#Then I proceed to continue with my HS2 shenanigans because I'm a liar and I'm obviously sick in the head about this webcomic
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shoegazingmonad · 1 year ago
Classpecting the Candy / Omega kids
I've been hellbent on trying to classpect these 4 kids and after spending hours analysing every scene each kid appears in, the narration and anything used to describe them, and their conversations I believe I may have finally reached a conclusion for all 4 of them. Here's the fruits of the most arduous labour I've ever been put through in the form of a huge text post then, I guess
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Tavros Crocker
Tavvy's currently my favourite and he's the one who started this classpecting spree so I'm going with him first.
At surface level he isn't visibly a very angry or aggressive kid like Rage would suggest, but the first time we see him in HS2 is when he's having to bother with Gamzee's corpse which leads to him screaming, kicking and punching his corpse and then feeling something he 'refuses to call fear' that, based on the description, seems to be some kind of repressed anger. Also in a similarily not-so-visible at first kind of way, he's a little chaotic unintentionally (or passively). It doesn't appear as the large scale destructive chaos Gamzee causes, instead it comes across as him simply being clumsy like when he breaks a jester on accident in John's house and gets Gamzee's shoe stuck on him which causes them all to fall in the school. Despite being a very orderly and passive person (thanks to his upbringing) he's shown enjoying a little bit of chaos and feels somewhat comfortable in the presence of confident people who actively cause it like Vriska.
Even at Tavvy's first appearance in the Epilogues at age 5, he's incredibly intuitive and pacifistic but whenever he's shown trying to pacify or reason (which comes off as very meddling adjacent) with another character it only makes them more angry, sad, confused or scared / worried, in a way that would suggest he 'Makes Rage' for others like how a Sylph of Rage would. There're a few instances where he makes 'rage', like Harry's birthday party in which it's said 'John's heart wrenches at the sigh of him (Tavvy)' and John tries to kidnap him because he pities his cruel homelife and wants to help Jake out, but he ends up so mad his breath powers destroy the room. It isn't always rage as extreme as that though, sometimes it's made in the way he's viewed as a wimpy loser by people like Harry, or when he tries to understand and explain why a person may be feeling unhappy or stressed about an event or the situation they're in (often with Vrissy). Over analysing and explaining people's feelings or words is a pretty big part of his character and it's one that makes the Sylph part terribly obvious.
However we've yet to see much hatred towards lying as described in the Extended Zodiac definition. He doesn't agree with his Mother's wrong and cruel views on trolls, even though he grew up pretty sheltered and probably should've picked those views up. He also understands Gamzee isn't a good person despite the attempts to instill otherwise through the whole 'redemption arc' propaganda, so maybe he simply notices lies easier than other people do and / or leans more towards just explaining / passively combating misinformation rather than committing to the destruction of it thanks to his nature as a Sylph? Gonna have to wait to get more on this it seems.
Harry Anderson Egbert
Harry's probably the one that took the least amount of time for me to get the gist of what he was about because taking his time (like a Thief of Time) is apparently what he does best. It, like time in general, is brought up constantly with him. He mentions atomic clocks the first time we see him, he takes too long talking to Vriska, Tavros finds him typically 'slow to respond', when he's trying to choose his strife specibus he struggles a little with the time limit, he has a car ride with John and apologises for how long it took for him to be done, in her recent appearance Vrissy mentions he 'can't go five minutes without pestering her over something', and his morning routine suggests he takes his time tending to his appearance. Though just time in general isn't the only thing associated with the aspect, in his conversation with Tavvy at night he asks 'what does it feel like to know someone who's died?', and death is another reocurring theme with Time.
He's a fan of remakes of old earth movies (remaking a movie involves taking the idea / liberties for yourself) and enjoys making costumes. Though the cloth, needles and stitching could suggest he's a space player as we've seen them take a particular interest in clothing / fashion, or things like the 'fabric of space', this could be because the opposite of a Thief of Time (someone who steals time for themself) is a Knight of Space (someone who serves space for others). But the costumes he makes take up most of his 'free time', and his sewing machine was given to him at 10 to stop him borrowing Roxy's all the time. In his little scarf sequence he's also shown wearing a scarf that looks Hephaestus themed, which is the Denizen of Dave's planet and presumably the Denizen associated with time players.
