#They got wifi in prison?
maggot-baggage · 3 months
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fashion-runways · 7 months
hi!! new pinned post, because the last one had gotten long again-- if you want to read previous posts, here's the first one, here's the second one. the tl;dr from those is that my dad got wrongfully imprisoned abruptly, our place was raided, the cops broke a bunch of shit and took a bunch of our things and still haven't returned them, they left all the broken things for us to spend money in repairing, we had to spend money on a lawyer, trips to visit him, new clothes, medicine and food for him in jail, etc. it was a mess, way more details in both posts. he's back home now, with an ankle monitor because technically his case isn't being investigated yet, they haven't done anything about it at all, the case hasn't moved one ounce lmao it's great, always trust the judicial system and cops!! ugh, anyway!
we found a therapist for my dad who can help her deal with all the stuff he had to deal with while in prison, all the bullying, the depression, the starving, the separation, etc. he needs to get a bunch of other medical appointments, has to get surgery, among other things, but for now things are much better on that front. that being said, he did lose his job and my old redbubble account got suspended without a warning months ago, plus argentina's economy is... really bad right now. food prices rise every day, public transportation prices went up like a 200% in a couple of weeks, salaries are low and stuck there, subsidies are gone, the local peso keeps falling, we have an absolute psychopath as a president who spends more time insulting or threatening anyone who oppose him than caring about people. it's a disaster. for updates on argentina in english, this person on twitter makes very good informative threads if you're interested.
anyway, i used to make around 30/40 dollars a month in redbubble, and that used to help adding up to the donations i got here, and it got suspended, so now i make like 1/2 dollars on teepublic monthly. so... it's a huge loss. there's a lot of things me and my mom are in charge of paying-- groceries, power and water and gas, medicine (she's diabetic, i have some sort of chronic sinusitis), our dog and cat's food and medicines, wifi, phone bills, public transportation, healthcare, my dad's new therapist... so, you know, i really need anything people can donate. even if it's just a single dollar, literally any amount helps. i love fashion so much and i love this blog, i work really hard on it even when my brain says no, and i really appreciate how much you guys love it too. i love seeing people discover new styles, new designers, new things to be inspired by. so, yeah... i'm never going anywhere, but i do need help to basically stay afloat.
as usual, my kofi link is this one: https://ko-fi.com/fashionrunways and my teepublic link is this one: https://www.teepublic.com/user/dinah-lance. thanks for being around and sharing and reblogging my posts, thanks for asking questions about fashion, and of course thanks for helping to the ones who can, and thanks to the ones who can't too, i know how that feels like, don't worry about it. love you 💖
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morastfrck · 5 months
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Omg is that a dup sona??? It isss @gladii0lus i caved in to the self insert oc in cool uniform
He is like some sort of slime moss based conduit? Idk if organic conduits are even a thing (but regardless his powers visuals are heavily inspired by those videos where slime moss solves mazes for pieces of oats) (which is also basically his whole motivation as a dup agent. He is here for the reward and thats it)
Morast probably recharges his powers from like damp nasty mossy walls that kinda dry out after his recharge (or dumpsters, we all know where the good mold is, but dup forbid him from using dumpsters bc it ruins their reputation)
he thought that conduit prison would be chill, since conduits arent really placed there for crimes and are basically just random people with powers. So like a really strict but free camp?? And no need to work for the rest of his life?? Paradise??
But then it turned out that curdan cay has almost no entertainment except trainings and forbids contact between prisoners. And he got deathly bored. So he had to start working for the dup in order to get his freedom back (and yk an actual working phone with wifi and games and the ability to get takeouts and hang out and go clubbing and date and well all that) (we are not going to mention that most of those things are technically still forbidden, bc now he can access them at least. Just dont snitch to the higher ups)
He is fairly efficient when he is actually working, but that only happens almost never
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evenshadow · 1 year
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Vultures \\ a tropical gothic horror
Content Warnings: Death, Bugs, Blood
Excerpt below the cut.
Desperate to be anywhere but home, recently disgraced doctor Emily Fayne arrives at the wifi-free tropical wellness resort of Monte Descanso, a renovated Spanish fortress on its own private island. Amenities include sandy beaches, guided spelunking tours, special health juices, and swarms of vulture bees prowling the jungle in search of rotting flesh.
From the first night Emily can tell that something isn’t right. She’s seeing things that can’t be there, some of the other guests are acting strange, and their signature wellness drink, the elixir, that makes her feel too good to believe. Still, it’s easy to put it all down to jet lag and stress when staying means getting to go late-night skinny dipping with the resort’s hot yoga instructor, Jessa.
When Jessa goes missing a few days later, Emily must team up with eccentric treasure-hunting divorcee Phillipa to discover what happened. They begin to suspect that Jessa’s disappearance is connected to the disappearance of sailors on the island in the 1700’s, and that the cheerful resort owner, Harmony, knows more than she’s letting on.
Someone was knocking at the door and she should answer it. 
She got up at the third knock, hoping it would be Philippa with some of her smuggled contraband. She'd have to ask her to get her source to bring in bread and chocolate next time- the booze just wasn't cutting it. Emily threw a fuzzy robe overtop of her old oversized t-shirt, and looked through the peephole. 
Jessa was standing there, wearing the purple sportsbra and leggings she had been this morning at yoga and a wide, unflinching smile. 
Emily's hand went to the deadbolt immediately to let her in, but something stopped her. Before they'd gone into the cave, maybe she could have written it off, but she was tired of telling herself that her eyes and her ears and her whole body was lying to her. Something was wrong. 
She hesitated at the chain. 
The knock came again. 
"Hey, it's me! Jessa! Come on out, there's something I want to show you."
Her voice sounded hollow, like it was coming from far away. She pulled back from the door and looked through the peephole again, only to jerk backwards. Jessa’s eye was pressed right up against the peephole, making it look wide and distorted like a whale's. 
Whatever Jessa wanted to show her, Emily didn't want to see it. 
