#There are worse Gemma-related consequences than Minerva showing up
charmfamily · 1 year
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Transcript Below.
MORGANA: Easy, Black Swan, no one’s got a van parked around the corner– just testing your reflexes, we thought it’d be helpful to make sure you’re not too much of a prissy princess to defend yourself.
WOLFGANG: [He snorts as he arrogantly sizes up Gemma, leaning in to blow out the flames coming off her hands like they’re no more threatening than birthday candles.] Or didn’t you get the alert this morning that they’re finding little girls that look just like you in pieces all over Moonwood? I’m just trying to keep you on your toes and save your life and this is the thanks I get… 
GEMMA: If it’s up to you to save my life, weirdo, I think I’d rather be murdered. [She sneers at him, her eyes narrowing furiously as she holds out an expectant palm.] Now cough up the six bucks you owe me for that coffee or find out what it’s like to live life as the world’s ugliest, mangiest rat – you’re already halfway there, it won’t be a hard spell to cast.
WOLFGANG: Haven’t learned Burgliate yet, huh? [Wolfgang smirks, leaning down just far enough to spit his chewed gum into Gemma’s hand, his voice lowering to an amused murmur.] You can have the six bucks when you can get it yourself, and I’m not buying you knowing Morphiate either. [Lauren and Morgana’s laughter in the background swells to a crescendo before suddenly, eerily, going completely silent.] AUNT LAVINIA: Oh, repugnant little boy, she knows people who do.
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