#The thing I need you to understand about ‘And he arose pregnant with the seed of Horus’
ava-of-shenanigans · 2 years
I need to make a moral alignment chart for quotes from ancient texts that are stuck in my brain forever.
In neutral good I would have the “Thus Sekhmet came into being, concoction of the night, to wade in their blood as far as Herakleopolis” line from The Destruction of Mankind (beautiful, such good prose, it just feels so good to read). And then in lawful evil I would have “And he arose pregnant with the seed of Horus” (baffling, devastating, will haunt me until the day I die)
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argent-gale · 8 years
" I'm pregnant "thrawn x reader pwesss
Oh what an interesting concept and actually one I have being HCing a lot actually.
I hope you find this acceptable
An Unexpected Turn
Thrawn x Reader
 “When was your last cycle?” The medical officer smiled.  
The room was too bright. Sounds too loud.
Your mind whirred. That was a good question. When was your last cycle?  You never kept track as it had always been abit unpredictable. That and well, you really never felt the need to keep trackof it.  You never dreamed that Thrawn’sseed would take root in your womb.
You offer a weak shrug. “Honestly I cannot remember.  Ithas always been…irregular.”
Nodding the officer entered the information in her data pad.“No worries.”
“This will only take one moment, miss.” The medical droidsoothed. There was a sharp jab on the pad of your finger as a droplet of bloodwas collected.
True to its word it was only a minute or two before thedroid intoned, “Congratulations. You are going to be a mother.”
The medical officer smiled brightly.  You know she was saying something else toyou, her lips were moving, but you couldn’t hear for odd rushing sound roaringin your head. You were grateful to be laying down.
Stars it all made sense now. The crushing fatigue. The oddnausea that arose at the most inopportune times. And then there was thedistressing fact how lately your trousers seemed a bit snugger than usual. You chalkedthat up to the cleaners somehow shrinking your uniform.
There were a few times you had caught Thrawn shooting aconcerned glance your way, but if he held concerns he had never voiced them.  You brushed the symptoms off, chalking themto pressure due to the additional duties you had taken on.  The fact that you may be pregnant never evenentered the list of possibilities.
The droid hummed as a scanner ran over your abdomen.  A blurry image was relayed on a monitorrevealing a small shadow with a tiny pulsing beat at its center.  
“A nice strong heartbeat. Looks fine. Healthy.”  The medicalofficer murmured.   “Again, congratulations.”
Too numb to cry you manage to stammer, “H…how far along?”
The officer pursed her lips, “Well…I wouldn’t go to yoursuperior officer for your medical leave just yet but I’d say around 6 weeks.Give or take.”
Superior officer. You almost laugh.  
How about the Grand Admiral himself?
With a nod the medical officer left the room, allowing you privacy  todress.
As you leave you are handed a packet of vitamins andnotification that your dining program will be upgraded to allow for largerportions.
The medical officer again offers you a smile. “Good luck andI will see you in a month.”
Making your way back to your quarters, your mind is a tangleof thoughts.  You have no idea what youare going to say to Thrawn. How to tell him. What will his reaction be? Will he be angry?  Will he deny it is his?  Will he think you are trying to trick him.  Manipulate him?
It is far too complicated. Besides, would a half Chiss/half human fetus even reach full term? Whatwere the repercussions if it did?  How inthe stars would you raise a child on a star destroyer? Was that…was that evenpossible?
You would have to leave. Go planetside. Go…home.
And leave your heartbehind.
You are so focused on the awful and the complicated, thepossibility that Thrawn may actually be thrilled at this news doesn’t enteryour mind.
The hours drag as you finish out your shift.  You know one thing is certain.  You need to tell Thrawn immediately.  Not only so you can prepare for the challenges of the months but he will knowsomething is amiss.  He is suspicious asit is and as things progress, and your symptoms presumably get worse, it willbe impossible to keep your condition from him.  
You reach deep for resolve. Whatever the outcome of theconversation with him, you want to do your best for this child now growingwithin you.  
That evening you amaze yourself that you manage to act as ifnothing were amiss. That both of your lives were going to be changed forever.
There are a few times you almost blurt out your news butthen the moment passes and it goes unsaid. Finally it is time for bed. You lay there curled against his solid form,his warmth a comfort, his breath whispering over your neck with his arm thrownover you.  It always made you smile thatThrawn can’t get to sleep unless he has his arm draped over you.
You lock this moment in your memory.  Just in case.
You take a deep breath and in spite of having rehearsed alovely little speech in your head all day, you blurt out the news in the most inelegantway.
“I’m pregnant.”
The words tumble out in a rush and seem to reverberatethrough the room.
You feel Thrawn’s body stiffen against you, his arm reflexivelypulling you tight to him.
“You are…what?”
His voice is very low.
Tears stinging your eyes you roll over on your side to facehim.  “I said…I am pregnant.” You wishcould be more eloquent.  Sound like thatsensible, capable woman he loved. “Do you understand?  I am…carrying your child.  For about six weeks now.”
Thrawn’s eyes widen and flare slightly.  You cannot read his expression.  His lips are compressed into a tight line.
Finally, after what seems like hours and not seconds, hespeaks. “A son or…a daughter…of my blood?”
At that you managed to crook a half smile. “I am sure youare well aware of the biological process. We have…practiced it enough.”
You feel the tension leave your body.  At least he hasn’t gone into a raging fit.  Not that he would. That isn’t his way.
Propping himself up on an elbow Thrawn gently peels thecomforter back to reveal your body. Almost reverently he places his palm on your lower belly, which hasalready begun to swell hinting at the life contained within.  Your skin tingles at his touch.
“A child of my blood.” His lips curve into a slight smile.
“You…you aren’t angry?” At that Thrawn’s head snaps up to meet your gaze.
“Angry? Why would I be angry?  It is my child, correct?”  
Hearing him say that makes your heart kick.
His child.
“Yes. Stars yes, yourchild.”
Thrawn’s arms encircle you, gather you tight to him so youcan hear the strong thrum of his heart. “Why would you think I would beangry?  Why would I be angry at somebodyabout to give me the greatest gift I could ever receive?  A gift I never thought I would receive.”
“It will be…complicated.” You settle yourself even closer to him, closing your eyes and breathingin his scent. There, in held in his embrace, you finally allow yourself torelax.
His chest rumbles as he answers, “Perhaps but notimpossible.  I have weathered…worse.”  
Thrawn then tilts your face to meet his and you can neverrecall seeing his expression so soft. Tender even.
Love. You marvel.   Hisface holds…nothing but love.
You were such a fool to worry.
Thrawn’s lips quirk into a lopsided grin.  “Endeavors that hold the greatest of rewardsare never easy.  Besides, my darling youknow how much I relish a challenge.”
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