She took a couple of steps back from the door, trying to process while her mind was in a screaming panic, hide-under-the-covers mode. 
Jessa knocked again. "Come on, I know you're in there. You can't be tired yet. You have to come see this!"
There was no way she could actually see inside the peephole, right? Jessa couldn't see her inching backwards, going towards the phone. For all Jessa knew, she was downstairs having a midnight snack or holed up in some corner with Phillipa trading tall tales. 
Emily didn't know what she would say if she picked up the phone and got through to reception. ‘Help, my friend isn't my friend and she wants me to come outside?’ That seemed useless. Unless...
The Jessa at the door knocked louder. "Emily! Emily? Emily!"
Emily picked up the phone, and dialed 0 for reception. 
Sylvie's cheery voice was on the other end of the line. "Good evening, Emily. What can I do for you?"
She knocked again. Once, twice. It grew into a constant sound, her knuckles on the door without pause. 
"You guys have land lines, in your rooms, right?" Emily whispered into the receiver. They must have phones somehow. This wasn't a prison or a reality show where people had to be expected to stand in line and wait to talk to their mothers. "Can you connect me to Jessa? It's important. I know you're probably not supposed to do that but..."
The tapping was still going. She- it- whatever - was still there, just outside. 
"I mean, we’re not supposed to…”
“Please. You can take away my phone privileges if I abuse it. It’s urgent.”
There was a sigh on the other end of the line. “Fine, but just for you. It’s against policy. Is there something wrong?"
Yes. Yes yes yes. 
"No." Emily knew she should have elaborated, but she couldn’t think up a good enough excuse while her mind was seizing in panic.
"Okay. Hold for a moment."
Some calming flute music with ocean sound effects started playing and Emily had never hated the flute so much in her life.It felt like an age, but was only thirty seconds or so, before she heard another voice on the end of the line.
It was Jessa's voice, as far as she could remember. Some part of her brain was fracturing trying to reconcile the idea that she was hearing Jessa's voice from two places at once. 
"Are you somehow outside my door right now?"
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bluejackals · 3 days
ken beats parrot up 1/? (he doesn't actually beat parrot up in this part sorry)
summary: based on @saiintofdiirt's little thing where parrot finds out about clonefies, a continuation of after parrot makes up with wifies. this is just writing practice tbh
word count: 872 I think
Ken and Wato have just taken their first bites of their chicken quesadillas (sue them, they’re still pissed) when Ken’s comm pings. 
[Wifies]: it went well 
[Wifies]: I’m going to stay with him
Ken heaves a sigh. Wifies is too kind. 
Next to her, Wato shakes their head. “I knew this was going to happen, but I wish he’d be a little less nice.” 
“I agree,” Ken mutters. But he has more important things to do than continue to fantasize about tearing out Parrot’s throat, so he picks up his comm.
[_Kenadian_]: okay
[_Kenadian_]: what are you doing now?
[Wifies]: Eating
[_Kenadian_]: alone?
[Wifies]: no
[Wifies]: Parrot’s here
[Wifies]: actually he just left briefly he said he had to do something for a few minutes 
Ken’s comm pings again, but it’s not a message from Wifies. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Ken says. Parrot has just messaged him. Seriously? He left Wifies to send Ken a message? 
“I don’t think he ever stops talking,” Wato says, taking a giant bite out of their quesadilla. 
[ParrotX2]: Hey
[ParrotX2]: I know you’re still mad at me, so meet me at the final chunkban prison on Unstable tomorrow sometime between 8 am and noon
“The hell does that mean?” Ken’s anger is not chased away by their confusion. In fact, it just makes them angrier. 
[ParrotX2]: You wanted to kill me, right?
Oh. Oh. Ken feels adrenaline building in his veins. Parrot, despicable or not, probably isn’t lying. He knows if he lies, Ken will just tell Wifies, and where would that leave him?
Wato finishes off their quesadilla. “Have fun. Give him hell from me.” 
“I will.” 
Another ping. 
[ParrotX2]: Don’t tell Wifies. I assume you wouldn’t but just in case
“Bastard,” Ken says. 
The next morning finds Ken decked out in full enchanted netherite, making her way to front of the former prison’s entrance. She doesn’t know any specifics about Parrot’s…arrangement and she’s not taking any chances. Her inventory is chock-full with shulkers—deadly things, potions, supplies. 
Wifies won’t be here. He messaged Ken earlier, saying something about a new arg someone had told him to check out. The timing is incredibly convenient, but Ken isn’t complaining. They know Wifies wouldn’t exactly want this. Wifies might not even understand why Ken wants this. 
Parrot is already there, also in full netherite, but hands empty. There’s a spot on his left wing where the feathers have clearly been worried at and plucked. It makes Ken feel a bit happier. 
“What do you want?” Ken asks. “You were a bit…vague yesterday.” 
“I know you wanted to kill me the other day,” Parrot says. His eyes are clear, sharp blue. A stark contrast to how troubled they were. “I’m giving you a chance to.”
“Wifies is too nice. I’m not…a masochist, but I know I messed up bad and you have some, like, pent-up emotions, right?” 
Oh, what Ken would give to get a look inside Parrot’s brain, no matter how annoying he can be. What the hell goes on in there? Nobody normal says that kind of thing. Though wanting “normal” from a former Lifesteal member might be too high of an expectation. 
“This will be the only time I agree with you. Wifies is too nice, and I do have ‘pent-up emotions.’ I’ll have you know—I don’t usually want to hurt people. Wifies will back me up. But you just piss me off so bad I have to make an exception.” 
Parrot nods, like this is expected. It grates on Ken, how calm he can appear when he’s not having an emotional hurricane. “Okay. I believe you. I’m not gonna let you permakill me on this server.” 
“Then what do you mean by kill?” Ken snaps. 
“Simple.” A totem materializes in Parrot’s hand. “You get to pop this.” 
