#The product of reading The faults in Byun Baekhyun with this song on repeat
Little Do You Know
(Alt: TFIBB is brilliant)
Underneath it all, I’m held captive by the hole inside.
Stumbling back with alcohol spangled breath and tainted clothes. So many strangers that you lose count, forget names, don’t care. Dingy bathrooms, or hotel rooms, it’s all white noise. Release, release, release. Because this is the only distraction that rips through your body like a thundering scream that washes off the faint redolence of petrichor, leaves your limbs stained with endless crimson, and viridian, and byzantium, and ochre; and you would be a masterpiece if the heat in your veins wasn’t acid that latched onto your skin, branding it. Branding it too unfit to use as anything other than to expunge the impure splotches that drift on the edges of a pure canvas.
                                          Then again, you haven’t been pure in a long while.
(But god, do you wish you were good enough to stain.)
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