mandajiu · 2 years
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Had to add another one. Yuan'er is the cutest child actress in a costume drama. Xu Feng and bad ass Shiba are two of my favorite side characters in this drama. You could have replaced the 2nd imperial couple and focused on them as far as I am concerned. In the bottom photo, SPOILER The Long Ballad
Ashile Sun is looking at a childish Xu Feng, who is envious of aSun's ability to bond with the little princess, and torn up with guilt and anger over the death of her father. Xu Feng proceeds to make a fool of himself while Ashile Sun looks on with anger and a guilty conscience which prompts him to reconsider being around little Yuan. There are a lot of unknowns here and you have to watch to find out more.
TLB is my favorite costume drama because of its message of peaceful co-existence and letting go of the need for revenge. Wu Lei's role of eventual peacemaker Ashile Sun and Ling/Hou Buyi are quite a contrast. For those that found catharsis in Hou Buyi's revenge, I ask you: Did Hou Buyi feel the same? I plan on looking at Ashile Sun, An Le, and Ling/Hou Buyi together; cannot wait for Anle Zhuan!
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anand-s-world · 4 months
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Forever hooked !! #TheLongBallad 😉💕💕
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debrinconcita · 6 months
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Review of: The Long Ballad
Review of: The Long Ballad
Hello Everyone, So I just finished, The Long Ballad a few days ago and I needed time to compose my thoughts on this fantastic drama. I’ll try not to share too many spoilers but if I do, I am sorry lol.  
Also, I would first like to clarify that I am reviewing the drama based from a Mahua. I AM NOT reviewing the Mahua as I tend to differentiate drama adaptations from its original story. I say this because I believe both the original Mahua’s/books and the drama adaptions are two separate entities and have different ways of showing the characters development, sceneries, plots, and because they always tend to be different than its original format. We are complex people who for some will appreciate different details written in Mahua or a book. So I believe no adaption could ever resemble as the original because what might be important for me could not be for you. 
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Summary of Drama:
The year is 626 C.E, and the realm and its political center Chang’an, are shaken to its core by the Xuanwu Gate Incident, a successful palace coup to take charge of the Tang Dynasty. A scheming prince leads the bloody coup and kills the family of Li Chang Ge during the raid, although she manages to escape. Now the prince has placed himself on the Imperial throne, and rules as Emperor Tai Zong. Li Chang Ge has her mind firmly set on revenge – and musters a powerful army intent on overthrowing the new Emperor. But her plans are thrown into disarray when she suffers an unexpected defeat against the armies of the Eastern Turkic Khaganate. The victorious General, Ashile Sun, decides to keep her in his service, making her his military strategist as he looks to pursue his own military goals. The duo forms a formidable military partnership. And over time, she finds herself falling for her captor – as he also starts developing feelings for her. (Source: Viki)
Main Cast: 
Dilraba Dilmurt as Li Changge/Princess Yon Ning/Princess Mobei
Wu Lei as Ashina Sun
Zhao Lu Si as Li Leyan
Liu Yu Ning as Hao Du
Fang Yi Lun as Wei Shuyu
Geng Le as Li Shi min
General  Plot 
Honestly, this is one of the best dramas I have watched in 2021. The cinematography is phenomenal, the soundtrack is breathtaking!! The overall plot’s build up does a fantastic job from start to finish. It’s not like most dramas where they go too slow and lag on the smallest detail, it goes on a decent pace, and it shows the personal development and progression of each character in the show. They all have a purpose and what they believe in which made their actions in a way tell the story within the drama. The characters in the drama are self-explanatory, there aren’t a lot of characters in which you need to keep tabs about.  And they aren’t pitted against each other or have love triangles or more which is a surplus because dramas tend to do that. The writing/script is very well written, it shows intelligence, leadership, strong will, and respect among the characters. Also I didn’t mind when the Mahua would appear because this was filmed around COVID and I can imagine they couldn’t have that many people in particular scenes.
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The main cast is Li Changge and Leyan who are two cousins in the drama. I honestly loved their relationship since there wasn’t any jealousy among them even though things go hectic, and Li Changge feels backstabbed with reasons known in the drama, she tends to overcome it and still has love for her cousin. Their relationship is like sisters, and both were protective of each other and helped one another when situations weren’t that great.  They both end up going through their own adventures (and sufferings) that shape their characters progression from start to finish. They show their weakness and strengths which makes them be leaders within their inner circle. 
