I'd say it doesn't fit too much, but we got other traits to go through.
Is very intelligent, perceptive, sophisticated, educated, cunning and adaptable, but also self-centered
Now this is a bit more like it. I think despite being clouded by her own emotions at times, she does have a good sense of logic to her, most notably focusing on the cunning and educated (not by her choice) aspects. And self-centered definitely fits well enough for her.
Is emotionally sensitive, which may translate into being emotionally conflicted, bipolar, or moody.
Again, I think this fits very well. Ceroba as a character is shown to very much be guided by her own emotions, leading to her aloof attitude. I can also see her having hints of confliction, especially with moments of reluctance such as her final boss encounter.
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Is intensely self-critical and introspective and may be described as dark and brooding. He dwells on the pains or perceived injustices of his life, often to the point of over-indulgence. May muse philosophically on the circumstances that brought him to this point, including personal failings.
While these injustices may be her own, they absolutely do play a role in her motivations. Personal failing and musing over them is another big part of her character and I can especially see it becoming more prevalent following the True Pacifist ending.
Is cynical, world-weary, and jaded, often due to a mysterious Dark and Troubled Past, which, if uncovered, may reveal a significant loss, or a past misdeed which still haunts him, or, conversely, that he may be suffering from an injury committed against him.
I don't think this one needs any explanation. It's well known that the Kanako incident absolutely haunts her and is her main driving force.
He's extremely passionate, with strong personal beliefs which are usually in conflict with the values of the status quo. He sees his own values and passions as above or better than those of others, manifesting as arrogance or a martyr-like attitude. Sometimes, however, he just sees himself as one who must take the long, hard road to do what must be done
This also fits her. She is definitely driven by her own ideals while usually ignoring that of others. However, while she may be slightly arrogant, I don't think she puts her beliefs as above or better than that of others. She seems to fit more in the 'I'll do what must be done' category imo, but I'm open to other interpretations.
His intense drive and determination (lol) to live out his philosophy without regard to others' philosophies produce conflict, and may result in a tragic end, should he fail, or revolution, should he succeed. Because of this, he is very rebellious, having a distaste for social institutions and norms and is disrespectful of rank and privilege, though he often has said rank and privilege himself. This rebellion often leads to social isolation, rejection, or exile, or to being treated as an outlaw, but he won't compromise, being unavoidably self-destructive.
Intense drive and determination might as well be Ceroba's middle name. She does seem to be fairly rebellious. Not politically, but she does seem to very much clash with aspects of monster society, such as those beating the war drums for an invasion of the Surface. And while she may not be treated as an outlaw, her attitude does give her a sense of being isolated from others, which absolutely would result in being self-destructive for her should she refuse to change her way.
And that's my two cents. Even if you disagree with me completely, I'd very much love to hear on what you guys think.
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