#There's something here about Usopp- a storyteller- recognizing the importance of stories
As I'm (finally) starting to make my way through Dressrosa, I am struck by how important belief is to Usopp. It's such a fun thing for a character notorious for lying to care about. When Usopp chastises Caesar's minions for doubting Luffy to his face, he tells them that Luffy believes so much in the strength of his crew they have no choice but to prove him right. A very similar thing happens with the Tontatta, they believe so much in the lie he tells that he is forced to act.
It's so fascinating to me how much weight Usopp puts into belief. He fights on his home island because he wants the villagers to keep believing they're safe. He fights Ms. Merry Christmas and Mr. 4 because he believes Luffy will be Pirate King. Even in Water 7, the external circumstances and breakdown in communication aside - Usopp wants to keep believing in Merry. To accept her loss is to betray that belief (and to an extent to betray his belief in his own ability to do this thing they have all embarked on).
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