Li Changge is a princess with a witted sharp mind and military intelligence that shows resilience within the drama. You see this when she ends up finding out the truth about her parents and her uncle who she viewed as a father is a better leader than her own father. Due to her ignorance of not understanding the world of politics and the sacrifices people make along the way. She ends up realizing she wants to help the common folk and does a lot for the people of Tang and helps her uncle even though she battles with a personal grudge with him. Le yan is a timid, noble princess who wouldn’t hurt a fly. She always needed protection until she goes through her own journey that shows her the lives of the common people and ends up sticking up for them. She isn’t as naïve or stupid as they made her seem, she just didn’t explore the outside world, so she was oblivious to the hardships people dealt through during that time frame. I feel like it allowed her to see more than the politics from the world she had known. It allowed her to be able to protect and help the people and in a way help her father have a good reputation.
As for the two main leads, Ashile Sun and Hao Du, who are cold, intelligent, strong, men that show their own personal devolvement within the drama. We see Ashile Sun befriend the FL and save countless times and over time becomes protective of her and yearning for her. Ashile sun morality and perseverance is seen throughout the show, and he ends up being a decent man who also wants to help people not put them in misery. 
He ends up questioning a lot of things within his own father and the other divisions (Spolier! His is Eagle division), but one thing about him is he will have loyalty to those he cares and protects. His nobility and leadership and intelligence shows gracefully with the FL without overpowering hers which is insightful. They both work together, and their main goal is to help people get back on their feet. Also, his relationship with his brotherhood I was so fond of. They loved and respected Ashile Sun and never questioned him even if Ashile Sun had doubts due to whatever was going on in their tribe. It showed the respect and their brotherly love amongst themselves. Eagle division in my eyes was top tier lol, they had everything due to Ashile Sun’s capabilities. 
 Hao Du on the other hand is an adoptive son of one of the emperor’s men, and he ends up doing everything his stepfather asks of him until he spends more time with princess Leyan. She ends up softening his heart due to them spending lots of time together. (they were so cute together). Hao Duo is very skilled in martial arts and because of that he must do things that might go against Leyan’s wishes and because of them spending time together, he shows her that isn’t a cold-hearted man. He ends up protecting her as well as his life depends on it. He embraces her kind and sensitive heart and just wants to love and care for her. 
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The romance of this drama I appreciated for its slow burn romance, it doesn’t give you “fell in love at first sight b*lls*t. I loved the female’s lead and male leads love was supported by a foundation of trust, respect , admiration and protection . They are both independent individuals who made a great team and didn’t overshadow the other one. It’s also very trusting to see their relationship work when they both were on different sides.  The chemistry between the Male Lead and Female lead was just fantastic even though some say otherwise, I personally felt they had amazing chemistry. 
The way the male leads eyes would just look at the female lead in an endearing and loving way just made my heart flutter. IMO, he showed more love than then female lead. I felt like the romance was carried more on him than hers. And it bothered me that there wasn’t more. (And regardless of being an independent person I’m pretty sure Li Changge would’ve had some love in her bones if she would’ve expressed it more). The SFL & SML (second female/male lead), had also a slow love romance and it was so cute to see their love also blossom. I could feel their chemistry and love and trust for one another and the SML just wanted to protect his highness. They showed a bit more love than the FL&ML. 
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The soundtrack to this drama is so soothing and breathtaking. I loved the melodies and it just fit naturally within the drama. Zhou Shen voice is beautifully singing within the soundtrack and the opening and closing songs by Zhang Bichen & Ji Wen Qi just makes you reminisnce of certain scenes.Also, Sa Ding Ding is one of the few artists on it and if you loved her in Ashes of Love, I’m pretty sure you'll love this one.  Liu Yuning (Hao Duo’s character) has a beautiful song as well which youll see is special everytime he is with Leyan.
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I would give this drama a rating of 3.5- 4.0 out of 5. And I will explain below on my dislikes why. But overall, the plot of the story, the characters and their relationships made this drama so worthwhile. Their chemistry on the screen just made you want to keep on watching more.  The cast played very well, even the older actors who are also very talented. I was very fond of the emperor of Tang he had this aura that even though you knew what he did was mest up, you couldn’t dislike him.  As I mentioned before, the main actors play convincing their roles and at no time do you see one stand out more than the other one. Both of them dominated their roles.