This is definitely not sane or normal behavior. This is decidedly Lifesteal behavior. Ken is fine with that. “Right here, right now, out in the open?”
“Obv—no,” Parrot replies. “Follow me.” 
He’s off before Ken can complainabout how much he’s controlling the situation, so Ken has no choice but to follow. They fly into a cave system, then to the entrance to a room inside it, closed off with an iron door. Parrot opens the door and puts a hand to the pillow of the white bed in the corner.
Ken takes a look around the room. It’s simple—just blackstone and deepslate and some obsidian, lit with some torches. He supposes the dark blocks are to make concealing any leftover…mess easier. 
Parrot takes off his helmet, leaving the rest of his armor on. “Oh, one last thing. I said you could pop the totem, but if you try to cut my wings off as part of that, this offer is done and I’ll kill you.” 
 “What the heck?” Ken actually does forget to be angry this time. “What—that’s—what the hell?”
Parrot raises an eyebrow. 
“I mean, why would you think I would even think of that?” Ken wants to rip out all of her hair. “That’s cruel.” 
“Just in case,” Parrot says. “That’s all.” 
The rest of his armor disappears, leaving just him in his bomber jacket, with nothing but his totem. “Go for it.”
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k7l4d4 · 5 months
K Reviews and Rants: Miraculous Ladybug Season 5! Episode 1
Hello all! It's been awhile since I've posted. This post is the result of a favor I did for a friend, where we both wanted to tear Season 5 of Miraculous Ladybug a new one. Normally, I try to avoid that mentality, due to finding it unhealthy... but I've been needing an outlet for some of my anger issues, and took the chance to vent!
I'll be posting one episode a day until I reach the Finale, not counting "Action." Warnings for Profanity, I got REALLY upset while doing the reviews in several places!
Episode 1: Evolution 
Okay, finally started episode 1 of Season 5 and... I already hate this shit. Seriously, leaving the stilted feeling of the dialog, several parts of this set up kinda lowkey piss me off. First off, Hawkmoth just decided to "redo" his whole "obey me, fear me, or else" moment from Origins, and it's... lame. It's not impressive at all. Maybe it's because of something with the writing, I dunno, but the dude is trying way too hard, and I just don't get where the huge crowd came from. Oh, and WHY THE HELL IS THE EPISODE CUTTING BACK AND FORTH BETWEEN GABRIEL AND THE HEROES SO MUCH!? It's honestly really distracting from what's going on. Like, perspective cuts to show contrasting views can be interesting... but when you do it FIVE TIMES IN A ROW it just looks stupid as hell. 
Oh, and for some reason the writers seem to be wanting to cram as much dialog as possible into a 2 minute time frame, and it makes them sound like they are speed-reading a script. Where's the passion, the emotion!? I didn't come into this expecting to like this, but this is honestly pathetic. Oh, and FYI Tommy-boy, why the fuck would we want to sympathize with a man who explicitly calls the Kwami "not his prisoners, but his slaves"? News flash, people who unironically address other sapient beings as slaves ARE MEANT TO BE BAD GUYS!!! Blegh... I know I'm benefiting from having knowledge of what comes next, but even discounting how the Kwami come off as wet paper in terms of personality in the scene, expecting us to later sympathize with a guy who is treating them like slaves is all kinds of stupid. Oh, and him establishing that he can order the Kwami around despite having gotten their Miraculouses illegitimately shoots Miracle Queen's depiction of Chloe trying to super-charge herself in the foot. 
Okay... why the fuck is Nathalie saying "maybe there's another way" when he brings up the Rabbit Miraculous? Bitch, this is FAR from the first time he has used time travel to get what he wants and while one of those times it wasn't technically "him" who did it, he still was willing to take advantage of it. Like, why in the world are the writers including this?? Why are they trying to imply NOW, of all times, that Nathalie has a conscience. It's kinda fucking hard to do when she's been portrayed as a cold and uncaring secretary first, and a love-sick accomplice to a LITERAL TERRORIST second. Now she cares? NOW!? Fuck off with that nonsense, we don't need it here. 
Okay, seeing Ladybug and Chat trying to brainstorm how Hawkmoth could've gotten the Miraculouses only for the whole time-travel loop nonsense later to show up behind them... I just... why? Seriously, WHY!? Thomas, please explain, because I don't see the point to this. 
Okay, next up, we get the daily reminder that time travel fucking sucks in the form of Bunnyx bursting onto the scene. Also, the constant "stating the obvious" thing going on is just... how stupid do the writers think the viewers ARE!?? Also, if the episode is implying this is all a big time loop... then how come "Monarch" was able to show up in a prior episode without it immediately changing the timeline and causing Marinette to REMEMBER seeing him while being restrained by Lady Wifi!? Oh yeah, because the writers have no fucking clue how to make the nonsensical inclusion of Time Travel CONSISTENT in this stupid show!! 
Seriously, even if you take into account Bunnyx being more experienced at using the Rabbit Miraculous' powers compared to Hawky-boy, it's STILL AN ALTERATION that Marinette would've seen a portal appear behind Lady Wifi and Hawkmoth start to step out of it. 
Okay, now we get a completely needless exposition dump via Bunnyx regarding how the Rabbit Miraculous and the Burrow work... and I'm already tuning it out because this entire fiasco ignores how Bunnyx was getting ERASED by the Chat Blanc timeline, so this was all kind of a stupid diversion. 
Ugh... "it's you and me, remember" and I'm gagging. On the one hand, good on Ladybug for surrendering a bit of control in this situation... On the other hand, this scene overall just feels needless. And once more we get vaguely defined explanations on time powers. 
Okay, it's blatantly obvious that the writers are just artificially extending the drama here. There is no logical reason why in the world they shouldn't be rushing to grab as many of the Miraculouses as they can off of him, because HE IS NEARLY UNABLE TO MOVE AND CANNOT STOP THEM IF THEY RUSH. Like, they KNOW that he's only weakened so much because he's using too many Miraculouses at once, so why are they giving him the chance to correct that!? Seriously, Tommy, you do not keep drama and tension by doing crap like this. 
