#There that's a specific tag to blacklist even though I'm not a personal drama ask answerer very often...
carouselunique · 2 months
Is it true that there's no animosity between you and... you know, you know who. You never talk about her in any way. I guess I'm curious. You guys seemed like really close friends and then just weren't friends at all. And there was some stuff she said that seemed very targeted at you...
I don't know if she feels any animosity toward me or not any more. Our mutual friends have said she doesn't and I take them on their word in that regard, assuming that if they have an answer for me it's because they're aware how she feels. I wouldn't know and it's not my place to put words in her mouth.
I haven't spoken to her/about her in a long time and the only time she even crosses my mind is when people bring her up to me. As for me feeling any animosity? I'll admit my feelings on her these days are complicated and way too nuance-core for people who aren't my friends to hear about but I wouldn't call them animosity in any way. I inherently want people my friends care about to live well because I care about my friends, and anyone my friends care about by proxy and I still share friends with her. I would never wish ill on people my friends care about so animosity doesn't fit into that by definition. I'd say I'm hurt more than anything and even then I've worked through a lot of it with trusted friends who have helped me deal with my emotions in a healthy way.
(Besides, my own life struggles keep me from even being able to invest time into animosity. I have to expend that energy loving my family, doing my best to support them during our struggles. And I've never been a hateful person it isn't in me. I would rather play 'Hot To Go' by Chappell Roan and teach my dad how to do the hand gestures to help him strengthen his muscles again than focus on hating anyone...)
I try not to think about her because it hurts. I often think that people forget that I'm a real person outside of her sphere, and that I wouldn't want to talk about what happened because I truly did consider her a friend for a long time. And when someone I consider a friend appears to not regard me with care any more suddenly and I don't even have closure on that... well... it hurts... A lot. Of course I never talk about it.
And I'm not stupid, I have seen some stuff she's said that I've gathered was about me. I remind myself that she has a right to vent in her own spaces and I truly mean that... it's just a shame that her own spaces have people who then have taken these things to me to show me (after all, I wouldn't have even seen these things myself if not for third-party anons going 'this u?') saying it is my own fault because I was a terribly cruel friend or my own fault for not listening to warnings about her when I had the chance and that makes me a stupid gullible bitch. You lot haven't seen some of the awful shit about me from some of her more ravenous fans and haters I've seen over the years that I've had to let roll off my back in the fear it would bring backlash - not even to me, to her. I don't want to be the cause of any hatred going to anyone.
Also I'm just not going to ever talk about the details of our fallen friendship or our fallen relationship. That's private. She might be a public person to some extent but I never was, even if I do gain some measure of small fandom for my work one day I'm just private about personal matters especially raw ones. I almost deleted this ask entirely but Idk I never stated that it bothers me when people talk to me about her from my own mouth, so I guess that's what this ramble is.
If you send me anything about Lily Orchard it will not be addressed. I am not a part of her life not even through our mutual friends. I do not know or care what's going on with her public/personal life. I haven't kept up. I will never keep up. Don't treat me as an extension of the situation because I am not in the situation. In the most plainly stated sense of the word: Leave me the Hell alone. (...pretty please.)
All I've wanted this entire time was to be left alone to process everything in a healthy, peaceful way. I'm workin' on it.
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months
reply to /post/742888847898279936/reply-to from the person who initially sent the ask that says people who split fictives easily shouldn't watch stuff like Hazbin, but also to some of the other replies on that post. I don't want this to continue to be drama, so I won't be replying to anything else on this subject, but a few points I want to make: 1. I am a system host and a fictive myself. I've existed for about 12 years at this point and I'm fully aware that fictives are people who are more than just our source characters. I am in no way blaming Hazbin fictives for their own existence, and I don't think they are inherently bad people. 2. I do agree that people, in general, systems or not, fictive-heavy or not, have a responsibility to avoid watching/reading stories that will harm them. You are right that if it were coming from a singlet, my specifically addressing systems would come across as condescending and unfair. I apologize for this, I didn't provide context in my kinfession so I don't blame anyone for being rubbed the wrong way by it. 3. Specifically, as a Jewish person the continued popularity of things like Hazbin, Hetalia, and Attack on Titan makes me feel upset and unsafe. Even though I've blacklisted the tags for Hazbin, seeing that the posts exist makes me frustrated and irritated. When you have a fictive from something, it becomes very difficult to ever completely stop talking about it, and then when you make friends, it makes them curious about your source material, and it makes it spread further and further. So even though I don't blame Hazbin fictives for existing, if it weren't for people watching Hazbin, they probably would have split as either a non-fictive alter or as a fictive from something else, and I wouldn't have to see yet another antisemitic cartoon become the current hot topic. To amend my original statement, I will say: Nobody at all should be watching Hazbin Hotel regardless of whether they're singlet or plural, kin or non-kin, etc. BUT people who split fictives easily should be especially careful to avoid it. The end. Sorry MPC for the drama.