Dilireba is an amazing actress I have seen her work and honestly I am glad she got this drama. She plays such a bad ass independent woman. Wu Lei, looks absolutely amazing in this. After seeing his role in NiF (Nirvana in Fire), he has grown so much and he did so well for this role (even though there are critics saying he was forcing to be strong or didn’t look the part), I personally had no problem being convinced he was a Leader within his Tribe. I feel like his confidence just showed on screen and was meticulous showing what he thought Ashile Sun would do in his point of view. But I can’t deny he is such a hottie lol, He is such an amazing actor as well and I don’t think I could see anyone else play this character. He plays this fierce man who is a softie at heart. And at no time do you see their age gaps within the drama. I genuinely though he was older than she was. He was just that believable. 
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What I disliked 
Okay, the one thing that ticked me off about this drama, and I know people will say, oh the Mahua didn’t have any romance, (again I will say I see the drama as a separate adaption due to you never see anything genuinely being the same whether from book to movie or vice versa). Is after the slow romance between the FL & ML as well as the SFL &SML, there wasn’t anything more than that. I felt like because they had to cut down on episodes or had to rush for the plot towards the end, they ended up piling everything together and the romance laid very flat among the leads. 
For the FL & ML, I could feel Wu Lei’s yearning loving eyes on Dilireba and I loved that in all but I wanted some playfulness flirting or some romantic gestures with some skin ship. There were little scenes where I felt that was needed. In my opinion, I honestly saw the love more on Wu Lei’s part than Dilireba and it annoyed me a bit. I understand she’s supposed to be a bad ass independent woman but I’m pretty sure she might have had her heart skip a beat the way Wu Lei’s eyes looked at her in that I love you and will do anything look. 
Dilireba would often remove herself when they did have a few moments of skin ship and it just looked like she didn’t see him a romantic way. But as some people have pointed out, it could be because of the fans not wanting them to kiss due to their age gap which I find ridiculous because I have seen other dramas with major age gaps, and it gets hot in there. Or could be some have pointed out that maybe Wu Lei’s or Dilireba’s policy is no kissing but I’m pretty sure Dilreba has had kiss scenes before. 
(Spoiler !) The bird kiss scene made me roll my eyes to the back of my head, that I had to laugh because the directors had initiated throughout the trailer and even the drama the kiss and romantic gestures only to be left with our imagination. Only wandering eyes, we got. Which I wasn’t mad too much cause Wu Lei did it for me but I wanted more than that. And that ending, forget it I assumed since they didn’t do anything romantic, they would at least show them together but again were left with our imaginations. 
The second leads, on the other hands had more romance and hugging than the main leads. But they also didn’t show too much playfulness or flirty gestures. They had their moments where they could’ve had better communication or could have flirted more. At least they end up having a kiss scene. Their chemistry also worked very well on screen. I was always rooting for Leyan to have her prince charming cause she was such a sweet person. Hao Duo even though with a cold exterior was a very soft marshmallow who grew to care and appreciate Leyan. He saw the wonderfulness and personal growth through her own sufferings that made him go in awe. 
Plus, the way that the last couple of episodes were rushed also bothered me. I understand no one wants to watch too many episodes (I have watched at most 63 lol) but it at least gives attention to detail which I personally don’t mind. I prefer to understand things and their context then for it to be rushed. Or they could’ve added something that reassured viewers of their future. These are the only things that bothered me.
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Even though with the lack of romance, I recommend this drama to anyone who likes action, adventure, martial arts, matured characters, independent turned healthy relationships, amazing friendships, and great wisdom to anyone. The scenery is beautiful, the music is very touching and soothing and the writing to the drama is on point. To see the development of each character, not many dramas can do that and in this drama it does a phenomenal job. It doesn't lag or overly exaggerate on the details. This made my adult heart happy. I really do hope in the future we get to see the main leads in another drama whether it’s modern, wuxia, etc. cause I’d love for them to be reunited and maybe add more romance lol. Thank you for reading my review and hearing my rant lol. 
