#These Celebs Did NOT Age Gracefully
cytryndor · 1 year
I dedicate this post to @starmaniswaitinginthesky, who prompted me with „I'd actually love to see a scene with them realizing Charles is not so heterosexual himself?”
To begin, lemme present you a list that I made last night:
People Charles would find attractive (and thought that’s heterosexual thing to do):
* Elvis Presley
* Tony Curtis
* John F Kennedy
* George Takei
…and more! If you have any more ideas, lemme know.
Now, to the scene.
Let’s say it around 2022/2023, and Charles still doesn’t know that Mr Takei is, in fact, someone more than an ally. And that he, Mabel and Oliver got invited on some fancy dinner party (I mean, he does know about that, that one is to let’s say).
And that someone made him realize, that most heterosexual males are not attracted to Tony Curtis, or George Takei.
Charles: Why- how would I know their sexualities?
Oliver: How would you, exactly.
[Quite obviously, CHARLES’ in shock. OLIVER looks quite delighted, and MABEL just enjoys the show]
Charles: When, when did he even came out?
Oliver: So, to the public he came out in 2005. For me, way back in the 70s.
Charles: Why would he came out to you? [scoff]
Oliver: [humble] Well, it’s nice to know of someone’s taste into you before you take them to bed.
[MABEL almost spits out her drink; OLIVER tries not to grin, and stay in his humble persona, and CHARLES has his mouth wide open, not believing what he just heard. OLIVER lifts up his hand, and closes CHARLES’ mouth, gently patting his cheek afterwards, kindness in his eyes. CHARLES regains his posture]
Charles: You know what? This is bullshit. I’m tired of you making up all of those „celeb stories” of yours. Grow up.
[in the meantime, they’re approached by GEORGE TAKEI himself]
George: Ollie! [he greets OLIVER, places his hands on PUTNAM’s arms and kisses him on both cheeks]
Oliver: Georgie [smiles, and seemingly ignores CHARLES, who is (quite understandably) in shock] Have you met my friend, Charles-
George: -Haden Savage, of course [now, he turns to CHARLES, and shakes his hand] Haven’t had the pleasure yet.
Charles: Oh- oh, yes. My pleasure.
Oliver: [under his breath] It sure is.
[For that, he got lightly and quietly smacked by MABEL and her elbow]
Mabel: Mabel Mora [now, it’s her turn to shake his hand, which she does gracefully] It’s really lovely to meet you.
George: The pleasure is mine. After all, Oliver’s friends are my friends [again, he smiles at PUTNAM, and lets go of MABEL’s hand]
Oliver: Now, listen, Georgie, Charles here is a big fan of yours [two pairs of eyes are locked at OLIVER; GEORGE is just looking, with kindness in his eyes, and CHARLES is murdering OLIVER with his gaze. MABEL, on the other hand, is looking at CHARLES, worried that he might blow up (literally, not like at OLIVER) any second] And I thought, why wouldn’t you give him your number? I’m sure he’d be thrilled. And, after all, you’re both big TV stars. I’m sure there’s lots of stuff you two can talk about.
George: Oh, there’s no problem whatsoever,
[GEORGE starts looking around for some piece of paper and something to write with; and while he can’t find anything to write on, he was handed a black marker by MABEL. As if it’s nothing, he takes CHARLES’ hand and starts writing his numer on it. OLIVER is happily smiling, looking at MABEL and CHARLES. MABEL is also looking at her besties, and CHARLES is speechless]
George: There you go.
[GEORGE smiles at CHARLES, and gives MABEL back her marker. Someone in the room yells for GEORGE, so he excuses himself and leaves the podcast trio. Now, as they’re left alone, OLIVER and MABEL looks at CHARLES with anticipation. SAVAGE tho, instead of doing something they’d expect, just looks OLIVER and goes:]
Charles: It’s ridiculous! Is there any celebrity that’s our age that you haven’t slept with?
[Before OLIVER can answer, MABEL chimes in]
Mabel: I don’t know, you?
[CHARLES scoffs]
Oliver: And what a shame it is.
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breeeliss · 7 years
[Miraculous Ladybug]: Trying to Get Bi
this is a very silly one-shot for @ladyserendipitous ‘s birthday (belated only bc finals are a terror). she pitched this idea to me a while ago, so i finally got the chance to write something for it :P
oh, also shoutout to @mahaliciously ​ for the french celebrity suggestions! click on the celeb names for pics (praying the links work)
Link to Archive of Our Own: [AO3]
Title: Trying to Get Bi
Summary: “Alright. How about Adrien Agreste?” Chat Noir sat up abruptly and stared at Ladybug over his shoulder. “Say what now?” "Let's hear it," Ladybug encouraged. "Hot or Not? He totally seems your type.” Chat Noir opened his mouth, closed it, and winced. “Eeehhhh, I dunno. T-That’s kind of a….a hard question.”
Featuring: Bi!Ladybug and Bi!Chat Noir, a billboard of Adrien Agreste, a game of celebrity Hot or Not?, and a very awkward reveal.
Trying to Get Bi
“Okay, what about….ah, Vanessa Paradis.”
Ladybug took a bite of fudge. “Not,” she said with her mouthful. “Not that she’s not pretty, just not my type.”
Chat Noir hummed in agreement and plucked his own square of fudge from the Tom & Sabine’s box that was sitting in between them. “I might have to go Not too,” he decided. “Amazing model, probably go on a date with her, but that’s it.”
“Oh!” Ladybug perked up. “Marion Cotillard.”
Chat Noir snorted. “Um. Hot. Way hot. Not even a question. If she so much as even spoke to me, I’d probably self combust.”
“Same!” Ladybug laughed. “She has the most beautiful eyes, I just want her to stare at me from across a candlelit dinner before she takes me home.”
“Takes you home to do what? ” Chat Noir cackled.
Ladybug lifted her chin and shrugged. “If you’re suggesting that I’m thinking something improper, you’re completely wrong. I’m a gentlewoman.”
“Uh huh,” Chat Noir deadpanned. “The same gentlewoman that didn’t curse out a tourist for taking pictures of her chest the other day?”
“Shut up,” Ladybug snorted. “He deserved it.”
“Cheers to that.” They both held up their squares of fudge and tapped them in a toast before finishing them off in one bite. “Speaking of men,” Chat Noir continued, “Jean Dujardin.”
“Absolutely,” Ladybug nodded. “Hot. My best friend was telling me the other day that he was ‘too old’ and I looked at her like she was crazy.”
“Okay thank you because my best friend also said he’s not hot. Which. Have you seen him?”
“Ridiculously handsome.”
“ Supremely handsome! Bless my soul if I ever aged as gracefully as that.”
Ladybug reached up and stroked Chat’s bare chin. “You with scruff? That’d be hilarious.”
“Um. I could pull off scruff. I’m a very mature and upstanding cat.”
“Please, you’re totally baby faced, I’ll believe you can pull off facial hair when I see it.”
“Excuse me, but I’ll have you know I have exactly three hairs growing on my chin.” He moved in closer and tipped his head back so that she could see. “Look! Don’t they make me look manly and irresistible?”
Ladybug squinted. “I don’t see anything, so I guess that answers that question.”
Chat Noir gasped and pressed a scandalized hand to his chest. “ Rude! ”
Ladybug held the box of fudge away from him, stuck her tongue out, and squealed when Chat Nor got up and started chasing her across the roof that they were just laying out on. “It’s not my fault you can’t handle the truth, Chat!”
“The betrayal!” he shouted after her, laughing when they jumped across a narrow alleyway onto the next apartment building. “I thought we were Bi Besties!”
Ladybug rolled her eyes as she scaled the slanted roof and sat on top of a windowsill. “Stop trying to make Bi Besties happen. It’s super corny.”
Chat Noir laid out against the shingles of the roof right underneath where Ladybug was sitting, and stared up at her with a wicked grin. “Bi Besties is the perfect superhero name for us. It’s accurate, inclusive, and proclaims us as role models for the questioning youth. They look up to us, you know.”
“Look it’s fine as an inside joke, but how are adults supposed to take us seriously when you go on national television and present us as the Bi Besties?”
“You were so into it.”
“I mean, yeah,” Ladybug grumbled. “Right up until I had news reporters coming up to me the other day asking me about my sexuality.” She cleared her throat and deepened her voice until she was mimicking a snooty, television reporter. “Mmm, so Ladybug, would you say that your bisexuality affects your superhero work?”
Chat Noir rolled onto his back and laughed boisterously. “What did that even mean? I saw it on the news after the fight and it was the most cringeworthy thing I’ve seen in my life.”
Ladybug pressed the back of her hand to her forehead. “Oh heavens! An akuma! I sure hope my simultaneous appreciation for men and women won’t get in the way of taking it down!”
Chat Noir clasped his hands together under his chin. “It’s simply too much, Ladybug. My brain can’t possibly think of a way out of this sticky situation. There are too many thoughts of men and women swirling around in there, I can’t bring myself to concentrate!”
“Do you think straight people really think that?” Ladybug asked.
“I’d have to ask a straight person.” Chat Noir opened his mouth and leaned his head back. “Fudge me!”
Ladybug plucked off a piece of fudge, aimed, and managed to land the piece directly in Chat’s mouth. He lifted both of his fists in victory and cheered into the sky while Ladybug chuckled and opened up their second box of fudge. “Next time we decide to bum around on a Sunday, I’m bringing macarons. You’ve been having too much chocolate lately. How are you going to fit into that cat suit of yours?”
“Don’t body shame me, Ladybug, I’m a growing boy. I need sugar. By the way, it’s your turn.”
She searched the sky for another celebrity name. “Ah, Gaspard Ulliel.”
Chat Noir waited for her to pass him a full square of fudge before he answered. “Hot. He looks like he’d treat me right.”
Ladybug wrinkled her nose. “Not. Sorry.”
“He has squinty eyes!”
“The squinty eyes of an angel!”
“Statement stands.”
“Whatever,” he grumbled. “What about Louane? The singer.”
“Hot,” Ladybug declared. “She’s such a cutie pie. Absolute sweetheart.”
“I’m gonna have to go with Not on this one. She’s cute, but it’s like she’s….too cute? Too nice?”
“And that’s a bad thing?”
“I like woman who would be happy to step on my face or have the power to murder me.”
“Oh my God,” Ladybug snickered. “Is someone like Nolwenn Leroy up your alley?”
“A thousand times yes,” Chat Noir said enthusiastically. “I’d happily let her murder me.”
“Same,” Ladybug giggled. “You know, the more we play this, the more I’m getting a sense of your type. Omar Sy seems your type.”
“An impossibly attractive man with a beautiful smile? Hell yes. Dream husband, to be honest.”
Ladybug tapped a finger to her chin. “I’m gonna say….no on Baptiste Giabiconi.”
“Right again,” Chat Noir nodded. “I dunno, too intense for my tastes. I’d probably date him once just to say I did because, hello, amazing, rich, and popular model. But I need a man who’s gonna go the distance.”
“So a kindhearted but ridiculously attractive model that’s not too sweet but not too intense?” Ladybug asked.
“Oh for sure. Especially if they were around my age? That’d be great.”
Ladybug wracked her brain for another celebrity that would fit Chat Noir’s specifications, but in an almost uncanny twist of fate, her eyes happened to land on a huge billboard poster about five or so rooftops away featuring Adrien Agreste and Gabriel’s new Teen Fall Fashion line. As often as they played these celebrity Hot or Not games whenever they had downtime, Ladybug never bothered to bring up Adrien Agreste. It just seemed weird to bring someone into those kinds of games that she had such a huge crush on in real life and who also happened to be such a close friend of hers, so she never bothered.
But it was just a silly little game, and his billboard poster was right there being so completely obvious. Plus, if she had to be honest, Adrien Agreste seemed exactly like Chat Noir’s type. So she tapped Chat Noir on the shoulder with her foot and pointed at the billboard. “Alright. How about Adrien Agreste?”
Chat Noir sat up abruptly and stared at Ladybug over his shoulder. “Say what now?”
“Adrien Agreste,” Ladybug replied simply, turning his head toward the poster with her foot. “The Gabriel model. Gabriel Agreste’s son. He’s been on the cover of I don’t know how many teen magazines. Have you not heard of him?”
“N-No, I have!” Chat Noir stuttered. “Uh, yeah I uh….have a friend who knows a lot about him.”
“Alright, let’s hear it,” Ladybug encouraged. “Hot or Not? He totally seems your type.”
Chat Noir opened his mouth, closed it, and winced. “Eeehhhh, I dunno. T-That’s kind of a….a hard question.”
“Really?” she asked in confusion. “Why?”
He crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged. “I just, you know, it’s a little weird. Um, because you see my friend. See she talks about him a lot . So it’s just. I hear so much about him? And it’s kind of awkward. I guess. Sort of. Maybe.”
“Yeah. A little….i-inappropriate, if you will.”
Ladybug lifted a brow. “Chat, we literally had a twenty minute conversation yesterday about our dream weddings with Emmanuel Macron and he’s our new President. How is Adrien Agreste more awkward and inappropriate than that?”
“It just is!” Chat Noir defended lamely. “I-I dunno, sometimes you just, y-you just don’t have opinions on things.”
Ladybug crossed her leg and cradled her chin in her hand. “This is so bizarre,” she breathed out in awe. “I thought for sure we’d feel the same about him.”
Chat Noir turned his entire body around, his eyes looking a little desperate and frantic. “F-Feel the same?” He cleared his throat and fiddled with the part in his bangs. “How, uh, how do you feel about him?”
“Totally Hot,” Ladybug said decisively. “Plus, I heard he’s around our age, and he lives right here in Paris. So he’s totally within my league.”
Chat Noir inhaled sharply and started choking on his spit, banging on his chest to clear his lungs. “Wait,” he croaked out. “Y-Y-You think he’s hot!? Like hot hot?”
“Yeah?” Ladybug frowned. “What’s up with you? I’m surprised you don’t have an opinion of him.”
“I didn’t know you did!”
Ladybug shrugged. “Well, he never came up. But yeah he’s….absolutely charming. So handsome. A beautiful smile. Talented. And he seems like just the sweetest person in the whole world. Remember the akuma Jackady? When he was targeting Gabriel Agreste? I got to spend some time with Adrien amidst all the chaos and he was a complete delight. He seemed a little nervous to talk to me but I thought it was really adorable. I don’t mean to gush, but he just seems like a really special person. Really humble and down to earth for someone who’s so famous.”
She’d accidentally been staring at his billboard poster when she said all that, and she had to shake her head and sober herself up a little bit to not make her crush on him too obvious. But when she looked down at Chat, she found him staring up at her with a flabbergasted look on his face, a flush spreading all the way from his cheeks under his mask to the very tips of his ears. He bit down on his bottom lip and swallowed, tail swishing nervously behind him.
“Are you okay?” she asked him worriedly.
Chat Noir shook his head and covered his cheeks with one hand. “Yeah,” he spoke through his fingers. “I’m. No, I’m fine. Just, um. You must….really like him.”
Ladybug set aside the box of sweets and stepped down from her perch on the windowsill, settling down on the rooftop right in front of Chat. “You’re blushing.”
“A-Am I?” he said, his voice sounding oddly high-pitched. “I hadn’t noticed.”
Ladybug squinted her eyes suspiciously. “This is so weird, I’ve never seen you this flustered over another person before. Do you have a crush on him?”
“No, no way, definitely not!” Chat Noir quickly insisted. “I-It’s just, you know….kinda like….rating your best bud or something.”
“You’re best friends with him?”
“So….you know him?”
“I mean…. know is such a strong word, don’t you think?”
Ladybug smirked. “I know you’re trying to divert attention away from this, but now I’m starting to think you’ve got some really juicy reason for not wanting to tell me whether you think he’s attractive.”
Chat Noir floundered around wordlessly for a moment before shutting his mouth, lifting both of his hands, and walking away from Ladybug towards the other end of the roof. “Nope. Not doing this. Nu uh.”
“Oh come on!” Ladybug giggled. “You can tell me! Do you know him from somewhere? Do you have this super big embarrassing crush on him and you don’t want me to know?”
“Why are you so fascinated by this?” Chat Noir asked. “It’s not that big a deal, is it?”
“Adrien Agreste is objectively gorgeous, and the fact that you’re reluctant to admit that is super fascinating.” She pouted her lips and bounced on her toes. “ Please? It’s Sunday and we have nothing to do, you’re telling me you can’t dish out some gossip? You love gossip!”
“I’ve got nothing gossip worthy on him, honest!” Chat Noir swore. “I just….feel like there’s a line when it comes to these sorts of games, you know?”
