#Therefore taking out the elephant man story and the whole everyone hates Sydney plot point
rosielav · 2 years
On the final episode of Camp Here and There.
Overall thoughts, roughly a quarter of the way through this last episode:
Pretty good. Very WTNV but at a summer camp. I like the little story bits, I like the interpersonal relationships.
I didn't really like anyone, though. Sydney is interesting but he's just not... Hmm idk he's just not fun to listen to, in the way that say Cecil is from WTNV. Not in terms of his physical voice but like his presence, if that makes sense. I don't like hearing Jed or TEM speak for extended periods of time, as I find it difficult to stay interested or engaged with the way they both speak. Sydney says a lot of words incorrectly, and it causes me to stop actively listening and wonder what word he meant to say, and then wonder how he hasn't heard the word 'quarry' out loud before, or about a dozen other semi-common words (not in like a 'wow he must be dumb' way but a 'wow it's like how I didn't hear X word out loud for years but it's just a lot of examples of this, maybe he spends a lot of time reading and not a lot of time listening to spoken word stuff' way), and then I've lost 2-3 minutes of plot and whatnot bc I was focused on that.
It's interesting. I like some of the story bits. I think it would have been better without Jed, TEM, and that whole thing. So.... Just Sydney, the councilors, the children. That's it. I'd have been very happy to listen to 50 episodes of just camp things happening. TEM storyline just didn't do it for me, especially when I picked up on the 'breadcrumbs' the writers had been leaving (when I know the Big Reveal before its revealed, it makes me not want to listen to hear the reveal, and often makes me not care about the story anymore bc I figured the basic stuff out so what's the point, which I hate about myself)
But yea. I'll respond to this post when I finish this last episode. I might have a huge change of heart haha who knows how this last half hour of content will go for me :)
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