#They say it started like a wildfire/It’s kinda funny that you had me written off dead | Eon
galaxies-unknown · 2 years
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Minor tag dump for Writerverse variants. All listed under the cut in case you guys wanna block a few due to the fandoms they’re tied to.
Myth Re-Sear Mask: The first but never the last | Myth Mask
Writer of Worlds: Home in a world of blocks | Writer of Worlds
Nature Worlds: I’m in a place that you will never find/Til somebody learns to read my mind | Nature Worlds
Cartridge (Undertale): Be true to who you are/Be true to what you feel | Cartridge
Eon (Pokémon): They say it started like a wildfire/It’s kinda funny that you had me written off dead | Eon
Node Gate (Sonic): Desert runner | Node the Fennec Fox
Triangle (Gravity Falls): Welcome to Gravity Falls/It’s our job to answer the call | Triangle
Terror (Kirby: Right Back at Ya!): ‘Monster’ is just skin-deep/I dare you to try to know me | Terror
Imprint (Genshin Impact): Some histories aren’t worth remembering/So I’ll burn the memories before I leave | Imprint
Pencil Line (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic): Creativity is magic | Pencil Line
Wire (Tensura): Not gonna die tonight/We’re gonna stand and fight forever | Wire
Tize (Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel): Star of The Silver Lotus | Tize the Siren
Moonstone (Steven Universe): We’re only alive if we bruise/So I lay down this armor | Moonstone
Zam (FNaF: SB): I don’t need the stars in the night/I found my treasure | Zammy Worlds Lunar
Fragment (Subnautica): Here in the water/I found my peace/My drive to thrive/From the death of me | Fragment
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evcryopeneye · 2 years
@nctafraid​​​ asked: ♫ ~ tim and lucy
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Against the Current - Wildfire  They say it started off like a wildfire, it’s kinda funny how you had me written off dead, now we’re coming for the Empire. Now you love me, but you aint seen nothing yet. Go tell ‘em watch me, keep your eyes on me. I caught you sleeping before and now I’m in your head. You can’t close it, the doors are open. Nah, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
The Subway -  Kiss Kiss Bang Bang  Like a fool I’m failing falling, in a web I’m trapped and calling. Into a thousand million pieces I will shatter if and when she pleases. She has a way of making me feel wild, has me feeling just like a child. Am I weak or is it just too tempting, to see the smile in her eyes unending? She’s gonna leave me paralyzed, she’s gonna leave me terrified. She’s a devil with a kiss kiss bang bang, bad  blood running through her veins. She’s a fire with her kiss kiss bang bang, you will never ever be the same.
Amy McDonald - Life in a Beautiful Light  How do I know when I’ve found my one and only and these days of searching are through? How do I know when  you love me as much as I love you? How do you know when your life, your life is complete? When the butterflies in your stomach sweep you off your feet. ‘Cause the stars in my eyes they twinkle when I see your face.
KT Tunstall - Feel it All  I’ve been listening to the stars, they be thinking of you…wondering where you are. Do you know what you’ve done for me? You’ve made my branches grow. Now they can play with the wind and they can carry the snow. They can feel, feel it all. Yes, they feel, feel it all. So take what you want, leave what you don’t need. I’ll go looking for you, you keep your eye out for me. Our hearts are on a wire, sitting pretty like a bird, but the hunter is hunting, and the eagle is us. We can feel, feel it all.
Enter Shikari - Undercover Agents I said park your car and come on up to my house. We’ll plan a revolution. I said ‘yeah I think I’m ready to begin, we’ll destroy the disillusion.’ I am currently under construction, thank you for your patience. We veiner, unveil, we present a cold disguise. We’re all undercover agents. I’m so done with the pressure, trying to control everyone's perceptions, I'm done with the weather, trapped in the mist I can’t find myself. I said ‘if you want to go far and wide now, we’ve got to go together.’
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unicornsandphoenix · 6 years
Blog Birthday??!!?!!?!?!
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Helloooooo alll! So not only is today my wife’s birthday (I keep saying wife and I feel like someone is gonna believe it too much someday?), but also! It is my blog birthday!!!!! Fucking shit you guys! Happy birthday to this blog! Some cool facts about this blog:
1) Today, it is 1 year old (shit my dudes, it’s real)
2) It was started purely because I had a story that I wanted to post and I was tired of not reblogging fan content but only liking, so the side blog was created
3) There are so many instrumental people who went into creating this blog oh ho ho let me tell you about it under the cut, sorry to everyone who was tagged I went ham
4) This blog has grown to have more followers than I deserve
5) Has gotten me out of some pretty bad depressive episodes
6) Is my child that I want so very much to nurture
So just.... A very big thank you goes out to everyone seeing this. Because even in indirect ways, you have all affected me and shaped me in some way. So thank you, I love you all! (And of you were tagged, even if you don’t read on, please know you affected something about this blog in the biggest way possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart <3)
If you’d like, please read to see the complete history about my time on here, but if not, I hope your day is extra happy today! Because mine was! <3
So all in all, after I got to read a ton of fanfics online as a guest on AO3, I finally made my own account that held LITERALLY nothing but bookmarked fics that I really wanted to read. When this happened, I looked to tumblr for more Harry Potter content. Since then I have two fics that I have written for fests (1 and 2), dozens of drabbles and head cannons floating around tumblr  (under #phiawrites), written 10 fics on AO3, gained a thousand followers or so, and smiled so much more often.