Ladybug snorted. “Oh, since when are you such a party pooper? The only lines in this game are family members and ourselves, and you don’t fall into any of those categories anyway — ”
“Hey! Look at that! It’s a full moon!” Chat Noir interrupted, pointing at the sky almost desperately. “Isn’t that amazing? A full moon! Hey, let’s talk about the moon for a bit, huh? Won’t that be fun, like. Just. Talking about the moon and it’s….fullness?”
She wanted to say that Chat Noir had almost as big a crush on Adrien as Ladybug did, but in all honesty, she had no idea why he was being so secretive and acting so awkward. That being said, it seemed like a delightfully rare occurrence and she was never one for missing out on an opportunity to tease her partner, especially when he was turning this red over it.
Ladybug clasped her hands behind her back. “Hey Chat?”
He flinched when he heard her voice and stopped his pacing. “Uh. Yes Ladybug?”
“If you were related to a successful, world-renowned fashion designer who lives right here in Paris, you’d tell me, right?”
Chat Noir covered his ears with his hands. “You know I can’t do that Ladybug, it’s against our code!”
“There’s probably a whole dynasty of Agrestes, I won’t be able to tell who you are if you just admit you’re a part of it,” Ladybug laughed. “It makes so much sense! You already have the blond hair and those high cheekbones. I bet you get invited to all the Fashion Week parties and you never even told me. The nerve.”
“Wait, cheekbones, you think I have their cheekbones?” Chat Noir asked. “Is it that obvious?”
“Oh totally ,” Ladybug joked. “If anything, you and Adrien Agreste have the most startling similarity out of that whole family. I bet that’s why you’re too embarrassed to admit he’s attractive. The family resemblance is just too huge.”
“ Really!? ” Chat Noir exclaimed worriedly. “I-I mean, we’re not that alike. Our….our hair is so different Ladybug, like, wow , totally out of this world different it’s crazy. I think you’re being a little overdramatic.”
Ladybug got closer to him so that she could grab his chin and turn his face left and right. “Nah, you two could be twins for sure. I mean we might as well plant your face on that billboard. It wouldn’t look any different.” She gave a dramatic gasp. “Oh my god, that’s it! You must be his twin.”
“Ladybug you’re being ridiculous that’s just. Crazy talk! You know that, right?”
She covered her mouth with one hand. “No! I’ve got it! It all makes sense! You must be Adrien Agreste!”
Chat Noir shook his head and stared at Ladybug in abject horror. “Wait, what!? ”
“It’s the only logical explanation, I mean why would anyone rate themselves, right?” Ladybug smirked. “To think that this entire time you’ve been this sweet, darling model by day and a sarcastic goofball by night. What a transformation. Really. Bravo.”
Chat Noir’s hands flew up to his hair and started yanking on it by the roots, and watching him get so flustered was probably the funniest thing Ladybug had seen all week. She chortled into her hand while she watched him stare back and forth between her and the billboard photo as if he were actually trying to convince himself that her ridiculous joke may actually be real. Such a drama queen. But then, Chat Noir completely surprised her when he dragged his hands down his cheeks and whined, “But how did you even figure it out?”
Ladybug sobered up and blinked. “Wait, what?”
Chat Noir’s jaw snapped shut and his eyes widened. “....nothing,” he squeaked.
“Wait a minute, figure what out?”
“Nothing! I said nothing!”
Ladybug felt her jaw dropping and couldn’t stop her brain from putting together the pieces. “Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait, y-you’re not….are you actually….oh my God, no way!”
“You were the one making it sound like you knew!” he defended. “You just said it!”
“I was kidding!” Ladybug screamed. “I thought we were just messing around, I didn’t think you actually thought I was serious!”
“I thought you knew and you were just trying to tease the answer out of me!”
“I wouldn’t joke about something like this if I actually knew, obviously I was kidding around!”
“Well I guess I’m just bad at picking up signals then!”
Ladybug held up both of her hands. “Stop, stop,” she begged. “Hold on. Hooold on. You’re telling me….you’re telling me that you’re Adrien Agreste?”
Chat Noir shrugged helplessly, trying to come up with a decent response to the question, but he merely let his shoulders drop and sighed, accepting the inevitable. “I….well….y-yeah. Yeah. I’m. I’m Adrien Agreste. There. Secret’s out.”
Ladybug stayed stunned for a few seconds, promptly turned around, and pressed her fingers against her temples. “Holy crap,” she muttered. “Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap.”
Chat Noir winced. “Not that I ever anticipated this would ever happen, but as far as reactions go, you’re having a pretty bad one by the looks of it.”
Ladybug paused and bit her lip. He was right. For Marinette, this was positively mind blowing. Her crush and the boy she sat behind in class was actually Chat Noir and that by itself was making her brain do cartwheels trying to wrap her head around such a reality. But for Ladybug, it shouldn’t be any more shocking than realizing a model is actually her crime fighting partner. Being too dramatic about this ran the risk of revealing more about who her secret identity was and the fewer identity mishaps they could have tonight, the better. She was just going to….compartmentalize this and deal with it later. Much later. With her door locked. Screaming into her pillow. Tearing down all her Adrien posters.
“I-I guess, I’m just,” she hesitated, turning around and trying to force her brain to picture Chat Noir doing chemistry homework in study hall or Adrien telling puns while dangling precariously from the top of the Notre Dame. “A little embarrassed? I kinda gushed over you just now so it’s a little weird. It’s not because I’m disappointed or angry or anything. Surprised, for sure. But I guess mistakes happen. We were going to find out sooner or later. Occupational hazard.”
That seemed to placate his anxieties, and he blew out the anxious breath he was holding. “Well, that’s a relief. I’d prefer embarrassed over angry.”
“I’m not angry,” she assured him. “I probably shouldn’t have teased you so hard like that. That would’ve confused me too. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, I should’ve known better than to assume. It was mostly my fault.” He scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly. “Gosh, this is weird not having this secret hanging over my head anymore.”
“It is a little weird,” Ladybug agreed with a smile. “But, I think we should be okay. I’m the only one who knows. And as long as we’re careful and don’t let anyone else in on the secret, everything should be totally fine.”
“Good point,” Chat Noir agreed. “As long as this doesn’t change anything, we should be fine, right?”
Ladybug bit the inside of her cheek, trying to imagine how she was going to manage keeping her cool in front of Adrien on Monday now that she was hanging onto such a huge secret. “R-Right!” she replied quickly. “We’re totally fine.”
Chat Noir smiled in relief, but then suddenly widened his eyes in realization. “Wait a minute,” he smirked. “You’re so right….”
“Right about what?”
“You were totally gushing over me a minute ago.”
Ladybug scowled and held up a finger. “Chat….Adrien….or, both of you just…. don’t .”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Chat Noir laughed. “Is teasing only okay when you’re the one doing it? I’m suddenly feeling up to continuing our little game but, oh, could you remind me what your opinions of Adrien Agreste are?”
“Oh my God, shut up!”
Chat Noir started counting off his fingers. “Let’s see if I can remember them all. Gorgeous. Sweet. Delightful. Charming. Handsome. Did I forget any?”
Ladybug covered her face with her hands. “Stooooop.”
“To think!” Chat Noir snickered. “All this time you’ve been telling me how much I wasn’t your type, and I’ve been your exact type this entire time!”
“You’re so infuriating leave me alone!”
“We should go on a date!”
Ladybug frowned, walked back over to where she left their sweets, and stomped away from him. “I’m leaving!”
“Noooo, come on! It’ll be nice! Like a celebrity date! It’ll be a lot of fun. You know, because I’m an absolute delight.”
“You’re never going to let this go, are you?”
“This is the perfect way to lighten up the mood, my Lady,” Chat Noir snickered. “Of course I’m not letting this go.”
“You can’t leave. I thought we were Bi Besties!”
“That’s never catching on Chat. Don’t even try it right now.”
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myfamouslastwords · 4 years
Benefits of CBD for Aging Skin.
In the US alone, the hemp industry is estimated to be worth 9.5 billion dollars. CBD industry hasn’t been left behind as its fame keeps rising every day and up to now it’s is leaping so many profits.
Though marketed as one product, CBD and hemp seed oil are two different products. It should be noted that hemp seed oil is extracted from hemp seeds and contains other important skin-friendly ingredients such as antioxidants and fatty acids but doesn’t contain CBD. On the other hand, CBD oil contains high concentrations of cannabinoid which is a compound that research says has an array of benefits that comes along with its uses.
Cannabinoid commonly known as CBD has become a household name and everyone’s favorite skincare product contains CBD. Extracted from the cannabis plant, CBD has been used as an ingredient in a variety of products ranging from sunscreens, moisturizers, lip balms, sunscreens to edibles. Because it offers medical benefits to the human body, it has also become a secret ingredient of many things today.
Will CBD Get You High?
This is the frequently asked question that you will get from the first time users of CBD. The answer is NO! Even the World Health Organization reassures that CBD is harmless and non-toxic. CBD derived from the hemp plant, cannot make you high because it doesn’t contain THC a psychoactive compound that gets people high.
Most states that have legalized the use of CBD have put strict measures by ensuring that any product that contains CBD or hemp oil doesn’t have traces of THC and if there is it should be less than 0.3%.
What does CBD contain?
CBD is mainly derived from the leaves, stalks, and flowers of the cannabis plant. It can be full spectrum or whole-plant meaning that it contains all available compounds and also traces of THC. Broad-spectrum contains all compounds but no traces of THC. If the ultimate goal is to extract broad-spectrum CBD, the CO2 extraction process is used since it is the best and environment friendly.
CBD isolate is another term that you might come across, which implies that there is no other ingredient added. It is a crystalline powder and considered the purest and high potent form of CBD. It is tasteless and odorless and contains no THC. CBD also contains Flavonoids which are similarly present in vegetables and fruits and help fight against diseases. Terpenes found in CBD have been linked to health-boosting benefits as well as providing unique aroma and flavor.
To source out plentiful benefits, most companies that are tapping into this growing market of CBD prefer the broad spectrum. This allows the companies to have strong selections of high-quality CBD products that are not only effective but also safe for use. Companies have also invested in sourcing organically grown hemp which is free from pesticides. Pesticides are deadly and if they can be traced in the final product, when absorbed by the skin they can enter the bloodstream and cause grievous health effects to the user.
It has been discovered that some brands use low-quality raw materials and small amounts of CBD therefore misleading many consumers. The next time you shop for CBD products, it is wise to look at the ingredients list before purchasing any product. On labels, you can identify CBD as hemp CBD and phytocannabinoid-rich hemp oil. Buy from a trusted brand like Allueur.com, a reputable company that provides high-quality CBD skincare products, CBD oil, and even tinctures.
Can CBD Help Other Aging problems?
First time CBD users frequently ask this question before using any CBD product. Growing old is a natural process that we can’t escape from and as we age, our skins sag and form creases and wrinkles that make us look old.
It is a blessing to grow old, and it’s okay but what many people desire is to age gracefully. Aging can also be accelerated by a number of factors that include, exposure to damaging UV rays, skin problems, air pollution, an illness that affects your health, to mention just but a few.
Aging comes with many drastic changes especially to our health and the whole body. You will notice that as people grow old they experience memory loss, and the most advanced memory loss problems are closely related to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. According to recent research, there could be a possibility that CBD has neuroprotective properties that could be beneficial for the treatment of other elements that cause Alzheimer’s disease. Now, that is a reason to smile about the many powers of CBD.
Depending on your purpose, CBD oil can be used to improve the whole body, to relieve pain, stress, and anxiety or to enhance the skin quality. For improving the skin, topical creams and serums can be the best to get effective results.
What Exactly Does CBD Do to Aging Skin?
Your skin acts as a defense or barrier against the innermost parts of your body against harmful organisms and pollutants. It also covers the largest part of the human body and therefore has very many cannabinoid receptors and all these entire receptors combine to make the human endocannabinoid system which is associated with regulation of some crucial body functions and responses such as reproduction, pain, mood, appetite, sleep, inflammation, and immunity. The system also regulates sebum generation which is concerned with oil production that coats the skin.
Since Cannabinoid has the same receptors as our body when used it responds effectively to inflammation that may have occurred to any part of our body. This is the reason why CBD has been used to reduce chronic pains especially to cancer patients, help address anxiety and stress issues, and also assist the misery of insomnia.
The more we age, the more the skin gets dry, delicate, less firm, and thinner. This is because levels of collagen production decrease in the body. Collagen is what makes our skin look healthy and plump because it is involved in repairing skin tissues and speeds the growth of new cells. It is also concerned with providing firmness and elasticity to the skin tissues which gives the skin a firmer look. CBD may be your solution to avoid injections and doctor’s appointments. According to dermatologists, Cannabinoid like CBD may improve collagen production levels.
Fine lines which later turn into deep wrinkles develop with time since the skin loses its elasticity and firmness. What happens is that free radicals which are unstable molecules within the body build up and cause damage to the skin tissues and cellular level. CBD as a powerful antioxidant fights these free radicals by stabilizing them thus preventing damage to the skin and reducing visible signs of aging.
CBD anti-aging creams will be perfect to help you defy signs of aging, diminish skin dullness, and uneven skin tone. CBD is multifunctional and using CBD skincare will be a step closer towards achieving a supple skin. No wonder, celebs like Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Aniston aren’t shy about their love for using CBD products.
Aging makes the skin to be dry accelerating visible signs of aging. Sebum which is an oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin provides an oily coat that is dense and deters loss of moisture therefore hydrating the skin making it healthier, natural, and glowy. When under produced it can cause fine lines and deep wrinkles and when produced in excessive quantities, it clogs the pores and leads to acne and other skin problems.
When absorbed by the skin, CBD has a way of regulating sebum production due to its balancing effect on the flow of skin’s oil. It will therefore not only help alleviate acne problems but also deter moisture loss from the skin hence rejuvenating it.
Did you know CBD oils contain nourishing skin nutrients like Omega acids? It is considered a balanced oil since it contains essential fatty acids that are Omega 6(linoleic acid) and Omega 3(linolenic acid). These two amazing acids are known to act as super villains against signs of aging. They have shown to work on the phospholipid bilayer which helps hold water, offering moisturizing effects that help the skin remain plump, radiant, and youthful.
Final Thoughts about CBD.
So far so good, CBD is a whole package that has many advantages that comes with it. Best thing about CBD is that it can be used by senior citizens and young people. It is ideal for all skin colors and types depending on the purpose you want to achieve.
The rewards that come with CBD skincare products will reverse back the signs of aging and also promote a sense of calmness and wellbeing. Whether infused as an ingredient into anti-aging creams, moisturizers, facemasks, or serums, it is a bold move to invest in a good CBD skincare brand like Allueur and leap the benefits of having a subtle, firm and youthful skin. Try CBD products today for your skin and wait for amazing results.
The post Benefits of CBD for Aging Skin. appeared first on In the Now Mag.
source https://inthenowmag.com/benefits-of-cbd-for-aging-skin/ source https://plumbob-lockser.tumblr.com/post/627501796934500352
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plumbob-lockser · 4 years
Benefits of CBD for Aging Skin.
In the US alone, the hemp industry is estimated to be worth 9.5 billion dollars. CBD industry hasn’t been left behind as its fame keeps rising every day and up to now it’s is leaping so many profits.
Though marketed as one product, CBD and hemp seed oil are two different products. It should be noted that hemp seed oil is extracted from hemp seeds and contains other important skin-friendly ingredients such as antioxidants and fatty acids but doesn’t contain CBD. On the other hand, CBD oil contains high concentrations of cannabinoid which is a compound that research says has an array of benefits that comes along with its uses.
Cannabinoid commonly known as CBD has become a household name and everyone’s favorite skincare product contains CBD. Extracted from the cannabis plant, CBD has been used as an ingredient in a variety of products ranging from sunscreens, moisturizers, lip balms, sunscreens to edibles. Because it offers medical benefits to the human body, it has also become a secret ingredient of many things today.
Will CBD Get You High?
This is the frequently asked question that you will get from the first time users of CBD. The answer is NO! Even the World Health Organization reassures that CBD is harmless and non-toxic. CBD derived from the hemp plant, cannot make you high because it doesn’t contain THC a psychoactive compound that gets people high.
Most states that have legalized the use of CBD have put strict measures by ensuring that any product that contains CBD or hemp oil doesn’t have traces of THC and if there is it should be less than 0.3%.
What does CBD contain?
CBD is mainly derived from the leaves, stalks, and flowers of the cannabis plant. It can be full spectrum or whole-plant meaning that it contains all available compounds and also traces of THC. Broad-spectrum contains all compounds but no traces of THC. If the ultimate goal is to extract broad-spectrum CBD, the CO2 extraction process is used since it is the best and environment friendly.
