#They didn't hurt him- thankfully. But he did have to Restrain them before they'd hurt themselves in their fit
vendettavalor 11 months
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@quillheel said: [ 饾悶饾惁饾悰饾惈饾悮饾悳饾悶 ] : as sender is about to leave, receiver embraces them. // from Kim to Harry, or perhaps the other way around? up to you!
鈿旓笍 Desperation Prompts // ACCEPTING 鈿旓笍
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No one said recovery would be easy. Harry had been told that numerous times since the start of this whole Journey to Sobriety. Mostly from the part of him that represented his ELECTROCHEMISTRY. Time and time again, it had insisted that the lows of his mental state were worse than the crashes of the bottle or the pills. Like a contemptuous toddler trying its hand at reverse psychology to get its way. Thankfully, his rapidly improving better judgment insisted that this was just a natural consequence of relying on substances to regulate his mental health for so long. In time, he would stabilize. But for now, his body had to relearn how to make its own serotonin, dopamine, and other neurotransmitters and endorphins again. The chemical imbalance still remained, even as his organs recovered from the constant, recurring bouts of toxic shock he sent them into with his abusive habits.
And today was one of those low days.
Everything had gone right. They'd solved another case. A relatively easy one this time at that. It was little more than a brief inspection, a few interviews, and the deduction that the culprit to the suspected home invasion was little more than an old canine who'd failed to look before he lept in his pursuit of a mangy feline, and crashed through a window into a woman's kitchen in the middle of the night. (The mutt was fine, thankfully - and Judit even adopted the old dog to give him a more stable home to live out the rest of his golden years in.)
The paperwork was minimal. The weather was nice. But Harry just couldn't find it in him to smile about any part of the day. Not the groggy beginning, not the exhilarating middle which held his passion for problem-solving at the forefront of his mind, and not the satisfying conclusion where everything actually worked out well for once. And now, all he could focus on was the fact that Kim was walking away. Day's work done, the lieutenant was preparing to retire and leave both the station and Harry behind. And for some reason, that made him hurt more.
EMPATHY: You could really use a hug. From him specifically. It feels like he's all you have right now. And you don't think he'd mind that. HALF LIGHT: Fucking pathetic. Of fucking course he would. Toughen up, Du Bois. ESPIRIT DE CORPS: He wouldn't. He's noticed something has been off with you all day. More than just the normal lack of mania that comes with sobering up, he's noticed that you've been generally disinterested in... everything. INLAND EMPIRE: You're not your usual cheerful, eccentric self. Not even with the things that would normally get you hyped up. CONCEPTUALIZATION: He tried pointing out a little figurine in one of the shop windows that looked like it was straight out of the era of disco. PERCEPTION: He did? CONCEPTUALIZATION: Oh, yes. It was beautifully hand-painted with watercolors and varnish, positively garish and glowing against the backdrop of old, dusty antiques around it. You would have loved it. ESPIRIT DE CORPS: You didn't even react to it. That was when he realized something was wrong. Something more than jus the usual rebound low of fresh sobriety. He's worried you might be depressed. It's been on his mind all day since. He's waiting for you to say something so he can start a conversation. You know he's not good with emotions. He prefers rational discussion, unlike you. He lacks your tact or emotional literacy. So, say something. If not to make yourself feel better, he wishes you'd at least do it to ease his mind.
Without another thought to guide him, Harry sways and stumbles forward. Clumsy arms wrap themselves around Kim, pulling him in for a warm, somewhat moist hug. It's comforting for all of a moment, as Harry's breath shudders with barely restrained ache. When was the last time he received physical comfort? He doesn't remember. And his gut tells him he doesn't want to either. Then, he immediately regrets it. There's an unfamiliar sense of embarrassment that washes over him just as the rest of his psyches begin to dogpile his sense of empathy and his gut. He didn't even say anything or ask if it was okay.
Just as quickly, he lets go of Kim and returns his arms to his sides with a bowed head. A muttered sorry escapes him and he moves to retreat back toward his desk like a kicked dog slinking off back to the shameful safety of its leaky kennel. Still lacking impulse control it seems.
Nice one, Harry.
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jellyfishmika 2 months
impulse would break down so much from this. he'd feel so guilty, trying not to cry as he explained what happened to skizz. skizz had never seen impulse more distressed in his life. impulse seemed so sure that they couldn't go to xisuma now, he was out of the picture. impulse honestly was debating drugging joel to make him sleep for a long time so he could heal him up, make him back to the fun sassy guy hes now just a shell of. he must be a danger to himself. joel woke up one morning to find that he wasn't where he fell asleep. where was he? he felt excitement, thinking that etho must of taken him on a "vacation" again! how kind of etho, he had missed him so much... this place felt odd. it didn't feel like something etho would make. after sitting there for awhile, he was shocked to find impulse coming in, looking very guilty, trying to explain to joel how this was to help him, that he was a danger to himself, and that him and a few other hermits had agreed to take care of him until he was "better" what if etho got mad? he struggled to remember the past few days... why couldn't he see as well? he could of sworn his vision wasnt accurate... why could he only see out of one eye? they must of done something to him... what would etho think if he found out he was trapped here? how could he live without etho? impulse and skizz both felt so guilty for doing this, despite their good intentions. if joel tried to do anything at all, they'd stop him. it would all be fine..
