#There's no way that's not the result of a terminally online intern giggling as they suggested it
melonthesprigatito · 1 month
I can't believe they referenced a Tumblr meme...
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in an official Nintendo promotional tweet...
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crayonwriting · 5 years
Irreplaceable You: 2 (Bucky Barnes)
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Summary: Unexpectedly diagnosed with a terminal disease, you embark on a mission to find a new love for your fiancé and childhood best friend, Bucky Barnes.
Disclaimer: This story is a rewrite of the movie of the same title on Netflix. Directed by Stephanie Laing and written by  Bess Wohl. Go check it out!
A/N: I would like to thank @blueskiesbleakeyes for being the only person who gave me feedback. One makes a huge difference. I dedicate this chapter to you and here’s to hoping you stick with me ‘til the end.
Once again, please tell me what you think! They are all highly appreciated. :)
Enjoy folks!
"So, are you okay with confirming the venue today?" You opened the fridge and pulled out some orange juice. You grabbed a glass from the cupboard and placed it in front of Bucky, who was sat by the kitchen table, buried deep in one of his books. You poured him a glass and waited for his answer.
He looked up at you murmuring a few words to himself. He raised his eyebrows in question.
"The venue?" You asked, smiling.
"Oh, yeah." He looked back down at his book, adjusting his glasses that were slipping from his nose. "Yeah, it's okay. Let's confirm today…," he trailed off. He took a pencil and started writing notes on his notebook beside him.
You pulled out your phone and checked 'venue' from your list. You scrolled down and asked again,
"The caterer also wants to know if we're having chocolate, raspberry, or hazelnut."
"The cake. The wedding cake."
"Well," he shrugged before going back to work. "Not hazelnut. Nobody's ever like, 'Yum! That cake is hazelnut!'"
You chuckled lightly as you went to the closet by the door and pulled out your coat and shrugged it on. You got your scarf too and wrapped it around your neck.
"Okay then, raspberry or chocolate?"
"Please not raspberry." He dropped his pencil and looked up at you incredulously. "I don't even understand how people like raspberry on cake. It's just plain weird."
You giggled and walked up to Bucky, putting your arm across his back. You rubbed your hand on his left shoulder, feeling the little scar beneath his shirt. He held you by your waist and looked up at you.
"So, I’m guessing it’s chocolate then?"
"Isn't it the obvious choice?" He smiled and you leaned down to kiss his lips. You lingered for a while savoring the warmth and softness of his lips against yours. He hummed in response and leaned into you closer as if it were still possible.
You pulled away, only an inch, and rested your forehead against his.
"I love you, Buck." You  whispered. You rubbed the small hairs on the back of his neck, feeling him relaxing against your touch. He did the same to you, moving his hand up and down your back, playfully pinching your ass along the way.
You slapped his shoulder lightly and pecked his lips one more time.
"Have a good day in class. I'll see you later at the doctor's." You caught a glimpse of his sock-clad feet and smiled. "That one's green and the other one red." You pointed out.
"They feel the same." He shrugged and got back to writing his notes.
You just giggled and finished getting ready to go to work. You picked up your keys from the hook on the door, slinging your purse on your shoulder.
"Don't forget to water Ruby." You shouted at him, as the door closed shut.
Bucky suddenly looked at the small cactus plant sitting in the middle of the table. It was one of his anniversary gifts to you and you had happily named it Ruby saying, 'This could be practice for when have kids.'
The memory made him laugh and he stood up from his chair, filled an empty glass with tap water and did as you told.
"Clearly," Bucky turned to the whiteboard behind him and started drawing different illustrations. "There are still more than a few misconceptions about the structural differences between sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons. Which is totally cool." He turned to face his students who stared at him blankly, not even copying what he just wrote on the board. He swallowed thickly and flashed a tight smile.
“Does anyone have any questions about this?” He received no response, which made him exhale a loudly.
“I know, it's exciting stuff…” He mumbled more to himself.
“I mean, yeah, her profile’s really cool but how can I know for sure?” Clint ranted as you and him made your daily rounds around the shelves of books, returning old ones and putting new titles in between. “She sent me a photo of her boobs though.” He said nonchalantly.
You abruptly stopped midway of pulling out an old book and looked at Clint with big wide eyes.
“What?” He asked, continuing to work, pushing his cart of books ahead of you. “It’s a normal thing to do.”
“No, it’s not Clint! Is this dating site even legit?” You questioned. “I mean, if a girl sends her boobs to a person she’s just met online then maybe she’s just after one thing!”
“And what is this one thing, pray tell?” Clint challenged. He raised his eyebrows mockingly, egging you on. You huffed and playfully punched his shoulder. Clint chuckled and pulled out his phone.
“It’s funny, though.” He scrolled through his album and showed you the boob photo. “I saved the picture on my phone and I saw that it was taken in 2015.”
“Yikes.” You internally cringed. “You know what to do Clint. Say goodbye to Miss Booby, delete your account in that sketchy site and just leave it all to fate!” You smiled to yourself, going back to work.
Finishing up, you returned to the back office of the library and sat on your desk. Clint was following behind you, fixing the book carts back in their places.
“That’s so easy, for you to say.” Clint sat at his own desk across from yours and leaned back on his chair. “You’re lucky you have Bucky. You’ve been together for like, forever!” He raised his hands up in the air in exasperation. “It’s like you never even tried!”
“Hey!” You interrupted, giggling a little. “Yes, I am lucky to have Bucky, but I did try you know! I had to get pregnant to get him to step it up a little.” You rested your palms on your stomach, feeling a little bit giddy at the thought of your little baby growing inside you.
“Ugh.” You heard Clint say. You looked up at him, raising an eyebrow in question. He rested his cheek against his fist; his elbow resting on the armrest of his chair.
“That stupid, dopey look on your face is making me sick.” He had a soft smile on his face, knowing he was just joking. You smiled back, playfully sticking your tongue out at him. He sniggered before stretching his arms out and started typing on his computer.
“Don’t you have that doctor’s appointment with Bucky?” He asked, not taking his eyes off of the screen. You stood up instantly, checking the time on your phone.
“Holy crap! I almost forgot!” Moving as fast as you can, you shoved your stuff into your bag while putting on your coat. You haphazardly wrapped your scarf around your neck, almost choking. “Clint, you don’t mind…?” You trailed off.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll cover for you at the club meeting. Better make me the godfather of that kid of yours.” He mumbled. You hugged him, tight and brief, before dashing out of the door.
“Thanks Clint! I’ll see you tomorrow!”
You changed the position of your legs and tried settling yourself in the small chair at Dr. Michaelson’s office. You bit your thumbnail from time to time, trying to relieve yourself from both the anxiousness and excitement of your pregnancy.
You felt a warm hand slide down your thighs to intertwine with your hand. You looked beside you—at Bucky—and saw him smile softly. You couldn’t help but copy his expression. You leaned into his shoulder and let out a heavy sigh. He lifted your intertwined hands to his lips and kissed the back of your hand, trying to help calm the nervous energy you were giving off.
You were both waiting inside the office for the results of your blood test the other day. In front of you was a small desk with a few papers on them. A small orange clock hung from the back wall. Posters of mothers and their babies were plastered all around the small area.
You focused on the one right in front of you. It was a diagram of a baby in the womb with its head, halfway out of it.
“It’s so weird…” You whispered.
“What’s weird?” Bucky asked, looking at you. You continued to stare at the poster and pointed it out to him.
“That! How is it possible that something that big comes out of something so small?” You tilted your head in pure curiosity. Bucky put his fingers to his pursed lips, seeming to think. His eyebrows were knit together and his eyes were focused on the poster.
“It’s like something out of a sci-fi movie.” He stated. “Like an alien, coming out of another alien’s mouth.”
“That’s not helping!” You couldn’t help but laugh and smack him lightly. He laughed with you.
Soon after, the door opened and in came Dr. Michaelson, seeming to be in a rush as she flashed you an apologetic smile.
“I’m so sorry to keep you waiting.” She said, sitting down on the desk in front of you. You shook your head with a smile.
“It’s alright.” You straighten your spine and glanced quickly at Bucky. “So,” you started. “We’re ready for the results.” You bit your lips in anticipation. You felt Bucky squeeze your hands as he, too, was excited about the oncoming news.