About two years ago, I started actively seeking out blogs. The first every drarry blog I followed religiously, with notifications and everything, was @dorthyanndrarry. Her writing INSPIRED ME, and I would stalk her writing blog daily to see if there was new content to enjoy. Next was @l0vegl0wsinthedark, who not only blew me away with writing, but also with support. She was always so so so kind to everyone, and so excited, and her presence was exactly what I wanted to be as well. Of course, with love, I had to obsess over @bixgirl1 next, and obsess I DID. Sometimes I would get so overwhelmed with notifications, I had to turn them all off, but I would always make it a habit to go back and read their blogs later.
The next big big big step for me, was Jeni. I had followed @drarrymylove for a while, and Jeni wrote such amazing and beautiful drabbles for asks, even anon asks, and I was truly so inspired by them. I would send her asks with prompts, and to my utter delight and surprise, she wrote a few out!!!! They are still my favorites, and I still read them from time to time. About 13 months ago, she sent me a message after I left a comment on something of hers, and I grabbed on and held on to the convo like a life raft on open water.
Soon after, I created this blog on January 20th, 2018. I started reblogging like a wildfire, and I could not get enough.
Next, would definitely be staganddragon (not entirely sure if she wants her new blog to be separate now, so I will keep silent on her blog name). Emily wrote amazing songs, like songs I would listen to on repeat over and over and over and over. This was all around 12 months ago, a little after I started to talk with Jeni, and I got so so so inspired by the song Tuesday Morning, that I just HAD to write. I sat down, and in one five hour sitting, cranked out my first fic. Emily was super supportive, so was Jeni (who at this time didn’t know yet that I was this blog, she thought we were two separate people), and I was riding high.
Soon after, Jeni made a post, or said something, about how there should be more fairytales for drarry, and I quite agreed, and reblogged the post saying that if she wrote one for me, I would write one for her. She agreed, and tagged my other blog only to find out it was me all along, and I went into writing my next fic(s). Jeni gifted me The Nightingale, and I gifted her my cinderella AUs that Emily graciously beta-ed and grew to be more out of control than I thought. I was hooked.
After that, things happened fairly quickly for me. I started betaing, I joined the discord, I met so many amazing people through it (especially in the sprinting section), I wrote more, I responded more to content, I created content.
I met @morgendaemmerung89 who drew me this for one of my drabbles (that I still scream about constantly)
I met @gnarf who is an absolute gem, and inspired me so so much with the fact that she essentially TAUGHT HERSELF ENGLISH TO WRITE, and wrote such heart wrenching stories like Harry Potter’s Biggest Fan 
I wrote a birthday present for carpemermaidtales, and a present for @goldentruth813 (who also was so kind and inspiring as a writer and as a supporter with every single person she interacted with. Like... I was in awe. Still am most of the time)
I made friends with @snortinglaughter by telling her we were best friends anonymously and giving her clues as to who I was through anon before she found me (which kinda might be my MO but hey, here we are right?) because Gigi was the absolute best and I was obsessed with her blog as well as her writing such as this one
I was obsessed with @decanthrope‘s ability to say such bizarre things and weave a story out of a single sentence. There is also that way the fics were written so supremely well as well. Take a look
I don’t even remember how I became friends with Jess, @nifflers-n-nargles, but her writing is amazing and I can’t for the life of me tell you how happy I am that I did, as we are married on discord now with @hogwartsfirebolt (who is the sweetest and the loveliest and all around the best ok ok she writes like a dream) Gigi, and @slashfoxes (who had her birthday on my blogs birthday so of course we were destined to be, here is some of her hot stuff)
I talked to @mzuul a few times after I sent her anonymous love letters  through the ask box because her art literally makes my heart stop beating for a few seconds so I can take in how utterly amazing it is, and low key inspired me to try to draw a little on my own
I met @foularcadebanana, whom I love with all of my heart, and literally helped me through so fuckign much its not even funny. She was my biggest supporter over the summer with some fics of mine, and I can’t tell her enough how grateful I am for her. I wrote her this little thing here, and if you haven’t read her stuff, please fucking do here is her Big Bang (yes, she did do that kudos to her)
I met @violetclarity who is a gem of a human, and me in like 4 years I have decided, who writes magNIFICENTLY so please check her out
@xx-thedarklord-xx is literally a sweetheart (though she might try and deny it) and I am still shocked that she actually talks to me because she was a BIG name to me starting off, and I ADORED her blog so much, still do, and her writing skills I would literally kill for
@jadepresley talked to me after I left one too many screaming comment on her current fic (seen here), which is absolutely wild and boggles my mind every time it happens... we are best friends now though. NO ONE CAN TAKE THAT FROM ME
@jet-playin writes the funniest and hottest things, and honestly I loved every bit of our interactions
@assassinsdragons was one of the first blogs I noticed in my notes, and everything she had to say was so incredibly kind, and she writes now tooo!!!
@saintdrarry makes absolutely stunning artwork. I am still in awe looking at it, and you should be too. I am so impressed with this gal, let me tell you, she will go places, and I am so happy to be apart of her life
I really can’t tell you how much these people have affected my life and influenced it for the better. Of course, this isn’t everyone, not even close, but just know how thrilled I was to know all of you. Thank you so so so much.
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