#Then off for five days 😎😌💅
prettyblondguys · 1 year
Had my first Bad Day at Work™️ yesterday, so I think I deserve lots of kissies from cute boys. To make up for it.
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timetravesty · 2 years
(Queen B Book 3) Say You Love Me Pt. 11
✨Pt.11 is here!✨ Please Enjoy!
Context: This took awhile to get out 🙈 but thank you for your patience! I actually think, while my writing enthusiasm is fairly low, I might just be working most on this fic versus completing every request. 🤔 Now, I will be completing requests, no worries 😌 but if I ever just drop off from Tumblr, I wanna make sure that this story, my personal favorite, is complete even if the others aren't. Now, again, thank you for the patience and please enjoy the chapter anon and others as I enter vacation mode for the next few days 😎💅
General Content Warnings: Mature, Angst, NSFW, Cursing, Internalized Homophobia, Homophobia, Semi-Violence, Cheating, Slow Burn
“And send these prints over to my office by tomorrow morning.” Poppy said, tossing a large piece of white paper onto the table as Bea leaned casually against it. 
Glancing over at the girl, Poppy watched Bea critically. 
She was… in simple terms, extremely calm these past few days and really, it was confusing. 
After the whole dinner fiasco, Poppy had shown up to Rensler five times, once every day. And each time Poppy showed up, Bea had been…
“Sure, I’ll send them right over Ms. Min-Sinclair.” Bea took the paper, folding it up into a cylinder and walking over to her large desk. From below, the streets of New York sang with song, happy hour was probably starting considering it was a Friday night. 
“...Thank you.” Poppy murmured, glancing around the room as Bea busied herself with whatever. When there was previously an air of tension, the room felt cold. Lifeless as Poppy stood in a simple business outfit that she had casually thrown on. She had to admit, it wasn’t her best, but really, Bea hadn’t even glanced her way these past couple of days. 
The bathroom meeting was harsh. Poppy could admit that. But she certainly didn’t expect Bea to be some silent worker after getting yelled at by her temporary boss. She had assumed Bea had more fire than that. 
The closing of a nearby drawer caused Poppy to snap to attention, looking over at Bea who was looking at the floor. “Okay, is this all for today?” Bea asked, looking up as brown locks fell in front of her eyes.
“Yes, it is.” Poppy quickly responded, watching as Bea picked up her messenger bag from the floor. That was another thing. Bea had turned to just throwing her stuff on the floor whenever Poppy and her entered the office together. 
“Alright, I’ll head out first tonight.” Bea mumbled, placing her bag on her shoulder and walking past Poppy. 
She had to admit. She hated the silent treatment, but at least Bea was being a diligent worker. That was… an upgrade she supposed. 
Poppy walked to the spare closet, reaching inside to grab her bag when the side pocket began to buzz. Pulling it out, she pressed accept without looking at the caller ID. 
“Ms. Min-Sinclair?” Tevon said through the line, an unsettling thumping in the background as Poppy quirked a brow. 
“Tevon? It’s late, what is that ungodly sound?” 
“Um, well, I’m so sorry to disturb you at this hour, but… there’s been an issue?” 
“An issue? What issue?” Poppy snapped, grabbing her coat and bag as she shut the closet door with her foot. Just her luck. A moody employee and a new issue. 
“In celebration of a new issue coming out in a few weeks, some of the employees and I suggested heading out for happy hour, but some of the models had too much to drink and now they won’t come home.” 
“And this concerns me, why?” Poppy asked, walking up the steps and opening the double doors. Bea had already left, if the silence in the room was any indicator. 
“We could have a publicity issue on our hands. None of the models will stop and-” 
“Tevon, I understand now. Where are you?” 
“The nightclub on 77th.” 
“....I’ll be there in a few minutes. Make sure those girls don’t drink another drop.” Poppy demanded, silencing her phone and taking a deep breath. This was always torture.
Publicity issues with well known models or even models associated with the magazine. With the new cover coming out, it meant everyone had to be on their best behavior. Even Poppy. 
Taking the elevator down, Poppy tapped her foot against the tile, counting in her head as it finally reached the first floor. She stalked out, ignoring the receptionist and moving through the double doors where Scott stood. He held the Rolls Royce’s door open with a smile, till he saw Poppy’s expression. 
“Head to the nightclub on 77th street. I have some employees who lack decorum.” 
Scott nodded, shutting the door quickly as Poppy adjusted her bag in the seat. While she didn’t want to, Poppy thought of a certain architect who was being rather childish at the moment. 
