#They never fail to wow me with their music vids
kanjincho · 11 months
My favourite Taylor Swift songs above!
I first heard Ours when my husband (then bf) introduced me to the song to be used for a music lecture I did. I was so intrigued by the lyrics and the MV. I was never a Taylor Swift fan but now and then when I heard her hits I would be like "oh that's Swift? Oh wow!". Though I heard Ours I listened to it bit later so maybe Red Era? However, fate had it her international concert was in the news and I got curious so decided to listen to her albums slowly.
I had students who raved about her album Folklore but I started with Speak Now because it launched same time as her international concert ticket craze was coming. I admit I am a late Swiftie (and older too) fan but no regrets. I loved her songs from Speak Now TV and slowly explored all the albums from the earliest. I remember listening to it as I tried to go into the ticketmaster booking system (which failed). I like musicology and teach it and I was very curious about her songwriting characteristics (which we teach) so I started to listen to more songs, reading articles on literature profs/experts who analysed her lyrics (sometimes with the songs) and formed a deeper appreciation. I also keep a note of the songs I hear, and which song sounds similar to which. For example, her 1989 TV vault tracks had similarity with some of the 1989 earlier songs and I like using these parallels to show students that a composer at that point in time, or as DNA, these traits don't leave.
I see Taylor's relationship splashed on the media and it is fun and crazy to be caught up and give thoughts as a new fan (I realise Twitter is a crazy platform for this but it's also very amusing for me, I have not been a fan for any music for quite some time with work and other commitments) but I hope Taylor will be happy in whatever she does and always find inspiration to make music anytime. To me, it is always the music (and I must thank all the dudes she dated for inspiring her, good or bad).
Right now I'm exploring some of her more personal songs that seem to be about her life and family tree, like Epiphany, Marjorie, really fascinating. I think it is exciting to know a living poet/writer at our time. Imagine those who knew of Bronte/Wordsworth/Beethoven at their lifetime and championed their artistry! It is so exciting. She has also done so much to the industry and as a female musician, I am so in awe of someone who can channel her music. Doing music has been a dream but not realistic sadly where I am from, it was a choice for me to go into it and while I'm so happy where I am, I admire those who become artistes as it is so so tough out there.
Sadly, I could not qualify for her concert in 2024 maybe those fans who will watch the screen from the outside (not sure if there is a thing!) and I have never met her but I have a deep music admiration for her. Granted my friends have shared her music can sound less catchy than her lyrics (this I am still debating in my mind as I listen) but I like her thought process behind it (seen some of her reputation song vid of the process), the music process she works with Aaron, Jack (have not seen those with Max but he did good work on 1989). I like her fashion as well, and she's brought back some young girl fashion from 2012 actually back to 2023! Refreshing.
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sempiternox · 2 years
Resident Evil Village Villains as Youtubers Headcanons
Lady Dimitrescu → “Miss D Forever”
Miss D “covers” and original songs
even has an own music label
her comment sections mostly consist of “Wow! You sound exactly like Miss D!” / “You’re the best Miss D cover singer I’ve heard in my life!” / “Finally a modern singer who can capture that 20′s jazz vibe! Bravo!” etc.
her music videos are mostly shot in Castle Dimitrescu
the maidens appear as backup dancers in her music videos. Their choreographies are always a sight to behold, but something about the way they smile thoughout their performances feels... off... as if they’re deeply scared of something and trying to hide it. Not that the viewers care.
Lady D loves the positive feedback she gets from her viewers. It’s not quite the same as touring with the Pallboys, but it’s close.
one of the things she likes most about her YT career is that she can reach and interact with fans from all over the world
thanks to the help of her daughters, she got used to the internet and Youtube rather quickly, but she still needs some help from time to time
Bela → “BelaBass” & “BelaBars”
the only one with 2 YT channels
uploads bass guitar instrumentals and -tutorials on BelaBass and horrorcore raps on BelaBars
people love her gloomy instrumentals and gritty yet poetic rap lyrics
sells her music under her mother’s label
her music videos are shot exclusively in the dungeon and wine cellar of Castle Dimitrescu. (”The blood in the cellar? That’s water, actually. It just looks like blood because of the lighting, I assure you...”)
provides the background music for Cassandra’s videos
Cassandra → “Cassandra la cazadora”
by far the nastiest YT channel
uploads videos of her hunting animals and people who got lost in the woods of the village... in gory detail.
because of the bad VHS quality of her videos, people think the “realistic murder scenes” are just the result of really good practical effects.
some people visit the places where she shot her videos out of curiosity and never return.
since Cassandra never shows the faces of her victims and edits their voices, it’s nearly impossible to identify them. The fact that her videos are all black-and-white doesn’t help either.
Daniela → “Dani’s Daily Dimisaster”
prank videos. Lots and lots of prank videos. And fail compilations.
the most active YT channel of the RE 8 villains (at least one upload every day)
no one is safe from her, not even her mother. The only exception is Miranda.
most of her pranks are harmless, but when she’s in a bad mood...
the maidens always put up with her bs, no matter how nasty it gets. Why? Well, even her worst “pranks” are preferable to what she does to you when you tell her to stop...
Donna & Angie → “Chromavoid”
art tutorials and home videos with some gardening vids sprinkled in between
Donna is great at explaining things and many of her videos could double as ASMRs, but most people watch her videos for Angie.
“You animated the doll so well! That’s the best CGI I’ve ever seen!” / “The way Angie moves is so fluid, it’s as if she’s actually alive!” / “The zombie actors in your gardening videos are awesome! That’s some damn good make-up/prosthetics right there!” Oh, if only they knew...
ultra-funny closed captions
occasionally, Donna also uploads horror let’s plays, and let me tell you one thing: this woman has ovaries of steel when it comes to horror games.
Angie’s commentaries & reactions = perfect meme material
“Face reveal? Ain’t gonna happen. Sorry.”
Moreau → “Ambassadeur de L’amour”
romance movie/novel recommendations
probably the most normal YT channel of the bunch
His videos may be rather minimalistic (think The Joy of Painting but with movie/novel reviews), but you can tell he’s having a blast with his recommendations
you wouldn’t believe how long he can talk about his favorite movies/novels. His shortest video is 35 minutes long, but he always stays on topic and is very pleasant to listen to.
he also engages in lengthy and deep discussions with his viewers
wholesome comment sections ❤ (except for the few jerks who feel the need to point out how “ugly” Moreau looks)
Heisenberg → “EISENBURG™ - Castle of Iron”
DIY videos and let’s plays
oh, and don’t forget the videos he uploads when he’s drunk.
Steampunk Aesthetic™
everything in his videos is over the top: the intro, the music, the camera work, his gameplay... e v e r y t h i n g . Which makes his videos extremely fun to watch. Most of his subscribers come for the DIY videos and stay for Karl’s hammy antics.
expect LOTS of cussing, especially in his let’s play videos. (seriously, if you censored every swear word in his let’s plays, you’d end up with more beeps than actual commentary)
sometimes he lets his soldiers have cameos in his videos, but never Sturm. Because Sturm is a noisy [CENSORED] who doesn’t know how to behave.
Miranda → “Mother Miranda’s Wisdom”
ASMR videos and guided meditations
some of her videos have a weird effect on the viewer/listener: calming, but not quite. There’s that other feeling. You can’t put your finger on what that feeling is, but it’s unnerving. As if someone was trying to get into your head while telling you that there is nothing to worry about.
sometimes you could swear you faintly heard someone groan or even scream in her videos. “Do not be afraid. The screaming will cease. All you have to do is listen to my voice...”
in her video descriptions, Miranda advertises retreats and churches where you can sign up for her cult religion. Those who take her offer never return. Once they join Miranda, they never want to leave. They have found a new family. A new purpose. At least that’s what Miranda says...
“Glory to Mother Miranda.”
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annetteblog · 4 years
Intro & My take on KM
I’m new around here so it’s supposed to be (not so short) introduction, since I don’t know how to start a blog heh. I hope to sprinkle my 0.5 cents into the KM conversation and maybe to bring a new perspective from someone, who is not a part of the typical English-speaking West.
Who /the hell/ Am I?  
(please, consider it to be said with NJ’s voice from Intro: Persona :D)
I was born in Siberia (it’s in the Asian part of Russia), currently live in the European part of the country while studying at a Uni (European in terms of geography, not in terms of everything else i’m definitely not shading rn lolllll). English is not my first language, I’ve just kind of learnt it to some extent. Due to this it takes me more time to write a post; and I may (and will) make some grammatical & other mistakes. Plus I’m lazy AND busy with Uni, so I won’t even promise to be consistent in posting smth lol. But I thought I need more practice in terms of writing in English, so here I am, actually scribbling something. This feels weird, because I’ve been around stan Tumblr since 2015, but never ever interacted, just read.
How I ended up around Jikook/Kookmin (and BTS) & My (long&messy) take on this matter
Although I had heard of BTS before, I became an Army only in October 2018. I had kinda avoided them, because you know... boybands.... sing songs about romantic love and how they love girls.......... (+I had been around Twitter when 1D been at their peak and I remember a quite toxic community of fans, whom always had scared me). Shortly, hello stereotypes. Obviously, after I got engaged I felt terribly sorry that I had been sleeping on them, but what is done cannot be undone. 
Someone I knew back then reposted one of their MVs and I, during my sad hours of procrastination, decided to watch it. Then I saw their live performance with the same song. And I thought “wow these guys can sing and dance and the music is kinda cool, i need to check this out maybe??” 
Then a funny thing happened. One of the next videos I watched (the same person had it added to their page) was a 2016 BangtanBomb where JM and JK practiced their Coming of Age dance. 
Do you know this moment with Gina from the 1st episode of Brooklyn 9-9:
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Well, that was precisely me after I watched it. I don’t even know how to explain this, it was kind of a gut feeling? Whatever you call it, I started to get suspicious and couldn’t even explain to myself why. /actually now a do have questions to this vid and the main one - why does everyone cringe that much? if it’s a girly choreo than they had done some “girly” moves before. why is there such strong reaction??/
I started to get deeper and went to some ru-shipper communities. Shipping culture among Russian speaking fans is... well, weird to some extent, but I maybe address this topic some time later. You need to consider that (as far as you probably know) Russia is quite homophonic country and sadly is not the greatest place for LGBTQ+ community at the moment. The non-frienly influential attitudes hanging in the society + the general shippers’ weirdness = the result is not that nice honestly. 
I struggled for some time in order to find more mature people (not just in terms of age but in general sanity), failed, ended up with some EXTREMELY toxic ru-fans of TK, which was/is the most popular pairing here, spent among them like 15 minutes and ran away horrified. After that I didn’t even try to engage with shippers or believers or whatever of any pair and just decided to enjoy the music and the content (which is a great idea, highly recommend!)
After a couple of days I discovered that JK makes videos. I love video, films and visual art so I immediately found them on YT, saw the titles with names of different cities from all over the world and was like “Oh that must be so cool, he’s visited so many outstanding places I’ve never been to, so I really need to watch it! I shall enjoy some beautyyy”. Then I clicked on GCFt.
Well, what can I say. I did enjoy some beauty, but not the type I had initially anticipated. The biggest clickbait in my entire life. JK should be proud of himself.
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                                       /as I said - the beauty/
I had already known Troy back then and I known the song’s lyrics so it would not be an underestimation to say - the video just blew my mind. I was like - hold on is this real? seriously?? no really really????? he manage to get away with something THAT obvious?????? dude how
As a person who edited videos AND is not a native English speaker, I don’t buy the explanation “oh he mustve didnt get the lyrics lmao”. You just don’t do that. You don’t. DON’T. You google and translate every shit you don’t understand, every word and idiom you’ve never encountered, because otherwise the possibility of an epic failure is very likely. You wouldn’t want to give your mum a video as a birthday present and then discover that you used a song with WAP-ish lyrics, right? (well maybe that would be okay in your family, I don’t judge, but that’s not the case for people I know). So don’t you dare to degrade JK’s intellectual capacities; such assumption is really offensive. He is a smart boii, he knows exactly what he’s doing in terms of his art.
So I was shocked, but decided to look for the context - maybe I missed some previous events regarding this Tokyo thing (another great idea - always check the context). Well, apparently I didn’t, because the whole narrative with the trip for two, lovely selfies etc. made my poor brain lowkey explode. (I still don’t buy the rings theory thing though)
But I didn’t give up lol! I’m a bit stubborn and it’s very hard to convince me in anything, so I decided to search for more context, more of their interactions, moreeee. Remember, the late October 2018, there were no swan lakes, RB, and even MMA18 hadn’t happened yet. 
This time I ended up watching content in more or less consistent way, and when I saw all of these scenes with affectionate JM and a cool badass i-don’t-care-about-anyone-i’m-a-manly-man-with-no-feelings-whatsoever JK, I just hysterically laughed. 
Homophobic Russia, remember? I recognized this. Growing up here being LGBT myself, taught me the same type behaviour during my high school days. When a girl I kinda liked but didn’t what to admit it to myself was nice to me or (oh god) flirted with me, I did something similar. It’s like a huge panic mode. Being an introvert doesn’t help either. The funniest thing is that you may not entirely realise what exactly is going on in terms of your own feelings, especially at that age (16-18ish). In my personal case, I thought I liked her but as a friend, only later to realise that well not as a friend oops :DDD The second thing (already not so funny) is that you actually consciously or unconsciously try to avoid the subject as much as possible, as long as possible and pretend that nothing is going on. We’re just bros. Stop doing this stupid gayish thing and don’t look at me like that, you’re annoying. If you ever do this again I (gently) kick you. I’m straighter than a straight line in my math textbook. IDK, but probably that’s your brain is somehow trying to protect you. Again, in my case&position I knew that the consequences for any non-straight person being outed would be bad (TW not to the point of being killed bad, but to the point of being excluded from a big part of society). So for me it was a mixture of the internalized homophobia + lack of self reflection + just being a bit emotionally slow + very! straight community around. Shit happens, I was a teenager and made my share of mistakes, but that experience helps me to recognize the same pattern of behaviour up to this day.   