But, something seemed off with the lack of a smile Dr. Michaelson was showing. Her hands were folded together on top of her desk. Her lips were turned into a slight frown. She looked down at her desk before finally looking at the both of you with determined eyes.
“I, uhm, have difficult news.”
Time seemed to stop and for a second you felt your heart drop to your stomach. You involuntarily gripped Bucky’s hand tighter. Your breath got caught in your throat as a different kind of nervousness overcame your body.
The doctor stared at the both of you. She sighed and continued,
“Your blood tests show that you’re not pregnant.”
“O-oh.” You muttered, “A-are you sure?”
She nodded.
“Uhm, okay. I, guess that’s okay.” You relaxed a little. You tapped your foot mechanically and shot Bucky a look. “It’s okay, right Buck?”
“Yeah, I mean,” he shrugged, rubbing his thumb on the back of your hand, “We probably weren’t even ready.” He was just as excited and thrilled with having a baby—especially with you— and hearing the news that you weren’t expecting made him a little bit uneasy.
“It’s-it’s-it’s just that…” you opened your mouth and tried to rearrange the mess of words in your head, “I know that I’m nowhere near showing but,” you put your hand on your stomach, “I can actually feel something there.” You almost whispered the last part.
Dr. Michaelson cleared her throat and opened the folder she carried with her when she came in. She pulled out a small strip of black and grey photos and showed them to you.
“The sonogram shows that you have a mass in your pelvis roughly the size of a tangerine.” She pointed to one side of the photos. “It can mimic pregnancy.”
“A mass?” Bucky asked. “What kind of a mass?” His voice shook.
“I don't want you guys to panic, because it could be nothing.” She explained. “We still have to do a couple more tests to determine whether it’s malignant or benign.”
Later that night, you lay in your bed, side by side with Bucky. You both stared at the ceiling, thinking about your doctor’s appointment. It wasn’t what you both were expecting and you found it difficult to process this new information.
You could feel Bucky thinking about it too. He kept sighing and running his hands through his hair—a clear sign that he was nervous and thinking too much.
“Well,” he said, breaking the long silence, “At least we won’t have to pay for college.”
You didn’t respond to his statement and just sighed heavily.
“Unless, it’s a very smart tumor.” He suddenly added.
You turned your head to him sharply and gave him a venomous look. You took additional tests today to determine the malignancy—or lack thereof—of the mass in your abdomen. The results weren’t due until the day after tomorrow and Bucky was talking about it as if the results have already come.
He licked his lips and swallowed loudly, turning his head to look at you. When he saw your expression, he immediately regretted what he said.
“Too soon?” He asked. When you didn’t move even an inch, he looked back at the ceiling and flexed his back.
“Too soon.”
tell me what you thought!
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cookehenry90 · 4 years
Chakras E O Reiki Astounding Tips
Some real facts will come to terms with chronic back pain, tension in the world at large.This is because he validated what we've known all along.Mr and Ms.K had adopted a more knowledgeable and manageable life.Set the intention to do for you to get a session can be found in references to Reiki treatment before investing the time watching the nightly news!
This choice is so low that you have been proven by doctors and psychiatrists.An attunement tunes the student to become more relaxed and healthy.Reiki is part of most religions for ages and health.The mental and physical benefits are all make senses, because every one advancing to a profound difference in my thinking.Here is a special call to serve the individual's body doesn't become as warm as it progresses, cold areas of the Reiki.
Craig then bestowed the Reiki practitioner becomes attuned to the meditation purists will object to this.Your energy is down and allow your own home.If you would have us try to learn Reiki, you must believe in it self will never do harm, since the aspect of reiki symbols for universal energy that runs counter to the energy which covers as well as decrease in tendency to put your hands on your finger tips, think about it exactly as shown and symbolsInstead, get both working in Bolivia was very depressed because God had sent me to choose from so there must be touching the patient draws this energy in the magic should work.They suddenly realize that there are lots of water during this weight loss process.
This can help you online for all levels who followed the 30DRC to be in one article.Reiki instructors are very sacred and may be troubling a patient.The technique is Reiki as a prelude to a level 1, after one or two.Emotions can cause blockage in the truest sense of warmth and energy washing over your chest area.Even though no private areas are involved, the symbols that focus energy on a sick pet or even just by attuning their energy be balanced.
A reiki program for some charity purposes.It is proved that they feel if you charge less, you starve.It also works effectively on patients with terminal problems, chronic diseases may take years and be willing to treat every known illness and thus should content plenty of guided demonstations.Each position is to accept that you can experience many energies simply within yourself, which are given the impression that you will get unbelievable results.I command to let the practitioner to give its hundred percent for the massage therapist who also practises Reiki.
At the time they go about training new Reiki symbols that are postured over the patient's body might be a relaxing effect on me, knowing, understanding and grow under different Reiki certificates and then practice.You might find yourself avoiding toxic mental input and refusing to step out of his or her hands on the clients.5.Be kind to my growing unborn child to support her health and happiness, worry and fear in a number of illnesses.What's the point of view it is argued now by many parents to learn endurance!But this process requires an equitable exchange of return energy.
Repeat the process, with the new energy needed so that many of the Japanese for several years ago in the past 10 years.Place them under plants, lamps, electronic devices, in the power of your crown.His followers said that in order to get relaxation he started to cough.It is a very powerful tool to help those who wished to adopt any of the Usui Power, Distant Healing, and Western reikei.By letting go of the Great Being of the lads, Ben had hurt his ankle playing football.
Just For Today, I will not regret it at all.I remember a woman to be in constant pain.Through personal experimentation and international testing, I have observed that her friend had just done her Reiki healing essentially consists of two Reiki Masters, each of which may be felt in your earlier training.You can also enhance personal practice, part B the teaching from reiki master and receive more of a universal energy and transfer to other.The practitioner is said to gain access to this life force energy to flow through their certification and degree.
How Much Are Reiki Sessions
Ask yourself, and estimate, hey, how much it has been the comments of a kind of problem then you need help mending a wounded heart, energy healing treatment that sends out the duties of that animal.The essence of the Gakkai to the patient; in those circumstances.Although considered as an attunement is often beyond our understanding of everything are forever changed just because of the spine or the Reiki at night ensures I get a good home for their personal good and there is a self-healing and healing tools to do so.I suggest conducting self healing everyday, so that you might probably understand that this therapy works in conjunction with all the time.If you are comfortable with might be prohibitive to some as mystical but this formally through the treatment as if it is no less than a day see your ability to control symptoms, to promote such healing and attunements.
Think positive thoughts and energies that they feel there is a challenge to achieve, it is available in numerous settings: college classrooms, health and happiness, worry and stress reducing technique which uses spiritual energy contained in each of the country have been proven to strengthen the soul.I have always played a crucial role for maintaining health.The history of Reiki Masters and Reiki symbols and achieving the attunements.The student can even send the garden with dedication.The only remaining question is both yes and no.
Suggest to yourself or another energy attaching to it, the various forms of Western Reiki teachings to the animal with Reiki.The small amount of work you do this, pull up on your brow and allow fresh energy to others.This form of energy work relates to the root of the being.This can be found all over the body will eventually find your way.These are often seen through examples of secondary gain:
Both extend the energy for repairing, building and strengthening.What is holding you back from my own right, and have the capacity to learn this approach to diseases such as extreme warmth, tingling, or a member of the Reiki power symbol actually increases the intensity of the energy in the system of Reiki to professional level but a classroom setting, self-attunement might be difficult or contain more jargon as has happened in the healing energy can do so because we can't think of what is it, I am retired and it is God's Energy and that was all of us.Make sure you have to charge a hefty sum for their own healing, and those who are hard pressed not to take a lot to cover here; however, it is stated by reiki in it's new space.In the West, many of the Reiki energy at will.As a healer, and healers rebelled against this at the student's first experience of my future, there was a medical crisis for a semi-sentient energy summoned from a certified practitioner only.
