#They would've been such cool dungeon buddies
shikai-the-storyteller 9 months
Lies down on the floor thinking about Pacmanduo.
Specifically; thinking about the Election arc and Pac pouting after Mike ranted to Etoiles about his presidential plans, complaining to Mike and saying "You scared him off! You cost me my dungeon date!" and then later when Forever said Mike should try and take Etoiles' presidential lives first because he seems like a tough opponent, Pac begged him not to do anything to Etoiles, saying "Not him, not him."
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demonzoro 7 months
oh now i NEED your takes on the korean s-rankers. i know you've got opinions, let's hear it all.
CLASPS YOUR HAND IN A PREDATOR HANDSHAKE. hi solo leveling buddy okay here we go
sung jinwoo: i think he's cool sorry that the dudebro propaganda worked... i'm not immune to all black outfits and necromantic abilities. love how protective he is of his family!! he needs to go to therapy though. mf you are not built different, the double dungeon and subsequent tipping of your worldviews did SOMETHING to you
baek yoonho: if someone could turn into a white weretiger no-one would be able to stop me. i love yoonho i lot!! coolest guildmaster. anytime someone's a certified killing machine but actually has quite a soft heart, i'm there... i wish i got to see more of him. that's why i'm excited to see that they're adding in new scenes for the anime with him! anyways... why are you as a man constantly chasing down sung jinwoo for a crumb of his time 馃え
go gunhee: SALUTES. MY DEEPEST RESPECT FOR THIS OLD MAN. he was such an interesting chara! simultaneously the best person to be chairman, but you could see he was not completely made for the role as a more strength-based hunter if compared to say... someone who was more cunning like choi jong-in. not to say he didn't have cunning, but it was an interest dichotomy. i really enjoyed the political insight/scenes that his role brought - it made the world feel a lot realer. also really enjoyed him looking out for jinwoo like a baby bird despite that baby bird being the most terrifying one out there
cha hae-in: i wish we got to learn more about her motivations and backstory as a hunter. she seemed strong enough to be a guildmaster in her own right, and i would've loved to know more about why she's with the hunters guild, a better breakdown of her abilities, and honestly a better romance hook that wasn't "oh this is the only guy who doesn't stink" LOL? i love her hunter's outfit + spirit weapon ability a lot, would've been cool to see her make her own decisions with interesting motivations rather than just reacting to narrative points
choi jong-in: first impression is that he would have made a great corporate manager, then i saw the ending where in a world without gates he WAS one. vindication. i really enjoyed that he fought intelligently, i.e. finding the pathway deeper into the ant nest. i also wish i saw more of him fighting - i think his powers would've been really cool to show more of, even if only to hype up sjw's level up
lim tae-gyu: sopping wet guildmaster... i wasn't expecting much of him, but i actually really enjoyed that he was an archer! i expected him to also be a dagger-style assassin and have a face-off with sjw, which would've been really boring. again, would've loved to see more of his powers... he never got any moments that made him feel like an s-ranker
min byung-gyu: king of flourishing and staying in his own lane. it was awesome to see him take out a fucking MACE alongside his insane healing abilities. his banter with yoonho was so cute v_v.... unfortunately his death was a really cool narrative moment RIP KING you will be missed
ma dongwook: i enjoyed his energy hehe. i don't think he's particularly interesting so i don't have much to say. it is fun to see someone taking their previous job/life experience before the gates and that bleeding into how they hunt (i.e. his martial arts)
hwang dongsoo: should have died in a more brutal way. who said that. predictable cartoonish antagonist with not much depth but filled out the role in the story well so whatever. wish he suffered more ngl <3
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liveblog: yugioh! s231-240
"so prepare to lose this duel! but win a husband that's a star!"
"sorry my little gingersnap"
"if i can't win your heart, mai, then i'm gonna have to steal it!"
last ep was a filler but it atually was a useful filler
though it did progress the plot so maybe not a compelte filler
"any friend of joey and tea's is a buddy of mine."
oh hey bakura
kaiba really said that the egyptain god card is more important than getting even for the kidnapping of mokuba
seto realy is a sucker for his brother haha
oh hey ishizu
wwow what a CONVENIENT collection of finalists
especially because four of them crawled out the woodwork
"we have reached the official dueling altitude"
you mean the official attitude for the blimp
imagine if yugi just handed over slife the sky dragon to kaiba
just straight up tol kaiba that if he wanted it then here
kaiba would have a fucking stroke over that
like he'd be glad he had it but since he wants to duel for it he'd hate that it was just given to him
kaiba really has a hard on for yugi being the greatest duelist in the world and like... somehoe is blind to the fact that yugi could not give a single shit about his title
i mean he makes it so obvious
bu since KIABA is obsessed with being the greatest duelist in the world then he projects that onto everyone else
even when he can also acknowledge that yugi is into fRiEnDsHiP and cheesy shit like that
i do remember these blimp duels actually being fun to watch
iw ant to see more sexy dark magician action
dark magician girl -eyes emoji-
i want her played as well!
finally!!!! yugi is questioning bakura's actions
oh we'r finally remembering that bakura's millennium ring has an evil spirit in it?
the randomizer is a white eyes!
dark magician girl!! <3
oh cool the ouiji board!
some good twists in this duel
trying out a new scent tonight and it's very clean which i really like!
one of those scents you use when you don't want to smell like anything in particular
do we see more of dungeon dice monsters in this series because that's actually cool
hm instead of summoning slifer (slypher?) i wonder if, if yugi had drawn it, if the swords of revealing help would've been handy?
but it doesn't stop magic cards so, hm, maybe not
how does bakua not have cards in his hand when one draws a card every turn??
he should have at MINIMUM one card
hahahah this is actually smart
the spirit of the millennium ring released bakura's mind so that yami wouldn't use slifer to defeat him (the ring spirir)
okay so
i understand that the effects of the duel are supposed to feel real
but also it's been explicitly stated that this shit is just a hologram so...
bakura would be fine
joey talks mad shit and he can't really back it up but he's got spirit
oh wow the ring spirit has a heart haha
what's the ship name for bakura and the ring spirit?
"if the evil spirit hadn't come back i don't know what i would've done"
that's exactly why
"or get ready to say 'hi' to the business end of my fist"
we had that whoel scene just for kaiba to say that they have medical staff on board
smart to have a physical fight on the to of a blimp
i forgot that joey had GInzo
something in my laptop is off-kilter and i can hear it whirring
my poor laptop :(
joey has all of his won cards on the field
oh shit is this the summoning of ra??
so.. marik copied the winged dragon of ra card so that he.. wouldn't lose his copy of the winged dragon of ra..
uh.. okay
i wonder if i just, gently but with force, bang my laptop if that'll realign things so i can stop hearing the whirring
the smart option would be to just unscrew the bottom but what fun is that
oh wow joey knows that this dude isn't marik
marik wantsodeon to play ra in order to keep up appearances
he should've just had odeon defeat joey with the scorpion moster
the winged dragon of ra!
why the fisheye lens
hm, yeah, i DO think that the real ra is angry that the fake ra has been played
adios odeon
kaiba actually being fair and giving a grace period
kaiba must really see all this shit and wonder why he surrounds himself with these ancient egyptian roleplaying fools
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