So coming back to KM, because the post is already waaay too long and I just ramble. It’s been 2+ years for me being a part of this fandom, and what can I say... Things become more intense and eventful with every year passing by ;) Funny how I felt that vibe from the 2016 dance practice video. Seeing the Black Swan performance a week ago almost had me choked, no joking. They are amazing.
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                                                    Pure Art
However, and I would like to emphasize that, I do not incline that KM are 100% romantically involved and/or gay or whatever. I tend to treat people with respect and not to make too much assumptions about their private life. That’s not my business. However, I’m also not a fan of heteronormativity, so I’m just sitting here and observe everything that’s going on putting some distance and not forgetting being generally polite and critical thinking. But if they are just straightest besties please give them an Oscar before Grammy
Anyways, I hope this blog won’t kick the bucket from the very start and I will post something every now and then. You can always ask me questions about some BTS/Jikook related stuff or something about Russia and a Russian view on mass culture topics, since I’m pretty sure some of you have very stereotypical view of what is going on here :) However, do note that I’ve never been to America or Europe, therefore I may not be aware of something verrrry obvious to you or just have a completely different experience. 
P.S.  And yeah, I’m used to say Jikook, since it’s the name which is used much more frequently in Russian.  i like it better and what will u do haha
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fandom-sheep · 3 years
Fundy 26 SEP 21
chair world record Part 1/1
I enter to hear about a death chair. What?
There’s the boy.
Oh he’s building another chair. This is going to go horrible.
The chair is stabbing the streamer. It’s gotta go.
We’re moving in from the pink chair. RIP
Spoopy music
A creature with a package? With a box?
What a scary story. Can someone pass me a marshmallow my last one fell in the campfire.
Vanished! Wow!
I was about to say. Where did gunfire come from?
A logo? What happens to an unmarked package?
I swear I’m laughing way harder than I should be. That was so dramatic. My residents are going to question my sanity.
A young adult man with a messy room? Wow. Who would have guessed.
We adjusting the camera.
Ah yes. A box.
Poor man is struggling with his camera.
Tripod! Tripods are so much fun.
I wasn’t listening and I looked up and he’s spinning his arms??
General Kenobi?
The fox is struggling with the camera once more.
We are in fact hanging in here.
What kind of witch cackle was that?
Just is and the Pop Fundy.
I’m trying to make pop noises in sync with the pop Fundy in the corner.
I failed to sync.
We’re almost there!
Hey! We can see the floor now!
This stream won’t be as good due to lack of maid dress /j
“I look like a little child” - Fundy
Dude you look like a tall person sitting on the floor you ain’t that cute.
Dog begging for cheezit is closer.
Is the angle poggers? I wouldn’t know I’m watching on my Roku so I can’t see chat.
Hat? Why hat?
Mans got his glasses on. Mans can see.
Ah cool hat. I forget hats that aren’t baseball caps exist.
Am I blue? No I’m not? Oh wait
Yeah hun your shirt and pants are both blue.
The blanket scarf I swear. Child.
He does have grandma vibes with the scarf. He looked cool until he added the scarf.
Oh no. Someone said Harry potter and he’s doing something.
Ah light saber.
Grandpa playing lightsabers with grandchild. That’s all I see.
We’re being hit with the saber!
The Text done squished.
He’s acting like it’s difficult. Oh look at what he typed never mind.
I’m going to need to run down the hall and fill my water bottle. Let me know what I miss.
Sir why is the camera focused on your chin.
Du du du du
Well I hope we beat the record because I don’t know if I can watch over 14 hours.
Please don’t melt.
The awkward feet stuff of the internet. 😂
No hat.
Anyway off to get water.
Only missed 2 minutes.
Oh wait Duty calls literally.
And done. I saw that Fundy had to take a pause to read the instructions.
Pro chair build tactics right here.
Well were doing better than the first chair building.
You know. I had hope this wouldn’t take 14 hours. Now I’m not so sure.
Righty tighty. Lefty lossy.
It got distracted, but he’s reading instructions.
Do not eat whatever the small circle thing is.
He lost his spin thing! Oh there it is!
Why are we slapping chairs and saying I love you to it?
What? Speed buff? Fundy this is borderline abusive to that chair.
This isn’t taking nearly as long as the first time.
I wonder how many people are going crazy from listening to the speed run music on repeat for the last 20 or so minutes. I’ve had no problem with it because I listen to things on repeat for hours.
We’re getting close.
We repositioned.
Losing time because of the head pillow thing.
Timer has stopped.
Now to see if he sits down and it all falls apart.
There is a Tour group at a picnic table outside my window.
Hooray! We did it! And have new music.
He’s being so over dramatic. It’s like a cat when there is no food in the center of its bowl.
There chairs not pink so I don’t like it. /j
Suspense music!
He has sat.
Well kinda. The headrest thing is in his shoulder blades.
Suspenseful music as our streamer spins in circles trying to work his chair.
Spin test!
Going criss cross
Why does this feel like a mini boss fight?
What. I missed what he said.
Back to the pink chair?
Mans is crying.
Ah switching chairs is a bit. Cool.
Well that was a cool stream.
Very nice. Updated the record on screen and everything.
Alright artists you heard him say he doesn’t have an ending screen. Do your magic art thing.
Fundy stop typing we can’t see
Thank you for scrolling.
Please someone make this man and end screen.
Of course this’ll be a vid. This’ll be a great vid.
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lickrustdavid · 4 years
Should I Walk By Again A hockey game, a slowly-failing business, talks of skin care, and a mutual crush.  Rated E  3.2k AO3
+ + +
David only comes to these stupid hockey games for Alexis. She’s been to almost every single game since she and Ted started dating, and once they got engaged she started inviting David. He’s really not into sports at all and doesn’t understand how anyone can find that much physical endurance fun. This is only his fifth week coming, wrapped in his warm sweater as he sits on the cold bleachers, hot chocolate warming his hands. 
“Remind me again why I’m here?” David huffs, glaring at Alexis, who’s got Ted's other jersey on. She looks cute, he has to admit, wearing her fiancés too-big jersey in support, her blond hair curled and falling down past her shoulders. 
“Uhm, because David, I told you- Ted told me he wished you’d come because then it could be a family thing,” she looks at him with her eyebrows raised. “He’s told me like twenty times the past month how hes always excited to see you here. You’re going to be brother in laws soon, he just wants to be part of the family.” 
“Right,” David frowns. “But couldn't we do something else together? Like...I bet he’d like manicures! Or I could shop with him for new clothes?” 
“Fine! I’ve been here the past month haven’t I? I even watched that one guy break his arm? That was traumatizing Alexis!” 
Alexis rolls her eyes. “Whatever David. Just…” her expression softens a little, going kind of shy. “I just want him to feel like there’s more than one person rooting for him in the family. I know Mom and Dad like him, but I also know Mom will never come to a game, and Dad’s so busy with the motel…” she trails off, eyes darting all over the large ice house. 
“I suppose,” David sighs, looking like he’s about to regret his next words. “I suppose that there could be worse things to be doing. We’re at least in the city, and there’s food here, so…” 
“Thank you David,” Alexis brightens up, watching the game. He grumbles about being hungry and gets up to go find a pretzel. He’s not been paying attention to the game, too busy texting Stevie and browsing Instagram. Looking at the scoreboard, he sees their team is up four points to Lancaster. That’s good right? Promising? Maybe? He stands in line, deciding next time he’s inviting Stevie too. After getting his pretzel and making it back to the stands, he tries to actually watch the game, begrudgingly letting Alexis take a pinch of the pretzel, too. 
Because they’re in Elm Glenn (which is where Ted and Jake both play, because it’s the closest minor league hockey team), their team is in their home jerseys, dark blue. David watches most of the team start going towards the opposite goal, Lancaster in all white jerseys. Ted, number 12, is speeding down the rink along side another guy, who hits the puck into the goal, completely missing the goalie, going straight into the net on the upper right corner. 
“...and newcomer Brewer makes the shot! The Guardian’s win!!” The commentator says into the mic. Everyone on their side of the rink yells and claps and hollers. David claps a little, but not too much, because that would mean possibly dropping his pretzel, and that’s absolutely not happening. Alexis is bouncing up and down on her heels, grinning widely. Ted is good for her, David thinks. He’s known this for a long time, but it’s reaffirmed now, seeing how happy she is. He tries not to think about his own love life, or lack thereof, and takes another bite. 
A good twenty minutes later, Ted is walking up to them, sweaty and red faced, but happy. He’s got shoes on now, instead of his skates. “You did so good, babe! Like...so good!” 
“Yeah...you did great,” David offers, wishing half heartedly that he knew more about hockey so he could at least seem like he knew what he was talking about. 
Ted leans in close to Alexis for a quick kiss and then beams at David. 
“Thanks bud! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Oh, hey, hold on…” Ted walks a few paces over to where a guy that looks a little out of place is standing. He has on an Elm Glenn jersey too, but David’s not sure he’s ever seen him before. True, he rarely pays attention to the players, but this man is beautiful, he knows he would have noticed him before.
“Guys, this is Patrick. He’s been on the team since Tuesday, since Mark broke his arm. He was great though wasn’t he? That last shot was golden!” 
Alexis shakes his hand and compliments him, but David’s barely aware of it all, as he stares at the guy- Patrick. As he stares at Patrick. He’s smaller than Ted, but still muscular, his brown hair wavy, like maybe if he grew it out, he’d have curls. His eyes are a warm brown, and when David meets them he has to look away, the intensity too much. 
“Hi, I’m David...Alexis’s brother,” David is suddenly very aware of the older Givenchy sweater he’s wearing, sure he probably looks more dingy than he’d like. “You uhm...you played great!” Played great? Come on Rose. Jesus. 
“David...nice to meet you,” Patrick’s smile is more of a smirk, kind of cocky. “Thank you. I was nervous to start on the team, but everyone’s been great. I live in Schitt’s Creek too, just moved here. Ted and Jake have been great.” 
“Oh! You should totally come have dinner with us then,” Alexis pipes up, looking at David with a knowing smile. “We’d love to get to talk more, wouldn't we David?” 
David shoots her a withering glare. “Yeah. You should come.” 
“Oh, I don’t want to intr-“ 
“It’s a tradition! Seriously, it’ll be fun. I insist,” Ted speaks up, his golden retriever attitude coming out. David snorts as Patrick looks a little overwhelmed. 
“Sure, I’ll come.” 
“Great!! We’ll meet you at the cafe?” Alexis wraps an arm around Ted. After a nod from Patrick, both men go back to the locker room to change. 
“What the fuck, Alexis?” 
Alexis has the audacity to just shrug. David is going to kill her, and her weird ability to seem to be able to read his mind. 
“Look, Ted told me he’s single, just broke up with his like...high school on again off again girlfriend or something. And he’s super nice, and kind of hot, in a weird, cute way. All I’m saying, is it might be good for you to put yourself out there.” 
David rolls his eyes, fighting the urge to shake her. “One problem- you said girlfriend. Clearly he’s not into guys.” 
“Wow, okay, you of all people should know not to judge. From what Ted’s told me, he’s bi. They were talking about celebrity crushes or something while practicing and Patrick said he’d die to kiss Sebastian Stan, sooo….” 
At least his taste in celebrities isn’t awful, David thinks. “He’s not going to be into me. I’m like, the furthest thing away from Sebastian Stan. But whatever. We’re getting dinner with him. Let’s go.” 
The forty five minute drive is filled with 90’s pop music and Alexis talking about Jared Leto’s apparent new yacht. They get to the cafe and sit in their usual booth, but when Twyla sits the usual three menus down, Alexis grins. “Actually, Twy, we need another tonight. One of Ted’s teammates is coming too.” 
“Oh! Okay! That’s really nice of you guys, I know when Jake tried to-“ 
“Jake’s different from this guy, we have a...history,” David grimaces, trying to push the weird thruple memory out of his head. A few moments after Twyla’s put the other menu down and headed back to the kitchen, Ted walks in, followed shortly after by Patrick, and oh...okay. Wow. Patrick looks amazing in his deep blue sweater and khakis. Usually not the type of thing David’s into (he tried dating that one jcrew model back in his early twenties but…), but it suits Patrick, and he looks especially...cozy. 
Alexis kisses Ted’s cheek when he sits, and David scoots down on his side to let Patrick have room. He smells like cedar, citrus and...oak moss, maybe? David’s mind flashes to one of the Burberry colognes he’d sampled a while back while at the mall with Stevie. 
“When did you move here?” Alexis asks Patrick, as they all browse over the menu. He looks up and smiles. 
“Two weeks ago.” 
“Oh wow, so you’re like...really new,” she laughs a little.
“Yeah, uhm,” Patrick clears his throat. “I uh...needed a change. So I came here. I work for Ray Butani?” 
Both Alexis and David groan, making Patrick and Ted laugh. 
“He’s not that bad,” Patrick tries to defend his boss. “I mean...he’s a talker, that’s for sure, but...what do you guys do?” 
Alexis starts rambling about Interflix and her PR stuff, and David tunes her out, thinking about what she’d said earlier about Patrick being single. He’s pulled out of his thoughts when a hand touches his shoulder. Patrick’s looking at him, a mix of amusement and worry on his face
“I asked what you did,” he laughs a little, lips quirking up. David blushes and sees Alexis talking to Ted. 
“Oh...oh, uhm. I own Rose Apothecary, across the street.” 
Patrick’s eyebrows raise. “Wow, that’s...amazing. I haven’t been in yet, but I’ve walked by, it seems really nice. I’ll have to stop in,” he assures, and David feels his heart stutter. 
“Oh..you don’t...you don’t have to. It’s a lot of face care and candles and…” he trails off, thinking Patrick wouldn’t be interested in anything his store has to offer. 
“And what makes you think I’m not into that kind of stuff? I mean...I know my skin could use some work but...maybe you could recommend some stuff…” Patrick looks hesitant. 
