#TheUnknown!Nick Folio
mitchhbitch · 4 months
Suspicious Minds
The Strangers!Nick Folio AU.
One Shot. Coming Soon..
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Hello everyone! Here is a little sneak peak of the fic that I am working on! This is part 2 to The Unknown. It is coming soon🪓🔪
TAGS: @thescarlettvvitch @spicywhenspeaking @thefallennightmare @dsireland86 @klutzy-kay24 @artificialbreezy
Dr. Stan looks at me “So Michelle, How are you feeling today? Any more nightmares?”
“I'm doing okay. I've had better days. The nightmares come and go. Sometimes I can tolerate them, other times they are really bad to the point where I don't get any sleep at all. I repeat that day over and over in my head.” 
I look at him while playing with a strand of my hair. It's red now. After the incident, I haven't felt like myself and I needed a change. A fresh start you can say. 
Dr. Stan looks down while writing on his notepad “And how does that make you feel?” 
“I don't know. I feel like I'm caught in a trap? Like I'm trying to move past it but I can't. At times it feels like it's going to happen again. Like If I'm being watched by them. Every time I close my eyes, I feel like I'm going to see his face and theirs. I can't even feel comfortable in my own house because I feel like they will appear in my bathroom. That I will see the one with the ski mask or the one with the bloody red and coal black hair. But you know what's the worst part of it all, Dr. Stan?”
Dr. Stan looks up at me “What is the worst part Michelle?” 
“That I still love him. No matter what he did to me. No matter how much he hurt me, I still love him. Call me toxic for that but I just can't stop feeling that way about him.” I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand. 
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mitchhbitch · 6 months
The Unknown: The Strangers!Nick Folio
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Pairings: Nick Folio x OC
Warnings: Angst. It contains language. Blood/Violence. Dark themes. If this makes you uncomfortable or you are under 18, please do not read! Thank you.
Summary: A weekend getaway turns into a nightmare when Nick and Michelle's vacation is disrupted by three masked intruders, one least expected.
Authors Note: First off, I want to say that this is the first fic I have ever written. It is something that I enjoyed writing, so I hope you enjoy it just as much. I am sorry that it took me this long to finish it. This is based on one of my all time favorite horror movies The Strangers. Thank you for reading it! I hope you all love it. Also, shout out to my bestie @thescarlettvvitch for helping me with this and for showing amazing support and love.
TAGS: @thescarlettvvitch @thefallennightmare @spicywhenspeaking @cookiesupplier @dsireland86
As I get out of my car, I see nothing but darkness. It was late by the time I pulled in. All I can hear are the animals being vocal. My boyfriend Nick invited me to his family’s cabin. It was an exhausting three hour long trip. 
Nick came bounding down the stairs with a big smile on his face, “Hey babe. Glad you made it here safe. I’m sorry I wasn't able to drive up here with you. There was a problem with the shower so I had to come and fix it up.” He greets me with a kiss. 
I smile excitedly and kiss him back “Hi baby. I’m glad I finally made it. No worries. Were you able to fix the issue?”
He grabbed both of my bags with one hand. How he managed the strength? I couldn’t say. 
“Oh yeah. It took about half of the day but I got it all fixed up. Plus I needed everything to be perfect for when you got here” he winked at me as he went inside the cabin.
I blushed. My cheeks turned a vibrant red in hue as I followed him, “It’s going to be perfect because we are going to be together.” Closing  the door and walking into the living room, “wow this place is nice. Feels very homey.” My eyes gleamed with warmth. 
“Are you ready to just relax this weekend?” Nick said softly, grazing my cheek with this thumb as he passed by me walking into the living room.
Sitting on the green sofa, he looked so content. I turn to look at him with a big smile, getting up from my spot on the lounge chair to go sit next to him.
“Yes. School has me wanting to rip out my hair. It's just been so hectic with studying for finals. It has me on the verge of a breakdown. But I am so glad to be here with you. With that, that also means no school and work talk anymore.”
Gently  putting  his arm around me, I nestled under the crook of his arm. I looked up at him longingly, he placed a  kiss on my forehead, “Sounds like a plan babe. I forgot to mention that being up here, we don't get very good or any signal and the wifi has been out for a couple of days. I got an email about that before I came up here. I have been trying to get someone up here but it's been difficult.”