And Gabe demonstrates why he's a brain trust by basically stating that he is fully aware of what's currently wrong with him but thinking that shouting "I AM YOUR MASTER!!" will magically produce a different result... if this were meant to be funny, you could probably make it work, but the fact that this is meant to be a serious scene just... no. All the no. This is pathetic. It's EMBARRASSING. Do the writers seriously not get how stupid they are making him look and sound!? 
Again, why the fuck am I supposed to sympathize with a guy who is basically wasting time to throw a tantrum at his slaves/minions when he's been TOLD what's wrong and knows one of the reasons why, all in what boils down to the most selfishly stupid plot in the world? Why? What is it about this pathetic jackass that the writers find sympathetic!? 
And now we finally reach the point I fucking hate the most. See, back in the beginning, as weak as Fu's apparent reasoning on why he thought Marinette and Adrien would make for good heroes anyway was, it was still a reason... and now they are retconning it to be a "because destiny said so" moment. Fuck that. FUCK IT WITH A RUSTY SPOON!! Wasn't the entire fucking point of this whole fiasco being that the timeline gets fucked up when you interfere with events by using the Rabbit?? So why the fuck are they blabbing so much about the future? Okay, no, I get WHY, they need to be able to get to their future in the first place after all... but it's a pretty obvious double-standard in play when you show the heroes more or less ignoring the fact that they are messing with history, without knowing what the consequences will be, when that's the entire fucking reason they are trying to stop the villain in this instance. And I GET that it's a different situation, where they have no choice and are only doing it to stop Hawkmoth, who is doing all this for his own selfishness, BUT IT IS NOT EVEN ACKNOWLEDGED WHEN THEY APPROACH FU THAT THEY ARE INTERFERING WITH HISTORY. 
I just "love" how they bring up "not disturbing the river of time" without acknowledging that this entire SITUATION was one giant "disturbance in the river of time." Ughh... yeah, if I needed any convincing at all that Miraculous is shit at handling Time Travel plots, this would do it. 
This part with Alix is... kinda corny. Like, no issue with Alix wanting to study engineering, but her going "science rocks my boat" just... CRINGE. MUCH CRINGE. Like, I get the intent, but... forgive me if I'm wrong, but have we ever gotten any indicator that Alix and her dad are this close? Also, just... having Alix's dad be read in on this entire situation in general is just... why? On so many levels, WHY!? Knowing what's coming and what he does next just... 
UUUGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. This is painful. I am drained just trying to keep my eyes open through this self-congratulatory snore-fest, and it HURTS. And we've entered the end zone of this. Props that they at least ACKNOWLEDGED that Gabriel's tunnel-vision had blinded him to his alleged goal of reviving his wife/healing his wife... but again, WHY IS NATHALIE THE VOICE OF REASON!? Seriously, the lady. Is. A TERRORIST. Heck, this entire fiasco just illustrates how poorly they've thought this nonsense through, since he HAS MADE TIME TRAVELING VILLAINS BEFORE with Timebreaker, and a future Hawkmoth makes Timetagger, so them acting as if having the Rabbit is the be-all, end-all to achieving this goal is just... (Head meets wall) I can't. I'm gonna see it through to the end, but that's where my commentary on this nonsense ends. This is stupidity. 
Uurrgghh... okay, I will bring up one LAST point. Namely, this entire plot could've been avoided IF HE HAD JUST FUCKING SAID HE WAS TRYING TO HEAL HIS WIFE!! Seriously, he has established that time travel is already something he can fucking DO with the Butterfly via Akumas, and he now has the info to repair the Peacock and send it back in time via a USB port (ignoring how the fuck anyone in the past would even be able to use it, since technology CHANGES)... this entire clusterfuck is moronic, absolutely moronic. Gabe, you are a grade-A idiot and a petty piece of garbage. If your "love" meant ANYTHING to you, you wouldn't be getting tunnel vision over a teenager baiting you. Dumbass. 
Also... how the FUCK did Nathalie somehow know that Gabriel chose to engage Ladybug and Chat Noir rather than send the USB drive? Seriously, he didn't mention turning away and trying to attack them first, for all she knows, they attacked him BEFORE he could get the intel to his past self (seeing as they never once told the heroes of their goal, the heroes obviously would try and stop them on the assumption that it's something nefarious), so in this case... she's basically just guilt-tripping the idiot for failing and blaming him for not being unstoppable with a power he's had FOR LESS THAN A FUCKING DAY. If he weren't Gabriel, I would probably hate her for doing this... nah, I still hate her, since this just highlights how much of a self-righteous twit the writers turned her into in the name of making her "sympathetic." Blech.
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gilverrwrites · 2 months
“People who don’t vote or follow politics.” Oooh I’d loved to hear more about politics and Bruce, and why do you think it’s an important thing for him and his partner ! I’ve always wondered what party he would’ve voted for lol.
Ps: sorry if you got sent this multiple times, my WiFi is crap 😪
[Post in reference]
It’s cool boo! Thanks for asking. So, I won’t go into to much detail on who he would vote for because:
I’m from the UK, so my grasp on American politics is adequate if we’re being generous.
Politics in comics, while often serve as important commentary on real world issues, aren’t 100% reflective of irl politic. Often it’s just wacky.
Case in point:
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Bruce himself has always been written as a very socially/politically engaged character. He’s even been mayor of Gotham (I think in an 80s comic plot), and has run at least once (in the 60 TV show).
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But there are many other examples of him being involved in political campaigns and what not. I mean, his best friend was The District Attorney until he became Two-Face. And their friendship is often depicted as being built around their shared mission to save Gotham from corrupt officials and crime lords like Falcone.
But to focus more on why it’s important to him; because at his very core what motivates him the most is Gotham and its people.
“No! Your wrong! it’s his parent!” Blah blah blah.
