#The tenderness of Mizu and Mikio
coconut530 · 11 months
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a bride blighted by blood becomes a beast
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hastyprovocateur · 7 months
Mizu, Akemi, Brothels & Bedrooms
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Mizu and Akemi's approach to sex (so far) has been very inverse. For Mizu, sex is intimate, almost sacred to the point of inaccessibility. Her pretending to be a man has compelled her far from intimacy in order to protect herself and her secret. On the rare occasion when she does engage in physical relations during her shortlived marriage, she engages in it furtively. She's shy, sweet and submissive. She has very little to no experience and while she enjoys it, she doesn't appear to demand to be in a position of authority while it ensues. She's happy to let go of the reins and allow herself to put in a safe space. Her voice pitches and she doesn't fight to maintain any composure.
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Mizu isn't exactly averse to sex. After losing mama and killing Mikio, Mizu just closed herself to the possibility of intimacy. She doesn't intend to romantically engage with anyone or be as intimate with anyone as revenge has become her priority. She now dismisses sex, considering it an act that is void of art or tact. Base. Something that decentres the spirit. Dare I say, she sees it as a facade after Mikio. An act that misguides the participants to consider their bond deeper than it really is. It is parallel to Akemi's first time, where both her and Taigen seem to be proccupied with other concerns, quickly distancing from each other after an act that most would consider to be a paramount of bonding between lovers.
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Regardless, Mizu's resolutions haven't killed her intrigue for "peculiarities" as evident in her stint at Madam Kaji's where she (despite her dismissive facade) peers into the windows of pleasure, exploring sutras, bondage and threesomes. With the masculine avatar she's donned on her path of revenge, even if Mizu's resolve grows shaky, she's restricted by the complications that should arise if she goes down the path of any intimacy. Giving her more walls to break through and more walls for any potential lovers to break through as well to get to her tender breast.
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In terms of general pleasure, Mizu is shown to be extemely physical and playful. She gets riled over armed combat, her face flush and full of love. To whoever she feels safe and happy with, she gives her all. Whether in bed or otherwise, she'll surrender her body and her sword. Aside from fighting, Mizu is passionate about different forms of art, especially sword making and other creative arts like music. You can call her... cutely nerdy (?) in the sense of her keen understanding of iron work, different fighting techniques, blade strikes, all of which she knows by heart. It can be imagined that a sure way to catch her whims would be to spark conversations about artistry in general.
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Akemi, on the other hand, intends all her sexual overtures to have a fixed purpose. She's written as a character who prepares intensely for her ambitions. We see her revising a written speech before arguing her bit to her father, switching to appeasing to his fatherly side by playing the "naive daughter" to get him to agree with her and Taigen's engagement. In ep 4 we see her curating an impish, adulant image of an innocuous sex worker before making Mizu's acquaintance, intending to lower her guard enough to subdue her and bring her to Taigen. She finally goes on imbibe the perfect subservient, loving wife to finesse Takayoshi and thereby solidify her say among other exponents in the Shogun's family.
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Her mind is like a self gearing machine in terms of playing pieces to give herself a fighting chance. Sex is a part of this rematch. With sex as a means, it's arguable if she genuinely feels pleasure in the process but she ensures that she's able to pleasure her partners to an end that serves her. With men, it's always about massaging their ego. With Taigen, Akemi initiates sex to be able to coax him into focusing on her and saving their engagement instead of letting him fixate on his recent loss of his hair and honour. In the brothel, she regales Watari, a man who's never won a fair fight, and has become impotent due to his weight, by appealing to his poetic side and using it to flatter him to ejaculation. With Takayoshi, a man subdued by his mother for his stutter and meek ways, Akemi admits to finding his speech impediment endearing, apologising profusely to resume her submissive position as his wife and proceeds to consummate their marriage while encouraging him to recite poetry.
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Like Mizu, Akemi's curious about sex in itself and went against her teacher's wishes to explore erotic literature. She's well versed with sexually coloured poetry and easily weaves sex into conversation, using it to talk her partners to orgasm. She has a varied understanding of poetry, an art she uses as a weapon to flatter men, citing Shōtetsu, Minamoto no Shigeyuki and her favorite, Ono no Komachi. A waka poetess writing chiefly in matters of melancholy and passionate love. She's also skilled in all manner of art that are intrinsically ornate but are notorious for being feminine or are used to entertain men such as poetry, koto playing, dancing and calligraphy. An average man would deem such arts lowly but he doesn't consider that such arts can be used to easily lower his guard to his very vanquish without him ever doubting that there was even a ploy in the first place. Akemi wields these talents to her advantage. Sex and fine arts are only a few of the weapons in her arsenal.
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Strangely enough, it's not exactly touched upon what Akemi actually finds desirable outside of what she must do to get her way. It can be guessed that she'd be disarmed by anyone who lasers through her simpering girly act, someone who can be valiant and honourable, someone who doesn't weigh virtue and strength through the prejudice of gender, someone who's able to value her in all her intricacies instead of pushing her to be a proper wife or improper whore.