CBD isolate is another term that you might come across, which implies that there is no other ingredient added. It is a crystalline powder and considered the purest and high potent form of CBD. It is tasteless and odorless and contains no THC. CBD also contains Flavonoids which are similarly present in vegetables and fruits and help fight against diseases. Terpenes found in CBD have been linked to health-boosting benefits as well as providing unique aroma and flavor.
To source out plentiful benefits, most companies that are tapping into this growing market of CBD prefer the broad spectrum. This allows the companies to have strong selections of high-quality CBD products that are not only effective but also safe for use. Companies have also invested in sourcing organically grown hemp which is free from pesticides. Pesticides are deadly and if they can be traced in the final product, when absorbed by the skin they can enter the bloodstream and cause grievous health effects to the user.
It has been discovered that some brands use low-quality raw materials and small amounts of CBD therefore misleading many consumers. The next time you shop for CBD products, it is wise to look at the ingredients list before purchasing any product. On labels, you can identify CBD as hemp CBD and phytocannabinoid-rich hemp oil. Buy from a trusted brand like Allueur.com, a reputable company that provides high-quality CBD skincare products, CBD oil, and even tinctures.
Can CBD Help Other Aging problems?
First time CBD users frequently ask this question before using any CBD product. Growing old is a natural process that we can’t escape from and as we age, our skins sag and form creases and wrinkles that make us look old.
It is a blessing to grow old, and it’s okay but what many people desire is to age gracefully. Aging can also be accelerated by a number of factors that include, exposure to damaging UV rays, skin problems, air pollution, an illness that affects your health, to mention just but a few.
Aging comes with many drastic changes especially to our health and the whole body. You will notice that as people grow old they experience memory loss, and the most advanced memory loss problems are closely related to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. According to recent research, there could be a possibility that CBD has neuroprotective properties that could be beneficial for the treatment of other elements that cause Alzheimer’s disease. Now, that is a reason to smile about the many powers of CBD.
Depending on your purpose, CBD oil can be used to improve the whole body, to relieve pain, stress, and anxiety or to enhance the skin quality. For improving the skin, topical creams and serums can be the best to get effective results.
What Exactly Does CBD Do to Aging Skin?
Your skin acts as a defense or barrier against the innermost parts of your body against harmful organisms and pollutants. It also covers the largest part of the human body and therefore has very many cannabinoid receptors and all these entire receptors combine to make the human endocannabinoid system which is associated with regulation of some crucial body functions and responses such as reproduction, pain, mood, appetite, sleep, inflammation, and immunity. The system also regulates sebum generation which is concerned with oil production that coats the skin.
Since Cannabinoid has the same receptors as our body when used it responds effectively to inflammation that may have occurred to any part of our body. This is the reason why CBD has been used to reduce chronic pains especially to cancer patients, help address anxiety and stress issues, and also assist the misery of insomnia.
The more we age, the more the skin gets dry, delicate, less firm, and thinner. This is because levels of collagen production decrease in the body. Collagen is what makes our skin look healthy and plump because it is involved in repairing skin tissues and speeds the growth of new cells. It is also concerned with providing firmness and elasticity to the skin tissues which gives the skin a firmer look. CBD may be your solution to avoid injections and doctor’s appointments. According to dermatologists, Cannabinoid like CBD may improve collagen production levels.
Fine lines which later turn into deep wrinkles develop with time since the skin loses its elasticity and firmness. What happens is that free radicals which are unstable molecules within the body build up and cause damage to the skin tissues and cellular level. CBD as a powerful antioxidant fights these free radicals by stabilizing them thus preventing damage to the skin and reducing visible signs of aging.
CBD anti-aging creams will be perfect to help you defy signs of aging, diminish skin dullness, and uneven skin tone. CBD is multifunctional and using CBD skincare will be a step closer towards achieving a supple skin. No wonder, celebs like Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Aniston aren’t shy about their love for using CBD products.
Aging makes the skin to be dry accelerating visible signs of aging. Sebum which is an oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin provides an oily coat that is dense and deters loss of moisture therefore hydrating the skin making it healthier, natural, and glowy. When under produced it can cause fine lines and deep wrinkles and when produced in excessive quantities, it clogs the pores and leads to acne and other skin problems.
When absorbed by the skin, CBD has a way of regulating sebum production due to its balancing effect on the flow of skin’s oil. It will therefore not only help alleviate acne problems but also deter moisture loss from the skin hence rejuvenating it.
Did you know CBD oils contain nourishing skin nutrients like Omega acids? It is considered a balanced oil since it contains essential fatty acids that are Omega 6(linoleic acid) and Omega 3(linolenic acid). These two amazing acids are known to act as super villains against signs of aging. They have shown to work on the phospholipid bilayer which helps hold water, offering moisturizing effects that help the skin remain plump, radiant, and youthful.
Final Thoughts about CBD.
So far so good, CBD is a whole package that has many advantages that comes with it. Best thing about CBD is that it can be used by senior citizens and young people. It is ideal for all skin colors and types depending on the purpose you want to achieve.
The rewards that come with CBD skincare products will reverse back the signs of aging and also promote a sense of calmness and wellbeing. Whether infused as an ingredient into anti-aging creams, moisturizers, facemasks, or serums, it is a bold move to invest in a good CBD skincare brand like Allueur and leap the benefits of having a subtle, firm and youthful skin. Try CBD products today for your skin and wait for amazing results.
The post Benefits of CBD for Aging Skin. appeared first on In the Now Mag.
source https://inthenowmag.com/benefits-of-cbd-for-aging-skin/
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silver-wolverine · 4 years
Benefits of CBD for Aging Skin.
In the US alone, the hemp industry is estimated to be worth 9.5 billion dollars. CBD industry hasn’t been left behind as its fame keeps rising every day and up to now it’s is leaping so many profits.
Though marketed as one product, CBD and hemp seed oil are two different products. It should be noted that hemp seed oil is extracted from hemp seeds and contains other important skin-friendly ingredients such as antioxidants and fatty acids but doesn’t contain CBD. On the other hand, CBD oil contains high concentrations of cannabinoid which is a compound that research says has an array of benefits that comes along with its uses.
Cannabinoid commonly known as CBD has become a household name and everyone’s favorite skincare product contains CBD. Extracted from the cannabis plant, CBD has been used as an ingredient in a variety of products ranging from sunscreens, moisturizers, lip balms, sunscreens to edibles. Because it offers medical benefits to the human body, it has also become a secret ingredient of many things today.
Will CBD Get You High?
This is the frequently asked question that you will get from the first time users of CBD. The answer is NO! Even the World Health Organization reassures that CBD is harmless and non-toxic. CBD derived from the hemp plant, cannot make you high because it doesn’t contain THC a psychoactive compound that gets people high.
Most states that have legalized the use of CBD have put strict measures by ensuring that any product that contains CBD or hemp oil doesn’t have traces of THC and if there is it should be less than 0.3%.
What does CBD contain?
CBD is mainly derived from the leaves, stalks, and flowers of the cannabis plant. It can be full spectrum or whole-plant meaning that it contains all available compounds and also traces of THC. Broad-spectrum contains all compounds but no traces of THC. If the ultimate goal is to extract broad-spectrum CBD, the CO2 extraction process is used since it is the best and environment friendly.
CBD isolate is another term that you might come across, which implies that there is no other ingredient added. It is a crystalline powder and considered the purest and high potent form of CBD. It is tasteless and odorless and contains no THC. CBD also contains Flavonoids which are similarly present in vegetables and fruits and help fight against diseases. Terpenes found in CBD have been linked to health-boosting benefits as well as providing unique aroma and flavor.
To source out plentiful benefits, most companies that are tapping into this growing market of CBD prefer the broad spectrum. This allows the companies to have strong selections of high-quality CBD products that are not only effective but also safe for use. Companies have also invested in sourcing organically grown hemp which is free from pesticides. Pesticides are deadly and if they can be traced in the final product, when absorbed by the skin they can enter the bloodstream and cause grievous health effects to the user.
It has been discovered that some brands use low-quality raw materials and small amounts of CBD therefore misleading many consumers. The next time you shop for CBD products, it is wise to look at the ingredients list before purchasing any product. On labels, you can identify CBD as hemp CBD and phytocannabinoid-rich hemp oil. Buy from a trusted brand like Allueur.com, a reputable company that provides high-quality CBD skincare products, CBD oil, and even tinctures.
Can CBD Help Other Aging problems?
First time CBD users frequently ask this question before using any CBD product. Growing old is a natural process that we can’t escape from and as we age, our skins sag and form creases and wrinkles that make us look old.
It is a blessing to grow old, and it’s okay but what many people desire is to age gracefully. Aging can also be accelerated by a number of factors that include, exposure to damaging UV rays, skin problems, air pollution, an illness that affects your health, to mention just but a few.
Aging comes with many drastic changes especially to our health and the whole body. You will notice that as people grow old they experience memory loss, and the most advanced memory loss problems are closely related to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. According to recent research, there could be a possibility that CBD has neuroprotective properties that could be beneficial for the treatment of other elements that cause Alzheimer’s disease. Now, that is a reason to smile about the many powers of CBD.
Depending on your purpose, CBD oil can be used to improve the whole body, to relieve pain, stress, and anxiety or to enhance the skin quality. For improving the skin, topical creams and serums can be the best to get effective results.
What Exactly Does CBD Do to Aging Skin?
Your skin acts as a defense or barrier against the innermost parts of your body against harmful organisms and pollutants. It also covers the largest part of the human body and therefore has very many cannabinoid receptors and all these entire receptors combine to make the human endocannabinoid system which is associated with regulation of some crucial body functions and responses such as reproduction, pain, mood, appetite, sleep, inflammation, and immunity. The system also regulates sebum generation which is concerned with oil production that coats the skin.
Since Cannabinoid has the same receptors as our body when used it responds effectively to inflammation that may have occurred to any part of our body. This is the reason why CBD has been used to reduce chronic pains especially to cancer patients, help address anxiety and stress issues, and also assist the misery of insomnia.
The more we age, the more the skin gets dry, delicate, less firm, and thinner. This is because levels of collagen production decrease in the body. Collagen is what makes our skin look healthy and plump because it is involved in repairing skin tissues and speeds the growth of new cells. It is also concerned with providing firmness and elasticity to the skin tissues which gives the skin a firmer look. CBD may be your solution to avoid injections and doctor’s appointments. According to dermatologists, Cannabinoid like CBD may improve collagen production levels.
Fine lines which later turn into deep wrinkles develop with time since the skin loses its elasticity and firmness. What happens is that free radicals which are unstable molecules within the body build up and cause damage to the skin tissues and cellular level. CBD as a powerful antioxidant fights these free radicals by stabilizing them thus preventing damage to the skin and reducing visible signs of aging.
CBD anti-aging creams will be perfect to help you defy signs of aging, diminish skin dullness, and uneven skin tone. CBD is multifunctional and using CBD skincare will be a step closer towards achieving a supple skin. No wonder, celebs like Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Aniston aren’t shy about their love for using CBD products.
Aging makes the skin to be dry accelerating visible signs of aging. Sebum which is an oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin provides an oily coat that is dense and deters loss of moisture therefore hydrating the skin making it healthier, natural, and glowy. When under produced it can cause fine lines and deep wrinkles and when produced in excessive quantities, it clogs the pores and leads to acne and other skin problems.
When absorbed by the skin, CBD has a way of regulating sebum production due to its balancing effect on the flow of skin’s oil. It will therefore not only help alleviate acne problems but also deter moisture loss from the skin hence rejuvenating it.
Did you know CBD oils contain nourishing skin nutrients like Omega acids? It is considered a balanced oil since it contains essential fatty acids that are Omega 6(linoleic acid) and Omega 3(linolenic acid). These two amazing acids are known to act as super villains against signs of aging. They have shown to work on the phospholipid bilayer which helps hold water, offering moisturizing effects that help the skin remain plump, radiant, and youthful.
Final Thoughts about CBD.
So far so good, CBD is a whole package that has many advantages that comes with it. Best thing about CBD is that it can be used by senior citizens and young people. It is ideal for all skin colors and types depending on the purpose you want to achieve.
The rewards that come with CBD skincare products will reverse back the signs of aging and also promote a sense of calmness and wellbeing. Whether infused as an ingredient into anti-aging creams, moisturizers, facemasks, or serums, it is a bold move to invest in a good CBD skincare brand like Allueur and leap the benefits of having a subtle, firm and youthful skin. Try CBD products today for your skin and wait for amazing results.
The post Benefits of CBD for Aging Skin. appeared first on Hemp Life Mag.
source https://hemplifemag.com/benefits-of-cbd-for-aging-skin/ source https://nextgoodthingblog.tumblr.com/post/627500479275991040
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nextgoodthingblog · 4 years
Benefits of CBD for Aging Skin.
In the US alone, the hemp industry is estimated to be worth 9.5 billion dollars. CBD industry hasn’t been left behind as its fame keeps rising every day and up to now it’s is leaping so many profits.
Though marketed as one product, CBD and hemp seed oil are two different products. It should be noted that hemp seed oil is extracted from hemp seeds and contains other important skin-friendly ingredients such as antioxidants and fatty acids but doesn’t contain CBD. On the other hand, CBD oil contains high concentrations of cannabinoid which is a compound that research says has an array of benefits that comes along with its uses.
Cannabinoid commonly known as CBD has become a household name and everyone’s favorite skincare product contains CBD. Extracted from the cannabis plant, CBD has been used as an ingredient in a variety of products ranging from sunscreens, moisturizers, lip balms, sunscreens to edibles. Because it offers medical benefits to the human body, it has also become a secret ingredient of many things today.
Will CBD Get You High?
This is the frequently asked question that you will get from the first time users of CBD. The answer is NO! Even the World Health Organization reassures that CBD is harmless and non-toxic. CBD derived from the hemp plant, cannot make you high because it doesn’t contain THC a psychoactive compound that gets people high.
Most states that have legalized the use of CBD have put strict measures by ensuring that any product that contains CBD or hemp oil doesn’t have traces of THC and if there is it should be less than 0.3%.
What does CBD contain?
CBD is mainly derived from the leaves, stalks, and flowers of the cannabis plant. It can be full spectrum or whole-plant meaning that it contains all available compounds and also traces of THC. Broad-spectrum contains all compounds but no traces of THC. If the ultimate goal is to extract broad-spectrum CBD, the CO2 extraction process is used since it is the best and environment friendly.
CBD isolate is another term that you might come across, which implies that there is no other ingredient added. It is a crystalline powder and considered the purest and high potent form of CBD. It is tasteless and odorless and contains no THC. CBD also contains Flavonoids which are similarly present in vegetables and fruits and help fight against diseases. Terpenes found in CBD have been linked to health-boosting benefits as well as providing unique aroma and flavor.
To source out plentiful benefits, most companies that are tapping into this growing market of CBD prefer the broad spectrum. This allows the companies to have strong selections of high-quality CBD products that are not only effective but also safe for use. Companies have also invested in sourcing organically grown hemp which is free from pesticides. Pesticides are deadly and if they can be traced in the final product, when absorbed by the skin they can enter the bloodstream and cause grievous health effects to the user.
It has been discovered that some brands use low-quality raw materials and small amounts of CBD therefore misleading many consumers. The next time you shop for CBD products, it is wise to look at the ingredients list before purchasing any product. On labels, you can identify CBD as hemp CBD and phytocannabinoid-rich hemp oil. Buy from a trusted brand like Allueur.com, a reputable company that provides high-quality CBD skincare products, CBD oil, and even tinctures.
Can CBD Help Other Aging problems?
First time CBD users frequently ask this question before using any CBD product. Growing old is a natural process that we can’t escape from and as we age, our skins sag and form creases and wrinkles that make us look old.
It is a blessing to grow old, and it’s okay but what many people desire is to age gracefully. Aging can also be accelerated by a number of factors that include, exposure to damaging UV rays, skin problems, air pollution, an illness that affects your health, to mention just but a few.
Aging comes with many drastic changes especially to our health and the whole body. You will notice that as people grow old they experience memory loss, and the most advanced memory loss problems are closely related to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. According to recent research, there could be a possibility that CBD has neuroprotective properties that could be beneficial for the treatment of other elements that cause Alzheimer’s disease. Now, that is a reason to smile about the many powers of CBD.
Depending on your purpose, CBD oil can be used to improve the whole body, to relieve pain, stress, and anxiety or to enhance the skin quality. For improving the skin, topical creams and serums can be the best to get effective results.
What Exactly Does CBD Do to Aging Skin?
Your skin acts as a defense or barrier against the innermost parts of your body against harmful organisms and pollutants. It also covers the largest part of the human body and therefore has very many cannabinoid receptors and all these entire receptors combine to make the human endocannabinoid system which is associated with regulation of some crucial body functions and responses such as reproduction, pain, mood, appetite, sleep, inflammation, and immunity. The system also regulates sebum generation which is concerned with oil production that coats the skin.