Almost everything about this guy screams 'Time' to the point I'm questioning whether they're making it super obvious to throw people off.
Though an issue I have with the Time aspect specifically here is that it wouldn't fit the 'aspects we haven't seen in the beta and alpha kids' trend we've got going on with the others. Mind/Rage/Blood/Doom but instead it's Mind/Rage/Blood/Time? Might make more sense in the future if there's any additions to the group to make up for that.
Yiffany Longstocking Lalonde Harley
Funnily enough, Yiffy, the kid we've seen the least of so far and haven't even gotten any proper dialogue from was still somehow way easier for me to classpect than Vrissy, the first kid we see and the one with the most appearances.
Bards, as Calliope (seemingly correctly, based on what we've seen of them) states, are a 'wildcard' with a spontaneous story-altering influence who can cause the 'spectacular downfall' or 'improbable victory' of the group. Bard of Mind would loosely mean 'someone who allows logic / mind to be destroyed or invites destruction through logic / mind', and from what we've seen of our new dog kid they sure do manage to bring about victory through the destruction of logic / the logic they impose because of their existence!
Their entire existence is quite literally an anti-logic bomb due to their creation, life, and character being a product of the Candy timeline's slow disintegration into nothingness now that there's no more narrator or space cherub looking after it. They're a character who shouldn't and couldn't exist if we're to consider the rules of canon, but they do and they kick ass because of it! Candy Jane, the fascist dictator billionaire baker baroness who seems to practically own or rule over everything that's within Candy Earth C puts them in a shock collar with enough volts to immobilize or kill - and they still get up and desecrate a shitty other-bards funeral, all whilst the panels of them show jolts of electricity with similar colour and shape to Terezi's mind powers!
Jane even starts listing all of the reasons Yiffy shouldn't be acting up during their revolt; from the assistance she'd given their parents, to what Rose and Jade would think of them if they saw them behaving like this, and that she has agents ready to deal with them if she continues. But Yiffy doesn't listen to a single one of them. They simply growl, slap the remote out of her hand, and proceed to boot Gamzee's corpse into the crowd. The logic and reasoning others try to apply to situations is something they blatantly disregard.
Also, steering into the aforementioned Terezi and Mind aspect territory here; when Terezi is discussing with Ult Dirk about how she's able to see his narration and why Rose can't despite also being a Seer, she tells him aspects that oppose eachother (e.g. Heart and Mind) 'define each other on a fundamental level', seemingly allowing the opposing aspects to pick up on the presence of the other better than non-opposing ones would. And the only mention of Yiffy by someone outside of the Candy timeline is when Dirk is messaging Hussie and it leads to a tangent about the implications and him saying 'her very existence feels like broken glass screeching over my frontal lobe' which would be a pretty fitting description for how he views another Destroyer class with the Mind aspect as a Destroyer of Heart.
Vriska Maryam-Lalonde
I've been struggling with Vrissy for a while now but since her reveal there's been this consistent 'I know a guy' theme for her that I don't think could mean anything besides Blood. Mage though? Not as sure as I am with her aspect considering we barely have any strict definitions for them compared to any other classes thanks to the lack of their presence in Homestuck. I do think that she's some kind of knowledge class though, and luckily we've got a Blood version of the Mage's accompanying knowledge-based class the Seer; Kankri. And comparing him to her, she doesn't actively participate in seeking out knowledge in the same way he and other Seers do, instead it looks like knowledge of her aspect comes to her more naturally like Doom does for Sollux and Heart does for Meulin.
Her first appearance in the epilogues is the scene where her and Harry are meeting up. They kiss, and Harry has to wipe a bit of blood off of his mouth. Vrissy proceeds to bring up Meenah and Karkat's relationship (which I'm gonna bring up again later), hinting at her affinity for close bonds between people.
The first time we get to see her in Homestuck 2 is when she's interacting with Vriska, who's a Thief of Light and not a Blood player or Mage, but she literally shares her blood colour and upon meeting her she immediately tries to befriend / form a bond with her. The scene that comes before this conversation, is one that involves her interrupting Vriska in the midst of the most blatant depiction of 'bonding' we could get (bonds being a huge part of Blood as an aspect) aka, sex.
