#They're a good match they find each other endlessly interesting
perplexingly · 11 months
The contrast between how Gimli and Legolas approach things that fascinate them is so interesting; Gimli tends to focus on what he finds beautiful and describes it with paragraph of flowery descriptions (he acted in a similar manner both upon seeing Galadriel and upon seeing the Glittering Caves); meanwhile Legolas is more interested in the strange, and instead of using words to convey his feelings he'd rather explore
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aphrostarot · 3 years
What is Going on in Your Connection
What is happening in the connection between you and the person you are thinking of?
Please remember that this is a general reading and some things may not apply to you. Don't force it to fit. I offer paid readings on my page if you would like a personal reading. Prices are listed there. Please message me if you are interested!
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Pile One (Rose Quartz):
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Person A (Could be you or them)
For the sake of simplicity, I will be calling you partner A but you may resonate with partner two, and if that’s the case you will need to swap out the yous and theys.
Who are you currently?
Five of Wands:
The energy I am getting here suggests that you and/or this person were in a competitive and jealous relationship in the past. It was not a healthy relationship at all, and it was very painful. This does not have to be romantic, it can also be platonic.
Eight of Cups:
Right now, you're leaving that in the past. Healing from that relationship. You are managing to get through it, no matter how much it hurts, which demonstrates your strength and willpower. Even so, you're still in the process of healing from that relationship.
What are your thoughts on the connection?
Three of Cups:
You find this person very interesting, funny, and great partner material. Their presence would not bother you at all, as you want to spend time with them. You think you two are a perfect match. You want to go to parties with them. It is important to you that they meet your family and friends because you believe that they will get along well with them.
It's important to slow down and acknowledge how far you've come. Don't forget to celebrate yourself and what deserves celebrating. If you don't slow down and recognize how far you have come, you will make your life far worse than it needs to be. Your guides are telling you to slow down, you need to listen to them.
Person B (Could be you or them)
Who are they currently?
The World:
The two of you seem to be mirroring each other. Following a period of completion, you are both ready to begin a new chapter of your lives.
Page of Cups:
After having gone through that phase of completion, now they are ready for a fresh take on life and love. They are trying to accomplish this. As a result, they are becoming more empathetic, romantic, and childish. It is as if they are looking through rose-colored glasses more often.
What are their thoughts on the connection?
Nine of Pentacles:
It is their dream to marry you. They want a very traditional relationship in which they are the provider. Taking care of you is important to them. They see you as the product of all their hard work.
Seven of Pentacles:
Although they are not in the position to be in a relationship right now, this card shows that their love for you will develop over time. They are willing to wait for you to come into their lives. If they are already in your life, this shows that they are willing to wait for this period in your relationship to end, they are willing to wait for you.
This person’s guides are telling them to make sure they are their own first priority. For a long time, they have put everyone else before themselves, but now it's time for them to put on their own oxygen masks before focusing on everyone else. Currently, they are focusing on themselves, making sure they are okay.
The Connection
What is happening behind the scenes of the connection?
Knight of Wands:
Both of your guides are working endlessly to bring the two of you together, to make the two of you work. A lot of fast movement is taking place behind the scenes of this connection. Both of you are unaware of this, but your guides are working tirelessly to bring you together.
Six of Cups:
This is a soulmate card. As soulmates, your guides recognize that you two are being pulled together. Your souls are aligned, and you are being guided to each other. If you have the feeling that they are your soulmate, but don't believe it, this is the guide's way of telling you that you are right, this is your soulmate.
Six of Pentacles:
Your guides are putting a lot of people in your lives to help the both of you come together. They are being very generous with the two of you, they want you two to be together and they are giving both of you their best effort to make this work.
In this card, you are putting your own crown on every single day and then focusing on everyone else. Currently, both of you are concentrating on yourself so that when you two get together, you will be able to help others since you helped yourselves first.
Pile Two (Fuchsite):
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Person A (Could be you or them)
For the sake of simplicity, I will be calling you partner A but you may resonate with partner two, and if that’s the case you will need to swap out the yous and theys.
Who are you currently?
Knight of Wands:
Currently, you are feeling very enthusiastic about life. You have been moving very quickly and pushing through life with great excitement. The pedal is firmly on the floor, and you are speeding towards your dreams.
King of Pentacles:
You dream of being on top, of becoming a leader in your field, of being someone that everyone looks up to. You are racing towards this goal. You want to be successful and financially stable and that is coming in.
What are your thoughts on the connection?
King of Cups:
The King of Cups is very romantic and very empathic. You are devoted to this person and want only the best for them. You believe this person could be the one for you, the one you would like to marry and spend the rest of your life with.
The Moon:
Since you are such a romantic you feel like you are not viewing this connection correctly. Part of you thinks that it is too good to be true and that you don’t view this correctly. You feel like this is another situation like you have been in the past.
You understand the importance of self-care and what it means to practice it. However, there has been a lapse in your own self-care for some time, and your guides are telling you that right now, you need to take care of yourself. As soon as you do this it will help this person to come into your life.