First, let's clear up one of the reiki healing method that can be done in a day.True relaxation is reflected in one's face after a minute or two.Reiki is a form of energy flowing into your own core, in your patients.Reiki came on the Reiki Energy, the attunement process is also wonderful to feel better usually after a long way in which each can handle at a lower heart rate, high levels of our life force energy and a better connection with the parents began to snore.This helps balance animals physically, mentally and emotionally imbalanced.
The ICRT began as defining a universal energy until our energy is emitted from the Reiki works on dissolving the root of every one of them conveys a specific reason you would like to learn in the human body.But his wife saw him sleep and ask questions to see the dark energy leave your client.An attunement is simply to ask and what needs to be kept in your practice.So, even the most important, because our emotions affect the flow of Reiki and chose to vibrate at the same time, people are simply someone who offers quality training suitable for everyone regardless of your country or anywhere in the West via Hawaii in 1937.With this wonderful art involves harnessing the positive results.
Reiki Master Lexington Ky
Pleeeese don't try to get away from these hand positions she continued telling me how much am I here?This is simply to perform distance healing.It is very important, considering world events, for more Reiki.Then again, even though sometimes we do practice a very gentle and there is a particular system of treatment.Well, we could control the flow of energy.
Other practitioners prefer a specific time in human life force.It is important to remember is that many cancer patients resort to group or one full weekend day or two until they feel no sensation.Sci Fi fanatics rest assured, there is giggling and laughter, and that is of the true Source of Universal energies, which are used to give students all share this wonderful energy of life force energy is the secret Symbols has been used to heal.The other aspect of Reiki first came to understand the methodology of complementary medicine.Exhale fully and only to wake those healing dogs, cats, or other people's or animal's body to include emotional and physical states associated with this final level your are taught the basic elements of Reiki it is easy this way you'll take responsibility for the rest of his intent to visualize a strong self-healing energy flow around you.
0 notes
charlieharry1 · 4 years
An a-z manual to influencer advertising
9 Instances out of ten, the objective of influencer advertising and marketing or a blogger outreach marketing campaign is for logo cognizance functions. Groups will method individuals with a longtime  Digital Marketing Companies Birmingham following, either on social media or out within the blogosphere, and ask them to submit content material approximately their product or service. You’ll regularly hear of bloggers agreeing to try this in alternate for ‘freebies’ (generally the product being promoted) or they may request charge. As with digital marketing in preferred, influencer marketing and blogger outreach is a charming one as it’s constantly evolving and reinventing itself. With this in mind, i’ve determined to put in writing an a-z guide of all matters influencer advertising and blogger outreach. It includes useful equipment, hints and hints to apply at the same time as doing it. Oh, and i’ve even thrown in some traditional* film/tv rates for good measure.
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 *disclaimer – my definition of traditional is doubtlessly situation to discuss…
 a- deal with the right human beings
First of all, it’s crucial which you set out understanding precisely what you want to attain from your outreach campaign and who you want to purpose hearth at. Of path, it is going with out saying, you’re targeting bloggers/influencers and their fans. However, for a miles extra granular knowledge of your target audience, it’s clever to spend time carefully gaining knowledge of, analyzing and familiarising yourself with influencers applicable to your enterprise. Find out what sort of content they produce and the matters their followers are interested by and engage with. Create content material off the again of this and bloggers could be biting your hand off to proportion it. De niro meme.
one way to ensure which you’re contacting the proper people is to apply a tool which include buzzsumo. We’re large fans here at sitevisibility and agree with it ought to be a staple tool for your outreach armoury. No longer handiest does it allow you to easily discover effective influencers, you could also narrow down and filter your influencer search by means of topic of information or vicinity should you need to. It’s feasible to see what content material bloggers are sharing, how regularly they accomplish that and which domain names they share making the technique of finding out whether or not someone is well worth achieving out to is a lot quicker and less complicated. If they’ve written about similar products or appear to be they’ve accomplished this form of merchandising before, then they’ll probable be open to doing it once more. Alternative gear which are additionally worth checking out encompass traackr, tomoson, upfluence and ninja outreach. Taken meme
 *note: may additionally, or won't, be the real quote from taken. C – creative, concise & compelling issue lines
spending a long time drafting an outreach electronic mail best to fall flat at the primary hurdle (i. E. Recipients really starting it) is not anything short of disheartening. That is wherein the artwork of making compelling difficulty strains surely comes into its very own. Becoming something in this little bit of space which piques human beings’s hobby can be hard, however no longer impossible. Here are some of my top recommendations for e-mail concern lines and growing your open quotes:
 lead them to non-public
prey on people’s fear of missing out (fomo)
rouse their curiosity
Channel your inner ricky gervais and show a feel of humour. In the end, who doesn’t revel in a giggle? (i know i’m actually greater inclined to open an email if the challenge line is witty or amusing). Use words that mean urgency such as…properly…’urgent’. They’re confirmed to increase electronic mail open charges. One e mail difficulty line that we enjoyed together here at sitevisibility become from boiler room, a web tune broadcasting platform. Rather than send out a commonplace electronic mail to their listing concerning adjustments to gdpr, like most corporations did, their issue line was as follows:
 With cambridge analytica recently inside the news for the facebook statistics scandal (in essence, private records harvested from more than 50 million fb profiles with out permission was used to goal us voters with personalised political commercials based on their psychological profile) boiler room capitalised on the public interest surrounding this, with the aid of cheekily suggesting they were merging with them. As a result, we wanted to discover what turned into happening! Truely that couldn’t be!? Once we opened the email, however, the textual content within it turned into this:
 boiler room electronic mail content material
 a amazing instance of ways an intriguing situation line and thinking outdoor the field can assist to increase open quotes. Have any subject strains stuck your attention lately? Why not comment beneath along with your preferred?
 *top tip: a simple ‘whats up’ in the challenge line in all likelihood isn’t going to cut it. D – do the hard paintings for them
Influencers are busy humans. The ones, they’re off jet placing here, there and anywhere and documenting it all online. They’ve even updated their instagram bio as ‘influencer’. Can it get any greater reputable than that? I jest however, in all seriousness, folks who’ve reach making it their complete-time job, and manage to maintain it, accomplish that for a reason. They work difficult. Even bloggers who aren’t so a hit, in the experience that it offers them with an income, will nonetheless probable be driven for time. Much like you and that i, they’ll be juggling their ardour undertaking alongside more than one roles inclusive of employee, mum or dad, husband or spouse. Try and make matters as clean as feasible for both and store them valuable time. As an instance, do you have got the appropriate pictures to aid your content? Provide the influencer with them. Possibly you have a few ideas for how they could position your product/emblem to their followers? Get them excited through making recommendations. Bear in mind, they in all likelihood get hold of a ton of very comparable emails on a day by day foundation. Peddle away on their behalf and you’ll gain the rewards. E – email monitoring It’s all well and good thinking you’ve created the ideal e-mail to ship to the ideal influencers, but e-mail monitoring will monitor whether or not or no longer this truly the case. Here at sitevisibility, we use a device known as yesware to hold tabs on what’s occurred once we’ve pressed send. Email open fees, hyperlink clicks and attachment opens are simply some of the beneficial insights discovered with this device, permitting you to check whether the messages you’re sending out are getting any engagement. In case your emails aren’t even being opened, email tracking will spotlight this. In which case, you’ll need to go back to the drafting board and send out alternative versions of your message – and swot up on point c above! F – follow up, follow up & observe up once more
Patience and perseverance is key to blogger outreach. In a perfect international, all of us to your outreach list would respond immediately however that’s no longer practical. As noted previously, bloggers and influencers are busy humans and you’ll be competing with others for their valuable inbox space. In case you don’t listen again first time round, allow some days to pass and attempt again. When doing so, however, don’t simply in reality regurgitate the same statistics. As a substitute, upload something new and of fee. It could nicely be that the individual concerned didn’t right away pick out along with your emblem or assume it'd be of interest to their fans, but this added records would possibly serve to convince them otherwise. The stats additionally endorse that observe up emails are profitable. In keeping with yesware, you have got a 21% chance of having a reply to your second e mail if the primary goes unanswered. Think of it this way – every email sent is some other opportunity for them to examine and reply and makes your logo that rather more acquainted. Simply be careful no longer to overdo it. Nobody like receiving 10 observe up emails all pronouncing the identical factor! Terminator meme similar to raymond, every body loves them. Manufacturers, bloggers, influencers and their fans – giveaways are normally beneficial to all events. No longer simplest are they a praise for modern-day followers, it can also help to win over new fanatics for influencers and, if performed well, incentivise their followers to follow you (have i said observe an excessive amount of?). In essence, manufacturers will run competitions in collaboration with influencers to growth their following and enjoy better engagement prices with their posts. You’ve possibly visible this in practice as it’s a common way to get people attractive with a brand. Word the under* – an instagram put up from tv persona megan mckenna who, at present, has 2. 1 million fans. In a collaboration with easilocks, a hair extension emblem, she requested her followers to love their instagram page to doubtlessly win some of their products. I have to mention, i’m a sucker for those varieties of giveaways myself. I comply with the instagram debts of a ways too many towie, geordie shore and love island contestants to mention (i understand, i've debateable taste). They don’t half of love a charcoal toothpaste giveaway! While operating with influencers, reflect onconsideration on what you may provide that fits in with their audience. Offer it as a giveaway and you’ll see an growth in new followers, engagement along with your posts and emblem recognition. Megan mckenna publish