This is the last ask response that I'll post on this. Please do not send any more to op. Thank you.
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deadpoolunofficial · 5 months
Mobile: Rules + Guidelines
Hello, I’m Carlos. I’m in my late 20s. I’m black and I have a full-time job. I might not be as active due to my life IRL.
PSA: It is not a requirement to know what Source Material Deadpool is from. Depending on the fandom, I am interacting with, I will format his character into a new verse for that.
I will only rp with mutuals. No exception!
Godmodding and metagaming will not be accepted here.
If it’s not shared IC or discussed ooc, then your character cannot know about information listed in his bio or in headcanon posts.
I won’t send any passwords. But I read all the rules! If I don’t follow you, I couldn’t find your rules!
I won’t follow back if you don’t have a rules page.
If the art isn’t mine it will be credited to the original artist.
IC does not equal OOC. My muse’s views are his own and not mine.
No smut will be written on here, though NSFW asks and questions and topics are okay.
Please be patient for replies, if you bother me to reply I will delete my part of the thread and stop interacting with you. I have a full-time job and will be tired most days. - THIS ONLY APPLIES IF YOU PESTER ME EVERY DAY. Or every hour on the hour.
Non-Roleplay/Personal blog: Do not reblog my posts, you are welcome to follow, just don't reblog rp threads.
Shipping is okay if there is chemistry, however I like to talk about things OOC! However, don’t be disheartened if I don’t think the characters are compatible.
My blog is OC and multi-fandom friendly. However, I have the right to decline your OC/Character’s connection to mine.
Things here will be tagged accordingly. Trigger warnings, OOC posts, character tags, gifs, videos, art, audio, etc, for example. THERE WILL BE NO FANCY TAGS IN THIS BLOG for the sake of practicality.
I have severe dyslexia, and I will make typos and grammatical errors. Feel free to point them out in dms, but please do not make fun of me or get mad at me for them.
Roleplay asks for the mun and the muse is welcome! I encourage it!
Do not bash me for my HCs and interpretation of my character.
Reiteration on the no drama; I do not like drama at all. If I address something that I deem drama. It will be tagged as “drama” All “drama” posts will be taken down within a few hours of their original posting.
If I DM you about something that concerns me and I want to set a boundary. I am not accusing you of ANYTHING. If you read the tone way differently than I did then that’s fair. I will never assume you are intentionally trying to hurt me or anyone else. I am only bringing it up to potentially avoid it in the future or just not have it happen again.
If what we talk about in dms makes it to tumblr without any of the original contexts, and I see you are calling me a bad person. You will be blocked. If you ever take me trying to approach you about a discomfort as bad that’s on you.
Please read - Content Warning
18+ topics will be on this blog, however no SMUT will be on this blog.
Gore, Religion, Murder, torture, Horror, body horror, and suggestive content. This is due to the “Hellverse” Au on the blog.
Heavy about depression and mental health will be present on this blog. Since Balan helped others with their mental health in his game, it’s a core part of his character.
I don't tag personal triggers. I will not and cannot keep up with everyone's personal triggers! However, if you are my friend I will be sure to trigger tag things.
I tag common triggers only.
While I do have triggers there aren’t many I am comfortable with sharing as I can just avoid them. However, since these few can SPECIFICALLY come up in rp. Please do not rp or talk to me about these topics. I don't care if you tag them or not. But I'm 100% likely to just not respond!
