#There had to be times people thought mc was a lunatic because those field guide pages were hidden too well
zetadraconis11 · 8 months
HL Incorrect Quote #45
*walking around Hogwarts*
MC: Revelio!
Sebastian: That's the fifth time you've done that, why-?
MC: Shhh! I heard a ding! There's something nearby to find...
The group: *watches MC cast Revelio again*
Natty: I'm starting to get concerned...
Ominis: You're only now concerned about the mental well-being of MC?
Poppy: MC, what are you trying to find?
Amit: Yes, maybe we can help!
MC, too concentrated to listen: I keep HEARING THAT LITTLE BELL. WHERE ARE YOU, YOU BLOODY PAGE?
The group:
Ominis: I think we need to find a professor for help-
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