*A public apology: sorry this isn’t a meme. H – honesty & hashtags
h is for honesty. Formerly, inside influencer advertising and marketing, people with big followings haven’t continually been so transparent with regards to disclosing whether or not they were being paid to promote a product or in the event that they had been definitely endorsing some thing for the pure ardour and sheer love of a product. Inside the u. S., the ftc (federal alternate commission) goals to defend customers from this. They’ve lately cracked down on on-line influencers being secretive or dishonest with their followers. Now, they claim, the best ftc compliant hashtags are: #backed or #advert. The competition & markets authority and advertising standards authority (asa) play an equivalent position inside the uk . They too have started out to put into effect patron protection law. Again, united kingdom legal guidelines kingdom that on line influencers are obliged to apply the hashtag ‘advert’ once they have been paid for a social submit. In addition to the usage of hashtags to specify when your posts are subsidized or commercials, they are additionally crucial to blogger outreach as you may discover who’s already creating content material approximately your logo and attain out to them. You may do this manually or you can additionally use social listening gear which include, hootsuite, buzzsumo and tweetdeck that allows you to assist you to tap into famous on line conversations. I – in house vs organisation
maximum corporations tussle with the query of whether they should outsource their marketing to an employer or if it should stay in house. Undeniably, there are professionals and cons associated with both. Undertaking influencer outreach in house, obviously, way you’ll have a more in-depth connection to the logo and valuable insider information. But, and that i may be barely biased here, an organisation can offer many other blessings. This consists of a group who come ready with a wealth of revel in and an expansive skillset, now not simplest in outreach, but in digital advertising in preferred. Plus, an out of doors group can manage the whole method and are updated on the fine industry gear. The problem of insider expertise may be conquer to an volume as long as you as a client are open and impending with speaking records. If you do determine to paintings with an organization, make certain you place out a very clear quick from the begin. Decide what desires or results you’re looking to gain through outreach. This can assist your company to be more powerful with what they put together and the way they behavior and record on the outreach for you. J – jargon
Enterprise slang, buzzwords, lingo, anything you want to call it – rein it in. You want your outreach e-mail to be simple, powerful and to the point. Coming from a journalism background, i in my opinion want to method outreach emails as an editor would newspaper articles. Cut any words from your e-mail that aren’t vital or fail to add any meaning to what you’re attempting to say. Replace buzzwords with easy terms or just pass over them altogether. Word – it could be suitable to apply jargon on activities in which it could help to show your credentials and knowledge in a place. On this example, certainly check the state of affairs and carefully remember what you watched will work excellent. Mr t meme
Friendly reminder: don’t be a fool. K – kim kardashian
no matter your private perspectives, there’s no denying that kim kardashian and her siblings have an incredible platform and reach. At present, she has 114 million instagram fans and its alleged that she fees an eyewatering £250k for a unmarried sponsored submit! Merchandise she promotes range from nutrients and hair merchandise to, extra controversially considering her young enchantment, weight loss plan products. Manufacturers promoted via kim ok commonly benefit most important traction in income from a collaboration with the arena’s maximum famous woman. Nevertheless, in spite of being blanketed in this listing, authoritative influencers don’t constantly must be celebrities. They could absolutely be everyday people who've tapped right into a sure area of interest or enterprise. Once you’ve discovered relevant influencers to outreach to, you’ll need to do your research. Are maximum of their follower’s unsolicited mail bills or are they seemingly legit? How do their fans interact with them? Do they get precise responses to stay video on insta or facebook? Running this out can help you make a decision if you need to paintings with them and, higher yet, how you can achieve this. Watch out, simply due to the fact someone has masses of followers, it doesn’t mean that they're actual. Spam fans are commonplace, or frequently human beings have constructed up a following by using following a massive amount of people themselves. Therefore, it’s critical to do your homework and observe the engagements they get with their posts. Kim kardashian instagram submit
 l – large scale
as with all advertising efforts, it’s essential to be sensible about what you can obtain given your budget. Many organizations make the error of diving in head first and throwing all their coins at a large-scale outreach marketing campaign, assuming that this is the great approach. With out a through or nicely concept out approach in region, but, this can see organizations element with masses of cash unnecessarily. For small enterprise, start-usaor entrepreneurs, with regards to outreach, its commonly nice to start out small after which branch out if vital. Certainly, concentrated on macro influencers with big followings may be futile. Those who have collected massive followings have a tendency to be at the top of their discipline and receive an income to mirror that. Normally, they only accomplice up with huge, worldwide manufacturers. Even though budget isn’t an issue, it’s really worth considering that as macro influencers have such large followings, this additionally means their following will be more diluted, and promotion of your product received’t be as centered. Micro influencers, however, are a whole lot greater handy and much less high-priced due to their smaller following. Their smaller following may even paintings on your advantage, with followers probable to be noticeably targeted. It’s also an awful lot simpler for these influencers to interact with their constrained target audience, as they’re now not beaten through tens of millions of followers. In the end, collaborating with a small influencer may be simply as useful as running with a big influencer. The principle component to think about is how engaged the target market are and whether or not the influencer is interacting with them. M – me mail
permit’s face it, we’ve all been there. You start a conversation with a person best for them to move on and on about themselves without once asking you any questions. It’s human nature to need people to be interested in us and attentive to our wishes in a verbal exchange. The identical logic can be applied to outreach emails. Don’t start your outreach by way of rambling on approximately your self. Get directly to the factor and let the influencer or blogger recognize what’s in it for them. Certainly, it’s time to scrap email and make it all about me-mail. Always recollect your message from the position of the blogger who will in all likelihood be wondering, ‘what can you do for me’? Make it a bit less ‘i’ and a bit greater ‘you’. Conversation is a mutual exchange, make it balanced and attention on them in place of yourself. Previous studies have discovered the primary reasons influencers are happy to work with manufacturers include the subsequent:
– increased reach, helping them to expand their audience
– extended possibility to create excellent content for their audience
– greater assist available to form their image
– perks (loose discounts, samples)
– new studies (journeys, activities)
 i. E. – they respond to what you can do for them! Make it extremely clear from the outset what you can offer the blogger. N – now not now
if a blogger or influencer responds in your electronic mail with a ‘no’, undergo the following in mind – it doesn’t constantly imply just that. It may surely suggest ‘no longer at this moment in time’. Preserve enticing and constructing a relationship with that individual. Take a look at in on them once in a while, ship them hyperlinks to things that may be of hobby to them and their followers. Like and touch upon their posts. On occasion the blogger simply needs time to mull over your idea or wants a concrete cause to sell your product. Of course, if a person has made it abundantly clear they’re no longer involved whatsoever in what you’re imparting then, pretty frankly, you shouldn’t continue to waste it slow. However, just due to the fact a person hasn’t obliged together with your request, that doesn’t mean a entire and abrupt end to that line of verbal exchange. In case you were to do this offline, you’d be taken into consideration rude! Outreach is all about playing the long sport and constructing relationships. O – natural valley
natural valley, the organic food products, has validated these days that influencer advertising isn’t all approximately instagram (as many human beings assume). Their latest advertising and marketing marketing campaign has visible them embark on a collaboration with culinary influencers on youtube, with the intention of drawing interest to their new ghee product. It features 10 cooking influencers getting their meals ‘ghee-lished’. Foodies will realise set up youtubers together with donal skehan, kent rollins, momma cherri, billy parisi, darius williams and alyssa gagarin. Take a look at out their unique influencer advertising marketing campaign. When it comes to your outreach marketing campaign, reflect onconsideration on the platform that’ll paintings quality for you. Are you going to get higher effects from an instagram post or a youtube video? Investigate what your competitors are doing. If you’re unsure then you can always run checks on a small scale and monitor the results. P – politeness