AHHHHH joel thinking etho had taken him away for another "vacation" but it's just the other hermits having an intervention for him.. grasghhh
everyone would hide it from etho, they didn't want him knowing what happened to joel. he didn't deserve to know, it'd only hurt him too much! skizz asked gem to keep etho busy, grian happily tagging along with her. he'd have the two test out his frogger game, wanting it to be perfect before the two weeks were up so he could make it up to joel. etho wanted to show the finished product to him, so it had to be perfect!
impulse, skizz, and pearl tried to calm joel down while he was under their care. he had accused impulse of cutting his eye out, and would lunge at him every time he came to check in on joel. he was still malnourished, making it easy for any of them to restrain him. none of them liked seeing joel like this, they wanted him to be the guy they used to know.
pearl hated having to check in on joel by herself. he was eerily quiet around her, knowing that she was in etho's good books. he still had hope that she would get him out of here, that etho was looking for him, he was going to be safe again. joel wouldn't look at pearl, no matter how hard she tried. she was a little grateful for that at least.. every time one of them would dress joel's wounds while he was asleep, he'd take them off as soon as he woke up, picking at all of them. she couldn't stand looking at the socket where joel's eye used to be.
the times skizz would check in on joel, he'd always cut skizz off. he'd tell him to leave, let him go, he didn't need to be here, just take him to etho it'd be okay then! the only way joel would listen was if skizz was filling joel in on how etho has been. it was the only way to calm him down without drugging him. he'd stay quiet while skizz talked about etho, letting skizz get close to him again. etho seemed like he was doing well.. skizz wouldn't lie about this. if he did lie, he wouldn't mention how etho might be missing some meals, or sleep, just to keep himself busy. he was relieved to hear that gem was checking in on etho too. it should be joel but.. gem would have to do.
after a few days, impulse tried to speak to joel alone. joel had been.. a lot quieter these past few days. he had been eating what they gave him instead of straight up refusing. he wasn't ripping his dressings off anymore, and stopped picking at his wounds. some of his scars had healed over. thankfully, he didn't attack impulse, he didn't even yell at him.
something wasn't right though. joel was shaking slightly as he smiled, mentioning how the two weeks have to be up by now, right? while he was right, joel couldn't just leave. he wasn't okay. he'd just hurt himself again, or someone else. he needed genuine help, and they were trying. joel wasn't having it though. no, he was leaving. he'd been good. etho wasn't going to just wait for joel to get better. he'd be trying to find him already. impulse should know this by now, right? joel wanted etho to find him. he didn't need to get better, etho already loved him as is! he doesn't care if no one else liked him anymore, he knew he belonged by etho's side, and he wasn't going to just sit and take whatever was going to happen to him.
joel didn't even get close to impulse, he wasn't going to hurt him. he didn't care anymore about that. joel was still alive, and he was okay because etho was coming back. everything would go back to the "normal" joel was used to!
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berri-hopefulspouse 4 years
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...Sometimes, PTSD makes you angry.
...And sometimes you have anger issues.
...And sometimes still, you have PTSD & Anger issues. But it's okay. Because if they love you- they'll stay. Always.
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morbid-n-macabre 5 years
*UPDATE 8/13/19* Court for the restraining order was today, and it was granted. FOR LIFE! That's pretty rare! He stared at her the throughout the entire time, just stared! Maybe trying to intimidate? Didn't work! I'm so proud of her!
If you share this and it's flagged, appeal it as I did. They will reinstate the post.
This is my oldest daughter, Andrea, and she has asked me to write her story and post it. This is extremely important as it may help someone else, and hopefully save future victims. Young women everywhere, but especially in Southwest Florida, they need to be aware of this guy!
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This is what my daughter normally looks like.
This Monday, July 28th of 2019, my 18 year old was beaten by her first love; he beat the hell out of her while driving down the road, never even pulled over. The argument began because he'd stolen her debit card and taken money from it, so she was asking for her money back. He became violent. She attempted to jump out the moving vehicle, Brandon grabbed her by her hair; she tried calling for help, he threw her phone. As he was bashing her in the back of the head, he also stuck his thumb inside her eyeball, breaking her prescription glasses. In the photos you'll notice that my baby's eyes are crossed due to this woman beating punk!