Person B (Could be you or them)
Who are they currently?
Two of Swords:
They had been in a stalemate in their life and it was really hard for them. They needed to make a decision and they didn’t which caused them to live in this stalemate. They had people in their life who caused more harm than good and they knew that they needed to do something about it but they chose to turn a blind eye. Resulting in a stalemate.
Three of Cups:
Having this card come out too is showing me that they are no longer in that stalemate or they are just about to come out the other side. They're celebrating and they're very happy. They are happier than they have been in a long time. They have regained their footing or they are about to. They however are still on a healing journey.
What are their thoughts on the connection?
Four of Swords:
Currently, they are not ready to start a relationship yet because they are in a rest period. After getting out of the rough patch, they are trying to regain their strength. For a while, they want to heal and be alone.
Page of Swords:
They are interested in you, they can feel your energy and your presence and this makes them want a relationship with you. They have considered it. However, the things they have gone through in their life are holding them back from actually pursuing this relationship.
This is the card of healing. This person is going through a period of healing themselves. This is all that they are focused on currently. Their guides are pushing them to maintain on this path, to heal so that they can be ready for a relationship.
The Connection
What is happening behind the scenes of the connection?
The Hierophant:
As this card represents tradition and marriage, it is telling me that you and this person will eventually get married. Both of your guides are pushing you to get to this point together. As this card also represents slowness, it also tells me that it will take some time, but that it will happen in the end.
Knight of Cups:
The romance card represents a relationship filled with devotion and passion. Both of your guides are bringing this to you. You two will be together one day you just have to be optimistic.
The Emperor:
In both of your lives, your guides have been elevated to a leadership position. The two of you are being led towards each other. They are helping mold you both into the people you are meant to be at the time of your relationship.
The two of you may struggle to be honest with yourselves and your guides are saying that while you are together you will be more willing to be honest with yourselves. During this relationship, you will be more optimistic and aware.
Pile Three (Amethyst):
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Person A (Could be you or them)
For the sake of simplicity, I will be calling you partner A but you may resonate with partner two, and if that’s the case you will need to swap out the yous and theys.
Who are you currently?
Four of Wands:
After a period of instability, your life has been very stable. You are ready to settle down, start a family, and plant roots. Create something of your own after living a life where you haven’t been able to plant your own roots.
The World:
The World is showing that you have reached an ending in your life. With the Four of Wands, it is telling me that the ending is in instability. You have found stability for the first time in a long time, and this has given you the chance to reassess what you want out of life.
What are your thoughts on the connection?
Knight of Pentacles:
Seeing as though this is the card of patience, this is showing me that you are willing to wait for this relationship. This person feels like they could be the one and you know that you do not want to rush into anything so, you are willing to take it slow and wait.
Ace of Pentacles:
You feel all warm and fuzzy when you think of this person; they make you very happy. As I mentioned before, you think that they are the one for you and you want to build a foundation with them. This card also suggests that you are willing to take things slow and wait as long as it takes. If you are already in this relationship, this is telling me that you are waiting for this person to propose. You want a ring.
Taking the path of healing, and following your intuition, is the message of this card. Your guides are saying that you have taken the time to heal yourself in the recent past. You have focused on yourself and have listened to your intuition, which has told you that you needed some time alone to heal. And now that you are on the outside, you are ready to spend time with someone other than yourself.
Person B (Could be you or them)
Who are they currently?
Seven of Cups:
They are being faced with a choice. They have things going on in their life and have many options to get out of it but they are having trouble making that decision.
Seven of Swords:
This decision may have something to do with a betrayal of some sort. To me, it feels like they are dealing with a toxic ex or a toxic friend. Something that caused them a lot of pain. The reason they are struggling with this decision is that this person has a soft spot in their heart and they don’t know how to let them go.
What are their thoughts on the connection?
Three of Cups:
They want to spend time with you, they think that you are very funny and interesting, they want to spend time with you. They definitely are interested in you and have thought about being in a relationship with you.
Page of Wands:
They think you're cool and that you're fun to be around. This is another card showing that they have definitely thought about being in a relationship with you. If you are worried that they think you are crazy, this is not the case, they definitely think you are cool.
They are in a period of life where they feel like they are the only one who has their back. They have gone through that heartache and this has made them feel very abandoned and alone. Their guides are saying that they need this period of alone time to focus on themselves so they can heal and be whole again.
The Connection
What is happening behind the scenes of the connection?
High Priestess:
Your guides do not want you to know what is happening in this connection yet. All they are willing to tell you with this card is that what is meant for you, will never pass you up. Your guides are there to help guide you to what is meant for you, so, your guides are helping to guide you to this person.
Nine of Pentacles:
Your guides are leading the two of you together. Though, they want you to know that this will take some time. Your relationship with this person will be very traditional and you will have a lot in common. You will be attached at the hip. They want you to make sure that you have friends, hobbies, and other things outside of this relationship because you may end up lost in a bubble with them.