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poongs · 3 years
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This shot tho!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Ashile Sun is so dashing with mermaid hair..😍😍😍 #WuLei | #LeoWu | #TheLongBallad
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lidorameira · 3 years
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Boa noite, Doramores!  Vamos falar desse HINO que é The Long Ballad? Impecável do início ao fim, elenco de primeira e produção maravilhosa! Dona China não brinca em serviço. Quem ai lembra de Princess Weiyong, Asches of Love, The Eternal Love...? Pra quem não assistiu, corre e assista! A família de Li Chang Ge foi assassinada por Li Shi Min, o Imperador de Tang, durante o Incidente do Portão de Xuanwu. Ela vai para a província de Shuo disfarçada de homem com a esperança de formar um exército para matar Li Shi Min e vingar a morte de sua família. No entanto, como capitã do exército da província de Shuo em Zhangzhou, ela perde o cerco do general Ashina Sun de Khaganato turco oriental, que a leva para servi-lo como estrategista militar pessoal. Adaptado do manhua de Xia Da
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The most beautiful c drama .☺️☺️☺️
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cfensi · 3 years
Promo Round-up: The Long Ballad
Promo Round-up: #TheLongBallad #Dilraba #WuLei
The Long Ballad stars Dilraba as a Tang dynasty princess on the run, and Wu Lei as an enemy general and her love interest. [Extended Synopsis] The 50 episode drama will premiere tonight at 10:30pm (CN time), continue releasing 2 episodes on Thursday and Friday at 8pm and then revert to a Monday-Wednesday release schedule from next week onwards. (more…)
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mandajiu · 2 years
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So I found myself posting on a what I thought was a general drama FB page today because of this ZLS fan page making the record straight post about TLB era apparently all fans are required to share. Before realizing it was a share from a ZLS fan page I had written this and I truly believe it to be true. We need to look more to the corporation and machinery behind the artist. That machinery is feeding the fans/anti-fans and profiting off their conflict.
As someone in the Leidi nest, I've seen a few things that raised my eyebrows and I might have smirked at but overall disagreed with. I do not love Dil because of her looks alone - I happen to believe she is fine, growing actress as seen by the matched acting with her senior in experience partner WL. Overall, however, the majority of the cpf engaged in self-promotion within their circle of their CP and I appreciate that about them. I am sure the fans of your favorite don't always make you happy either or represent your ethical boundaries every time. I was very much an outsider during this period when The Long Ballad was coming out. I had to go to Chinese sites to find out what the drama was about because all I could see was cute little LY and imposing HD - great characters for sure; however, what about Dilraba and the other guy flinging arrows at people who apparently was a controversial choice for the male lead? See how biased I had already been by the little media provided about TLB.
I posted this and I stand by it:
Why do we only talk about one person in that fantastic ensemble- that is marketing my friends, not just good acting or styling. I'm not a hater. I loved LLtG, but TLB had a beautiful message of peace that stayed with me. I am also a huge supporter of the main lead of TLB. It also stayed with the main leads. WL and Dil said good bye to ChangGe and Ashile Sun at least three times on Weibo. Imagine putting so much time, dedication, and passion into a project that your company barely markets and is ready inexplicably to completely move on to the next show before its even over. Stop the hate or single glorification of Lusi or Dilraba. That is what they want to create fan wars and press for the next project. They don't care about the human. Just take a look at what they did to Crossfire promotions - taking someone face off of posters and canceling live shows for a certain actor we all love. Our job as international supporters should be to raise attention to their work for the work itself, not play into the fan wars.
Do I believe that ZLS was the only stand-out actress in the whole drama? Well no. Do I think that one scene with WL and ZLS was packed with chemistry? Not at all, but if you did that's cool. I though Changge had better chemistry with her honestly because Ashile only has one person in his mind and that was Changge. The entire cast was brilliant and did what they could with what they were given, which was a pretty epic script that was shot in the middle of the pandemic. The fact that one actress rose at the expense of the other. I hate to say it, but that is marketing my friends, not just good acting or styling. I'm not a hater. I loved LLtG, but TLB is still my favorite because it had a beautiful message of peace that stayed with me.
Let's not give them even more of a fan war. I've been diving deeply into CPfandom/"pure" fan pop culture for a month now, so I'm still new to all of this. I was an international supporter of Dilraba at the time who engaged heavily in social media without really understanding Chinese fan culture. At the time I did not have the knowledge of Mandarin to access Chinese Social Media and I can still only observe as I am located in a country that won't allow WeChat or QQ Chat. I am okay with people being a little petty now and then - we all have our favorites and opinions about acting - but spreading false information is something I cannot support. There is also that grey area of what something looks like from their perspective and for that you have to dig and keep digging in every camp to see get an idea of what actually happened. For the most part, I see a tale of big money and corporate greed not caring about flesh and blood artists and feeding fan wars. It has only gotten worse recently. All of our favorites are vulnerable in the face of big capital, and some are much more at risk than others.