Since Cannabinoid has the same receptors as our body when used it responds effectively to inflammation that may have occurred to any part of our body. This is the reason why CBD has been used to reduce chronic pains especially to cancer patients, help address anxiety and stress issues, and also assist the misery of insomnia.
The more we age, the more the skin gets dry, delicate, less firm, and thinner. This is because levels of collagen production decrease in the body. Collagen is what makes our skin look healthy and plump because it is involved in repairing skin tissues and speeds the growth of new cells. It is also concerned with providing firmness and elasticity to the skin tissues which gives the skin a firmer look. CBD may be your solution to avoid injections and doctor’s appointments. According to dermatologists, Cannabinoid like CBD may improve collagen production levels.
Fine lines which later turn into deep wrinkles develop with time since the skin loses its elasticity and firmness. What happens is that free radicals which are unstable molecules within the body build up and cause damage to the skin tissues and cellular level. CBD as a powerful antioxidant fights these free radicals by stabilizing them thus preventing damage to the skin and reducing visible signs of aging.
CBD anti-aging creams will be perfect to help you defy signs of aging, diminish skin dullness, and uneven skin tone. CBD is multifunctional and using CBD skincare will be a step closer towards achieving a supple skin. No wonder, celebs like Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Aniston aren’t shy about their love for using CBD products.
Aging makes the skin to be dry accelerating visible signs of aging. Sebum which is an oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin provides an oily coat that is dense and deters loss of moisture therefore hydrating the skin making it healthier, natural, and glowy. When under produced it can cause fine lines and deep wrinkles and when produced in excessive quantities, it clogs the pores and leads to acne and other skin problems.
When absorbed by the skin, CBD has a way of regulating sebum production due to its balancing effect on the flow of skin’s oil. It will therefore not only help alleviate acne problems but also deter moisture loss from the skin hence rejuvenating it.
Did you know CBD oils contain nourishing skin nutrients like Omega acids? It is considered a balanced oil since it contains essential fatty acids that are Omega 6(linoleic acid) and Omega 3(linolenic acid). These two amazing acids are known to act as super villains against signs of aging. They have shown to work on the phospholipid bilayer which helps hold water, offering moisturizing effects that help the skin remain plump, radiant, and youthful.
Final Thoughts about CBD.
So far so good, CBD is a whole package that has many advantages that comes with it. Best thing about CBD is that it can be used by senior citizens and young people. It is ideal for all skin colors and types depending on the purpose you want to achieve.
The rewards that come with CBD skincare products will reverse back the signs of aging and also promote a sense of calmness and wellbeing. Whether infused as an ingredient into anti-aging creams, moisturizers, facemasks, or serums, it is a bold move to invest in a good CBD skincare brand like Allueur and leap the benefits of having a subtle, firm and youthful skin. Try CBD products today for your skin and wait for amazing results.
The post Benefits of CBD for Aging Skin. appeared first on Hemp Life Mag.
source https://hemplifemag.com/benefits-of-cbd-for-aging-skin/
0 notes
wikitopx · 5 years
In spite of historic Hollywood restaurants, myriad entertainment venues and symbolic significance as the glitzy and glamorous entertainment capital of the world, Hollywood has seen some good and bad times as an area over the previous century.
But now the swath of Los Angeles that spans from Western Avenue on the east to North Fairfax on the west is experiencing a new culinary revival. The neighborhood's oldest hangouts are cherished with a new appreciation for nostalgia, while brand-new spots emulate the old with fresher, more innovative flavors. All the while, L.A.'s most celebrated chefs continue to keep the bar high with some of the nation's best restaurants right here in Hollywood.
Here are our top 10 best restaurants in Hollywood.
The only thing fussed over more than the guests at Providence is the fish. Chef Michael Cimarusti’s obsession with sourcing the highest quality, most sustainable seafood is obvious in every bite. He cherishes each piece, using gentle cooking techniques that coax the flesh, leaving melt-in-your mouth texture along with revelatory flavor combinations. Co-owner Donato Poto glides through the dining room overseeing the attentive service team. When the time comes, he gracefully prepares tableside Santa Barbara prawns. After many courses of Cimarusti’s creations, a serious-faced fromagier pushes a large, glass-enclosed cheese cart in front of you. Desserts are whimsical and live up to everything that came before.
2. Gwen
Brothers Luke and Curtis Stone’s glimmering luxury meat haven on Sunset Boulevard proves once again that chef Curtis does not rest on the laurels of his celeb status. The in-house butcher shop coexists with a lavish dining room where guests can see meat carcasses hanging in clear view. The slightly more appealing spectacle at Gwen is Curtis Stone himself. The tall Aussie can be seen preparing the five-course tasting menus in an open kitchen, often sporting barbecue goggles on his head. Several menu items are cooked over an open flame, giving the room a wonderfully smoky smell that adds extra anticipation to the restaurant's main draw: meat.
3. Musso and Frank
While many newer establishments attempt to emulate vintage Hollywood glamour, Musso and Frank actually embodies it. Opened on Hollywood Boulevard in 1919, the wood-paneled, leather booth–lined restaurant has been feeding movie stars, locals and tourists for almost a century. Fortunately not much has changed in that time. And though actually ordering throw-back menu items such as grilled lamb kidneys with bacon, calf’s liver steak or a smoked tongue sandwich would be only for the novelty of it, other classics like gooey Welsh rarebit, lobster thermidor and a variety of steaks and chops are safe bets. Nothing beats drinking a well-stirred martini while nestled in a cozy booth where Humphrey Bogart likely once sat.
4. Papilles
In a small storefront inside a strip mall near the 101 Freeway, chef Jordan Rosas prepares locally sourced vegetables from local farmers like Weiser and Flora Bella in an open kitchen. Rosas, who worked previously at Thomas Keller’s Bouchon and Marcel Vigneron’s Wolf, recently took over for chef Tim Carey, who is now at Lost at Sea in Pasadena. The menu format at Papilles matches the bistro’s interior: small and simple yet thoughtful and refined. The regularly changing, seasonal three-course prix fixe offers first-course starters such as carrot ginger velouté or romanesco salad and heartier mains like braised beef cheeks or a pork loin with sweet potatoes. At $38 per person, it is a steal. And just when the little unlikely bistro couldn’t seem any more charming, Santos Uy’s selection of natural old-world wines validates the meaning of the restaurant’s French name: tastebuds.
5. Hungry Cat
The Hungry Cat’s location in the heart of Hollywood, a stone’s throw from the ArcLight Cinemas, has made it an ideal pre-movie dinner spot for the 11-plus years since it opened. But after imbibing any of its farmers market–inspired cocktails and tasting chef David Lentz’s locally sourced, seasonal seafood creations, moviegoers are likely to forgo any screening for another round of local beer, kumquatinis and oysters. The Hungry Cat is a destination on its own. Lentz’s Maryland roots shine through in towering, multitiered platters of shellfish such as clams, marinated mussels, shrimp, snow crab and lobster. Dishes such as whole grilled orata with sunchoke purée, chanterelles and salsa verde are hard to forget, and the clam chowder is easily the best in town.
6. Paley
Paley, the shiny restaurant on Hollywood Boulevard in the new Columbus Square complex, aims to channel the Gilded Age of Hollywood with its midcentury-inspired dining room and serious service. It succeeds at channeling Old Hollywood without actually being old. Despite the traditional menu format, starters such as hamachi crudo and mains like king crab and Santa Barbara uni spaghetti with saffron and chives exhibit modern flair. With its lavish interior and welcoming bar, Paley is versatile as both a special-occasion destination and a casual meet-for-a-drink spot. It's open for lunch and dinner along with brunch on the weekends.
7. Baroo
At Baroo, the strange little fermentation-centric restaurant in a rundown strip mall, there is no table service and no alcohol. But we don’t go there for that. We go to Baroo because noorook, a bright pink koji beet cream risottolike plate of fermented grains, has a wonderfully chewy texture. We go there for faux oxtail “ragu” pasta that makes actual oxtail ragu seem unnecessary. Chef Kwang Uh (who interned with René Redzepi at Noma) has made Baroo famous with his esoteric process and fascinating food. Though Uh has left for Korea for a few months while co-owner Matthew Kim takes over, Baroo is as worthy of a visit as ever.
8. Petit Trois
Peruse the menu at Petit Trois and you’ll see some traditional French bistro fare: escargot, steak tartare, a croque madame, steak frites. It’s the kind of simple food that would seem unexciting if Ludo Lefebvre weren’t cooking it. It’s not that Lefebvre is doing anything imaginative with the omelette or French onion soup at the tiny strip mall, counter seating–only bistro. It’s that he’s doing the classics in the way only a true French chef who trained with the best in France and Los Angeles can do: perfectly.
9. Trois Mec
Have we tired of Trois Mec? Has the novelty of eating in a tiny room behind the guise of a Raffalo’s Pizza sign worn off? Does the food seem less thrilling, the concept less fresh? Not a bit. If anything, recent meals have been more exciting and more innovative than when Ludo Lefebvre, Jon Shook and Vinny Dotolo first won our hearts three years ago with their weird experiment of a restaurant. Over five glorious courses, you’re likely to find delicious oddities such as brightly acidic beet tartare with horseradish crème fraiche and a wedge of latke-like potato pancake, or tender chunks of bay scallop and foie gras swimming in a matsutake mushroom and miso broth that’s flecked with pickled sunchoke and hazelnut oil. With almost every dish, a new discovery is made, taste itself feels new and vibrant again. The experience will cost you around $100 per individual, including duty and tip (purchased early as a nonrefundable ticket), the music will be noisy, there are no menu choices. Which still feels as vital and riveting as it did from the get-go. —Besha Rodell
10. Salt's Cure
Since making the switch to a daily breakfast-lunch-and-dinner routine, Salt’s Cure has become a glorious model for the next-generation diner, a small, all-day operation that serves as a sunny spot where you can meet over some of the city’s best oatmeal pancakes, or indulge in the simple but stunning smoked fish on toast (smoked in-house, of course). There’s a killer burger at lunch, or a classic chopped salad, and the vibe is laid-back and friendly — just what you hope for in a neighborhood hangout. At night things turn a little more serious, with big hunks of meat (all animals are bought whole from local farmers and butchered in-house), or beautifully cooked fish prepared simply and thoughtfully. The space is barely more than a room with a kitchen in its center, and eating here can feel like strolling into someone’s storefront living space. But order a glass of odd wine, look to the blackboard for guidance, and know that just about anything you order will be better than you imagined. —B.R.
Recommend: Top 10 best restaurants in Cape Cod
From : https://wikitopx.com/food/top-10-best-restaurants-in-hollywood-700309.html
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Courteney Cox Celebrates Her 55th Birthday With A Greatest 'Associates' Reunion!
http://tinyurl.com/y6npdcj7 What a enjoyable birthday reunion for Courteney Cox!!! The previous Associates star determined to have an epic present reunion to have fun her 55th birthday on Saturday night time, and so she hosted a dinner alongside together with her two feminine besties from the present, Jennifer Aniston and Lisa Kudrow! Related: Lisa Kudrow Felt Like ‘A Mountain’ Next To Her ‘Friends’ Co-Stars??? Fortunately, the three weren’t shy about sharing photographs of their enjoyable time collectively, both, and so we all know the trio — and the entire different birthday visitors, which included a number of different big-time celebs — clearly had a really enjoyable night time on Saturday celebrating a milestone quantity in Cox’s life!!! Ch-ch-check out all the good pics from this epic Associates reunion (under): Awww! There they’re, y’all! Such an amazing trio of sitcom legends and humorous ladies… they usually’ve all aged so gracefully! Can’t get sufficient of it!! The 50-year-old Aniston doesn’t have Instagram, after all, however the 55-year-old Kudrow — who performed the ever-popular Phoebe for therefore a few years on the hit TV sitcom — did share her personal particular tribute to Cox on her Instagram account, too… and it’s humorous! Ch-ch-check out what Kudrow needed to say (and the pic she needed to share!) to have fun her pricey buddy and fellow 55-year-old sitcom star (under): Awww! Too humorous — not older by a lot, however all the time older!! Related: Jennifer Aniston Makes It Official — She WOULD Do A ‘Friends’ Reunion! It wasn’t simply Cox’s Associates mates on the social gathering, although — different celebs like David Spade have been there, they usually have been fast to have fun the large five-five for the birthday woman as effectively! Here’s what Spade needed to share with the group on his personal Insta web page (under): Enjoyable!!!! Based on reviews, nonetheless different visitors included Sara Foster, Mary McCormack, and jewellery designer Jen Meyer — the latter of whom shared her personal enjoyable pic with Kudrow, Cox, Aniston, and the bigger group as an entire (under): Appears like a lot enjoyable was had by all! And a profitable 55th birthday celebration for Cox, certainly!!! It’s one thing to be mentioned how these mates have maintained such good friendships even after Associates ended its ten-year run again in 2004… gotta noticed we’re loving it! Related: Brad Pitt Responds Perfectly When Asked About Getting Back With Jennifer Aniston What about you, Perezcious readers?! Any reactions to seeing Cox, Aniston, and Kudrow all doing their factor collectively once more — older, wiser, however simply as lovely and comfortable as ever?? Sound OFF with all of your opinions and Associates takes within the remark part (under)!!! [Picture through Instagram] Source link
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takenews-blog1 · 7 years
Nerdy Actors That Turned Out To Be Complete Heartthrobs
New Post has been published on https://takenews.net/nerdy-actors-that-turned-out-to-be-complete-heartthrobs/
Nerdy Actors That Turned Out To Be Complete Heartthrobs
There are many actors who’ve gained recognition as children and youths by taking part in nerdy, dorky, or simply throughout unfavorable characters. Though these iconic dweebs and goofballs are what put these celebs on the radar, you’ll see that they’ve ditched the poofy hair, thick glasses, and awkward pre-teen our bodies and grown into seductive grownup heartthrobs. Simply wait till you see which Harry Potter star was the least anticipated to develop up and turn into one of many hottest actors available on the market!
Frank Trapper/Corbis through Getty Pictures (left), Frazer Harrison/Getty Pictures (proper)
Earlier than she was Melinda Gordon on Ghost Whisperer, Jennifer Love Hewitt was on Disney Channel’s Children Integrated on the age of ten. Hewitt has been performing all through her childhood however didn’t get her break till then. Because the premiere selection present on Disney Channel all through the early ’90s, you may wager that Hewitt needed to play some dorky roles, particularly as she neared her awkward preteen years. However after she left, she went on to star in I Know What You Did Final Summer season and have her personal previously-mentioned present, however one factor’s for positive she has actually emerged into her gorgeous seems inside that point!
Ron Galella, Ltd./WireImage through Getty Pictures (left), George Pimentel/Getty Pictures for Sundance Movie Pageant (proper)
We had been launched to Paul Rudd when he performed Josh within the 1995 movie Clueless, the place he was the ex-stepbrother of Cher, performed by Alicia Silverstone. Josh was a bookish faculty child who was at odds together with his air-headed ex-step-sister. After Clueless, Rudd typically took on homely, awkward man roles in Associates and plenty of Judd Apatow-produced comedies corresponding to Anchorman and Knocked Up. Nevertheless, he actually was thought of a hunk after debuting as Marvel superhero Ant-Man within the 2015 movie Ant-Man, securing a spot within the Marvel superhero lineup.
Dave Hogan/Getty Pictures (left), Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Pictures (proper)
Emma Watson gained worldwide stardom at age 11 when she made her movie debut as Hermoine Granger in Harry Potter and the Thinker’s Stone. At that time, she was the frizzy-haired buddy of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, who took her research at Hogwarts arguably extra severe than the boys. She assumed the position for an additional ten years and over these ten years, the world watched Watson develop into the gorgeous lady that she is at this time. She has continued to behave for the reason that conclusion of the Harry Potter movies and has made a reputation for herself as a staunch feminist other than her performing. Emma has blossomed superbly, however quickly you’ll see which of her Harry Potter cohorts had the perfect ugly duckling transition on this checklist!
Frank Trapper/Corbis through Getty Pictures (left), Frazer Harrison/Getty Pictures (proper)
Joseph Gordon-Levitt rose to recognition as a child on the ’90s sitcom third Rock from the Solar, by which he performed Tommy Solomon, an ages-old extraterrestrial Informations Officer caught in a pubescent boy’s physique on Earth. We watched as he went by way of puberty on the present and boy, was this transition awkward. Gordon-Levitt made a reputation for himself within the new millennium after starring within the nerdy lead position of Tom Hansen in (500) Days of Summer season and since then has been the delicate heartthrob of many teenage ladies, particularly after taking over extra severe roles in Inception and The Darkish Knight Rises.