Sure, Poppy had fussed at Bea, but for her to back down like a little girl getting a slap on the wrist? It seemed too silly to believe. 
Because at times, Bea was a spitfire, but almost always, she had spoken her mind against injustice. It was… one of the things that Poppy found so infuriating. She would have to find something to remedy it, she supposed. 
As much as both of them wanted to be off this project, Poppy could not stand to work with someone whose nose was high in the air all the time. Even if Bea had looked down on Poppy’s lifestyle since Belvoire. 
The honking of a horn next to the car sounded in the air as Poppy looked over at the mass of traffic accumulating. “I didn’t expect traffic to be so awful on this street.” Poppy murmured, tapping her sharp nails against the car door as Scott sighed. 
“It’s probably because news got out about the concert.” Scott replied, scratching the back of his neck as he waited for traffic to move. 
“Concert?” Poppy asked, startling to attention as Scott nodded. 
“Yea, that… celebrity, she’s holding a concert at a local nightclub since her tour ended. Who was it again….”
“Please don’t say it’s-” 
“It’s… It’s on the tip of my tongue…” Scott murmured as Poppy’s mind went to only one celebrity that she knew of who’s tour had recently ended. 
“On this green earth, it can not be-” 
“Zoey Wade!” Scott exclaimed, looking up at a large billboard as Poppy rolled down her window. In bright lights, a 20ft Zoey stood in a powerful pose, overlooking the cars of New York as Poppy groaned. Even a screened version of the woman, Poppy couldn't mistake her as New Money from Belvoire. 
“Zoey Wade is back?” Poppy growled, rolling up her window as Scott nodded excitedly. 
“Yea, my daughters love her music! She’s very talented and-” 
“Scott, just… just drive. I need to think.” Poppy mumbled, making Scott roll up the cover as Poppy crossed her legs. 
Likely, her employees were conveniently at the club where Zoey was performing. Wade was a celebrity for a reason. 
And even more likely, Wade’s partner in crime would be in attendance. 
Poppy bit the tip of her nail, thinking quickly as the car finally began to move at a steady speed. Why should it concern her? It didn’t, but an uneasy feeling rested over Poppy’s stomach as the car continued to move. It was too late to wish for a little peace for the rest of the evening. 
“Welcome back babe.” Bea smiled, pressing a kiss to Zoey’s glowing cheek as her makeup artist waved Bea away. 
She smiled wide, leaning against the vanity as Bea handed Zoey a full bouquet of sunflowers. “Aw, girl, you shouldn’t have!” Zoey smiled, plucking the note from the bouquet and reading it. 
“Oh yea, totally didn’t get the calendar notification on my phone about your impending arrival or anything.” 
“I wanted to give you a heads up when I crash at your place for a few days. Reconstruction issues and all.” Zoey held up the small card, smiling her dazzling smile as Bea chuckled. “Sweet card, who wrote it for you?” 
“I wrote it thank you very much.” Bea gently reached to whack Zoey on her arm, not before getting a warning glare from Zoey’s hair stylist though. 
“You’re going to kill it tonight. Like you do every night.” 
“Thanks Bea. For being my #1 fan through all of this. Since Belvoire really.” Zoey stated, eyes going a little dreamy as she remembered their time during college. Yea… it was something that Bea was trying pretty dang hard to forget. “Of course, I guess memories of Belvoire look you in the face almost every weekday huh?” 
“Oh, Poppy you mean?” It felt weird to say her name, after calling her Ms. Min-Sinclair for the past few weeks.
“Yes Poppy. You’ve been lip locked on the whole thing and I’m in need of a serious spill.” A large whack of powder hit Zoey’s face as Bes flinched slightly. Between the conversation and the clamor backstage, it was honestly a little nerve wracking. 
“It’s so busy right now Z. I should probably just take my spot out front and…” Bea slowly moved to turn away until Zoey grabbed onto her wrist, smiling softly as her eyes sparkled. 
“Hold on girl! You think I was going to just let you off that easily? For my first show back in New York, I want you to introduce me on the station.” 
Bea stared at Zoey with a concerned expression. “...What?” 
“You heard me loud and clear, former queen B. Get your cute butt up to the dj booth. I’m on in ten.” Zoey finally released her hold on Bea’s wrist, spinning her fingers to wave Bea off as Bea turned. 