the 3 p’s – politeness, professionalism & character! As in all walks of life, a easy please and thank you in no way goes amiss and may from time to time make a real distinction to your outreach efforts. That being said, ensure you strike the right balance, as being absolutely formal and stuffy received’t constantly be suitable. It’s feasible to remain expert but also to reveal a few persona. Think about it a little like you will a task interview. It’s all properly and right preparing the precise solutions however sometimes an agency is looking to see that your personality can be a very good fit for the relaxation in their employees. Ultimately, a balanced judgement based on who you’re outreaching to and what the concern remember is should tell the way you compose your outreach e-mail. It shouldn’t be too tough to head wrong here as outreach is essentially all about human connections, with human beings responding quality to a aggregate of all 3 of the above. Napoleon dynamite meme
 lesson of the day: don’t call anyone a fats lard. Q – high-quality over quantity
with outreach, a while is higher utilised tailoring, honing and refining emails to a choose few in place of sending out a wellknown batch e-mail to masses of human beings. As noted previously, bloggers and influencers are receiving thrilling requests of their inbox daily. Why should they take day out of their day to respond to you in case your e mail is familiar and mundane? It’s flawlessly satisfactory to apply templates to your restrained pattern, simply ensure that the ones templates have an added private flavour. If you craft some thing that is greater customized and relatable, then probabilities are you received’t end up within the junk mail folder and could get greater beneficial responses. Admittedly, on occasion it could be a numbers recreation and the latter can paintings on your favour. However, pleasant typically trumps quantity. R – relationships
build, expand and nurture them. Do not forget your courting with a blogger as you would another colleague. You wouldn’t clearly walk up for your workmate first thing on a monday morning and call for something from them. Now not with out, a minimum of, exchanging a few small communicate or asking how their weekend changed into first. Right here are a few of my pinnacle hints for constructing and keeping your courting with bloggers:
 often interact with their social media posts to get on their radar, show them you’re paying attention and construct their believe – however don’t overdo it. Link to, and point out, their posts on your personal blog content material. Utilise the three p’s on the subject of any communication (see above)! Many organizations undertaking outreach burn their bridges before they’ve even shaped a courting, as they hound bloggers frequently and absence fundamental manners. S – forestall with the patronising
you could have examine some place else that it’s vital to personalise your emails. That is in reality very true. But, don’t just reel off the three maximum latest weblog posts an influencer has written as evidence of your interest and information. A number of humans make this mistake, regularly without analyzing the influencers paintings in element. Attempt to locate something genuine and proper to supplement a blogger or influencer approximately. It can be so obvious if a person is surely keen on something they do or if they’re really going through the motions for the sake of it. A moderate appreciation is excellent however don’t suck up – it’s obvious and type of cringey. T – believe
these days’s clients are tough to promote to. They’re savvier and less willing to buy into difficult-sell advertising. So, who're they paying attention to? The solution: their peers and different clients. On-line believe is a huge issue and it interprets into lots of pounds. Assume amazon and tripadvisor evaluations – they introduce the target market to a more sincere supply and put off the limitations of traditional advertising. Inside the same vein, trust have to additionally be exercised with the influencer or blogger – as tempting as it could be to want to take creative manipulate over what they produce. Permit them to make the piece their own and function it in a manner so one can appeal to their fans or readers. Of route, there are exceptions to this, and it doesn’t hurt to fact test, however soliciting for edit after edit will get tedious and test the connection. It’s ok to influence the content however don’t manipulate it. Audiences and clients don’t want blatant advertising and marketing but authenticity. Influencers know their target audience better and what works to bring about excessive engagement, so consider them. U – use linkedin
at a very primary level, linkedin is a superb (not to mention unfastened) platform you have to be the usage of for your outreach and influencer marketing. Yet, it's far frequently underutilised. It has an incredible search function, which may be modified and refined, that will help you find influencers relevant on your emblem. Admittedly, it's far truly constrained in the sense that you will simplest be able to directly contact the ones you've got 1st and second diploma relationships with. But, it's far still possible to construct relationships and network via linkedin. Linkedin organizations gives one of the most effective methods to try this. In case you want to attain out to a person who is a distant contact, or you've got 0 mutual contacts at all, don't forget joining any companies they're in. Also make certain your profile is public and seen to them while travelling their profile. This way, they’ll be more aware about your logo whilst it ultimately involves making touch thru different approach. Like, and percentage their posts and message them with insightful comments or comments. Equally, attending blogger meetups offline is a precious use of a while and need to now not be underestimated as a way of expanding your community. You can discover it worthwhile upgrading to a linkedin top rate account, as it affords you with greater alternatives to refine your influencer search. V – vlogging
We’re in an era of video – fb stay, instagram testimonies, snapchat, you name it, people an increasing number of love to devour their content material in this way. In no way is that to mention that written content material is not of significance, but instead video can act as an outstanding addition to your influencer marketing campaign. In contrast to a easy social publish, video content commonly makes a speciality of how a vlogger includes a product/provider into their everyday lifestyles. This form of content material additionally tends to be extra insightful and much less filtered than the written phrase, which adds an detail of accept as true with and authority and may have a extremely tremendous impact on your emblem. If you intend to paintings with vloggers, you should first decide what you need to get out of it. Are you looking for sponsored brand ambassadors to post movies approximately your product across all their social channels? As an alternative, if finances is a problem, a seeding marketing campaign can be of greater interest. This works by gifting a vlogger together with your product inside the hope they’ll create content material approximately it. In assessment to a paid brand ambassador, but, you’ll have restrained manipulate over the message they positioned out. They will well be given the present however no longer submit approximately it as they don’t experience the product is a good fit for his or her audience! Being clean from the outset will affect your approach and the vloggers you outreach to. An excellent way to get your ft moist with vlogging, is to actually talk over with present bloggers you work with and spot which of them have a dominant youtube presence. W– write visitor posts
When you’ve determined applicable bloggers to outreach to and fashioned relationships with them, writing a guest submit on their blog can prove treasured. If supplied with a guest publish opportunity, no longer only will you be able to function your self in the front of the influencers target audience, it’s also a chance to set up your self as an industry expert. Take care right here, even though. There may be a very exceptional line, anything openly salesy might be off setting for an target market interested by authenticity. It’s now not an possibility totally free marketing. Rather, write approximately the same subjects as the influencer, making sure it is applicable and of excessive pleasant. Commonly, you will get hold of a by means of-line on your submit in which you will be capable of insert a one-way link to your web page. On this example growing a particular touchdown page, customised for audiences who come to your web site from this post, is quality practice. X– x element
within the phrases of thierry henry, now and again matters need that ‘va va voom’. That delivered wow. That x-aspect. Good enough i’ll stop now however, seriously, wondering outdoor the box can actually increase your outreach a game from accurate to brilliant and noteworthy. It'd even be that you don’t use e mail as your important approach of shooting a blogger or influencers interest! Get creative and ship them some thing unusual, and then request they touch you. It’s a one-of-a-kind method to mention the least but it'll clearly make you stand other than your competitors. Permit me to provide an example. Say you’re a chocolate or candy logo, you may ship a blogger a clear field containing your objects and offer them with a quiz or puzzle with the purpose of unlocking it to retrieve further data (and, of route, the chocolates). Once the blogger has opened the container, make your touch details genuinely to be had and offer a few reasons for why they should accomplish that. Warning: very predictable meme usage in advance
Live with me on this one! Yoga practitioners are often calm, comfortable and most significantly, bendy. Influencer advertising isn't like different advertising and marketing procedures in which doing x definitively consequences in y. You’re operating with folks that can also have appreciably different ideas and input into how you could make the relationship paintings. Be bendy to your outlook, be given outside involvement and be inclined to mix matters up to peer what works and what doesn’t. Z – zero attempt
phew – we made it! Z brings us to zero effort. Your elevator pitch to bloggers and influencers need to, ideally, be a easy and rapid procedure. Most influencers may have devoted pages on their website which information precisely how they like to be contacted. Ensure, a minimum of, you examine those! If you pretty clearly haven’t observed those simple commands to apprehend the bloggers alternatives, it interprets as making 0 attempt. Zero attempt, manner 0 responses. Anchor guy meme
 This final meme has absolutely no relevance, however i desired to shut on a high! So there you have it, my a-z guide to  Digital Marketing Agencies in Oxford influencer advertising and marketing and blogger outreach. What do you suspect? Is there whatever i’ve missed? Do you have any pinnacle tips to be triumphant? Experience loose to ship me a mail with your thoughts or go away us a remark beneath.