“Your skin is good, especially if you don’t do anything to it,” David frowns. “But...yes, I’d be happy to help. Your t-zone could use work.” He watches pink blossom on Patrick’s neck and cheeks. Cute. 
“You should stop in before it’s closed,” Alexis pipes in, and David kicks her under the table, glaring. “What? I’m being realistic David. I don’t want it to close either, but..” 
Patrick is looking at him, frowning. “Why would it be closing?” 
“Uhm….well...I don’t,” David groans, wishing he could smack Alexis. Of course he now has to explain to this cute stranger why his business is failing. “I’m not great with numbers? And my dad...he’s trying to help. He co-owns the motel with my best friend Stevie. But…” he trails off, feeling his whole face heat up. 
“Oh,” Patrick suddenly looks much more worried. “I went to school for business...I’m really good at forecasting numbers, I can take a look if you want?”
David isn’t sure whether to be amazed or insulted or embarrassed. He’s maybe all three. “As nice as that is, I think I can handle it on my own, but thank you,” he clears his throat, then gives Patrick a small smile, hoping he’s not offended him. 
“Of course David, sorry for overstepping.” 
At that moment, they’re interrupted by Twyla, who takes their orders. David expects Patrick to order a beer, but is surprised to hear him order mint tea. It’s a pleasant change from every other guy he’s met here. The dinner is easy with Patrick there, the dynamic hasn’t changed. If anything, now David has someone to talk to while Alexis and Ted have little private moments. It’s nice. By the time they’re all outside in the cool autumn air, David’s surprised to find he doesn’t really want the night to end, happy that the slight awkwardness about his business hasn’t actually deterred the nice company. 
“It was great meeting you,” Patrick looks at the Rose’s, then turns to look at just David. “I might stop in soon, see about some new face care,” he winks, and David tries to stop from smiling. After saying by to Ted, Patrick gets in his silver Kia and drives off. Tonight has been a surprisingly good one, and with that, David goes to text Stevie. 
“So, Alexis just told this guy all about your business having issues?” Stevie’s eyebrows are knitted together, eyes a little wide. “I mean...I knew she was stupid, but-“ 
“She just fucking trashed my whole store. In front of him!” 
“And what did he say?” Stevie leans over the front desk, watching As David paces around the small check in. He feels antsy, like if he doesn’t keep moving he’s going to fall into the pit of despair he always falls into when something isn’t going the way he’s planned. 
“He offered to help? Which, who does that?! Who offers to help a complete and total stranger with their financial issues? It was mortifying,” he huffs, shaking his head. “He works for Ray, apparently. Just moved here two weeks ago,” David adds, chewing on his lip. 
“Well...I don’t know David. I know it’s a little sketchy, but. If your dads not even having luck, maybe it couldn’t hurt? You said he went to school for business?” 
David widens his eyes, mouth open. “Are you siding with him?!” His hands fly upwards. 
“No! No...I just,” Stevie looks away. “You’ve worked so hard, and the store is amazing. I don’t want to see you fail.” 
Feeling a lump in his throat, David blinks rapidly, then rubs his eyes. “...I guess it couldn’t hurt...to at least see what he has to say,” he decides. “Thank you...for believing in me.” 
“Of course, I’m your best friend. What else am I going to do? You need to talk to him,” Stevie gives him another small smile. “Okay, too much emotion. Go work.” 
“Thanks Stevie,” David calls as he leaves and heads over to the Apothecary for another day of what he’s sure will be slow business. He has to tamper down the smallest bit of hope that maybe, Patrick Brewer can help him. 
As expected, business is slow, but not slower than normal. There’s been the few stragglers, but also a handful of people buying body milk or new candles. The bell chimes while David is eating a sandwich, and it takes a moment for him to swallow and go out. If it’s Jocelyn, he swears he’s going to tell her they’re closed. Stepping out from behind the curtain, he freezes. Patrick is standing at the middle table, a bottle of the body milk in his hand, reading the label. 
“What can I help you with?” David walks over, smiling. Patrick’s eyes find his own, the man's face lighting up. He’s wearing Levi jeans and a light blue sweater today, and while usually that kind of mid range denim and sweater would make him cringe, seeing it on Patrick isn’t bad- it suits him. 
“David! It’s so different from what I pictured, but better,” Patrick assures. “It’s calming...an oasis in the desert of Schitt’s Creek.” 
“How philosophical of you,” David shakes his head a little. “But thank you, it...it’s something that helps living here, I guess,” he shrugs. Patrick nods, then looks around. 
“So...are you still willing to show me the skin care products you were raving about?” 
David nods and flits around, in his element now. He’s happy Patrick’s going to see him here, instead of a hockey game. He picks up a couple different glass jars and a tube. He can tell, as he shows everything to Patrick, that he’s out of his element, so David takes a breath and starts again. 
“This,” he holds up the first bottle. “This is for washing your face. It’s like the baseline of good skin care. Literally just use it twice a day, it’s easy, I promise. You can’t go wrong.” Patrick nods, which makes David laugh. “I know it’s overwhelming, but it gets easier.” 
“Next is your toner. All you have to do is put some on a cotton ball and swipe it all over your face. There’s a spray too, but the cotton ball lets you make sure you get it evenly everywhere. It takes off any left over face wash, balances oils, and evens skin tone. Lastly,” David holds up the little tube. “This is moisturizer. This one specifically is good for combination skin types. You probably get oily on your t-zone but dry out everywhere else. It’s also got spf 50 sunscreen in it, which will help protect your pale skin.” 
Patrick seems to actually be understanding this time, smiling along. “So face wash, toner, moisturizer. Got it. That’s pretty easy,” he says, and David nods. 
“Just remember not to wipe your face like...ever. Pat it dry. That’ll help not clog your pores. And cold water to rinse the face wash off.” David puts the three items up on the counter, watching as Patrick continues to look around. He stops at the scarves hanging on the back wall, touching the black one. 
“This is soft.” 
“100 percent cat hair,” David admits, making Patrick instantly drop it. “Allergic?” 
“Yeah, don’t really feel like going into a Benadryl induced coma right now,” Patrick laughs, scrunching his nose up. It should be illegal to be as cute as he is. 
“So, uhm,” David wrings his hands together as Patrick turns to look at him. His eyes are trained on David, making him feel exposed. “After talking with Stevie...I think...does your offer still stand on looking at some of the store’s numbers?” He’s nervous and embarrassed, staring at the floor, and then Patrick’s closer. 
“Of course, David. I’d be happy to. Just let me know a good time that works for you, and I’ll come over. It can be whenever, during store hours or not, I’d just be in the back anyway.” 
David lets out a sigh of relief. “I uhm...We could do Thursday, if you’re free?” He needs some time to tell his dad that he’s found someone to help, so he’s not blindsided and offended. 
“Sounds perfect to me,” Patrick looks at the tea at the front of the middle table and grabs a bag of the mint, setting it on the counter too. 
“Good choice. It’s popular,” David nods at the paper bag with the loose leaves in it. 
“Have you not had it?” 
“I am...not a fan of tea, I’d rather have coffee, like, injected into my blood,” David talks as he rings the items up. He glares a little at the laugh that comes from the other man's mouth. “Coffee is an essential way of getting my energy, I’ll have you know.” 
“Of course, David,” Patrick smirks, and okay, it should be illegal to be that cute, especially when he’s in a boring button down and Levi’s. “Thank you for the lesson on skin care, and I guess I’ll see you Thursday?” He looks like he wants to say something else but stops himself at the last second. Watching him walk out the door, and down the sidewalk, his breath catches when Patrick stops mid step, turn around, then pause. As if he’s talking to himself, Patrick bites his lip and then turns back around, decidedly walking away this time. David can’t help but let his mind wander to all the possibilities of what Patrick might have said, or why he would have come back, for the rest of the day. 
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spoooky-bee · 4 years
ACCEPTING ANXIETY, Part 1/2: Excepting Anxiety!
[Thomas]: Uh, hey…uh- this is Thomas, and, uh--this is usually where I start off, uh- by saying something quick and witty to begin the video. Yeah.
[Thomas]: So yeah! Another video. This is awesome! Oh wait, actually, I usually start off this video by saying “What is up, everybody!” But you know, I don’t actually hear your responses. And, strangely enough, I’m not concerned about consistency today. You know what I wanna talk about? Eatin’ food. Or you know what, actually? Maybe about that TV show I just watched. Or maybe I should just watch another TV show and eat some food. That’s it. Alright, until next time. Take it easy, guys, gals, and non-binary pals--
[Logan]: Uh, if I may… I’m going to step in for a second.
[Thomas]: Ahh, Logan’s here, so I probably did something wrong.
[Logan]: What? No. You just seem to be a little… uncharacteristically… careless.
[Thomas]: Hm. I hadn’t cared to notice. Ah- pfft, that’s it, there it is, that’s what you were saying.
[Logan]: Yes… I mean you tend to start the video with at least some sort of direction before the inevitable internal conflict.
[Thomas]: They do usually follow that story arc. But, maybe, that’s a good thing. You know, like, changing it up.
[Logan]: No. I mean… maybe. I don’t know, you’re confusing me. I think I have a vocab word for this. Uh. You good, fahm?
[Thomas]: Wow. That was bad, but like, you’re a really good try-er, Logan. You’re really good.
[Logan]: Thanks.
[Thomas]: ...If anybody, like, texted me… ooh!
[Logan]: Thomas, you didn’t answer the question.
[Thomas]: Your question about whether or not I’m good, fam?
[Logan]: That’s the one.
[Thomas]: You’d probably know if something is up because you usually provide, you know, the explanatory exposition in my videos because all the other characters are too zany or relatable.
[Logan]: Okay, I’m at a loss here. Should we check on the others?
[Thomas]: If you want.
[Logan]: I do. I do want… that. Are you going to-
[Thomas]: Morality! Creativity!
[Roman]: Wow. Rude.
[Patton]: You too cool to call us by our names, kiddo?
[Thomas]: Nah. That was just the easiest way to, you know, quickly establish what you guys generally represent, in case there are any new viewers watching.
[Logan]: Jeez. Okay, I- consider taking a more nuanced approach with that explanation next time.
[Thomas]: He’s my logical side. He’s my logical side.
[Roman]: Uh… is everything Gucci, Thomas?
[Logan]: I suppose I could’ve posed the question that way as well, but that is precisely why I wanted you two here.
[Patton]: You mean us three?
[Logan]: Oh, did I say three?
[Patton]: No.
[Logan]: Then I guess I didn’t mean three.
[Patton]: He’s made mistakes before.
[Logan]: An uncommon occurrence.
[Patton]: Well then you might say the amount of mistakes you’ve made is... infinitesimal?
[Logan]: You make ONE MISTAKE, and THIS is what happens!
[Roman]: Okay, time out for thee and time out for thee, focus on issues or focus on me.
[Logan]: -groans- Okay, you’re right. Let’s get down to business.
[Thomas]: To defeat…
[Thomas and Roman]: The Huns!
[Logan]: Please stop. Stop, please.
[Thomas]: Come on!
[Roman]: I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
[Thomas]: Mulan!
[Logan]: Thomas, that aloofness that you are displaying is highly… unproductive.
[Thomas]: You mean I can’t make babies? What? Just kidding. Uh...
[Logan]: Can someone else please- some whe- le- Flames. On the side of my face. See- Seething… Seething fire.
[Patton]: Is something bothering you buddy?
[Roman]: An unattainable dream? A hopeless romance?
[Logan]: Lack of sleep, a- a puzzling situation.
[Patton]: Having trouble with adultery?
[Thomas]: Oh yeah, you always say that instead of ‘becoming an adult’ or ‘adulthood’. As if you didn’t know the troubling definition of the word you’re using, which actually means, you know, when a-
[Roman]: Wait! Pumbaa, not in front of the kids.
[Patton]: Well, I don’t know what you two are talking about, but something definitely seems to be off.
[Thomas]: You keep saying that, but honestly, I’m good… fam.
[Patton]: Now, don’t you go shortening the word family by cutting out my three favorite letters: I L Y.
[Logan]: Okay, well, Patton definitely seems to be doing okay. How ‘bout you, Roman?
[Roman]: Let’s see, uh… Disney references, regal appearance, general awareness that I’m better than you two… Uhh, I’m feeling pretty good.
[Logan]: Then what could be wrong here?
[Patton]: Boy, you both always act like you know all the answers… So, it’s surprising that you keep overlooking something so simple.
[Roman]: Oh, is that so, Patton? You're so cute.
[Logan]: And, uh- what might that be?
[Patton]: Where is Anxiety?
[Logan]: Hmm, do you honestly think it’s necessary to have him here?
[Roman]: To offer his mopey, dopey input? I- I don’t like him.
[Thomas]: I’m still hungry.
[Logan]: No- No.
[Roman]: S-Stop him. Stop him!
[Thomas]: *Singing to himself while looking in the kitchen*
[Logan]: Thomas, this is highly… -sighs- We can’t afford these detours… anymore.
[Thomas]: Ooh! I found some granola!
[Roman]: We’re try- we’re doing a- we’re doing a vid here, buddy.
[Logan]: Alright. Well, at least it’s something healthy.
[Roman]: Thomas, isn’t there a more important thing that you should be focusing on right now? Oh, you’re just getting it all over the carpet, aren’t ya? Alright, well…
[Logan]: Wh- What if you have guests over?
[Thomas]: That wouldn’t happen for a while so it’s not really a big deal.
[Patton]: Well, he’s definitely inviting some ants over. -chuckles-
[Logan]: Just aunts? No uncles?
[Roman]: Can you at least- Can you take off the hoodie? Like, you look like a hot mess. Nay, not hot, cool. Nay, not cool, uncool. An uncool mess.
[Thomas]: If you want me to. *takes of hood revealing very messy untamed hair*
[Roman]: Oh, dear, sweet MOTHER of hairbrushes, what IS your hair?!