Knight of Wands:
Your guides want you to know that they are working hard to bring you together in the future. You two are not yet fully prepared for this relationship, your guides say. This is why it will take some time before the two of you get together. Before you get together, you need to focus on yourselves. According to your guides, this is the best course of action.
In this relationship, you will learn that you are a mere speck in the galaxy of the universe, that you are not alone, and that you have an important role to play in your own world. In your individual worlds, you will accomplish a lot even if it does not have an effect on the whole universe. Your guides assure you that it is still very important.
Though tips are not required, they are very much appreciated. Thank you! Venmo: @ aphrostarot
Paypal: paypal/aphrostarot
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Howdy there! Congrats on the milestone!
Could I get a ship for Stranger Things please?
My favorite song is always changing but is currently between If I Was A Cowboy by Miranda Lambert and Old Flames by Dolly Parton
I’m afab non-binary (they/she) and pansexual so no preference either way as long as it’s an 18+ character ofc. I’m part Cherokee and part white so I’m fairly tan with really long chocolatey brown hair and full bangs, and greyish-green almond shaped eyes. I wear glasses and have my right nostril pierced with a small silver hoop in it currently, my earlobes are pierced as well and I often wear native made beaded earrings. I’m fairly average when considering body type and height (basically not quite skin and bones but not enough weight or body fat to be considered ‘chubby’ beyond my thighs tbh, and I’m 5’4). I don’t really have a specific style of fashion, each day I’m probably in a different aesthetic than the day before, but I prioritize comfort over trends every chance I get. I almost always have my nails painted, usually black but occasionally I like painting them pink.
I’m very passionate, introverted, and sensitive, but I will always stand up for my friends. Basically my anxiety disappears when I have to do something for someone I love and care about, which has me called a mom friend often. I’m a big people pleaser too, which has gotten me into some issues but I’ve been told I’m fairly charming and cunning so I’ve been able to get out of those problems. I was never technically popular in school, I knew a lot of people but didn’t have a lot of friends if that makes sense.
I love animals (I am that bitch to yell ‘cow’ or ‘dog’ when I see them) and the outdoors, even though it seems every time I go outside I end up getting hurt somehow. (I‘ve only fell out of a tree once, let’s get that out of the way lol) I grew up in the backwoods of Kentucky, so I was raised around farm lands and know my way around a shotgun as well as a good old pickup truck. Even with how ‘country’ I am, I am a huge nerd as well, completely obsessed with Star Wars if I’m honest, and can tell you random facts of a variety of things (including, but not limited to, feline body language, the history of rock music, and classic conspiracy theories) because I’m a naturally curious person and research anything that peaks my interest even just a little bit. I don’t think I’m particularly talented at anything; I used to be in band in middle school and can play a few notes in the flute along with a few other instruments, I can make a decent painting of animals, I write little drabbles here and there, but the one think I know I’m good at is looking up things. I never lose an argument because I make sure I get the facts before ever even engaging in debates. I almost blame that on my ADHD, but I really blame it on being a Virgo with a need to be right despite I don’t completely buy into astrology (though I do find it fun and interesting to play with!).
I think that’s all that really matters, thank you! And I’m sorry for how long this ended up, I’m also a big rambler and don’t know how to shut up sometimes 😅
Don't apologize for talking Sweetheart, it was really interesting to read it<3
I ship you with Robin Buckley!
God, that girl could listen to you talk endlessly. Seriously, the moment you two really started talking, she was in love (and maybe a little infatuated before as well - you stood out to her in school, always having your friends' backs even to the assholes no one dared to mess with, Robin was fascinated). And you two match each other in terms of research energy; if one of you finds a topic they're interested in, you make a game out of it who can find the most facts about it and retell them to each other (it was Robin's idea)
She finds it cute how excited you get about animals and finds every dog in a radius of two miles to pet for you. Whenever you stumble over a rock or hit your head on a low hanging branch, she's right there by your side - once in a while making fun of you or calling you clumsy - and helps you.
You swing by the ice cream parlor every chance you get to see her and you love how much her face lights up whenever you seemingly materialise in front of her (once you got Steve in on surprising Robin with a huge bouquet and invitation for a movie date on your anniversary - to this day neither of you knows how you actually pulled it off, usually Robin is observant of everything going on around her).
Join the celebration
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kazablanka96 · 5 years
Do you have any pwp stucky fic recs? I've been looking for some on ao3 for a while but I haven't been able to find any good pwp fics with good writing, good mature scenes and development, they're just so corny, like gimme some good plot man! x.x
Hi anon! ❤️
First of all, I wouldn’t describe a fic corny because no matter what, they are someone’s hard work and effort and there’s always something to love in everything. That being said, I understand different people have different tastes, so I searched in my stash of fic and my goal in the end was to find you ones that were more focused on the plot and character development than that on the smut part of the story. Almost all of them are E rated (and too long), so you know the good stuff are coming.
I am so sorry if these weren’t what you were asking for, but you can always send in another ask and I’d be more than happy to do another search with a different criteria in mind. And if anyone knows of a different fic the anon, or anyone really, can benefit from, please drop it in the notes!