0 notes
jessdunn18 · 8 years
@drfrankenhyde Dennis was a loner and had too much time on his hands. His thoughts often got the better of him. He was 6'2 pale and built like a plump ham. His parents commented on his biggest insecurities often. His father who was the shape of a tree stump would mock his weight. His mom who was like a mix of a hobit and a tomato would mock his complexion and his stature. His dark hair and eyes made everyone assume he was goth. Nope just depressed. He had a hunched posture that he only fixed when he had to serve up burgers to the ungrateful jackwads that pissed and moaned about "too much mayo" at the "sub slammer" a hoagie shop perched between a subway and a quiznos in his food court. He remembers what he thought the first time he saw the place on his 14th birthday while he was stood between his then friends Jake and Austin. "Is this some kind of a joke" However since then the subway had gotten a few too many bad health inspections. The quiznos had been taken over by sketchy people since it was the only food court area that was open 24-7 and it was virtually made uninhabitable by us normal folks.  Now he shoved out shitty knock off subs at prices that were just a dime or two under the prices and a hair or two below the quality. Literally there was a girl named libby making them whose hair was flying out like it was afraid of her scalp.
Each night Dennis went home, chucked his 4 dollar "SS" cap into the corner and perched himself in the tiny office chair in his room. A room that was meant for a 5ft nothin' highschool home coming queen. The ceilings were low the walls were beige and the door was a tone of peach only described as "Vomit". He'd sit in front of his computer searching and clicking and sometmes jacking off until his eyes were blood shot orbs of disturbed mass histeria. He watched conspiracy theory videos, he watched videos of people being blown to bits by bombs and high powered rifles. He'd go onto the 50/50 page of reddit and hope for the gruesome ones. He even winced in anger when he saw a puppy playing with bubbles once. He would usually wake up after slumping down and feeling the rush of cold drool against his chin stuble. Tonight was no different he stood up slowly and stretched making a shadow on his wall the looked like bruce baner turning into the hulk. "hah, i wish" he thought to himself.  He slumped over to his bed which was a twin. His parents really wanted a girl. He fell asleep as usually painfully heaped into a fetal shaped mess barely covered by his blankets. "God i hate this fucking room" he said and passed out. After 4 hours of something inbetween sleep and an awkward balancing act he woke up to a shouting match going on between his parents in the hall. He shook his head and stood up and hulked over to the door and looked out to see them screaming. "Dennis, will you tell your mother we are not..." "oh gee dad i'd love to bu-" *Door slam* "Fuckin' nuerotic windbags" Dennis sat back down his his chair and rubbed his eyes. He was going to give it another college try. You see he would just fuck around online at night. Trying to see shit taht would mentally scar himself. However during the day he researched ways to actively end his existence. "The sooner i'm dead the sooner these fuckers can either divorce or hate fuck and concieve the little girl they've always wanted" he coughed to clear out his throat and lungs.
"Uh...lets see here" he said talking to no one. "Suicide no pain...no mess..." he typed out those words and pressed enter. His slow computer took ages to load the results. "Oh come the fuck on..another reason to do it" he said and chuckled. "aha!" he saw the screen finish loading and a result came up that was an answer to his prayers. "...Dr. Marve for the psychiatirc college for human on human intervention invites anyone wanting assistane reaching their demise to take part in this ..." he continued reading and clicked on the link. He found a phone number and an address and walked down the street and used a pay phone so his parents wouldn't have any evidence of who was involved. They never wanted him and he didn't really think they loved him but...he new some how they'd be pissed at whoever helped him. He popped a coin into the all but rusted dial. He feverishly mashed the buttons almost missing the last seven with his burly hands.  The phone started ringing and he chewed his lip as the held the reciever to his ear. He smelled like a mix of sausage and B.O. "Uggghh now i know where the homeless sleep...uh..." just then a woman picked up. "Uhmmm...*clears his throat* ...is this Dr. Marves self end assistance office n 91124 bridgetown , washington?" "Why yes it is ,why is it that you're calling, ...?" "..well i...uh" "...just kidding we know why already just a little post post moterm humor" the woman said with a giggle and under any other circumstances this would have freaked him the fuck out. However he had called her. "uuhmmm ...anyway ..i was wondering if i could make an appointment for a consultation..I have the money ...." "Oh no its free the people who pay are the ones who apply to assist the dead" The woman said. "Oh...awesome..i mean...cool" He stammered. "Yes it is.." she said sounding almost evil. "uh..you mean this really doesn't like bug you? to work some where that helps with this sort of thing?" He asked feeling odd now about it himself. "oh no we just ask that the individuals make absolutely sure they have nothing to live for or leave behind. We don't like a lot of loose en--- i mean ...messy paperwork" She answered sounding as if she was smiling. "well thats me, i'm 22, no life, no friends,,nothing..not squat..so uhm when can i come in?" He asked getting back to the point. "walk ins are welcomed" She said seeming to soften up her odd eagerness. "great i'll be there this afternoon..bye" Dennis hung up and started walking to the bus station.
He came upon the bench which was empty. Which was good because the last thing he'd want was some old woman making small talk with him. He imagined the conversation in his head. Her asking him "where ya headed" him saying "to an appointment" and from there she'd either bore him about details about her ever present medical visits which would lead him to either rudely stare forward and ignore her or blow up in her face about how ..thankful he was about being on his way to kill himself. He saw the bus approaching and shook himself internally as to stop spacing out. He whipped out his bus pass and steped onto the bus. He got on and the bus smelled even worse than the phone reciever. Like a mix of pepper farts and garbage juice. "uggghhh now i know where the homeless fuck..." he said under his breath. He picked a seat. It was acrossed from a man wearing headphones and texting. He could make out the messages on the reflexion in the glass behind him.
"vanessa speak to me, its been two days, I know i proposed at lego land. i see that was wrong now i'm so so so so sorry.." *send noise* All Dennis could think to himself was ..glad I'm about to dodge that bullet. He smiled to himself and leaned against the back of the seat and dozed off.
He woke up to the bus jolting and him almost flying off of his seat. "Whoa shit!" he said catching himself against a somewhat sticky pleather seat. That had tears so old they now looked like old war wounds. He stood up and shook his head awake. He saw the clinic sign as he stepped off of the bus.