[Thomas]: I’m just letting it do it’s thing.
[Roman]: There’s a… lot of viewers that are going to see you like this so-
[Thomas]: Eh, they’ve seen me on better days, so it evens out.
[Logan]: You know, Thomas, I don’t know if that makes sense.
[Patton]: You have kind hair.
[Thomas]: Oh, thanks I guess.
[Patton]: Kinda hair that grows on a dog’s butt! *laughs*
[Thomas]: That’s probably an accurate comparison.
[Roman]: Ugh, just put your hood back on.
[Thomas]: *snaps his fingers* You’re the boss, Hoss.
[Roman]: What does that even mean? I’m not… Hoss. I’m Prince Roman. Ugh, okay. Well, better bring in Count Woe-laf. Any input is better than what Mr. T is contributing.
[Thomas]: Roman brought the clever nicknames to the table, I brought the oats and honey clusters to the table.
[Roman]: Put them down!
[Thomas]: Okay.
[Logan]: Fine. Let’s get him in here. Anxiety? Hm. That’s odd.
[Roman]: He’s probably listening to that PG-13 music again. Anxiety! *tries to summon Anxiety* Ugh. How dare he? What?
[Patton]: Now, now, try to be a little more loving. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Anxiety! Come on up here, kiddo. Come on up here so everyone can see that cool makeup! Welp, love has failed me.
[Thomas]: Ho-ho-ho! That can be applied to many instances in my life. The first being-
[Roman]: Steady now, Thomas. Are we really going down that road? Uh, you usually don’t like talking about that kind of stuff.
[Logan]: You’ve got no shame.
[Patton]: Definitely not much of a filter.
[Roman]: Yes, and no fear…
[Logan, Patton, and Roman]: You have no-
[Thomas]: I have no anxiety, is that what you guys are trying to say?
[Roman]: Okay… Well, he also has no sense of tension build-up. That’s disappointing.
[Logan]: This is very disconcerting.
[Roman]: I don’t know. Shouldn’t a lack of fear be a good thing?
[Patton]: -gasp- Roman, I’m surprised at you.
[Roman]: What?
[Patton]: Anxiety can be a gloomy goober sometimes, but he’s still one of us.
[Roman]: Is he though? Check it out. Morality, Logic, Creativity. We three, are the most important facets of Thomas’ personality. Plus we all contribute a little extra stuff too. We got along just fine without him in the first two Sanders Sides videos.
[Logan]: He may not have had a physical presence, but he was always there within Thomas, to some extent. And he contributes more than what you credit him. Plus, he too, may represent more than just anxiety, even though it is a significant part of who he is.
[Roman]: Even still, I just don’t see why he’s necessary. If Anxiety is gone, what do we have to lose?
[Thomas]: I don’t fear death.
[Patton]: Wow.
[Roman]: So, you’re super brave. That’s good.
[Logan]: There’s a difference between bravery and acting without caution. Think fast! *Chucks a laptop which hits Thomas in the back of the head*
[Roman]: Oh, my- sweet Cole Sprouse, what-
[Thomas]: That really hurt. Was that a laptop? That, like, hurt real bad. Woah…
[Logan]: Unalert, and without his natural defensive reflexes. Yes, it seems that Anxiety has officially clocked out.
[Roman]: Okay. Well, he can work on that.
[Logan]: Thomas, did you remember to lock your motor vehicle earlier today?
[Thomas]: I probably did, I’m not sure, but probably.
[Logan]: Weaker memory.
[Roman]: Wh- that’s not a symptom of a lack of anxiety.
[Logan]: Not directly, but with the anxiety over leaving his car unlocked… Thomas always double checks to make sure, securing that memory in place.
[Thomas and Patton]: I doubt anyone will go looking through my [his] car- oh my gosh [goodness]!
[Patton]: You just see the best in people.
[Logan]: But he can’t always afford to.
[Patton]: Ugh, yeah… I guess you’re right.
[Thomas]: Well, it sounds like I’m in trouble or something.
[Roman]: No, it sounds like these two are worrying too much.
[Logan]: That’s the thing- is anyone among us worried?
[Patton]: It’s because he isn’t worried and that doesn’t seem right, Roman.
[Thomas]: Princey’s never liked Anxiety, that’s his problem!
[Roman]: That’s not true.
[Thomas]: Mmm…
-flash back-
[Anxiety]: Hey there, Princey.
[Roman]: Ohhkay, I can’t stand that guy.
-switch flashback-
[Roman]: (as Valerie) I’m trying REALLY hard not to like you right now.
-switch flashback-
[Roman]: Still don’t like you.
[Anxiety]: What was that?
[Roman]: Uh- chim chim cheroo!
-switch flashback-
[Roman]: To offer his mopey, dopey input? I- I don’t like him.
-end flashback-
[Roman]: Oh, now your memory works… That’s convenient.
[Logan]: It is interesting to note that Patton and I have both had our moments of seeing eye to eye with Anxiety… But you seem to remain resolute as ever in how you perceive him.
[Roman]: Look, I am the dreamer, and the one BIG thing that gets in the way of pursuing any new adventure, is fear.
[Thomas]: *holds up a pair of jeans* Took my pants off!
[Roman]: Why?!
[Patton]: Hey, now.
[Thomas]: No one can see, I don’t care.
[Logan]: Yup, we are getting your anxiety and shame back. I cannot deal with any more of this ridiculousness.
[Patton]: You put them back. Right now.
[Thomas]: Alright, fine. Well, if Anxiety’s not here, where is he?
[Roman]: Ugh, probably in his room.
[Thomas]: His room?
[Logan]: Technically, it’s the corner of your mind that you go to if you wanted to enhance your anxiety, for some reason… Or if you wanted to cathartically indulge in typically troubling emotions. Think, “the mind palace,” but specifically for Anxiety.
[Roman]: Where else do you think we come from? Where do we go?
[Patton]: Where did you come from Cotton-Eye Joe?
[Thomas]: So, you all have one? Oh, my goodness- more stuff I’m learning about myself. Uh, I’d rather go to Patton’s. Can we go there?
[Logan]: Nope. We need to go to Anxiety’s room to check on Anxiety. This is the priority, do you remember what we just... were talking about?
[Thomas]: Ah, okay.
[Roman]: So we’re all going to Anxiety’s room? Who knows what THAT tragic kingdom looks like? Hhmm…
[Patton]: Are you going to join us on this Thomas? ‘Cause we need you to get us all there.
[Thomas]: Yeah, it sounds fun or whatever.
[Logan]: Ohhkay. I thought I would like you without your… never-ending assembly line of predicaments, but this is truly, truly bothersome.
[Roman]: Just focus on the things that would normally make you anxious. That is the corner of your mind where we need to go. It may be difficult to go down that road-
[Thomas]: Got it.
[Roman]: ...Yeah, okay. There is no drama in this today.
[Logan]: Ugh. Into the unknown. Here we go.
[Patton]: ♪ Again on my own, going down Anxiety’s corner in Thomas’ mind… ♪
[Thomas]: Oh, I guess I’m doing this too. This is new.
-in Anxiety’s room-
[Thomas]: Woah. -chuckles- I knew I should’ve taken that left turn at Albuquerque. *snaps his fingers*
[Logan]: Uh, no. This is where we needed to go.
[Thomas]: I know, I- it was- it was just a- uhm… a joke.
*To be continued Guys, gals, and non-binary pals…*
*end card*
[Roman]: Wh- are- are you serious? A cliffhanger for a YouTube video??
[Logan]: Highly unusual… and frustrating.
[Patton]: Oh, I’m sure it won’t be that bad. How long do we have to wait?
[Logan]: According to Thomas’s schedule, just a couple of days.
[Patton]: Yay! And knowing Thomas, he’ll get this video out when he says he will, right on time.
[Logan and Roman]: Riiiight…
Oh my stars. I read this whole thing btw. I didn't actually expect you to do it. Dang.
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adorablehoshi · 5 years
Hello I’m new to seventeen and I want to know if you can describe the members to me with names
Sorry mylovely new carat! I made you wait! All I write here is the way I see the boysor would describe them, I hope it will help you somehow ;) I will also add agif for each member
I put itunder a cut as it will be long
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Seungcheol (Stagename: S.Coups): Leader of Seventeen and the dad of the group! Has a great sense of humour and his laugh is everything! Gummy smile *///* He is not only handsome like crazy and has beautiful long eyelashes, he is also a killer when he raps. Loses his chill when on stage. Really, he does! I can search for a video to proof it to you if you want ;) Can also sing! I die for his singing voice (die over his voice anyways even if he only talks). The way he looks at the members and carats is just wonderful! the softness in his gaze, the love. He has so much love to give!! Often has cherry lips… really kissable
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Jeonghan: the mum ofthe group! Seriously he has so much love for everyone! A real angel… and devil!Loves to cheat in everything. Like really, he always cheats. By now I thinkeven the staff gave up on stopping him. They just see him and think ‘lol therehe goes again’ and just let him get through with it. Way too beautiful tohandle! You will find yourself starring at him wondering if he is actuallyreal. Is a fool tho. Really funny too! HIS GIGGLE IS THE CUTEST SHIT IN THEWORLD! I HAVE PROOF!  Has floppy hands!idk if it's just me but I love his floppy hands. they always move or are justhold up funnily (look at the gif) Voice that melts your heart.
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Joshua: Mr. Gentleman! No joke he really is a gentle man! A voice like honey! lips of soft sin! Another one that looks so beautiful you will question if he really is real. Secretly hilarious af! called Shua often. I call him that too. ARMS! Used to be a noodle but not anymore. Out to kill his stans. Has such a good heart, he deserves the world!! Was born in LA so he speaks perfect english!
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Junhui (Stagename: Jun): This cutieis from China! I seriously don’t understand what's going on in his brain, but Ilove him xD A real life kitten! Really, he cute and playful and you just wantto pat his head and tell him that he is doing well. Amazing dancer! Can domaterial arts and wow it's amazing! Check out ‘my I’ to see a bit of the gloryof using it for dancing. Also check it out cause its stunning to watch anyways!Its gold! I think he has a special voice, really nice to the ear. Also, I lovehis nose… don’t ask why but it's cute
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Soonyoung (Stagename: Hoshi): as you canguess he is my bias and I love him to no end! I try to keep this calm and short(calm down Angi). Hoshi is leader of the performance unit and choreographer ofsvt. King of dancing! Master of stage presence! Is he on stage, he owns it! Differenton and off stage. A cute and funny fool off stage. Together with boo and dk he'sthe gag trio booseoksoon! His laugh is beautiful! It makes the world a betterplace. Can not only dance amazingly but also has a voice from heaven…. but hekinda shy with it! Round and adorable face but don’t call him hamster pls, hewants to be a tiger♡ and now I stop
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Wonwoo: Nerd! Heloves books and newly also to work out and killing his fans like Shua does.Nose crunches together when he laughs uwu! Another kitten! Also watch him playwith a kitty, you will fall in love! His voice…wow. He is a different person onstage too like Hoshi! He is not there to joke, he out for blood! No really hisrapping is just killerish! WATCH HIS JOKER PERFORMANCE! Toll smoll! Idk how hemanages to look so smoll sometimes when he is a tower in reality. Funny guythat deserves so much love and appreciation.
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 Jihoon (Stagename: Woozi):Thegenius!! Produces all songs of svt and idk if there is anything in the worldthat he actually can’t do! Creates music, dances, sings, gives love to the fansand members, is a whole man to fall in love with. Tiny! Mr. I don’t like skinship but is actually a koala. Woozi is the 3 leader of svt (Vocal unit). Checkout his solos! Simple and What kind of future are some of the best songs I everheard in my life! Tell me if you need links to the vids of the songs. I feellike he starts to open up more and more and I am so happy that he smiles sofreely lately.
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Seokmin (Stagename: Dk/Dokyeom): Maybe thehuman being with the biggest heart in the world! Soft and so full of love!Deserves hugs all day long! Pls appreciate his voice cause it's just toobeautiful! Is always so hard on himself. KING ARTHUR! He played him in amusical! A true king! Is with Hoshi and boo in the gag trio and is also theleader of them (leader of booseoksoon). Big nose that I love so much! Morebeautiful that you can handle! Just look at him for a while and you will fallhead over heels. NOISY AND HAS NO SHAME! What's an image? He doesn’t care andis just funny. I think he loves to make ppls smile. 
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Mingyu: A tall afPuppy! Cute lil fangs! Looks like an absolute Model, is the clumsiest of thegroup. Tho he really really handsome, he also has amazing derp faces. Pls Mingyuyou the visual!!! jk pls derp as much as you want. BOYFRIEND TM! No matter ifhe raps or sings, you will die anyways. His Vlives are gold as he is mostlyeating and being clumsy. Adorable human I tell you!!! His shoulders aredelicious. Wide and nice. Wants to be loved! Pls love him lots. Was MC for Inkiand did such a good job there.
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Minghao (Stagename: The8): Walkingart! He is not only good with fashion but seriously also with art! Does createart and takes great photos! Dances like it's nothing. As said before, check outMy I! Fully talented boy! Voice so soft you will fall deeply. Meme boy! Sassyaf! Doesn’t have anyone's shit and calls them out if they f*ck up. Expensive!Model!hao !!!! Is actually really soft and has lots and lots of love to give.Is the second Chinese member. His mum and him are too adorable together and heloves her so much it's the sweetest.
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Seungkwan: My littleboobear! (His name is Boo Seungkwan) Maybe the funniest and cutest out of thewhole group (fight me I love my boo). His voice is from another world! Doyourself smth good and go to listen to him and Hongki singing ‘Wind’! Again,tell me if you need the link! His voice is just perfection! Loud and shamelessmember of gag trio (booseoksoon). Seungkwan never fails to make the otherslaugh but it also makes him to a great victim. Has a bitchface like no oneelse. I love it! Can do girl group dances better than anyone. Variety king! Heis amazing on every show he appears on! Walking song lexicon (watch theunexpected q to find out what I mean). Smiles so bright the world becomesbrighter. Soft hearted. Love him pls! Secretly a dancing/rap king but psst!