 All the fics are under the cut because they are over 50 and that’s a long post.
These Streets ‘verse: The trials and tribulations of Police Officer Steve Rogers and his experiences with the locals in his precinct, as well as his involvement with the stupidly handsome roughneck from the ‘hood, Bucky Barnes.
The Firing Line:  When Steve’s dad is diagnosed with cancer, Steve returns to his childhood home to support his mom – a small town called Gold Cliff, Colorado. Ten years before, he left Gold Cliff behind him, left his no-longer-best-friend Bucky Barnes behind him, with the intention of never seeing him ever again. But Bucky Barnes crash-lands back into his life nonetheless, long-haired and one-armed and haunted, keeping secrets from day one.
Institutions of Love and Incarceration: The Winter Soldier has been sentenced to life without parol. His entire world had been condensed to a hot, cramped cell that he hasn’t seen the outside of in the four years since his apprehension. It’s hell. He has no means of escape, no means of terminating his suffering, and no means of distraction…that is, until he’s assigned a new guard. Steve Rogers is assigned the Winter Soldier as his singular charge.
There Is No Shortage of Blood: The long slow recovery of Bucky Barnes after his escape from HYDRA. (And the longer, slower recovery of his sex life.)
Choices We’re Given: Steve Rogers is a good man and a good agent. There’s really no excuse for the assassin in his bed.
Put It on Repeat, It Stays the Same: Steve and Bucky have a one night stand that turns into a friends with benefits situation. A weekend snowed in at Bucky’s apartment brings to light how much that really doesn’t suit either one of them.
What Gladiators Fight For: A new gladiator is brought to Ludus Stark. Steve Rogers is a disgraced soldier, who refused to fight for Rome.He doesn’t want his actions decided by others anymore, and accepts death until Bucky changes his mind. Steve fights to stop Bucky being sold back to his previous master, and Tony exploits the bond blossoming between them. He makes a bargain with Steve, if he fights and wins, Bucky will spend the night with Steve in his cell.Steve wins every fight, until the finale in the Colosseum. Hes not fighting for Bucky, but his Freedom, but is Freedom worth it without Bucky by his side.
If I Was There: Steve is lonely and the number on his phone-screen is unfamiliar. He’s not the social type, not even close, yet there’s something about the man on the other side that makes him interested. He doesn’t hang up until two hours later.-Wrong number AU in which phone sex is the answer and the question is irrelevant.
the Steve Rogers problem: Bucky doesn’t consider his Steve Rogers problem as a problem so much as the solution he hadn’t realized he was hoping for to help him through the transition from the Bucky Barnes he’d been before his accident to the new, shiny version of himself.No, the problem isn’t with Captain America and The Howling Commandos fandom.The problem is the amount of porn Bucky managed to write and draw about Captain America before finding out that he’s less than one degree of separation away from Steve Rogers. ‘Less than’ as in he’s sitting across the table from him.
Prince Charming: Bucky Barnes leads quite the charmed life. He has a thriving tattoo shop, a son he adores, the world’s best dogs, and a great group of friends — almost all of whom are in relationships. And maybe he’d been the one nudging them towards each other, but there’s nothing wrong with a little match-making. The world could use more romance.As for him personally, well, he doesn’t need anyone for the long haul. Not when every girl he meets is someone who he thinks would be perfect for someone else.But then Steve Rogers comes into his shop looking for some ink, and maybe that’s the problem right there. Maybe what he’s looking for in a relationship isn’t a girl at all.
Heaven and That Other Thing: Bucky Barnes is the owner of a cat sanctuary in Brooklyn, an ordinary guy by the Avengers’ low standards, and a growing problem for America’s favourite captain. Steve Rogers is publicly straight, endlessly bored, and has a habit of not fully thinking through his decisions when Bucky is around.
Keep Your Enemies Close: Pierce was an intelligent man. If the Asset was going to start remembering Rogers, it was best to give him an assignment other than the simple, point and shoot. The Asset’s Mission: Pretend he was James “Bucky” Barnes, best friend to Steve Rogers. He was to evaluate Rogers and see if Rogers could be used by HYDRA…or be put down if the Asset thought otherwise.The Asset now has to pretend to be Bucky Barnes, unknowing that he is in fact the man that Steve has been searching for all along. Pierce instructed the Asset to gain trust, observe, and report. How far is the Asset supposed to go to avoid his cover being blown? He guesses he’s just going to have to find out…
Of Broken Dreams and Mended Hearts: When the House of Barnes is left in massive debt after the death of George Barnes, their oldest son and heir, Bucky, is forced to sacrifice his own hopes and dreams by entering an arranged married to Steve Rogers. Steve seems kind enough, has a prominent job in the government, and was even voted Society’s Best Catch. But the House Rogers is significantly higher in status than Bucky’s family, which means Bucky is marrying up in Society, and marrying up doesn’t only come with rewards, it also comes with certain…expectations and losses–some of which Bucky might be willing to do anything to avoid. And those opportunities might come his way.Unless, of course, he actually starts falling in love with his new husband…
A Myriad of Misdecisions: “My parents thought I was working for an insurance company in New York when really I was joining the CIA so I just sort of never mentioned when I met you on an assassination-gone-wrong and now we’ve been married for five years and they still don’t know you exist, this has gotten wildly out of hand and you won’t stop laughing about it”
Catfish: Steve Rogers is a famous movie star, known for his role as Captain America. Bucky Barnes is a bored law student who drinks too much wine. Bucky gets on match.com to boost his confidence. What he doesn’t expect is a guy using Steve Rogers’ pictures on a dating profile. Bucky decides to mess with the guy. After all, what idiot uses Steve Rogers’ pictures on a dating site?Not like it’s really him, right?