Well, this was certainly a different night club experience than she was used to. Never before had Bea been in the sacred dj booth, she had always been on the dance floor, with some cute girl or… a specific girl she supposed. 
“Fuck, why does it have to rain right now?” Bea cursed, pulling the neck of her blue leather jacket up as she walked through a puddle. 
The instructions to the nightclub were… less than clear as Bea had to check her phone multiple times in order to find the place. When she finally arrived, a long ass line was piled in front. The club must have been popular, but Bea had never heard of it before. 
Poppy, thankfully, had texted instructions that would let Bea slip in without having to deal with the big bouncer guy upfront. Though, even if she did have to do a little bargain, she could have passed it. 
After all, dressed in a simple white sports bra with black skinny jeans and a striking blue leather jacket with a tiger print sewn in, Bea looked fit enough to be in the hot shot club. It also helped that Zoey had thrown her into some type of body chain that wrapped around her middle. It glimmered due to the rain and Bea could tell that most of the people in line had their eyes on her. 
It probably helped that her hair, as messy and uncombed as it usually was, was wet from rain, giving her a better look as Bea pushed her sunglasses up towards her hair. 
She smiled kindly at the bouncer, a stout man with a large frown. 
“Hey, I’m Bea.” She smiled as the bouncer ignored her. “I’m a guest of Poppy Min-Sinclair.” She finished as the bouncer slowly turned his head towards her. Looking Bea up and down, the man stepped to the side, holding open the door as Bea nodded. 
Who knew? Queen B’s influence actually did something sometimes. 
Stepping past the bouncer and into the club, the loud thumping bass rang in Bea’s ear as she made her way through the crowds. Luckily, she stood at a good height, allowing her to see over some people and head towards where Poppy was probably waiting. 
A few minutes of searching were finally worth it, stopping in front of a large couch where the queen B sat. 
While Bea decided to dress in stylish clothing that one could wear down the streets, Poppy’s dress should have been illegal. 
With her hair expertly styled and makeup professionally down, her hot pink dress had many slits down towards the bottom where it just ended to remain somewhat decent. The center, which Bea tried her best not to gawk at, exposed the blonde’s cleavage as she straightened up slightly when she saw Bea. A smirk graced her lips as she crossed her lean legs, showcasing a pair of stiletto black heels. 
With a straighter look, Bea could see that the dress actually wasn’t covering as much skin as Bea had thought. She could catch glimpses of Poppy’s mid-drift, only covered by thin fabric that probably could be….
“Hey there SweetCreek. I see that even you can follow simple directions.” Poppy spoke, causing Bea to snap out of her daydream as she shook her head. No matter how amazing Poppy looked, she was still the enemy. 
Bea smiled, reaching for her sunglasses and tossing them onto the leather couch. They bounced slightly as they sat to the side. Poppy had been watching them allowing Bea to step closer as she hovered over the girl. 
“Hello Poppy. Nice dress.” Bea said as Poppy rolled her eyes, glancing down at her perfectly manicured nails as she ignored Bea. 
“This is one of the biggest clubs in New York City. Anybody who is anyone will dress for the occasion.” 
“I mean… I don’t think you really dressed for the occasion. You look a million times better than any other girl here.” Poppy straightened at the comment, watching Bea move to the side as Bea took a seat on the couch. Poppy narrowed her eyes dangerously as she slowly traced her eyes over Bea’s outfit. 
Bea wasn’t sure if it was a look of approval, distaste, or what, but when Poppy’s eyes stopped on Bea’s mid-drift where the body chain was wrapped, Poppy averted her eyes. 
“I guess your outfit is acceptable…” Poppy begrudgingly admitted as Bea mocked a gasp. 
“The Poppy Min-Sinclair stamp of approval? I’m a lucky girl.” 
“Shut up Hughes before I regret this.” 
Bea mocked zipping her lips, smiling to herself as she looked over all of the club goers. A few cute girls, some really dorky looking guys, and…. Chloe?
Bea turned to look over at Poppy, realizing she really knew nothing about Satan’s plan as Poppy was swirling a glass of something. 
“Oh shit, you’re not going to poison Chloe right?” Bea asked, straightening up as Poppy glared at Bea. Under the lights of the club, bathed in dark blues and reds, Poppy looked like a mix of a demon and an angel. The hard angles were all there, but the curve in her lips and the gentle slope of her eyes lashes made her seem more gentle than she was. 
She rolled her eyes casually, shifting on the couch so she was only an inch from where Bea was sitting. A few more movements and Poppy could have been sitting on Bea’s lap. 
