#There are snipits of the story here and there but nothing too direct
random-meme-bot · 2 years
Special Halloween Post (AKA "I talk about one of my favorite games that just so happened to be slightly Halloween related")
Sorry for the wait, I'm ready to take you now.
Where? On the Four year journey of the soul, of course.
Im Random-Meme-Bot and tonight I will be your travel agent, so, prepare yourself and please, relax because tonight we won't be dancing a "Cheerfull Tango", but more of a:
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[I will try to keep this as Spoiler free as posible, but since it's imposible to talk about a piece of media without spoiling some of it, the only part's I will be covering are the ones that the Manual tells you about (These come in the form of locations and plot points that I will try to make as subtle as posible to keep the surprise)]
Wellcome to "The land of the Dead".
Im sure you have many questions right now, like "Where am I?" "Wasn't I supused to go to heven/hell?" and of course the always classic "Journey‽" & "Travel agent‽".
You see, death isn't as simple as TV shows try to make it look, there is no "Heaven" nor "Hell", once someone dies (AKA: You) their soul it's brought to the "Land of the Death" by a Reaper of the Departmen Of Death [D.O.D] (AKA: Me), here you will have to embark on a 4 year journey to the 9th underworld, the land of eternal rest, I can't lie to you, it will be hard and dangerous.
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There is a way to make your journey easier, you only have to buy a travel packet from us with the money you were buried with, or if you were really a good person on life, you coud even get a ticket to the number 9, our deluxe express train, "To the land of the eternal rest in 4 minutes instead of 4 years".
Let me check your archive...
Hmm... it seems that your only avaliable option is our cheepest one, "The Excelsior Line"
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What's this you say? That you were a saint in life and you deserve something better than a cane with a compass?
Don't be silly, if that were the case it woud apear in our records, or are you perhaps implying that the D.O.D steals their clients packages for profit?
I will let that slide for now, and continue as It seems I'll have to show you the locations that you will be traveling through.
A Dead aesthetic for a Dead World.
On your journey you'll experience the many wonders that this land has to offer, all of them presented on a beautyfull "Art Deco" arquitecture mixed with the Aztec roots of this world.
Your first stop is the Capital of the Land of The Dead, "El Marrow" were the D.O.D offices are located, full of souls that have abandoned their journey or just work in hopes of some day being able to afford a better travel package, today is "Dia de Muertos" so, why don't stop and enjoy the festivities?
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The Main Entrance of the D.O.D [It was so expensive that the year it was build we didn't get any bonuses, so you better enjoy it]
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The Carnival of the "Dia de Muertos" on the main street [Go on and get some "Bread of the Death" I think you deserve it]
When I said the compass on the Excelsior cane™ was gonna come in handy I wasn't liying, you will be needing it if you plan on entering our next destination, "The Petrified Forest", the most Dangerous part of your Jorney* a labyrinth of caves and branching paths full of creatures so deadly it woud scare even the toughest Australian fauna.
*Due to the worring rise of "sprouted" souls this may not stand true, the D.O.D is not held responsible for any close to 2º Death encounters you may have.
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Say Goodbye to "El Marrow" [Because you might never see it again]
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Don't worry if you lose the compast, there are signs to guide you [Please stop stealing the Sign Posts, It's the third one this week]
Our Final location on the tour is Rubacava, "The City that never Dies". You better get accustomed to it, because here is were you will have to board a ship to the other Edge of the World, and there's only one a year so chances are you will have to prolong your stay here.
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"The Blue Casket", a night club were a lot of ""diferent"" poets hang out and pass the time [If the "Dead Poets Society" isn't your thing, I've heard a new Café is opening soon...]
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"The Feline Meadows", the biggest gambling establishment in all land of the death [Just don't gamble your death away, ok?]
Let's customize your package to your liking.
Are you by any chance a native speaker of any of these languajes?
English, Français, Italiano, Español, Português, Deutsch.
Then you my friend are in luck because, you will be able to experience your journey entirely in your native tonge, and at no extra cost too!
Our original version of the "Grim Fandango" travel package was starting to show it's age so we "Remastered" it. Giving it better textures and lightning as well as better controls, and the ability to not randomly corrupt your safe file [We only want the best for our clients] and if you're the nostalgic type you can change to the OG graphics with only the press of a button, want to know more about the creation of "Grim Fandango" then you might be interested on the Concept art gallery and Directors commentary.
Enjoy the trip, & who knows maybe you'll be back next year...
So now you are ready to experince "Grim Fandango". "An Epic tale of Crime and Corruption in The Land of The Dead", as our marketing team calls it.
Why didn't I brought up the narative earlier?
Well, because "Dead men tell no tales".
Grim Fandango remastered is avaliable on:
PC/PS4/PSVita/XBoxOne/IOS Android (Is not longer avaliable on the Play Store so only as APK)
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