#Theirs was just more of 'build up body mass using *anything* the Tunnels could get a hold of
puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Meat Marionette Design Thoughts 1
Specifically thinkin about the batkids growin up. Gonna just focus on a few at a time to cut back on length lol
Now like, it’s been previously discussed that when going from Robin to Nightwing he shoots up in size and starts to rapidly lose his body feathers over a few months, alongside his colors starting to turn darker. But I was thinking about how like, he gets his name (in this Au) from his wings and such having patterns akin to a night sky with stars. But I am also thinking about like, the rest of his body and thinkin’ about the originally soft lighter chitin shifting to a deep blue instead of a dark black like the rest of his body, almost mimicking the suit canon Nightwing has. And his domino pattern also shifting to a blue while the black spreads across his body. Like he’s not quite an adult yet, he still does have feathers but his chitin is no longer soft and the down covering him to help him keep warm is gone. Like I am saying full on molting like a mixture of a snake and bird and bug where there is large chunks of the previous ‘skin’ coming off alongside thick tufts of fuzz. Also thinkin about how his electrical organs develop, and if like, he’d get these long, thin spikes along his spine that act like rods for said electricity. 
So I am imagining some centipede vibes for her, but not in the way you think. I am saying like, chest cavity where the ‘ribs’ open up like extra limbs and goes all the way down her tail. Like she can pick up an entire person or two without her arms or wings, chest just opens and grips onto them. Also pondering about almost like, unfoldable needle-like spikes inside said cavity where she could dose someone with either the cure to something or poisons. Like I am thinking about Oracle being this rarely seen absolutely terrifying ambush predator that you can only tell coming from the repeated click-click-click of claws and bone. The thing that won’t leave my mind though is just, her having almost organic ‘wiring’ that are more like tendrils with needle-esque spikes that can produce electricity similar to Nightwing’s that allows her to disrupt and hack into different electronics. 
Au is a combo of mine and @phoenixcatch7 go check them out as soon as you can <3
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