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Hansol/Vernon (Stagename: Vernon): Was born inNew York but he feels more like a Korean! The real Meme king. King of reaction!Nothing funnier than his overreactions. Has now shame to show an ugly face. Ishandsome anyways. Has with Seungcheol the most beautiful eyelashes in svt. Hebeautiful anyways. Loses his chill on stage. Rules the stage when they perform‘un haeng il chi’! Check it out if you want to do yourself something good! THATMOVE FROM FEAR! Too sexy…. angi.exe stopped working
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Chan (Stagename: Dino): Future ofKpop! Can everything! Really everything! Is on stage to kill! His face whileperforming is a sin! Dances like he's on fire! But he baby! Love him! nuguaegi? Jeonghans! The others love to tease him. Pouts cuter than any girl can.His laugh is adorable too! Danceology! Watch them if you have time. It's worthit! His voice is a blessing. Both while rapping and singing. Another love needyone! Can dance every girl group dance in Michael Jackson style. Ask if you wantvideos XD has really pretty eyes!!!!!
so, I guessthat's it! Idk if this is how you wanted it but it's what I did lol! feel freeto hit me up whenever you need help or want to know smth or just want to talkabout them ;)
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golbrocklovely · 5 years
only the lonely survive // colby brock - chapter nineteen: how far down they can go
A/N: sorry i couldn’t post yesterday. i was super busy with life stuff lol i’ll be coming out with a request or two later. also, tomorrow i will be posting the next chapter of Twisted since we’re getting into the home stretch of that story. let me know what you think of this story so far. also let me know if you want to be on the taglist. see yall later :)
description of the story
taglist:  @ajosieface , @localsleeper , @julyrubyrose , @far-to-many-bands , @absolute-randomness-forever
trigger warning: cursing, general fluff
word count: 1677
DAY 10/14
"Skye! You almost ready? Brennen and Colby are pulling into the driveway!" Casey called, knocking on my door.
I walked over and opened it. Casey looked me up and down. "Wow, Skye. You should dress up more often."
"Shut up." I joked.
Dressed in all black, I wore an off the shoulder dress, fishnets, and boots. Casey was a little less emo than me, sporting a floral two-piece blouse and skirt.
"Are you nervous?" I asked, grabbing my purse and slipping it on.
She shrugged. "Kinda. But I think this night's gonna be fun."
I nodded my head. "Definitely."
Three loud knocks interrupted our conversation. Casey winked at me as she opened the door, Brennen and Colby stepping inside. Colby immediately came up to me, smiling sweetly.
"Hi Colby." I giggled as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Hi Skye." He squeezed me and slowly let me go.
I glanced over his outfit: a king of hearts button up shirt, black jeans, and black sneakers.
"Nice shirt." I mumbled, looking into his eyes.
A small blush rose to his face. "Thanks."
"Y'all ready to go?" Brennen turned to us, grabbing Casey's hand.
"Where are we going to exactly?" I questioned.
"It's this Italian restaurant next to the Woodley Mall, Giuseppe's. It's new and super hard to get reservations for, but I know some people and got us a spot." Brennen smirked.
Casey tapped Brennen's arm lightly. "Is it fancy?"
Brennen shook his head. "Not really. But the food is to die for. I had them when they first opened. Let's go before we're late."
/  /  /  /
"Four for Taylor? Right this way." The hostess stated. We followed her all the way to the back of the restaurant, to a very secluded spot. The lights were dimmed and very romantic. Very soft classical music played as we passed by multiple tables, until finally getting to our booth.
"Oh, a booth? You really worked your magic Brennen." I laughed.
We slid in, Brennen and Casey on one side and Colby and I on the other. The hostess handed us menus and left us quietly. I gazed around the restaurant, observing all the different decor and patrons that were near us.
Colby lightly placed his hand on my knee, bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked at him and smiled.
"You look beautiful." He whispered.
I couldn't stop the rush of heat to my face. "Thank you."
Time flew by quickly on our date. Colby kept me close to him the whole time, wrapping his arm around me when he got the chance, kissing my cheek whenever I leaned towards him. Brennen and Casey were as handsy as us. Casey leaned her head on his shoulder, and he would pull her into a kiss right before she could take a bite of food.
After eating what felt like twenty pounds of pasta, we got our bill and paid.
"So... what are we doing next?" Casey asked, her arms stretching as we got out of the booth.
"We could head over to the mall and shop around?" Colby suggested, glancing at us.
/  /  /  /
Once we got into the mall, Colby and I separated from Brennen and Casey.
I think we all wanted to be alone with our significant others…
It was nice to just be with Colby. We caught up while shopping around. He told me how his trip went, how they almost got caught going into the abandon building by police and had to run away and hide in the forest.
I told him he was going to get arrested. He laughed.
And as I was planning to tell him about Casey and the Alex situation, a young girl walked up to us. She was pretty: blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a sweet smile. She was maybe sixteen. She had two friends with her who kept looking over at Colby and I.
“Hi. I’m such a huge fan. Can I get a picture?” She meekly asked looking directly at Colby.
He smiled brightly. “Of course!”
I took a step back, letting her get close to him. She pulled her phone up and they both posed for a selfie. Her friends stepped up and asked for photos too. Colby obliged happily.
The girl stood next to me, glancing me over. “Who are you?”
Her tone was no longer the sweet one she had when talking to Colby. I turned my head to her. She stared me down, trying to look intimidating, I think.
I held back a laugh. “I’m Skye. What’s your name?”
“Ashley.” She replied.
I nodded my head. “Nice to meet you.”
I turned back towards Colby and Ashley’s friends, smiling at their interaction.
Colby looked so cute when he talked to fans.
Ashley suddenly cleared her throat. “Aren’t you the girl Travis Marcus made a video about?”
Hearing his name almost made my skin crawl.
What was this girl trying to do?
Keeping the smile on my face from before, I looked Ashley in the eyes. “You mean the video where he lied? Yeah, I’m that girl.”
Her glare faltered as her friends stepped up to her and waved goodbye at Colby. She did the same thing, her gaze never returning to me.
Colby and I strolled in the other direction of the girls after saying goodbye. “Um… Colby?”
“Yeah?” He mumbled.
“Could we… maybe go back to your place and just hang? I’m tired all of a sudden.” I responded.
He giggled. “As long as we can cuddle, I’m down.”
I half-laughed, following him to towards the exit as he called an uber.
Something about that Ashley girl doesn’t sit right with me. But I can’t tell Colby. That’s one of his fans.
He would probably think I’m crazy…
/  /  /  /
I had dozed off the moment we got into bed and cuddled. Colby had as well. I woke up to his arms around me and my face buried in his chest. I didn’t want to wake him, so I had been laying in bed for an hour now, just scrolling through my phone.
Switching from Twitter to Instagram, I noticed I had been tagged in a lot more post. I had turned off notifications because of the whole Travis incident. Looking through my tagged post, my heart stopped for a moment.
Oh no.
I slid out of Colby’s grasp as I looked at the images on my screen. Ashley had posted her photos of her and Colby. But in a different post, what she failed to mention, was that she had been following us from the moment we got into the mall with Brennen and Casey.
Multiple fan accounts had reposted her photos: the four of us, walking around for a bit and then separating. Ashley then followed Colby and I from store to store, taking a picture every so often. She caught one of us holding hands; it was blurry as all hell, but you could tell it was us.
Her caption is what hurt the most.
ashgolbrck the girl that travis mentioned in his vid… is now dating colbs… how’s that clout taste, skyeeee
The comments… were a whole different story.
Some where extremely nice, telling Ashley she shouldn’t have followed us around and that Travis literally lied in his video. Some were just surprised Colby was seen with a girl. And some were saying we were just friends and to stop assuming.
However, there were A LOT of fans asking who the fuck I was and what I was doing with him. How Ashley was right and that I was probably just using Colby for clout.
I hadn’t even realized I was breathing heavily, overwhelmed by all the hate that I was reading about myself.
I clicked my phone off and threw it onto Colby’s couch.
“What did your phone do to you?” Colby uttered, his voice low with sleep. He rubbed his eyes and stared at me as I stood up.
“Do you remember that girl we met today… Ashley?” I uttered, crossing my arms.
“Yeah. What about her?” He sat up, still sleepy.
I leaned against his desk and looked at the ground, not wanting to see his reaction. “She apparently had been following us around.”
“What?” Colby questioned, his brows furrowing as he swung his legs out of bed.
“Her and her friends followed us around the mall and took photos of us the whole time. She posted them all and then called me a clout chaser.” I groaned.
He sighed. “…Shit.”
I paced to the other side of the room, my back facing Colby. I tried to calm my nerves down, taking multiple deep breaths.
As if that’s gonna fucking do anything…
“She shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry. My fan base can be a bit… overprotective. But that was uncalled for.” He insisted, shaking his head.
I turned to him hastily. “Can I ask you something?”
“Are you ever gonna tell the fans about me?”
I could see his body tense for a second. “Um… uh..”
“I mean, you told everyone else in your life about me. All your friends know. I just want to know if you plan to tell.” I remarked, stepping towards him.
He relaxed as I held his hands. “Eventually I want to. Do you want me to?”
“Not yet. Not for a while.” I replied.
“Why a while?” He mumbled.
“You literally only asked me out yesterday.” I smirked.
A cheeky smile came to his face. “Valid.”
“Also, we already have a lot of eyes on us right now. I don’t think we need anymore. I don’t want us to get judged for being together, especially since everything is so new.” I admitted.
He nodded. “I agree completely.”
“Four months…” I spoke. “Once we’ve hit that, I think then you can tell everyone.”
Colby chuckled. “Four months? You plan to stick with me that long?”
I leaned up and lightly pecked his lips. “You’re lucky I don’t ask you to marry me right now.”
<< CHAPTER 18 || CHAPTER 20 >>
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famder-news · 5 years
Video Review Wednesday: Dealing with INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS
Hello, everyone!!! Before we begin, I wanted to let y’all know that due to the new-ness of this video, ALL of our normal top-of-the-post chatter, including the characters in the video and the length of the video, will be under the cut in order to avoid spoilers. This post will remain not properly tagged as well; at least, it sill remain so until 2 weeks after the video’s been up to refrain from spoilers. Mobile users, just,... scroll REALLY FAST!!!
Watch the NEWEST Sanders Sides video HERE!!! (But make sure to read the warning card at the start of the video first!!! Keep yourselves safe!!!)
SO!!! To be fair, I was going to write a video review for Selfishness Vs Selflessness. BUT!!! This video is New and Exciting and we’re going to review it!!! Unlike other Sanders Sides Reviews, I’ll be writing about this one as I watch it!! I’ll be numbering my thoughts as I go under Stray Thoughts plus my random thoughts that might be wrong about the video’s content, along with the time in the video (
put in parenthesis and then italicized
) that I thought of it so that you guys can keep up. I’m really excited to watch this, so let’s go!!!
Video Length: 41:16
Characters In Order Of Appearance: Thomas, Virgil, Patton, Roman, Logan, [DATA EXPUNGED]
Our video starts with!!!! A CONTENT WARNING!!! The first content warning placed in-video for Thomas’s content, save for possibly Accepting Anxiety because I’m not about to go and check. Then (ignoring the ad), the video opens with a LATE and TOTALLY PANICKING Thomas getting ready to film. I noticed that he looked REALLY tired, but at this point I’m pretty sure it’s Thomas and not Virgil.
Then, the intro card!!!
Thomas is... in a bath robe, obviously exhausted, and trying to film his video. He’s rambling, he’s exhausted, he looks like the emotional equivalent of getting hit by a bus, AAAND Virgil and Patton show up when Thomas is like “yeah everything has gone to SHIT.” Patton looks.... Surprisingly anxious, even for him. Virgil agrees to try and change the subject, but Virgil looks FAR more tired than normal. His eyeshadow is darker than it’s been in a long, long time.
And then Roman appears RIGHT as they’re trying to change the subject. Patton and Virgil won’t tell Roman what’s going on; weird, to be honest. BUT since they’re lying, I’m pretty sure Deceit will appear (2:10). Roman insists that he wants to know what’s going on. Thomas AND Virgil both said Ro wouldn’t want to know, and Patton’s just trying to help kep Ro distracted, and failing miserably.
AND HEEEERES LOGAN!!! Who gets IMMEDIATELY roasted because he’s pretty sure the whole Thomas Feeling Bad thing is because of Lee and Mary Lee VS The Callback. He calls Patton and Virgil’s reactions an over-reaction only to get roasted because of Logan’s self-defined state of having no feelings. Cue the falsehood screech when he gets called out, and then Roman’s STILL trying to figure out what’s going on.
AND LOGAN DAMN NEAR REVEALED IT!!! and EVERYONE starts yelling at him to SHUT HIS MOUTH!!! To be honest, I’ve never seen this happen in ANY Sanders Side video--Like, sure, we’ve had 1 side yell at another, but THIS? Dang...
HE WAS GONNA SAY INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS!!! HOT DAMN LOGAN, YOU GO!!! And NOW I know why there was so much yelling!!! Thomas wants to Not Think About It!!!
And now they’re talking about a movie (that I, Mod Wheat, have never seen), and Thomas... Spaces out. And has an Intrusive Thought. AND holy shit THERE ARE hands BEHIND rOMAN’S TV!!!!!!!
Ladies and Gents, introducing our Newest Side: Bastard Man!!! He’s got the world’s most COMICAL mustache and, honestly, his appearance is Unnerving. But, that’s probably the point!!! I had to pause the video because of my yelling about the new side, so... Back to the vid!!!
And OH WOW, Patton and Virgil are SCARED SHITLESS of him!!! And now Bastard has a staff!!! WHAT IS GOING ON!!! IT WAS A MACE NOT A STAFF HE HIT ROMAN!!! BASTARD MAN IS A DOUCHE!!!!