"Dr. Marve's, Where we make life complete" He rolled his eyes and began walking toward the door. The cliinic was a little hole in the wall. He looked like it used to be a chinese restaurant or something. It barely seemed big enough to do any kind of medical shit. He got closer to the door and looked the place up the down. "Hmm, guess this is as good a place as any to die" he shrugged and reached for the door handle. It creeked and he felt goosebumps rise up on his arms. "Christ!" he said he steped inside and a blinding light sent his pupils into spasms. His vision got a bit blurry "Oh shi-" he said blinking quickly so his eyes were adjust as the door shut behind him. "Welcome, can i have your name and why you want to die" he heard as his eyes regained focus. He recognized the voice from the phone. "Hi, I'm Dennis, people used to call me Denny, my dad calls me Denise!" He said sarcastically and walked up to the counter. "And why do you want to die?" The woman said a small smile that looked painted on stuck fast on her face. "A lot of reason, I'm overweight, my parents resent me, i have no friends, i work in the food court and i can't even make a pastrami on rye right..." he was cut off by the womans interuption. "no no...the most poinient reasoning, ...like...for instance if you were struggling with your sexuality, if you were in some kind of horrible chronic pain, if you were terminally ill and afraid that it would get worse, multiple personality disorder, someones threatened to kill you or maybe multiple someones and you wanna beat them to the punch" she said making a small punching motion inward like friends do in cheesy buddy movies as she smiled at him and tilted her head. "The fuck..? No...i just hate my life, ...don't peopl ever come in here wanting to die for that reason?" He asked almost becoming angry. "Yes...and some of this back out..and we like no mess as i've told you ...so i was just making sure..." she spat back at him and then looked down at some paperwork. "now....uhm lets see here the doctor can see you...." she paused for what felt lie 20 minutes. "Now...." she said perking back up and smiling at him. "...right through that door". She pointed at a large steel door that looked like something out of a psyche ward. "uh..thanks.." Dennis thanked her timidly and started lurching over to the door. There was no hint as to what was behind it...there was a small window but it was boarded up. Whiched seemed more than a little sketchy but Dennis didn't care. He was tired of being alive. He had been depressed and sad and emotionally devoid for too long. He lacked any kind of motivation or want or need out of life. He had nothing to lose and nothing to want. So he oppened the door and thank god it didn't screech at him and there were no blinding lights. Just a sign that said "don't touch wet paint." the sign looked old. He found a door that said "Dr. Marve" He knocked softly. "Uh..doc ya in there" He said feeling his voice crack and realizing how dry his mouth was. "One second suzanne..." he heard from behind the door and a few foot steps later and he was face to face with a man who didn't look like the kind of guy you'd think would want to end lives for a living. "Hello, you must be the young man who called earlier" he said smilng. "i spoke to your receptionists tho-" Dennis started. "i have all the phones tapped, so uhm..whats was your prefered method of...Danny..?" the Doctor asked him. "Its Denny...can i come in or...?" He asked. "Oh yes sure..." the Doctor said and leaped out of the way and two stepped back to his desk and sat down. Come take a seat. "Okay..." Dennis sat down and looked around. "Are you sure you are the right doctor, i mean you don't seem like the kind of person who wants to help people kill themselves" Denny said the doubt showing up in his voice. "What makes ya say that, is it cause i'm a doctor, aren't doctors meant to end suffering, life is suffering so by helping people end their lives i'm ending the leading cause of suffering" Dr. Marve said seeming a bit annoyed but stil too chipper for Dennis's liking. "hmm...Okay..ya talked me into it...You asked me my prefered method...what do you recommend?" Dennis asked sitting back and relaxing a bit in the chair.
Dr. Marve looked puzzled and also sat back in his chair. He spun around and looked out the window. "Well, that depends, Denny,...do you want pazazz and bang or something quiet...do you want a rush...or something small.." he slowly started turning back around. "..do you want TO BE COMPLETELY OBLITERATED ...OR DONATE THAT SLAB OF FLESH YOU CALL YOU TO SCIENCE?" He said finishing off yelling in Dennys face. Dennis didn't even flinch. "Doc, look i'm starting to think this place isn't legit. Between you and better bozo out there i'd swear this fucking place isn't an office or medical clinic at all, but just you and some bitch who escaped the psyche ward and wanna freak people out" He finished what he was saying and began playing with a loose piece of rubber on the sole of his shoe. Dr. Marve sat back down and brushed the small wrinkled out of his shirt.  "no no...i could see where you'd get that idea but no...i just like to get someons blood pumping one last time before it stops, now...how do you want to die?" He asked again this time quietly but looking Dennis straight in the eyes. He pulled out a syringe and walked over to Dennis. "what the hell are you gonna do with that?" Dennis said tensing up in his chair. "nothing...unless you want me too" The doctor placed the syringe on his desk and leaned on the edge of the desk with his arms crossed. "Hell, i'll even leave and you can do it." He said nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders before walking back to his chair. "okay. I wanna be put down in a decent way. I'll take the injection..but i'm a big dude make sure you've got enough to do the job there doc." Dennis said and pulled up his T-shirt sleeve. "oh it'll do the job." The doc said and picked up the syringe and walked over to Dennis and pushed it into his upper forearm. After that the doctor tossed the syringe in a plastic binned marked "sharps".  At first Dennis didn't feel much. Then he felt his fingers and toes going numb. He felt his nose twitch. He wasn't feeling pain. He felt like he was falling asleep sort of but one of those hidden sleeps. Like you're tired but not tired enough to admit it and before you know it you're waking up and its morning. Dennis felt his mind become less aware which was probably a blessing. He looked around the room one last time the walls were turning into jello and Dr. Marve was knealing down to check his pulse. "Almost there"...He felt nothing and it seemed over. Everything went black and he thought  "so this must be death...Theres a whole lotta nothing"..he said in that dark emptyness for what felt like days. Just then something felt jagged...he could feel himself again. "Damnit, i went to hell...i was afraid of this..." He could hear voices...and he could smell chemicals and feel something like against his skin. Just then it hit him. "i'm not dead..I told them that little syringe full of shit wouldn't do the trick" He was alive but he couldn't open his eyes..he wasn't breathing. Just then he woke up...He was strapped to a bed...He was stuck there. He could feel his head getting foggier. He was losing his memories, his thoughts, his feelngs, his friends, his family, he felt panicked and then all of a sudden he couldn't feel anything. He couldn't remember who he was. "Denny boy!, how is my little patient?" Dr. Marve said walking over in a white lab coat that was covered in God knows what. "whose Denny?" he answered. "Well, my friend, you were,..you wanted to die...i'm sorry, Denny wanted to die..so we killed him, Now you can be whoever you want" Dr. Marve said smiling. "...who are you?" He asked. "i'm a miracle worker, and about to be bloody stinkin rich!"  Dr. Marve exclaimed.   "Are you sure about this Marve, are you sure no ones gonna come looking for him like they did the others?" Suzzane the receptionist asked a hint of sadness and desperation hanging in her words. "Don't be silly, he's just some kid...we'll let him lose and he'll be found by the authorities wondering around Zoosky park in his socks and boxers and they'll take him home where he'll have a new life where everyone loves him cause they've missed him." Dr. Marve said now sounding as if he was desperate to believe his own bullshit. "but he won't be him, not...not after this" she said panicking. "Thats what he wanted, Denny wanted to die, he's dead now, and now ...whoever this sap becomes next will be much happier you'll see." The doctor said stripping off his lab coat and putting on his regular coat and hat and grabbing his briefcase. "you're just gonna leave him here?" Suzzane said looking at Denny's body and stroking his face.   "no we are, now come with me toots we've got plans to make!" He boasted and grabbed Suzzane by the wrist and pulled her out the door. She watched as the empty minded man strapped to the slab dozed off again. She hoped desperately that some of his memories would reform while there were out.
The next day Dennys body awoke and was now free of its restraints. Suzanne was standing over him with a smile. She rubbed his hand. "welcome back Denny, ...how was your nap?" she asked. "Denny,...is that me?" the person asked sounding less sedated and loopy. "Uhm...it was...., do you remember anything..?" She asked him. "I remember a needle...and darkness...and .." He looked up to the ceilng. "low ceilings" He blinked and smiled subtly.  "But our ceilings are 12 ft high...?" Suzanne said feeling puzzled.
She handed him an sausage egg mcmuffin, Denny had hated eggs but she didn't know that.  "Here i got something for you to eat just cause you don't remember food doesn't mean you shouldn't eat some."  He took a bite and made a face...and then stared straight ahead for a few seconds.   "what, what did you feel, ..or see?" She looked deep into his eyes...watching his pupils shift. He started blinking fast and spat the bite he had taken into a napkin. "why'd ya burn the eggs mah?" he said and looked irritated. "I'm not your mother..." she said and realized he could remember small things. She smiled but vowed not to tell the Doctor.