Barry Sutton/Fotos Worldwide/Getty Pictures (left), Gregg DeGuire/WireImage through Getty Pictures (proper)
You would possibly bear in mind Danica McKellar as Gwendolyn “Winnie” Cooper from The Marvel Years, which she performed for 5 years all through the late ’80s and early ’90s. She was firstly of her teenagers when she started taking part in the girl-next-door with these iconic cat-eye glasses on the present however sadly discovered it laborious to transition into grownup roles after it ended. Nevertheless, one would possibly say that she was slightly nerdy and stayed that approach—and we imply that in a great way! As an grownup, McKellar went to school and obtained her Bachelor’s diploma in arithmetic from UCLA.
Thos Robinson/Getty Pictures (left), George Pimentel/WireImage through Getty Pictures (proper)
Does anybody bear in mind Harry Potter’s Neville Longbottom? The chubby, bumbling sorcerer-in-training made pals with Harry, Ron, and Hermoine once they began faculty at Hogwarts. Matthew Lewis performed Neville Longbottom for the entire Harry Potter movies and nobody anticipated him to develop up fairly like this! Lewis was solely 11 years previous when he began the position and everybody can inform that puberty actually paid off for him! When he debuted his new slender and smoldering look, followers of the franchise might hardly consider they had been wanting on the similar man who was launched within the movie as somebody who was getting bullied. Wait till you see what different British actor obtained horny and stole our hearts!
Kevin Winter/Getty Pictures (left), Christopher Polk/Getty Pictures for MTV (proper)
Zac Efron was only a teen when he had a small recurring position on the short-lived WB sequence Summerland till he turned one of many breakout stars of the Disney Channel Authentic Film Excessive College Musical, which premiered in 2006. Because the lead actor of the movie, he captured many tween hearts together with his Bieber-esque haircut earlier than Justin Beiber was even well-known (the shaggy bowl lower was a factor again then, okay?). However when off the digital camera, Zac typically had his hair unkempt and a horrible sense of fashion. Quick ahead to at this time and also you’ll see that Zac has actually grown into his masculinity! Along with his sculpted physique and clear lower hair (lastly!), he can now make all ladies sweat if he walked right into a room.
Arun Nevader/FilmMagic through Getty Pictures (left), Jamie McCarthy/Getty Pictures (proper)
Josh Hutcherson is a baby actor who lent his voice to The Polar Specific and had commendable performances in Kicking & Screaming and Little Manhattan, however his breakout position as an actor was in 2007’s Bridge to Terabithia. For those who’ve seen Hutcherson in any films throughout the early 2000s, you then’ve actually seen him throughout his awkward pre-teen years. However come 2011, his profession hit one other main breakthrough when he landed the position of Peeta Mellark in The Starvation Video games movies. By this time, he has grown up significantly and because the lead in a serious franchise, has turn into one of many hottest stars at this time.
J. Vespa/WireImage through Getty Pictures (left), Rick Kern/WireImage through Getty Pictures (proper)
You recognize Josh Peck as a Nickelodeon star from the late ’90s and early 2000s period when he obtained his begin on The Amanda Present. However his breakout position got here because the titular co-star of the sitcom Drake & Josh, the place he performed the nerdy and “uncool” brother Josh Nichols. Again then, Josh was significantly bigger in measurement and started shedding pounds within the later seasons of the present, saying he was making a acutely aware effort to stay more healthy. The general public hasn’t seen an excessive amount of of Josh after the present ended, however when the 2010’s got here round, the world discovered that each one of Josh Peck’s well being consciousness has actually paid off! Like Josh, this British actor began out in a goofy position however grew as much as increase some eyebrows.
NBC/Getty Pictures (left), Jason Merritt/Getty Pictures for Artwork of Elysium (proper)
Zach Braff is finest identified for his position as John “J.D.” Dorian on the hit sitcom Scrubs. As the principle protagonist of the present, we’ve seen Braff’s character by way of all his daydreams and dork misadventures whereas working his approach up the rungs on the fictional Sacred Coronary heart Hospital. Apart from 2007’s Backyard State, we haven’t seen a lot of Braff on-screen, however that’s in all probability largely on account of the truth that Braff prefers to do should of his work behind the digital camera. Catch a glimpse of Braff now and see that he’s now not the happy-go-lucky “scrub” he as soon as was!
Fotos Worldwide/Archive Photographs/Getty Pictures (left), Leon Bennett/Getty Pictures for Kershaw’s Problem (proper)
Jaleel White has in all probability performed the nerd of all nerds throughout tv historical past. White appeared on the 1990s sitcom Household Issues as Steve Urkel, the nasal-voiced, annoying next-door-neighbor of the Winslows that the present centered on, however it was clear that Urkel was essentially the most iconic character. As a result of it was his hottest position, White had bother discovering work after the present ended, however took on small visitor appearances on exhibits and flicks over time. In 2017, he co-stars on CBS’s Me, Myself & I the place you may see he’s growing older gracefully.
Mike Marsland/WireImage through Getty Pictures (left), Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic through Getty Pictures (proper)
For those who’ve ever watched the British teen drama Skins, you then’ve seen Dev Patel as Anwar Kharral, a Pakistani Muslim teenager who was loosely primarily based off Patel’s personal character after he was forged. Patel’s breakout position and introduction to international audiences got here when he was forged because the lead in 2008’s Slumdog Millionaire as Jamal Malik, a down-and-out Indian teen whose unbelievable journey to India’s Who Need’s to Be a Millionaire? Quick ahead to 2016 and you’ll see Patel in his newest movie Lion for which he was given an Oscar nomination. There’s one other Oscar-nominated actor arising that you just wouldn’t have anticipated to be on this checklist!
Jeff Vespa/WireImage through Getty Pictures (left and proper)
Donald Glover humbly obtained his begin in tv as a author for NBC’s 30 Rock, throughout which era he additionally turned a member of the sketch comedy group Derrick Comedy with whom he starred in Thriller Crew. He gained extra recognition after showing on NBC’s Group the place he performed Troy Barnes, a jock who begins to embrace his nerdy aspect. Glover additionally started a rap profession as Infantile Gambino, which many individuals consider is the rationale he was finally written off Group. He reemerged in tv in 2016 with Atlanta, for which he gained two Emmy’s for guiding and starring within the present.
Hal Horowitz/WireImage for Blender Journal through Getty Pictures (left), Jason Merritt/Getty Pictures (proper)
Funnyman Aziz Ansari is probably finest identified for his position as Tom Haverford on NBC’s Parks and Recreation. Certain, Tom’s flashy and materialistic character isn’t what you concentrate on in the case of nerds or awkward sorts, however the position was actually on the verge of typecasting Ansari for good. Nevertheless, Ansari proved his performing and writing abilities when he created Grasp of None for Netflix. Ansari performs Dev Shah, a forlorn business actor who navigates several types of relationships as he enters his thirties. Individuals in all probability didn’t see him in a really enticing gentle on account of his position as Tom Haverford, however he actually can change your thoughts when you watch Grasp of None.
Ron Galella/WireImage through Getty Pictures (left), Evan Agostini/Getty Pictures (proper)
Anne Hathaway made her movie debut considerably as a nerd when she performed Mia Thermopolis within the 2001 film The Princess Diaries. Initially of the movie, Mia is ridiculed by the favored children at college as a result of she is the last word nerd, with frizzy hair and outsized glasses besides. That every one modifications when she discovers she is definitely a princess and naturally she will get a makeover. It turned out that Anne Hathaway naturally seems like Mia post-makeover and she or he has solely continued to stun the general public together with her ravishing seems in loads of different movies since then. Developing now we have one other actor who starred alongside Hathway in The Darkish Knight Rises.
Columbia Photos/Getty Pictures (left), Neilson Barnard/Getty Pictures for Tommy Hilfiger (proper)
Actor Jerry O’Connell was simply 11 years previous when he starred in his first function movie, 1987’s Stand by Me, the place he performed Vern Tessio, the obese, shy buddy out of a bunch of youngsters who go into the mountains to seek for a useless physique. All through his life after Stand by Me, O’Connell by no means appeared to decelerate with films corresponding to Jerry Maguire, Mission to Mars, Kangaroo Jack, and a plethora of tv roles. Oh, and puberty has actually completed wonders for this actor as you may see that he clearly shed his child fats.
Warner Brothers/Getty Pictures (left), Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Pictures for CNN (proper)
Neil Patrick Harris is finest identified for his position as Barney Stinson on How I Met Your Mom, the place he portrays essentially the most conniving womanizer in all of New York Metropolis, however don’t be mistaken—Harris isn’t any stranger to taking part in the nerdy roles. He was only a younger teen within the image above when he starred in Clara’s Hart, which earned him a Golden Globe nomination, and subsequently went on to his second-best-known position, baby physician Doogie Howser, which gained him one other Golden Globe nomination. As a hardworking performer, Harris continues to look on TV, in films, and on stage.
Sundown Boulevard/Corbis through Getty Pictures (left), Vera Anderson/WireImage through Getty Pictures (proper)
Christian Bale is probably finest identified for his position as Batman within the Christopher Nolan-directed Batman trilogy however has confirmed his performing chops with different movies corresponding to American Psycho, The Fighter, and American Hustle. However do you bear in mind Bale’s precise movie debut? He was solely 13 years previous when he starred in Steven Spielberg’s Empire of the Solar the place he performed Jamie Graham, a boy who turns into a prisoner of battle throughout World Battle II. Bale was extremely praised for his efficiency at such a younger age and we’re positive at the moment nobody suspected he’d turn into the stud he’s at this time. The identical will be mentioned a few sure actor/singer who’s arising—simply wait till you see his hair!
Michael Schwartz/New York Put up Archives / (c) NYP Holdings, Inc. through Getty Pictures (left), Rob Kim/FilmMagic through Getty Pictures (proper)
Patrick Dempsey made his movie debut in 1987’s Within the Temper, the place he performed Ellsworth Wisecarver, a teen from the 1940s who was typically caught up with the legislation for working away with older ladies. Regardless of the position, Dempsey didn’t seem like a lot of a looker again then or at the least appeared slightly dorky, in our opinion. However actually, Dempsey has grown as much as be one of many sexiest actors at this time having acted in Candy House Alabama and Valentine’s Day. However he’s presently finest identified for enjoying Dr. Derek Shepherd on Gray’s Anatomy. They don’t name him McDreamy for nothing.
Jean-Paul Aussenard/WireImage through Getty Pictures (left), Larry Busacca/Getty Pictures (proper)
Michael Cera’s earliest best-known position is that of George Michael Bluth on Fox’s Arrested Growth. Cera performed a timid, awkward teen in a household of overbearing personalities. It appears that evidently the persona works nicely for Cera since he type of turned typecast in these sorts of roles in a lot of the films that he’s identified for (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Superbad, Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist). After all, that’s what the women love him for these days and he has at the least grown into his cherubic face as he has gotten older.
Paul Natkin/WireImage through Getty Pictures (left), Jason Merritt/Getty Pictures (proper)
Okay, so honestly, John Mayer isn’t an actor however he has appeared on tv! He’s visitor starred on exhibits corresponding to CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, however after all he was taking part in his personal music. Nonetheless, it’s obtained to depend for one thing, proper? Both approach, we couldn’t have a listing of celebrities who’ve gone from nerdy to heartthrob and never embrace John Mayer. Simply have a look at his image on the left! He seems removed from the guitar-playing swoon-worthy singer he’s at this time. However quickly you’ll see what different singer-turned-actor has made this checklist and belief us once we say that Mayer’s transformation can not even evaluate.
Fotos Worldwide/Getty Pictures (left), Daniel Zuchnik/WireImage through Getty Pictures (proper)
Do you bear in mind DJ Tanner from Full Home? Certain you do! These days DJ is all grown up and she or he is now not a Tanner, however the truth is, she is a Fuller on Fuller Home. Candace Cameron-Bure performed DJ Tanner within the early ’90s and reprised the position in 2016 when Netflix revived the beloved sitcom with a spin-off referred to as Fuller Home. It seems that Cameron-Bure has actually ditched the ’90s wardrobe and large ’80s hair and has grown as much as turn into an extremely gorgeous lady! Not unhealthy for a mom of three!
Michael Bezjian/WireImage through Getty Pictures (left), Mike Coppola/Getty Pictures for NBC (left)
Aubrey Plaza’s hottest performing position is that of April Ludgate on NBC’s Parks and Recreation. Her deadpan supply and stoic demeanor have earned her a whole lot of reward which actually goes to indicate how nicely Plaza can painting awkward and strange characters. Because the present has ended, Plaza has gone on to different performing initiatives and has apparently cleaned up her look since her early days as an actress. She has a sure radiance when off-camera, however a few of us we’ll all the time see her because the dorky April Ludgate, wouldn’t you agree?
Fred Duval/FilmMagic through Getty Pictures (left), Andreas Rentz/Getty Pictures (proper)
Justin Timberlake rose to fame as a lead member of the late ’90s boy band NSYNC, however earlier than that, he was a baby actor on The New Mickey Mouse Membership. Whereas in NSYNC, Timberlake sported curly blonde hair that usually will get in comparison with High Ramen noodles, which solely made him look dorkier than ever. However since leaving the band and forging a solo profession, Timberlake has turn into an attractive, singing heartthrob who additionally seems within the occasional film or tv present. After showing on SNL, Timberlake typically collaborated with this actor from The Lonely Island, who’s arising!
David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Pictures (left and proper)
Andrew Garfield has been performing since he was a child in British tv with exhibits like Sugar Rush and Physician Who. His breakout position got here when he co-starred in 2010’s The Social Community, the place he performed Eduardo Saverin. The position actually helped Garfield stick his foot within the door of Hollywood as a result of that very same 12 months, he was forged because the lead in The Superb Spiderman, which solely elevated his standing as a heartthrob actor contemplating the bodily modifications he needed to undergo to organize for the position. His later work consists of roles in Hacksaw Ridge, Silence, and 99 Properties.
Ron Galella/WireImage through Getty Pictures (left), Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic (proper)
Mila Kunis is finest identified for her position as Jackie Burkhart on That ’70s Present. She obtained the position when she was simply 14 years previous, mendacity to producers that she was 18 when she auditioned. Because the youngest member of the forged, she was the one one who was in all probability nonetheless going by way of her awkward years. After the present ended, Kunis proved her performing chops with film roles in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Associates with Advantages, and Extract. However maybe one among her higher roles was in Black Swan, for which she was nominated for a Golden Globe.
James Devaney/WireImage through Getty Pictures (left), Albert L. Ortega/Getty Pictures (proper)
Invoice Hader began out on the Second Metropolis within the early 2000’s earlier than he was instantly employed as a featured participant on Satuday Night time Stay in 2005. Hader quickly turned a outstanding determine on the present the place he has confirmed that he can play any sort of character possible, particularly the awkward and dorky form. He has even ventured into movies corresponding to Scorching Rod, Superbad, Pineapple Specific, and The Skeleton Twins. Hader is actually one of many extra underrated actors on this checklist however off digital camera is aware of learn how to shed his nerdy aspect. Developing now we have an actor who starred alongside Hader in Scorching Rod and was additionally a forged member on SNL.
Ron Galella, Ltd./WireImage through Getty Pictures (left), Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Pictures (proper)
Justin Lengthy is certainly an actor who is aware of learn how to go nerdy. Typically forged within the outcast roles with movies corresponding to Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, Accepted, and Herbie: Absolutely Loaded, Lengthy proves on the pink carpet that he shouldn’t be taken severely as a nerd however somewhat as a possible male heartthrob. Though he has taken on roles in films that aren’t fairly as severe, Lengthy is a type of actors that individuals love for his lovely nature. In any case, who higher to be a spokesperson for Apple than Lengthy? If that doesn’t say cool however nerdy, we don’t know what does.
Jeff Vespa/WireImage through Getty Pictures (left), Emma McIntyre/Getty Pictures for Glamour x Tory Burch (proper)
America Ferrera obtained her begin within the Disney Channel unique film Gotta Kick It Up! and in The Sisterhood of the Touring Pants films, earlier than happening to her most notable position as Betty Suarez on ABC’s Ugly Betty. There, she was made as much as look as dorky as they arrive with glasses and braces, a colourful wardrobe, and a physique that usually turned the topic of ridicule. Nicely, after the long-lasting present’s finish, Ferrera took on few performing roles however not too long ago returned to tv in 2015 with NBC’s Superstore. When not in character, you may see that Ferrera is definitely fairly gorgeous.