And NOW we can call Bastard Man Duke!!! I... Don’t know how I feel about how Roman was handled.
AND: MUSICAL NUMBER!!! Duke jumps STRAIGHT into an adam and eve comparison, and we have Virgil and Patton looking uncomfortable and nauseous. AND THEN HE STARTS SINGING ABOUT GETTING THE SCARY PIECES OF CREATIVITY!!! Which, base don the fact that Thomas canonically and IRL doesn’t like Scary Content, is... Weird. And the other sides... Can’t seem to get this New Boi to STFU. WILD.
DECEIT KIND OF APPEARS!!! MY SNAKE SON!!! STOPPED HOLDING DUKE BACK!!! Honestly, it looks like Duke took Dee venting about the whole Lee and Mary Lee situation WAY OUT OF HAND, but still!!!
and NOW we get into more interesting material!!! Duke starts running through... What I would call intrusive thoughts. Licking the blowhole of a dolphin? Wild. Best friend shut inside a coffin? ALSO Wild, but in a less good way.
And Duke just straight-up saying “YEAH you’re a BAD PERSON because you THINK these things????” Like... Holy SHIT, dude. If I had to guess, Duke is Intrusive Thoughts. We’ll see if I’m right.
Music ends, and Duke claims he’s Thomas’s Creativity. But, only a piece of it. The piece that goes to the gore and the scary and the “juicy stuff”, as Duke puts it.
And then they talk about Jeffery Dahmer... Thomas tries to get the Duke to shut up, which only succeeds in getting the Duke to... NOT shut up.
And then they get into WHAT the Duke is. He’s half of Thomas’s creativity--the half that he’s squirreled away, banished as bad imagination. This, in turn, led to the Duke being experienced as Intrusive Thoughts by Thomas. Which, at about 15 minutes into the video, shouldn’t be where they leave the defining off.
And then... Virgil says that Thomas is, inherently, NOT the good person he wants to be. Because of the intrusive thoughts caused by the Duke. Now, I don’t know much about how intrusive thoughts perpetuate, but I DO know that having them doesn’t inherently make you a bad person; it’s when you ACT on them (and by them I mean the WORST ones) that you are.
After that, Virgil tries to claim that the Duke is, well, kind of useless because some thoughts have no meaning. Which is great!!! Except that he immediately crumbles afterwards, stating that clearly they MUST have a purpose otherwise why would they have been thought? this goes on to claiming that the thoughts aren’t Thomas’s, and that therefore means Thomas is innocent. Which... doesn’t end well, since only Thomas can think Thomas’s thoughts.
I’m going to... SKIP a bunch of content here, since I’m 20 minutes in and I want to finish the post before I hit a word limit or my power goes out aka I got distracted watching the video akdfhklshd, so we’re jumping to... LOGAN!!!
Logan starts debunking the Duke, running through why the Duke exists at all as well as the fact that the Duke having as much power as he does is because of Patton and Virgil. Virgil, because the thoughts make him anxious and make the anxiety jump WAY through the roof, and Patton because Patton doesn’t want to just... leave the thoughts be and let them happen.
And with this reveal, and the use of Logic to dismantle the Duke, we are left with several things to think of; the fact that intrusive thoughts can be combated with Logic, the fact that if you just relax and let them go they can’t hurt you (very much), and the Duke’s name: Remus.
After that, Remus nyooms off to... wherever Remus goes, and Roman’s back to consciousness!!! God bless you Roman, we missed you!!! And then... Roman apologizes to Logan for calling him a name!!! Score!!! And then Thomas is feeling alright, and HE THANKS LOGAN AND CALLS LOGAN COOL!!!! AND MY GOD!!! MY SMART SON!!! LOOKS SO BAMBOOZLED BUT LIKE CONTENT!!!! HELL YEAH!!!
And Remus pops back up one more time, Roman reveals that he doesn’t LIKE Remus because Remus is all the BAD things bout creativity, and then it’s Thomas and Virgil. And BOY OH BOY does Virgil have ONE HELL OF A REVEAL!!! For the sake of those whose mobile doesn’t scroll fast enough, I won’t spoil it (even though I’ve spoiled pretty much most of the episode), since SOME things must be discovered for their own merit!!!
And then... it’s the end of the video!!! It’s confirmed that the Thomas that does the Ads in the beginning of the longer videos is the Sanders-verse canon Thomas!!! Really interesting take, honestly!!!
End Card:
Remus is the Trash Man. He eats the deodorant while watching Thomas, it’s fucking WILD!!! And then at the LAST SECOND, Remus pops up like “There’s a snake in my butt!!!” like HELL YEAH REMUS YOU GO REMUS!!!
Stray Thoughts:
(1) The music cover for the content warning is a Bop tbfh (like 4 seconds in)
(2) I know the robe is probably a bad thing but I am LIVING for the tired robe life. Reminds me of college student horse shit surrounding engineering finals (1:42)
(3) “It’s Virgil, everybody give it up for the purp man...” has me CACKLING (3:55)
(4) I do not LIKE the bastard man... But god DAMN does he look good in Green (6:22)
(5) When Duke said Thomas Lacked Imagination after knocking Roman out and then yeeted STRAIGHT into an Adam and Eve thing... Makes me wonder if he can control the Imagination too :/ (6:54)
(6) Ok as much as I don’t like the Duke he is just... a litel creatchure... he canot change this... (17:35)
(7) The duke is... Growing on me. Still doesn’t take Dee’s spot as my favorite, but he’s a Chaotic Neutral at its finest. (25-ish mins in)
"It’s Virgil.... Everybody give it up for the purp man...” -Thomas, un-enthused
"Roman is sort of like Netflix kids and family. He’s the option that you select if you want to--” “Block out all the juicy stuff!!!” -Logan & Duke
“Either way, you’re not my creativity.” “Yeah! That’s the brave, handsome, unbeatable ROMAN!” *Roman, still unconscious and mumbling things* -Thomas, Patton, and Roman
“There’s a snake in my butt!!!” -Remus
This was a super good episode!!! I really like Remus, even though he could, admittedly, be taken to be More Evil than Deceit currently is. I need to watch and re-watch the video to have more theories about it, but I am LOVING our newest side and I cannot WAIT for an episode with both Remus AND Dee in it. It’d be a pretty interesting episode!!!
- Mod Wheat
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graciehart · 6 years
1, 20, 23, and 30 :)
yay thanks Nina!!!!!!!!!
1. three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffle“Popular” by Kristin Chenoweth, “Goodbye Love” from RENT, “This I Believe (The Creed) [Live]” by Hillsong Worship (I assume this means the first three songs that come up when you shuffle it hahha)
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one“Rewrite the Stars” because both you and @paulsensdonna​ were evil and sent me that lyatt video, “Swan Song” by A Fine Frenzy simply because it has “swan” in the title lmao, “Dress” by Taylor Swift because of your vid!!!!
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped upwow this assumes I listen to happier music than I do LMAO “This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things” by Taylor Swift, let’s be real “Now or Never” from HSM3 I mean just… yes LOL or maybe “Bet on It,” oh and “Cabinet Battle #1″ from Hamilton!
30. three songs you really want your followers to know (for reasons other than all those above)so I hope everyone already knows the three probably most associated with me ( “All Too Well” by Taylor Swift, “You Learn to Live Without” by Idina Menzel, “Falling Slowly” by Cristin Milioti & Steve Kazee) so I do want to put three different ones that are more creative… slash require more thought…“Satellite Call” by Sara Bareilles, “Rangers”/”Lifesize” by A Fine Frenzy (I couldn’t choose because I like to list a bajillion of her songs), “Flicker” by Rosi Golan (+ her entire first album tbh)
send me music asks!!!!
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theday · 7 years
mx in sg: the experience
FHJGDGHSHGFGGHD as usual starting off with the keyboard smash anyway! ill be talking about my experience seeing mx live yesterday (3/3) second part is abt when mx were on stage but its quite dry bc i dont remember much
ill be going in chronological order so [jooheon voice] lets get it
i was gonna meet my friend (karissa) at 3:30 because we were going to meet the person selling us our tickets at 4pm but that got delayed until like 5pm which was fine though
anyway i met her and we started queueing because although official queuing was supposed to start at 6pm they pushed it forward to 3pm (which was unfortunate for those who were busy and couldnt come until much later - the organizer never released an official statement saying the queuing started earlier) 
so as soon as karissa and i arrived at like. the place (near the venue) we got lost for about a whole 5 minutes lmao so i texted james asking him where the hell . they were and we made it and joined the queue immediately (we were the last few people of the second batch) 
we just sat there and. collected freebies and our banners (for the fan events) while we waited for the seller to come give us our tickets 
when they came i was like . fucking screaming because one of the seller was someone i knew from primary school (4 years ago) and i was likeudghdgghdhsh??????? that was the highlight of the daydhfhs
after we bought the tickets and shit we were slightly concerned they wouldnt work lmao but they did god bless
while we waited for the doors to open and stuff a group of people did dance covers of mx songs and later other groups too everyone was cheering for them which was nice fgfghdgh
the hype died down and we just waited quietly until it hit 6pm and i started listening to the day6 stream LMAO but after 4 songs i had to stop because suddenly everyone was standing up?? 
for nothing though because we sat down like 30 minutes later at around 7? 7:30? everyone stood up again and this time people were given wrist tag things u kno.. ya there were three (?) kinds i think gold for those who held a superfan ticket, pink for general admission and some other colour for those who got tickets for free and could sit on chairs dhdghs 
it was a free standing event in an outdoor space so superfan ticket holders got to stand closer to the stage? and those with general admission had to stand behind us and it was separated by a barricade 
we entered at like 8pm because we were the second batch (there was a third batch behind us) and it was already filled?? not exactly but from where we were standing we couldn’t really see the stage 
in the end we were in the middle which wasnt exactly the best but its definitely better than those standing all the way at the back rip 
i think at like 7:45 they started playing the music videos and everyone was shouting the lyrics it was cute i loved it but my throat told me to die after i yelled for like all of their mvsjhdgdghd 
also when all in played u bet my ass i jumped up and downdhg
also water wasnt allowed inside which i think is normal so i chugged mine down as fast as i could before entering (i had a little left and the lady let me in with it thanks queen) (i drank it all before they even came on stage)
the hype was real though and it was great 
when it hit 8:30pm the introduction video started and suddenly i was getting pushed forward and wow . dont go if ur not a fan of people invading your personal bubble. i wish fans had more sense to Not push around and stuff but what can we do rip 
other than that when they came out oh gOD when they came out i was likebfhgddgs??!?!??!?! i had to stand on my tip toes to see them
they started with beautiful and i was liek. dissociating i jsut sang along and shit it was amazing?????? 
the first person i saw was kihyun and then minhyuk?? i dont remember who else i saw but iw ss losing my fucking mind over how good everyone looked
anyway after that was um.............. fuck. .... i dont know..........
white love maybe? i think they did like an introduction of themselves ??
anyway ill figure the songs out later they started playing games i think or was that another time im bad at this clearly 
ask james for the details of the songs i dont remember shit from that i just remember singing along to the songs badly and moving my arm back and forthhfgsgh 
also team work makes the dream work because karissa was recording and i helped her to zoom in and ensure they looked human with the brightness and stuff fhjdgsgh 
but !! everyone did the fanchants really well it was so heartworming 
also during white love they made us do that one part u know the one and it was awesome!!!!! during white sugar they threw m&m’s and i got to get a good look at their faces without having to look at the screen!! 
honestly was good too god im so happie 
hm. they did a mon-story time and showed us pics from previous eras (trespass > i dnt remmeber fuck > beautiful world tour > mxray > first win) ?? might be wrong dghdgs and they talked about stuff that happened i blanked out though so i dont know what they said 
also when they flashed the first win part they started throwing hands @ each other usual mx shit dhjgsgd
we chanted monsta x and they chanted monbebe back at us :-( i love them
i think changkyun said he doesnt wnat to do another season of mxray LMAODHFGHHGS fucking loser 
the translator made me laugh he was super monotone fhgdghfsh
then they played mon-ccaso dghghfsh and drew what they wanted to eat with singaporean mbb!!
there was a bug in front of wonho and he got !!!! fhdgh cute .
shownu: ????? what was it ?? a drink it looked like a cocktail and kihyun was like “non alcoholic” dghffsgs
wonho: ice cream!!! hes so cute his drawing was so cute also he wrote monbebe before they announced the game his handwriting is so pretty tf
minhyuk: ramyeon lmao (in his words: traditional korean noodles) 
kihyun: uh oH HE DREW A CRABFGHGSHS and said chili and pepper crab!!!
hyungwon: he drew a shrimpfhggdgs fucking . it was so cute
jooheon: mandu!! or dumplings :D
anyway they talked about what they drew and when it came to minhyuk’s turn he was like guess and everyone just shit on him DHJDHSHG 
some examples: “hair” Gghdhg and some fans (including me) screamed cucumberhjfghgs let this man live 
minhyuk also tried to make fun of jooheons drawing but it failed bc none of us understood his joke
so they made us vote by screaming and they each stood up while holding their sketchbooks and we’d scream
winner was changkyun (i yelled my heart out and jumped bitch)
they did oppaya and i think there are fancams somewhere
then they made wonho do it hhdggs best 1 minute of my life
after that was uhh??????? brain machine broke i dont know im not even going in order anymore
they either did from zero first or the fan videos were shown first
if so the fan videos were of fans talking about how much they love/appreciate mx and it was sweet after that we raised our banners for the fan vid
and then the CAKE came for wonho and we sang happy birthday to wonho (kihyun asked us to sing once too at the start hjdghgsg we did that in english this time it was in korean) 
also funny hfgdhgs thing... they talked in korean and a lot of people replied in korean so they got shockedhfgh FUCJ DAY6 ok safe im listening now
i think they (minhyuk?) asked who thought/if he was handsome and got rly happie when we said yea
after him someone asked too LOLJHDGSG
back 2 whatever fdsh um oh yeah the cake was done to look like ramyeon in a pot :D ill add a link
wonho cut himself with the knife D-: babie 
he kept wanting to eat it though so hopefully he liked it 
maybe after that they did from zero???? ufhffghsgghdg idk
after that was hero!!!!!!! god we were all so pumped 
shine forever next 
and then they stopped to take a break i thinkfhgshgd 
at some point they asked fans (a jooheon stan and a wonho one) what songs they liked :-D the jooheon one said beautiful and the other said ill be there if im not wrong
they also made the rappers sing bits from some songs hfgsg i dont remember which songs tho hdhs
changkyun tried his besthjdg
they did their ending ment and went to dramarama!! 