Bea mentally slapped that thought away as Poppy set her drink down on a nearby glass table. “Hughes…” Poppy said, voice low as she leaned a little closer. 
Bea wasn’t sure what was going on, but she would be lying if she said a small part of her wasn’t a little excited. 
“...Meet my new boyfriend, Bradley.” Poppy smiled wickedly, pulling back as a blonde meathead approached. Poppy stood, standing on her tippy toes to press a kiss to the man’s cheek as he smiled. 
“Wait a minute, you’re dating Bradley Denbrough??” Bea asked, standing up as the muscle head flashed an actor's smile. “The guy from that flop tv show?” 
He winced as Poppy shot Bea a glare. “Bradley is a very successful actor.”
“I’m actually looking to get into more serious roles.” The man said, trying to puff up his chest when he looked at Bea. She hadn’t noticed, but standing in a simple pair of sneakers while Bradley wore some pretty expensive designer boots, Bea was almost the exact same height as him. Those celebrity sites must have been lying when they said the “teen heartthrob” was 6ft. 
“Anyway, Bradley has been chatting with Chloe for the past week. Buttering her up on one of those sad little dating apps she uses.”
Poppy placed a hand on his chest, smiling up at the man as he huffed happily. He must have felt honored to even enter the club considering he was a huge has-been. 
“He’s going to humiliate her on stage, saying all of these crappy and corny things to that snake when we pull the rug from under her.” 
Bea nodded, avoiding eye contact with the two obviously fake lovebirds as she rocked on her heels. “That’s great I guess, but why am I here?” 
“Because, you’re going to feed Bradley his stupid lines. I figure “hero of the people Bea” can form some nice words about that back-stabbing bitch.” 
Bea rolled her eyes. “Really? I mean, sure, it’s a little cruel but also…” Poppy finally detached herself from Bradley’s side, walking closer to Bea and barely stretching her neck. She probably didn’t want to admit that the two had a fairly large height gap. 
“Are you helping or not, Newbie?” 
Peer pressure at its finest. 
“When is this happening?” Poppy smirked, pointing over towards the dj booth as she snapped her fingers. Bradley approached, placing a small device in Bea’s hand. 
“When I tell you, start feeding Bradley some stupid lines about Chloe. Until then…” Poppy grabbed Bea’s writs, nails digging in slightly as Bea bit her lip. She was way too worked up over this. 
“Keep Chloe distracted.” Poppy instructed, pulling on Bea’s wrist as she practically pushed Bea into the crowd of dancers. 
When Bea finally readjusted herself, she had lost Poppy in the crowd, but conveniently, Chloe was… dancing? Dancing was a kind word to use as Bea walked up to the sidekick. 
“Hey Chloe. Fancy seeing you here.” Bea smiled, gently rocking along with the DJ as Chloe finally stopped her movements. 
“News flash newbie. Only cool people are allowed in this club.” 
“What? Are we in middle school or something? Last I checked, the only requirement for this club is to look great.” Bea glanced at her outfit, knowing Chloe would too as she smiled. 
“I seem to fit that requirement.” Bea said, walking a little closer to Chloe who gulped slightly. 
“Whatever Hughes. I’m busy so bug off.” Chloe stated, resuming her movements and glancing around the club in a very unsubtle manner. Bea stayed close by, somehow feeling a pair of eyes on her as Bea whistled under her breath. 
“Are you looking for someone, Chloe?” 
“If you must know, I met this super amazing guy online and we’re meeting here tonight.” Chloe commented, adjusting the green body dress she wore. It was cute, but the lime green was a little too strong. 
“Really? Congrats.” Bea said as Chloe rolled her eyes. 
“Yea, he’s a super famous celebrity and he’s into me so he obviously has good taste.” 
“You’re absolutely right.” Bea smiled, catching a glimpse of Poppy in the corner of her eye as she gestured manically towards the stage. Taking a mic, Bea saw Bradley step into the spotlight, waving to the crowd that was basically ignoring him. Only when the microphone gave some serious feedback did the dancing finally quiet down. 
Chloe released a large gasp, starting Bea slightly as Bradley tapped the mic. 
“What’s up everyone?!” Bradley spoke in the mic as the crowd remained quiet besides the back beat of the speakers. “Hate to ruin yalls Friday night, but I have a very special announcement to make today. Help me invite a special little lady up on stage right now?” The spotlight spent a few seconds searching before landing directly on Chloe. 