Yes. But also no. He’s Batman because he wants to prevent what happened to his family from happening to anybody else.
And that cannot be achieved purely by putting on the Batsuit and putting the bad guys behind bars. If the system still stinks, it will just keep pumping out more villains, more victims.
There have to preventative measures in place, and rehabilitation available. That’s why he puts so much of his own money into youth centres, medical research, improving prison resources, building homes. Those are good building blocks, but he’s only one man, he can’t change society by himself, there needs to be people in power who are also trying to help the people of the city.
Yes, he knows that unfortunately there is no party that will do everything right, or will even want to. The fatcats at the top get fatter, and the people at the bottom get fucked over. Trickle-down economics don’t work. But some shit stinks less than others.
So with a partner, I guess it’s not so much that they need to care about politics, but that they need to care about making positive changes in the community. They need to care about the people of his city enough to care about who is making the pivotal decisions that could make or break lives.
Caveat: obviously, if you’re not American, ya can’t vote and he would never hold that against you. But that doesn’t mean you can support him, and/or strive to help the city he cares so deeply about.
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altschmerzes · 10 months
want to share a clip from an original wip i'm working on that has the placeholder title 'dresden files but good' which is like what if the dresden files was about a butch woman who lived in toronto and the narrative was also less horny (like. horny in a Bad Way. incapable of being normal about young women horny). this is a bit i wrote mainly to establish a Vibe for the protagonist and her nemesis who are like two steps down their four-hundred step 'enemies to friends' journey and i mean enemies. they hate each other right now.
Because there was no god and life is an endless prison designed to torment Scottie specifically and directly, the person standing on the other side of the door isn't the CRA, a vampire, or a gun pointed directly in her face. "Good morning, Cameron." The greeting is infuriatingly toneless and neutral. Remember: If you get arrested, Ghost is going to have to bail you out, and she told you after last time that if you make her talk to cops again, she's going to reset the WiFi password every day until you die. "Hellspawn!" Scottie says brightly, smiling with too much teeth. "What brings you to the office? I assume it must be big, since it got you out of Tartarus before noon." Helen Hallow doesn't rise to the bait, which is disappointing. She never does. Even so, Scottie can dream.
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Mis Heed Totally Would Have Her Ass In Mictlan If She Didn't Have A Rich Daddy (And They Couldn't Get Away With Covering Up The Fact She Brainwashed Other Heroes And Civilians)
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Seriously, like any nepo baby who has a rich parent they get away with whatever they want because of parental ties, Miss Heed got a lesser punishment than she got at first.
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The news said she was sent to a prison was to appease the public when in reality it was much more softer than it appeared which again only is punishment because it didn't have any wifi. This again they downplayed how bad her actions were by just saying she kissed a villain rather than brainwashing people from not only villains to heroes to civilians. They really didn't want to know how badly they screwed up by allowing her roam free.
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Seriously, given who her daddy is she was given kiddy gloves because the conditions were almost like on bar with a hotel and again more emphasis on rehabilitation rather than punishment. It really again shows how much the system in villainous panders to those with the most connections.
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Seriously, if she wasn't a protected nepo brat and a noted Golden Rule member I have a feeling she would have landed in Mictlan for the extent of her crimes which would be fitting since she could barely last in that rehabilitation center being in an actual prison would destroy her ass.
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fncreature · 3 months
hey. have you seen the prologue & epilogue of the Kenadian & Wifies april fools collab??? they're on Wato1876's (the one who actually built the prison for the whole collab) channel and holy fuck theres even more going on than it seems?????
YES OMG. if this is just a one off april fools joke I’m going to be so sad. this thing has been consuming my brain since yesterday.
I’ve been trying to make sense of this for over an hour. Here’s what I think happens chronologically: -Wato and Omz Mask Wifies build the main escape room together
-The prologue happens at some point during this (except the lore bits, which happens after Evil Wifies’ death)
-Kenadian plans to debunk Wifies and enters the room
-The clone of Wifies (I’m just going to call him Wifies for simplicity’s sake) spawns in and the main videos occur.
-Evil Wifies dies in the trivia and Omz Mask Wifies goes through the escape room (end of Wifies’ video and the epilogue.)
What’s really got me confused is the prologue and the multiple Wifies. I differentiated between Evil Wifies and Omz Mask Wifies, because if they are the same person/entity/whatever, it raises a lot of questions for me. Omz Mask Wifies exists before the main videos, when the prison is being built, as shown in the epilogue. But, from what I can tell, in the main series of videos, Evil Wifies is not wearing a head. This could be an oversight, but with all this planning that seems to have gone into it, I’m not sure how this could be just a mistake. On first watch, it does seem like Omz Mask Wifies is just Evil Wifies after death, but the epilogue seems to contrdict that.
Evidence that Evil Wifies is Omz Mask Wifies: It seems like the intention with the way the videos are presented, Omz Mask Wifies is wearing a Wifies head upon spawning in the escape room
Evidence that Evil Wifies is not Omz Mask Wifies: Omz Mask Wifies helped build the prison, Evil Wifies likely isn’t wearing a head in the main videos.
I don’t know. The prologue and epilogue have caused me so much pain. What is the cabin looking thing that appears for a second? How did Wato get there in the epilogue? Who is the other person Wato mentions in the epilogue? If Wato and Omz Mask Wifies built the prison together, what is their relationship to each other?
In the prologue, when Wato falls into the escape room, he is in the Omz Mask Wifies skin- You can see the Wifies hand in the video. Is his confusion there for the video’s sake, or is he actually confused why he’s there? The thing that makes the most sense to me is that it’s for the video’s sake, but I’m honestly not sure. Everything seems to be really deliberate so far, so I can’t tell. Omz Mask Wifies and Wato have to have some sort of connection- they either are the same person with some sort of amnesia thing going on, or they’re closely connected and there’s another memory thing is going on, or Wato is putting on a very convincing lie in the epilogue (I don’t believe that Wato is lying. Just a possibility).