after that it was silent for like 5 minutes max as we chanted mx and for encore
they came out and did ill be there (?) (first verse to chorus) and talked again before doing 5:14! 
they were dressed in casual tshirts which was a relief hjghgdh because it was reallly fuckng hot hdh changkyun mentioned the weather too sorry dude thats life
they waved at fans and played amongst themselves kihyun dumped water on jooheon LMAO i got a clear view of that
stay hydrated !
they just kept dumping water on each other i love a family :-D
and then they said bye and left
jooheon kept going byEE though dhgdhs hes so cute :-( 
ok heres what i thought abt the monstas themselves
kihyun looked especially good with that tie by the way 
jesus i got to see wonho with dark hair i truly. died
hyungwon was rly cute too when he interacted with the fans :-(
there was one time wonho smiled and it was caught on the screen i . felt my heart burst in that moment
alsowwhen minhyuk took center position for their choreos he has this ?? charisma ??? its amazong like the one smirk/grin he does u know that? yeah i saw it in beautoful and died
joohoen and changkyun also did their best hyping mbbs up by yelling to sing along and stuff ihdjgf i love them
this is just mx loving hours 
i didnt get to see jooheon much but he was so playful with minhyuk it was so cute!!!!!!! 
they all look so good and sound even better live!!! kihyuns adlibs god help me. 
i love them so much. i really do fhhdghghs im happy i went no more regrets and no more telling myself i didnt have a blast because i!!!! i loved every second of it even when i got someones hair stuck to my arm LMAO 
after it ended we immediately left for the exit andggdghs WOW standing up i was fine but moving?? moving was HELL my legs hurt so bad
ok so we got home and thats that but like.... heres where my self reflection comes in
so you dont have to read this part
i think. the reason i dont remember much is because.. i dont want to? like. at some point i got a clear view of wonho in the Flesh and i was thinkng about how i was really seeing them? for real????? and i got. really sad i think?? 
so to prevent myself from getting sad i probably tried to forget? everything?? theres also my bad memory of course but i cant even remember their faces i feel like its because im trying to forget or some deep shit 
anyway i think im also makig myself not be happy??? this is phrased v bad but its like im trying to kill the fun and only think abt the negatives of the whole event
which wasnt even much so its like. my minds blankfhjfhd
talking about it here helps though like i get to. share and actually talk about what happened so yeah i can say that i had fun even though i couldnt see them i had a blast singing along it was awesome
the only bad part was how i didnt like watching from the screens because it felt like i wasnt seeing them live?? ooMGHDDS DAY6 ARE DOING BETTTER BTTER
tldr; im not that upset over it now thank god and i can proudly say i had fun and although i cant remember much it was a great experience
thank you for coming to my tedtalk if you did <3
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kaltsektion · 7 years
3 songs- 1-3, 20-23!
Wow, thanks!
1. three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffle
Everybody’s Got To Learn Sometime - KiKu
Suspicious (T.H.D. Remix) - Psychic TV
Polska - Kult
2. three last songs you listened to
Future - None
The Cabinet - Das Kabinett
I Coldly Stare Out - Pink Turns Blue
3. three songs you were recently obsessed with
Oak Wood - Drab Majesty
Last Supper - ISOTROPIA
Seen It All - Foie Gras
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one
Hey Ya - Outkast
Stagger Lee - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Rings - Aesop Rock (I know him only bc of you and I really liked the vid for this one)
21. three songs of your childhood
Jezu jak się cieszę - Klaus Mitffoch
What Else Is There - Royksopp
Ja Sowa - Hey
I grew up listening mostly to Polish music my parents liked. And recently I’ve been listening to it a lot again.
22. three songs you listen to when you’re sad
Hide the T.R.E.A.T.S. - Foie Gras (or Bate Kush album in general)
Ain’t Gonna Rain Anymore - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Peaceful Snow - Death In June
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped up
Rid Of Me - PJ Harvey (live version)
Yü-Gung (Fütter mein Ego) - Einstürzende Neubauten
Tanz Mit Laibach - Laibach
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riskeith · 4 years
hi babe ! its snowing so much here today i’ve been cold all day :( but i got some chai latte and made snow angels so i’m feeling a bit better,.. <3
i wish there was a way to trade objects or send them away!! ik it would spiral into hacking, scamming and would probably defeat the purpose of the game by making it much easier but still :( it would be nice to help out friends with some objects.. :(
actually the most annoying thing about mobile is the camera. it sometimes glitches especially during battle and i find myself stuck facing a mountain bc the camera. so i see why people might complain. also sadly NO :( i wish!! i have an old laptop i thought of using but idk if it can handle it. i think i wanna try it out though. do you use a laptop or pc?
that’s true. i wish we could like... unable easy mode and just chill LMAO hsjshdhdk. but combat does get more fun the more you progress, i’ve started to really enjoy it. now i get why you started to like dragonspine.... i think.... i’m still iffy about that place... 🤔 fuck the cold.
dude. they’re sooo good. i love how they just.. angrily reassure each other constantly. kageyama’s just ARGH *literally smacks sense into hinata’s head* and hinata’s just EEE *takes the compliments and spikes like a mf*
i actually didn’t know much about voltron when i first started watching. i only knew about shiro because an acquaintance had posted about his gay announcement but i never checked it out. i actually got into it in a funny way... i was on yt one day and i saw a video titled ‘are keith and lance gay?’ and i was like who the fuck are keith and lance? then because i’m such a gay person myself i decided to check it out and i saw keith and was like... wow that’s a cute boy... then i saw their dynamic and said WOAH. and well... i just started watching and got hooked and i thought everything was neat and fun so i watched up until season 3 without engaging in any fan activities so i had no idea what people were saying...,, then i did and i was greeted with the shit storm. and the rest is history. but i can imagine it must’ve been so fun... the excitement of not knowing where the story will go and getting new content and being in the fandom while it was alive despite everything.... ahhh how did you find out about the show?
dude YEAH!!! do you feel like university affects the way you handle your fandoms? we talked a bit about hobbies and stuff but what about fandoms?
(MAKES A SECOND REROLL ACCOUNT JUST FOR THIS.... 🥺 omgggg imagine how cute that would be wait omg i’m actually like ahhhh.. we could go on dates at liyue... or watch the sunset at cape oath.... or have picnics at any mountain top... 😳 YEAH PLS that would be so nice... help is anyway nice to have and you’re such a op now you’d just murder the villains in a second... 😳 oo. although i checked earlier and my server is in america for some reason? i really hope they do the cross-server thing life would be SO good. i’d ask you on a date in a heartbeat. 😳 which characters would we use on this co-op date?)
KOSMO!!! BEST PART OF VOLTRON???? kosmo... come back to us please.. please. ok maybe second best part after keith in the bom suit..... god keith in purple just sits so right <3333 sooo right <3333 I VOTE FOR KEITH BECAUSE HE’S HALF-GALRA SO I GUESS THAT MAKES HIM THE FUTURE *LOVE-SICK SMILE* yeah... hahaha fucking fools. ‘rewrite where lance was looking for keith to confess to him bc they were going back to space’ CRIESSSSSSSSSSSS... CLUNAAAA... 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 hi.. 🥺 now i’m just gonna think about this all night and clutch my heart. thank you for that. btw how would you feel about a voltron movie ?
(i love how our topics just jump from genshin to voltron to genshin to voltron again lmao)
lots of kisses from your m.a. <3333
(okay this ended up being very long bc i combined your second ask too and talked a lot so i hope it’s okay i put it under a read more fkdsjhfks)
omg snow!!! is it all pretty and fluffy 🥺🥺 also ‘chai latte’ and ‘snow angels’ in the same sentence when you said you were cold made me fhfksfjs but i’m happy you’re feeling better! muwah 🥰
yeah same!! i said that to my brother when i first started playing i was like ‘i wish you could trade characters’ and he just gave me a deadpan look and was like.. why would they allow that FHDSFKHD sigh but it would be fun!
ah yikes no! sometimes the camera fucks up even on pc so I can’t imagine what it’s like on mobile in the pivotal moments fhdkfjsd. and i use a laptop! i don’t have a pc ahaha. ahhh i hope you somehow manage to find a laptop/pc to try it out thoo
AHAHAH come on m.a. give dragonspine another shot 🤪🤪 but yeah the challenge is fun sometimes! tho i tried to do a domain like 3 times today and kept failing so... it’s also not fun. (i also tried to find some vids about how to build my characters and got overwhelemd fkhsdfks i feel like i’m going about it all in the wrong way ahhhhhhhhhhhh)
FSHDFKJSDHFKSDHJF THAT DESCRIPTION OF KAGEHINA YES 💯💯💯💯 the accuracy omg.. they’re such chaotic idiots i love them!!!!
!!! what a story that is ahah omg it’s like fate... icb you got that vid recommended to you lolol iconic... and i found out about it from my dash!! someone reblogged a screenshot and i was like “legend of korra?” FHSKFJHSKF so basically i thought it was a korra comic or something bc the art style was so similar fhskdfjd. and then i went searching and gave it a shot! and fell down the rabbit hole..
ooo wdym by handle my fandoms? i do know that last year when uni got overwhelming i locked my twitter and made a priv to vent and just. didn’t really go on social media if that’s what you meant FHSKJSDHKF but yeahhhhhhh uni fkn sucks. sucks out all the motivation i have for anything... i type so many words for lectures that i don’t have the energy to write fic :// FJKDSHKSDHFKSHF don’t meant to get so negative but yeahh lol. hbu?
(all those options got my heart going doki doki 😩 who needs real life dating when you can date in the gorgeous atmosphere that is genshin? AHAH. and oh? america??? maybe they just did that as default hm. as for which characters.... i don’t know that we have any that make up the popular ships fhdskjfj (xingqiu/chongyun, zhongli/childe, beidou/ningguang).. tho i see xiao/aether and xiao/venti on the rise so when the time comes ... AHAH you can be the venti to my xiao <3 LOL)
!!!!!!!!! okay i’ll list that down as the fic idea.. but no promises once again sdjfhksdf but i’m also very 👀👀👀 at the concept so! will def keep it in the back burner. 
hm. i honestly don’t know if i would even pay any attention to it hfksdhfjds like voltron left such a sour taste in my mouth i don’t even know that i could consume any canon content ever again. but it’ll also depend on what the plot would be? lol. would you be okay with it?
(lmaooo we be balancing many convos at once look at us 🤪)
ALSO!!! i’m watching spirited away rn and omg. i love haku sm. i love no face too!!! (at least in the beginning when he (?????) was helping sen <33) all the characters are really good as well tho and ofc the art and music!! i really wanna draw something for it now...... and it makes me very excited to watch howl’s moving castle!!
‘I saw the person my younger self had been enraptured by. I saw someone who took my breath away. And when I blinked, I saw the present you. A soul which, slowly but surely, I’d started to fall in love with.’
UMMMMMMMM CLUNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! explain yourself right now.........., what is this goddamn beauty you hide ? why is that so beautiful..,,, i take it the last klance fic is a multiverse fic???? literally everything good in one????? i saw hints of royal au as well? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 you do us so good i literally love you sm just reading those small snippets just Ahhhhhh..... i love them they sound amazing i just wanna exist in them yk... 😭😭😭😭😭😭
FHDSKJFHDSFKJ IF YOU THINK THAT IS GOOD JUST WAIT UNTIL YOU READ THE LAST SECTION!!!!!!!!! but at the same time i’m surprised by myself too... me @ past me you ain’t bad! shdfkds I legit have no recollection or writing the snippet you sent but i’m glad you like it 😩😩 and thank you for being so kind always ilysm too 😭❣💓💖💫💞💘❣💖
oh and to answer your question (oops almost forgot) yes it’s a multiverse fic!! that’s why i thought it’d be good for the last one ehehe. just shoved in everything i loved and made klance in love in them!!
hope you’re treating yourself!! loveeeeeee your c.r. <3
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loveistheonlytruth · 7 years
sunflower: if there was a door that went to a city that was a good representation of you, what city would it be and would you go through the door?
ANS; I feel like Japan because everyone in Japan is fucking rad and everyone there fucks with harry STYLES RIGHT? imma open my own vegetarian restaurant there and cook 4 cheap u kno
pink: sunsets or sunrises?
freshly cut grass: are you an early riser? if not, is this because you stay up late?
 ANS; I’m an early riser because there is an actual fucking ROOSTER in my brain and my uterus will wet the bed if I’m not up before 6:30 am
journal: would you dye your hair if you had the opportunity? why or why not?
painting: in what ways are you creative?
 ANS; like at making excuses? and like playlists? I’m also creative with my comebacks.
waves: is there one music genre you can’t listen to?
 ANS; Jacob saruthatkidneedstostopheisafuckboyhecantsingforshit
writing: do you write letters? if not, would you like to be?
 ANS; no one irl would casually accept letters but if its a special occasion I try my best to write them a sweet letter
waterfalls: describe your perfect date.
freckles: what’s something that makes you happy? describe the first thing that comes to your head.
 ANS; music just makes me so happy I just want to cry because I know i’ll never be able to listen to all the music in the world and that makes me so so so so sosadbecause music just makes me so happy like gosh my heart swells up and everything bad is soothed.
dimples: would you rather be inviting on a hike or a night out?
blushing: describe a rad person you know.