Likewise, I can imagine Mizu wanting the same degree of acceptance. Someone who nurtures her feminine side without alienating her masculinity. Someone who doesn't demonise her appearance or consider her an anomalous product of two races. Her ideal type hasn't been detailed but her bar was really low. She didn't care about Mikio's age or social status or wealth. Akemi was also shown to having a narrow criteria for marriage, preferring Taigen solely because marrying him meant staying in Kyoto, near home. For both Taigen and Mikio, they benefitted from the unhinged cruelty other men could afford, appearing decent by comparison because they did the bare minimum of asking for consent.
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It is still very nascent as to what Akemi and Mizu truly desire. Mainly because there hasn't been much room for individual desires. Akemi was already "past her prime" and evading marriage was no option as it was a decision sealed in stone by a girl's father the moment she hit puberty. For a time where women had little say in who they married, managing to get engaged to Taigen was a feat in itself. Her attempts to escape the arranged marriage with the Shogun's son was rendered fruitless by Taigen, Seki and in great part, Mizu. Akemi finally embraced her new married life, making peace with fighting within her means instead of trying to run away from them. This leaves a lot of room for what she'd eventually want for herself in the future. We know a part of her wished to leave with/without Taigen to live on a farm in Kokura but she's still too early in her journey of knowing exactly what she wants but she's constantly figuring things out.
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Similarly, Mizu didn't have a say in her former marriage either but she was ready for the obligations it would impose on her, aware that she'd be compelled to conceal a part of her that men wouldn't welcome in their wives. Her masculine side that is capable of fighting like a samurai. Her sword of a soul. With her sworn revenge, aversion to all forms of intimacy and commitment to playing the part of a man, Mizu has become a vessel for all the ill will, prejudice and poor decisions men imposed on her. She doesn't have the liberty to bare herself and engage in fulfilling her desire as she's discovered to like it but the more characters she interacts with, we as audiences can observe seismic shifts in her perception of herself through the people she meets. These experiences serve as guiding lines for developing future desire. Of independent choice.
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roslynvb · 10 months
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(REQUEST FROM MY POOKIE WOOKIE: “if you haven’t, you should do something where you tell her eyes are pretty like. that one scene with akemi.”)
#: gn reader!
It was cold, and you were alone. Waiting for Mizu. She was taking awhile, but you figured it was nothing and she was just busy.
It had been a couple hours, and you had already made dinner. It was slowly starting to get cold cold and you started to worry. You heard a slide of the door, and a soft knock. Mizu had come home after what seemed like forever.
“I apologize for my lateness.” Mizu said, sounding like she was hurt. You walked over to her and held her arm.
“I’m just glad you’re home. Did something happen?” You ask, worriedly. Mizu didn’t want to bother you, especially since you had already worried so much for her.
“It’s nothing, just a small cut that needs a little stitching.” She said, holding her side in pain. Blood stained her clothes, you knew it wasn’t hers. But that stain right where she was holding definitely was.
“Let me take care of that for you, please. It’s the least I could do for you.” You say, wanting to help as much as you can. Mizu looks at you, smiles a bit, before hissing in pain.
“Thank you.” Mizu says, obviously tired and worn out. You hold her up and take her to the other room. She takes off the layers of clothing, revealing a nasty cut that definitely needed tender care.
You sit next to her, the cut had been around her stomach and she noticed you looked nervous and your eyebrows were furrowed. She watched you as you were focused on taking care of her wound. She feels bad about letting you do this, but she knows there’s no changing your mind.
You felt her eyes on you, one of the things you loved most about her. One of the traits that stands out the most. You still remember the first time you saw them. You come to realize you’ve never told her just how you feel about the way they glistened, and just how much you love them.
After you were done, you sat up and held her hands with yours. “I was worried Mizu. But I’m glad you trust me enough to clear your wounds.” She squeezes your hand, trying to ignore the pain she was in.
“I couldn’t imagine someone else doing it for me..” Mizu says, a tired sigh escaping her. You smile at her comment.
You look up at her. Her hair was down, her glasses were on a small table. You felt compelled to look at her eyes, and started for quiet some time.
“Your eyes are beautiful, Mizu.”
She looks at you, eyes widened a little. They slowly turned into a soft gaze, and she smiled at you.
Although Mizu might not be so good with words when it comes to you, her actions say enough. She hugs you tightly, and you two rest for the night. Falling asleep into her arms, as she holds your head in the most loving way a woman can.
(side note, I hate mizus mom and mikio. This is a mikio hatepage. fuck mikio, I hope he fucking rote in the afterlife.
Im probably just being a hater, cuz nmlnm forever!!! anyways writing still makes me nervous but I love my pookie sm!!
@cyberchxn for you pookie…
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