Gregory Tempo/FilmMagic through Getty Pictures (left),FOX/FOX Assortment/Getty Pictures (proper)
Like Invoice Hader, Andy Samberg rose to prominence as a forged member on SNL the place he typically performed dorky characters, in all probability due to his goofy character off-screen, which his roles in films like Scorching Rod, I Love You, Man, and That’s My Boy solely helped to emphasise. However when he’s not taking part in a personality and simply being Andy Samberg, you may see that the actor actually is aware of learn how to clear up his act – fairly actually. He would possibly even be thought of a women man if he had been taken slightly extra severely! We’re positive that lots of people would have mentioned the identical a few sure baby actor who’s arising quickly!
SGranitz/WireImage through Getty Pictures (left), Frank Hoensch/Redferns through Getty Pictures (proper)
Canadian rapper Drake was credited by his actual identify Aubrey Graham when he was on Degrassi: The Subsequent Era. Drake was solely 15 years previous when he was forged within the position of a teen basketball star who turns into disabled from the waist down, making him wheelchair-bound for a majority of the sequence. After leaving the present in 2007, Drake was already on the helm of his burgeoning rap profession. Quick ahead about ten years later and Drake is now one of the crucial standard rappers within the enterprise with three Grammy’s and 4 triple-platinum data.
David LEFRANC/Gamma-Rapho through Getty Pictures (left), Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic through Getty Pictures (proper)
Hayden Panettiere has been performing since she was simply 11-months-old and shortly went on to have small roles on totally different tv exhibits. Considered one of her most outstanding recurring tv roles was on Malcolm within the Center, the place she performed Jessica, Malcolm’s manipulative next-door-neighbor. On the present, she had glasses and generally extremely frizzy hair, however she would quickly ditch the frumpy ‘do and go on to extra outstanding roles in Ice Princess, Carry It On: All or Nothing, and her hottest position, Claire Bennet on Heroes. Anybody bear in mind “save the cheerleader, save the world?”
Chris Polk/FilmMagic through Getty Pictures (left), Kevin Winter/Getty Pictures (proper)
Twins Dylan and Cole Sprouse made their movie debut sharing the position of five-year-old Julian, the lovely little troublemaker who’s put within the care of Adam Sandler on Massive Daddy. As pre-teens, they had been heavy gamers on Disney Channel with their very own present, The Suite Lifetime of Zack & Cody, by which Dylan performed trouble-making, immature Zack and Cole performed precocious and bookish Cody. After their tenure with Disney Channel, the twins took a break from performing to attend NYU, having graduated in 2015. Since then, Cole has returned to performing and performs Jughead Jones on Riverdale and Dylan is rumored to be doing the identical in indie movies. Developing, now we have one other former Disney star who performed one of many goofiest roles ever!
Ron Galella/WireImage through Getty Pictures (left), Tasia Wells/Getty Pictures (proper)
Jonathan Lipnicki made his movie debut on the age of six in Jerry Maguire, however you would possibly bear in mind him in his hottest position of George Little from Stuart Little, a few boy whose household adopts an anthropomorphic mouse. With a spherical, cherubic face, large glasses, and a darling little smile like that, it appeared that Lipnicki would by no means shed his little-boy picture. He hasn’t even actually been within the highlight since his adolescent roles, though he has continued to behave. However have a look at him within the current day and you will notice that this man has actually grown up.
Evan Agostini/ImageDirect through Getty Pictures (left), Stefanie Keenan/Getty Pictures for Gray Goose Vodka (proper)
Nicholas Hoult was solely 11 years previous when he was forged within the critically-acclaimed 2002 movie A few Boy, for which he was nominated for a Younger Artist Award for Finest Efficiency by a Main Younger Actor in a Function Movie. However nowadays, Hoult is now not a boy. He’s now often called Beast within the present sequence of X-Males movies and is taken into account one of many hottest younger English actors round. Don’t assume that he solely will get credit score for enjoying Beast nowadays both. Hoult can be seen in Mad Max: Fury Highway, Insurgent within the Rye, and The Present Battle.
Albert L. Ortega/WireImage through Getty Pictures (left), Sean Gallup/Getty Pictures for Paramount (proper)
Shia LaBeouf started performing stand-up in comedy golf equipment on the age of ten and finally hit it massive when he was forged within the lead position of Louis Stevens on Disney Channel’s Even Stevens. LaBeouf performed the immature and mischievous Louis to a tee however proved he might tackle extra severe roles when he was forged because the lead in Holes following his departure from the present. As an grownup, LaBeouf was forged in Transformers and his profession solely skyrocketed from there. Regardless of his “artsy” antics and authorized troubles, LaBeouf actually shed his goofy picture and is now a famend actor and efficiency artist. However hold studying to see who was additionally a teen actor concurrently LaBeouf however grew into somebody ten instances hotter!
Scott Wintrow/Getty Pictures (left), Roy Rochlin/Getty Pictures (proper)
Lea Michele has acted on Broadway since she was eight years previous, however it wasn’t till her early 20’s that she made her transition to tv. In 2009, Lea Michelle debuted to most of the people’s tv screens as Rachel Berry on the Fox sitcom Glee. Rachel Berry is an over-achieving, frumpy—albeit extraordinarily proficient—member of McKinley Excessive’s glee membership. Though she was identified for her uptight character for a number of years, Michele has ventured into different performing roles and has confirmed that she is hardly something like Rachel Berry. She can also be identified for her roles on Scream Queens and The Mayor.
J. Vespa/WireImage through Getty Pictures (left), Mark Davis/Getty Pictures (proper)
Admittedly, Zooey Deschanel has a fame for being a bit dorky, however is a dork in essentially the most whimsical and lovely approach—in any case, isn’t that what everybody loves her for? She is hottest for her position as Jessica Day on Fox’s New Woman however will be seen in different performing initiatives from the previous. She can be seen in Elf alongside Will Ferrell, The Hitchhiker’s Information to the Galaxy, and even Virtually Well-known. However maybe one among Deschanel’s different iconic roles is that of Summer season Finn in (500) Days of Summer season.
Gregg DeGuire/WireImage through Getty Pictures (left), Brian Ach/Getty Pictures (proper)
Emma Roberts was identified to tweens of the early 2000s as Addie Singer, the principle character of the Nickelodeon present Unfabulous. She portrayed a daily and generally hapless middle-schooler who was by no means actually thought of the favored child in class. After the short-lived sequence, Roberts went on to pursue extra performing roles, largely in PG films like Aquamarine and Nancy Drew. However Roberts appears to be working laborious to shed her tween-actor picture, particularly by taking over darker roles like these within the American Horror Story sequence. Plus, she’s beginning to look similar to her well-known aunt, Julia Roberts. However we’ve nonetheless but to indicate you the opposite teen actress who performed dorky earlier than Roberts was even on the scene!
Eric Robert/Sygma/Sygma through Getty Pictures (left), Jason Kempin/Getty Pictures for Grownup Swim (proper)
Macaulay Culkin is finest identified for portraying Kevin McAllister within the first and second House Alone films, the place he was forgotten by his household on not one, however two, events. Sheesh! Aside from that, you may catch Culkin in Uncle Buck or Richie Wealthy. Culkin was identified for enjoying hapless characters as a baby however hasn’t acted all through his teenagers and even into his younger maturity, just about staying away from the highlight. He emerged as an grownup in recent times wanting emaciated and gaunt, which induced concern for a lot of. However as of 2017, he’s wanting nicely and is rumored to be returning to performing.
Justin Kahn/WireImage through Getty Pictures (left), Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic through Getty Pictures (proper)
Jason Segel debuted on tv in 1999’s Freaks and Geeks as Nick Andopolis, a form however aimless high-school stoner with ambitions of changing into an expert drummer. It appears that evidently Segel succeeds at portraying bizarre, awkward characters as he’s ceaselessly forged in such roles with movies corresponding to Forgetting Sarah Marshall, I Love You, Man, and Knocked Up. Apart from his dorky roles, Segel additionally proved he can play extra heartwarming and charming roles, particularly from having portrayed Marshall Eriksen on the sitcom How I Met Your Mom for eight seasons. That’s when the women really noticed Segel as somebody who might steal their hearts.
Mark Sullivan/WireImage through Getty Pictures (left), Tasia Wells/Getty Pictures (proper)
We informed you we had one other teen actress who grew up superbly! Danielle Fishel was identified all through the ‘90s as Topanga Lawrence on Boy Meets World. At the beginning of the present, Topanga and her eventual husband Corey Matthews had been at odds since they had been solely pre-teens on the time when she sported massive frizzy hair together with her mental angle. Fishel has been on and off of tv ever since Boy Meets World went off the air, however she made each ‘90s child’s goals come true when she and co-star Ben Savage reprised their roles as Topanga and Corey when Disney Channel rebooted the present with the spin-off Woman Meets World.
Kevin Winter/Getty Pictures (left), Kristy Sparow/Getty Pictures (proper)
Kristen Stewart’s first outstanding position was that of Jodie Foster’s daughter within the 2002 movie Panic Room, however she didn’t turn into a family identify till she starred as Bella Swan in The Twilight Saga films. Ever since then, Stewart has been criticized for her awkward and sometimes-stunted performances, a persona that could be very reflective of how she is when the cameras aren’t rolling. However don’t be mistaken, Stewart truly has some performing chops and makes use of her awkwardness to her benefit. Catch her and her grown-up look in Clouds of Sils Maria, Café Society, and Equals.
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antiagingsol-blog · 7 years
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Anti Aging Skin Care - 7 Tips On Looking Younger
Do you wish to look more youthful? Let's encounter it, nowadays, who doesn ' t? Once it was just celebs as well as those in the public eye who fretted about looking older every person else grew old gracefully! Now 40 is the new 30 and guys in addition to females care about their appearance, there is also a pattern in society to discriminate against the older generation. What can you do to remain looking more youthful? There is no Anti Aging Magic Potion that will remove your creases overnight, but with technique and also a good Anti Aging Skin Care regimen in position you will certainly get on your means to looking more youthful for longer. There are numerous drastic options readily available for anti aging skin like assist you look more youthful, from the conventional cosmetic facelift to infusing chemicals like Botox into the skin to offer a momentary wrinkle smoothing impact. Not everybody agrees, or monetarily able to head to these extremes. So just what can you do on a day to day basis that will aid you feel as well as look more youthful? By following the 7 steps below, you will certainly be on your way to a much more younger look for longer. And remember it is never far too late (or as well very early!) to begin a great anti aging regimen. 7 suggestions on caring for your mind and body: 1. Drink lots of water each day - most physicians suggest 7 to 10 glasses a day. Water clears out toxic substances, keeping your body as well as skin clean. Additionally your skin will look clearer as well as plumper if it is not completely dry. Most definitely the primary step for "anti aging skin care " to look more youthful. 2. Eat a healthy balanced diet, include something from all the significant food groups every day in your diet regimen. Eat lots of fibre as well as fresh vegetables and fruit. The UK federal government recommends five portions of fruit and vegetables are eaten daily, nevertheless this ought to be the minimum quantity you eat. Vegetables and fruit consist of several essential vitamins and minerals that aid preserve as well as repair the skin and cells. Not only will your skin appearance younger yet your body will mature much better as well as you will certainly be much less susceptible to numerous common diseases of old age. The prefect "anti aging skin treatment option " Also prevent consuming fatty and also oily foods which increase your weight yet do not offer you anything nutritionally. Obese people normally look as well as feel much older compared to they are. 3. Purpose to lead a tension complimentary, tranquil presence. If you are stressed out the body launches chemicals which years ago would have aided you to handle the trouble with "battle " or "flight ". Since these are not a solution to many of life today's problems, the chemicals will remain in your body and cause you to end up being psychologically or physically ill. Make certain that you sleep well as well as exercise routinely. Use whichever techniques aid you to unwind - taking a lengthy cozy bath, massage therapy or aroma therapy are just a couple of to try. Keep in mind, extreme tension will certainly just create your hair to go white and your face to look tired as well as lined. Delight in life! 4. Regular workout, taken at the very least 3 times a week and everyday ideally, will certainly work marvels in assisting you look more youthful. Make sure the workout is strenuous sufficient making you break out in a sweat and also your skin will certainly look younger as toxins are eliminated. Keep in mind to contact your medical professional before substantially altering your exercise regimen. 5. Avoid UV radiation as it is the major reason of premature skin aging as well as creases. Guarantee you constantly have sufficient sun security for the environment and your skin type. Purchase face moisturisers which consist of UV security for everyday use. Usage of a top quality high aspect sun cream ought to become part of your daily routine. A tan may look helpful for a while however you will age and also wrinkle rapidly and be more vulnerable to skin conditions such as cancers. 6. Attempt to eliminate pure nicotine and also alcohol usage. Smoking cigarettes will age you as chemicals in the smoke are aging to the skin and will certainly reverse your anti aging skin treatment process. In addition, if you are for life squinting via smoke, crow's lines around the eyes will certainly show up all also swiftly. Alcoholic drinks contain numerous toxins which are unsafe to your wellness. Excessive drinking will suggest your liver no more manages freing your body of these contaminants. 7. Try to find skin care products which are anti aging (those containing the components Vitamin C, retinol as well as ceramides are very excellent). Try different anti aging skin treatment products to see which works ideal for you as well as moisturise daily. Keep in mind, if you really feel excellent about on your own, you will look great.