The girl was having a large main character moment, adjusting her dress and her hair as she fixed her posture and smiled wide. 
“Later Bea. I’m about to meet the love of my life.” She smiled, walking over to the stage before Bea grabbed ahold of the girl’s wrist. 
“Hold it.” Bea said as Chloe whipped around so fast, the hair on her head had to catch up. 
“What the hell? Let go of-” 
“Don’t believe everything you hear up there, okay?” Bea said, dropping Chloe’s wrist and shrugging. “You’re in the spotlight right now.”
Chloe paused, looking around the crowd before rolling her eyes. She left Bea, making her way up the stage as Bea felt a bump on her shoulder. 
Poppy smiled wickedly besides Bea, focusing on the stage as Bea sighed. “Are you ready Newbie?” 
“As I’ll ever be.” 
Up on the stage, Chloe finally joined Bradley, grinning ear to ear as the blonde boy took both of her hands. 
“Chloe, babe, I have so much I wanna say.” He slurred out as Chloe beamed. 
“Yes Bradley?”
Bea felt Poppy’s elbow hit her side, grunting slightly as Bea turned on her mic. “...I mean, she’s obviously the hottest girl here.” 
Bradley repeated the line. The crowd was silent as Bea continued. 
“She’s so smart, I mean, she’s the queen of Belvoire. And you know what they say about queens… they always need a king.” Bea gagged on the line, but it seemed like something Bradley would say. In his supposed alpha male-ness. 
“Really, I wanna say that she stole my breath when I first saw her. That ass, that personality, she was legit perfect.” Bradley repeated as Bea rolled her eyes. “She was like… easily everything.” 
Bea casted a glance over at Poppy, watching her as she spoke the lines. Some of them were obviously not directed to Poppy, but it helped to have a little inspiration nearby. 
“Anyway, Chlo Chloe, I wanna ask… Do you know what girl I’m talking about?” The crowd was still quiet, obviously some of the speech wasn’t very moving, but the response was certainly something to hold breath over. 
Chloe took a moment, glancing around the stage and even into the crowd where she locked eyes with Bea. She nodded silently as she returned her gaze on Bradley. “It’s Poppy right? You’re talking about Poppy Min-Sinclair.” Chloe stated, causing a few gasps to ring in the crowd as Bradley’s face fell. Who knew? The crowd was actually listening. 
Chloe let her hands drop, tears welling in her eyes as she sniffed loudly. “Well have fun with that… that-” She couldn’t finish her sentence, running off the stage in tears as the crowd booed. The DJ grabbed the mic back from Bradley, shaking his head as he turned the music back on, quieting the crowd. 
Poppy, previously grinning like the grinch, was now a fun shade of red as she threw up her hands. “What the hell?! How did that blonde bimbo figure it out?!” Poppy yelled, glaring at Bea who was taking out her earpiece. 
“Not sure, maybe she’s smarter than she looks.” 
“Effing unlikely. Someone must have told her…” Poppy stewed, grabbing her phone from her mini-handbag as Bea shrugged. 
Poppy scrolled intensely, before breaking into a grin, holding up her phone and smiling at Bea. An actually genuine smile. The kind Bea had thought was reserved for puppies and kittens. 
“It doesn’t matter. It worked.” Poppy said as Bea nodded. Sure enough, sitting on the top of the food chain, Poppy’s name was in big bold letters. 
“Congratulations.” Bea said, smiling at Poppy who was still grinning. “I expect you to keep the seat warm for me.” 
Poppy let out a sharp laugh, the sound sending all kinds of waves in Bea’s stomach as she dropped her phone into her handbag. 
She placed the bag on a nearby couch, walking back over to Bea and taking her hand. “We can save that for later… right now, I want you to dance with me.” Poppy stated as Bea quirked a brow. 
The music was much louder now, hard to hear as Poppy led Bea into the center of the club. The two were rather squished in the middle, but Bea didn’t care. Poppy hadn’t let go of her hand once and she was actually… gentle? Surprisingly as she danced along to the music. 
Bea watched her, dancing along quietly as Poppy didn’t seem to have a care in the world. In some way, Bea felt like she was some kind of scientist watching a subject, studying every detail and too afraid to miss one. 
Finally, Poppy paused her dancing, rolling her eyes as she stepped a little closer to Bea. “Do you not know how to dance Hughes?” 
Bea shook her head. She knew how to dance, enough to impress some cute girl in the club, but Poppy could probably teach her a thing or two about New York club dancing. 