The Military - I’m ex-military, it’s an uncomfortable topic for me. I don’t joke or even talk about it.
Mass genocide - Self-Explanatory. If it’s backstory I can deal, just not in-depth topics.
Eco-fascism - This is the devaluing of human life stuff like “All humans are bad” or “Humans are disgusting"  This is uncomfortable to me, I am a minority through and through, it’s uncomfortable.
Racism - This is self-explanatory.
Fantasy Racism - I’m not a fan. It’s bad writing.
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deewithani · 2 years
Bit of a long post ahead. It's discourse and fandom discussion, so scroll on by if that's not your thing.
I see drama, but I usually don't comment on it.
I will, however, just say this: If there are things you don't want to see, people who interact with content you don't like or actually creates that content (the absolute nerve of them, I know), or content/blogs that just don't flow with the mood you want for your blog...
Block them. Unfollow them. Blacklist tags. Purity in fandom is impossible. You won't get it. What is acceptable to you is unacceptable to someone else. The best thing you can do is use the tools available to you to chuck those things right over the wall that surrounds your blog. You are responsible for what you let inside your walls, no one else can make those decisions for you.
Regarding DNIs, I think if you have one other people should take that into consideration. It's not perfect, but it's one of the tools you can use. Regarding the most recent drama (it's mostly on Twitter, and a week old at this point), if you have DNI'd something and now you're removing that because some big name artists are blocking certain DNIs, I don't know what to tell you. They've done as was asked of them and this makes it harder for those accounts that you actually don't want to interact with you to stay over in their area and not bother you.
Some time ago I put in my bio that I didn't have a DNI. It wasn't in response to any particular fandom thing or discourse, just what I talked about above. I think most of us are doing our best to curate our blogs, stay in our lanes, and have fun here. I would bet, though, that somewhere in the blog of probably every person that follows me, and every person that I follow, there is a post (or several) that hit a very specific DNI for someone, even if you think you're being as careful and mindful as you can. If your blog has a pink theme I guarantee there is someone out there who has a DNI made specifically for you because they hate the color pink.
I check DNIs before I follow anyone, and I block tags that are specific to the things that I don't want to see. That's it. I know it's probably not the "acceptable" way to be in fandom anymore, but I don't have the time, energy, or desire to interact with things I don't like, particularly to tell other people how they're wrong.
If you've followed my blog long enough, you've probably noticed a lack of certain ships, even though I haven't posted a DNI warning away followers that do post those ships. I don't really even have to mention which ships they are. We all know what ships they are. I blocked the relevant tags. I hardly ever see that one sequel ship, or that popular Mando ship that I absolutely despise, because artists and writers are generally very good at tagging, and fandom is really good at creating ship names that are easy to block.
I try my best to be mindful of the things that I post and reblog. I didn't create this blog to upset anyone, I created it to share my love for Star Wars. I think most of us created our blogs for much the same reason. I have not always done the best in how I wanted to curate my blog, and I'm sure that I'll fall short in the future, too. I'm not perfect, and because of that I don't insist on perfection in others.
Anyway, tomorrow is going to be a good day to be a Star Wars fan. We will love some things, and we will hate some things, but we're all in the same fandom. The only thing I can guarantee anyone is that there will not be 100% consensus with how the fandom feels about either show tomorrow, but there will probably be someone updating their DNI to "DNI if you support Bo-Katan as Mand'alor".
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rhaienyra · 1 month
Tumblr media
✧ ˚ · .             ❛   Everyone  says  Targaryens  are  closer  to  GODS  than  to  men  ,  but  they  say  that  because  of  our  dragons  .  Without  them  ,                         we're  just  like  everyone  else   .  ❜
  # RHAIENYRA  ,  a  roleplay  blog  for  RHAENYRA TARGARYEN  ,  QUEEN  OF  THE  ANDALS  ,  THE  RHOYNAR  ,  AND  THE  FIRST  MEN  .                                                                 Portrayed  by  YURI  ,  21+  ,  they / she  ,  est  timezone  .
       ❃            ↳  rules.  bio.  headcanons.  credits.