I think there’s definitely something going on with Wato and Omz Mask Wifies- I don’t believe they’re the same person, as we see both of them show up, but there’s definitely something going on there. We see both Wato and Omz Mask Wifies enter the mansion or whatever, and Wato enters considerably later- during the daytime with the redstone torch gone, and looks very confused to see it.
I think Wato is an unknowing accomplice. He builds the maps, for one of the Wifies, and him and Omz Mask Wifies are connected in a way I haven’t pieced together yet. I believe that Omz Mask Wifies and Evil Wifies are not the same person- I can’t make sense of the timeline if they are.
Long story short, I’m very confused, but this is what I’ve put together so far.
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
I will miss brett hand so much his brett-centered episodes are truly my favorites of our 2 seasons. They felt like being faced with a strange picture clear relatability (the brett hand people pleaser episode🥲🥲) Do you have any particular episodes you will miss seeing the most? (I.e episodes of reagan’s family or other character centered episodes)
I initially misread this ask at first and didn’t know what you meant, but after rethinking it I got what you were talking about! Yeah Season 1’s part 2 had some great Brett content. (I liked thinking about these so I probably will come back and add more or revisit)
Episodes I particularly would’ve loved to see:
- JR & / or Rand busting out of Shadow Prison or just Shadow Prison hijinks
- Background on Andre’s family and life — we’ve heard mentions and hints but I wanna’ KNOW, not speculate
- Background on Gigi’s family and life — we know her personality and character, but not what’s behind it, and I’m dying to know
- I’ll just miss JR Anything with JR at all, I will miss my emotional support AARP member
- Alpha Beta getting limbs and maybe, just maybe, wifi access
- Rafe Masters and Skullfinger’s wedding
- the unveiling of who the council is + Reagan joining
- Glenn with a focus on his family or the relationship he’s got with his daughter + his background (I wanna see him as a southern bubba SO FUCKIN’ BAD)
- Reagan and her mom bonding and maybe recovering their relationship?
- BISEXUAL REAGAN — YEAH, I SAID IT! I’ve been dying to see her with a woman or a femme after the dating episode in part one and Alpha Beta pulls up the results of who’s compatible with her — I saw women WHERE’S THE GIRLFRIEND
- just silly, peculiar bullshit. It’s all so strange and batshit that a n y t h i n g could happen — it’s one of the reasons why I love this show (and why my sona is overpowered like a middle schoolers oc)
- more of Brett and Reagan’s friendship just GOD i love them your honor / i love seeing the golden retriever adhd and the black cat autism friendship play out it’s FUN
Additions Below: (the first several credited to @swimmingcreatortyrant who’s tags on their latest art made my brain explode — plus the alt version of that art on their insta)
- where is Orrin and what is he up to?
- will Ron Staedtler appear again?
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enlighten3d · 5 days
ok another ask because you are fun
explain the minecraft guys with the ken and wifies and parrot in simple beginner terms. I know absolutely nothing and i want a basic understanding so that i can start to digest whats actually happening 'cause as i understand it, a LOT is happeneing
cackles evilly you will regret asking this.
okay so. theres two things happening here. theres the kww collab (fandom-given name) and unstable universe. ill explain both !
so the kww collab (that playlist is not chronological, its recommended watch order imo) is a series of. okay its mostly three videos, all released on june 29th, 2024. its a very very late april fools thing LMAO. theres the main three videos (main two actually, and then theres the true creator which is an epilogue of sorts), and then theres. the supplementals ig? two short videos (from wato and from ken), and a prologue in the form of a weird short part of a video released three months earlier by wato)
and the kww collab thing is PROOOBABLY a part of kenadians general april fools lore thing (heres a playlist)! we only know this because we see wato wear a mask in the true creator thats. a kenadian lore thing. so quickly, ill summarise both the ken lore and the kww collab:
ken lore is essentially that shes debunking fake 'prison' (its actually rly bad escape rooms) escapists, notably this guy named omziscool, but then omz quit youtube and ken essentially made him into an oc LMAO. so in the lore, ken is debunking omz and finally defeats him, and. gets the mask that omz wore. and omz dies i think, after thanking ken. so the mask was making him fake escape rooms and be insane abt hoppers (its a thing). but ken now has the mask, and is wearing it, so they go a bit insane too and... kill a hundred thousand ppl using hoppers. and then he loses the mask somehow. is in jail. abt to be transported to the prison that they themselves built. then theres a video where theyre on a train to said prison, almost escape, and then get their memory wiped again I THINK?? and. then we never got an escape from the daedalus prison.
and the kww collab is basically. ken goes to debunk wifies (an actually legit escape room escapist), goes to spy on him, finds out that theres TWO wifies (henceforth theyre evilfies and clonefies). one, evilfies, is helping out clonefies from the outside, like chanigng the weather or flatout cheating. clonefies has no clue this is happening and thinks its all legit. ken confronts evilfies, learns that cloenfies is a clone made to fake escape rooms bcs evilfies just wants that sweet video revenue, and ken gets sent into the escape room themselves (clonefies softlocked himself btw). so ken goes through the escape room (solving it a second time bcs thats possible here), finds clonefies, and they escape together. they track down evilfies, ken realises that shes had Character Development (aka she actually cares abt clonefies now), and they confront evilfies. and clonefies challenges him to trivia to the death bcs if theyre the same person then whoever knows more should be the real wifies. but its rigged in clonefies favour, evilfies is Dead, yayy they win!!