Out of everything in Vrissy's life, it's reiterated that she thinks her relationships with others are the most practical and important part of it. Like Tavvy, her kismesis. He should have a typical tempestuous blackrom relationship with her, but they still genuine care about eachother enough that she feels like she 'can't lose him'. She trusts that he won't tattle on her and Tavvy knows that despite her cool indifferent front she's got some troubles of her own and tries his best to understand them. And in the same scene in the previous link, Tavvy also hints at Vrissy's frustration towards bonds being broken, specifically in reference to a 'mutual' bond online that he assumes is a 'sacred bond of trust'. Her matespritship with Harry is also very stable, and whenever they interact there's clearly mutual care and reliance on eachother even when we see some screw ups or arguing from either of them. Her friendship with Vriska is all good at first too, but she quickly realises that Vriska isn't trying to form a genuine mutual connection with her as much as she's trying to create a student of her likeness so she can feel smug about it.
Focusing a little bit more on the Mage part here, the scene where Jade and Rose inform the others in the tower about Yiffany; Vrissy and Kanaya are the only ones agitated and she mentions later in her texts with Tavvy that she feels like she was the only one who was mad about not knowing Yiffy existed, and for a Mage of Blood (a role dedicated to knowing about relations), learning you somehow weren't aware of a close blood relative like a half-sister must be infuriating.
Other general Classpect stuff
Anyway now that I've got all of the main reasons for why I think those kids are what Classpects; I just want to bring up the interactions between the 4 of them and characters outside of their friendgroup, parents, Vriska and how they might correlate to them.
Starting with Tavvy, currently his significant interactions with other characters have been with Gamzee, a Rage player, in the Epilogues and Kanaya, our only Sylph on Earth C.
Harry's not had too many important interactions with anyone outside the group, but when he's texting Vrissy at night he says he went to get some water but the adults were discussing something and he didn't want to interrupt. This scene is after the Yiffy reveal and John finds out about Dave's death when talking with Jade at some point we don't get to see directly, but according to Harry the conversation they were having seemed quite serious, so that could've been when they were discussing Dave. And besides Aradia, Dave was our only other time player on Earth C. He's previously had quite a few positive interactions with Dave as well, shown in Candy 23. There's also another interesting (and too specific for me to disregard) comment from Meenah about her going to Harry Anderson's birthday party, perhaps hinting at him as a Thief. However John has a lengthy conversation with Sollux, who has apparently been getting to know Roxy which could suggest he might be Doom if we consider that they're both Harry's parents?
Vrissy's meeting with Vriska should mean some kind of link with her as a Thief / Light player but so far she doesn't have any Thief of Light traits at all. Returning to Vrissy's first conversation with Harry in the Epilogues, the one where says that her and Harry could run away and join the rebellion and be 'wild rebels in love, like Karkat and Meenah', her comparison of their relationship to another between a Knight of Blood and a Thief of Life could imply that either of them share a aspect / class with one of those two; which I'm guessing would be Blood for Vrissy and Thief for Harry, because Harry says he doesn't have the 'rebellious stature of someone like Karkat' and he jokes about how he couldn't lose an eye like Karkat did, leading to a retort from Vrissy claiming she'll be the one with the eye patch. 7 chapters after this she actually informs Harry that she got a place in Karkat's rebellion thanks to her parents (who aren't blood related to her but she trusts and relies heavily on them like she does others). There doesn't seem to be any specific interactions for the Mage part as of now though.
And as I already stated earlier, Yiffy's linked with Gamzee (our only Bard) due to her presence at his funeral and the electric lighting we see from the collar used on them has a similar colour + shape to Mind abilities we've previously seen with Terezi, which is pretty much the best we can get with no Mind player available on Candy Earth C.
The last possible hints I'd like to bring up are weapons. We only know 2 out of 4 right now but Vrissy uses a pair of dice bound to each other and Harry uses what is arguably the slowest cutting weapon we've seen in all of Homestuck so far, a pair of scissors, which can also be to 'steal' things when used to cut off part of something you need for yourself.
That's all I've got. Took so much skimming between the Epilogues and HS2 but this was pretty fun and I'm looking forward to getting more on the kids and their classpects. I might end up adding more onto this at a later date when we're more well-informed and have a lot more text to make use of but as of now I'm done with this.
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