Read more informations click here lifecell all in one anti aging treatment
[Music] hey everybody its Angie and welcome to hot and flashy today's video is my year-end roundup of the best anti-agers of 2016 so these are the best things that I use this year to turn back the clock on Aging so in 2016 I tried lots of masks creams lotions potions sunscreens and a new injectable a new laser and some new makeup tricks you know I always say that 50 is a gift that keeps on giving and now that I'm getting closer to 55 it's giving me even more presence which I would like to be able to return but can't in the form of gray hair and sparse eyelashes and eyebrows and enlarged pores new wrinkles and new sagging my channel here hot and flashy the goal is to help me and help you to look the best that we can as we age people who watch me fall all over the spectrum of anti-aging some people want to go into it all natural some people only want to use topical some people want to do procedures and more aggressive intervention and so I like to investigate it all and so you can find it all here so let's start first off with the thing that I think has made the biggest change in my skin that I've seen over the year and of course over the last 4 years and that is prescription retin-a I am using the 0.1% tretinoin cream I started in four years ago with the 0.05% last year I bumped up to the strongest lengthy 0.1% so I now have a full year under my belt of using the 0.1% and I have to say it has been great I cannot really believe the changes that I've seen in my skin it is a long-term play you do have to use it for a long long time to see results I didn't really see any results until I've been using it six to nine months and then it just kept growing and growing so by the three-year mark I was like blown away at how you know the clock was turning backwards on my face it's been studied since the mid 80s it is the gold standard of anti-aging and this is great stuff if you can get your hands on unfortunately the more of us that figure out that this works the more demand it creates in the marketplace and then the pharmaceutical companies start jacking the price up so I have heard from viewers that this is retailing for anywhere from two hundred and fifty dollars to six hundred and fifty dollars for a 40 gram tube like this I paid $10 for this because for some reason my insurance company covered it a lot of people say that their insurance will not cover it I also know in some parts of Europe you can't get it at all in England and all this other stuff in other parts is over-the-counter I went to Spain last summer I bought two tubes for 12 bucks apiece in Mexico you can get it cheap at the airport so you know it's crazy how its regulated in some places not regulated in other places but Americans who couldn't get this I have great news for you there is an acne treatment that is a tretinoin dual derivative that is now available over-the-counter this is a new development 2016 it happened over the summer I just found out about it and that is that adapt alene brand name different is available over-the-counter this is another vitamin a derivative this is a synthetic but it does work much like tretinoin does this has been studied in a few studies also as a wrinkle cream so it has been shown to work as a wrinkle cream but with much less irritation than tretinoin this one was $29 for one point six ounces and this one was $14 for the half an ounce so if you had been wanting to try this and just couldn't get your hands on it here is a great new option for you as I mentioned before I do like a good procedure but because my tretinoin use I got to say I used some of the procedures that I had done in the past much much less this year so for example I had gotten filler a couple of times in the past this year I was completely filler free I didn't use any filler the filler that I had gotten before has completely worn off so my face is still are free but I feel like because of the tretinoin I don't really need it I feel like my skin is firmer and plumper looking and all that great stuff I do still continue to use Botox but I got to say I'm using it much much less than I used to just because I do like the preventative aspect of it so I'm going to put Botox as one of like the best anti-aging procedures that you can get the one thing that I did try this year is a Botox alternative is called Dysport I did like the Dysport better it's not as widely used as Botox but I feel like the main difference is that the Dysport does like spread a little bit more so it just softens the lines between where the injectable stops and your non paralyzed muscles start so I had a Fraxel dual laser treatment done and can I tell you that I absolutely loved it but for bang for your buck I still will say that Botox is like number one on my list and there is no downtime where this one laser treatment was $1500 it makes like micro channels of injuries in your skin it helps with collagen production with the laser there was like three or four days of downtime where my skin was just like fluffing and it was so impressive to see that and then it was oh my gosh it was beautiful like baby skin afterwards it was like velvet I just couldn't believe it unfortunately that velvet stage didn't really last that long for me it was definitely worth it because it did get rid of this actinic keratosis I have over here when I did my three-month check-in that wasn't gone yet and I was still hoping it took it about six months for that to really disappear but once it did I had had a scar there and like a little bump there that wouldn't go away and after about six months it finally did go away and now that skin is nice and smooth so I got to say that laser treatment really did take care of that so if you were a Sun worshiper and you're worried about skin cancer this is a treatment that can actually remove some of your skin cancers to come in the future it definitely got rid of a lot of my discolorations faded a lot of my age spots and brown spots this is a dual laser and my only criticism was of my provider that she only used one of the wavelengths there are two one is for surface discolorations and surface wrinkles and it did do some good stuff for my service wrinkles but the other one is a deeper laser that's more for texture like pores I don't really like this group Lee skin I have down here so I would like to have seen what the other lasers results would have been and that's why I'm actually thinking of getting it done again but having or use the other part of the wavelength so for the best over-the-counter skin care of 2016 there was a big splash when matrixyl synth-6 came out and I did try a matrixyl synth-6 product this is from timeless skincare this is their matrixyl synth-6 i put it in a test using it on my neck and i combined it with an over-the-counter retinol because i couldn't use my prescription tretinoin on my neck anymore and so i wanted to see if using a combination of ingredients would help with my neck and boy did it ever I did a video showing the results after I use the combination of these two for six months this is the Sarah V skin renewing cream serum this is their over-the-counter retinol I had used another retinol previously but it irritated my neck just as much as the prescription tretinoin but this combo and this in particular did not irritate my skin at all and so by the end of the six months my neck was looking fantastic I took the after pictures and I couldn't even believe how good they were and again that videos link will be in the information box below this one so the combination of these two are the best over-the-counter that I found this year so let's move on to the best temporary wrinkle treatment I tried a couple of different masks this year I try to mask with magnets in it I try to mask with gold in it I tried one of those temporary things that you put under your eyes that like makes a film over your skin and makes it so you can't even move your skin that thing we're great until you put makeup on and then poof away it went so the best of temporary wrinkle treatments is the de marche labs relaxing lift gold instant wrinkle smoothing mask with 24 karat gold I was sent this product I tried it in a try at Tuesday video and I was surprised at how well it worked it smooth on my under eye wrinkles it diminished my pores amazingly in just 10 minutes you put this stuff on it gold it goes on gold then it dries to white then you wash it off then you can put on makeup and the effect seemed to stay even when I was like smiling it kept my smile lines from crinkling up as much as they usually do it only lasted for a few hours I'm not going to say that it was like Chanel would last all day or anything but it did show some promise and I would use it in the future like if I was going to a party all right you guys know that I cannot talk antiaging without talking sunscreen and in 2016 I did another massive review of all mineral sunscreen the best sunscreen in 2016 was again the Hydra peptides solar defense this is an SPF 30 this is the best one under liquid makeup the other sunscreen that really is fabulous but doesn't work as well under liquid foundation is the exuberance sheer daily protector this is an SPF 50 PA plus plus plus plus which means it gives you full spectrum coverage over all the rays that cause aging and skin cancer but the big news that I learn in 2016 is that exuberance is parent company is NeoStrata and NeoStrata makes a sunscreen that is identical to exhuming it's for about half the price this one retails for $45 for and ounce this one's about 27 dollars an ounce and then right at the end of the year I of course started looking at sunscreens for the 2017 video and I found a couple of sunscreens that I'm loving I haven't done the full test to see how they are under makeup and everything but very few of them they look good on their own and there aren't days when I really don't want to wear any makeup but I still want to wear sunscreen and I don't want to look white or I don't want look super shiny or gray or weird so the one that I found miss here that is really great to wear on its own that I absolutely love is by skinceuticals it's their physical matte UV defense sunscreen broad-spectrum SPF 50 this is a beautiful sunscreen and it's so lightweight and fluffy it's almost like a whipped up texture and I just love it and it goes perfectly with my skin tone so I can wear it without having to put any makeup on over it it doesn't reflect any light so that is a great one for me another one that I have been using and loving lately is not a hundred percent mineral you know I do like the mineral sunscreens because the chemical sunscreens tend to irritate my skin especially the ones that were loaded up with like five or six different chemical sunscreens so if I turn it over it's got Abel Ben's own homo Sally octonauts a you know on and on I kind of stay away from those because those are the ones that really burn my eyes but I found recently but the ones that just use zinc oxide and octa NOx a really don't irritate my skin as much so I picked this one up so this is Obagi medical sunshield matte broad-spectrum SPF 50 you get three ounces so the nice thing too if you're not going to run out anytime soon and it looks like your standard white sunscreen but when you rub it in it just disappears into your skin and it leaves a lovely matte not shiny finish so there you go it's been already it's not white it's not shiny I just love it it doesn't accentuate cores and wrinkles so it's a really great sunscreen and it doesn't really smell like anything it doesn't feel greasy to the touch it dries back it's very very nice alright the last two categories are hair related I know a lot of people my age where our hair is getting thinner our hair is getting grayer our eyebrows and eyelashes follow suit as well and in last couple of years I had tried Latisse and I had also tried rapid lash both of which work fabulously I didn't like Latisse because it hurt I couldn't stung my eyes and they were burning all the time I loved I loved rapid lash it was inexpensive it worked great for me my lashes grew my brows grew then all of a sudden they just stopped growing for no apparent reason it just stopped working so at that time I decided to switch it up and try a different one so I picked revitalash advanced and I've been using this one for about four or five months now and I got to say this has been working great for me this has the tiniest little brush delivery system so I really love that it's not cumbersome like the Latisse is you just take the brush and every night before you go to bed last step paint one swipe on each eye right where the eyelashes meet the eyelid then I also apply it to my eyebrows a couple of strokes in each eyebrow this tube is expensive but it lasts so if I only have to buy these a year it is so worth it my eyebrows have really been growing in like crazy much much better than the rapid lash and my eyelashes too are longer and they're also fuller so loving that product and then my you know last little discovery this year was that huh where my roots were coming in gray and I had to conceal those so I tried a lot of the powders and a lot of the different things but the ones that I prefer are the sprays and I had bought two of them over the course of the year this one is the Rita Hasan root concealer touch-up spray and the souther one is L'Oreal root cover-up temporary gray concealer spray these both contain almost the exact same ingredients they work just about almost exactly the same this one is more like 25 dollars this one is like ten dollars and I feel like they are interchangeable but yet I reach for this one more often I can't really explain why and this is new one that I did just buy but for covering up your roots and stuff is so convenient because you know you just spray it on there the only warning that I have for you is that it does tend to you know overspray and leave little dots on your forehead so after you spray your hair you might look in the mirror and be like oh my god do I have a new age spot today no just you know clean it off with a little spit and the nice thing about the mo is that once you get it on your roots it is waterproof it doesn't cost you go swimming it doesn't get come off you get caught in the rain it doesn't come off if you have a hot flash so you won't have it dribbling down your face so those are all the successes that I had in anti-aging this year I'd love to hear if you tried a new procedure or a new cream that you swear by something that you love feel free to leave me a comment below I'm sure everyone else would like to hear about it too because as you know I love to exchange ideas with you guys I can't do everything because I only have one face but I like to try to get through a lot of it so there's a lot more coming up in 2017 here on hot and flashy I hope you stay tuned and so that's the end of today's video so thanks everybody for your time you know I always appreciate your watching and have a great day and I'll see you next time bye
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itsiotrecords-blog · 7 years
If there’s one thing that can make a totally hot woman look ugly, it’s when she tries too hard to look hot. One would think that really famous and super hot celebrities would be above that kind of thing, that they would just be comfortable with how hot they look and not try too hard, but in a lot of cases, you would be totally wrong.  Many celebrities that are thought of as being really hot, spend much of their days trying desperately to look hot in their selfies for social media. And guess what? It comes off as totally pathetic. The funniest part is knowing that they probably took around 90 selfies just to come up with one that they think looks hot so that some chick that works at Walmart in Arkansas will think they’re super cool. Are these celebrities really this shallow? Are they really this immature? Are they really this desperate to look hot? Do they really fail at looking hot to everyone that’s over the age of 15 and has an IQ over 90?  The answers to all of the above are yes. There are a lot of offenders out there; I literally could have found 100 celebrities throwing up totally ridiculous selfies on their Instagram, but these 15 are those I consider to be the worst offenders. They think they look hot, but they’re trying way too hard. Yes, we see you, and you all look dumb.
#1 Jessica Simpson Occasionally, this whole phenomenon sucks someone in who usually is just totally natural and doesn’t try all that hard to be hot. A good example of this is Jessica Simpson. Most photos of her are just all casual, and she always looks great in those. In this photo, though, the opposite is going on. Jessica is sucking in her cheeks, as well as her gut, in a desperate attempt to look smoking hot for a bunch of people that she doesn’t even know. Jessica, here is a pro tip from me to you: people like you because you’re a natural beauty, not because you’re some dub like Kim Kardashian making duck faces into a bathroom mirror. Do us all a favor and just do you. The thing is, you look a lot better when you’re not trying too hard.
#2 Selena Gomez This is an absolutely perfect example of what I’m talking about. Here you have Selena looking as sexy as she possibly can, looking into the camera and making a totally hot face. The thing is, though, how hot is that face when you know she’s just making it to try and look hot and that she’s being totally fake about the whole thing? For all we know, she has a quarter pounder with cheese and a large order of fries sitting on her lap. The whole thing is so fake, it’s ridiculous. Can’t you just picture Selena sitting there all by herself looking into the camera on her phone and making a bunch of sexy faces, taking all sorts of photos until she finds the perfect one? Yeah, all of a sudden, it isn’t so hot, is it?
#3  Ariel Winter Ariel Winter is one of the worst offenders. She started off as this nerdy kid who supposedly has some body image problems, so to combat that, she started posting photos of herself wearing no clothes as often as she could. See how that works? Me neither. But this is a good example of how she rolls: she puts up a photo that’s supposed to show her being like ���hmm, does this suit look good on me?” But what she’s really saying is “Hey, can you say something nice about my body, please?” It’s like we aren’t supposed to comment on her body even when she keeps posting photos of her body. It’s like a Jedi mind trick. One trick that no one is falling for, however, is that Ariel isn’t trying too hard. I’m sure she wakes up in the morning thinking about selfies.
#4 Vanessa Hudgens Vanessa Hudgens always tries way too hard in selfies. A post from TeenVogue talks about what a great selfie Vanessa took of her hair: “It was basically the most perfect version of a hair selfie, so we took notes on how it’s done. First, she found a great lighting source and let it bathe her mane in a sunny glow.” So you see how this works? Vanessa takes a selfie of her hair, and then a website writes a story about what a good job she did taking the selfie. Hang on a second; I’ll be right back. I think I need to go throw up. If making fun of people who try too hard to be hot while they’re taking selfies is wrong, then I don’t want to be right. Give it a rest, Vanessa. No one cares.
#5 Cash Me Ousside Girl This is one of the unfortunate byproducts of all sorts of dumb celebrities desperately trying to look hot while taking selfies: you have a bunch of dumb people who are trying to be celebrities by imitating them. One simply cannot come up with a better example of this than the Cash Me Ousside girl. Pretty soon, we don’t have to worry about her as she will almost certainly wind up in a juvenile detention facility soon, but until then, this little wannabe is taking all sorts of duck-faced selfies to try and look cool. The saddest part of the whole situation is that she doesn’t even look worse than all the people that she’s imitating — except for those totally awful eyebrows. What in world is she thinking? She looks awful.
#6 Paris Hilton Paris Hilton is the queen of trying too hard. With her, it’s all kind of relative because she’s actually made a career of trying too hard. It isn’t like she’s famous for anything but being this relatively hot chick who makes a bunch of hot faces into the camera. She’s someone that pretended to be a star for so long that she actually became a star. For those of you thinking of trying this routine at home, don’t bother. It only works if you’re incredibly rich, and I assume if you were rich, you would be getting your nails done or buying something, not reading this article.  No matter how you slice it, Paris spends a lot of time trying to impress people and look hot, which obviously makes her not impressive and not that hot. See how that works?
#7 Ariana Grande With the recent tragedy in Manchester, I feel bad for including Ariana Grande on this list, but she’s such a constant offender, it’s kind of impossible not to do so. Using a duck face while taking selfies has almost become a cliche because it happens so much, but it’s a cliche for a reason: mainly because women like Ariana do it so darn much, and by that, I mean all the time. Do you think she goes anywhere without snapping photos of herself making faces like this? Do you think she’s able to go an entire day even without taking a selfie of herself? I doubt it. Because when you’re Ariana Grande, being hot is important, and part of being hot is trying super hard to take hot photos of yourself.
#8 Lea Michele Lea Michele is one of the worst offenders around when it comes to trying too hard. She’s constantly uploading selfies to her social media that involve her body, including a whole bunch of her butt. This is an entirely different class of selfies, one where it seems she actually sets up a camera and then turns around to try and get a candid shot of how her butt looks. Can you imagine this being your life? Spending time each day taking photos of your body and your butt so a whole bunch of people that you don’t know can see it and think about how hot you are?  When I put it that way, it sounds kind of pathetic, doesn’t it? You know why that is? Because it’s actually pathetic. Lea Michele tries way too hard.
#9 Miranda Kerr Miranda Kerr is a super hot model. You know the only thing that makes her less hot? Trying way too hard. Check out what news.com.au had to say about her: “She’s a world famous supermodel with looks to die for, so who can blame her for taking so many pics of herself? Miranda Kerr was pictured on a selfie spree at the Louis Vuitton ready-to-wear show at Paris Fashion Week. The Aussie model was seemingly keen to document her every move.” So let’s get this straight for a minute: she’s a model at a Paris fashion show, and she’s walking around taking a ton of pictures of herself. How lame is that? Maybe she could hire someone to just walk around in front of her holding up a mirror so she could just look at herself constantly.
#10 Heidi Klum Okay, so there’s no doubt that Heidi Klum is a beautiful woman, and even more so when you consider that she’s 43 years old. She still looks smoking; that’s for certain. So why not age gracefully? Why try so hard? She’s well known for putting up body selfies on social media, including one with a smiley face made of shells and sand on her near naked body. Does her body look good in the shot? Yes, it does. Does it make it less hot knowing that a woman in her 40s planned out this photo so millions of people would look at it and think she looks hot? Yeah, it makes it way less hot. Heidi, at your age, do you really want to be included in a post with all these much younger and honestly much dumber women? No? Then knock it off.
#11 Kim Kardashian Kim Kardashian fits into the Paris Hilton mold of this article. In fact, she started off as Paris Hilton’s lap dog and then ended up moving past her in the race for “most famous hot chick who’s also pretty dumb.” It’s hard to even guess how many selfies Kim has taken throughout her life, but I can tell you one thing: I’m sure she’s taken about a hundred times more photos of herself than she’s ever posted on social media. This, of course, is totally pathetic. Back in the old days, if you were hot and famous, people took photos of you. Now, there are a whole bunch of dubs out there like Kim taking photos of themselves trying to look hot. It’s pathetic. Thankfully, Kim’s moment in the sun is fading; soon, she’ll be gone for good.
#12 Kylie Jenner  Kylie Jenner tries too hard, without a doubt. Need proof? Just check out what Eonline reported about her: “Kylie Jenner broke the event’s ‘no selfie’ rule (though she was hardly the only one) to get her ‘annual bathroom selfie’ at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City Monday. The social media star, who modeled a curve-hugging Versace dress and Lorraine Schwartz jewels, recruited quite a crew for her impromptu photo shoot.” Oh wow, Kylie. So you went to a big event at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and you took a totally awesome selfie with a bunch of other people in the bathroom. Are you trying to prove that you’re an incredibly shallow person? Because you’re doing a really good job of it if you are.
#13 Kendall Jenner Most of Kendall Jenner‘s selfies are kind of the whole “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” thing. It’s like you’re supposed to think that she looks really hot, and you’re supposed to say to other people that she looks hot, and of course, she thinks she looks hot, but what is the reality really? Well, the reality actually is that most of the time, Kendall Jenner looks totally ridiculous in her selfies. Is she a beautiful woman? Of course she is. Do most of her selfies look like what would happen if you put a ton of makeup on a duck and forced it to take a bunch of quaaludes? Yes, indeed. Kendall, I have something to tell you that apparently your close friends and family won’t: you look really stupid in most of your selfies.