Give ‘Em Hope: Dr. Steve Rogers likes to think that if his patients have hope- their chances of survival will increase. Bucky Barnes has a 20% chance of survival and a desperate yearning to experience life. Against Steve’s better judgment, he develops a relationship with his patient. It’s illegal. It’s wrong. But it’s giving Bucky the hope to keep going, so Steve’s going to keep giving it, because he wants Bucky to survive.He needs him to.
A Love I Never Had: Detective Steve Rogers is not a cop if he’s dead. A Modern Frankenstein AU; or, the Modern Prometheus
After Hours: Steve wishes Bucky wouldn’t look at him the way he does – a deliberate gaze, subtly digging his top teeth into that pouty bottom lip; following his every move like a lion watches a gazelle. It’s been going on for months, perhaps longer… Steve talks, and Bucky listens. Well, that’s the point – Bucky’s supposed to be listening. Steve’s just doing his job, after all… No harm in that.The problem is that it’s no innocent gesture, the way Bucky will have the top of his pen tracing the outline of his mouth… It’s also not innocent at all when Steve turns to look out at the sea of heads while he’s speaking and catches the quickest glimpse of the brunet sneaking a peek at his ass. And Bucky doesn’t even pretend to be bashful about it. He just meets Steve’s eyes and smirks – just the tiniest hint of a thing.
The Match Game: Steve meets and promptly falls for Bucky Barnes, new resident in his apartment building. The one who makes him feel like he only wants to be with one person, forever. He just doesn’t know how to make that happen. Lucky for him, he has friends who… tease him mercilessly. And then help. A lot. Steve gets a lot of opportunities to get to know his new neighbor and thinks everything is going great, until Bucky reveals to him his own long-term relationship ended badly, and he doesn’t want another…but he might be up for a friends-with-benefits deal. 
G.I. Joes and 2AM Diners: They look nothing like what they used to. Time and life have completely changed them. But as they sit there in silence, eating two halves of one cupcake, letting Brooklyn remind there where they came from, and enjoying a sky full of stars… They are those same little boys, somewhere deep down. For just a second, you’d be able to see them again.And Bucky thinks to himself that maybe it’s little moments like these – fleeting as they may be – that remind him why life is still worth living.
Screaming Words (Left Unspoken): Living as a fugitive is hard. Living as a man who has to wake the love of his life from cryo is harder. Why? The codes in Bucky’s brain don’t have a fix yet, but Steve has worse news to deliver. Bucky’s dying slowly from self-destruct protocols inside him. Now, it’s a race against time to save Bucky once and for all.And maybe finally tell Bucky that Steve’s been in love with him since he was a sixteen-year-old kid in Brooklyn. Oh and not get extradited by the UN from Wakanda. That’d also be great.
Winter Gorgon: For as long as Steve could remember, all he ever wanted to do was what was right. So when he hears about his father’s old regiment being held as POW’s by the Nazis, he’s determined to put what Doctor Erskine gave him to good use and goes AWOL to rescue them.But the 107th isn’t all he finds there. Deep in the labs is a very unusual prisoner; one with snakes in his hair and a mask nailed to his face. Despite the man’s monstrous visage, Steve can’t in good conscience leave him to the enemy. That one act of mercy will change his life, the course of the war, and even the future of the world.
That Would Be Enough: Bucky Barnes, a Columbia University graduate with a Masters Degree in Education, is in his fourth year of teaching AP US History at Shield Academy, a private school in the very heart of the Connecticut valley in the bucolic town of Barkstead. He also helps run the Russian Club with his colleague and best friend, Natasha Romanov. He’s got amazing friends, three nephews he adores, and a beautiful little apartment. The only thing Bucky would change about his life? His luck in love. It’s been two years since Bucky ended an emotionally abusive relationship and he’s just now starting to feel that his heart has healed enough to try dating again. Then, a new Art History and English teacher arrives with tattoos he doesn’t like talking about, a body like a Greek god, and some secrets of his own, and Bucky knows he’s done for. Cue pining, sass, and a ton of Hamilton references.