 ANS; a rad person I know is a girl in my class, we connect on a whole new level and like she shares the same vision as me and wow, she gets it u kno. shes also super sweet and smart (I also kno another rad person on here, gato…..*sigh* I love u
watercolour: talk about something someone you are interested in can do that never fails to make you find them attractive?
 ANS; toast…does this thing where it like….
the butter….I orgasm everytime…
pine: if you could only smell one scent for the rest of your life, what would it be?
ANS; the smell of my mother, she smells like wisdom…and flowers I lobe my mum and I don’t ever wanna forget how she smells.
pink eyeshadow: pasta or pizza?
icy: homemade or takeout?
rosè: what’s your opinion on shyness?
 ANS; it basically means the person is a wild bitch when u get to know theM
clouds: list your top 5 songs at the moment and how they make you feel 
ANS; juju sunshine; makes me feel like im falling in acid that’s freezing my soul but burning my skin. joji will he; like squeezing my heart in my hands and watching it BLEED.max shrager thoughts of you; like im getting all prim and proper for a one night stand in the 20′s.unknown mortal orchestra from the sun; like im living inside the shrivled heart of an old grandpa. DEATH THORES ESSEX; like i’m getting butchered with an axe by a really fuckin hot dude.
silk: list songs you listen to for a jam
white sheets: where’s somewhere you would love to travel to? why?
black nail polish: what do you do to pamper yourself?
 ANS; masturbate to cutedeadguys.com (SORRY IM SORRY BLOCK ME)jk I listen to meet me in the hallway and plan out a music vid 4 dat bitch
hidden beaches: do you prefer to hang out in a big group or one on one?
 ANS; small bc like im awkward with a lotta peeps but at the same time I like listening to peeps opinions
crossed fingers: using no negative words, describe your hair.
 ANS; wavy sometimes squar-ie sometimes tame it has amind of its own relly
mocktails: cold weather or hot weather?
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violetemerald · 7 years
Or watch the version with all sorts of potentially distracting, potentially just explanatory, text on top of the  screen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Htd9luUsMe8
I had to delete the first copy of the no-text version and re-render/re-upload because I forgot to list Shameless as a fandom in the end credits. And I wanted to fix a small 1 frame black gap. But yeah there are actually 33 fandoms, not 32, I had missed one when counting them up, whoops!! XD For the original posting with the text all over, the original text version, I’m not deleting and re-posting because it’s an entry in a contest, but the mistakes are still present in there. But yeah this is my entry for the 3rd and Final round of the Who You Are contest GlowingAprilSky has been hosting, season 2. The round was called "Journey Backwards" and the rules stated here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVJHoaJ-cDE explain: "Start from where you are now, and go back to the beginning of your story. Show me all about you and your story." 
Ask if you want me to type up the voiceovers.
Starting off with where I'm at currently in my life, I just turned 28 years old and I'm:
1. starting to do real Asexual Activism including last weekend I presented at one workshop and at one caucus at the Creating Change (an LGBTQ) conference in my city, I'm
2. employed and doing well at my administrative assistant type contractor job in a government building, I'm
3. learning to face my grief over my friend perpetrating a murder-suicide. See this video for more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGPFGnZ3XEE
4. I live with my wonderful dad as an adult with no intention of moving out anytime soon, and my dad has been having a few health diagnosis things lately and needs heart surgery to put in a defibrillator very soon
(Now those 4 are all kinda overlapping and at once. I'm trying to do this whole vid in reverse-chronological order, but my dad specifically found out in December he'd need to get a defibrillator ASAP so that a fairly likely sudden heart event will, instead of almost certainly killing him, much more likely him surviving it, surgery has now been scheduled for February, whereas it was still the end of November when my suicidal podcasting partner murdered his wife before ending his own life. But my grief over that friend of mine I did a podcast with, the part of this that is “my story”, is an ongoing thing (as grief often is)-that spans both before and after me finding out about my dad's recent news with his health. Similarly ongoing is me living with him as it's a “for many years” situation that's still important to capture SOMEWHERE for an autobiographical vid. Etc. So I was trying my best and picking when and how to capture a lot of this.
The car crash happened when I was distracted and near-tears over my breakup because of the music I was listening to too intensely and I think that's one of the "life events in my story" that I won't be forgetting any time soon.
So much of this vid is more personal than I can explain, little choices of scenes that ring truer than you could even know.
I think blogging helped me a lot with processing my asexuality and my mother's abuse, and I did it for years and still do it. I started about my mom on tumblr in 2010 even maybe but my real WordPress blog I started in 2014.
Around 1:43-1:48 in the video is me having started attending Asexual Meetups in mid-2014! Which is a HUGE deal, all my closest friends since then were pretty much from that group plus I organize the meetups a lot of the time now, host in my house etc!
Right after that, 1:48-1:52 I kinda "gloss over" my uncle's suicide which really was a pretty huge traumatic deal, and I still am grieving him in some ways, of course I am, he was such a great guy. I went on a suicide prevention walk last summer (2016) with him in mind but that didn't make it into the video, eventually I'll finish a full vid themed just around loved ones of suicidal people, I already started such a vid around then...
I really stressed before I knew about asexuality about being a 22 year old person who had never been kissed, being a 23 year old virgin, about being a social failure. I believed the amatonormative idea's like what John says to Sherlock ( https://everydayfeminism.com/2016/04/amatonormativity-expectations/ ) and I tried online dating and finally went on a date and had a first kiss, as soon as I healed from my foot surgery. I had this final foot surgery right after I graduated college. I spent a lot of my life on crutches, in casts, if you add up all 3 surgeries, the chronic foot pain after I first broke it is an important part of "my story" so I wanted to jam it in there. Go OTH for having a realistic recovery time and elevating Haley's foot a lot. ;) Not the 5 pillow high like me since it was so painful and needed to be so elevated but... STILL. XD
Blake on Criminal Minds is maybe the only Linguist I've ever seen on TV? Not realistic at all and I think a lot of what they call Forensic Linguistics is just myth and Criminal Minds is a pretty imperfect show but whatever. :P
I also "glossed over" just how important and involved I was in atheist circles, although the fact that I later volunteered for a hotline where people might call in and say "I think I'm an atheist" for 2.5 years maybe gives you some idea. My podcast was about atheism, and I also occasionally organize atheist meetups and regularly attend some atheist and freethinker meetup groups since around mid-2015. I'd like to probably make a full length atheism vid at some point. :P Which is a weird topic but I'd like to try. There's... There's NO good representation that goes far enough at all on TV, but I appreciate Grey's Anatomy a lot for doing what they've done with Jackson, and I'm glad Kurt on Glee was an atheist while being a beloved person who isn't even known for being too scientific or anything. Appreciate less that Grey's Anatomy, in season 14's premiere, seemingly erased Amelia's atheism that was first present on Private Practice (see this vid above)... :P
I withdrew from Chemistry, Semantics 2, and Infectious Human Disease in college. Those left W's on my transcript, which are better than failing. I had to make up the credits by taking summer classes at a different college in order to graduate on time (took French and Biological Athropology classes as my credits instead over two summers). I also "dropped", penalty free, Russian, and Medieval Spanish History. Senior year of high school I was living with my grandmother and lonely and became truly unhealthily addicted to vidding, which I still clearly am now a decade later but I think vidding is a part of my story that didn't make it into the vid (perhaps that would have been too meta?) lol... but I started then, senior year of high school, to get worse grades. My straight-A, I'm naturally smart and will succeed and am a little bit of a perfectionist tendencies were suddenly just flipped and not true really?? XD
Hopefully most of this is fairly self-explanatory. The court stuff could be pretty traumatic so I tried to capture those feelings... I've vidded stuff about my abusive mom before and about Beverly/Scarlett in general, and about Maggie/Abby in both a collab and my first ever personal vid about my mom... I was trying to vid mainly stuff I haven't before in those vids. :) I appreciate for my own sake the variety. And I rushed the ending to squeeze in some of me as a little kid.
I think I still belong with my dad, my whole life is tied together by my great dad. :) But also I just liked that Molly is a young girl and happy and that smile would be a fun way to end the video... :P I wasn't sure when I was editing it that that scene was really about my dad, until I was adding the text on top of the screen.
There is plenty left out but I'm pretty happy with this current result in terms of most of the really significant parts of my life story.
I think this song is about wanting "To let go of the pain I've held so long", to get from the bad to somewhere better. I think I'm pretty close to finding somewhere I belong in my life. I think this summarizes my past pretty well though, it's a little too angsty of a song but the lyrics are honestly HOPEFUL in some ways. It's about, as the bridge says, knowing yourself now that you do this on your own, it's about wounds healing, finding yourself!
Anyway... if you've read the whole description, WOW thank you for being so invested in learning more about my life. :P
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cafephan · 8 years
dan and phil play yasuhati don't stop eighth note: a summary
danandphilgames sad musical notes 47 seconds in and dan is already getting his daily fix of phil staring in seriously look at that smile dan mate there's a camera in front of you how about smiling at us he's transfixed oh no he just acknowledged the camera for a second it's fine back to staring at phil oh now phil's staring back at him is this softcore porn phil is giving some serious hand porn that i know for sure dan has no time for the slow motion 'dan vs phil' meme "all i know is that's cute" if you close your eyes it's easy to imagine dan saying that and pointing at phil "don't nose it" "i've nosed it" "you've just got the tape on your nose, it's going to have phil pore dust all over the tape now" "there's no dust on my pores!" better comebacks phil better comebacks they've just started the game and i already feel sorry for their neighbours no wonder the dog wondered into their flat it probably thinks they're in trouble all the bloody time dan saying literally,,, it's been a while whispering oh is this doing anything for you asmr loving folk do you have a nice satisfying tingle dan's first attempt and he kills the character wow symbolic seriously i feel really sorry for the neighbours forget the lady that's always having sex in the apartment below she probably thinks dnp like it rough every day holy shit why is phil so vocal like dan's high pitches are to be expected but,,,,,, deep voice phil please stick around "imagine being sat next to a train and someone was just playing this next to you" dan called him out on it "thomat the tank engine" suggestive thomas the tank engine edits ok i wonder who edited this vid the mind truly boggles "i love thomat the tank engine" yes phil drag him to the pits of hell dan can't handle being called out can he why are they just saying oh "i'd like to see your failure" i love phil "i've got a tickly voicebox" see i'm glad i had time to prepare for dan's piercing scream this time "our neighbours are going to call the police" i think your neighbours are going to call a counsellor watch phil as dan moves the character along he's so invested and so animated he wants dan to succeed you can see it in his eyes "this is so tense" he acknowledges the camera before going back into supportive bf mode i feel like dan should tackle opera he has the voice volume capacity rip headphone users phil makes sure to tell us dan has hit 100 "everything's fine" dan says after deafening more than half of his audience phil is still very much in supportive bf mode "i'm the freaking best at this and i was trying to be mildly entertaining" deafening me is not entertaining dan this is why i make you the asshole in fics "you could do this as an olympic sport" see, supportive bf phil vocalises himself "watch out lads, watch out girls, watch out musical notes. philly's in town and he's got a great set of lungs" phil's noises are,,,,,,,, really something those poor poor neighbours dan's calm voice is weird i think because it's so unused (hint hint nudge nudge danny boy) "don't be so loud all the time" dan how dare u ok phil's noises are either sex noises or the noises of a dying corpse i'm is dan crying "you don't have to scream, phil" again dan how dare u dan stop staring you get those noises on a regular basis let us have this i mean what um the noises suddenly turn distinctly sexual dan is cringing he doesn't like to share "the neighbours are going to think this is really weird" if they're not already used to it i'll eat a shoe oh my god phil are these noises just in the back of your throat dan stifling his laugh is adorable up goes the hand his other hand is suspiciously out of shot that was a joke "this is so much harder than yours!" who needs context i swear if you listen to this video with your eyes closed you'll interpret it very differently dan's little glances i'm dan stop trying to sabotage him nobody wants your rendition of walking in the air still loving this angle of phil tho ngl dan's face is priceless "what the fuck is this game" honestly dan a smut writer's wet dream is what it is phil's gorilla impression ok not going to question anything by this point seriously dan stop trying to sabotage phil didn't react to the word vagina "yes YES! i've done it! i've done it!" i would pay to be a fly on the wall in their neighbours' flat "i wanted to win so much- oh i died" "have you just lost your voice?" dan would know tbf eye contact "it's about like.... projecting" again, dan would know "i thought you'd have learnt this from tatinof" well, what happens on tour stays on tour lads this game and this video are something else "oh my god we're going to get kicked out" dan throws down the all or nothing gauntlet like the sore loser he is "phil you need to see my plan" is that what the kids are calling it these days also why has dan suddenly started enunciating more oh my god are they actually going to sing i've been praying for a sing it gaming vid for so fucking long please don't make it a joke i seriously need this of course dan makes phil sing their own song #buytheinternetishereonitunes this reminds me of the speech jammer challenge dan can't speak for laughing this is my aesthetic that was set up for failure i'm sorry honey go on phil set him up to fail too "that was the funniest thing of my entire life" oh dan's picking for himself i can't help but feel this is a little biased did he do pouty lips and wide eyes i bet he did pouty lips and wide eyes oh fuck he's actually doing this isn't he strap yourselves in kids it's like internet takeover never ended dan fucked himself over oh no what a shame the universe doesn't like cheaters soz about it pouty baby throws a tantrum, kills desk,,, innocent supportive bf laughs in the corner look at those meaty arms as he raises them in victory "well that was something, that was an experience" you're telling me, phil, you're telling me "the game's over, phil" sore loser dan doesn't want to be here anymore dan says hi to google overlord they might do it again "it's not going to be good dan and phil singing, if that's what you're looking for" oh COME ON what do i have to do to get a singing game naturally phil suggests toxic "i'm so sorry to your ears" thanks dan but i think that would've been a good disclaimer to have at the beginning danisveryLOUD (tru) ASHOUTINGPHIL (amoaningphil more like)
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