One thing I have seen: Although the part was not written for ZLS, I have heard that scenes were taken out to give more air time to the imperial CP because of the popularity of the couple - which, again was aided by marketing the couple for the most part and I was there to witness this as truth since I only saw the trailer or bits on ZLS/LYN -, including the wedding between the main leads. UPDATE: It was not a wedding. There was a scene of the two returning to Chang'an that was deleted apparently. I have no idea if this is true, but it's the same feeling we who love LLtG get about not getting our wedding. We have now lost TWO weddings whattt! I don't have a DVD player, but I demand a full DVD with Director's Cut and al deleted scenes!
If you were there during the time of the TLB promotions, please feel free to comment from your perspective. I too liked Love Like the Galaxy, but the taoist message of TLB left a lasting impact. At the end of LLtG all I was left with was a feeling that all was for nothing - everything could have been resolved without breaking any laws and he could have kept his goal and his girl without giving in. Someone on Twitter made a comment of how cathartic it was. Perhaps that is what it felt like at the time, but the long-term effects of his actions made him a hollow shell of his once pretty hollow shell. I don't see this as a healthy catharsis. Buyi sunk himself deeper into the mire and proved himself a hypocrite with his supposed lover. I have to question that love in the end. Ashile's Sun also had issues - his thought of sacrificing himself for love in a different sense was somehow more noble feeling, but no less selfish as it would have resulted in Li Changge yet again losing someone she deeply loves and being alone on the path to protect the Great Tang Dynasty. I never doubted the love between Li Changge and Ashile Sun; however, between SS and L/H B I do not know how much of that was misplaced affection or obsession especially if you look at the events of the book. The Long Ballad will remain my favorite between the two. The evenly matched partners working together for love of country and the people actually is far more touching to me personally. I will write a full comparison at some point if i can ever get myself to watch LLtG again.
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stellarflex · 4 years
The trailer of The Immortality #皓衣行 will be drop after #TheLongBallad #长歌行's trailer aired. TLB is rumored to be aired on Feb 14, not sure if 2021 or 2022, while Immortality was rumored for airing on the first quarter of 2021, take note- Q1 of the year is from January to March 31. So be ready!
source: https://twitter.com/cwhisper3/status/1359531036015644673?s=19
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anand-s-world · 1 year
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Want these three damsels to settle down with right partners and start happy life beyond showbiz as they already achieved success. yang zi appears more pretty, cheer in recent tv appearances. Reba seems hooked on her #TheLongBallad hairstyle and warrior role. Xiaoran should promote herself more.
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deci16 · 3 years
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Shiba Luo & Xu Feng #thelongballad
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poongs · 3 years
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One of my most favorite scene from #TheLongBallad!!! 😍😍😍 #WuLei #TheLongBallad
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cfensi · 4 years
Drama promos: Sword Snow Stride, Legend of Fei, The Golden Hairpin, The Long Ballad and more
Drama promos: #SwordSnowStride, #LegendofFei, #TheGoldenHairpin, #TheLongBallad and more
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Zhang Tian’ai in Sword Snow Stride
Sword Snow Stride – Zhang Ruoyun, Hu Jun, Li Gengxi, Zhang Tian’ai
My #1 drama to-watch in 2021 just based on the trailer alone. (more…)
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mandajiu · 2 years
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This poorly taken screenshot was one of the big money shots of that drama for me. It (when taken by a better digital artist) was so beautiful. Yuaner - our little symbol of peace - is so precious. She is the cutest child in the history of CDramas for me. Dilraba looks gorgeous here!
Spoilery: The one guy looks transplanted from Fuyao, so I have to make sure he stays the good guy.
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anand-s-world · 1 year
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Ok so my initial review after watching 10 episode #RenAnle This is another revenge drama like #TheLongBallad but not as fierce and complex. #Diliraba seems taking more power centric roles after #TLB instead of lovy dovy cutie. Here she is annoyingly smart and serious, while her lead man is pretty stiff but not as intruding like #LeoWu while her costar from #TLB is doing pretty good.
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