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I will say that i am proud of my girl; Andrea is 4'11" tall and she only wears a size ten, while her attacker is 6 foot and 160 lbs. If you look at the mugshot you'll see that she finally stuck up for herself. My girl is a powerhouse; there's only so many times you can kick a dog before they bite back! Thankfully a passing motorist witnessed what was going on and notified police; Brandon Gray Farris was arrested. He called her literally dozens of times while in jail, I guess he figured that he could sweet talk her into taking him back. He burnt that bridge, she's 100% done.
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The next night my baby sat on my bed and told me that this wasn't the first time he abused her, it's been going on for months. It started with insults: You're stupid, you're fat, you're a loser who doesn't even have a GED. Nobody else will ever want you, and on and on. He isolated her from each of her friends, wasn't allowed to talk in the phone, wear makeup, or leave the house without him. He even had GPS on her phone so he knew where she was at all times, and she was forced to quit the job she loved so much. Then a couple months later the violence began. He would mostly beat her in the back of the head so the bruises wouldn't be visible to her loved ones. We noticed marks on her, but were told it was from rough sex. My 18 year old was a VIRGIN when she met this bastard! She is a good girl with an amazing heart! At one point he choked her out; she heard something pop in her neck, and she lost consciousness more than once. She honestly thought Brandon was going to murder her! The choking incident was more than a month ago, and she STILL has a knot the size of a half dollar from where she felt that pop! On the 4th of July my family always hoes on vacation: my mom gets a suite, and we all go away. Andrea went missing for several hours on the 4th, we didn't know where she was. When she came back, she said Brandon had been crying because our family didn't like him. And we didn't, we always had a bad feeling about this guy; he seemed so fake, always telling us what we wanted to hear, plus the right sec stuff didn't sit right. Come to find out, during those hours in which she'd been missing they'd been in the SUV his daddy had just gifted him and he'd beaten her again; bashed her in the head repeatedly. He was so angry he wrecked his new vehicle.
After these incidents, Brandon would cry and swear he was gonna change, or he'd tell her it never happened (gaslighting) and that she was a "Crazy psycho". When she would try and break up with this piece of human garbage, he would threaten to kill himself or he'd threaten to murder her and then himself; my daughter was afraid to tell. My daughter has admitted that she was forced to be intimate with this piece of human garbage more than once!
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We have since found out that this is a pattern with Brandon Farris. We now know that at 20 years of age he targets younger, inexperienced girls; at least two of his exes have been beaten by him, and from what we've been told they have gotten restraining orders on him as well. My daughter had had several young ladies message and/or call her to tell their stories of abuse with this guy; they were afraid to press charges, feeling that he would kill them if they did so. This is a cycle, and he's going to end up killing someone; we've also heard horror stories of abuse from a closed family member of Brandon's. Yet he's manipulative af, and tells everyone that they're only seeing her side of the story. He's the true victim here! I study and write about criminals, it's my passion, it's what I am educated in. This man is a talented narcissist, yet disorganized. I'm willing to bet everything that I own that Brandon is a sociopath.
My baby is broken right now. She's hurt physically, and her eye is crossed from where he stuck his finger inside her eyeball, her finger is broken. After all this happened we took photos of my daughter in a bikini for evidence, her entire body is covered in bruises; some are older, some newer. Many were finger indent bruises from where he'd grabbed her. It's all documented. But even more worrisome, as someone who personally suffers from PTSD myself, I now see it in my daughter. I unexpectedly touched her earlier and she freaked out, crying, shaking, and screaming. At the hospital her normally percent blood pressure was 168/100. My heart is shattered.
Andrea is beside herself, and she just wants to be with her daddy, Lynn, and she's crying for her Uncle Jeremy (my brother who she doesn't even get along with) probably because she knows he would die protecting her. Her daddy took some time off work (he has accumulated vacation time) and the day after Brandon was arrested we took our daughter to the courthouse to file for a protection order and make sure charges had been filed against him. Yes, she has an appointment to see a counselor this coming week. This is a photo of her and her daddy walking into the courthouse.
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My daughter, Andrea, wants her story told. She wants his next victim to see what happened to her when she googles his name. Maybe we can save Brandon's next victim, we wish that someone had warned us.
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I am only sharing this photo of Brandon and my daughter because it's the only one I have of him. His name is Brandon Farris, his insta account is brandito_the_bandito. If you live in Southwest Florida, please beware this sociopath. If you're interested in hearing more of her story, her insta account is named in many of the photos. Thank you for reading 馃挋 be safe ladies. We have to stick together, we MUST help keep one another safe from people like this. Watch out for red flags such as these, and TELL SOMEBODY! Message me, message my daughter, message SOMEONE! Nobody deserves to be abused!
Fort Myers, Florida, Brandon Gray Farris, date of birth 9/11/97
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