     *  Of  note  ,  this  blog  is  heavily  headcanon  based  &.  may  be  divergent  .  Such  divergencies  will  be  addressed  in  headcanon  posts  .  I  am  following  HOTD specifically  ,  and  have  not  yet  finished  Fire  &.  Blood  .
                     Rules  below  the  cut  ,  for  easy  access  on  mobile  ! Blog wip .
000. As an opener, I DO NOT SHIP RHAENYRA AND DAEMON. I believe Daemon groomed Rhaenyra, and will not explore any aspect of a relationship between them that isn't strictly familial/platonic. D'Arcy states it was grooming & Rhaenyra could not consent due to her age, and Condal agreed it is an act of abuse. However, this aspect of Rhaenyra's childhood and the traumas it brought about may be discussed; such will be tagged accordingly (likely as tw abuse //) and will not be further brought up. I will not discuss any specific acts, Though HOTD and ASOIAF are not set in modern times & morals/standards are different, I still find such disturbing, triggering, and will not be romanticizing it in any way.
001. Semi-active, *really* spotty activity. I'm a full-time online student & have to spend a lot of free time doing house work or babysitting so, I try to pop in when I have some free time! A lot may run on queue, and some replies may be delayed; please feel free to nudge me if you'd like!
002. Mun & muse are both 21+. NSFW may include sexual content, light gore/violence mentions, language. Very fond of potentially toxic yuri and c.annib.alism as a metaphor for love, so those themes may occur or be hinted at.
003. Not really selective in who I follow, though I do actively try to avoid frequent posts of topics that make me uncomfortable, such as my triggers: r/pe / sexual assault / csa / domestic abuse / child abuse & cancer. I have really bad ocd, and these topics tend to make it spike due to past traumas! I mainly ask for it to be tagged in an easy to blacklist format (please no special characters for example,) and I will not cover topics on my blog that relate to my triggers. Any trigger that may come up in my writing will be tagged as "trigger //" ; please let me know if I miss anything that you need tagged!! I am unaffiliated with the fandom and will be selective with who I follow from the fandom; mainly, I will only follow someone in the fandom if they follow me first unless we are already mutuals somewhere else. Transphobes, homophobes, racists, misogynists, etc will be blocked.
004. Open to plotting or just winging it. I will often reblog sentence memes/prompts or post starter calls for first interactions. I switch between second and third person writing, sometimes even in the same reply if i like the flow of it. however, i tend to match my writing partner's style/length; if i reply to you with the second-person style & you prefer third, feel free to let me know and I'll edit it!!
005. Please do not bring me into drama. I have been stalked, harassed, and threatened in prior fandoms before & really am just here to enjoy my hobby without fearing for my safety and comfort again. With this being said, I am a supporter of callouts for abusive, predatory, or otherwise unacceptable behavior, and will share them if others experience similar threats to their safety and well-being. If you come onto my blog intending to start drama, at least do it off anon & we can talk like adults.
006. I go by Yuri, I'm 27, pronouns they/she. I'm a bit introverted/socially awkward on *top* of being frequently busy, so if i delay in replies either ic or ooc i apologize!! i am open to sharing my discord privately as well, if requested.
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feynavaley · 6 years
How do you tag AO3? I've had an account for a couple of years but never used it much and I'm still a bit confused...
Thanks for the question! Honestly, I’m hardly an expert and I don’t know if I use tags correctly, so I’m probably not the best person you can ask to, but I can definitely explain my process. I hope it’s not too wrong! 😅
Obviously, you need to use the right fandom category, rating (I honestly miss the FFN distinction between K and K+, but I guess everything goes under G), and then there are the warnings and kind of pairings.
I have to admit that, at first, I was a bit confused by the warnings – especially, the ‘Graphic Depictions Of Violence’ one, as I really don’t know what qualifies as ‘graphic’. I used it on I See Fire because there are some serious injuries in the first chapter, but I’m still unsure if it was actually needed, haha. Probably not. At first, I used a lot the ‘Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings’ tag, then I learnt that readers tend to be wary of that as it’s often used to avoid tagging sensitive content that is actually included in the fic but the author didn’t want to spoil. In my case, I was just being overcautious, and I have since changed that to ‘No Archive Warnings Apply’ as I don’t think any depiction of violence in my other stories is strong enough to be considered ‘graphic’. Of course, I’m always receptive to feedback if any reader were of a different opinion.