Leaning into his arm, I joked, “well that sucks. How am I supposed to let my family and friends know that I haven't been kidnapped or killed?” 
Nick throws his head back and lets out a loud laugh, “Don't worry. I’ll protect you from anything Michelle.”
—------------------Line Break—------------------------------------------------------
While cooking dinner, I pour myself a glass of whiskey. Whiskey was my weakness. Hennessy and a lot of bad decisions. 
 Nick shouted from the living room “I'm going to go take a shower. I'll be back.” He left for the bathroom. Once I hear the shower start, I put my phone on the speaker and play some music.
There was a knock at the door. It was loud and echoed through the house. I was Confused. We weren’t expecting anyone. I went and opened it half way, peeking my head out. “Hello. Can I help you?”
A woman with long black hair, yellow beanie snug on her head. She was short in stature and whispered low while looking down at her shoes. “I'm looking for Jamie.” 
I couldn't see her face because of the porch light. It was too bright, I responded with a scowl. “I'm sorry there is no Jamie here.”
She asked me again, more demanding while keeping her head down  “Is Jamie here?”  
I sighed, already fed up. “There's no Jamie here. I already told you.”
The woman brought her head up to look me in the eyes, her gaze penetrating. “Okay. Whatever you say.” Slowly began walking away from the door. 
I closed and locked it shut. Walking towards the kitchen. Another knock is heard from the door. 
Frustrated, I turn back over towards it, peeking through the peephole. 
Christ, these people. Slowly reopening it, I was greeted with a different female this time. I couldn't make out her features but was only able to see her short and crimson locks. 
She quietly says as she looks down to the heels of my feet.  “Is Jamie here?”
I look at her, irritation steering through my veins. “Look I told your friend that there is no Jamie here. So leave before I call the police.”
The girl replies “okay.” She slowly looks up at me for a couple seconds and walks off. 
Closing and locking the door with a sigh, Nick asked from behind me “who was that?” 
I  jumped and turned to face him, “You almost gave me a heart attack. I don't know who that was. It was a strange chick looking for someone named Jamie. It was weird.” Shaking my head at the thought. Maybe I was losing it.  “Anyways, dinner is ready. Let's go eat.”
As we eat our dinner, Nick looks up from his plate, placing his fork on mine, fiddling with my carrots.  “How was the drive up here?” Did you enjoy it or was it too much for you?” He was never one for a quiet dinner, rambunctious by nature. 
I look at him with a bright smile, all teeth.  “The drive was okay. I'm not a fan of long drives but this one was manageable. It was peaceful.” 
Nick gave me a goofy grin. I melted internally as he grabbed my hand and placed to his lips leaving me a tender kiss, “You know i wouldn’t torture you with a very long trip.”
 I chuckled, taking his hand in return. “How very thoughtful of you, baby.”
I start gathering the dishes and take them to the kitchen. I place them on the sink looking out the kitchen window, I see a person standing near the trees. Confused, I called out for Nick “hey babe! Come here please”
Nick walks into the kitchen “what's up?” he goes over to me and puts his arm around my waist. 
“There is someone out there. I saw someone standing near that tree” I turn to look at him
Nick turns to look out the window “I don't see anyone out there babe. Maybe it's just the drink getting to you.” He looks at me and smirks 
I roll my eyes and move away from him “I only had half a cup. I swear to you I saw someone out there.”
As soon as he opened his mouth to reply to me there was a loud bang coming from the front door. 
Nick goes to the front door and opens it only to be greeted by no one there. Confused, he looks around and goes back inside “that was weird. There was no one there.”
I shrug and go back to the kitchen. I see that my phone isn't on the counter, confused. I start looking around for it “babe have you seen my phone? I left it near the counter when I was cooking and it's not there.” 
Nick leans against the door frame “no i haven't seen it. Are you sure you left it there? Maybe you just misplaced it.”
Looking at him annoyed, I answer “No Nicholas. I didn't misplace it. I know where I left it at. It couldn't just get up and walk away from me.”
Nick “I'll help you look for it. I'm sure it's around here. Like you said I don't think it got up and just left.” he looks around the living room.
I walk into the bedroom and look around for it. I get on the floor to look under the bed when I see a pair of feet on the other side of the bed. I see the person wearing black dress pants and black boots. Confusion running through my head, I sit up and look up to find no one there. 