#14 Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus is pretty much known for trying too hard. If you look up those words in the dictionary, I’m pretty sure that her picture comes up next to them. Her selfies are mostly awful, as a case in point, here’s one of her where she’s putting on a totally sexy face while at the same time sitting on the toilet. Yeah, Miley… I’m sure you’re going number 1 and not number 2, but still, maybe just wait until you get off the crapper before you start trying to look hot. At the same time, no one has ever accused Miley Cyrus of having good judgment, and like some others on this list, the fact that she tries too hard and is a complete trainwreck is in part why she’s so famous in the first place.
#15 Nicki Minaj Poor Nicki Minaj. She takes awful selfies. Nicki, do you really think that just because you’re sucking in your cheeks all the time that it makes your face look skinnier? Well, I guess it does, actually, but it also does a couple of other things. It makes you look really crazy, and it also makes it obvious how hard you’re trying to look hot. Is this really what it’s about for some of these super famous celebrities? Are they really just totally insecure and constantly trying to look cool for their fans? Maybe so, and, in reality, while it might be kind of sad to think about, it’s probably why a lot of these women are famous in the first place. They so badly want us to think they’re hot that sometimes, some of us actually fall for it.
Source: TheRichest
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jessicasex-blog1 · 8 years
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antiagingsol-blog · 7 years
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Anti Aging Skin Care - 7 Tips On Looking Younger
Do you wish to look more youthful? Let's encounter it, nowadays, who doesn ' t? Once it was just celebs as well as those in the public eye who fretted about looking older every person else grew old gracefully! Now 40 is the new 30 and guys in addition to females care about their appearance, there is also a pattern in society to discriminate against the older generation. What can you do to remain looking more youthful? There is no Anti Aging Magic Potion that will remove your creases overnight, but with technique and also a good Anti Aging Skin Care regimen in position you will certainly get on your means to looking more youthful for longer. There are numerous drastic options readily available for anti aging skin like assist you look more youthful, from the conventional cosmetic facelift to infusing chemicals like Botox into the skin to offer a momentary wrinkle smoothing impact. Not everybody agrees, or monetarily able to head to these extremes. So just what can you do on a day to day basis that will aid you feel as well as look more youthful? By following the 7 steps below, you will certainly be on your way to a much more younger look for longer. And remember it is never far too late (or as well very early!) to begin a great anti aging regimen. 7 suggestions on caring for your mind and body: 1. Drink lots of water each day - most physicians suggest 7 to 10 glasses a day. Water clears out toxic substances, keeping your body as well as skin clean. Additionally your skin will look clearer as well as plumper if it is not completely dry. Most definitely the primary step for "anti aging skin care " to look more youthful. 2. Eat a healthy balanced diet, include something from all the significant food groups every day in your diet regimen. Eat lots of fibre as well as fresh vegetables and fruit. The UK federal government recommends five portions of fruit and vegetables are eaten daily, nevertheless this ought to be the minimum quantity you eat. Vegetables and fruit consist of several essential vitamins and minerals that aid preserve as well as repair the skin and cells. Not only will your skin appearance younger yet your body will mature much better as well as you will certainly be much less susceptible to numerous common diseases of old age. The prefect "anti aging skin treatment option " Also prevent consuming fatty and also oily foods which increase your weight yet do not offer you anything nutritionally. Obese people normally look as well as feel much older compared to they are. 3. Purpose to lead a tension complimentary, tranquil presence. If you are stressed out the body launches chemicals which years ago would have aided you to handle the trouble with "battle " or "flight ". Since these are not a solution to many of life today's problems, the chemicals will remain in your body and cause you to end up being psychologically or physically ill. Make certain that you sleep well as well as exercise routinely. Use whichever techniques aid you to unwind - taking a lengthy cozy bath, massage therapy or aroma therapy are just a couple of to try. Keep in mind, extreme tension will certainly just create your hair to go white and your face to look tired as well as lined. Delight in life! 4. Regular workout, taken at the very least 3 times a week and everyday ideally, will certainly work marvels in assisting you look more youthful. Make sure the workout is strenuous sufficient making you break out in a sweat and also your skin will certainly look younger as toxins are eliminated. Keep in mind to contact your medical professional before substantially altering your exercise regimen. 5. Avoid UV radiation as it is the major reason of premature skin aging as well as creases. Guarantee you constantly have sufficient sun security for the environment and your skin type. Purchase face moisturisers which consist of UV security for everyday use. Usage of a top quality high aspect sun cream ought to become part of your daily routine. A tan may look helpful for a while however you will age and also wrinkle rapidly and be more vulnerable to skin conditions such as cancers. 6. Attempt to eliminate pure nicotine and also alcohol usage. Smoking cigarettes will age you as chemicals in the smoke are aging to the skin and will certainly reverse your anti aging skin treatment process. In addition, if you are for life squinting via smoke, crow's lines around the eyes will certainly show up all also swiftly. Alcoholic drinks contain numerous toxins which are unsafe to your wellness. Excessive drinking will suggest your liver no more manages freing your body of these contaminants. 7. Try to find skin care products which are anti aging (those containing the components Vitamin C, retinol as well as ceramides are very excellent). Try different anti aging skin treatment products to see which works ideal for you as well as moisturise daily. Keep in mind, if you really feel excellent about on your own, you will look great.
Read more informations click here lifecell all in one anti aging treatment
[Music] hey everybody its Angie and welcome to hot and flashy today's video is my year-end roundup of the best anti-agers of 2016 so these are the best things that I use this year to turn back the clock on Aging so in 2016 I tried lots of masks creams lotions potions sunscreens and a new injectable a new laser and some new makeup tricks you know I always say that 50 is a gift that keeps on giving and now that I'm getting closer to 55 it's giving me even more presence which I would like to be able to return but can't in the form of gray hair and sparse eyelashes and eyebrows and enlarged pores new wrinkles and new sagging my channel here hot and flashy the goal is to help me and help you to look the best that we can as we age people who watch me fall all over the spectrum of anti-aging some people want to go into it all natural some people only want to use topical some people want to do procedures and more aggressive intervention and so I like to investigate it all and so you can find it all here so let's start first off with the thing that I think has made the biggest change in my skin that I've seen over the year and of course over the last 4 years and that is prescription retin-a I am using the 0.1% tretinoin cream I started in four years ago with the 0.05% last year I bumped up to the strongest lengthy 0.1% so I now have a full year under my belt of using the 0.1% and I have to say it has been great I cannot really believe the changes that I've seen in my skin it is a long-term play you do have to use it for a long long time to see results I didn't really see any results until I've been using it six to nine months and then it just kept growing and growing so by the three-year mark I was like blown away at how you know the clock was turning backwards on my face it's been studied since the mid 80s it is the gold standard of anti-aging and this is great stuff if you can get your hands on unfortunately the more of us that figure out that this works the more demand it creates in the marketplace and then the pharmaceutical companies start jacking the price up so I have heard from viewers that this is retailing for anywhere from two hundred and fifty dollars to six hundred and fifty dollars for a 40 gram tube like this I paid $10 for this because for some reason my insurance company covered it a lot of people say that their insurance will not cover it I also know in some parts of Europe you can't get it at all in England and all this other stuff in other parts is over-the-counter I went to Spain last summer I bought two tubes for 12 bucks apiece in Mexico you can get it cheap at the airport so you know it's crazy how its regulated in some places not regulated in other places but Americans who couldn't get this I have great news for you there is an acne treatment that is a tretinoin dual derivative that is now available over-the-counter this is a new development 2016 it happened over the summer I just found out about it and that is that adapt alene brand name different is available over-the-counter this is another vitamin a derivative this is a synthetic but it does work much like tretinoin does this has been studied in a few studies also as a wrinkle cream so it has been shown to work as a wrinkle cream but with much less irritation than tretinoin this one was $29 for one point six ounces and this one was $14 for the half an ounce so if you had been wanting to try this and just couldn't get your hands on it here is a great new option for you as I mentioned before I do like a good procedure but because my tretinoin use I got to say I used some of the procedures that I had done in the past much much less this year so for example I had gotten filler a couple of times in the past this year I was completely filler free I didn't use any filler the filler that I had gotten before has completely worn off so my face is still are free but I feel like because of the tretinoin I don't really need it I feel like my skin is firmer and plumper looking and all that great stuff I do still continue to use Botox but I got to say I'm using it much much less than I used to just because I do like the preventative aspect of it so I'm going to put Botox as one of like the best anti-aging procedures that you can get the one thing that I did try this year is a Botox alternative is called Dysport I did like the Dysport better it's not as widely used as Botox but I feel like the main difference is that the Dysport does like spread a little bit more so it just softens the lines between where the injectable stops and your non paralyzed muscles start so I had a Fraxel dual laser treatment done and can I tell you that I absolutely loved it but for bang for your buck I still will say that Botox is like number one on my list and there is no downtime where this one laser treatment was $1500 it makes like micro channels of injuries in your skin it helps with collagen production with the laser there was like three or four days of downtime where my skin was just like fluffing and it was so impressive to see that and then it was oh my gosh it was beautiful like baby skin afterwards it was like velvet I just couldn't believe it unfortunately that velvet stage didn't really last that long for me it was definitely worth it because it did get rid of this actinic keratosis I have over here when I did my three-month check-in that wasn't gone yet and I was still hoping it took it about six months for that to really disappear but once it did I had had a scar there and like a little bump there that wouldn't go away and after about six months it finally did go away and now that skin is nice and smooth so I got to say that laser treatment really did take care of that so if you were a Sun worshiper and you're worried about skin cancer this is a treatment that can actually remove some of your skin cancers to come in the future it definitely got rid of a lot of my discolorations faded a lot of my age spots and brown spots this is a dual laser and my only criticism was of my provider that she only used one of the wavelengths there are two one is for surface discolorations and surface wrinkles and it did do some good stuff for my service wrinkles but the other one is a deeper laser that's more for texture like pores I don't really like this group Lee skin I have down here so I would like to have seen what the other lasers results would have been and that's why I'm actually thinking of getting it done again but having or use the other part of the wavelength so for the best over-the-counter skin care of 2016 there was a big splash when matrixyl synth-6 came out and I did try a matrixyl synth-6 product this is from timeless skincare this is their matrixyl synth-6 i put it in a test using it on my neck and i combined it with an over-the-counter retinol because i couldn't use my prescription tretinoin on my neck anymore and so i wanted to see if using a combination of ingredients would help with my neck and boy did it ever I did a video showing the results after I use the combination of these two for six months this is the Sarah V skin renewing cream serum this is their over-the-counter retinol I had used another retinol previously but it irritated my neck just as much as the prescription tretinoin but this combo and this in particular did not irritate my skin at all and so by the end of the six months my neck was looking fantastic I took the after pictures and I couldn't even believe how good they were and again that videos link will be in the information box below this one so the combination of these two are the best over-the-counter that I found this year so let's move on to the best temporary wrinkle treatment I tried a couple of different masks this year I try to mask with magnets in it I try to mask with gold in it I tried one of those temporary things that you put under your eyes that like makes a film over your skin and makes it so you can't even move your skin that thing we're great until you put makeup on and then poof away it went so the best of temporary wrinkle treatments is the de marche labs relaxing lift gold instant wrinkle smoothing mask with 24 karat gold I was sent this product I tried it in a try at Tuesday video and I was surprised at how well it worked it smooth on my under eye wrinkles it diminished my pores amazingly in just 10 minutes you put this stuff on it gold it goes on gold then it dries to white then you wash it off then you can put on makeup and the effect seemed to stay even when I was like smiling it kept my smile lines from crinkling up as much as they usually do it only lasted for a few hours I'm not going to say that it was like Chanel would last all day or anything but it did show some promise and I would use it in the future like if I was going to a party all right you guys know that I cannot talk antiaging without talking sunscreen and in 2016 I did another massive review of all mineral sunscreen the best sunscreen in 2016 was again the Hydra peptides solar defense this is an SPF 30 this is the best one under liquid makeup the other sunscreen that really is fabulous but doesn't work as well under liquid foundation is the exuberance sheer daily protector this is an SPF 50 PA plus plus plus plus which means it gives you full spectrum coverage over all the rays that cause aging and skin cancer but the big news that I learn in 2016 is that exuberance is parent company is NeoStrata and NeoStrata makes a sunscreen that is identical to exhuming it's for about half the price this one retails for $45 for and ounce this one's about 27 dollars an ounce and then right at the end of the year I of course started looking at sunscreens for the 2017 video and I found a couple of sunscreens that I'm loving I haven't done the full test to see how they are under makeup and everything but very few of them they look good on their own and there aren't days when I really don't want to wear any makeup but I still want to wear sunscreen and I don't want to look white or I don't want look super shiny or gray or weird so the one that I found miss here that is really great to wear on its own that I absolutely love is by skinceuticals it's their physical matte UV defense sunscreen broad-spectrum SPF 50 this is a beautiful sunscreen and it's so lightweight and fluffy it's almost like a whipped up texture and I just love it and it goes perfectly with my skin tone so I can wear it without having to put any makeup on over it it doesn't reflect any light so that is a great one for me another one that I have been using and loving lately is not a hundred percent mineral you know I do like the mineral sunscreens because the chemical sunscreens tend to irritate my skin especially the ones that were loaded up with like five or six different chemical sunscreens so if I turn it over it's got Abel Ben's own homo Sally octonauts a you know on and on I kind of stay away from those because those are the ones that really burn my eyes but I found recently but the ones that just use zinc oxide and octa NOx a really don't irritate my skin as much so I picked this one up so this is Obagi medical sunshield matte broad-spectrum SPF 50 you get three ounces so the nice thing too if you're not going to run out anytime soon and it looks like your standard white sunscreen but when you rub it in it just disappears into your skin and it leaves a lovely matte not shiny finish so there you go it's been already it's not white it's not shiny I just love it it doesn't accentuate cores and wrinkles so it's a really great sunscreen and it doesn't really smell like anything it doesn't feel greasy to the touch it dries back it's very very nice alright the last two categories are hair related I know a lot of people my age where our hair is getting thinner our hair is getting grayer our eyebrows and eyelashes follow suit as well and in last couple of years I had tried Latisse and I had also tried rapid lash both of which work fabulously I didn't like Latisse because it hurt I couldn't stung my eyes and they were burning all the time I loved I loved rapid lash it was inexpensive it worked great for me my lashes grew my brows grew then all of a sudden they just stopped growing for no apparent reason it just stopped working so at that time I decided to switch it up and try a different one so I picked revitalash advanced and I've been using this one for about four or five months now and I got to say this has been working great for me this has the tiniest little brush delivery system so I really love that it's not cumbersome like the Latisse is you just take the brush and every night before you go to bed last step paint one swipe on each eye right where the eyelashes meet the eyelid then I also apply it to my eyebrows a couple of strokes in each eyebrow this tube is expensive but it lasts so if I only have to buy these a year it is so worth it my eyebrows have really been growing in like crazy much much better than the rapid lash and my eyelashes too are longer and they're also fuller so loving that product and then my you know last little discovery this year was that huh where my roots were coming in gray and I had to conceal those so I tried a lot of the powders and a lot of the different things but the ones that I prefer are the sprays and I had bought two of them over the course of the year this one is the Rita Hasan root concealer touch-up spray and the souther one is L'Oreal root cover-up temporary gray concealer spray these both contain almost the exact same ingredients they work just about almost exactly the same this one is more like 25 dollars this one is like ten dollars and I feel like they are interchangeable but yet I reach for this one more often I can't really explain why and this is new one that I did just buy but for covering up your roots and stuff is so convenient because you know you just spray it on there the only warning that I have for you is that it does tend to you know overspray and leave little dots on your forehead so after you spray your hair you might look in the mirror and be like oh my god do I have a new age spot today no just you know clean it off with a little spit and the nice thing about the mo is that once you get it on your roots it is waterproof it doesn't cost you go swimming it doesn't get come off you get caught in the rain it doesn't come off if you have a hot flash so you won't have it dribbling down your face so those are all the successes that I had in anti-aging this year I'd love to hear if you tried a new procedure or a new cream that you swear by something that you love feel free to leave me a comment below I'm sure everyone else would like to hear about it too because as you know I love to exchange ideas with you guys I can't do everything because I only have one face but I like to try to get through a lot of it so there's a lot more coming up in 2017 here on hot and flashy I hope you stay tuned and so that's the end of today's video so thanks everybody for your time you know I always appreciate your watching and have a great day and I'll see you next time bye
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