AND THEN YOU WATCH THE TRUE CREATOR AND NOTHING MAKES SENSE ANYMORE. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY HERE. basically we see wato being interrogated by ken and wifies, and camera footage of wato (WEARING WIFIES CLOTHES AND THE FUCKING OMZ MASK) going through the escape room after ken did (thus solving it for a THIRD time), going to the evil lair, picking up a wifies head, and dying. and. yeah we have no actual clue whats happening here, its v confusing. but. yeah omz mask is there, watos memory is fucked up.
thats the kww collab. i personally hc that uu and kww collab are in the same universe and that uu!wifies and uu!ken are kww!wifies and kww!ken. they are the Same Thing to me.
now, unstable universe.. this ones harder to explain. have an explanation post i made an hour ago: here. read that, that goes over the basics of what uu IS.
so whats most relevant here is parrots pov of uu, and. basically hes just doing shit and wifies shows up, and they end up being rlyyy close, and would do almost anth for eachother. ken shows up and then, in my head, the kww!loyalty duo (thats ken and wifies) dynamic gets superimposed onto uu!loyalty duo and its rly interesting, yeah?
so. yeah thats the whole thing basically explained. iirc this ask was sent around the time i explained rau?? like. i dont actually fucking remember, i thinkt hat was a week ago. but. whatever. for rau, kww is canon to uu, which im sure explains a lot of shit. and. if im very wrong abt the timing of this ask, heres my bad explanation of rau (my beloved au that im so very insane abt): here. so much angst.
uhh yeah thats about it. sorry this is fucking LONGGG. i hope i have answered your questions !!! i rly do !! im. ASK ANY SPECIFICS AND I WOULD BE SO GLAD TO ANSWER??? this is rly a heavily-summarised ver of everything, and i can provide a summary of parrots uu too if you want (that would be Long), but. i really do just recommend watching kww collab at the very least, im so insane abt it. rahh !!
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nalyra-dreaming · 10 months
Do you think Armand gave Louis a Kindle or no because Louis just loves books and doesn’t really like electronics.
As you likely know I do not think Louis is a prisoner there, at least not in the sense of the word, I think he locked himself up in that apartment (for the most part). And Armand seems to control the details of that apartment, at least in what we got to see.
So, with that in mind - and the bookshelves high up, not exactly unreachable, but not easily accessible either - I can see Armand gifting Louis a Kindle, yes.
Maybe... with preinstalled libraries of thousands of books. And no WiFi. And if Louis wants a certain book that is not pre-installed he has to ask Armand for it, who will then transfer it onto it. Like... that... would fit with the bookshelves, wouldn't it?^^
No, but seriously, if Armand does I bet it would be connected to his account. He protects Louis from himself after all.
But as per Louis actually using it... I think Louis would prefer to have the haptic experience of holding a book, and turning the page. I can see him (only) use the Kindle for books he consults for research, or something similar. For the pleasure of reading I do think he would prefer actual books.
So yes I can see Armand giving Louis a Kindle. And I can see Louis more or less ignoring it, tbh.
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figgyminty · 8 months
Mini-Part 1
Title: Harmonica Warnings: Slight angst, a couple curse words Summary: The events after Part One, where Nigel talks with Figment. Plus a references to Disney properties(movies, rides) ;) Author's Note: I straight up forgot to post this, biggest apologies! The next part will come eventually, wrote a lot on poor wifi and it failed to save so I lost a chunk.
After being captured, Figment was brought to Nigel’s office and placed in a large glass holding chamber, similar to the one that used to hold Stitch before his ride was shut down.
Nigel had been working on paperwork, so Figment conjured up a harmonica to both annoy him, and set the mood as he had been jailed as he sat up against the glass.
“How did you get that?” Nigel asked, absolutely puzzled.
“I don’t know, science boy. Take one good look at me and what I embody and that will answer your question.” Figment replied, going back to playing the instrument.
“But that has been created to specifically hold you and for you to stop using your powers so you can’t cause anymore chaos.” He stated, slightly annoyed.
Figment let out a short laugh, standing up and walking over to the front of the glass, blowing hard into the harmonica to let out a loud, off-key sound.
When Nigel approached him he made the harmonica disappear, so Nigel just huffed and walked back over to his desk.
Figment conjured a harmonica again, beginning to play it while Nigel had his back turned.
“Will you please-?” Nigel snapped, turning around quickly before sighing and rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“Will you please stop playing the harmonica, I don’t have any more space to put that thing.” He corrected in a more soft tone.
“Nuh-uh. Not that! I’m in jail and that's what prisoners do, they play the harmonica.” Figment stated, playing again.
Nigel just sighed and finally admitted defeat, looking at the large box near the wall labeled “confiscated harmonicas” that was overflowing.
“Could you please just stop causing mayhem wherever you go? You know my boss doesn’t like that.” Nigel asked, strolling over and putting his head onto the glass.
“I thought you were the boss?” Figment questioned, now curious himself.
“I am, but not. Bosses always usually have bosses. And, well, you get the point.” Nigel sighed.
“No, I don’t. And we don’t put pins in things, so you better tell it sooner than later.” He put his hands on his hips and pretended to pull a pin out of an imaginary cork board.
“It’s classified.” Nigel groaned, annoyed once more.
“Classify my ass!” Figment sneered.
“Figment, language!” Nigel snapped, surprised at how the royal purple dragon had cursed.
“Please, it’s not like anyone else heard.” Figment rolled his eyes.
“Oh for fuck’s sake-!” His voice elevated.
“See! You did it too!” The dragon laughed, pointing at Nigel through the glass.
The two went back to simply existing in the same room, Nigel finishing up paperwork and occasionally telling Figment to quiet his harmonica playing.
Eventually, though, Nigel got up and excused himself as there was a meeting, leaving the dragon by himself.
“Well, this is boring.” Figment huffed, before lazily lying down for a nap.
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auxiliarydetective · 10 months
Felicity: Small, Emotional, Electric
This could've been out two to three days ago if only my WiFi wasn't being so mean - I currently have about a minute of WiFi every few minutes, so I'm using that and uploading while I can
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"Desert Fox" Felicity
Bounty to be determined
Once again, huge thanks to Alvita for the template for the poster!
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They call you Cry Baby, Cry Baby But you don't even care Tears fall to the ground You'll just let them drown
Normally, I'd put two small fics in an intro post, but the "small intro fic" accidentally turned into 4.5K words, so you can find the full fic on AO3 here!