Heat of the Night: Steve is a cop. Bucky is the kept boyfriend of the super rich bad guy. Bucky doesn’t really have any information because his sole job is to look good when they go out. But he gets Steve’s card and he calls him and Steve meets him for lunch and coffee and dinner and Steve knows this could be a bad thing. He knows Bucky could be a trap. But the way he talks, how he smiles at Steve, laughs like it’s a sound he’s not used to making…Steve thinks he could be worth it. Steve thinks he could be worth everything
The North Star: “You got plans to retire, Cap? Find a nice little beach in the Indies and a good supply of rum? Couple of pretty girls in grass skirts to dance for you.”.“Sam,” Steve mumbles, covering his face with his hand.“I’m sorry, a couple of pretty boys?” Sam grins wickedly.“Sam!” Steve looks scandalised, which gets him nothing but laughter from his Quartermaster. “You’re fired. Go throw yourself overboard this instant.”
Lemon Meringue Lies: Being a server at a high-end restaurant is working out well for Steve. All he has to do now is convince Bucky he’s good enough to work as chef in the same restaurant. Meanwhile, Bucky has his own issues to deal with. Namely: trying his damndest to dig them out of poverty, make sure Steve’s health is on the up and up, and not acknowledging his very longstanding desire for his best friend that is slowly eating him up inside.
Steve Rogers. Cheerfully Slutty: Steve Rogers. Cheerfully Slutty. But not going to take your shit about it. Bucky Barnes. Voted most likely to fall in love first.
Sorry, Not Sorry: All Steve Rogers ever wanted was to do what’s right. So when he drops in to volunteer at the Brooklyn VA Outpatient Center, he’s surprised to learn some veterans actually resent Captain America and everything he represents. One veteran in particular is determined to make sure Steve understands just how much he dislikes him.
Lucky Seven: Captain America trashes his motorcycle a lot. Tony says he’ll fix it, then never gets around to it and just buys him a new one. Steve, the Depression-era kid, can’t stand the waste and goes looking for somewhere near him in Brooklyn where he can get his bike fixed. That’s how he finds Red Star Bike Repair, and the hot Russian-immigrant bike racer who runs it: all long hair and muscles and tattoos. And for the first time since he woke from the ice, Steve feels a connection to someone; a comfort in the other man’s silences and his space, an attraction in his sheer skill at racing. But James Barnes isn’t exactly who he seems…
Above the Rain and Roses: But tonight, Steve is visiting The Armory. An exclusive club where unattached Doms can go and enjoy themselves with a good sub for the night. Not exactly the place Steve expects to find his one true love.Then again, fate might have other plans, and one sub might get in way over his head making assumptions about this Dom.
A Marriage of Ice and Fire: Steve Rogers hates James Barnes. The feeling’s mutual; their families have been at war for longer than they’ve been alive. But King Odin has had enough. He orders the two of them wed to end the fighting.It’s not enough that they have to look at each other’s faces without spitting; the King has declared the year’s tournament in their honor. They’ll have to lead the events together. They’ll be wed in front of everyone.
The Commander’s Omega: Steve Rogers is struck by a persistent headache as the dawn rises over DC.So are—simultaneously—Natasha Romanov in the Muscovite night, James Barnes in the dull grey of a Berlin afternoon, Tony Stark stumbling out of his Afghan cave, Bruce Banner in the crushing heat of the Nevada desert, Clint Barton squinting up at the Vegas lights, Loki Laufeyson under the Scandinavian sun, and Prince T'Challa amidst the West African rainforest.Surely it’s nothing but an odd coincidence.
Oh Can’t You See, You Belong To Me: Bucky Barnes has recently moved to New York and things are looking up. He’s got a great new job working for Tony Stark, he has a nice apartment, and his boyfriend Peter is fun. He just needs some friends. Unfortunately Steve Rogers doesn’t seem to want to be just friends.
Echoes In Our Minds: Steve Rogers is struck by a persistent headache as the dawn rises over DC.So are—simultaneously—Natasha Romanov in the Muscovite night, James Barnes in the dull grey of a Berlin afternoon, Tony Stark stumbling out of his Afghan cave, Bruce Banner in the crushing heat of the Nevada desert, Clint Barton squinting up at the Vegas lights, Loki Laufeyson under the Scandinavian sun, and Prince T'Challa amidst the West African rainforest.Surely it’s nothing but an odd coincidence.
Leg Day: The one where Sam is Bucky’s long-suffering roommate, Bucky is a hot mess of a millennial, and Hot Steve spends far too much time on the Lat Pull-Down machine.
Give a Little, Take a Little: Bucky’s nearly thirty and has never been spanked. For most people, this wouldn’t be a pressing concern. Bucky is not most people.
Trained on You: Bucky Barnes is disabled veteran who’s trying to learn how to live his life now without his left arm. His best friend Natasha pushes him to build up the strength and confidence he’d lost along with his limb at the Rally Health and Wellness Center with the help of top notch trainer/physical therapist Sam Wilson.Bucky knew it’d be hard work. What he didn’t realize was just how difficult it’d be to concentrate on his own rehabilitation at the innocuous, easygoing gym. But after he first lays eyes on new trainer and walking wet dream Steve Rogers, it’s all he can do not to fall face first on the treadmill.Working out had never gotten Bucky so worked up before. Go hard or go home? Yeah, he’s definitely going home hard.