“Nick come here please” I say from the bedroom while getting up. Nick walks into the bedroom “yes Michelle?” I look down to his pants and his shoes and see that he is wearing black levis and all black nike air max 90s. 
Nick smirks at me “baby if you want something you just gotta say it, you don't have to be a tease about it” he sits on the edge of the bed close to me. 
I roll my eyes “have you always been wearing those shoes or did you just change them?” 
Nick replies “I have always been wearing these shoes. Why?” I look at him horror flashing through me making me get goosebumps “I I think someone is in here. When I was looking for my phone under the bed, I looked across and I saw a pair of legs. The person was wearing boots”
“Are you sure? The only people here are us. I would think we would have been able to hear if someone came in here. Again, you need to stop watching horror movies” Nick says as looks at me 
Frustrated I responded “I swear on anything I saw someone standing on the other side of the bed. Stop gaslighting me Nicholas. I'm so close to leaving you here. I still can't find my phone.” 
Nick sighs “I'm sorry. Please forgive  me?” he pouts and brings me close to him.
I smile and kiss him “I guess I can accept your apology Folio. You are going to have to make it up” I put my hands on his shoulders as I stood between his legs.
Nick looks up at me and smirks “you don't have to tell me. I have thought of every way I am going to make it up to you baby.” 
Just as I was about to lean down to kiss him, the lights were cut off. I gasped in horror not knowing what could have caused this. 
Nick looks at me “well that's strange. I'm going to go to the garage to get some flashlights. I’ll be back babe.” He says as he makes his way out of the room to the garage.
I make my way to the living room to see if I can find some candles. I hear a tapping sound coming from the back door. Confused, I make my way to the back door, pull open the curtain when I'm greeted by a girl in a mask holding a knife. I scream and back up.
 As I'm running to the bedroom, I see a shadow down the hall. I gasp and run into the bathroom and lock the door. I go inside the bathtub and sit. I bring my knees up to my chest. Crying and shaking out of fear, I look at the door. I see it being shaked and pulled. I cry even more. 
The door gets kicked open and the shadow gets close to me. “Michelle, what are you doing here?”
 Nick asked me while standing near the bathtub. When I hear his voice, I get up and encircle his waist.  “Oh Nick. I saw someone outside holding a knife and I don't know if it was the same person b b but I saw someone in the hallway. I want to leave. Please, I want to go home.” I plead.
 Nick sighs and holds me tightly in muscular arms, “Alright, Alright. Let's go back home. Let's start packing” He goes to the bedroom.
“No! I don't care about my stuff. I just want to get out of here!” I get out of the bathroom and go to the living room. Nick follows me “What is going on with you? There is no one else besides us here” I turn to look at him and see someone standing a few feet away from him. I scream. 
Nick turns around and backs up to me “who are you!” he calls out. The masked person walked to us slowly. It was the same girl that was tapping the window. 
Nick holds my hand and runs out the front door to the car. I held and ran with him. As we got to the car there was a masked man standing near it. He had a ski mask and was fairly tall. He was holding a lighter in his hand. As fast as we saw the lighter in his hand was just as fast as he threw it to the car making it light up. 
Nick looks at the car “fuck. We ran back inside. As soon as Nick closed the door an ax came down on it. Screaming, I backed away from the door. Nick ran to me and turned to look at me. With his hands, he grabbed my face looking at me.
 “I need you to go hide for me, okay? I have a weapon in the garage and I need to go get it. I'm going to come right back for you. I love you” he kisses me softly and lets go of me and makes his way out of the room.
 I grab his hand to stop him “Nick I want to go with you please. I don't want to be left alone here.” Nick looks at me “it will be okay. I promise you. Everything will be fine Michelle.” I let go of his arm “please be careful Nick.” I say to him as he walks out of the backdoor. I follow behind him slowly watching him till he gets to the garage. Suddenly I hear a noise near the garage thinking that Nick could have gotten hurt, I go out and start walking towards it. 
Once I get close to it I see that there is a girl standing there in a pin up mask. I look at her out of fear and start walking backwards. As I take my steps she starts walking towards me. I turn to run and she walks behind me. 
I ran into the house and hid in a closet. I cover my mouth to keep any noises from coming out of me. I suddenly see a silhouette standing across the closet door. 