Poppy took hold of Bea’s hands, placing them on her hips as Bea’s thumb briefly brushed over Poppy’s exposed skin. She shivered slightly, spinning around so her back was against Bea’s chest. 
“Follow the rhythm Hughes…” Poppy mumbled, dancing to the music as she let her hips grind down against Bea’s. 
Bea smirked, holding Poppy’s hips firmly as she could smell the girl’s scent. A mixture of her perfume, some alcohol, and sweat. Bea hadn’t had a drop of liquor, but she had never felt more intoxicated with Poppy grinding against her. 
The thump of the speakers felt distant as Bea watched Poppy move against her, feeling her small frame fit perfectly against Bea. That was on the bucket list of details to observe. 
When a new song began to play, Poppy spun on her heel, ginning up at Bea who was smiling as well. “Don’t tell anyone Hughes but… I needed you tonight.” 
“We can make a pretty good pair under the right circumstances it seems.” Bea said as Poppy nodded. 
“Well, the nights still young. I think I should reward you just a little for your… service.” 
“I’m listening.” 
Poppy stopped her grinding, but kept close to Bea as she whispered. “How about a girl’s night? I have all these imported products from my cousin in Korea and I’m dying to try them.” 
“You want me to be your guinea pig?” 
“You say guinea pig, I say… too cute not to play with for the night.” 
 Bea didn’t really wait for Poppy to finish her sentence, already nodding as Poppy smiled again. She needed to quit smiling like that. It almost made Bea forget what an awful person she was. 
“Let’s go then.” 
“SURPRISE!” Tevon and her other employees all yelled as Poppy entered their VIP booth. 
Poppy, wearing an obvious frown and an irritated expression glared at Tevon who gently pushed her to the side. 
“What the hell is this?” 
“It’s a magazine release party! Well, kinda.” Tevon gestured to the group of people. Some photographers, minor editors, reporters, journalists, and of course, the models were all chatting happily as a dorky banner hung from the ceiling commemorating Belle’s next issue. 
“We wanted to surprise you!” One of the models sang out as Poppy sighed. She rubbed her eyes with the palm of her hand as all her employees danced around happily with the music in the background. 
“I wish you had mentioned this beforehand.” Poppy mumbled as Tevon handed Poppy a glass of something, It smelled like tequila as Poppy frowned. She was not going to get wasted with all of her employees here. 
“It wouldn't be much of a surprise then.” Tevon smiled as Poppy nodded, looking around as she took note of the models who Tevon had said were acting a little too crazy. Standing or rather sitting amongst them was Lana Bennet, looking a little sober versus her colleagues. 
Poppy excused herself, walking over to Lana who immediately perked at Poppy’s approaching form. 
“Oh, hello Poppy. Surprise?” She tried, with little enthusiasm in her voice as Poppy shook her head. 
“It certainly was. Lana, is something wrong?” Poppy asked, taking a seat on the couch Lana was sitting on as the girl bounced her leg. Not only did she look nervous, her eyes were a little puffy too, a little unflattering for a model. 
“What? No, I’m-” 
“Hello everyone!” A voice called through the speaker as all the employees went to gather towards the front where the stage was. Zoey must have been about to perform, but the voice on the speaker was a little more recognizable. 
Poppy stood, as did Lana, as the two walked to the stage where a tall figure was standing in a simple black tee and jeans. Poppy squinted to see, the VIP box they had rented was a little far from the stage as the person continued. Though, she didn’t have to stay in wonder for long. 
“My name is Bea Hughes, but you definitely don’t want to be hearing about me.” Bea joked, the crowd chuckling with her as she looked out over the crowds of people. 
Poppy had guessed it, but she had hoped she was wrong. Where Zoey was, Bea would be and vice versa. 
“I hope you’re ready for an eventful night! Because give it up for my very best friend in the whole world…..the one and only ZOEY WADE!” Bea yelled into the mic, letting it drop as Zoey walked onto the stage as the crowd burst into applause and cheers. She looked absolutely stunning, exactly like a world famous celebrity should look like. 
Bea stepped off, clapping with the crowd as she looked over the scene. Even at a distance, like a magnet, Bea’s eyes seemed to zone in on Poppy, if the shock on her face was any indication. Or maybe it was the model standing beside her, Poppy wasn’t sure. 
Though, she was sure, that It was definitely going to be an eventful night. 
세계의 끝까지
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