Where There’s Smoke: Steve is a Brooklyn firefighter who is about to be saddled with a new, rookie crewmate. James Barnes is that rookie, just looking for a fresh start at a new station. Steve’s friends think they know what’s best for him…start dating his new crewmate. Steve thinks they’re crazy…or possibly right. But events from James’s recent past may pose a threat to any designs they have on each other.
Under the Bridges of Fame: For better or for worse (usually worse), Steve Rogers has been the most famous guy in the room for a while. And though newsreels have given way to YouTube, people’s reactions haven’t changed much in seventy-some years. Steve’s become an expert at keeping his head down and getting on with his life.A head-on collision on a busy street sends books flying and sweeps Steve off his feet. The point of impact has a name: James. A charming mess of long hair, thick glasses, and a crooked, not-quite-smile. If he recognizes Steve, he chooses not to comment, placing him firmly in Steve’s good graces. As far as Steve can tell, they might be Bogie and Bacall all over again, save for the group of idiots with selfie sticks who surround them. But for once, the request isn’t for Steve.Which begs the question: if James is James, then who the hell is Bucky?
Keep Making Trouble ‘Till You Find What You Love:  “No no no, hear me out,” Bucky says. “You wanna get back at them, right? Imagine the following: We date, fall madly in love, then have the most horrendous breakup in history and make them deal with that. They’ll feel terrible because they set us up, and we get to eat free ice cream and see their faces when we eventually tell them we pulled one over them,” Bucky finishes with a smug grin. “That’s a terrible plan,” Steve says.
Trust Enough: So they exchange numbers, and then Steve says he should go, and Bucky agrees, and they kind of stare at each other for a bit more, then Steve actually does go, but not before taking Bucky’s hand and squeezing it warmly in a way that makes Bucky want to shiver all over. Then Steve is gone, and Bucky is standing alone in the alley, grinning to himself. Right up until the moment he remembers that Steve thinks Bucky is an escort he’s just hired. Well fuck.
Took my love, took it down: The problem, Bucky thinks now that he has most of his memories back, is that his whole entire world has always revolved around Steve Rogers. Steve has been always been half of Bucky’s identity. Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers’ best friend. Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers’ wingman. Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers’ teammate. And now, well, now Steve had other people to fill those positions.
These underdog hearts: It starts in October: the sun is shining, the leaves are falling, and Steve Rogers is Captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Push It Real Good: The way Steve had to steel himself to ask the question made Bucky a little wary. “Will you be my partner for a Lamaze class?“For a few long moments, Bucky just blinked at him, not knowing which question to ask first. Finally he went with the biggest question on his mind. “What?”
I just met you (and this is crazy): After Steve gets outed by a grainy cell phone picture, it takes the media less than 24 hours to discover Captain America’s secret relationship with James Barnes: classical musician, teen heartthrob, and son of a former president.The only problem? Steve has never met James Barnes in his life.
We Never Had a Choice (But I Choose You): When Bucky Barnes is abducted by political activists, the circumstances are simple enough. Desperation breeds all sorts of terrible decisions, after all, and Bucky’s captor is clearly woefully out of his depth. Maybe, just maybe, he can talk his way to freedom, but the more Bucky learns about the circumstances of his capture, the more complicated things seem to get. On the run and forced to trust the man who abducted him, Bucky comes to realize that kidnapping is the least of his worries.
Someone To Watch Over Me: One cold, winter’s night, Steve Rogers, retired Special Forces operative, finds an unconscious young man in the woods surrounding his property. In the morning, the stranger wakes up and Steve is left with plenty of questions about the beautiful young man with guileless eyes and a sheepish smile, who speaks with self-deprecating humor as though there isn’t a bruise on his face and restraint marks on his wrist.
A Hatemance For The Ages: This is what happens when you find your soulmate… and instead of birds singing and roses blooming, you discover they’re an insufferable jerk. But an insufferable jerk that you low-key really want to bang, if nothing else because MAYBE THEN THEY WOULD SHUT UP.
Home Is Wherever I’m With You: This is what happens when you buy a house to flip having only seen the online images: you get more than you bargained for. Bucky Barnes brings all the tools to handle a dilapidated home, but he’s hardly prepared for a smart-mouthed child (with poor aim), a crying baby, and the hottest dad he’s ever seen in his life living right next door.
Sugar Sweet: College Student Bucky finds himself immediately attracted to Steve. He knows that Steve’s a bit older than him, and that Steve himself is put off by the age difference… But that doesn’t stop Bucky from wanting to climb him like a tree. AKA a Sugar Daddy AU that no one was asking for.
Parallels: At the end of “Captain America: Winter Soldier,” Steve fell from the helicarrier into the water. He wakes up, however, in an alternate universe where he and Bucky are dating.
Parallels 2: Bucky wakes up from cryo in a parallel universe - in which he works at a coffeeshop and Steve is his favorite customer.