Suddenly the door gets pulled open and there is a girl wearing a doll mask standing in front of me. I let out a horrified scream.
 Trying to run past her, she slices my arm with her knife. I ran to the living room. As soon as I got to it, I saw a man in a mask dragging Nick by the shirt and tossing him into the middle of the living room. Nick is beaten and bloody.
 I gasp and go to kneel beside him and hold him. I cry and look at him. The three masked strangers stand in front of us next to each other. The masked man squats down to look at us.
 I look at him and say “Why are you doing this? Why us?” He looks at me with a smile and says “because you are here and you answered the door.” He stands up and stands next to the other two girls.
The masked man looks at both of the girls and says “It's time”. He takes out a knife and looks at Nick and I. The room is silent except for the sobs that are leaving my mouth. 
“Please don't do this. Please. You can take whatever you want. I-I promise I won't say anything to anyone.” I plead to them. 
The girl in the pin up mask takes it off and throws it on the ground. Next to take off their mask is the girl wearing the doll mask. 
The last one to take off their mask is the guy in the ski mask. He stands out to me the most because he looks familiar. 
Nick looks at me and says “I'm sorry this had to be done.” 
He gets up and stands next to the girl with the long black hair. He wipes the blood from his lip with the back of his hand and takes the knife that the guy gives to him. I look at him shocked and confused and angry not knowing what to do. 
“I I don't understand. Why?- Wait- you’re apart of this? Why did you do this?” 
Nick looks at me expressionless. “Because you were so different from the rest, don't you get it? You sweet, sweet dumb girl. You were a mere ploy, a means to an end.”
 I look at him shocked. “You don't mean that, I don't believe you!” 
Nick goes to me and squats in front of me “you don't have to” He traces the knife along my jawline. 
I look at him with a terrified expression and whisper “Nicholas, don't do this please.” I beg him crying on my knees. He leaned so close to me, his lip grazing my ear and whispered,  “Nicholas isn't here right now, please leave a message after the beep.” 
Three long beats go by and he leans back to look at me. I look at him and see his pupils are dilated.His eyes are no longer the light brown that I know, all I see is darkness showing no emotion. No love. No worries. Nothing. 
Nick looks at me with an evil smirk and grabs my jaw, squeezing it hard, he licks his lips and said;  
“You look so delicious like this, so weak and defenseless. Makes me want to put on a show before you lose.” 
I look at him angry and spit at him “Fuck you Nick! I hate you!” Nick laughs and wipes the spit from his face with the back of his hand, “those are some nice last words you have to say baby.” I try to move his hand from my jawline but he's stronger than me.
 He lets go and pushes me back, making me fall back onto the floor. I turn to see that one by one the strangers are leaving the cabin. Nick stands over me and knees down to straddle me. 
His knees are on either side of my hips. Eyes locked on mine as he spoke harshly,  “You know, I wasn't lying when I said that you were different from the rest. You were my favorite one.”
 I look up at him screaming, a guttural and loud growl erupts. “Please! Nick please! Don't do this! I-I promise I won't say anything to anyone!” I kicked my legs and hit him on the chest. 
Nick takes one last look at me and pushes the knife right above my right breast. I scream in horror and try to fight him off of me. 
Nick pushes it deeper and takes it out. As he takes the knife out,  blood starts seeping out and spilling on my shirt and on the floor. 
Specks of blood land on his arms. He stabs me a couple more times and gets up to look down at me. I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out. I roll over onto my stomach and cry. 
Trying to crawl away from him, he grabs me by the foot pulling me back. I turn to him to look at him, still on my stomach as tears fall down my face, I whisper “I love you Nick”. As those words leave my mouth, no emotion is being shown by him. 
I close my eyes to not look at him. Remembering all the happy memories we shared together. He brings down the knife stabbing me on the back. 
Nick takes out the knife, setting it on the kitchen counter. He takes one last look at me before walking out of the cabin. He gets into a car with the three strangers. 
Taking off. I open my eyes and look around to make sure he isn't around anymore. I get up slowly and make my way to the kitchen, seeing my phone on the counter as if it was never missing. 
My hands shake as I pick it up making a phone call. Hearing the dial tone on the other side, I take a deep breath.
911 what's your emergency?....
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mitchhbitch · 5 months
Not me wanting to write a sequel for The Unknown🫢
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