#They bring in Stormcloud as fresh blood and don't even use him :
bonefall · 2 years
i like that you made fernsong an ex-kittypet. I haaate how Fernsong and Ivypool are related - they’re not as egregious as other canon WC pairings, but there was a whole prophecy on how they were related!! It’s just gross to me
I feel you!!
It's one thing when it's like, "Their mother's father's brother was their mate's great-grandparent" but the series had a very important plot point about these cats considering themselves kin... that's uncomfortable to me.
Plus, Fernsong works much better as an ex-kittypet, he's super cardboard in canon. Give him some backstory instead of making endless legacy kits y'know? Lionblaze's first apprentice. Ez.
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