… and I know the ask clearly asked for E rated fics, but those are some PG-13 ones with some solid plot and development, or at least for me, that I think worth mentioning:
It’s No Coincidence: The kids immediately scream, “Trick-or-Treat” before they see who opens the door.The strange resident looks between the two kids, then at the adults, and his eyes widen in horror.“It’s October already? “Okay, Bucky thinks.This guy is probably high.
A Working Romance: Eddie just wants to make a good documentary about good, normal people. Tony Stark just wants to manage his branch and make his dad proud. Bucky Barnes just wants to sell paper without pining over the receptionist. Steve Rogers just wants to draw superheroes and marry Peggy Carter. Sam Wilson just wants Bucky and Steve to get their act together.AKA The Office AU no one asked for.
Leave Me On The Mountain:  Bucky is certain that he’s about to die, cold and lost in this mountain forest. But just as he thinks that the wolves have him, someone finds him and takes him in.
Thawing: Heroin. It’s a helluva drug.
The Necrofloranomicon: Bucky didn’t want much. Just to keep his head down, to sell his scavenged flowers in peace, and to stay off Shield’s radar. His life would have been a lot easier if his flowers weren’t dead and if being a necromancer wasn’t illegal, but easy or not, he was getting by. Steve didn’t want much, either. He was happy working for Shield, he had good friends, and overall his life was going just about the way he wanted it. Problem was, being happy with your life was generally an invitation for fate to throw a spanner in the works—and in Steve’s specific case, it was going to be a spanner named Bucky.(A love story about flowers, trust, and magic and the choices we make about doing what’s right.)
… aaaand that’s it folks! Sorry for the long post, and again, if anyone has a fic or seven to rec, please write it in the notes for us all to enjoy! 
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bayern-moni · 5 years
Fate Character Meme
Hey guys, first part of the character meme! I don't know how many of them I will make nor if anyone is even interested in reading them, but it's funny, so who cares? 😁 Btw, anyone can ask for every character, if they want 😜
Today's character is ... Gilgamesh (archer)
First impression
His smirk is not bad, but he's waaaay too much smug and arrogant for my taste. Really annoying. But he humbled Tokiomi, so not totally bad.
Impression now
Zero: Asshole with a capital A
Stay night: Unbearable jerk
Prototype, Heaven's Feel, Strange Fake ecc ... : Puru cca siii?? (even here you are??)
Ok, I hate him a bit, I admit it (nah, nobody noticed 🤣). But he's omnipresent! It's not my fault. Everywhere you look, he's always there. You cannot get rid of him. And he has the really annoying tendency to kill my favorites. Plus, in Fgo he never answered my summon. You can see, my sympathy for him is perfectly understandable, isn't it? Moreover, his ego which could fill two planets grates my nerves more often than not. I kind of like his Caster self after Babylonia, the relationship with Enkidu and as archer, how he treats Kirei (right contrappasso for that other asshole) and the respect he has shown to Iskandar and Waver. But I still hate him, don't get me wrong ahahah. Though, for being the first heroic spirit of all, the strongest servant ecc... the way he dies in stay night is a bit shallow. Killed by a human adolescent who happened to find in himself Servant powers? Even if he normally slaughters heroic spirits like one cuts the butter? Heck, they really wanted to humiliate him. If you want to kill him, at least do it with honor in a battle with servants. If not, there's not even the satisfaction to see him put in his place.
His fangirls are already on their way to kill me, I know ahahah
Favorite moment
Can't help it, sorry ahahah. This scene has badass written in its every pixel 🤩
Tumblr media
The battles with Berserker Lancelot, mainly when the latter corrupts the Gate of Babylon's weapons and uses them against him. The totally pissed off look on Gilgamesh's face is hilarious. And when he and Iskandar drink wine together, they were pretty good friends! When he and Enkidu found each other in Strange Fake, too.
Idea for a fanfiction
In Chaldea Gudako coerced lovingly convinced him to watch Peppa Pig with the servant kiddos all afternoon by her Command Spell. Plus, Atalanta, Alter and Berserker, is casually there just in case. After all, Chaldea can't have their probably only television gateofbabyloned, can they? 😁
Unpopolar opinion
He is a drama queen at heart. And Enkidu says he made his great appearance standing on that lamppost to seem taller.
Favorite relationship
Then ... I think that him and Ozy are a good pair of friends. They're both loud, obnoxious and with a gigantic ego. They're perfect! Moreover, one is a king and the other is a pharaoh, so Gil found a mongrel on pair with him 😁 but the best match for him is Merlin! A sort of contrappasso for him 🤣 and the funny thing is that while dealing with Merlin you really have absolutely no chance to not deal with him, for he's unkillable. Unfortunately, you have to suffer all his antics anytime, if you care about your sanity. Your one and only hope of salvation is if you are a friend of the dear Vivian, the Lady of the Lake. Or Arthuria, for that matter.
Headcanon for him
Enkidu really enjoys teaming up with Merlin to tease him endlessly. He even tells Gudako funny stories about when they were alive. Gilgamesh is not pleased at all, because they're are all unworthy morgrels, but that's his lovely Enkidu, for whose life he descended Sumeric Hell, so how can really deny him?
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