#They all look great calcetas!!
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kallmekathy · 6 months ago
YAYAYAYAY IT'S MY ART STYLE (kinda since I only drew like that once) BUT WHATEVER IT LOOKS GREAT!!!
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wahhh this was super hard and I deeply apologize if I butchered your style, but I had so so so much fun doing this :))
@estellardreams (thanks for sending me the format!)
and @totaleclipse573
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modomanera-blog · 8 years ago
date: 19 september 2016 / London fashion week / the day I saw Terence Stamp, first in a picture on a gallery and then walking towards me time: 12:05 / lunch location: 51 Margaret Street / Curators Coffee Gallery weather: little bit cold. grey sky. no clouds. plans for the day: tons of small galleries. sauntering. wandering. David Hockney’s exhibition. late dinner with Ashleigh.
I am by myself in central London. I’ve heard this coffee is great, I walked towards the place with determination and passed through the heavy door feeling strong and independent. I ordered a black coffee, payed for it and they delivered it instantly.
Suddenly, in just a second, I went from feeling driven and focused to insecure and confused; where should I sit? should I leave? but what if I spill the coffee while walking, that would be the absolute worst; then, what should I do?; where can I hang my coat?; how can I get to the table at the back without disrupting anyone with my shopping bag and purse?; could I sit next to that couple or will they feel uncomfortable with my presence?; salvation! and open space at the communal table by the window.
I try to walk with confidence, but I perform with clumsiness. I put my shopping bag on the floor and my purse and coat on the stool next to me, praying that for this small period of time no one will ask me to remove my stuff. Seated on a tall black wood stool, looking at the people strolling down the street I feel alone.
Being by myself makes me feel aware of the pressure at the back of my tongue and at the top of my nose. I tell to myself: don’t panic; you are ok; you have done great so far; you have had a great morning; you have walked the streets like if you knew exactly where you are, because yesterday you prepared for this day; you woke up early; you are wearing clothes you like; the climate seems fine; everything is perfect;
After this quick but passionate moment, I make a decision (taking everyday’s decisions is what makes me feel I am moving forward with my life), relax and watch at the people passing by.
While drinking a cup of delicious coffee, the more people I see, the more I feel attracted to the clothes they are wearing, fashion really reflects personal statements and London is really a fashion capital. I wish I could take pictures of everyone and interview them about their clothes, like this was a red carpet, without discriminating between gender or age. I wish I could describe in detail every single outfit, but that will take forever and I just have 250ml of time. I will settle with just taking notes of the pieces that I consider a “fashion statement” or “fashion outfits”. I wish this could, but it is not going to result in a well made research, being professional and being spontaneous is not a perfect combination, but such is life and such am I.
1. pantalones acampanados, material: mezclilla 2. tie, color: dark purple 3. skinny flower pants, material: soft 4. trainers, marca: Nike, color: negro 5. tie, color: bright green 6. cabello rosa 7. turbante 8. chamarra deportiva, color: negro, material: tela que hace ruidito al arrastrar el brazo junto al torso 9. sneakers, marca: Adidas 10. botas vaqueras, color: café 11. short coat, color: negro, material: terciopelo 12. pantalones, color: café con manchas naranjas 13. suit, color: bright blue 14. oversize shirt, color: cuadros negros y rojos, material: algodón 15. purse, marca: Louis Vuitton 16. hombre calvo + barba blanca + lentes redondos + skinny jeans 17. saco gris + jeans color gris + camisa violeta 18. Birkenstocks + calcetas azules 19. trench coat, marca: Burberry, color: beige 20. tennis, marca: Converse, color: negro 21. falda semi larga entubada, material: mezclilla, botones: dorados 22. jeans holgados negros al tobillo + calcetines traslúcidos negros + Dr. Martens negros + abrigo corto, peludo, color: azul + blusa de manga larga, color: negro con flores rosas y moradas, material: semi transparente + cabello suelto, largo, con dos pequeñas trenzas 23. short coat, color: verde esmeralda 24. mujer cabello corto muy güero + gorra de NY 25. traje negro + Converse de bota, color: rosa 26. pantalones, color: rayas verticales blancas y negras 27. falda corta, color: verde obscuro, material: gamuza 28. lentes transition 29. blusa con holanes, color: blanca, material: tela brillante 30. cinturón, color: ives klein blue, material: piel, hebilla: dorada 31. trainers, marca: Nike, color: verde fosforescente 32. falda larga, color: vino, material: tela plisada 33. t-shirt blanca + skinny jeans negros 34. shorts, color: negro, material: piel de vaca 35. abrigo extra largo, color: azul marino, material: lana 36. suéter, color: azul marino + mascada plisada, marca: Hermes 37. falda semi larga entubada, color: vino, material: vinílica 38. pantalón color vino + t-shirt roja 39. pantalones acampanados negros + t-shirt oversize gris + gargantilla 40. vestido corto tejido + chamarra de piel negra, mayas color vino + converse negros de bota 41. all black outfit + amazing curly red hair 42. abrigo extra largo, color: negro 43. abrigo corto slim fit, color: gris verde 44. suéter, color: gris, material: tejido estambre grueso 45. abrigo largo negro + crop top blanca 46. Dr. Martens color vino + chamarra de motociclista, material: piel + casco de moto bajo el brazo 47. suéter cuello de tortuga azul + falda semi larga plateada 48. pantalones holgados a la pantorrilla color negro + camisa holgada color negro + zapatos naranja + afro 49. paraguas en mano 50. pantalones amplios de flores 51. skinny jeans negros + cuello de tortuga vino 52. band t-shirt + falda corta de piel negra + mayas de red + Dr. Martens de bota color negro con agujetas amarillas 53. trench coat, color: cuadros de colores gris, negro y azul 54. traje negro + tennis Nike azul brillante + turbante azul brillante 55. dad jeans + camisa de mezclilla + chamarra de mezclilla + zapatos oxford color beige + calcetas rojas 56. skinny jeans negros al tobillo + botas cortas color plateado con tacón mediano + cuello de tortuga blanco + blusa holgada con tirantes color gris, material terciopelo + trench coat 57. t-shirt, color: rayas color negro y blanco 58. botas negras a la rodilla + medias negras + shorts de mezclilla + t-shirt blanca + abrigo corto color negro + cabello muy corto 59. cabello rosa + vestido extra largo con flores color negro y rosa 60. t-shirt extra larga color blanco + chamarra gamuza color café + botas al tobillo color café con elástico negro 61. gray beanie + awesome yellow glasses + brown big satchel 62. slip on, marca: Vans, color: cuadros negros y blancos 63. pantalones altos, color: morado + tennis Adidas 64. jeans, material: patchwork de colores 65. traje, color: gris claro, super slim cut 66. all dark blue simple outfit + awesome super long earrings + very short hair 67. all black outfit + abrigo extra largo color blanco 68. dungarees de mezclilla color negro + bomber jacket 69. chaqueta, color: blanco, material: piel con interior de borreguito, aplicaciones: plateadas
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