As for the kind of pairing – they obviously depend on your story. I tag fics as ‘gen’ if none of the main characters is in a romantic relationship, I tagged both ‘gen’ and ‘f/m’ in Chrysalis because there is obviously a romantic relationship, but the focus is also on other non-romantic relationships that are developed through the story. The only advice I can give you here is to think only about the pairings (or lack thereof) involving the main characters, I don’t think that background ones warrant a change of category.
I follow a similar logic for tagging the pairing themselves: I tag familial relationships/friendships that are focused on with a ‘&’ between the two characters’ names, and the established or eventual romantic ones with a ‘/’. I don’t know if this is right, but I personally tag only the relationships involving the main characters – if there are other pairings, they are relegated to the ‘Minor or Background Relationship(s)’ tag as I don’t want to clog the tag for people who are looking for stories centred on that pairing. I also used that tag for the relationship between George and Aila in Arthur Kirkland’s Guide to Being a Big Brother, for example – I kept the category as ‘gen’ because their relationship was never the real focus (moreover, they were OCs, readers probably didn’t care about who they were paired with), but I thought it was better to warn the presence of a background relationship. Once again, I don’t know if this is the right way to do it, but nobody complained.
Now, on the characters: I think it would be better only to tag the ones with a significative role, but how do you define what ‘significative’ means? Personally, I’m still trying to find a balance – I also tag side characters who are recurring or have a significative impact on the main characters’ actions – and I’m afraid I’m overtagging, in this department. What I do, however, is to specify in the additional tags which characters the story is actually focused on, so readers will have more elements to decide. I also always add the ‘Other Hetalia Character(s)’ tag if there are some characters who appear in the story but I don’t want to tag because they have some truly minor roles.I don’t tag OCs if they’re not focused on, though, even if they have a role I would deem significative enough to tag a canon character. I don’t know if this is the right etiquette, but I do it keeping in mind my preferences: I don’t like stories focused on OCs and I won’t read them, I’ll even blacklist the tag when I’m looking for stories to read – but the only thing that bothers me is the OC being focused on, I don’t mind side OCs. So, I don’t even tag them because they aren’t truly important.
After the characters, there are the additional tags, that I still have no idea of how to use, haha. I used to overtag a lot, using them as tumblr commentary tag because I had gotten the impression that it was what most people did, but I’ve since learnt that many don’t like it so I cleaned them up (I only left some tags on Overheated because they ended up featured on ao3tagoftheday, haha). I see additional tags as the place for further specifications. I tag the main genres – usually, the ones I use on ffn plus other ones that might apply (and that’s why like all my fics will be ‘family’, ‘hurt/comfort’, ‘angst’, ‘drama’, ‘brotherly love’, and ‘fluff’, haha) and if the story is an AU, for example.
One important thing to keep in mind, in this department, is the existence of subtags, that show up in the specific search but also when looking for the parent tag. To make an example, ‘Alternate Universe – Human’ is a subtag of ‘Alternate Universe’. Obviously, you’ll find a work tagged ‘Alternate Universe – Human’ when looking for something tagged like that, but it will also show up when looking for ‘Alternate Universe’. Therefore, tagging also as ‘Alternate Universe’ would be redundant, and this is something to keep in mind to avoid using too many tags. Unfortunately, I don’t know where you can find a list of subtags and parent tags, so you’ll have to rely on logic and maybe try a bit.
For the rest… honestly, I really don’t know. Always in the optic of specifications, I tag other things that I think the readers might want to know. As I’ve already mentioned, I specify which characters are focused on if others are tagged as well, use tumblr-style tags to elaborate on the meaning of other tags or mention themes/elements that come up in the fic, and write other stuff I think I should warn readers of (for example, always in Chrysalis, I mentioned which name I would use for Nyo!Canada because it’s not the most widespread one). I also add warnings that weren’t included in the main ones – violence that I don’t think crosses the threshold of graphic, abusive situations, and other things that might bother somebody.
I want to stress that I actually don’t know what I’m doing, but I hope this was at least a bit useful. Good luck with your writing! 😊
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