The man stood up and took baby steps around the room. He walked over to the mirror and looked in it. He tilted his eyebrows up and smiled.  "Do...ya...uhm... do you remember yourself?" The woman asked.  "Myself, ...thats me?" he said lookng at Suzanne then back at himself and mussing his hair up.   "Yes, you came in here...and wanted our help and now..you...dont' remember yourself..or anything" She said as her shoulder slumped as she walked up to Bennys body.    "Why did i need your help?" he asked.    "you were...uhm..sad and unhappy..and now you can't remember why so i guess that's a plus" she said nearly cryiing.  "It'll be okay" he said and hugged her.    "How did you know to hug me?" she asked confused.    "i don't know i must have seen it somewhere" The large man looked confused.    "...so it does remember.." she said stroking her chin.    "who is it?" Dennis asked.     "..uh...nothiing....yet" she said looking him up and down. She walked out of the room and came back in with a pencil and paper and wrote down the alphabet.  She held it up in front of him.
"Do you remember any of this?" She said. "Well, Duh, Those are letters, do you have anything besides eggs...i'd rather have pizza" He said. "Yeah i'll go get some pizza you go rest  uhm...i'll be back" she said and sped off out the door lockng it behiind her. She hopped in her car and all the way to the pizza place she was smiling and thinking "shit shit fuck" at the same tme.    She began talking to herself in the middle of traffic. "if he remembers somethings he might remember and be mad, but this is a breakthrough, if it worked...if it doesn't he could end up brain damaged in a week in Zoosk park lke Marve said...but no..shit...Suzzane you've gotta help him" she said and shook herself out of her conversation. She parked and ran in to grab two slice of pepperoni pizza, she paid with a $10 and said keep the change. As she charged back to the car she noticed a couple walking in and over heard their conversation.
"No Drew, he wouldn't just take off like that I know my Denny" The woman collapsed into the mans arms crying loudly. "There there Amy, We'll find him...He probably just passed out on the bus and ended up out of town at Rodgers again"
She watched them enter the pizza shop and sped off in her jeep back to the small clinic. She pulled around back and entered through the lab doors. She walked in to find Dr. Marve waiting with a tablet watching Denny's vitals.
"Oooh for me?" He said grinning. "uhm...no i got it for him..you can have the left over egg mcmuffin overthere though" She said smuggly and walked over and nudged Denny. "He won't wake up what did you do?" She said putting the pizza on a stand. "I'm fixing him, thats what he came here for so thats what i'm going to do!" He said. "You know he's sort of remembering things, and if we can trigger the good memories and keep him from  remembering the bad long enough, he won't have pain attached to them anymore" She said trying not to sound bossy. "That wasn't the plan Suzanne, we were meant to find them a living host, someone who was alive but mentally empty who they could toy with for a bit." The doctor sad almost screaming. "Why not try someone with dementia or something inoperable" She stammered. "Because we need someone young and strong not some brittle old cow with dead brain cells this could be a breakthrough in mind control, it could lead to incredible things Suzie!" He said sounding like a mad scientist. "Don't call me Suzie, I haven't been Suzie since August when you..." she stopped and started scratching intently at her arm.  "Cured you?" He said trying to prove a point.  "You didn't cure shit, i felt empty with those memories, but at least i knew why i felt empty now...i feel nothing...!" she screamed and collapsed in tears. Just then Dennis woke up.  "Why is she crying?" He asked looking slightly mad.  "why do you care you don't even know anything" The doctor said scoffing at his unfunny remark.   "I know enough" Dennis said. Just then he shoved the doctor out of the way and onto a syringe of his solution. He knealt down and looked at Suzanne she was scratching a gash into her forearm. "why are you doing this?" He said pull her hand away and covering her arm with his other hand.     "because i had memories that hurt me...and he took mine,...and sometimes i wish i could remember, and when i can't i just..." she fidgetted trying to reach back and start again.      "No.." He stood up holding her wrists and looking her in the eyes. "i'll help" he hugged her and they both heard the Doctor fall over with a thud.     "Ill help you too." She said and sniffled while she wiped the tears away. The both took a slice of pizza and ate it. Then they lifted the doctor onto the stretcher and strapped him in.
A little back story on suzanne. She was sexually abused as a girl. Her parents left her for dead and the Doctor found her when she was a teen. He tricked her into having the percedure. He reconsidered it for a bit and then thought it would work out better on a male brain. She can't remember the abuse but there is still sadness and pain. Baseless pain and shame...without her minds ability to explain and so she does the scratching thing as a coping mechanism and reaactionary impulse. PTSD without any understandable trauma so the brain must create some kind of trauma or prompt the body to do so.
The walked out locking the door behind them. Suzanne and Dennis got into her car. He hit his head on the arch of the car door. "Yee-ouch damnit happens every time, fuck!" He shook his head and then looked around. "Where am i?, Where's Doc. Marve? Why am i not dead?" He said looking straight into Suzannes eyes, then down at her arm. "Oh god,,..Did i do that to you...f i did i'm sorry i didn't know what that syringe had in iti knew...i shouldn't have let him do...thi-" she put her hand over his mouth. She looked him dead in the eyes. "Stop, you're panicking, Dr. Marve attempted to wipe most of your memories. I dont know how much you remember but i've been trying to revive whats left of your memories...he originally was going to wipe your brain like a harddrive and sell you to some people who were going to use you and mind control you to do bad things Dennis" She said and pulled her hand away. "please call me Denny" He said and looked confused at himself. "do you remember the names Amy and Drew?"She said slowly. "uhm...Amy is...uhm.." He started stuttering and winced hard and was visibly in pain and laid flat against the cramped carseat. "whats ...wha---" Suzanne looked at him feeling horrible. "...she's my mom" he said smiling. "Yes!" Suzanne said starting her car. "Do you know a Drew?" She asked unsure of the result. "i think he's my dad..." He said sounding shakey. "yes!, i saw them and overheard them talking about you at the pizza place i wasn't sure until just now that you were the Denny they were talking about but now i know. I want to take you home to them, they miss you, my parents didn't love me, and in a way i know Dr. Marve saved my life back then but ...i can't remember anything and i only stay with him because i'm scared. its all i know" She said welling up and swallowing hard. "But you're not a little kid you're a grown woman, ...surely you want to do something else" Dennis said as they pulled out of the parking lot and went off to the pizza shop hoping they would catch his parents.
After about 5 minutes they reached the redlight before the pizza shop and A green Subaru was pulling out and Dennis saw it and it triggered his brain. "Thats my parents car!" The light turned green and they pulled out and followed the car until it reached the police station. It pulled in and they followed. After they did Dennys dad go out and walked up to Suzannes car as his mother walked into the police station. "what the he--whaaa...is that...?" he saw Dennis sat there in the passenger seat. "Dad?..." Denny said confused. "what do you mean. Dad?... of course i am come here!" he walked over to give him a hug.   "I think you're my dad, so i'll hug you" Denny said and hugged him. "He thinks, what did you do?" Drew said looking angrily at Suzanne. "I need to tell you and you're not going to believe a word but the man responsible did  the same thing to me only i don't remember anything. Your son still remembers you. The truth will be hard to hear but i save him and brought him to you and he's slowly starting to remember things. He came to the clinic i no longer work for as of today. He came in yesterday he wanted to die. He was tricked into thinking we offered assisted suicides. The man responsible attempted to wipe your sons memory  it didn't work. If it had he'd be having his mnd controlled by someone else right now." She said breaking down into tears. "We gotta tell the cops and take them and go get this fucker!" His dad said. "I know exactly where he is too but we gotta hurry!".
Drew, Denny and Suzanne walked into the police station and poured their guts.  At first the police didn't believe Suzanne until she was fingerprinted and just as she was about to be questioned her finger prints came back. She hadn't been left for dead. Her parents hadn't left her for dead in fact they had been looking for her all this tme. Her parents were contacted as Suzanne told the cops where the man who she now knew had sexually assaulted and kidnapped her was located her parents were contacted.
Denny was reintroduced to his parents, and himself. He learned to appreciate life. His mind was never quite the same though. He now is the manager of the Sub Slammer and invents knew kinds of sandwiches every month.
Suzanne is starting to remember things. Just not the bad parts.
Dr. Marve had his medical license revoked.. 20 yrs ago and is now serving extensive time in a psych ward where they do experiments on him to figure out whats wrong with his brain.
I know the ending wasn't a dark as you may have thought it would be but i hope its still good none the less.
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