Whereas Zoro was seemingly unbothered by the clowns manhandling him and dragging him to whatever the “green room” may be, Nami was actively struggling like a feral cat, trying to break free. If only she had claws, she would tear them to shreds. Buggy’s lair was bigger than she had thought, probably built into whatever remained of the town he had destroyed. The big top was only a small part of it. Finally, they entered a room, or rather a dark green tent, filled with equipment, crates and costumes. Fairy lights hung from the ceiling, along with various crinolines and ropes. A couple of vanity mirrors lined by lightbulbs were the only useable pieces of furniture in it. Nami saw Zoro jolt forwards in front of her, but four clowns worked together to pin him back down. They finally succeeded in pressing him against a large wooden disk with straps, one usually used in knife throwing acts. Leaning against a supporting beam were their belongings: Zoro’s swords, Nami’s staff and navigation gear. Nami, too, gave another struggle, but when she saw what was hiding in the corner of the room, she froze in terror.
Behind a wooden machine of which she didn’t even want to know what it was for stood a cage with metal bars and elaborate wooden décor. Inside the cage, however – that was what terrified Nami the most. Inside the cage sat a little girl, maybe five or six years old, with a canine nose, incredibly large furry ears atop her head and a fluffy tail emerging from her lower back. She was wearing a glittering leotard lined with fur that managed to miss all three shades of sandy blonde present in her hair, tail, and ears in an almost infuriating way, and was watching the happenings in the room through large brown eyes.
Nami didn’t even pay attention to how she was being handled as her gaze was locked on the little girl. It was only when she was lifted off the ground and forced into an oversized birdcage that she tried to fight back again. She almost succeeded, too, but the woman gripping her was incredibly strong.
“Look, kitty, now you’ve got company!” she announced without looking at the little girl. “Don’t we take good care of you, making sure you’re not alone even if you got stage fright?”
As two clowns were busy tying Zoro to his dartboard and the woman wrestled Nami into her cage, another man stayed behind, with messy scarlet hair and two-toned makeup, wearing a striped leotard and a belt with a battle-axe.
“You still aren’t eating,” he remarked in a voice as sweet as acid. “You know you’ve gotta eat. Uncle Buggy was already mad you refused to perform, so what’s he gonna say if he finds out you’re not eating either? You gotta get your strength up if you wanna put on a pretty show, tiny dancer.”
The man picked up a bowl of presumably oatmeal with a spoon in it from the floor in front of the cage. Immediately, the little girl crawled further to the back of her tiny prison, pouting.
“Afraid it’s poisoned?” the woman asked without turning away from Nami’s birdcage.
She was now busy securing a padlock to it, whereas her fellow freaks were done with their work and left. Zoro was bound tightly by the wrists with thick ropes that almost cut into his skin, and whereas he had looked fully unbothered before, he was now visibly annoyed.
The man in the striped leotard stuck a finger into the oatmeal and scooped some of it into his mouth, humming in exaggerated delight.
“Delicious! Come on, have some!”
He almost shoved the spoon into the girl’s face, causing her to retract it as far as possible. She pressed her lips shut in protest and panic, only getting worse the longer the spoon whirled around beneath the dark tip of her nose. Slowly but surely, the lights in the room started flickering, lightbulbs and fairy lights tremoring just like the girl was.
“Aw, don’t be like that,” the man cooed. “Come on, who’s a good kitty?!”
“It’s clearly a fox,” Zoro growled, causing the man to pause with the spoon less than an inch from the girl’s mouth as he looked back at him in annoyance. “And if you don’t leave her alone, I’m gonna-“
He didn’t get to finish his sentence before the little girl grabbed the man’s arm and yanked it aside, at the same time lunging forwards. A loud crackling sound cut through the air and one of the lights blew out as her hand made contact and the man collapsed. The bowl, however, landed safely in the girl’s clawed hand and she placed it back down, keeping the spoon in her lap.
The muscular woman gave an exasperated sigh and shoved the keys to the padlock into her pocket before turning around to the girl.
“Now, now, don’t act out like that,” she said in a low, manipulative tone. “You don’t do that to your family. You belong here, with us! We’re freaks, just like you!”
“She’s not a freak!” Nami blurted out. “She’s just a little girl! Why are you doing this to her?! Let her go!”
The woman scoffed. “Oh, she’s much more than that. She’s a monster and she’s not as little as you think. Let’s see how long it takes for your captain to break, maybe you’ll get to spend a lot of time with her.”
She grabbed her crewmate and threw him over her shoulder to carry him outside. Right before she was through the doorway, she turned around again.
“Besides, it was her choice to run away and go to sea. Wasn’t it, kitty?”
Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene - let me know if you'd like to be added!
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ask-ozai · 2 years
Do you have plans to break out of prison?
I didn't have at first, since (there's no way of denying it) a Firelord without firebending isn't suitable for the charge. Said Firelord would unavoidably be seen as weak. As much as I hate to admit it, Zuko has won. He even got rid of the legitimate heir to the throne, Azula.
But then they put WiFi in my cell and I made this blog. I won't lie, I prefer Twitter. It's full of people calling Zuko out on his nonsenses. There's little else to do in this cell and reading all their comments is an acceptable distraction.
I was certainly surprised when Ukano found my profile some months ago (his blog is full of dirty jokes and inspirational quotes. Apparently Michi asked for a divorce. Good for her). Bigger was my surprise when he sent me a private message. "I will free you My Lord! I already have a secret paramilitary group! We're the New Ozai Society :D" it's what he said. I couldn't believe it. My response was "Please put Lady Michi in charge. Don't try to free me now. It will be useless unless you free Azula first. When she is in the throne, it will be safe to free me. Use your brain." But I never received any reply. I think the correct term is that he 'ghosted' me.
But if my only hope is Ukano then I better get used to this place's awful soup.
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